Fluid Mechanics

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Steady flow, with respect to a control volume means: The flow doesnt change over time within the control volume
2. Which statement is incorrect, Invisicd flows have: Velocity at the wall = 0
3. The force of pressure on a submerged surface can be calculated at the: The centroid (center of area)
4. The only possible dimensionless group which combines velocity V, body size L, fluid density p, and surface tension coefficient r, is: NOT
CORRECT--- pV^2L/r
5. Reynolds theorem tracks the property N, which is: A and C
6. Conservation of Mass equation of a fluid tracks: mass flow in a control volume, and at the control surfaces
7. Mass flow rate is equivalent to volumetric flow rate times density: True
8. Viscosity varies strongly as a function of: Temperature
9. Which statement is incorrect: Fully-developed flows have: No viscous effect
10. Compressible flows have fluid densities independent of pressure: False
11. Work rate (W) on a control volume and heat transfer rate (Q) to the control volume has what signage: W(+) Q(+)
12. The atmospheric pressure in a compressed air tank is -5 psig. Patm = 14.7, absolute pressure is 9.7 psia
13. In the monometer below, the pressure change from C to D is X, and D to E is Y: X=+ Y=-
14. For a control volume moving at a constant velocity: The velocity of flow applied to the control volume equals the control volume velocity
15. Pseudoplastic fluids have: Decreasing viscosity with shear
16. How many dimesnions is the following velocity field? V= (ax +z)I + 3yj: 3D
17. The resultant force on a submerged surface acts at: The center of pressure (line of action)
18. Express the units of shear stress in M, L, t and T: M/Lt^2
19. What are the units of a slug? Lbf*s^2/ft
20. Newtonian fluids have: C and D
21. Which statement is incorrect: Laminar flow has: Typically 2D flow
22. Specific gravity is density of a fluid divided by the density of water: True
23. A steamline is defined as: Tangent lines to flow at every point
24. Specific weight is: Density times gravity
25. The buoyancy force on an object that is partially or fully submerged in a liquid is equal to the: Weight of the water displaced by the object
26. The area vector of each control surface always points into the control surface: False
27. Conservation of Energy equation of a fluid tracks: mass flow in a control volume, and at the control surfaces
28. Steady flows can vary with respect to position: False
29. Surface forces on a fluid particle include: A and B(pressure and friction)
30. Dilitant fluids have: Increasing viscosity with shear

The variation in air temperature with respect to elevation is X up to about 7 miles. X= linear
Turbulent flow is a non-smooth, 3D flow
Kinematic viscosity () is absolute viscosity () times density: True

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