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Saivam for Humanity

(Kumeraintharen Murugiah, Malaysia)

The Saiva philosophy is a definitive faith, breaching geographical and
demographical boundaries to uphold humanity
, . Tenets
of Saivam were woven to be viable at all times and regions, standing tall on the base
rationalism and science, defined as absolute intellectual finality graced upon
humanity. I quote myself Humanity is love and kindness without any boundaries
towards the life in every being, mother nature and the Almighty, and that is what
exactly Saivam cultivates .

The chronicles of the Saiva Saints, Sekhilars Thiruthondar Puranam alone
would suffice to affirm the universality and the egalitarian views of the Saivaneri. The
63 Nayanmars are from no specific class, age or gender; covering all clusters of the
society; kings, soldiers, priests, poets, farmers, musicians tribal hunter etc., blatantly
refuting the Varnaashrama Dharma. The Nayanmars have expressed their sincere
devotion for Sivam in various means of the Seelam, Nonbu, Serivu and Arivu path
while leading different lifestyles; be it Kallaram, Illaram, Sellaram or Thuravaram.
Just as the sun could vaporises water from any source, with no discrimination and
remain untainted, similarly Sivam accommodates all and remain noble.

We further understand that Saivam is impartial towards any faiths of the
world, even to the atheists. There is no antagonism in Saivam, it respects the
viewpoints of other faith and embraces them all with a feeling of fellowship and
affection. Saivam endorses that each faith is a step ( ) meant to give
invaluable experiences to individual souls respective to its maturity. Sivam nurtures
the souls as does good parents does to their children so that the soul grows up
healthy and finally attain Mukthi. Thus, regardless how someone look like, where and
how they worships (or even dont) and who they love, no single soul will be excluded
from Sivams mercy and love. This fundament of Saivam leaves no space for
intolerance nor discrimination at any cause.





Consequently we appreciate that Saivam serves mankind exclusively that it is
beyond mere rituals and adherence to code of conduct of Thirumurai and Saiva
Siddhanta texts alone; it takes all the glitches of life and universe in collective. Every
kind of knowledge which is earning the gradual inner development of Grace in our
self is Saivam, ,
(), , .

Contrary to the notion that believe in God deprives freedom and exercise of
free will. Saivam inculcates freedom of humanity,
, that no one is subject to anyone, the genuine human freedom where
there is absence of subjectivity to a nation, cult, religion, ideology or whatever. Saiva
community are seekers of the ultimate truth; an understanding that is free from all
prejudices and hence truly objective -
. ,
. This freedom could only be attained
once the soul is submissive with Sivam, who is Supremely Autonomous and Free
from all bondages. The soul too would delight in such freedom, like a coal becoming
fire in fire, anyone who comes (with Grace) closer to Sivam becomes like Sivam.

Evidently, the promoters and revolutionists of Saivaneri, uprooting from
Tholkapiyar, Thiruvallular, Thirumoolar, the child prodigy ThiruNyanaSambanthar
who preceded the Bhakti Movement, the Meikandar s Parambarai and subsequently
to the most recent saint of our times Ramalingga Adigalar, were aspiring to free man
kind from dogmas which leads to mental repression. The holy lineage (
), unanimously championed a progressive and systematic existential
analytics on Pathi (Being), Pasu (Self) and Paasam (non-Being), striving to establish
global society which is Gods Directive ( ), self-progressive and
evaluative with open but systematic thinking.

It is undeniable that Saiva philosophy is the exclusive work of the Tamils, the
ambrosia of the Dravidian intellect surviving centuries of authenticity despite
malicious efforts for interpolation. Rev G.U Pope wrote It is the choicest product of
the Dravidian intellect. The Saiva Siddhantha is the most elaborate, influential and
undoubtedly the most intrinsically valuable of all regions of India. Through the
profound works of Saiva Saints, moulded from their spiritual experience and Sivams
Grace, we see numerous citation reiterating Saivams passion for global wellbeing.
Saivam is a gift of Tamils to humanity (
), inspired selflessly with love to benefit masses.



We could realise the sincerity of Saivam as it shelters the infinite adaptability
to the infinite diversities of human character and human tendencies. A tradition that
emphasizes human development, service to fellow beings and nature. The frequent
quoting of the world in the both Thirumurai and Thiruneri, signifies the essential
message that Saivam itself is natural and environmentally origin (Self explanation of
environment). Contrary to the Advaitha Vedantha view, the cosmos is not a delusion
to deceive the souls but Sivams Great Unwritten Concealment (
). Both the macrocosm () and microcosm () serves as the
platform, the divine space;
for the souls to annihilate its impurities through
witnessing the Dance of Shiva () hence able redeem themselves from the
endless existential cycle.

Unfortunately, the impeccable philosophy of human thought system, remains
as the least known of in the global arena. The Saiva community shoulder a fair share
of the responsibility to spread Saivam by inspiring others through their way of life.
Translation of Tamil Saiva literatures should be made more vigorously and tailored to
suit community of non-Indian origin. An ethnocentric community which claims
ownership of Saivam, limiting access for the resources or restricting revolutionary
thoughts will eventually fall for betrayal of Saivam. Most importantly, efforts to
establish a Saiva community free from prejudice and self-contradiction
should be contrived. It is high time to wake
up from deep slumbers, shedding off the paint of colonialist-induced mentality. Self-
contradiction, infringement of human rights, inferiority, and mental slavery to a Guru
or any scriptures is against the intellectual culture of Saivam. The teaching and
learning of Saivam should surpass theoretical level and arise to experimental
learning method where the products are not merely regurgitating the literatures.
What is the use of memorizing a mathematical formula if one could not solve a single
problem? Likewise, our thought system is the key that unlock doors of wisdom that
should serve the purpose. Saiva institutions should be able to guide the community
to overcome daily life hurdles. Practical solutions to socioeconomic and political
problems faced by grass-root society should be derived from techniques and
tradition of Saivam.
May the visions of the Saiva Saints manifest and enlighten our souls from the

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