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The Yelloway Guide

by Peter Fritz Walter

General Instructions
The Yelloway Guide is a short guide to personal success built upon deal-
ing with basic life issues. In order to achieve results you should relax, us-
ing my own relaxation module, or else music or soft breathing, and you
need to focus inside.
Then, visualize a beam of light between your eyes. Become still and
listen to yourself. Connect to the I AM force in the center of your heart.
This force is pure love! It is still, pure light. It is your center, the origin of
all being, of all life. It is the spark of the Divine in you.
Some people believe that the center of this force is not the heart, but
the hara, a point about one nger below your navel.
There is your su-
preme power. Once you feel connected to this source, there is nothing
that cannot be, and you will be radiant, joyful, powerful, wonderfully suc-
cessful and blessed with all the good that life can offer.
For working on the fulllment of your desires, stop running around
on the outside level, stop believing in outer circumstances, stop to listen to
the black magic of gossip and of the endless limitations of the mass mind
and connect to this supreme power within you!
See, for example, Karlfried Graf Drckheim, Hara: The Vital Center of Man (2004).
Working on each specic answer given the the Eight Loaded Questions
below, you change your mindset which is now a mindset of limitation, to
a mindset of innite possibilities.
Your destination as a human being is to be innitely happy, powerful,
joyful and blessed. The only limitations are those that you set for yourself.
Therefore, it is essential that you build awareness of the black magic
of negative thinking; it is negative thinking, and only negative thinking,
which has created all the limitations, all the illnesses, all the hurts or dep-
rivations you are suffering from right now.
How Can I Be More Useful?
After having followed the general instructions so that you got some basic
experience in connecting to your inner power, please get relaxed and fo-
cus within.
Afrm that Innite Wisdom in you wants your best and nds now your
true place, the place in space and time where you can and will be su-
premely useful to all beings and the best of humanity.
Repeat the following afrmation about twenty times, in the morning
after waking up, and in the evening when you go to sleep.
Infnite intelligence guides me now to the place, and with the
people and circumstances where I am truly useful in that all my
wonderful gifts and talents will be serving others and humanity
at their highest possible level. I give thanks for the joy of the
answered prayer.
Be condent, after having done this for about three weeks every day,
that your afrmation will come true. Do not doubt it! Do not fear any-
thing. Fear and doubt hold your wishes from coming true. Every time you
feel fearful, every time you doubt, repeat the afrmation quietly in your
mind, at least ten times.
How Can I Lose Weight?
After having followed the general instructions so that you got some basic
experience in connecting to your inner power, please get relaxed and fo-
cus within you.
Afrm that Innite Wisdom in you has created you once with a perfect
body and mind, and a perfect shape of this body. Afrm that this su-
preme wisdom in you cannot fail and will now rebuild your body shape in
the most perfect and the most beautiful way possible.
Visualize as you would like to see yourself when looking in the mir-
ror. Find the ideal picture of yourself and imprint it on your mind while
afrming that the innite love in you wants your best and wants you to be
beautiful, attractive, joyful and fullled in your love and your desire.
Repeat the following afrmation about twenty times, in the morning
after waking up, and in the evening when you go to sleep.
Infnite intelligence knows my ideal body image. This image is
part of my essential life pattern and it is imprinted and coded in
my cells. I will gradually remember this original image and shall
listen to the promptings and monitions of my higher self that
guide me toward the right diet. I give thanks for the joy of the
answered prayer.
Be condent, after having done this for about three weeks every day,
that your afrmation will come true. Do not doubt it! Do not fear any-
thing. Fear and doubt hold your wishes from coming true. Every time you
feel fearful, every time you doubt, repeat the afrmation quietly in your
mind, at least ten times.
How Can I Stop Smoking?
After having followed the general instructions so that you got some basic
experience in connecting to your inner power, please get relaxed and fo-
cus within you.
Afrm that Innite Wisdom in you has created you once with a body
and mind that did not know the need for smoking. Connect to this su-
preme power within you and afrm that from now on your desire to
smoke will decrease every day until it will vanish completely.
Do not punish you for smoking, do not blame you for it, do not criti-
cize yourself or others to have this need. All punishing, blaming and criti-
cizing will keep you away from giving up smoking. In the contrary what it
does is to subtly justify your attachment.
Letting go your desire to smoke goes along with letting go any justica-
tion of it and any rejection of it. Just quietly afrm that you are now com-
pletely free of a desire to smoke and that your body and mind will com-
pletely heal from the damage you have done to it.
Repeat the following afrmation about twenty times, in the morning
after waking up, and in the evening when you go to sleep.
Infnite intelligence knows my primary body condition. When I
was a small child, I was happy without smoking. There is abso-
lutely no problem with smoking; my problem is that I abuse of it
which is why I wish to curtail it down. My higher self now re-
veals me the reason why I am smoking and I shall understand it
intuitively. After receiving this knowledge, I shall easily quit with
the habit, as this is my intention.
Be condent, after having done this for about three weeks every day,
that your afrmation will come true. Do not doubt it! Do not fear any-
thing. Fear and doubt hold your wishes from coming true. Every time you
feel fearful, every time you doubt, repeat the afrmation quietly in your
mind, at least ten times.
How Can I Be Happy Sexually?
After having followed the general instructions so that you got some basic
experience in connecting to your inner power, please get relaxed and fo-
cus within you.
Afrm that Innite Wisdom in you has created you with sexual desire
and that this desire is good and healthy. Afrm that the innite love in
you wants you to be happy and fullled sexually and that it now attracts
to you the ideal partner for a complete union that brings you and your
partner supreme fulllment of love and sexual desire.
Do not punish you for having strong sexual wishes or urges, do not
blame you for it, do not criticize yourself or others to have this need. All
punishing, blaming and criticizing will keep you away from giving up
smoking. In the contrary what it does is to subtly justify your attachment.
Repeat the following afrmation about twenty times, in the morning
after waking up, and in the evening when you go to sleep.
Infnite intelligence is my constant guide and counselor. This
wisdom in me knows all my longings and desires and it wants
me to be happy and fulflled in my love. I am open now for its
wistful guidance, and positively stimulated to meet the ideal
and loving partner who will cross my way. I know that, when
this happens, I remember this prayer, to be sure it is the mate I
have attracted through this prayer. This is wonderful.
Be condent, after having done this for about three weeks every day,
that your afrmation will come true. Do not doubt it! Do not fear any-
thing. Fear and doubt hold your wishes from coming true. Every time you
feel fearful, every time you doubt, repeat the afrmation quietly in your
mind, at least ten times.
How Can I Lead A Life of Fulfillment?
After having followed the general instructions so that you got some basic
experience in connecting to your inner power, please get relaxed and fo-
cus within you.
Afrm that the Innite Wisdom in you has created you to lead a life
of abundance. Observe nature all around you and become aware that life
equals abundance, fullness, riches and variety. Detect your limiting beliefs
and write them down. Then visualize that divine light dissolves all those
beliefs in you.
Afrm that Innite Wisdom that has created you with your longing
to live joyfully and abundantly, in accordance with Divine law and order.
Afrm that all your wishes and desires do not hurt anybody and bring riches
and abundant life and prosperity not only to yourself but to all beings.
Repeat the following afrmation about twenty times, in the morning
after waking up, and in the evening when you go to sleep.
Life is sheer abundance. I know that during intercourse, for fer-
tilizing one single egg, nature provides millions of sperm cells in
one single ejaculation. If I follow the scarcity paradigm as so
many others, I do this because of conditioning, not because I
know better. I do know better on my subtle, subconscious level.
On this innate level of intelligence, and in my body, I know that
life equals abundance. I thus can only be abundant, and more
abundant. I can only attract more and more of the good I wish
to see in my life, money, riches, variety of experience, and sur-
plus. The divine order secures a surplus for my material and
spiritual riches at all times, and I give thanks that this is true.
Every time now I have a thought that afrms anything else but
abundance, I immediately afrm that I am henceforth follow-
ing the life principle, which is surplus, ever more surplus, every
day, ever more abundance every day. I feel very happy that this
is so.
Be condent, after having done this for about three weeks every day,
that your afrmation will come true. Do not doubt it! Do not fear any-
thing. Fear and doubt hold your wishes from coming true. Every time you
feel fearful, every time you doubt, repeat the afrmation quietly in your
mind, at least ten times.
How Can I Solve Financial Problems?
After having followed the general instructions so that you got some basic
experience in connecting to your inner power, please get relaxed and fo-
cus within you.
Become still and grow in awareness that all your problems are your
own creations, the fruit of past thought and actions which were based on
erroneous beliefs, the mass spirit or limitations that you have set for your-
Connect to the source within and afrm that all your nancial prob-
lems are dissolved this very moment. Afrm that the Innite Love & Wis-
dom that has created you wishes you to live a life of prosperity, joy and
abundance and to grow in consciousness.
This consciousness is within you and it is free of any limitation and
any struggle. It is but harmony and peace! Feel united with this immense
harmony and peace within you and visualize your problems wiped out
from the screen of your mind, one by one.
Repeat the following afrmation about twenty times, in the morning
after waking up, and in the evening when you go to sleep.
I am here not for sufering endless constraints, but for living a
life of abundance, in accordance with the life principle, which is
positive and life-giving, attracting to me prosperity, and ever
more prosperity. I look upon money as a divine substance, for
everything is made by one spiritual force. I know matter and
spirit are one. Money is constantly circulating in my life, and I
use it wisely and constructively. Money fows to me freely, joy-
ously, and endlessly. Money is an idea in the mind of the uni-
verse, and it is good, and very good.
Be condent, after having done this for about three weeks every day,
that your afrmation will come true. Do not doubt it! Do not fear any-
thing. Fear and doubt hold your wishes from coming true. Every time you
feel fearful, every time you doubt, repeat the afrmation quietly in your
mind, at least ten times.
How Can I Become Independent?
After having followed the general instructions so that you got some basic
experience in connecting to your inner power, please get relaxed and fo-
cus within you.
Become still and become aware that as an adult human you should
not depend on anybody, neither your partner nor your parents, nor on
any articial enrichments such as drugs, medicaments, alcohol, obsessions
or anything else that limits your freedom.
Connect to the Innite Peace & Joy within you and afrm that you
are now, and forever, entirely and joyfully free from all that keeps you
chained, and afrm freedom to all the people or things that represent those
chains for you.
Become aware that your inner wisdom and power can only work for
your best once you are independent from all and every bondage. This
independence is the condition for your true interdependence and con-
nectedness to all-that-is..
Afrm that your true destiny is a free, unlimited human being, full of
joy and growing every day in riches of all kinds.
Repeat the following afrmation about twenty times, in the morning
after waking up, and in the evening when you go to sleep.
I am free, unconditionally and joyfully free from all chains and
from all bondage. It is my birthright as a human being to be
free and to be a being of choice. I can only choose when I am
free, which is why freedom is the very condition human life is
based upon. As a volitional being, I do my choices every day,
and I am choosing peace, happiness, abundance, love, fulfll-
ment and prosperity. I choose freedom. I choose emotional san-
ity, I choose mutually fulflling relationships, I choose all that is
of good report. My life is directed by my choices, and I am
choosing right now, I am choosing what is in accordance with
the life principle and what brings me and all around me true
freedom and abundance with every day to come. This is won-
Be condent, after having done this for about three weeks every day,
that your afrmation will come true. Do not doubt it! Do not fear any-
thing. Fear and doubt hold your wishes from coming true. Every time you
feel fearful, every time you doubt, repeat the afrmation quietly in your
mind, at least ten times.
How Can I Become and Remain Healthy?
After having followed the general instructions so that you got some basic
experience in connecting to your inner power, please get relaxed and fo-
cus within you.
Become still and grow in awareness that Innite Energy has created you
according to its perfect image and that all your illness is the fruit of your
own destructive thought patterns and the perpetuation, in your thought
and feelings, of negative or traumatic life experiences.
Afrm that the perfect image is you is becoming manifest now every
day more in your mind, psyche and body, that the divine in you cannot
be sick and that you are one forever with this divine image in you that is
perfect, unspoiled, pure, healthy and radiant of joy and life.
Afrm that your true destiny is perfect health, joy and growing vital-
ity, strength and riches of all kinds.
Repeat the following afrmation about twenty times, in the morning
after waking up, and in the evening when you go to sleep.
Health is my natural condition, the natural condition of all life
in the cosmos. Health is balance, a balance of yin and yang in
me, a balance in my actions, in all my behavior, in my thoughts,
in my emotions, and in my relationships. Health is radiance,
vibrant strength and power. Health is the nature in me at full
blossom. I am healthy by nature. This natural force in me grows
stronger with every day and it gradually dissolves all that is
unhealthy in me. Health is my birthright and I afrm it now and
every coming day when I wake up in the morning and before I
go to bed. I am healthy now, and remain healthy, and this is
Be condent, after having done this for about three weeks every day,
that your afrmation will come true. Do not doubt it! Do not fear any-
thing. Fear and doubt hold your wishes from coming true. Every time you
feel fearful, every time you doubt, repeat the afrmation quietly in your
mind, at least ten times.

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