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Conjunctive words / phrases in English

Additive Simple (additive) and, and also, andtoo
(negative) nor, andnot, noteither, andnoteither [e.g. And he didnt kill the turkes either!
(alternative) or, or else
Complex (emphatic additive) "urther#ore, in addition, $esides, again, also, #oreover, whats #ore,
additionall, in addition to this, not onl that $ut, add to this, and another thing
(emphatic alternative) alternativel
(de-emphatic afterthought) incidentall, $ the wa
Apposition (expository) that is, % #ean, (or) in other words, that is to sa, (or) to put it another wa, or
(exemplificatory) "or instance, "or e&a#ple, thus, i.e., e.g., vi'
Comparison (similar) likewise, si#ilarl, in the sa#e wa, in (just) this wa
(dissimilar) on the other hand, $ contrast, as opposed to this, conversel
Adversative (simple) et, though, onl, $ut, although, at the sa#e ti#e, on the other hand
(emphatic) however, nevertheless, despite this, in spite o" this, still, all the sa#e
Contrastive (INTERNAL avoal) in "act, actuall, as a #atter o" "act, to tell (ou) the truth, in point o" "act
(E!TERNAL simple) $ut, and
(E!TERNAL emphatic) however, on the other hand, at the sa#e ti#e, as against that
Correction (of meaning) instead, rather, on the contrar, $ contrast
(of ording) at least, rather, % #ean
"ismissal (general) no #atter,still
(closed) in an/either case/event, whichever wa it is, an/either wa,
(open-ended) in an case, anhow, at an rate, however it is, whatever happens, however
that #a $e
Causal (general simple) so, then, hence, thus, there"ore
(general emphatic) (and) conse(uentl, accordingl, $ecause o" this
(reason) "or this reason, on account o" this
(result) as a result, in conse(uence
(purpose) "or this purpose, with this in #ind
Reversed causal (reversed simple) "or, $ecause, the reason was that
(reason) it "ollows ("ro# this), on this $asis
(result) arising out o" this, as a result (o" this) "ollowing "ro# this, we #a conclude that, %
(purpose) to this end, "or this purpose, with this in #ind/view
Conditional (simple) then
(emphatic) in that case, in such an event, that $eing so, that $eing the case, in such an event,
under those/such circu#stances/conditions
(generali#ed) under the circu#stances
(reverse polarity) otherwise, under other circu#stances, that/such not $eing the case
Respective (direct) in this respect, in this regard, with re"erence to this, connected with this, with regard
to this
(reversed polarity) otherwise, in other respects, aside/apart "ro# this
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Conjunctive words / phrases in English
Temporal Simple (se$uential) then, ne&t, a"ter that, a"terwards, su$se(uentl
(simultaneous) just then, at the sa#e ti#e, si#ultaneousl
(preceding) earlier, previousl, $e"ore that/then
(conclusive) "inall, at last
(correlative forms% se$uential) "irstthen, ", "irstsecond
(correlative forms% conclusive) at "irstin the end, at "irst"inall
&external only'
(immediate) at once, thereupon, on which, on this occasion, this ti#e, just $e"ore
(interrupted) soon, a"ter a ti#e, presentl, later, so#e ti#e earlier, "or#erl
(repetitive) ne&t ti#e, on another occasion, on a previous occasion
(specific) ne&t da, an hour later, "ive #inutes earlier
(durative) #eanwhile, all this ti#e
(terminal) until then, $ this ti#e, up till that ti#e
(puctiliar) at this point/#o#ent, ne&t #o#ent, the previous #o#ent
Internal temporal (se$uential) then, ne&t, secondl, thirdl
(conclusive) "inall, in conclusion, as a "inal point, at last, eventuall
(correlative forms% se$uential) "irstne&t, "irstsecondl, in the "irst place, to $egin
(correlative forms% conclusive), "inall, in the end
(ere and No (past) up to now, hitherto, up to this point, hereto"ore, in "uture
(present) at this point, here
(future) "ro# now on, hence"orward, hence"orth, hereunder
Summary (summari#ing) to su# up, in short, $rie"l, in a word, to put it $rie"l
(resumptive) to resu#e, to return to the point, to get $ack to the point, anwa
Continuatives (i.e. miscellaneous)
*ow, well, anwa, surel, a"ter all
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