Backtracking Concept

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In simple words Backtracking is a general way to solve a problem by using a computer. The
algorithm is considered general since it doesnt describe how to solve a specific problem (like
sorting numbers or searching for an element in a list), but it gives some high-level principles to
solve many different problems.
The main idea of Backtracking is to solve a problem by starting from point A and going through
all the possible options/paths until reaching point B. When we find a path from A to B it means
we found a solution and solved the problem!
The general form of a Backtracking algorithm:
The easiest way to implement a backtracking algorithm is by using recursion.
First, We need to define three cases:
Reject: We are in the wrong way this path cant lead us to the solution.
Accept: We find a solution for the problem.
Step: We are at some point between A to B, continue to the next step.

Second, we just put our cases in this template (pseudo code):
function backtracking (input_list, output_list):

# Reject this path doesn't lead to any solution
if reject case = true:
return false

# Accept We find a solution!
if accept case = true:
print output_list # Our solution
return true

# Step go over all the possible options in the input
for each (n in input_list):
test = backtracking(input_list.remove(n), outputlist.push(n)) #
if test = true:
return true

# We didn't find any solution
return false

# First call
call backtracking({some_input}, {})
Lets take this list of numbers: {3,4,1}, and try to sort them using Backtracking.
First, our cases:
Reject if at the end of the output we have two unsorted numbers.
Accept the input list is empty! (= we sorted all the numbers)
Continue each time take a number from the input and try to put it at the end of the output.
Running the algorithm:
First call: original list {3,4,1}, output {}
1. pick 3 original list {4,1}, output {3} Continue
2. pick 4 original list {1}, output {3,4} Continue
3. pick 1 original list {}, output {3,4,1} Reject! no more options, go backward
4. pick 1 original list {4}, output {3,1} Reject! no more options, go backward
5. pick 4 original list {3,1}, output {4} Continue
6. pick 3 original list {1}, output {4,3} Reject! try the next option
7. pick 1 original list {3}, output {4,1} Reject! no more options, go backward
8. pick 1 original list {3,4}, output {1} Continue
9. pick 3 original list {4}, output {1,3} Continue
10. pick 4 original list {}, output {1,3,4} Accept! This is our solution!

Putting it all together Java Implementation for sorting with backtracking:
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class BacktrackingSort {

public static int counter = 0;

public static boolean sortBacktracking
(ArrayList input_list, ArrayList output_list, int level) {

// Trace
System.out.println(counter + "# Level " + level
+ ": " + input_list + " " + output_list);

// Reject this path doesn't lead to any solution
if (output_list.size() > 1 &&
(output_list.get(output_list.size() - 2)
> output_list.get(output_list.size() - 1))){
return false;

// Accept We find a solution!
if (input_list.size() == 0) {
System.out.println("Solution: " + output_list);
return true;

// Step go over all the possible options in the input
for (Integer n : input_list) {
ArrayList clone_input_list
= (ArrayList) input_list.clone();
ArrayList clone_output_list
= (ArrayList) output_list.clone();
boolean test = sortBacktracking(clone_input_list,
clone_output_list, level + 1);
if (test){
return true;

// We didn't find any solution
return false;

public static void main(String[] args) {
ArrayList input_list = new ArrayList();
ArrayList output_list = new ArrayList();

// First call
sortBacktracking(input_list, output_list, 0);

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