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Question 1):

Role and Importance of Cyber Forensic Expert in Crime Investigation:

After India, through India IT Act-2000, has recognized and legalized e-commerce and digital
transactions (like email, instant messaging chats, community posts, blogs, forum discussions and
various other type of electronic echange of information!, cyber forensic has become much more
relevant in India" #ith increasing use of IT in every sphere of day-to-day life, digital evidence has
become important and critical source for investigations related to any types of crime or violation of
la$" This creates a definite demand for the IT eperts $ho can identify, collect, preserve and
analyze any type of digital evidence that may be needed for a successful investigation and help legal
process investigation"
There is no specific education %ualification re%uired or available for this critical skill of cyber
forensics" In fact, this re%uires fairly $ide range of kno$ledge and eperience in the field of
Information Technology, both technically as $ell legal vie$ points" The epertise includes cyber
crimes, hacking, spamming, viruses, user activity tracking, analyzing system & application logs,
pass$ord breaking, encryption, understanding computer storage structure for various '( (#indo$s,
)ac, (olaris, *+-,-, .inu etc"! and application components (.ike /ava (cripts, 0isual 1asic
(cripts, shell scripts etc"!"
2isk imaging is one of important area $here eperts re%uire to be $orking etensively" 2igital
imaging, essentially, means creating a copy of original disk3storage media $hich is sub4ect to
investigation" (ince original media is re%uired to be preserved (as is stage! and shall not be changed
in any respect throughout the investigation process" 1eside this another important role of the epert
is to recover data from a damaged storage and3or deleted files" This skill re%uire machine level
understanding of computer system and normally done via variety of data recovery tools"
In addition to these and other technical skills an epert shall also possess kno$ledge and
understanding of legal issues, 0arious .a$s, Acts, and other legal responsibilities etc" 5vidence
collection and analysis also re%uire a forensic epert to spend long hours $orking continuously
investigating critical cyber incidents and crimes" *ence, like many IT professionals, cyber forensic
epert also has a need and necessity to $ork odd and etended $orking hours" In fact the 4ob of a
forensic epert is like that of a detective $ho has to keep all their senses engaged to capture the real
information underneath" This detective skill re%uire them to do many monitoring as $ell including
monitoring net$ork activities in real time to understand post incident behavior and actions of the
Amendments to 5vidence Act, in vie$ of the IT Act, empo$ers a forensic epert for conducting
re%uired actions for investigating machines, devices and other IT systems, including, at time, taking
possession of such items under their control" In most of the cases, the eperts also need to be under
obligation of protecting any private, sensitive, confidential and proprietary information these
systems contains"
These cyber crimes investigations and digital evidences may be related to various cases including
data theft, *acking, 0irus attacks, 2enial of (ervice, +hishing, variety of online financial frauds,
(oft$are +iracy, 6yber 1ullying, 6yber 2efamation, Identity theft and all other criminal cases
$here there is a possible involvement of digital resources" 5ven the cases of misuse of sensitive
personal information, may re%uire a cyber forensic epert7s services to investigate the case and
gather information related to the case using various digital resources (email servers, internet logs,
instant messaging logs, system logs, application logs or even portable storage media like floppy,
,(1, 623202 etc" !
6yber forensic, as a career option, is very challenging and interesting field" 'ne can get a
considerable amount of 4ob satisfaction $hile performing the role and delivering duties of a cyber
forensic epert" This role has e%ual importance and position both in private and government3public
sector" Though today government sector role are mostly limited to police and other la$ enforcement
agencies, this is becoming increasingly important role for almost all IT and service organizations"
In vie$ of all the skills a 6yber forensic epert brings along $ith him3her, the importance of this
role can be $ell understood" This role is positioning itself as a critical and must have role in today7s
$orld of cyber eminence" Today $e are so dependent on cyber $orld for most of our day-to-day
needs that opens a definite space for lots of fraud and other criminal offences at the same time"
5ven after putting best defense against such crimes and frauds, $e are definitely going to see lots of
incidents $hich need forensic investigations"
#ith increasing number of online frauds related to money and finance, $e have to rely upon the
skills for a forensic epert to help investigate such incidents and help organizations3governments to
prevent future happening of such incidents"
In private sector this role has enormous opportunity $ith both IT companies and non-IT companies"
8ot only $ith companies, even independent consultants and cyber forensic services are also very
common" In private sector the role of a cyber forensic epert not only limited to post incidents
investigations, but it also includes responsibilities to guard data theft, recommend and implement
security systems, avoid cyber attacks, find security holes in the IT infrastructure, prevent
unauthorized access to system and stop hacking, virus and phishing attacks" A cyber forensic epert
en4oys a status of a state authority $ithin organizations" They are important constituent of an
emergency incident response system of any organization"
The incident response system is a frame$ork that helps organizations to plan and manage security
incidents $hen they occur" It creates an organizational structure and chain of commands $hich gets
activated in case of the occurrence of a security incident" This cell of cyber forensic eperts is also
responsible for collaboration $ith state la$ and compliance agencies" #henever there is a demand
or re%uest of forensic investigations comes from state agencies, this internal team of cyber forensic
eperts are epected to provide necessary support and cooperation to them"
The importance of this role is such that it has ac%uired a position of must have category of roles in
IT industry today and demands of the role are increasing day by day" Today every ma4or
organization has a team of cyber forensic eperts" (ome organization a separate cell or department
$hich dedicatedly focus on cyber forensic skill sets and provide the forensic service not only to
their internal security and compliance needs but also offer this as a service to their clients and other
eternal organizations" Importance of a cyber forensic epert can be understood in vie$ of a police
or other la$ enforcement agencies" There are dedicated cyber crime departments in various cities
across India $hich supports la$ enforcing agencies for the needs of cyber forensic services"
6yber forensic not only playing important role in legal cases, but this is also becoming increasingly
important focus area for organizations for their internal investigations" #ell %ualified and
eperience cyber forensic epert are being nurtured or hired by many organizations no$ a days"
There are many formal3informal courses available focused on cyber forensic" 0arious
national3international institutions3universities are focusing on designing and delivering courses
around cyber forensics" These courses enable students for cyber forensic 4ourney and provide them
a career path in this ever gro$ing area of cyber forensic"
6ountries across the globe are amending their criminal la$s to align $ith this gro$ing field of
cyber crime that necessitates cyber forensic as an important profession" Today there are very limited
availability of cyber forensic eperts is there" 0arious institutes and universities across the globe are
rapidly coming up $ith various levels of courses focused around the domain of cyber forensic
epertise" 'rganizations are also building their cyber forensic skills and capabilities through
internal trainings, real-time eposures and formal academic courses" 6ompanies are setting aside
specific budget for education and training around cyber security and cyber forensic skills" They are
also aggressively promoting their security professionals to develop skills of cyber security and
cyber forensics"
Available Certifications: There are various cyber forensic certifications also available today such
as the I(965 6ertified 6omputer 5aminer and IA6:1 6ertified 6omputer 9orensics 5aminer"
IA6I( (the International Association of 6omputer Investigative (pecialists! offers the 6ertified
6omputer 9orensic 5aminer (6965! program"
Asian (chool of 6yber .a$s offers international level certifications in 2igital 5vidence Analysis
and in 2igital 9orensic Investigation" These 6ourses are available in online and class room mode"
)any commercial based forensic soft$are companies are no$ also offering proprietary
certifications on their products" 9or eample ;uidance (oft$are offering (5n65! certification,
Access2ata offering (A65! and -$ays (oft$are Technology offering (--+5:T!"
In summary, cyber forensic eperts are in great demand today" Their demand is across the cross
section of the industries and domains" +eople from various fields (like 6omputer (cience,
Information (ecurity, *ard$are39irm$are, .a$, :egulatory etc"! are opting for enhancing their
skills in the field of cyber security and cyber forensic" 6yber forensic is becoming etremely
relevant field of practice across industrial, civil, military and research domains"

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