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Havells India Ltd

Maste! O" B#siness Ad$inist!ati%n

Sessi%n& '()*+),
S#-$itted -.&+
A/an/s0a Sin10

At the outset
Submitted To:
Dr. Neetu Singh
University of Lucknow

I wish to thank the respected HOD, M! Ra0#l Anand Sin10 of the TERI College,
GHAZI!R, for their useful guidance, encourage"ent and needed support to take the pro#ect
up titled as
I 3%#ld li/e t% t0an/ M!RNR%0ila "%! 4!%vidin1 $e en%#10 "a2ilit. and ins4i!ati%n "%!
t0e "#l"ill$ent %" t0is 4!%5e2t at 0is C%$4an. He!e I 0ave 4!e4a!ed $. P!%5e2t %n
B!and A3a!eness and P!e"e!en2e !e1a!din1 G!een CFL
It was "ost difficult pro#ect which I ha$e taken for the first ti"e in "% still career& I e'press
thanks to "% guide Co"pan% "e"(ers at Havell6s Pvt Ltd for their $alua(le guidance and
suggestions and also pro$iding "e with essential facilities for co"pleting and presenting this
pro#ect to carr% out this pro#ect successfull%&
)ish to not onl% get the (lessings of the a(o$e seniors (ut also the grace of Al"ight% God to
do "ore pro#ects and learn "ore and "ore&


This is to declare that the *+ da%s Training work on
B!and A3a!eness and P!e"e!en2e !e1a!din1 G!een CFL: during the period ,- .a% to /+
0une /-,- is done (% "e, (eing su("itted for BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 8BBA9
.iss& Akanksha 1ingh
.&2&A& ,

/& AC45O)6EDGE.E5T
*& HI1TOR8
+& .I11IO5 A5D 9I1IO5:;
<& O20ECTI9E O3 1T!D8
=& 9A6!E1
O(#ecti$es of stud%&
Research "ethodolog%
,,& 6I.ITATIO51 O3 THE 1T!D8
,7& CO5C6!1IO5 O3 THE 1T!D8
,*& 2I2I6IOGRAH8
,+& A55E@!RE
O""i2e!s and di!e2t%!s
Ai"at Rai Gupta E'ecuti$e 5on;Independent Chair"an of the 2oard, .anaging
Ra#esh Gupta Director 3inance, 5on;Independent E'ecuti$e Director
1an#a% 4u"ar Gupta Co"pan% 1ecretar%, Co"pliance Officer
Anil Gupta 0oint .anaging Director, 5on;Independent E'ecuti$e Director
AgeB *-
1ur#it Gupta 5on;E'ecuti$e 5on;Independent Director
5iten .alhan 5on;E'ecuti$e 5on;Independent Director ; Representati$e of
)ar(urg incus
AgeB 7>
A(id Hussain 5on;E'ecuti$e Independent Director
A$inash rakash
5on;E'ecuti$e Independent Director
C%$4an. 4!%"ile
Ha$ells India 6td& is a (illion;dollar;plus organiCation, and is one of the largest D IndiaEs
fastest growing electrical and power distri(ution eFuip"ent "anufacturer with products
ranging fro" Industrial D Do"estic Circuit rotection 1witchgear, Ca(les D )ires, .otors,
3ans, ower Capacitors, C36 6a"ps, 6u"inaries for Do"estic, Co""ercial D Industrial
applications, .odular 1witches, D 2ath fittings co$ering the entire ga"ut of household,
co""ercial and industrial electrical needs&
Ha$ells owns so"e of the prestigious glo(al (rands like Cra(tree, 1%l$ania, Concord,
6u"inance, 6inolite, D 16I 6ighting o$er +- countries across the glo(e, the group has
achie$ed rapid success in the )ith ?, (ranches G representati$e offices and o$er >---
professionals in past few %ears& Its > state;of;the;art "anufacturing plants in India located at
Haridwar, 2addi, 5oida, 1ahi(a(ad, 3arida(ad, 2hiwadi, Alwar, 5ee"rana, and = state;of;the;
art "anufacturing plants located across Europe, 6atin A"erica D Africa churn out glo(all%
acclai"ed products& Ha$ells is a na"e s%non%"ous with e'cellence and e'pertise in the
electrical industr%& Its /---- strong glo(al distri(ution network is pro"pt to ser$ice custo"ers&
The co"pan% has acFuired a nu"(er of International certifications, like 2A1EC, C1A,
4E.A, C2, CE, A1TA, CA, 1E.4O, 1IRI!. H.ala%siaI, 1RI5G H1ingaporeI, T1E
HTurke%I, 15I HIndonesiaI and EDD H2ahrainI for $arious products& Toda%, Ha$ells and its
(rands ha$e e"erged as the preferred choice of electrical products for discerning indi$iduals
and industrial consu"ers (oth in India and a(road&
In an atte"pt to transfor" itself fro" an industrial product co"pan% to a consu"er products
co"pan%, Ha$ells launched consu"er electrical products such as C36s, 3ans, .odular
1witches D 6u"inaries& The co"pan% has (een consistent in its (rand pro"otion with
sponsorship of Cricket e$ents like T/- )orld Cup, India;Australia 1eries and I6 1eason ,
and /& The co"pan% has also taken the initiati$e to reach directl% to the consu"ers through
JHa$ells Gala'%J K a one stop shop for all electrical and lighting needs&
1ocial and en$iron"ental responsi(ilit% has (een at the forefront of Ha$ells operating
philosoph% and as a result the co"pan% consistentl% contri(utes to sociall% responsi(le
acti$ities& 3or instance, the co"pan% is pro$iding "id;da% "eal in go$ern"ent schools in
Alwar district, co$ering ,+--- students per da%& 2esides this co"pan% has acFuired land for
constructing a larger kitchen with all the "odern facilities to ser$e freshl% cooked food to
+---- students in the area& Ha$ells runs a "o(ile .edical 9an, eFuipped with a trained doctor
and necessar% "edicines in the rural areas of Delhi D 5CR for the $er% poor and need%
$illagers& )e also set up free "edical check;up ca"ps& In the past also, the co"pan% has
generousl% contri(uted to the societ% during $arious national cala"ities like the 2ihar 3lood,
Tsuna"i and 4argil 5ational Relief 3und etc&
Ha$ells is a part of the Indian (usiness group; ARG group& Esta(lished in ,?+> as a trading
co"pan% , Ha$ells ca"e into e'istence in ,?>7& The co"pan% is now a Rs ,<-- crore co"pan%
with presence in all "a#or electricalcategories& Ha$ells (usiness is pri"aril% focused on four
ke% $erticals&1witch Gear 6ighting and 3i'tures Ca(les and Electrical consu"er deli$era(le&
)hat is interesting a(out Ha$ells is their penchant for ad$ertising& The co"pan% had (een
"aking "a#or in$est"ents in pro"otions and has (een using the recent I6 for (rand (uilding&
Ha$ells shot into li"elight with their ca"paign for .ini Circuit 2reakers H.C2I which are
used to pre$ent short circuits & .ost of the new ho"esGoffices ha$e it (utthese products were
ne$er ad$ertised& Ha$ells ca"e out with a clutter (reaking hu"orous ad for their .C2 which
caught the consu"erEs attention& The product ad had the fa"ous taglineJ1hock 6aga 4%aJ&The
ad was a hit (ecause of the creati$e e'ecution& I think the positi$e response fro" the consu"ers
pro"pted Ha$ells to in $est hea$il% in (rand pro"otions&Another classic ad was for Ha$ells
C36 (ul(s& The Ri"poche ad too was a highl% interesting ad for a dull product&
Ha$ells followed its ad ca"paigns with a touch% "other son ca"paign for its ca(leproduc
trange&I like this ad $er% "uch (ecause it con$e%ed the J heat resistant J feature of the product
$er% s"artl% and touchingl%&3or its fan range, Ha$ells ca"e out with another funn% ca"paign&
Recentl% Ha$ells "ade use of the Recession to co"e out with another creati$e one for its .C2
Ha$ells also has (een using the recent I6 for (rand pro"otion& )hene$er so"e (ats"an gets
out or when he scores a si', the two second "essage ad co"es on the scree 1hock 6aga
4%aJ&These clutter (reaking ads has significantl% increased the (rand fa"iliarit% and liking of
Ha$ells (rand& The (rand is fighting $er% well esta(lished pla%ers like Cro"pton Grea$es,
!sha,Anchor , 6egrand etc& Ha$ells scored o$er these (rands through its higher share of $oice&
Regarding the (randing ca"paign, Ha$ells has (een focusing "ore on product ad$ertising
rather than (uilding its corporate (rand&
There is an interesting piece written a(out this in hindu B read here
If %ou see all these ads of Ha$ells, the ads does not ha$e a co""on thread & The ca(le ad and
the .C2 ad and C36 ads are all $er% different& Although it all co"es fro" Ha$ells, one cannot
find a co""on thread& This is a pro(le" for Ha$ells as a corporate (rand& The co"pan% has so
far not tried to (ring in a corporate (rand the"e& Ha$ells does not e$en ha$e at agline& 5ow
e$er%one associates Ha$ells with the 1hock 6aga 4%a tagline which is a specific tagline for its
.C2 range& I a" not sure whether this is a planned strateg% where the co"pan% tries to
de$elop its corporate (rand through product ads &
There is no dou(t that these product ads are well crafted and has ser$ed the purpose& 2ut when
we anal%se the (randing , Ha$ells as a corporate (rand has (uilt strong fa"iliarit% (ut no
(rand depth& If %ou ask "e what Ha$ells stands for, I would sa% that it stands for J 1hock roof
.C2J& 1o Ha$ells stands to (e identified for a single product rather than as an u"(rella (rand&
One disad$antage of de$eloping a co""on corporate (rand the"e is that e$er% Ha$ells ad
should then ha$e to align with that co""on thread which "a% constrain creati$e thinking& 2ut
a (rand should own a distinct place in the consu"erEs "ind& Ha$ells corporate (rand right now
does not ha$e than distinct space for it &
The logic of the current strateg% is that through the product ads , Ha$ells will gain fa"iliarit%
and thus (rand eFuit%& There is now flaw in this logic& 2ut the issue is a(ou the (rand
personalit%&A (rand should ha$e so"e core (rand $alues and "anthra which "akes it uniFue
and distinct& This "athra has to (e created (% the (rand and co""unicated to the consu"ers&It
is in this conte't that the current strateg% of product ads dri$ing a corporate (rand (eco"es
Ha$ells need not stop its product (ased ad$ertising, what it can do is to de$elop a (rand
"anthra and a corporate tagline and when show the tagline in the product ad$ertise"ents& The
indi$idual product ads can retain their taglines like J 1hock 6aga J & Thus Ha$ells will (e a(le
to create a distinct corporate (rand i"age which will (e highl% (eneficial in future&6a(elsB
2usiness products, consu"er dura(le (rands, corporate (rand, electrical product
ARG Group, a (illion;dollar;plus group which ranks a"ong the top electric product
conglo"erates in the world and is a "a#or do"estic and glo(al pla%er in the production and
sales of an i"pressi$e range of electrical products& The group co"prises of * co"panies K
Ha$ells India 6td& Hthe flagship co"pan% with Ha$ells and Cra(tree 2randsI, 1tandard
Electricals 6td&, Ha$ells;1%l$ania and ARG Healthcare& )ith ,? state;of;the;art "anufacturing
plants, ?, (ranch offices and a strong (acking of o$er >--- professionals across the glo(e, the
group has achie$ed rapid success in the past few %ears& The flagship co"pan%, Ha$ells is
acknowledged as a "anufacturer D supplier of the widest range of low $oltage electrical
eFuip"ent and has (eco"e a na"e s%non%"ous with e'cellence and e'pertise in the industr%&
Dri$en (% a philosoph% of drea"ing (ig, e"powering tea" "e"(ers, a culture (ased on
transparenc%, honest%, a high focus on ethical $alues and entrepreneurship at e$er% le$el, the
ARG Group of toda% is literall% a drea" co"e true ; a world class co"pan% which is one of
"ost ad"ired organiCations in India& )ith a nu"(er of strategic alliances in place, ARG Group
has shown pheno"enal growth rate with the help of $arious #oint $entures, acFuisitions,
"ergers and takeo$ers& The group, catering to the needs of residential and industrial "arket
glo(all%, has ,- "anufacturing units in India&

,?>7 ; The Co"pan% was originall% incorporatd as Ha$ellEs India ri$ate 6i"ited on >th
August, under the Co"panies Act, ,?+< and su(seFuetl% the na"e was changed to Ha$ellEs
India 6i"itd $ide certificate dated 7,st .arch,
,?>? ; The co"pan% undertook addition to its tool roo" facilities (% going in for
"anufacturing of sheet "etal and "oulding tools in;house&

,??, ; The co"pan% a"alga"ated with itself El%"er Ha$(ellEs $t& 6td& which had facilities
for "anufacture of HRC fuses with an installed capacit% of /,+-,--- pcs&
,??/ ; 3or the "anufacture of E6C2s, the Co"pan% signed another Technical Colla(oration
with .Gs 1chiele
Industrieworke, Ger"an%&
,??* ; The co"pan% successfull% launched the latest IEC design contractors, rela%s, and
"otor starters for the first ti"e India which ha$e (een well recei$ed in the "arket& The
co"pan% has finaliCed tie;ups in !AE, O"an, 4uwait and Eg%pt for "arketing its $ast range
of products in these countries&
,??+ ;The Co"pan% has introduced roduct .anagers and Industrial Tea"s to e"phasiCe the
product "i' and to strengthen its presence in all "arket seg"ents&

,??< ; 1chiele industriwerke, Ger"an%, who ha$e (een our colla(orators for E6C2s, ha$e
entered into a new technical colla(oration with the co"pan% for Fualit% upgradation for its
products in the controlgear di$ision&

The co"pan% decided to enter into the "anufacture of Three hase Energ% .eters for
industrial applications&

4eeping in $iew (usiness s%nerg%Es with the Ca(le Industr%, the Co"pan% has entered into the
"anufacture of low tension power ca(les&

Ha$ellEs group signed a 0oint 9enture Agree"ent with Hanson Electrical, a group co"pan% of
the !4 ound ,, 2illion Anglo;A"erican conglo"erate, Hanson lc&, one of the top ten
Co"panies of !4&

,??= ; One of the (iggest achie$e"ents during the %ear is that the 09 partners ha$e tested the
.C2s and ha$e entered into an agree"en with the Co"pan% to e'clusi$el% "arket the .C2s
in the world wide "arkets& Ha$ellEs Dor"an 1"ith $t& 6td&, !&4& 09 co"pan%, wherein
Ha$ellEs India 6td is a /+L shareholder, with Electriu" 6td& !4 with the introduction of state;
of;the;art MDOR.A5 1.ITHE (rand .oulded Case Circuit 2reakers in India&Ha$ellEs group,
has signed a new 09 agree"ent with A"p% Auto"ation Digilog 6td&, !4&
,??> ; Ca(le di$ision at Alwar is now I1O;?--, certified& Ha$ellEs group has signed a new 09
agree"ent with the Deutsche Zahiergesellschaft HDZGI, Ger"an%&The +-B+- 09 co"pan%
Ha$ellEs Dor"an 1"ith 6td& in which Ha$ellEs India 6td& is a /+L shareholder had launched
.oulded Case Circuit 2reakers last %ear in the Indian "arket&
,??? ; Electrical switchgear "akers Ha$ellEs India has entered into a strategic partnership
with Ca"(ridge Technolog% artners India for i"ple"enting ER on a fast;track& The
co"pan% has a +-B+- #oint $enture with DZG of Ger"an% for "anufacture of high;end
electro"echanical and electronic energ% "eters&

/--- ; Ha$ellEs entered into a technical colla(oration with Ge%er in ,??> to "anufacture
"iniature circuit;(reakers&
3or .C2s, the co"pan% has a technical colla(oration with Ge%e AG of Ger"an%, with
1chiele Industriewerke of Ger"an% for RCC2s and with eterriens 1chaltechik G"(h for
changeo$er switches&

The Co"pan% has entered into a #oint $enture agree"ent with 1tandard Electricals 6td&, an
unlisted co"pan% wherein the co"pan% hold <-L shareholding&Ha$ellEs India 6td has acFuired
a <- per cent stake in H%dera(ad;(ased Duke Arnics Electronics 6td&

/--, ; The Co"pan% has (een awarded the highest re$enue pa%er award for the %ear /--- in
the organised sector categor% Ha$ellMs India 6td has infor"ed 21E that the co"pan% had earlie
acFuired <-L shareholding of 1tandard Electricals 6td&, 0alandhar, an unlisted co"pan%&

The co"pan% has acFuired the entire ,--L shareholding of 1tandard Electricals 6td&, (%
purchasing (alance *-L shareholding of the co"pan%& The 1tandard Electricals 6td&, has thus
(eco"e a ,--L su(sidiar% of co"pan% w&e&f& Dece"(er 7,,/--,&

/--* ;3ora%s into the lu'ur% (athroo" fittings and accessories seg"en under the Cra(tree
3rattini (rand na"e Ha$ells India 6i"ited has sold out its entire shareholding of 1tandard
Electricals 6i"ited, an un;listed pu(lic li"ited co"pan% which was a ,--L su(sidiar% of the
Co"pan%& ConseFuentl%, with effect fro" such transfer, 1tandard Electricals 6i"ited is no
longer a su(sidiar% of the Co"pan%&

/--< ;Ha$ells India 6td has infor"ed that .s 1a(ina Ge%er has resigned fro" the
Directorship of the Co"pan% with i""ediate effect&

/--= ;Ha$ells India 6i"ited has appointed .r&5 2alasu(ra"anian as additional director of the
Co"pan% who shall hold office upto the date of ne't Annual General .eeting
To be a globally recognized corporation that provides best electrical & lighting solutions,
delivered by best in class people.
To achie$e our $ision through fairness, (usiness ethics, glo(al reach, technological e'pertise,
(uilding long ter" relationships with all our associates, custo"ers, partners, and e"plo%ees
Custo"er Delight B;
A co""it"ent to surpassing our custo"er e'pectations&
6eadership (% e'a"ple:;
A co""it"ent to set standards in our (usiness and transactions (ased on "utual trust&
Integrit% and Transparenc% B;
A co""it"ent to (e ethical, sincere and open in our dealings&
ursuit of E'cellence B;
A co""it"ent to stri$e relentlessl%, to constantl% i"pro$e oursel$es
Havells India Ltd Share Price
1hare rice : Rs&7/-&,-
52 eek highGlow B Rs&7+/&=- G Rs&,--
53 E Ratio:,/&/>
Related 4%sts&
, &D63 K 1tock Reco""endation D63 is largest real estate co"pan% in India& It has&&&
,& 1tock Reco""endation for %our ortfolio In this post I a" suggesting few of the low&&&
/& 1tock E'changes to e'tend their trading hours 2o"(a% 1tock E'change H21EI and the
5ational 1tock E'change&&&
7& )hat is GE RatioN Introduction In this article I will (e writing a(out&&&
*& I3C 6ists 2est 2usiness En$iron"ent 3riendl% Cities in India Recentl% International
3inancial CorporationHI3CI has listed the citites in india&&&
This stock is good for short ter" and "iddle ter" in$est"ent& It will target Rs&*,- in the near
future&: %#! tea$s: %#! se!vi2es and 4!%d#2ts s% as t% -e2%$e t0e -est in 2lass
/--? B 1et up of full% auto"atic /
unit for switchgear "anufacturing
at 2addi&

Glo(al consolidation of C36 "anufacturing plant at 5ee"rana
for do"estic and e'port purposes&

6aunch of IndiaEs ,
H3 C36

6aunch of IndiaEs ,
2EE +O Rated 3an
/--> B 3irst Indian C36 "anufacturers to ha$e adopted RoH1, European nor"s on Restriction of
HaCardous 1u(stances in C36s&

1et up of Glo(al Corporate office, ARG Towers at E'presswa% 5oida

In$est"ent of Rs&+- Crores in Glo(al Center for Research and Inno$ation HCRII

1et up of full% auto"atic plant for Ha$ells 6afert .otors at 5ee"rana

Change in Corporate 2RA5D identit%
/--= B
1et;up of Capacitor "anufacturing plant in 5oida, ! with the capacit% of <, --,---
k9Ar per "onth&
AcFuired the 6ighting (usiness of a 3rankfurt (ased co"pan% J1%l$aniaJ, a glo(al
leader in lighting (usiness and now the co"pan%Es turno$er crosses !1P , 2illion&
)ar(urg incus, a glo(al pri$ate eFuit% fir" and one of the largest in$estors in India,
in$ested !1 P,,- "illion in Ha$ells India 6td& Ha$ells issued fresh shares to )ar(urg
incus, representing appro'i"atel% ,,&/L of the full% diluted share capital of the
ARG Group entered healthcare (usiness (% acFuiring a "a#orit% stake in Central
Hospital and Research Centre, 3arida(ad&
/--< B
Cra(tree India "erged with Ha$ells India&
Added C36 production unit in Haridwar "anufacturing plant&
E'pansion at Alwar "anufacturing plant for increase of production capacit%&
E'pansion at 2addi "anufacturing plant and set;up of an E'port Oriented !nit&
3irst Co"pan% to get the I1I Certification for co"plete range of C36s&
1tarted "id;da% "eal progra" at Alwar, Ra#asthan caters to ,-,--- students fro" ==
/--+ B
1et up "anufacturing plant in Haridwar, !ttaranchal for "anufacturing 3ans&
Awarded the 4E.A certification (% The Dutch Council for Accreditation, "aking
ARG the onl% group to attain this certification&
1et up of RDD Center in 5oida H&O&
/--* B
1et up "anufacturing plant at 2addi , H for "anufacturing of Do"estic 1witchgear&
1et up a "anufacturing plant for "anufacturing of C36 at e'isting "nufacturing plant in
3arida(ad, Har%an&
Resea!20 and Devel%4$ent
Inno$ation is the hall"ark of e$er% $ital de$elop"ent at ARG Group& 5ew ideas, in$entions
deepen scientific knowledge and gi$e its work force a new i"petus towards technical progress&
ARGQs technological strengths and its endea$or towards continuous research D de$elop"ent
ha$e allowed it to fulfill its responsi(ilities towards its custo"ers& The responsi(ilit% of
pro$iding its custo"ers the (est products and Cero defect ser$ices to ena(le the" to (e
co"forta(le and secure in usage of electricit%& Ha$ells has recentl% in$ested +- crores in the
ARG Center for Research and Inno$ation, set;up at the co"pan%Es Head Office pre"ises in
5oida, !&&

The o(#ecti$e of this centre is to pro$ide the theoretical D e'peri"ental foundations for all
seg"ents of electrical engineering& The centre closel% cooperates with the $arious depart"ents
so as to pro$ide the (est and the latest in ter"s of technolog% and design&
<#alit. C%nt!%l
The essence of Fualit% is closel% wrapped in the wa% we think, plan and work& It finds its true
e'pression when we e'tend (e%ond oursel$es to e'ceed our custo"erQs e'pectations& To
deli$er products those are safer, faster and si"pl% (etter&Each ti"e, e$er% ti"e& 2uilding
custo"er confidence through tea"work is a top priorit% to pro$ide a wide $ariet% of products
and ser$ices& Realising and respecting the (asic needs of custo"ers to feel "ore secure, weE$e
co""itted oursel$es to "ake our products (etter, safer and s"arter than what he or she is
looking for& ThatEs a passion that (egan 7- %ears ago and thatEs how it continues to (e e$en
toda%& Our custo"ers rel% on us and it is our responsi(ilit% to gi$e the" the $er% (est& All our
products are as per IEC standards& ARG has a si"ple rule on Fualit%& If it doesnEt e'ceed
custo"er e'pectation, itEs not Fualit% perfor"ance&


C%!4%!ate G%ve!nan2e
The ARG Group defines corporate go$ernance strategicall%, which enco"passes not onl% what
we do as a co"pan% with our profits, (ut also how we "ake the"& It goes (e%ond philanthrop%
and co"pliance and addresses how our co"pan% "anages its econo"ic, social, and
en$iron"ental i"pacts, as well as its relationships in all ke% spheres of influenceB the
workplace, the "arketplace, the suppl% chain, the co""unit%, and the pu(lic polic% real"&
)e as a co"pan% ha$e (een in lead in offering a portfolio of eco responsi(le products and
ser$ices that deli$er powerful, sustaina(le, energ%;efficient solutions that donEt co"pro"ise on
capacit% and securit%& Our eco responsi(ilit% initiati$e also focuses on how we run our
(usiness, and includes efforts to de$elop an alternati$e;energ% strateg%, and thus reduce the
en$iron"ental i"pact of our operations& )e stri$e to (ring corporate responsi(ilit% to e$er%
aspect of our (usiness& )eEre co""itted to "anaging a responsi(le and di$erse suppl% chain
thatEs consistent with our high standards for en$iron"ental and (usiness practices&
2reaking down the (arriers that constrain inno$ation is a challenge: we ha$e readil% e"(raced
right fro" the start& Our a(ilit% to (uild co""unities and pro"ote the e'change of ideas
through assisti$e technologies, participation progra"s, and standardiCation is transfor"ing the
wa% people e'perience our products& )e offer our custo"ers holistic energ%;efficient solutions,
ena(ling the" to not onl% sa$e "one% and protect their capital in$est"ent, (ut also lower their
energ% usage and protect the en$iron"ent, thus fulfilling our C1R responsi(ilit% of sustenance
of depleting en$iron"ental resources&
C%!4%!ate G%ve!nan2e and Et0i2s
An i"plicit sense of ethical (usiness conduct has (een the cornerstone of the ARG wa% on
corporate go$ernance& On issues ranging fro" custo"er care and (usiness e'cellence to
financial propriet% and "ore, e'plicit rules and regulations supple"ent the traditional $alues on
which our group co"panies ha$e (een shaped& This is what we ha$e endea$ored to do in the +-
%ears of our e'istence& Our $alues of understanding, trust, integrit% and ethics ha$e ser$ed us in
good stead&
Corporate go$ernance as practiced (% our Group translates into (eing fair and ci$ic;"inded,
fulfilling our duties to the entire spectru" of stakeholders, and, "ost i"portantl%, "aking
integrit% an article of faith across all our operations& The groupEs adherence to ethical (usiness
conduct is rooted in the $ision of its 3ounder .r Ai"at Rai Gupta& )e started on sound and
straightforward (usiness principles, considering the interests of our shareholders and welfare of
our e"plo%ees as foundation of our long ter" success&
The Eleadership with trustE philosoph% that has co"e to pla% such a $ital role in how our
custo"ers percei$e us is all the "ore re"arka(le gi$en the cli"ate of unparalleled pu(lic
distrust of people in positions of authorit% toda% (oth in (usiness and politics&
E$ Relati%ns
Our people are the ke% to our success& Their skills, knowledge, ideas and enthusias" dri$e our
(usiness& )e ha$e high;Fualit%, di$erse workforce and e"plo%ees who fulfill their potential&
)e ha$e achie$ed this (% gi$ing the" de$elop"ent and ad$ance"ent opportunities along with
co"petiti$e co"pensation and (enefits that appropriatel% reward perfor"ance
)e co""unicate widel% with e"plo%ees to de"onstrate how their efforts contri(ute to our
success and to listen to their concerns& )e also encourage the" to align with our $ision& )e are
co""itted to open co""unications and a workplace where e$er%oneEs $oice is heard&
)e use se$eral channels to co""unicate with e"plo%ees, including an internal we( portal and
co"pan% we(site along with co""unication sessions with the top "anage"ent of the
co"pan%& These sessions pro$ide assess"ent of e"plo%ee satisfaction and are inputs for
(usiness planning, "anage"ent decision;"aking and co"pan% strateg% de$elop"ent& The%
also help e"plo%ees i"ple"ent co"pan% policies, "eet high standards of conduct and ensure
their (eha$ior reflects co"pan% $alues and policies&
)e seek to "eet leading health, safet% and wellness standards to enhance our (usiness
perfor"ance while opti"iCing e"plo%ee health& Our facilit% policies are designed to
continuall% reduce the risk of occupational in#ur% and illness while pro"oting e"plo%ee health
and well;(eing& )e wish to (e a co"pan% that is known for its leadership in corporate ethics
and responsi(ilit%& A co"pan% where e"plo%ees are proud to work, and custo"ers, partners
and suppliers want to do (usiness with&

2reaking down the (arriers that constrain inno$ation is a challenge: we ha$e readil% e"(raced
right fro" the start& Our a(ilit% to (uild co""unities and pro"ote the e'change of ideas
through assisti$e technologies, participation progra"s, and standardiCation is transfor"ing the
wa% people e'perience our products& )e offer our custo"ers holistic energ%;efficient solutions,
ena(ling the" to not onl% sa$e "one% and protect their capital in$est"ent, (ut also lower their
energ% usage and protect the en$iron"ent, thus fulfilling our C1R responsi(ilit% of sustenance
of depleting en$iron"ental resources&
)hile it acFuires co"panies and (uilds internall%, ARG Group ne$er loses sight of its
responsi(ilit% as a good corporate citiCen& ARG (elie$es that ser$ing people with "eager or no
"eans is the dut% of e$er% well;to;do person& It consistentl% puts that philosoph% into action
and has initiated se$eral pro#ects for social causes& This has greatl% increased the nu"(er of
children attending school regularl% and also alle$iates hunger&
Corporate 1ocial Responsi(ilit% HC1RI at ARG portra%s the deep s%"(iotic relationship that
the group en#o%s with the co""unities it is engaged with& As a responsi(le corporate citiCen,
we tr% to contri(ute for social and en$iron"ental causes on a regular (asis&
<RG F%#ndati%n=s ;ide%
7it20en Wit0 M%de!n Fa2ilities
The co"pan% has acFuired land for constructing a large kitchen with all the "odern facilities to
ser$e the "eal to around *---- to +---- students&
Mid Da. Meal
2eing a responsi(le and concerned corporate citiCen, ARG also undertakes other welfare
acti$ities in and around its plant locations, In Alwar region, the co"pan% is pro$iding "id;da%
"eal close to ,+--- students of pri"ar% schools&
Medi2al C0e2/+#4 Ca$4s
Bl%%d D%nati%n Ca$4s
Contri(ution Towards Tsuna"i and 4argil 5ational Relief 3und

W%!/ C#lt#!e
ARG Group is continuousl% appl%ing "odern "anage"ent techniFues such as 4aiCen to
ena(le e"plo%ees to i"pro$e their da% to da% functioning in s"all steps, one at a ti"e& ARG
has also i"ple"ented 0apanese $ersion of +1 which stands for Ja place for e$er%thing and
e$er%thing in its placeJ& The co"pan% has introduced these techniFues as it fir"l% (elie$es that
s"all changes add up to large results and the onl% wa% for a corporation to grow, is to "ake its
people grow&
The Group is dri$en (% Fualified and e'perienced professionals (acked (% a work force of o$er
>--- e"plo%ees& All (ranches and "anufacturing facilities are co"puteriCed and networked
with each other& An open door polic% at all le$els encourages e"plo%ees to (e participati$e,
inno$ati$e and creati$e& E"powering e"plo%ees helps the organiCation in harnessing
indi$idual talents to the fullest& E"phasis is laid on (uilding tea" spirit which helps e"plo%ees
to realiCe collecti$e potential&
2uilding Circuit rotection
Ha$ells India 6td has e"erged as preferred choice for discerning range of indi$idual and
industrial consu"ers& Ha$ells is the largest "anufacturer of .C2s in the countr% and 7-L of
the .C2s sold in !4 are Ha$ells "anufactured& Our products are appro$ed (% international
Fualit% (odies such as 4E.A, !6,CE,C1A and 9DE and are as per IEC standards&
.iniature Circuit 2reaker
Changeo$er 1witch
Residual Current Circuit 2reaker
Ha$ells entered fan (usiness in "id;/--7 and has e"erged as one of the fastest growing fan
(rand in the Indian "arket& Ha$ells has captured the custo"erEs fanc% with inno$ati$e designs
and e'cellent finishes& 3ro" pre"iu" fans in e'Fuisite antiFue finishes to fans speciall%
designed for kids to dual color fans and super speed fans& Ha$ells offers a co"plete range to
"eet $aried indi$idual needs&
Ceiling 3ans
re"iu" !nderlight 3ans,1pecial 3inish 3ans,Decorati$e 3ans,Energ% 1a$ing 3ans,1tandard
3ans,High;1peed 3ans Ta(le 3ans
edestal 3ans
Air Circulator 3ans
9entilating 3an s
6ighting is i"portant and the Fualit% of light affects e$er% walk of "odern life& A (etter
understanding of light will ena(le %ou to use it "ore effecti$el%&
6ED 6ighting
6ED 6ighting
Consu"er 6ighting
Co""ercial 6ighting
6andscape;2unker 6ighting
F%%t M%#ntin1
Ha$ells is "anufacturing three phase 69 .otors at 5ee"rana HRa#asthanI& The "otors are
"anufactured in technical colla(oration with 6afert Hone of the largest "otor "anufacturer in
EuropeI who are now the owners of AEG Electric .otors&
All the "otors are (eing "anufactured confor"ing to the rele$ant Indian and international
1tandards and are ro(ust in electrical and "echanical design to, cater under se$ere
en$iron"ental conditions for e$er% application such as

The plant has a capacit% to "anufacture o$er /+---- nos& energ% efficient "otors per %ear
ranging fro" -&,/H to 7--H e'tendi(le to +--H in near future& The co"plete range of
"otors fro" fra"e +<R7,+ are "anufactured in;house and the plant and "achiner% has (een
procured fro" AEG Electric .otors&

The "otor "anufacturing plant co"prises of B
3ull% auto"atic winding lines
Auto"atic i"pregnation plant
!ltra;9iolet i"pregnation plant
3ull% auto"ated te"perature controlled paint stations
3ull% eFuipped .echanical Test 6a(
.odern T%pe Test lant ha$ing ? test (eds with ower Anal%Cers

Se!vi2e Cente!s
M%t%! E""i2ien2. Cal2#lat%!
1i"ple a%(ack
rice re"iu"

Annual sa$ings
S 77?-S < .onths

Li"e C.2le C%st Savin1 ? Rs ):*(:@((A+

Considering life of ,+ 8ears
Ca-les and Wi!es
1et up in the %ear ,??<, Ha$ells Ca(les plant Han I1OB ?--,;/--- certified unitI is located in
Alwar, in the state of Ra#asthan, India& 1ince inception, Ha$ells has in$ested hea$il% in the
"anufacturing infrastructure, which has toda% (eco"e one of the largest in India& All wires D
ca(les are "anufactured on "ost "odern laser controlled auto"atic "achines, using (est raw
"aterial fro" pri"ar% "anufacturers ensuring perfect Fualit%&
ower Ca(les ; Alu"iniu"
Havells GalaB.
On ,,
of 0anuar%, /-,- Ha$ells launched their /
Havells GalaB. in .u"(ai and 77
The uniFuel% tailored space has (een created to perfectl% suit the st%le, culture and wide
portfolio of Ha$ells& The Interior design has (een crafted to include all their products which
include "ans: li10tin1: $%t%!s: -at0 "ittin1s: s3it20es, and "an% "ore&
This ti"e again, Ha$ells has won "% heart& Earlier it was their G% 1!een initiati$es and now
their %ne st%4 s0%4 1alaB.& Trul%, Ha$ells ha$e led the wa%UAfter going through the prior
da%Qs sales figures, I walk through the store greeting e"plo%ees and pointing out pro(le"s, if
an%& I do a regular check if there is possi(l% an% unnecessar% use of electricit%& I re"ind "%
e"plo%ees that VThe consu"er is looking for $alue and is looking for ser$ice&W
Greet custo"ers, assist with sales and handle the phones& .ornings "a% (ring fewer custo"ers
so this is a good ti"e to recei$e "erchandise, check in $endors& This is also an ideal ti"e to
co"plete as "an% ite"s on "% dail% task sheet as possi(le&
At "id;da% walks in our regular $isitor, .r& Ra#eesh, the local (uilder& Toda% he is not alone,
looks like his client has acco"panied hi"& )hile his client walks to our 2ath fitting section, he
co"es up to "e and starts chatting up a(out how custo"ers are these da%s& VThe% want to
know e$er%thing& ItQs so "uch easier now to get the" to one shop for it all& re$iousl%, I had to
take the" with "e to so "an% places on the one da% that the% had ti"e&W ItQs alwa%s nice to
hear a custo"er sa% that we "ake their life easier& )ith the ur(an culture rising, people like to
(u% fro" specialiCed stores and Ha$ells Gala'% caters to this rising need of the custo"ers (%
pro$iding a one;stop;shop for their entire electrical needs&
These da%s, itQs good to (e careful a(out e$er%thing fro" the ca(les to the .C2 %ou use&
6ea$ing it to the local electrician is not the (est idea& The products we are offering co"(ine the
attri(utes of elegance, technological ad$ance"ent and con$enience in one& The concept of
Ha$ells Gala'%, a One 1top 1hop is d%na"ic and differentl% positioned fro" the retail for"at
e'isting in the countr% and we are glad to ser$e end;users directl% through this store&
Ha$ells plans to open "an% such gala'ies& Currentl%, there are 7, such displa% centers spread
across the countr% including cities i&e& 5ew Delhi, 5oida, 3arida(ad, .u"(ai, 1urat, 6ucknow,
4anpur, Chennai, 4olkata, 2aroda, 0aipur, 2angalore, !daipur, 1ri Ganganagar, Aligarh,
Hi""atnagar, 4olhapur, !daipur, 2hu$neshwar, Ernakulu", .adurai, 4uch, 4arur, Raipur
and 2okaro& 8ou can find the Gala'% in %our cit% here&
A store that has all %our electrical needs K fro" 3ans, which are not onl% a"aCing (ut also
energ%;efficient and decorati$e, to 6ights and C36s, Capacitators, .odular plate switches,
Circuit protection and "ore&
There are #ust a few si"ple wa%s %ou can do the sa"eT
!se a pressure cooker to cook food instead of a "icrowa$e o$en& It is "ore e""i2ient and
sa$es on energ% considera(l%&
!se C36s in %our kitchen as it gi$es (righter light than a Tu(e light and consu"es lesser
A$oid grinding dr% ite"s in %our grinder or "i'er as it takes longer ti"e than liFuid
grinding and hence consu"es "ore energ%&
After using %our (lenderG"i'erGo$en, "ake sure %ou #n4l#1 t0e devi2e as while plugged
it still consu"es little energ%&
Clean %our gas sto$etop after cooking so as to ensure that %our gas #ets will work
efficientl%& That also heats food e$enl% and in a ti"el% "anner&
!se "oderate fla"e settings in order to 2%nse!ve LPG while cooking on a gas (urner&
!se s"all (urners for s"all $essels as a higher fla"e will cause waste&
Do not lea$e the refrigerator door open for longer ti"e as the cold air will escape and
then it will use "ore energ% to de$elop cold air again&
Do not let the water run while washing dishes (% hand as it leads to 3aste& A$oid it (%
using sink stoppers and dishpans&
)ater that is used to wash $egeta(les can (e !e+#sed to water plants&
Do not heat the food i""ediatel% after taking it out of the refrigerator as it reFuires "ore
ti"e to get heated, which wastes a lot of gas& 4eep it out for so"e ti"e and then place it
on the sto$e&
)hen cooking food, "ake sure that %ou use a lid& Circulation of the heated air helps cook
food faster& This helps to sa$e 6G&
Replace a leaking tap i""ediatel% and ensure that it is "#ll. t#!ned %"", as it wastes a lot
of water in the entire da%&
Our range of fans that will gi$e %ou the V!lti"ate Aara"W B
Ceiling 3ans
Ta(le 3ans
)all .ounting 3ans
edestal 3ans
Air Circulator 3ans
9entilating 3ans
Ha$ells is one of the leading pla%ers in the Indian electrical products industr%& The co"pan% is
known for its safet% electrical appliances, award winning products and clutter;(reaking
ad$ertising ca"paigns like X1hock 6aga 4%aNQ and a(out how not to (e a X2ul(Q& Ha$ells is a
na"e s%non%"ous with e'cellence and e'pertise in the electrical industr%& Its /---- strong
glo(al distri(ution network is pro"pt to ser$ice custo"ers&
Ha$ells is a part of the Indian (usiness group K ARG Enterprises& Esta(lished in ,?+> as a
trading co"pan%, Ha$ells ca"e into e'istence in ,?>7& The co"pan% is now a !1P,(n plus
co"pan% with presence in all "a#or electrical categories& )ith ?, (ranches G representati$e
offices and o$er >--- professionals in o$er +- countries across the glo(e, the group has
achie$ed rapid success in the past few %ears& Its > state;of;the;art "anufacturing plants in India
located at Haridwar, 2addi, 5oida, 1ahi(a(ad, 3arida(ad, 2hiwadi, Alwar, 5ee"rana, and =
state;of;the;art "anufacturing plants located across Europe, 6atin A"erica D Africa churn out
glo(all% acclai"ed products&
Ha$ells (usiness is pri"aril% focused on ,- (usiness $erticalsB
Industrial D Do"estic 1witchgear
6ighting and 3i'tures
Ca(les D )ires
.odular late 1witches
Digital Di""ing D Energ% .anage"ent
1ocial and en$iron"ental responsi(ilit% has (een at the forefront of Ha$ells operating
philosoph% and as a result the co"pan% consistentl% contri(utes to sociall% responsi(le
acti$ities& 3or instance, the co"pan% is pro$iding "id;da% "eal in go$ern"ent schools in
Alwar district, co$ering ,+--- students per da%& 2esides this co"pan% has acFuired land for
constructing a larger kitchen with all the "odern facilities to ser$e freshl% cooked food to
+---- students in the area& Ha$ells runs a "o(ile .edical 9an, eFuipped with a trained doctor
and necessar% "edicines in the rural areas of Delhi D 5CR for the $er% poor and need%
$illagers& The% also set up free "edical check;up ca"ps& In the past also, the co"pan% has
generousl% contri(uted to the societ% during $arious national cala"ities like the 2ihar 3lood,
Tsuna"i and 4argil 5ational Relief 3und etc&
If %ou stop for "ore than 7- seconds turn off %our car engine (ecause restarting uses
less petrol&
)hen (u%ing a new $ehicle, (u% an energ%;efficient one (% co"paring the energ%
reFuire"entGconsu"ption of $arious "odels&
lan and co"(ine %our errands such that the% are acco"plished on the sa"e trip&
4eep %our car windows open instead of the air conditioner in "ore "oderate weather&
Dri$ing fast wastes precious fossil fuel as well as ti"e and "one% at the petrol pu"p&
1o reducing %our speed is one of the si"plest wa%s to sa$e energ% on the road&
Ensure %our $ehicleQs air conditioner is ser$iced (% a certified technician who
recaptures the C3C and rec%cles it instead of letting it loose into the air as C3CQs
Hchlorofluorocar(onsI are "ainl% responsi(le for oCone la%er depletion&
ark the car in a shad% spot in hot weather so as to keep the air conditioner cool&
Accelerate and appl% the (rakes of %our $ehicle gentl% as Fuick starts and stops can
decrease "ileage up to ,/ percent&
!se alternati$e for"s of transportation like pu(lic transportation, (ike or walk&
Old, dirt% oil and clogged filters ro( %our engine of energ% efficienc% and increase air
pollution& 1o ensure that %our car is properl% tuned, spark plugs are firing right and the
oil and air filters are clean&
I hope after going through these tips %ou will "ake conscious efforts to conser$e our precious
energ% (% not onl% i"ple"enting the" (ut also spreading the "essage a"ong others and help
the" to a$oid (eing a X2ul(Q&
)illia"s, George Alfred H,?,<I& JRo(ert Ha$ell, 0unior, Engra$er of Audu(onEs The 2irds
of A"ericaJ& The rint;CollectorEs Auarterl% 9I H/IB //<K/+=&
)ood, Christopher H,??+I& 9ictorian ainters& AntiFue CollectorsE Clu(& I125 ,;>+,*?;
Havell=s India Li$ited
)atch this stock

Add or re"o$e colu"ns1a$e changesCancel
YZ Co"pan% na"eYZ riceYZ ChangeYZ
+,=7+* Ha$ellEs India 6i"ited +,+&7+ ;,7&/+ ;/&+,L
+7/7+, Aksh Optifi(re 6i"ited ,=&7- -&-- -&--L
+/7+7? recision )ires India &&& =-&,- [-&?+ ,&7=L
+/<-/= Cu(e' Tu(ings 6td& ,=&=- [-&+- /&?,L
+,=+<* GR Ca(les 6tdH5DAI /&,= ;-&-> ;7&+<L
+---== Ca(le Corp& of India 6td ,?&?- [-&/+ ,&/=L
+?--/> 5icco Corporation 6td& +&-= ;-&,/ ;/&7,L
+-*?/- 0hagadia Copper 6td *&<- ;-&-+ ;,&->L
+///>, Ra" Ratna )ires 6i"ited 7=&<- ;,&<- ;*&->L
IRC IRCE 1&p&A& ,&*, [-&-, -&=,L
Ha$ellEs India 6i"ited&&& Ha$ellEs India 6td& H&&& L
Havell=s India Li$ited dis2#ssi%ns

Ha$ells India 6td& HHa$ellsI is an electrical and power distri(ution eFuip"ent "anufacturer&
The Co"pan%Qs products include industrial and do"estic circuit protection switchgear, ca(les
and wires, "otors, fans, power capacitors, co"pact fluorescent la"ps HC36sI, lu"inaries for
do"estic, co""ercial and industrial application, "odular switches and (ath fittings co$ering
the entire ga"ut of household, co""ercial and industrial electrical needs& Its (rands include
Cra(tree, 1%l$ania, Concord, 6u"inance, 6inolite and 16I 6ighting& Its "anufacturing plants
are located in Haridwar, 2addi, 5oida, 3arida(ad, 2hiwadi, Alwar and 5ee"rana& The
Co"pan%Qs su(sidiaries include Ha$ellQsC%prus 6i"ited, Ha$ellQsHoldings 6i"ited,
Ha$ellQs.alta 6i"ited, Ha$ellQs5etherlands Holding 2&9&, Ha$ellQs5etherlands 2&9&, 16I
Europe 2&9&, Ha$ells 1%l$aniaHoldings 29, 6i"ited, Ha$ells 16I 6ighting roducts Inc&,
3lowil International 6ighting HHoldingI 2&9& and 1%l$ania 6ighting International 2&9&
Responsi(le "anagers D personals in the HR depart"ent of Ha$ells india 6td& pro$ide
necessar% assistance to "e 3inance 1traiteg% of Ha$ellsW& The% discussed different aspects D
functions of "arketing as practical Ha$ells India 6td & Al"ost all the necessar% infor"ation
was pro$ided to "e in the support of this pro#ect report&
Howe$er there are so"e pro(le"s, which cannot escape fro"& The li"itation faced, felt or
e'pressed (% "e are as follows K
Due to lack of ti"e Hi&e&, Two D half "onthI it is not possi(le to reach all respondents&
The lack of a$aila(ilit% of ti"e on the respondentQs part&
1o"e respondentQs was (iased&
I tried to o$erco"e on these li"itations&
CO5C6!1IO5 O3 THE 1T!D8
I 0ave st#died and anal.Ced t0e Ha$ells india 6td %n di""e!ent as4e2ts %" t0e :
3inance, %#tlets: dist!i-#ti%n D 2%ns#$e!s T0e s#!ve. 3as 2%nd#2ted in va!i%#s a!eas %"
Al3a! 2it. 3it0 1!eat ent0#sias$ T0is 4!%5e2t !e4%!t C%n2l#des t0at Ha$ells india 6td
-!ands a!e easil. availa-le in va!i%#s 4a!ts %" A1!a -e2a#se %" t0at t0e l%2al dist!i-#ti%n
20annel %" t0e Ha$ells india 6td is $#20 st!%n1 and )((E is t%#10 5%- D t0e $%st
i$4%!tant t0in1: 30i20 I "eel t% i$4!%ve is t0e availa-ilit. t% !etaile!s D
T0e !etaile!s D 2%ns#$e!s -%t0 4!%$%tes eit0e! H!E""S %! an. %t0e! %" it6s
-!ands 8e1 M%#ntain De39 "%! 2%#ld -e 3it0 !e1a!d t% %!de! 4!%2essin1: 3a!e0%#sin1:
invent%!. $ana1e$ent D t!ans4%!tati%n> -esides t0at s0%4 2%ve!in1: ti$e %" ente! D
eBit "!%$ t0e $a!/et -. t0e sales$en: 2%%lin1 a44lian2es: 1l%3 s0ine -%a!d: s20e$es:
in2entives: 4!iCes: 1i"ts : dis2%#nt: 4!%4e! -illin1 : !et#!nin1 %" de"e2tive 1%%ds: 4!%4e!
s#44l. s0%#ld -e i$4!%ved
M. 5%- 3as t% $a/e HR $ana1e!s a3a!e %" all t0e 4!%-le$s s% t0at a 4!%4e!
2%#!se %" a2ti%n -e !eF#i!ed t% -e #nde!ta/en
T0e %nl. 2%$4etit%! %" Havells is n% l%2al -!ands 2an -ea Havells
4han .&8& and #ain &4&, 3I5A5CIA6 .A5AGE.E5T, *
Ed&, 5ew delhiB Tata
.c Graw K hill pu(lishing co"pan% li"ited,/--+&
ande% I&.&, financial "anage"ent,?
Ed&, new delhiB$ikas pu(lishing house
Chandra prasanna, financial "anage"ent,<
Ed&new delhiB Tata .cgraw hill
pu(lishing co"pan% ltd&/--+
www&ha$ells &co"

A55!A6 REORT O3 HA9E661 I5DIA 6TD&
2r%an, .ichael H,?/<K7*I \,?-7K-*]& 2r%anEs Dictionar% of ainters and Engra$ers& 2ell&
Hunnisett, 2asil H,?>-I& A Dictionar% of 2ritish 1teel Engra$ers& 3& 6ewis& I125 -;>+7,=;
Goddu, 0oseph H5o$ /--/I& JThe "aking of Audu(onEs The 2irds of A"ericaJ& .agaCine
.allalieu, H& 6& H,?><I& The Dictionar% of 2ritish )atercolour Artists up to ,?/-& AntiFue
CollectorsE Clu(& I125 ,;>+,*?;-7<;,&
Turner, 0ane HeditorI H,??<I& The Dictionar% Of Art& Gro$e& I125 ,;>>***<;--;-&

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