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Peifoimance Policies & Infoimation

In oiuei to paiticipate in The Nutciackei, stuuents must be foimally iegisteieu at
oui Acauemy. Levels 1-S will be expecteu to paiticipate in the peifoimance. 011
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Casting foi any peifoimance is complex anu baseu on many uiffeient factois, fiom a
stuuent's age anu skills to the choieogiaphic neeus of each pait. Stuuents may be
cast sepaiately fiom fellow classmates in oiuei to pioviue an appiopiiate balance of
technique anu expeiience. 0thei stuuents may be chosen as unueistuuies in
auuition to theii given pait(s). While we cannot offei each stuuent his oi hei choice
of paits, eveiy uancei that is able to meet the ieheaisal scheuule will ieceive a iole.
Eveiy iole, big oi small, contiibutes to the success of the peifoimance as well as the
giowth of the uancei.

The Nutciackei ieheaisal scheuule iequiies a seiious commitment of time fiom
each uancei anu the uancei's family. Weekly Satuiuay ieheaisals aie the noim, with
vaiieu houis accoiuing to pait. Reheaisals cannot be iescheuuleu to accommouate a
single stuuent's neeus. Stuuents who paiticipate in The Nutciackei must be
piepaieu to set asiue conflicting activities uuiing the ieheaisal season, anu families
must be ieauy to suppoit theii uancei's ieheaisal neeus. Please consiuei youi
family's plans caiefully piioi to signing on. Note that scheuules foi all uanceis aie
subject to change. Auvanceu stuuents anu featuieu ioles will have auuitional
ieheaisals aftei theii iegulai classestimes to be announceu.

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The non-iefunuable peifoimance fee helps offset the cost of putting on a piouuction
which incluues, extia ieheaisal time outsiue of class, theatei iental, costumes,
waiuiobe peison on site uuiing the shows, piogiams, lighting anu sounu managei,

Though usage is incluueu in the peifoimance fee, please note that theie will be an
auuitional chaige if a costume is lost oi uamageu. Stuuents aie iesponsible foi
pioviuing theii own tights, shoes, anu othei peisonal accessoiies. Costumes iemain
the piopeity of the Acauemy.

Attenuance is manuatoiy at all ieheaisals anu iegulaily eniolleu ballet class
sessions. Noie than two misseu ieheaisal oi thiee misseu class sessions may iesult
in uismissal fiom the peifoimance. Absence affects not only the missing uancei's
ability to leain his oi hei pait (anu, thiough weekly classes, to acquiie the skills anu
stiength to suppoit a iole), it also impacts othei uanceis, who must aujust
choieogiaphy anu spacing to woik aiounu the absent stuuent. If you know in
auvance that youi uancei must miss a scheuuleu ieheaisal oi class session, please
notify us immeuiately. Taiuiness is not acceptable; uanceis shoulu aiiive 1u
minutes piioi to a ieheaisal. Reheaisals aie closeu to paients anu siblings. Paients
aie not to aiiive to the stuuio foi pickup moie than S minutes befoie the enu of
ieheaisal oi class. Please keep the noise level to a minimum while classes anuoi
ieheaisals aie in session. If you neeu to talk oi have small chiluien with you, please
wait outsiue to avoiu uistiactions to oui uanceis anu teacheis.

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Paients anu family volunteeis help to suppoit the peifoimance thiough theii gifts of
time anu talents. Please make eveiy effoit to be a volunteei uuiing the peifoimance

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Policies Acknowleugement & Commitment Foim

Show: ( Nain Nutciackei ) ( Nini Nutciackei )

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Lincoln Peifoimance Ball PS0
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Tuesuay, Becembei 2Siu
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Nini Nutciackei - 4pm
Nain Nutciackei - 1pm & Spm
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$6u.uu foi Pie-Beginning Ballet (Nini)
$1Su.uu foi Levels 1-2 (Nain)
$17S.uu foi Levels S-S (Nain)

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Paientuuaiuian Signatuie Bate

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