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Volunteering- the most beautiful activity

Under current legislation, volunteering is an activity of public

interest on its own initiative developed by any individual, for the benefit of
others, without receiving a material reward;as far as work is concerned it
is the activity performed in public areas such as health and social services
,protection of human rights, medical, cultural, artistic, educational,
scientific, humanitarian, religious, philanthropic, sports,environmental protecti
on, social and community and others.
If we want to be a volunteer we have to do this with all our heart
because volunteering means that we have to offer attention and maybe a caress
or maybe we will clean the parks for all that dirt that sleeps into this
places .e have to be there anytime that we need to be. !o little people are
involved in acts like this because they do not have enough time to dedicate to
this ."he activity of volunteering is like a second #ob but ,sometimes we will
receive much more sense of achievement.
e do not have to do this because our parents or somebody else
pushes us we have to do this for our own and we have to do this for us to feel
more confident and much better.
"o be a good volunteer, first of all you must take care of those
by your side and make you feel happy to help others, feel fulfilled by what you
$ecause we are always caught up in daily activities or things
that we #ust look at us, we forget how little it costs us to do well.
It is very important to reali%e that, although we do not
receive money from a voluntary act we
get something that not everyone benefits& self-knowledge."hrough volunteerin
g you start to know you better and to get rid of fears.
'any people do not reali%e that such am activity is necessary
in all countries and cities in the world because nowadays the struggle for
power and only itself e(ceeded all measure.people have become more
interested in power than in offerin help
Very few of us attempt to engage in
such activities sometimes ashamed of what their peers might say or
sometimes being too la%y. "otally wrong attitude) Instead of feeling ashamed
those who do everything for themselves, those who not reali%e that they are
not alone in the world make those who get involved and
try to do something nice to feel embarrassed.
In essence, is not important what each of us does, but that we
must increase the involvement
in helping others without claiming money or other facilities instead. "he
only thing that we need to be sure of is that we will reali%e that once in our
life we have brought #oy to someone, no matter how small it is.
If we participate in various volunteering activities we have the
opportunity to develop social culture, to make new
friends ,visit different places and at the same time bringing a smile to someone.
*obody says that volunteering is easy , it is more difficult that we think
because we have to be hundred percent involved and belive what we are
doing.$ut, I am sure that if we put our souls into it,nothing can make us feel
worse ; on the contrary it will make us feel that we have accomplished
something in our lives.

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