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MacroKey Manager


MacroKey Manager is an application designed for selected Craphic 1ablets with Macro Key features.
It enhances user experiences while using Craphic 1ablet by providing easy access to the most
frequently used Programs and/or KeySLrokes.

Before using Macro Key Manager, please ensure Driver is installed and Tablet is connected to your


Macro Key Manager is installed along with Tablet Driver. Please refer to User Manual for details on
driver installation procedures.
Note: MacroKey Manager will not launch without Craphic 1ablet detected on PC/NB, or Craphic
1ablet without MacroKey features. Please check with your vendor/distributor for product details.

Launch MacroKey Manager

After Driver is installed successfully, you can find the icon located in System Tray, click on
icon to launch Driver Interface.


Click on to start se ng MacroKey Manager.


MacroKey fun

Name of your
assigned Key
role CreaLe role SelecL role ueleLe
Macrokey Lurned Cn or C Macrokey ulsplay
on can always be turned On or O by sel ng Enable MacroKey
Tool p of each MacroKey can also be displayed on screen. This display can be toggled On or O by
selec ng MacroKey Display
Mac r oKey Manager Pr of i l e Set t i ngs

MacroKey Manager includes a Default Prole, which has pre-assigned command on each Macro Key.
Mac r oKeys Assi gnment

Once a Prole is created, you may now assign commands to each of the MacroKeys.
There are 6 main Se ngs when assigning commands
Pr of i l e Management

New Proles can be created and deleted accordingly.

Cr eat e New Prole
To set:
Cllck on Input Name(e.g. le 1) press to nlsh.

Del et e created Prole
To set:
Select a Prole cllck on to delete.

1. KeySt r ok e
Dene your own keySLroke ( keyboard comblnauons) Lo asslsL work emclency.
To seL:
SelecL a Macrokey keySLroke

dene your own comblnauon (e.g. CLrl + C)
lnpuL Name

Lo compleLe
Note: While you are dening your own combinauon, you will need to use the
or buuons to reset combinauon.
There are 4 Addluonal Keyboard Commands which can be assigned to your MacroKey:

I. Print Screen
II. Alt + Print Screen
III. Show Desktop
IV. My Computer

2. Sw i t c h Pr ogr am
Switch to dierent program windows that are currently running.

3. Open/Run
Easy access to your most frequently used Programs.
To set:
Select a MacroKey Open/Run Browse choose Executable le Click OK to

4. Sw i t c h Moni t or
Set your Craphic 1ablet to work from monitor to monitor.
When there are two displays setup on your PC/NB, your Craphic 1ablet can work on both
Monitors or either one of them.
Default semng: Working Area is divided by 2 Displays
Aer Switching: Working Area is now for only Display 1 or Display 2.

5. Er aser
Acuvate Eraser luncuon.
Note: Only works on Soware that supporLs Eraser luncuon on Craphlc 1ableLs.
Please check with your soware vendor for more details.

6. Di sabl ed
MacroKey disabled.

To modify a MacroKey
To set:
Select a Prole choose MacroKey ( ~ ) repeat above relauve Steps 1 ~ 6.

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