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Department of Mechanical Engineering

MEHB471/321: Heat Transfer & Applie Thermo!namics "a#orator!

"$%B$$& '$(MAT
The logbook should contain these items in order:
1) Title of experiment
2) Date performed
3) Objectives
) !esults
&) Discussion
') #onclusion
(ll the information obtained during the experiment should be recorded in the logbook% )our logbook
does not have to be length*% )ou should be able to get good mark as long as *ou follo+ the above format
+ith ade,uate discussion and conclusion% -lan and manage *our time +isel* so that *ou could finish *our
experiment and logbook on time%
'$(MA" (E)$(T '$(MAT
1. Title Page
.tandard title page +ill be given% The format of the title page is given as *our reference%
This page must include:
a) Title of experiment / project
b) #ourse number and section
c) Da* and date experiment +as performed and due date
d) (uthor0s name
e) #o1author0s name 2if applicable)
f) 3ames of group members 2if applicable)
g) 3ame of the lecturer / teaching assistant / lab demonstrator
2. Executive Summary
This should encapsulate the major portion of the report and provides concise overvie+ of the +ork%
The summar* must be in one paragraph and the length of no more than one page% 4t should highlight
the objectives5 results5 anal*sis and conclusions dra+n in a ver* effective +a*% -ut no table5 figures or
graph in this section%
3. Table of Content
This should be placed in a ne+ page follo+ing the executive summar*% 4t should list up each section
of the report and the corresponding page number%
4. Introduction
This should be in a paragraph or more +ith brief description of the experiment0s objectives% 4t should
be consistent +ith the statement on the experiment instructions% .ome experiments have one or more
parts and each part demonstrates a different aspect% 6e sure to include all objectives of the
experiments in this section% Do not simpl* cop* and list up the objective statements from the
laborator* manual%
5. Teory
(n* theor* related to the experiment should be included% The theor* must be clearl* explained and
supported b* diagrams +here necessar*% The relevant e,uations should also be included%
!. E"ui#ment$%e&cri#tion of Ex#erimental '##aratu&
( list of e,uipment used should be included% .ketch of e,uipment should also be included +here
(. Procedure
This is a step1b*1step explanation of +hat +as done in the laborator*% The description does not have
to be length*5 but should have enough detail so that an* reader of the report +ould understand +hat
+as done% .ufficient information should be provided to allo+ the reader to repeat the experiment in
an identical manner% (ppropriate language form should also be applied%
). *e&ult& and +b&ervation
The ra+ data and observations obtained in the experiment should be presented in an orderl* manner
and neat form% ( spreadsheet +ould be ideal5 especiall* if there are man* repetitive calculations in
the anal*sis of the data% $ach table5 figure and graph should be labelled and numbered s*stematicall*%
,. 'naly&i&
The data obtained +ill be anal*sed +ith a vie+ to+ards fulfilling the purpose stated at the beginning
of the report% 7hen necessar*5 part of the anal*sis ma* be combined +ith the data table in a
spreadsheet% 4f there is an accepted or expected value for a ,uantit* that is to be obtained in the
experiment5 the percentage difference bet+een the expected and experimental value should be
calculated% 4n man* cases5 another part of the anal*sis +ill be the constructed of graph5 +hich is often
a ver* helpful +a* of sho+ing the relationship bet+een t+o ,uantities%
1-. %i&cu&&ion
This section should tie the results of the experiment% .ource of errors5 deviations and uncertaint*
should be discussed together +ith ho+ the* +ould affect the results% (n* point that is speciall* asked
for in the experiment instructions should be discussed%
11. Conclu&ion
This section summari8es the laborator* report% (n* conclusion dra+n from the results should be
given here% $xpress the implication of the results together +ith the outcome in the light of the stated
12. *eference
.hould include a list of all references or ,uotations used in +riting the report
13. '##endice&
#ontain detail of anal*sis5 hand +ritten material such as computation etc% that +ere referred in the
main section of the report% 4f there are more than one different item5 each one is designated specific
letter i%e% (ppendix (5 65 #5 etc% and should be listed in the table of content%
Department of Mechanical Engineering
MEHB321: Heat Transfer & Applie Thermo!namics "a#orator!
(fter successfull* completing all experiments on the 9eat Transfer and (pplied Thermod*namics
:aborator*5 students should have a good understanding of the theor* and principles behind each of the
experiments conducted% This project aims to test the understanding of students undergoing the
;$96321course% The project is an ini,i-al +ork% .tudents are free to select the experiment title in
order to complete this +ork% The +ork must be +ritten as a <paper1like= format presented in journals
or conferences% .ample format of the paper is attached%
Descriptions of the pro.ect/
.Select any /n&trument0 macine or a##aratu& tat u&ed te #rinci#le& and conce#t& in one of te
ex#eriment& in te 1eat Tran&fer and '##lied Termodynamic& 2aboratory. 3ote tat te &elected
item mu&t ave re&ult& or out#ut tat can be related to conclu&ion& obtained during te ex#eriment
you did. 'l&o briefly ex#lain te advantage& and di&advantage& of te #rinci#le& beind te
a##lication 4it a##ro#riate &tatement& to &u##ort your o#inion&. Provide brief recommendation&
4it a##ro#riate engineering 5udgment& on im#rovement tat can be done in te item . 6
)our paper must consist5 but not restricted to the follo+ing points:
(uthor0s name and address
(ll figures5 graph and table must be labelled appropriatel*%
The maximum number of pages is 2not including te a##endix)% 4mportant datelines are up to the
)($*E+T A001%2ME2T '$(MAT: 30EE 2E4T )A%E5
E2TE( T1T"E HE(E 314 )T T6)E 017E8 MA41M9M $' 1: ;$(D0
3 1' )$001B"E58 9))E(+A0E8 B$"D8 +E2TE(ED5
A-thor 3or a-thors5 information enter here
31: pt t!pe si<e8 -pper an lo=er case8 centre -ner the title5
Ho= to 9se This Doc-ment Template
#hange the information on *our document to
contain the information *ou like% ?or the bod*
of *our document5 be sure to use Times 3e+
!oman 1@ points5 upper and lo+er case5 single
spaced +ith a double line bet+een the
paragraphs% (llo+ an extra half space above a
line containing superscripts and/or belo+ a
line containing subscripts% The +hole text
should be justified% The heading should be 12
pt si8es5 upper/lo+ercase5 and bold%
Ma>im-m 2:: =ors here
&e! =ors
;aximum of ' +ords
1/: 1ntro-ction
#learl* explain the nature of the problem5
previous +ork5 purpose5 and the contribution
of the paper/
2/: Bo! of )aper
)aper si<e: :$TT$! 2A%&= b* 11= or 21%'
b* 2B%C cm)
3ote: ( electronic si8e +ill not be accepted
1 'irst page ? Top 1/2@A33/2cm5
1 6ottom @%B&= 21%Ccm)
1 !ight @%B&=21%Ccm)
1 :eft @%B&=21%Ccm)
1 .ubse,uent -ages D Top5 6ottom5
!ight and :eft D @%B&= 21%Ccm)
1 #olumn .pacing @%&= 21%2&cm)
*-stification: '-ll
Heaer an 'ooters: 2one
)age 2-m#ering: 2one
2/1 %raphs8 Ta#les an )hotographs
$nter *our text here
Table and "raphs: ;inimum of A pt t*pe si8e5
minimum of line thickness at @%@13= or %
3@mm5 all captions should be upper and lo+er
case5 centred over 1 or 2 columns of bod* text%
4llustration and -hotographs: 9alftones5
minimum of A pt t*pe si8e5 captions should be
in upper and lo+er case5 centred over 1 or 2
columns of bod* text% 4mages must be
computer1designed and submitted as
$;6$DD$D images in *our document
2postscript forms 7ord format)% Digitised
photographs in 2&' gre*scale are
recommended% -lease do no submit colour
3/: +oncl-sion
#learl* indicate advantages5 limitation and
possible applications
4/: AcBno=legement
( brief ackno+ledgement section ma* be included
!eference need to be numbered as the* appear in
*our text CE1F5 E2F5 E3F5 etc) and should appear in
*our reference section in numerical order 2not
The correct format for the reference is as follo+s:
2?ormat for -roceeding -aper)

E1F 7%G% 6ook5 ;odelling design and #ontrol of

flexible manipulator arms: ( tutorial revie+5 -roc%
4$$$ #onf% On Decision and #ontrol5 .an
?rancisco5 #(5 1CC@5 &@@1&@'
2?ormat for Gournal -apers)
E2F ;% Haki5 )% (dachi5 )% 4+ahori5 I 3% 4shii5
(pplication of fu88* theor* to +riter recognition of
#hinese characters5 4nternational Gournal of
;odelling and .imulation5 1A22)5 1CCA5 112111'
3ote that the journal title and volume number 2but
not issue number) are set in italics
2?ormat for 6ooks)
E3F !%e%re5 4nterval (nal*sis 2$ngle+ood #liffs5
3G:-rentice19all5 1C'')
3ote that the title of the book is in lo+er case letter
and italicised% There is no comma follo+ing the
title% -lace of publication and publisher are given%

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