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SPOORTHY STUDY CIRCLE Percentages Applications

Contact for SSC CGL Coaching and Test Series (Mock Tests)
SPOORTHY STUDY CIRCLE, Near Narayanaguda Flyover, Hyderabad, Mobile 9000837930
Percent means for every 100. To get percentage
value of a ratio we multiply that ratio by 100. Percentages
help in comparing numerical data and information.

Some of the important percentages ratios which are helpful
in solving problems.
Let us take a number n,
100% of n is (100/100) n = n.
50% of n is (50/100) n = n/2=0.5n.
75% of n is (75/100) n = (3/4) n = 0.75n.
33.33% of n is (33.33/100) n = (1/3) n =
25% of n is (25/100) n = (1/4) n = 0.25n.
20% of n is (20/100) n = (1/5) n = 0.20n.
16.66% of n is (16.66/100) n = (1/6) n =
14.28% of n is (14.28/100) n = (1/7) n =
12.5% of n is (12.5/100) n = (1/8) n =
11.11% of n is (11.11/100) n = (1/9) n =
10% of n is (10/100) n = (1/10) n = 0.1n.
9.09% of n is (9.09/100) n = (1/11) n = 0.09n.
8.33% of n is (8.33/100) n = (1/12) n = 0.083n.
6.25% of n is (6.25/100) n = (1/16) n =
250% of n is (250/100) n = (2.5) n

Suppose, we need to find 20% of 240, we take ratio directly,
20% of a number is (=1/5) of that number, so 20% of 240 =
(1/5) 240 = 48.

Find the following.
1. 25%360 + 33.33% 360 + 8.33% 360?
2. 16.66%60 + 12.5%96?
3. 66.66%120 + 62.5%240 + 37.5% 320?
4. 112.5%48 + 116.66%55?
5. 44%50?
6. 24%75 + 99.99%33.33?
1. = (1/4)360 + (1/3)360 + (1/12)360 = 90 + 120 + 30 =
2. = (1/6)60 + (1/8)96 = 10 + 12 = 22.
3. 66.66% = 50% + 16.66%, 62.5% = 50% + 12.5% and
37.5% = 25% + 12.5% or 50% - 12.5%. 66.66%120 =
50%120 + 16.66%120 = 60 + 20 = 80. 62.5%240 =
50%240 + 12.5%240 = 120 + 30 = 150. 37.5%320 =
50%320 12.5%320 = 160 40 = 120. 80 + 150 +
120 = 350.
4. 100%48 + 12.5%48 + 100%55 +16.66%55 = 48 + 6 +
55 + 9.16 = 118.16
5. x% y = y% x (Both are equal), 44%50 = 50%44 = 22
6. = 75%24 + 33.33%99.99 = 18 + 33.33

When any value increases by 10%, it becomes 1.1
times of itself (Since 100% +10% =110% = (110/100) =
1.1), 20% 1.2 times of itself, 3.33% 1.33 times of
itself, 4% 1.04 times of itself.

When any value decreases by 10%, it becomes 0.9
times of itself. (Since 100 10 = 90% = 90/100 =
0.9).20% 0.8 times of itself, 35% 0.65 times of itself
If 500 is increased by 50% then new value is 100%
+ 50% 150%500 = 1.5500 = 750
A value x is increased by 40%, it became 700,
value of x? 1.4x = 700, x = 500
If 500 is decreased by 55% then new value is 100%
55% 45%500 = 0.45500 = 225. A value x is
decreased by 30%, it became 140, value of x? 0.7x =
140, x = 200.
So, if a value multiplied by greater than one, value
will be increased, if it multiplied by less than one, value will
Solution: 123%373 123% = (100% +
20% + 3%) 373 = 100%373 + 210%373 + 31%373 =
373 + 237.3 + 33.73 = 373 + 74.6 + 11.19 = 458.79

' B s salary is 25% more than ' A s salary, by what
percentage ' A s salary less than ' B s salary?
Solution: Assume As salary is 100.
25 ?
25 25
100( ) 125( ) 100( ) A B A

%, so answer is 20%.

A merchant gives successive discounts 20%, 10% and 20%
on an article, find the overall discount?
Solution: Assume initial price as 100 rupees.
0 0 0
0 0 0
20 10 20
20 8 14.4
100 80 72 57.6
+ + +

100 57.6 =

Price of a land passing through three hands rises on the
whole by 65%. If the first and second sellers earned 20%
and 25% profit respectively, find the profit earned by the
third seller. (S.S.C 2012) A 10% B 25% C 20% D 55%
Answer: Let initial price of a land is rs.100, at the end it
became rs.165 (65% on whole).
First person earned 20%, he sold at 100 + 20% 100 = 120.
Second person gained 25%, he sold at 120 + 25% 120 = 120
+ (1/4)120 = 150
Third person gained rs.165 150 = rs.15.
In percentage terms (15/150) 100 = 10%.

SPOORTHY STUDY CIRCLE Percentages Applications

Contact for SSC CGL Coaching and Test Series (Mock Tests)
SPOORTHY STUDY CIRCLE, Near Narayanaguda Flyover, Hyderabad, Mobile 9000837930
Length and breadth of a rectangle are changed by +20% and
10% respectively, what is the percentage change in Area?
Solution: Length =l , breadth = b we know
that area ( A) of rectangle is l b
1.2 l l
.9 b b

A= 1.2 .9 l b = 1.08A
Overall change in area is +8% (Increment).
Method 2: Let initial area is 100.
Here, we can apply successive changes since area is product
of length and breadth.
0 0
0 0
20 10
20 12
100( ) 120 108( )
l b
| = | + = +

So answer is +8%

A Sells his goods 30% cheaper than B and 30% dearer
than ' C s , find by what percentage ' C s goods dearer than
' B s goods?
Solution: Let cost of ' B s goods is rs.100. Then, As cost
will be rs.70 (since 30% cheaper than B).
' A s Goods dearer than ' C s by 30%,
So1.3 70 1.3 53.84 C A C = = = , so answer is 46.15 (100

In an examination, A got 25% marks more than B, B got
10% less than C and C got 25% more than D. If D got 320
marks out of 500, the marks obtained by A were (S.S.C
2013) A 405 B 450 C 360 D 400
Solution: C marks = 125% D = (5/4) 320 = 400. B marks
= 90% C = 0.9 400 = 360. A marks = 125% B = (5/4)
360 = 450.

If the price of tea has gone up by 25%, then what should be
the percentage decrease in quantity consumed so that the
total expenditure on tea remains the same?
Solution: Let initial amount is rs.100.
25 ?
25 25
100 125 100
(Expenditure is
Constant here so you need to compromise with quantity of
tea) 125 should decrease to 100 to keep amount as same.
Answer is
100 20%
Short-cut: ( ) 100


Method 2: Price Consumption = Expenditure, here
expenditure is constant.
Price and consumption are two parameters which are
inversely related, so a (1/x) increase in one parameter will
results in a (1/(x+1)) decrease in another parameter. Price
gone up by 25% (=1/4), percentage decrease in quantity
1 1
4 1 5
= 20%.
For 50% (=1/2) (1/3=) 33.33%.
20% (=1/5) (1/6=) 16.66%, we can do problem 8, by
using above formula also.
And similarly,
If a (1/x) decrease in one parameter will results in a
(1/(x 1)) increase in other parameter.

An engineer is planning to decrease the breadth of a
rectangular room by 9.09% without increasing the area of
the room. By what percentage must he increase the length of
the room?
Solution: 9.09% (=1/11) decrease in breadth of the room
will results 1/ (11 1) (= 10%) increase in length of the

Price of the rice is increased by 25% so that a person is able
to purchase of 10kg less of rice for 300 rupees, find initial
price of rice?
Solution: Let initial price of rice is x rupees.
Number of kgs =
, price of rice increased
by 25% so new price becomes 1.25 x (or)
=10x = 6 rupees.

Of the adult population in a certain city, 45% of men and
25% of women are married. Assuming that no man marries
more than one woman, and vice versa, the percentage of
total population of adults who are married, is
(S.S.C 2012) A 31.1% B 30% C 33.33% D 32.14%
Solution: We need ratio of total adults who are married to
total population. Ratio of men and women who are married
45%: 25% = 9: 5, ratio of men and women who are not
married (100% 45%): (100% 25%) = 55%: 75% = 11:
15 and and answer is
9 5
9 5 11 15
+ | |

+ + +
\ .
= 33.33%.

In a mixture of 60 liters of water and milk, milk contributes
75%. How much water should be added so that milk
becomes 20% of the mixture?
Solution: milk and water ratio is 75%: 25% = 3: 1, water
quantity = (3/4) 60 = 45 liters and milk quantity = 60 45
= 15.

15 20 1
45 80 4 x
= =
, 15 liters water should be added to
make milk content 20%.

The amount paid in either purchasing or producing
an object is known as cost price and written as CP.
The amount got when it sold is called as the selling
price and written as SP.
If CP of an article is 100 rupees and SP of that
article is 120 rupees, then my profit is 120 100 = 20.
Profit in terms of percentage
SPOORTHY STUDY CIRCLE Percentages Applications

Contact for SSC CGL Coaching and Test Series (Mock Tests)
SPOORTHY STUDY CIRCLE, Near Narayanaguda Flyover, Hyderabad, Mobile 9000837930
100( ) 120( ) CP SP

=20% (Getting rs.20 profit on
CP, so always profit percentage measured
With respect to cost price only)
If I say I got 25% profit by selling an article, it means SP is
25%more than CP so we can find SP as, SP =1.25 CP (in
simple terms CP is incremented by 25% )
If I say I got 80% profit by selling an article, it means SP is
80% more than CP so we can find SP as, SP =1.8 CP (in
simple terms CP is incremented by 80%)
Profit = SP CP
SP = Profit + CP
Profit percentage = (Profit/CP) 100.
Profit percentages always calculated on CP.

What is the SP, if CP of an article is rs.500, so that I should
get profit as 60%?
Solution: 1.6 1.6 500 800 SP CP = =
What is the SP, if CP of an article is rs.800, so that I should
get profit as 30%? Answer: 104

Find profit percentage if CP and SP of an article is rs.500
and rs.600 respectively?
600 500 100
500 500
= = 1 + 0.2 = 1.2,
1.2 SP CP = so profit is 20%.
If 1
> , then we say we are getting profit.
If 1.65
= , profit is 65%, if
=1.05, Profit is 5%.

A person purchased a certain number of articles at 11
articles for rs.10 and sold them at 10 articles for rs.11. Find
the gain %? (S.S.C 2012) A 1 B 21 C 22 D 20
Solution: Selling price of one article is rs.11/10 and cost
price of one article is rs.10/11, SP/CP = (11/10)/ (10/11) =
121/100 = 1.21, so 21% profit.

If CP of an article is rs.100 and SP of that article is
rs.80 then my loss is rs.20.
In terms of percentage,
100( ) 80( ) 100

If I say I got 25% loss by selling an article, it
means SP is 25%less than CP so we can find SP as,
(1 0.25) 0.75 SP CP CP = (Simple
terms CP is decremented by25%).
For 80% loss, (1 0.80) 0.20 SP CP CP =
For 55% loss, (1 0.55) 0.45 SP CP CP =
Loss = CP SP
SP = CP Loss
Loss % = (Loss/CP) 100.
Loss percentage is always calculated on CP.

Problem: What is the SP if CP of an article is rs.500, so that
I should get loss as 60%?
Solution: (1 0.60) 0.40 500 SP CP = ,
200 SP =

Find loss percentage if CP and SP of an article are rs.500
and rs.300 respectively?
300 500 200
500 500

1 0.4 0.6 = , 0.6 SP CP = So loss is 40%.
If 1
< , then we can say its loss
If 0.65
= , loss is 35%, If 0.05
= , loss
is 95%.

Goods purchased for 240 rupees, one third of them sold at
10% profit, rest of them sold at 20% loss find overall
percentage of profit or loss?
Solution: Total money invested rs.240 so it is CP. One third
of them sold at10%.
Profit is =
240 80
= 1.1 80 88 = .
Rest of them at 20% loss, loss is,

Krishna has 12 oranges with him, he sells n of them at a
profit of 10 % and remaining at a loss of 10%. He gains 5%
on the whole outlay. The value of n is (S.S.C 2012) A 9 B
10 C 7 D 8
Solution: Loss always taken as negative value.
Method 1: CP of each orange is x rupees.
Then, 10%nx + (- 10%) (12-n) x = 5% 12 x.
20%nx=15%12x, 20nx=180x, n = 9.
Method 2: By using allegations

10% -10%

5%-(-10%): 10%-5%
15% : 5%

So they are in 3: 1 ratio. n = (3/4) x 12 = 9.

A person calculates 20% profit on selling price find actual
profit percentage?
Solution: Assume SP is rs.100
Profit is 20% on SP, it becomes rs.20
We need CP to find actual profit
SPOORTHY STUDY CIRCLE Percentages Applications

Contact for SSC CGL Coaching and Test Series (Mock Tests)
SPOORTHY STUDY CIRCLE, Near Narayanaguda Flyover, Hyderabad, Mobile 9000837930
CP=SP profit 100 20 100 20 80 =
Actual profit is
The profit earned by a shopkeeper by selling an article at a
gain of 8% is rs.28 more than when he sells it at a loss of
8%. The cost price of the article is? (S.S.C 2012) A 175 B
165 C 170 D 190
Solution: (8 ( 8)) % of cost price = 28, 16%of CP = 28,
CP= 28/16 = 1.75, CP is 175.

By selling an article a person gains 60% profit, what is the
profit or loss if article sold at three fourth of selling price?
Solution: SP=1.6CP (since 60% profit)
Multiply by
on both sides,
So profit is 20%.

A man bought 15kg of sugar for rs.540. He sold them at a
profit which is as much as the selling price of 3kgs. At what
price per kg he sold the sugar?
Solution: Let x is SP of sugar, profit is 3x.
So, profit = SP CP, 3x = 15x 540.
x = 540/12 = rs.45
In the above question, If he sold them at loss which is as
much as the selling price of 3kgs. At what price per kg he
sold the sugar?
Solution: Loss = 3x = 540 - 15x (= CP - SP)
x = 540/18 = rs.30
Marked Price (MP) or Listed Price
The price at which an item or a product is intended
to be sold is called marked price. Actual price (= selling
price) that is, after offering a discount on marked price.
Assume marked price of an article is rs.100, after offering
20% discount, selling price of that article will be (100 -
20)% 100 = 80%100 = 0.8100 = rs.80.
Marked price of an article is rs.600, offers 20% discount on
it. Selling price will be 0.8 600 = rs.480.
Selling price of an article is rs.120 after offering a discount
of 20%, marked price will be SP = (100-20)%MP = 0.8MP,
MP= 120/0.8 = 150.
Cost price + % on CP = Marked price
Marked price discount = Selling price.

A merchant who marked his goods up by 50% subsequently
offered a discount of 20%. What is the percentage profit that
the merchant make after offering the discount?
Solution: Let CP is rs.100. Marked price will be 100 +
50%100 = 150. Then, 20% discount allowed 20%150 = 30,
therefore selling price will be 150 30 = 120. So profit is
120/100 = 1.2, = 20% or (120 100)/ (100) 100 = 20%.

Mahesh went to a shop to buy a TV. Shop owner said they
are two TV models, one was offering at 4/5
of that price
and second model was offering at 7/8
of that price. Which
one he should buy if he decided to buy the TV on which he
was getting better percentage discount?
Solution: First model offering at 4/5
of that price it means
discount is, 1 (4/5) = 1/5
= 20% of that price.
Second model offering at 7/8
of that price, it means
discount is, 1 (7/8) = 1/8
= 12.5% of that price. So
Mahesh should buy 1
one since he is getting more discount
i.e. 20%.

A trader making 15% profit, after giving 8% discount on
marked price, what is the marked price?
Solution: Let CP = rs.100.8% discount on MP
15% profit
= rs.115, so 92% on MP = 115, MP = (115/92) 100 = 5/4
100 = rs.125
MP = 125, 25% above CP.

Allegations in Percentages, Profit and Loss
Two vessels A and B contain milk and water are in the ratio
8: 5 and 5: 2 respectively. In what ratio they should mix it
so that milk will be 69(7/13) % in the new mixture?
Solution: Convert 69(7/13) % into fraction.
(900/13) % means, = 9/13. So milk quantity in the new
mixture is 9/13. Milk in first vessel is 8/13 and milk in
second vessel is 5/7.

8/13 5/7


2/(13x7) : 1/13
2 : 7

Two cycles together cost of rs.8000, by selling first one
merchant gains 10 % and on second one incurred loss of
10%, on overall incurred by 2.5%, find the cost price of
second cycle?
Solution: On 1
one gain 10% and on 2
one gains -10%, so
by using allegations,

10% -10%


12.5% : 7.5%

Ratio is 5: 3. Second one price is (3/8) 8000.

Wish you all the very best

SSC CGL Test Series
Mock Tests (9000837930)
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We Wish You All the Best

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