Social Enterprise Business Plan Idea

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Table of Contents

1. SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................................... 1
2. ORGANIZATIONAL OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................... 2
2.1. Problems and Solution ...........................................................................................................2
2.2. Vision ....................................................................................................................................2
2.3. Mission ..................................................................................................................................2
2.4. Core of value .........................................................................................................................2
3. PRODUCT ................................................................................................................................................ 2
4. MARKET ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................................. 3
4.1. Target market ........................................................................................................................3
4.2. Total market valuation ...........................................................................................................3
4.3. Target company revenue........................................................................................................4
4.3. Market trends........................................................................................................................4
4.4. Competitive Advantage..........................................................................................................4
5. MARKETING STRATEGIES ....................................................................................................................... 5
6. STAFFING AND OPERATIONS ................................................................................................................. 6
6.1. Operational plan....................................................................................................................6
6.2. Management and personel ....................................................................................................7
6.2.1. Manager summary................................................................................................................... 7
6.2.2. Human Resources ..................................................................................................................... 7
7. SALES PLAN ............................................................................................................................................. 8
8. SOURCE OF FINANCIAL .................................................................................................................... 9
8.1. Capital of founding people.....................................................................................................9
8.2. Supporting financial for social organizations .........................................................................9
8.2.1. Vietnam Womens Union .......................................................................................................... 9
8.2.2. United Nations Development Fund for Women ...................................................................... 10
8.2.3. Raising funds from community ............................................................................................... 10
9. CONCLUSION ..................................................................................................................................... 11

Page 1
Everyone wants to be a good person, to become an useful citizen of the country, but it is
not easy, especially for those who committed an offense in the first time, the way for them
to re- integrate into community seems too fragile. The challenge has become even more
difficult for female prisoners. Because of the lack of any personal possession after they are
released and the mistake past, their opportunity to remake their lives are so faint.
In vocational guidance for prisoners that have nearly finished serving penalties that is
held by the Centre for Vocational and job placement counseling Thanh Nien Binh Dinh
center in collaboration with Kim Son, when asked "What does he/ she need the most after
geting out of the prison?", most of them replied: "A suitable job.
So, how to find a suitable job? However, the fact is that the criminals after serving their
penalties find it too difficult to find work, even unskilled work because all manufacturing
establishments, and business owners are afraid of their past, eventhough the prisoners have
also learned and practiced in prison many expertises: carpentry, forging, textiles,
mechanical and so on.
Prisons are responsible for the detention and rehabilitation of prisoners during their
sentence observance. However, wether they can successfully fit into the community after
reintegration depends on many other factors. In particular, employment factors and
favorable working environment are very important, these help them find work, avoid bad
friends and redeem past mistakes.
In fact, many criminals had been in jail, out of jail and back again guilty because there is
no stable job and they suffer from others distancing . Therefore, apart from the efforts of
people who had made a violation of law, the attention and support from organizations,
society, and local governments, will be the catalyst to contribute to accelerating their
rehabilitation process.
"The hand has five fingers and long-fingered hands also have short fingers. No one is
perfect, knowing how to make use of their strengths will be very good. Because the thing
most needed now is social security, we need to create jobs for the people who want to
rehabilitate in order to help them quickly reintegrate community. Everybody should not
keep away from them, discriminate them. In contrast, we should give them a chance to
change their life, especially the female prisoners.
Thus, my group decides to open a workshop which sells hand embroidered products by
female prisoners because of two reasons. First of all, hand embroidery can be enjoyed by all
ages and attract many customers, especially customers with high income. Equally
important, many female prisoners are trained about textile and embroidery in prison,
therefore, we believe that to open a workshop to sell hand embroidery is the best decision
in order to help them not only back the society but also apply what they have learned in a
prison to make a living.

Page 2

2.1. Problems and Solution
The way for people who committed an offense to reintegrate community seems too
faint, especially with female prisoners. In fact, the criminals after serving their penalties is
too difficult to find work, even unskilled work because all manufacturing establishments,
business owners are afraid of their past and their personality, although the prisoners also
learned and practiced in prison. To specify, the female prisoners were trained about
embroidery when they are in prison.
Thus, my group decides to open a workshop which sells hand embroidered things by
themselves. We believe that this product is very suitable for them because they learned the
necessary skills for making hand embroidered things in jail.
2.2. Vision
All of the female prisoners after serving penalties have the stable income and quickly back
to society.
2.3. Mission
- Making a steady job for female prisoners
- Constructing the friendly working environment in order to help them overcome the
complexity of past mistake and give them opportunities to reintegrate community.
2.4. Core of value
- Promoting social inclusion
Product Description
Materials which make hand-embroidery are simple such as: fabric, cloth and wood
frame used to stretch canvas. However, the tools and materials may be changed depending
on the embroidery items as suitable as possible.
Hand embroidery is a technique that can be used to decorate many items, lending a
personal touch to one's home. Whether its the initials stitched on the edge of a pillowcase
or a delicate floral theme on special towels for the bath, embroidery remains a very unique
way of personalizing items and has a rich tradition of use throughout the world.
Hand embroidery can be enjoyed by all ages. Many people like using hand embroidery
to share their artistic talents with houseguests, and completed work, from a favorite saying
or quote in a frame to a complicated piece of hand embroidery, often makes for a good
Page 3
conversation piece. With the proper tools and techniques, hand embroidery can be a fun
way to create beautiful works of art.
Therefore, hand-embroidery is not only the special gift, but also becomes the item
which impress the style of users.
According to our market research conducted last few months, we justify the projects
made in this business plan. There is a viable market and we know we can beat other social
enterprise in the market for sales.
4.1. Target market
Hanoi is the potential market being planned to sell the products or services. In this
market, we divide into some segments with the criteria below:
Gender: Female customers are mostly paid attention because they spend more
consideration on hand-embroidered products than male customers.
Purchase occasions: Hanoi is one of the historic destinations. Hence, there are
many foreign tourists visit and enjoy special products and services here. It is
essential to introduce and commercialize our embroidered products.
Income: Many rich people are gathering in Hanoi and they are willing to pay
much money for expensive and luxurious products like handy embroideries.
Characteristics of potential customers:
Female customers: This group prefers beautiful, precise and skillful products to
decorate and preen. Moreover, the products must be useful and convenient.
Foreign tourists: They prefer unique souvenirs to give their relatives. They are
able to pay money for whatever products they want.
Rich people: They prefer simple but polite products. They do not hesitate to buy
our expensive types of product.
4.2. Total market valuation
Value of the market brings the enormous potentiality for our products. In the
domestic market, the handy embroideries are under clients consideration, which is based
on our recently market research. Many social classes gather in Hanoi and they are different
objects we take account.
Page 4
In addition, our future aim is that the handy embroideries are sold widely in
international market. This goal can achieve through the products which are brought and
introduced by foreign tourists.
4.3. Target company revenue
Initially, because of start-up, sales figures must meet the female prisoners demand
of basic salary. Those figures are attached with financial projections which are shown in the
final part of this business plan.
Afterwards, sales must rise 5% compared with the previous months. Therefore, our
company will be capable of recurring revenue, enlarging our business scale, recruiting new
staff (female prisoners).
4.3. Market trends
As recent trends can be seen, customers prefer handmade products to mass-market
products. Products made by machine are massively produced and they are mostly identical.
Otherwise, handmade products are preferable due to their unique and creative factors.
Those products contribute their usefulness to the clients. Especially, hand-embroidered
products bring new trends to the market. Handy embroideries are various because they can
be embroidered on the variety of products such as clothing, pillows, bags, picture, etc.
4.4. Competitive Advantage
Potential customers choose to buy hand-embroidered products because of their
unique features, and price. Comparative advantages can be considered in a following
example. Unlike machine-embroidered portraits, our portraits have no size limitations. That
is why customers may choose to have a family portrait as big as the whole wall. In reality,
the bigger the hand-embroidered portrait is, the more natural the faces on it look. Our
portraits have no seam defects, which is often the case with machine-stitched portraits.
"Seam defects" are the defects caused by size limitations of embroidery machines. In hand
embroidery, the size of working area coincides with the portrait's size. Thus, there just
cannot be any flaws in quality.
Embroidery machines have a fixed number of heads which limit the threads palette to
the same number of colors. Commercial embroidery machines have at most 18 heads.
While industrial embroidery machines can boast of 56 heads. Compare this to at least 468
colors and shades of floss, and this advantage of hand embroidery will speak for itself. For
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the sake of fairness, the only disadvantage of hand embroidery should be mentioned. It is
much more time consuming than the machine embroidery. But this minor disadvantage is
well outweighed by its main advantage, inspiration, love, and deep respect for ancient
traditions put into stitching by caring human hands.
Strategies Activities
Product Cross stitch
- Various models
- The materials: Fabric and Thread.
- Unique.
- Lots of traditional value.
- Made of natural materials such as silk, snail, oyster shell.
- Attractive
- Made of the materials such as silk, green pea.
Cross stitch: 300.000 - 500.000 VND/product.
Pillow : 120.000 - 190.000 VND/product.
Bag : 250.000 - 350.000 VND/product.

Place Cross stitch:
- Distributing to temples and museums in Hanoi for foreigners
- Retailing to bag shops in Hoan Kiem and West Lake.
- Distributing to the souvenir shops in Hai Ba Trung district.
Promotion Content Marketing:
- Advertising on Facebook, Twitter, radio, newspaper.
- Production of prototypes on Print flyers.
Oral Marketing:
- Create connecting forum.
Affiliate Marketing:
- In conjunction with the events of "sustainable development",
"environmental protection", human right
- Join the "social business incubator" of CSIP.
- Send product samples to the exhibition, museum.

Page 6
Social impact:
When our group has intention of opening a workshop which sells hand embroidered
things by the prisoners, we believe that we can bring the best things to women prisoners,
society and environment.
Firstly, with the women prisoners, by exploring the reality of finding employment after
release from prison from the perspective of 650 female prisoners in Gia Lam, Ha Noi, we
realize that most prisoners have difficulty finding a job after release because of their low
levels of educational attainment and work experience, health problems, and other personal
characteristics. Most of them rely on family and friends for income after release, more so
than legal employment. Meanwhile, stable employment is very important for them to take
care of their family. Therefore, our group sets this plan in hope of bringing a stable job to
the prisoners as well as helping them reintegrate society easily.
Secondly, the second advantage of our plan is to make the society become better. Once the
women prisoners have their stable jobs, the competence of going back to jail is difficult to
occur. The reason is that they percept which they should do. They also need the stable
marriage, stable job, hope and belief in their bright future. From the positive thinking, it
helps to reduce the social evils. In addition, we believe our workshop plays an important
role in promoting the national economy. Every month we provide the employee with the
salary. Therefore, the unemployment decreases significantly, and the individual income also
contributes to increase GDP.
Finally, environment is an important factor which we pay much attention to when
setting plan for opening a workshop. Our products are hand embroidered things which are
made of natural materials such as silk, green pea, snail and oyster shell. These materials are
very friendly with environment, and they dont harm to peoples heath at all. Moreover, our
workshop doesnt need to use much machine, so there are no exhaust fumes which make the
environment polluted.
6.1. Operational plan
Our business is a social enterprise that can have an independent system. However, we
will try to get sponsored from government, individuals and some big companies. Therefore,
we can help more female prisoners and improve our products quality.
To facility our business, we will hire a building with the minimum square of 60 m2.
Besides, we will buy some machine that we need to make products and buy equipment.
-Suppliers who supply materials for us
Page 7
-Shopkeepers who buy an average or a big amount of our products.
Legal environment:
-Have the license which allows our business to operate officially.
-Fully comply with the provisions of the law on business activity.
6.2. Management and personel
6.2.1. Manager summary
Because we are still students so we do not have a lot of experience in operating a business.
Therefore, we will invite a person who has ability to manage a business, has experience in
running a business and has responsibility to what he is doing. Moreover, he has to have a lot
of relationship to improve our businesss development.
6.2.2. Human Resources
Because our business has just been established, therefore, we do not have much money. We
try to do everything to save money.
Number Position No of people Salary per month Working time
1 Managing director 1 8.000.000 VND Full time
2 Workers 100 3.000.000 VND Full time
3 Accounting and
finance staff
1 5.000.000 VND Full time
4 Marketing staff 30 It depends on the
amount of work
they do
Part time
-Director should have MBA degree (major: business). He is in charge of planning
strategies, recruiting and managing. He should have at least 2 two years experienced.
-Workers are female prisoners who were trained about embroidering in prison and really
want to find a suitable job.
- Accounting and finance staff must be at least 1 year experienced and honest.
- Marketing staff are mostly students who want to find a part time job which help them
accumulate experience. More importantly, they should be agile and enthusiastic.

Page 8

We plan to open a store display products on Hang Bo street - Ha Noi. This place which
in the old town so very easy to attract the attention of tourists to Ha Noi. We have also to
build a sales strategy as follows:
Step 1: Exploration and refinement
- The first step in the sales process is the discovery of prospects:
- Develop a list of your potential customer. Then the sellers can call, send a message via
email to prospects before deciding where to take advice.
Step 2: Preliminary Approach
Sellers need to learn enough information about prospects, set goals when deciding to take
the company to advise customers about the products their products
Step 3: Reach
Sellers need to know how to greet customer buy to get a preliminary step for future
relationships (including manifestations, the preamble and the way in story comments).
Step 4: I ntroduction and Demonstration
This is the stage salesman introduced its products to buyers AIDA formula (create attention,
interest, desire, action leads to buy). Sellers will be careful to emphasize the benefit of our
customers and raise the product's features to satisfy their benefits. Besides, the seller should
also specifically emphasized social factors in each product. Our products are made from the
women in difficult circumstances and through the sale of these products can bring small
income to help them out of poverty and can integrate back to society. We also need to hit
the psychological factors and to stimulate purchasing decisions of customers.
Step 5: Overcoming the objection
Customers almost always make the objection in the process of introducing the proposal or
make a purchase, their opposition may be psychological or logic. To deal with this
opposition, the salers should always keep a cheerful demeanor, clearly suggest buyers do
not endorse the opinions, denying reasonable value of such opinions,etc
Step 6: Continue to monitor and maintain
This last step is necessary when the salesperson to make sure customers will be satisfied
and continue a business relationship, immediately after the deal ends salers need to
complete all the necessary details about the delivery, purchase conditions, they need to keep
their customers plan to make sure not to forget or lose customers.
Page 9
8.1. Capital of founding people
The founded groups members contribute capital to start up the social enterprise. We may
take part in some part time jobs or small donation activities to earning money. There are
some ideas for small donation campaigns such as:
Planning Description Time Unit sales Total sales
waste paper
We collect worthless paper
(documents, books,
newspapers, magazines
on) from the dormitory of
university. After that, we buy
those for collector and take
money for plan
Monday and
evenings every
VND per day
per month
Selling ice-
tea and
Our group sells ice-tea and
snacks for charity purposing.
We sell its near dormitory of
National Economics
University because there are
many students in here.
On every
per day
VND per
charity movie
We borrow school hall and
projectors, so then print the
tickets and posters. With the
ticket price is 20,000 VND,
the revenue is used for social
Twice a week 300,000 VND
(we earn
600,000 VND
per day, after
deduction of
VND a month

No sooner does our group apply three plans in the same time than we have
approximately 4,700,000 VND a month to using for social enterprise.

8.2. Supporting financial for social organizations
8.2.1. Vietnam Womens Union
* Introduction:
Vietnam Womens Union (VWU) has transformed and developmental organization, which
is mandated to protect womens legitimate rights and strive for gender equality. At present,
the VWU has a membership
of above 13 million members belonging to 10,472 local women's union in communes and
towns throughout the country.
* Contact:
Page 10
Address: 39 Hang Chuoi, Hai Ba Trung, Ha Noi.
Telephone: (04) 39718157/ 39720058
Fax: (84-4) 9713143.
8.2.2. United Nations Development Fund for Women
* Introduction:
The United Nations Development Fund for Women, commonly known as UNIFEM,
provides financial and technical assistance to innovative programs and strategies that
promote womens human rights, political participation and economic security.
* Contact:
Website :
Address: 25 Phan Boi Chau, Hoan Kiem, Ha Noi.
Telephone: 04.39421495
Fax: 04-38223579 > E-mail:
8.2.3. Raising funds from community
We use public media (television, internet so on) as a method to raising funds. For
example, we create some events to donating in Facebook or newspapers.
In addition, there are many companies which concern about CSR (Corporate social
responsibility). Our group may seek funding from those companies

Page 11
Nowadays, there are a lot of projects conducted to help poor people, street children and the
disabled but only a few projects are carried out to help prisoners to reintegrate into the
community. No one wants to be jailed. Many people are jailed only because of some
misintention or ill-informed inconsideration. Of course, they deeply regret about what they
have done. The most expensive price costing him is not being put in prison but the loss of
his honor and respect of others. One of the most intimidating things after they are geting out
of the prison is that they are condemned by others, and not welcome by the community.
Moreover, for a person who has ever been in prison, it is very difficult for them to find a
good job. Many prisoners after prison time have to do difficult manual-labor jobs with low
salary. Because of these reasons, a lot of prisoners lose belief in life, feel disappointed and
unconfident. Overcoming these difficulties is very hard and it is even much harder for
From our perpective, being put in prison is enough for prisoners to regret about the mistakes
they made and have a change of heart. Our society should give them a chance to redeem
themselves. We must not destroy their life one more time by scornful eyes. In contrast, we
should care about them more to help them live a better life. Therefore, our project aims to
help female prisoners to find a stable job and find happiness in life. We hope to get support
from people.

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