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Assistant Professor of Theology, Divine Word College

102 Jacoby Drive West, Epworth, Iowa 52045
Email:, Phone: 563-876-3057 ext. 308

Saint Louis University, Saint Louis, MO (2019)
Ph.D. in Historical Theology, GPA: 4.0
Dissertation: “Renewing Disciplines of the Mind: Philosophical Errors, Virtue, and the Soul's
Journey to Wisdom in Vision One of Bonaventure’s Collationes in Hexaëmeron”
Advisor: Jay M. Hammond
Villanova University, Villanova, PA (2014)
M.A. in Theological Studies, GPA: 4.0
Truman State University, Kirksville, MO (2012)
B.A. in English, GPA: 3.90, General Honors, Departmental Honors, Summa cum laude

Divine Word College, Assistant Professor of Theology 2020–Present
Adjunct Faculty, “Pathways Program” for International Students 2019
Adjunct Faculty, Department of Theological Studies 2017–2018

Christology, Church History, Introduction to Catholic Theology,
Mariology, New Testament, Old Testament, Prayer, Vatican II

“Pride and Humility in Bonaventure’s Collations.” Proceedings of the St. Bonaventure
Conference: Frater, Magister, Minister et Episcopus. Forthcoming 2020.
Benjamin Winter (p. 2)

“Bonaventure’s Collations and the Eternity of the World.” Preaching and New Worlds. Edited by
Timothy Johnson, Katherine Wrisley-Shelby, and John Young. Routledge Studies in Medieval
Religion and Culture. New York, NY: Routledge, 2018.

“Breviloquium Part VII: ‘On the Repose of the Final Judgment.’” Co-authored with Kevin L.
Hughes. A Companion to the Breviloquium. Edited by Dominic Monti, OFM and Katherine
Wrisley-Shelby. St. Bonaventure, NY: Franciscan Institute Publications, 2017.


Saint Louis University, Mentored Teaching Assistantship 2018–2019
Saint Louis University, Certificate in University Teaching Skills 2018
Alpha Sigma Nu (Jesuit Honor Society) 2016
Alpha Epsilon Lambda (Graduate Student Honor Society) 2016
Junior Scholar Grant, “The Promise of the Vatican Library” 2016
Junior Scholar Grant, 20th Annual IMSSS Symposium 2016
Vatican Film Library, Research Assistantship 2014–2015
Villanova University, Graduate Language Scholarship 2013–2014
Phi Beta Kappa 2012


Regis J. Armstrong, Into God: Itinerarium Mentis in Deum of Saint Bonaventure (Catholic
University of America Press, 2020), in Modern Reformation, forthcoming 2021.

Gerald P. Boersma, Augustine’s Early Theology of Image: A Study in the Development of Pro-
Nicene Theology (Oxford University Press, 2016), in Journal of Ecclesiastical History 69.4
(2018), 836-37.
Gillian Clark, Monica: An Ordinary Saint (Oxford University Press, 2015), in Augustinian Studies
47.1 (2016), 81–83.
Gary A. Anderson and Joel S. Kaminsky, eds., The Call of Abraham: Essays on the Election of
Israel in Honor of Jon D. Levenson (University of Notre Dame Press, 2013), in The Heythrop
Journal 57.1 (2016), 200–01.
Michael Cover, Lifting the Veil: 2 Corinthians 3:7-18 in Light of Jewish Homiletic and
Commentary Traditions (Walter de Gruyter, 2015), in Reviews of Biblical and Early Christian
Studies 7 (2016).

July 2020
Benjamin Winter (p. 3)


“Bonaventure on Prayer” (Title TBD), 45th International Patristic, Medieval, and Renaissance
Conference, Villanova University, 16 October, 2020.
Invited Plenary Lecture, “Cleansed by Justice: Christ and the Just Society in the Thought of St.
Bonaventure.” The 2020 Ignatius Brady Lecture, St. Bonaventure University, date TBD.
Invited Plenary Lecture, “Cause for Concern? Latin Responses to Islamic Occasionalism,” Divine
Action and Scientific Integrity Conference, Covenant Theological Seminary, 27 March, 2020.
“Renewing Habits of the Mind: The Philosophical Theology of Collationes in hexaëmeron, Vision
One,” 54th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, May, 2019.
“Prudence in Bonaventure’s Collationes in hexaëmeron,” 43rd International Patristic, Medieval,
and Renaissance Conference, Villanova University, 06 October, 2018.
“A Hex on Philosophers? Education and Moral Philosophy in Bonaventure’s Collationes in
hexaëmeron,” Symposium on Medieval & Renaissance Studies, Saint Louis University, 2018.
“Epistola obscurat: St. Thomas Aquinas and the Reception of 2 Cor 3 in Catholic Tradition,”
Graduate Research Symposium, Saint Louis University, 31 March, 2017.
“Bonaventure’s Eschatology,” Boston Colloquy in Historical Theology, Breviloquium Companion
Meeting, Boston College, 3 August, 2016.
“Bonaventure’s Collations and the Eternity of the World,” 20th International Medieval Sermon
Studies Society Symposium, Flagler College, 23 July, 2016.
“Illuminating Abstraction: Bonaventure's Reception of Augustinian Epistemology,” 51 st
International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, 15 May, 2016.
“Concourse of Fires: Natural Philosophy, Cosmology, and Biblical Exegesis in Bonaventure’s
Vision of the Eschaton,” 40th International Patristic, Medieval, and Renaissance Conference,
Villanova University, 16 October, 2015.
“Metaphysics, Epistemology, and Cosmology in Ibn Arabi and Bonaventure,” Symposium on
Medieval & Renaissance Studies, Saint Louis University, 16 June, 2015.
“Keeping Time Through Prayer: Liturgical Rhythm and Ritual in Medieval Europe,” Curator’s
Talk at the Vatican Film Library, Saint Louis University, 19 March, 2015.
“Sister Death's Sacramental Embrace: Theological Narration of Sickness and Dying in
Bonaventure's Legenda Maior,” 39th Annual Illinois Medieval Association Conference, Saint
Louis University, 21 February, 2015.
“Soteriology and Scripture: Reading John the Baptist in Origen's Commentary on the Gospel of
John,” The Pappas Patristic Institute's 10th Annual Graduate Student Conference in Patristic
Studies, Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, 08 March, 2014.

July 2020
Benjamin Winter (p. 4)

Assistant Editor, Franciscan Studies 2020–Present
Invited Lecture, “How to Finish Your Dissertation in Five Years” 2019
(Professional Development Seminar, Saint Louis University)
Chair, SLU Theological Studies Graduate Student Action Committee 2016–2017
Conference Organizer, SLU Theological Studies Student Colloquium 2017
Panel Organizer, “Bonaventure, Philosopher and Theologian” 2016
(Symposiums on Medieval & Renaissance Studies, Saint Louis University)
Editorial Assistant, Manuscripta 2014–2015
Editorial Assistant, Augustinian Studies 2013–2014
Editorial Assistant, Horizons 2012–2014

Latin: Reading and Paleography
French and German: Reading

Editor-in-Chief, Conciliar Post ecumenical publication 2015–Present
Instructor, Diocese of Burlington Lay Formation Program 2020–Present
Volunteer, Biddle Housing Opportunities Center 2016–2020
Choir Member, St. Joan of Arc Parish 2017–2020

Online Teaching; Web Design; SEO; CSS; HTML5; Data Management Software;
Video Editing; Photoshop; Microsoft Office Suite; Blackboard; Canvas; Populi

American Academy of Religion; College Theology Society;
International Medieval Sermon Studies Society;
Medieval Academy of America; North American Patristics Society

July 2020

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