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English for Translation

Class : 7
of September 2014
Ryza Aditya Priatama
Universitas Terbuka
Korea Selatan
Tutor Introduction
Graduate student at Gyeongsang National
Born in 1987
Having interest in
Scope of study : Plant Biotechnology,
Developmental Genetics
Personal contact
Facebook : Ryza Aditya Priatama
Google+ : Ryza Priatama

Course Introduction
Text book : English for Translation, Karnedi, Universitas Terbuka
2011 (2 different books as tutorial module and self-learning)
Tutorial module consists of 9 parts but will be cover in 8 classes.
Class 1 : Translatting Letters
Class 2 : Translating Proses, Novels and Narratives (Module 2 &3)
Class 3 : Translating Examination Report
Class 4 : Translating Process Report
Class 5 : Translating Guides
Class 6 : Translating Conversations
Class 7 : Translating History
Class 8 : Translating News1

Tutorial method: Online and In class
Grading Components
Task 1, Task 2, Task 3
Final Exam
Course material can be found at Google Plus and Facebook Group

Several things to keep in mind when translating letters:
1. Meanings are not restricted by the source language
2. Meaning should be conveyed accurately with no
misinterpretation or misleading language
3. Be aware of the notion register!
4. Ensure to not losing certainty of meaning in the source
5. No free translation
6. Do not use everyday language


Translating Personal Letters
Task 1
Lets read together!

Languange Point :
1. Adverb of Frequency : never, rarely, occasionally, generally,
sometimes, hardly, usually, often

Dear Gail, Yth. Ibu Gail
I wish your message about the
dangers of bribery could be heard by
every parent.
Bribery never creates responsible,
respectful children
Saya ingin pesan Anda tentang bahaya
menyogok dapat didengar oleh setiap
orang tua.
Menyogok tidak pernah menciptakan
anak yang bertanggung jawab dan
menghormati orang lain.
Task 2
Lets read together!
Paragraph 2
Your first priority is to stop your eldest son from picking on his siblings. To do this,
you will have to provide a high level of supervision. Keep him with you until he
agrees to treat his siblings appropriately. The, stay close because you need to
stop his misbehavior as soon as it starts. Respond by either having him come
with you or sending him to his room. If you send him to his room, however,
understand that this not a punishment. Rather, its the place where you go when
you cant be around other people. In effect, its his behavior that you are
confining to his room, not him. He can come back as soon as he is prepared to
treat family members properly.
Language Point :
1. Possessive adjectives : his, her, my, your, our, their
2. When : ketika, kapan, bila saat
3. Present Simple vs Present Continuous

Task 3
Lets read together!
Paragraph 3
You note that your son is going to adolescence and feel that this explains his
behavior. Adolescence is about gaining some independence, not about being
rude and belligerent. Keep your expectations high. Someday, your son will want
to get his first job and it could be very well be at the fast food restaurant. To get
that job, he not only has to be courteous, even as an adolescent, but he has to
be courteous to the people he doesnt like, to the customers who annoy him. So
dont accept rudeness from him. Anytime, he speaks impolitely, correct him and
insist he start over.

Task 4
Lets read together!
Paragraph 4
Once you sons behavior is better controlled decide on a place where you want
to take your children. Make it a place where you can go for a short time, such as
the grocery store or a restaurant. Have them practice appropriate behaviors at
home first. Expect your eldest son to be a role model for his siblings. He should
be the first person to hold a door open for others, and to offer his help whenever
needed. Once your children know how the are required to behave, challenge
them to do it out in public. Dont forget to plan ahead for any boring time at a
restaurant, etc. by taking along toys or coloring books. Remember the old saying,
Idle hands are the devils workshop. If you make it only a short trip out in public,
your children should do well. If you wish, you can celebrate their success by
taking them somewhere special afterward or buying them a special treat. This
isnt the same as bribing them. Remember that this must be spontaneous. Never
get involved in deal-making or negotiating and dont allow begging.
Language Point :
1. To wish : ingin harap

Task 5
Lets read together!
Paragraph 5
Keep practicing quality behavior with them at home for all sorts of different
situations. Teaching them how to behave appropriately is the best way to
counteract the negative effects of bribery.

Tes Formatif Halaman 1.24
For each sentence below determine if it is Present
Simple/ Present Continuous and then translate.
Most people work for a living. Some work outdoors, some
indoors, some underground.
If were joking, were not fighting, are we?
The MP has 1,000 majority.
My father is an incredible loving and caring man.


Translating Business Letters
Task 1
Lets read together!
Paragraph 1
Dear Sir/Madam,.. I am still waiting!
Key sentence(s)
I have written to you twice to complain about the problems I have been
having with one of your washing machines, but have had no reply.
I have also attempted to telephone you several times but you have always
been unavailable.
When I spoke to your secretary on the phone last week, she told me she
had no trace of my letters and advised me to phone again the next day when
either you or your deputy would be available.
Languange Point :
1. Present Perfect & Present Continuous
2. Perfect tenses with adverbs of frequency

Task 2
Lets read together!
Paragraph 2
The machine.. Should be replaced.
Key sentence(s)
The machine in question id your latest Superwhizz 2000.
It failed to cut off at the temperature selected
The machine is clearly dangerous and should be replaced.

Language Point :
1. THE definite article
2. Phrasal verb to cut
3. Passives

Task 3
Lets read together!
Paragraph 3
I should be grateful if you would look into this matter immediately and either
replace the machine or refund my money.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours faithfully,

G Smith (Mr)

Exercise 1: Translating Letters

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