Opening Analyses

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Opening Analyses Jasleen Kaur

In this film opening there were various shots that were used to create the seriousness that the
producers wanted to bring out within the scene. Some of the shots that were used are extreme close
ups when the fur on mother is emphasised through her breath showing that the scene is taking place
in hospital. Her breathing sound in the silent also suggests the seriousness and creates suspense to
the audience as they want to know what happened after the car crash, Whether the characters are
alive or not?.Close up shot was also used before the car crash of the break line where the leakage of
oil was highlighted; this shot was the most powerful shot in the opening because it suggested that
something was going to happen later on in the film. This also creates suspense to the audience in
order to find out further. There is an extremely long shot/establishing shot when the boy was
running towards the car crash this focuses more on the scenery and the location which was foggy
and had a cold feel to it linking in with the mood of the film which wasnt very pleasant therefore
had a cold/dull feel to it which was intentionally done by the producers.
The opening of the film doesnt necessarily introduces us to the characters in the film, however it
outlines a family as we see a father, little girl names Anna and a mother who was seen in the
hospital. A boy was also characterised in the film after the car crash although it was not clear who he
was, It was suggested that the audience is likely to see him later on, this is because he headed to the
car crash without worrying about his belongings (as he dropped his skateboard) meaning that
something important is going to happen which he will be involved in. The most and first seen
character in the opening is the Anna.
The sound in this opening was more affective and important because it creates the feel automatic
awareness of the atmosphere within the film. The silence in the movie helped to establish the
emotions behind the characters, the dripping sound of the oil was focused on as it was important
part of the opening, then the car crash sound really built the tension. The last important sound in
the opening of this film was the sound of footsteps of the boy running which generated the
seriousness of huge event that took place -car crash.
Overall the opening of this film was successful in order to keep the audience including myself
interested to continue watching the rest of the film by the help of certain sounds, composition of
characters, locations selected and angles of camera that the shot was taken in.

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