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eunice wong

mla portfolio

eunice wong
mla portfolio
1 truth, subjectivity and communication
kierkegaards dialectic in landscape
7 water takes the shape of a discourse
salish sea
11 light and sha(dough)
study: calanques, marseille
17 folded rock
study: la cte sauvage, quiberon
works presented in this portfolio are entirely self-motivated.
all were completed between july and december 2013.
truth, subjectivity, and communication
kierkegaards dialectic in landscape
everything subjective, which on account of
its dialectical inwardness evades the direct
form of expression, is an essential secret.
in its inexhaustible artistry, such a form of
communication corresponds to and renders the
existing subjects own relation to the Idea.
Sren Kierkegaard, excerpts from Concluding Unscientific Postscript to Philosophical Fragments, Vol. 1: Text, ed. and trans.
Howard V. Hong and Edna H. Hong (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1992), pp. 51-2.
it was while i looked at the girolles that i saw the layers of a life cycled in an image.

sitting in time, the hyphae, the humus, the duff, and numerous conifers
beset a spot marking the fruit of a germinated spore.
the living splayed out as did the city stand unfurled from a roof in toronto.

so the elevated perspective is also found below or in a room of representation,
an ambit of reflection humbled and decentred in the gesture of a look.
cross-section of a girolle, ploermel, bretagne
bathurst alley, toronto
water takes the shape of a discourse
salish sea
salish sea is a toponym inaugurated to
establish as a region hitherto separate bodies
of water in a designates the georgia
strait, pugent sound, juan de fuca strait, and
all associated channels and adjoining waters.
[an object] exists under the positive
conditions of a complex group of
there is an underlying structure to
the objects discursive formation,
distinct and irrelevant to its internal
constitution. the cardboard takes the
shape given, the material is mined to
reveal an internal structure integral
to the larger form.
the idea of the region is a problematic
concerning historical and ecological
discourse. to speak of the salish sea
is timely, pressed by environmental and
socio- politics. in order to cultivate
a conceptual and phenomenological sense
of ecology, how can an understanding of
the objects formation in discourse be
translated into a perceived ecological
Michel Foucault, The Discursive Regularities in The Archaeology of Knowledge.
Trans. A. M. Sheridan Smith (New York: Pantheon Books, 1972), pp. 44.
light and sha(dough)
calanques, marseille
marseille, the european capital of the year 2013, at a
popular tourist attraction inducted into national heritage
the very same year, a park of the patrimony.
where the light is obstructed, surfaces exposed by unknown
years float, altogether a gross, singular body. marking the
coast of the city, masses over-seen then overlooked.

by notating the areas which we do not see, the forms
return to their mystery, a phenomenology extracted and
reduced. we on feet below but it is they that dance.
folded rock
study: la cte sauvage
la cte sauvage, quiberon, bretagne
fabrication under heat and pressure
laps of thread mark significant folds

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