Measurement While Drilling (MWD) and Its Application in Directional Drilling

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Friday, July 22, 2011

21. Measurement While Drilling (MWD) and its Application in

Directional Drilling
MWD (Measurement While Drilling) is a system developed to
perform drilling related measurements downhole and
transmit information to the surface while drilling a well.
The Measurement While Drilling (MWD) Tool came in to application
in early 1970s.
Before the introuction of MWD! all sur"ey ata #ere o$taine $y
stopping the rilling process for #ireline logging. %or #ireline
logging! #e ha to stop the rilling process! put the rill pipe on
slip! $rea& out 'elly! lo#er the #ireline tool! retrie"e the tool! rea
the sur"ey an plan the further action. This use to increase the
non proucti"e time (()T).
The MWD tool transmitte the sur"ey reaing to surface through
the mu stream in the rill pipe. The rilling process #as stoppe
for fe# minutes an sur"ey reaings #ere o$taine in pump off
conition. This sa"e times to greater e*tent compare to #ireline
The transmission of sur"ey ata though mu stream #as one of the
means. +ther means of transmission #ere electromagnetic an
acaustic #hich #ere e"elope in later stages.
Thus MWD #as consiere a $etter option for sur"ey ata
transmission compare to #ireline proceure.
,nitially the system eli"ere three $asic information- ,nclination!
./imuth an Toolface. These three parameters helpe the
irectional riller to position the #ell correctly to the esire target.
0ater! MWD #as e1uippe #ith 2amma 3ay sensor to etect the
natural raioacti"ity an characteri/e shale presence! gauge to
measure annular pressure #hich are useful in slim hole to
etermine 45D! 6train gauge to measure W+B an tor1ue on $it.
MWD tools can also pro"ie information a$out the conitions at the
rill $it. This may inclue-
3otational spee of the rillstring
6moothness of that rotation
Type an se"erity of any "i$ration o#nhole
Do#nhole temperature
Tor1ue an Weight on Bit! measure near the rill $it
Mu flo# "olume
Here I'll emphasize my discussion on MWD based on Positive
Mud Pulse Telemetry.
Telemetry Channel
Transmission System
Power Source
MWD Sensors
Surface Systems
Telemetry 5hannels are the channels or meium "ia #hich the
o#nhole ata is transmitte to the surface.
%ollo&in' are the transmission channels used (or data
transmission )
7ar Wire Metho
4lectromagnetic Metho
.caustic Metho
Mu )ulse Telemetry
M%D P%&" !&M!'$
Most of the MWD systems commercially a"aila$le are $ase on
some form of mu pulse telemetry.
The ma*or components o( a mud pulse telemetry system are
sho&n in (i'ure belo&)
Fig 21.1 Mud Pulse Telemetry Components
The o#nhole components are all house in a nonmagnetic rill
collar ((MD5).
The ma*or components are)
(a) a po#er source to operate the tool - it operates the tool #hen
#e plan to ta&e a sur"ey
($) sensors to measure the re1uire information8
(c) a transmitter to sen the ata to surface in the form of a coe8
() a microprocessor or control system to coorinate the "arious
functions of the tool - it po#ers up the sensors! stores the
information that has $een measure an then acti"ates the
transmitter to sen the ata in the form of a coe message.
The sur(ace e+uipment consists o()
(a) a stanpipe pressure transucer to etect "ariations in pressure
an con"ert these to electrical signals8
($) an electronic filtering e"ice to reuce or eliminate any
interference from rig pumps or o#nhole motors that may also
cause pressure "ariations8
(c) a surface computer to interpret the results8
() a rig9floor isplay to communicate the results to the riller! or
plotting e"ices to prouce continuous logs
T#$,MI,,I-$ ,!,TEM
7ere in transmission system , shall concentrate on the transmission
"ia rilling flui! i.e.! the mu pulse telemetry.
The Mud Pulse Telemetry can be (urther cate'orized into )
)ositi"e Mu )ulse Telemetry (Maximum use in industry)
(egati"e Mu )ulse Telemetry
5ontinuous Wa"e Telemetry
Positive Mud Pulse Telemetry )
)ositi"e mu pulse telemetry (M)T) uses a hyraulic poppet "al"e to
momentarily restrict the flo# of mu through an orifice in the tool
to generate an increase in pressure in the form of a positi"e pulse
or pressure #a"e #hich tra"els $ac& to the surface an is etecte
at the stanpipe.
To transmit ata to surface! this "al"e is operate se"eral times!
creating a series of pulses that are etecte $y the transucer! an
ecoe $y the surface computer.
The surface computer initially recogni/es a set of reference pulses!
#hich are
follo#e $y the ata pulses. The message is ecoe $y etecting
the presence or a$sence of a pulse #ithin a particular time9frame.
This $inary coe can then $e translate into a ecimal result. .
chart recorer is use to monitor the se1uence of pulses.
Fig 21.2 Positive Mud Pulse Telemetry
Fig 21.3 Positive Mud Pulse Telemetry
$e'ative Mud Pulse Telemetry
(egati"e M)T uses a controlle "al"e to "ent mu momentarily from
the interior of the tool into the annulus. This process generates a
ecrease in pressure in the form of a negati"e pulse or pressure
#a"e #hich tra"els $ac& to the surface an is etecte at the
The rapi opening an closing of this "al"e therefore creates a rop
in stanpipe that can $e etecte $y the pressure transucer.
Fig 21.4 Negative Mud Pulse Telemetry

Fig 21.5 Negative Mud Pulse Telemetry

"ontinuous Wave Telemetry
5ontinuous #a"e telemetry uses a rotary "al"e or :mu siren; #ith
a slotte rotor an stator #hich restricts the mu flo# in such a #ay
as to generate a moulating positi"e pressure #a"e #hich tra"els to
the surface an is etecte at the stanpipe.
+ne of the iscs is stationary #hile the other is ri"en $y a motor.
The constant spee of the motor creates a regular an continuous
"ariation in pressure that is essentially a staning #a"e. This #a"e
is use as a carrier to transmit the ata to surface. When
information is to $e transmitte the spee of the motor is reuce
so that the phase of the carrier #a"e is altere (i.e.! re"erse).
The carrier #a"e is therefore moulate to represent the ata
The surface e1uipment etects these phase shifts in the pressure
signal an translates this into a $inary coe.
This is a more sophisticate telemetry system an offers a higher
ata rate than the pre"ious t#o mu pulse methos.
Fig 21.6 Continuous Wave Telemetry
Fig 21. Continuous Wave Telemetry
P-WE ,-."E,
The MWD Tool &or/s in t&o situations )
(a) When the circulation is +(
($) When there is no circulation! i.e. #hile tripping #hen the pump
is in +%% conition.
.lso! once lo#ere! the MWD tool is not retrie"e $ac& to surface
unless there is some &in of pro$lem #ith tool.
Thus to continuously pro"ie po#er to the tool! #e re1uire a po#er
The po&er source can be )
(a) Batteries
($) Tur$ine .lternators
0atteries ) (0ithium Battery! usually <= >)
They are compact an relia$le since they contain no mo"ing parts.
They ha"e a finite operational life an are temperature9epenent.
6ince it has no relation #ith rilling flui motion! this ena$les the
tool to operate #hile tripping an also ena$les operation
inepenent of mu flo# hyraulics.
They ha"e $een successfully use for applications in #hich only
irectional ata are re1uire. .s they pro"ie a limite po#er
output! they are not preferre #ith multisensor tool.
Turbine #lternators )
With the tren of using multisensor tools for o#nhole sur"ey!
tur$ines are $ecoming more #iely use to pro"ie po#er to the
MWD tool.
The flo# of mu through the tool is harnesse $y the tur$ine
$laes! #hich rotate a shaft connecte to an alternator! hence
generating electricity.
Fig 21.! Tur"ine #lternators
The electrical po#er generate must $e controlle $y a "oltage
regulator. .lthough this system pro"ies more po#er an longer
operating life than a $attery pac&! po#er failures can occur if the
tur$ine is amage.
To pre"ent this amage a screen can $e installe upstream of the
tur$ine to filter out any e$ris in the mu.
Fig 21.1$ Mud %&reen
The screen may $e positione at the top of the rill string for ease
of access if it re1uires to $e emptie or remo"e to allo# passage of
#ireline tools.
MWD ,E$,-,
#n MWD tool is e+uipped &ith the combination o( (ollo&in'
sensors dependin' upon the re+uirement )
Directional 6ensor
2amma ray 6ensor
Temperature 6ensor
Do#nhole W+B? Tor1ue 6ensor
Tur$ine 3)M 6ensor
Directional ,ensor )
The irectional sensors currently $eing use in MWD tools uses
tria*ial magnetometers an accelerometers.
Fig 21.1$ #&&elerometers and Magnetometors in 'ire&tional %ensor
These sensors measure the re1uire angles of inclination! a/imuth
an toolface.
6ince the magnetometers measure a/imuth relati"e to Magnetic
(orth! the correct magnetic eclination must $e applie to the
The 5 a*is is aligne #ith the a*is of the tool! an the B a*is efines
the reference for measuring toolface angle.
The angular offset $et#een the B a*is an the scri$e line of the
$ent su$ must $e measure $efore running in the hole.
Both magnetometers an accelerometers gi"e "oltage outputs that
ha"e to $e correcte $y applying cali$ration coefficients. The
correcte "oltages can then $e use to calculate the re1uire
irectional angles.
6ome &in of signal (li&e #hen rill string rotation stops or #hen
the pumps are shut off) are sent from surface to the MWD control
The control system after recei"ing such signals po#er up the
. transucer or motion sensor #ithin the o#nhole tool recogni/es
this signal an initiates the sur"ey.
During the time #hen the sensors are actually ta&ing the
measurements the rill string must remain stationary for accurate
results to $e o$taine. This perio is generally less than < min.!
after #hich normal rilling can resume.
The riller resumes the normal rilling process once the MWD rig
isplay unit isplays the upate sur"ey.
The measurements of inclination a/imuth an toolface are sent in a
preetermine orer. ,t generally ta&es <9= min. for transmission of
a complete irectional sur"ey.
.ccuracy of the sur"ey -
@ 0.<AB for inclination! @ <.0B for ./imuth an @ C.0B for Toolface!
#hich may "ary from one tool manufacturer to other.
1amma ay ,ensor )
.ll of the earthDs roc& formations e*hi$it "arying egrees of
The gamma ray log is a measurement of the natural raioacti"ity of
the formations.
2amma rays are emitte $y raioacti"e elements such as isotopes
of potassium! thorium an uranium.
These elements are foun more commonly in shales than in other
Thus $y measuring the gamma9ray emission from a se1uence of
roc&s it is therefore possi$le to ientify shale /ones.
To $e most effecti"e in etecting changes of lithology! the gamma
ray sensor shoul $e positione as close to the $it as possi$le! so
that only a fe# feet of a ne# formation are rille $efore the tool
%or practical reasons! the istance $et#een the $it an the gamma9
ray sensor is a$out E ft.
T&o basic types o( detectors are used by MWD companies to
measure 'amma rays)
(a) 2eiger9Muller tu$e
($) 6cintillation counter
1ei'er2Muller tube )
,t consists of a cyliner that contains an inert gas at a fairly lo#
. high9"oltage electroe (@ 1000 >) runs through the centre of the
.s gamma9rays enter the cham$er they cause ioni/ation of the gas!
creating a flo# of fast9mo"ing electrons to#ars the central
electroe as sho#n in figure $elo#.

Fig 21.13 (eiger)Muller Tu"e

The current of electrons can therefore $e use to measure the
amount of gamma9rays emitte from the formation.
,cintillation counter )
,t uses a crystal a crystal of thallium9ope soium ioie.
The natural gamma9rays emitte $y the formation passes through
the soium ioie crystal.
The raiation e*cites the crystal! #hich prouces a flash of light or
scintillations #hen the gamma ray interacts #ith the crystal.
The light emitte $y the crystal stri&es the photocathoe an
releases electrons.
The electrons tra"el through a series of anoes! causing the
emission of more electrons.
This generates a "oltage pulse #hich is proportional to the original
flash of light.
The amount of raiation entering the sensor can therefore $e
measure $y counting the num$er of pulses o"er a gi"en time
Fig 21.14 %&intillation Counter
$-TE )
The 2eiger9Muller tu$e is not as accurate as the scintillation
counter! since it can only etect a much smaller percentage of the
total rays emitte.
,t oes ha"e the a"antage! ho#e"er! of $eing more rugge an
relia$le an $eing cheaper than the scintillation counter.
In addition to providin' litholo'ic discrimination3 the 'amma
ray sensor provides)
%ormation $e $ounary an thic&ness etermination.
Well to #ell structural correlation of $es.
Depth control an casing seat selection.
4stimation of shale fraction in reser"oir roc&s.
. primary log for seimentological stuies.
Monitoring of inFecte raioacti"e materials.
Temperature ,ensor
The temperature sensor is usually mounte on the outsie #all of
the rill collar! an therefore monitors the annulus mu
The sensing element may $e a strip of metal (e.g. platinum) #hose
electrical resistance changes #ith temperature.
The sensor can $e cali$rate to measure temperatures ranging from
A0 to CA0B%.
Do&nhole W-04Tor+ue ,ensor
These measurements are mae $y a system of sensiti"e strain
gauges mounte on a special su$ place close to the $it.
The strain gauges #ill etect a*ial forces for W+B an torsional
forces for tor1ue.
By placing pairs of gauges on opposite sies of the su$! any
stresses ue to $ening can $e eliminate.
Turbine PM ,ensor
When rilling #ith a o#nhole tur$ine! the actual spee at #hich
the $it is turning is not &no#n at surface.
The only effecti"e #ay of monitoring the rpm is to use a tur$ine
tachometer lin&e to an MWD system to pro"ie real time ata.
The o#nhole sensor consists of a <9in. iameter pro$e that is
place "ery close to the top of the rotating tur$ine shaft.
+n top of the shaft are mounte t#o magnets 1G0B apart.
.s the shaft rotates! an electric coil #ithin the pro$e pic&s up
"oltage pulses ue to the magnets (sho#n in figure $elo#).

Fig 21.15 Tur"ine *PM %ensor

By counting the num$er of pulses o"er a certain inter"al! the
tur$ine spee in rpm can $e calculate.
This information is encoe as a series of mu pulses that are
transmitte at inter"als to surface to let the riller &no# ho# the
rpm is changing.
,.%#"E ,!,TEM,
6tanpipe )ressure Transucer
3ig %loor Display Hnit
3aio Moem
,tandpipe Pressure Transducer )
The stanpipe manifol has a num$er of pressure taps #here
gauges may $e installe.
The transucer can $e installe at a con"enient point $y remo"ing
one of these gauges.
,nsie the transucer is a sensiti"e iaphragm that etects "ariation
in pressure an con"erts these hyraulic pulses to electrical "oltage
The "oltage output is relaye to the rest of the surface e1uipment
$y means of an electric ca$le.
i' %loor Display .nit )
3ig %loor Display Hnit is a isplay panel installe at the rig floor
#here the irectional sur"ey result (a/imuth! tool face! inclination)
are isplaye for the con"enience of irectional riller.
The rig floor isplay unit is po#ere "ia rig po#er.
,t generally re1uires either 1<0> or <=0> po#er supply.
The isplay on 3ig %loor Display unit loo&s as sho#n $elo# -
Fig 21.1 *ig Floor 'isplay +nit ,nstalled at *ig Floor
adio Modem )
The raio moem is use to communicate #ith the rig floor 3T "ia
the #or&station (0aptop).
.ll information an ata sent $et#een the t#o components is
encrypte for security purposes.
Fig 21.1- *adio Modem
1. (H)6) Hninturupte )o#e 6upply
<. Barrel Wrench
C. )ressure Transucer
=. 3ig %loor Display Hnit
A. )ic&9Hp )late
E. Digital Multimeter
7. 3emote Terminal 5ase
G. 6panner Wrench
9. 6mall Dart %loat! 0arge %lapper %loat
10. >i$ration 6#itch
1. Drill )ipe 6creen
<. Muleshoe 5ra#n Wrench
C. 3ing Bar
=. +rienting Bar
A. 6hort 6in&er Bar
E. I 9 Wrench
7. +"er shot Bell
G. +"er 6hot
9. 0ong 6in&er Bar
10. 6pang Iars
1. +rifice
<. Mule 6hoe (0aning 6lee"e)
C. Mule 6hoe (5ro#n)
=. )oppet
A. 6tinger
E. )iston 6haft
7. 6tinger Barrel
G. 0o#er )iston 5ap
9. Hpper )iston cap
10. 6tinger 6pring
Fig 21.22 MW' Components
Fig 21.23 MW' Tool %e.uen&e
Fig 21.24 MW' Tool %e.uen&e
PO"! ND"
Posted "y 'eepa/ C0oud0ary at 121561$$ #M

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