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First Baptist

September 10, 2014
Pastor Rev. Paul Medley
Minister of Music Rev. Art Bruce
Minister of Youth & Students Rev. Jeff Baxley
Director of Children Stacey Sweitzer
Sunday September 7, 2014
Budget Receipts
Budget Needs To Date
Budget Receipts YTD
Receipts Under Budget By
Bible Study

September 17
Chicken & Wild Rice
Green Beans
Seasoned Corn
September 14
Jim & Natalee Dozier, Mary Lynn White, Carolyn Thompson, Chris & Anne
Hobby, Misty Griffin and Patti Hall.

God's (El Roi)
A Bible Based Discussion helping Ladies move Past their Past, deal with their
Present and know who they are in Christ.
Starting Sunday Sept. 14th, 5:00 - 6:15p.m. It will meet in the Baraca Class.

Donald & Libby Barber and family in the death of his father, Elbert Harold
It is Monday morning and I had a visitor come to my
office today who really touched my heart. He was a young man,
soft spoken and timid. He said he wanted to come by and
apologize to me and the church for breaking in the church a few
years ago. Many of you will remember when there were a rash
of church burglaries in our community. I asked the young man
about his salvation and he told me he had accepted Jesus while
he was away. I can only assume he meant incarceration. I asked
him if he went to church anywhere in the community and he said
no. I invited him to worship here.
This young mans repentant heart reminds me of what I
need, we all need, as we move toward revival. We need
repentant hearts. Repentant before God, and if necessary
repentant before men, that we come before His throne with a
clean heart and a clear conscience. October 12-15 are the dates
set aside for revival. But they are only dates. Revival must
begin in our hearts long before the services begin or there will be
no revival.
Please pray for Rob Coram and John Hall as they come
to lead us in Revival services.
Thank you to all who had a part in our Tailgate party last
Sunday. Sunday School is still the main way to grow Church.
Congratulations to the 1st Grade Sunday School Class and the
Special Friends Class for each having 100% in attendance.
I look forward to seeing you in Sunday School and
Worship this Sunday morning.


Sunday School Teachers & Officers Meeting
September 23 @ 7:00 PM
Fellowship Hall
Sunday, September 14
Early Worship 8:30 AM
Bible Study 9:45 AM
Morning Worship 11:00 AM
Preschool Committee 3:30 PM
Missions Committee 4:00 PM
Childrens Commttee 4:30

Monday, September 15
Saints Alive Rehearsal 10:30 AM
Helen Lane WMU Group 3:00 PM
Historical Committee 5:45 PM
Deacons 6:30 PM
Women on the Go 6:30 PM

Tuesday, September 16
Youth Prayer Breakfast 6:30 AM
Mens Prayer Breakfast 7:00 AM

Wednesday, September 17
Finance Committee 5:30 PM
Graded Choirs 5:45 PM
640 Worship 6:00 PM
Family Supper 6:00 PM
Mission Friends/GAs/RAs 7:00 PM
Prayer Meeting 7:00 PM
Chancel Choir 7:45 PM

Thursday, September 18
Our worship was greatly enhanced Sunday as we were led
by Tom Hayes, singing and playing piano. Tom is a gifted
Christian musician who has dedicated his life in music ser-
vice to the Lord. His song, Lamb of Glory, reminded us
all of Gods love for us and His desire to redeem us, His
creation. May I take a moment to share the fact that Tom
has recorded a CD of his music that is available for sale.
See him at church to order one or more of these CDs. You
will be blessed.
Jerry and Deborah Murkerson were joined by Cliff Starr last
Monday and they played and sang a great program of old
time gospel music. Prepare your covered dish and meet us
at noon, Monday, October 13 for our next time of fellow-
ship and fun together.
Mark your calendars now with the dates of October 12-15.
That will be when our revival services will occur. We are
blessed to have John Hall leading the musical worship times
on Sunday services as well as the evening times. I want to
encourage every adult singer to join us in the Revival
Choir! We have scheduled a bonus rehearsal time to meet
John and to begin practicing the choir selections. Meet in
the Choir Room at 5:30 PM on Saturday, October 11th for
an hour of rehearsal, followed by a sub sandwich fellow-
ship. We need you in the Revival Choir!
You are invited to visit our handbell rehearsal and experi-
ence the thrill of ringing. Meet us in the Sanctuary balcony
on Wednesday nights at 7:00. Worship with the bells.

The Amazing Race
The Amazing Race is a high energy, competitive TV show
that airs on CBS. This Sunday, though, The Amazing Race
will take place in our town featuring the students of our
church. To kick off our Sunday night programming for the
fall, our students will be in a race to decipher clues and
discover the theme for our Bible study. We will get started at
5:00!! Students do not miss your opportunity to get your
ticket for the Amazing Race!!

See You At The Pole
See You At The Pole is coming up!! On September 24 our
students will gather at their schools flag pole for a time of
prayer for their school, city, state, and country. This is great
opportunity for students to take a stand and boldly intercede to
the Father on behalf of their classmates! Mark this date on
your calendar. I cannot wait to see you at the Flag Pole!!



September 12 5th Quarter @ FUMC following Monroe game
September 14 Amazing Race. Sunday Night Kickoff
September 16 Prayer breakfast
September 17 640
September 24 See You At The Pole
September Sundays for a Sundae!
If you are a part of our Children's and Preschool Ministry ages 1 year old
through Grade 5 and you have perfect attendance for the month of September,
you will receive a coupon for an ice cream cone from Dairy Queen!

Extended Session
There are a few slots left to serve in Extended Session. I am
looking for one team leader, 2 volunteers for 3&4 year olds and
4 rovers. Team leaders are responsible for walking the halls and
filling in gaps during their rotation. They serve 8-9 times during
the year. Volunteers working with 3 & 4 year olds will
supervise play and help with a worship time. They will service
8-9 times throughout the year. Rovers fill in as needed and will
only be used if there is a great number of children or a volunteer
is unexpectedly absent. At most, a rover will serve 8-9 times a
year but may serve as little as once or twice. Please let me know
ASAP if you are willing to serve.
6th Grade Retreat
Check your mailboxes for more information and mark your
calendar for October 3-4!
Committee Meetings
Library Committee: Thurs., Sept. 11 @ 5:30 pm, Library
Preschool Committee: Sun., Sept. 14 @ 3:30 pm, Library
Children's Committee: Sun., Sept. 14 @ 4:30 pm, Library
Historical Committee: Mon., Sept. 15 @ 5:45 pm, Historical
What's Happening:
September 14 AWANA Scavenger Hunt

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