President's Message: September 2014

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The Friends of the Sierra Madre Library celebrated another

successful year on Wednesday, June 18. The Hawaiian themed
dinner, held at the Sierra Madre United
Methodist Church, was attended
by over 85 community members
including Board Members, Trustees,
City Offcials, Volunteers and guests.
President Pat Alcorn welcomed
participants, made introductions and
expressed her gratitude to all the many volunteers who make the
Library such a center of the community. She recounted the over
4,000 hours of volunteering given to the Friends during the course
of this year! Quite a tribute to our community and Library!
The Sierra Madre Public Library has more than just books on its
shelves. It also offers the community interesting guest speakers,
musical performances, preschool and infant programs, educational
activities and access to name just a few.
In Vice President Beth Smith-Kellocks absence, President Pat
Alcorn read Beths report recognizing the Partners attending
the Annual Meeting and reported on the status of the Partners
Program and the Mary Tumilty Endowment Fund.
This year, as in the past, the outstanding contributions from
volunteers, community businesses, and organizations was
evident in the success of the many fund-raising events held. The
bi-monthly Best Used Book Sale exceeded expectations and
raised almost $20,000 -- that is an unbelievable number of books
donated and sold to a substantial number of Library visitors. The
Annual Wine & Cuisine Tasting event raised $23,000 and the
Sierra Madre Art Fair added over $18,000 to help support our
Library and its programs. It can easily be understood why the
many volunteers are appreciated and needed to continue this
level of fund-raising!
Margaret Quigley, Board Development Chairperson, honored
departing board members Sue Hart, Alan Leahy, Pat Locher and
Sandra Dickey for their years of outstanding service to the Friends.
She also introduced new Board Members (Directors at Large)
Frances Smith, Pete Siberell and Lynsey Plume. She expressed
her great expectations for the continuing success of the Library
programs during the coming year.
The annual meeting was adjourned by President Pat Alcorn, who
thanked the membership for a well earned celebratory dinner.
Guests left with a tote bag of Library and Friends goodies as a
thank you and to encourage others to become a part of this vital
Anyone interested in joining the Friends of the Sierra Madre
Library can pick up a Membership brochure at the Library or visit
the website
September 2014
Presidents Message
August started off as a busy month for
the Friends despite many being away on
vacation. The Best Used Book Sale,
held on August 1 and 2, featured childrens
books, just in time to get ready for school.
The book theme concept has been a big
success and were looking forward to what
Chairperson Martha Troedson has in store
for us at the next sale on October 3-4.
The Wine and Cuisine Tasting Committee
met this month to discuss, among
other things, the committee members
commitments for this years event, as well
as a Poster Art Contest. Remember, you
are all invited to join the Committee, there
are jobs still available. If you are interested,
contact Chairperson Robert Newton at
On Sunday, August 3, the Friends
co-sponsored the Concert in the Park with
the Kiwanis Club. We were glad to welcome
the Gem City Jazz Cats as the band for the
evening playing the wonderful oldies we
all remember. Kiwanis gave out birthday
cake to celebrate their anniversary, and
the Friends held a 50/50 donation drawing
to help benefit our Library. The winner of
her share of the monies ($140) was Shirley
Farris. She had just remarked before
the drawing that she always just donates
and never wins. We thank all those who
participated to help support our Library.
Thanks to Darlene Traxler and Toni
Navarro for their superior salesmanship in
gathering the donations at the event.
Pat Alcorn
Read, discuss and enjoy this months book
selection Room, by Emma Donoghue, on
Thursday, September 18 at 11:00 a.m.
Dear Friends,
Our Summer Reading Program Paws to Read was a
wonderful success this summer with 594 participants
including children, teens and adults who enrolled in the
program. We deeply appreciate your sponsorship of the
family programs and the purchase of the award prizes,
including a book for each child who completed the program.
Our community is fortunate to offer this vibrant program
throughout the summer months.
Reading during the summer months is crucial to a students
achievement and success in school with the California
Library Association (CLA) reporting that summer reading
loss is cumulative. By the end of 6th grade, children who
consistently lose reading skills over the summer will be
two years behind their classmates. In addition, students
who participated in a summer reading program had better
reading skills at the end of third
grade and scored higher on
standardized tests than students
who did not participate.
However, reading just 5 books
over the summer can prevent
summer learning loss. Reading
for pleasure, being able to select your own materials, and
reading aloud all contribute to language development and
highlight the joys and advantages of reading. *for additional
research on the importance of summer reading see California
Library Associations Summer Reading research page.
One of the categories in our summer reading program called
Challengers actually challenges children to read up to five
hours per week. This year 59 children achieved this goal,
and they and their families were invited to a Pool Party! With
90 attendees, this event was a beautiful tribute to the young
readers in our community. The Challenger program was
sponsored by the Sierra Madre Kiwanis Club.
The summer performances for
families were funded by the Friends
of the Library and the Sierra Madre
Volunteer Firefighters Association.
Programs included the Stuffed
Animal Sleepover, Paws in Action
K9 Unit Demonstration, Two
Eaton Canyon Storytimes, Abbit
the Average Comedian, Paws to Read Library Fair, and the
Willie the Wolf Puppet Show. Two adult programs featured
Saturday Chamber Music. In all, 708 people attended our
free summer programs!
It is not only beneficial to read, but there are also some
hidden surprises. We had 9 weekly adult winners who
included Carolyn Owen, Lida Bushloper, Jane Zamanzadeh,
Irene Meyer, Donella Heyn-Lamb, Lorinda Rodriquez, Susan
Aoki, Fran Garbaccio, and Catherine Flammer. Each one
received a bag of reading goodies.
Thank you for providing the resources and support so that
we can offer this fantastic annual program to our community
With much appreciation,
Carolyn Thomas
Library Director

Paws to Read Summer
Reading Program Totals
Children 482
Teens 58
Adults 54
Programs 9
Attendance 708
Teen Volunteers 33 (415 hours)
Families with children ages 3 and younger are invited to
register for the Librarys Parent/Child Workshop, 1-2-3
Play with Me, featuring noted resource professionals.
This five-week program takes place on Saturdays from
9:00 - 10:15 a.m. on September 6, 13, 20, 27, and October
4. The interactive workshops include toys, crafts, books
and play in addition to discussions of parenting issues and

Registration began August 1. Enrollment is free, but
in-person pre-registration for all classes is required, so sign
up today.
Children ages 4-12 are invited to sign up for the In-N-Out
Cover to Cover Club beginning Saturday, October 4.
Children who read 5 books receive a coupon for a free
burger. Each child may earn up to three certificates while
supplies last. The program ends November 15.
Join the Sierra Madre Public Library in celebrating Library
Card Month. All lost and damaged Library cards will be
replaced for FREE between September 1 and October 31.
Now is the time to check out the Library!
This months review is by Lois Heileman
Destroyer Angel by Nevada Barr
Destroyer Angel is the latest of
Barrs Anna Pigeon novels. Anna,
a park ranger, is on a vacation in the
Iron Range of Minnesota with two
women friends and their teenage
daughters when the friends and girls
are kidnapped by four thugs. Anna
must rescue the women before they
are flown out of the country. Complicating matters
is the fact that one of the women is a paraplegic; the
trip is a trial run for a wheelchair designed especially
for rugged outdoor use.
If you missed camping this summer, this novel may
make you feel better. Much of the nature is not pretty,
and there is lots of violence. The comeuppance of
the man who planned all this is particularly wicked.
Barrs descriptions are vivid and her characters
well-drawn, but dont read this if justifiable mayhem
turns your innards.
Killer Physique by G.A. McKevett
Killer Physique is also the most
recent in McKevetts long-running
series featuring Savannah Reid, a
plus-size private eye who teams up
with her new husband, an L.A. cop,
to solve the murder of a gorgeous
body-builder movie star. Savannahs
family and friends, also a continuing
part of the series, are placed in peril as they help her
pursue the who, why, and how of the crime.
Much lighter in tone than Destroyer Angel, this
features a most unusual murder method. Its
pleasant for a summer afternoon with enjoyable
characters to meet along the way.
Each of the Anna Pigeon books features Anna
in a different national park setting; and the earlier
Savannah Reid novels emphasize her close
relationships with kith and kin, including her
developing romance with the man who is now her
husband. I hope you will appreciate this introduction
to two strong female deducers and have many happy
hours reading the rest of each collection.
The August Best Used Book Sale earned
$2,196.61. With presales from the 1-2 Buck
Truck cart and the Internet, the total was
$2,810.85. Thanks to everyone for donating
such wonderful gently-used books for our
sales. The next Book Sale will be held on
Friday, October 3, and Saturday, October
4. Also this Fall, watch for news about the
Book Sale Committees Silent Auction. We
will have a selection of collectable books, available for bids,
which will be on display in the Library during the month of
We wish to thank Halcyon and Chris Koerber for their
service to the Friends and the Book Sale Committee in
particular. They have been our Internet connection for
the last three years-- listing, selling, wrapping, shipping
and collecting funds for the Friends. In total, they have
been responsible for over $5,500.00 in funds generated by
Internet sales of some of our newer, more expensive books.
In addition, each year they have donated a portion of the
shipping costs to the Friends. Thank you so much, you two,
and all the best wishes on your move to Tennessee. We will
all miss you!
This months display case will showcase the Creative
Arts Group.
Many thanks to Nan & Jerry Carlton, Fran Garbaccio, Jennifer
& Jim Jesser, Jean Schneider, and Andrea Van Wickle for
your recent donations to the MTEF - Mary will be smiling!!!!
Welcome to new members Sue and Dave Hart and Marge
Koch - your membership and support is most welcome
and appreciated! We look forward to sharing with you the
continuing efforts of the Partners in making a difference in
the life of our Library. Thanks, too, to Fran Garbaccio and
Darlene Traxler for renewing your annual memberships.
Baby Rhyme Time will resume on Tuesday, October 7, at
10:00 a.m. Families enjoy rhyming, singing, reading, and
playing with a special time together to share and become
familiar with books. Please join us for this wonderful program
for babies and toddlers between the age of 6 and 24 months.
Editor: Sharon Murphy
Contributing Writer: Alice Kuo
Design/Set Up: Melissa Sanchez
Printed By: Sir Speedy
Editor: Sharon Murphy
Contributing Writer: Alice Kuo
Design/Set Up: Melissa Sanchez
Printed By: Sir Speedy
9/2 7:00 p.m. eReader Help
9/3 7:00 p.m. Storytime
9/6 9:00 a.m. Parent/Child Workshop
9/6 10:00 a.m. eReader Help
9/8 10:00 a.m. Storytime
9/10 7:00 p.m. Storytime
9/11 3:30 p.m. Barks & Books
9/13 9:00 a.m. Parent/Child Workshop
9/15 10:00 a.m. Storytime
9/17 4:00 p.m. Teen Book Club
9/17 7:00 p.m. Storytime
9/17 7:00 p.m. Friends Board Meeting
9/18 11:00 a.m. 3rd Thursday Book Club
9/20 9:00 a.m. Parent/Child Workshop
9/22 10:00 a.m. Storytime
9/24 4:00 p.m. Teen Book Club
9/24 7:00 p.m. Storytime
9/24 7:00 p.m. Library Trustees Meeting
9/27 9:00 a.m. Parent/Child Workshop
9/29 10:00 a.m. Storytime
Editor: Sharon Murphy
Contributing Writer: Meegan Tosh
Design/Set Up: Melissa Sanchez
Printed by: Sir Speedy
Stop by the Library on Tuesday,
September 2, at 7:00 p.m. or
Saturday, September 6, at 10:00 a.m.
for Library staff help downloading
free eBooks to your eReader.
The Sierra Madre Public Library
offers a variety of free eBooks and
eAudiobooks to download onto your
iPad, Kindle, Nook, or other devices.
Explore local History in the
Library archives, jointly owned
and maintained by the Sierra Madre
Historical Preservation Society and
the Library. For research assistance,
please call 626-355-7186.
Starting Wednesday, September 17,
youth in grades 7-12 will meet for the
Teen Book Club from 4:00 to 5:00
p.m. This year we will be reading
Harry Potter Books and read-alikes
for the fanatics in all of us. Whether
you have read the books or are new
to the series, there will be fun to enjoy
for everyone.
Children are invited to read to a gentle
and friendly dog visitor on the second
Thursday of the month. Join us this
month on September 11, from 3:30 -
4:30 p.m.
Join children, parents, and caregivers
for stories, songs, puppets, and
crafts on Mondays at 10:00 a.m. and
Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.
R e a d , D i s c o v e r , C o n n e c t @ S i e r r a M a d r e P u b l i c L i b r a r y

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