Road To Liberation Final

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The Road to Liberation

by Yogeshwar Muni
A series of four talks given to a general audience near Udine, Italy, in August, 1998.
I. Dharmic Success in Life
II. First Steps to Union with the Ultimate
III. Union with the Ultimate
IV. Final Steps on the Road to Liberation
I. Dharmic Success in Life
I a no longer a teacher. I s!ent fifty"five years in teaching# now I have retired. I s!end
y tie editating and writing. $owever, %anaki and %anaka &'ilvana and 'ilvano
(runelli) have asked e to say a few words to you. 'o I will give a series of four talks
about The Road to Liberation. *oday will be the first one and toorrow the second. *he
last two talks will be the weekend of August +9 and ,-.
I have chosen to talk about The Road to Liberation and share e.!eriences that I have had.
I will not tell you what you should or should not do. /hy then do I talk to you about
liberation0 You are householders# you have failies# you have businesses and you ust
earn a living. /ith all your !resent res!onsibilities, why should I talk to you about
liberation0 (efore we finish even the second talk, I think you will understand why.
*oday, 1art 2ne is entitled Dharmic Success in Life. 34hara5 is a 'anskrit work for the
correct or ethical way of living. /hy is dharic success necessary for liberation0 6or an
ordinary life to have eaning, no atter how successful, that life ust eventually be
aied toward liberation. I could talk to you about how to be successful so you could
ake lots of oney# or I could share with you about how to have a very ha!!y faily# or
I could talk to you about how to have en7oyent in life. (ut if all of these are not related
to liberation, you will 7ust be going in circles. You will kee! going over and over the
sae thing tie and again. And you will say, 8/hat was that all about0 9ow I5 fifty
years old# y faily is grown# I have enough oney to live on. /hat is the eaning of
it all0 /hat is it for0 /hy a I alive0:
*o have eaning in ordinary life, no atter how successful, that life ust be aied
toward liberation. 'o, I5 going to talk to you first about what liberation is# and then
later I will talk about how to ove in that direction as you becoe very rich and en7oy
life. /hat ore could you want0 $a!!iness, health, en7oyent, faily, and then
liberation. (ut first, let5s talk about liberation.
8;iberation fro what0: you ask. I5 not a slave. I5 not a !risoner. (ut, yes, you
are< You are a !risoner. 8$ow a I a !risoner0: You5re a !risoner in life. ;ife is a
!rison. I will tell you a story, so that you can see that it is true""that life is a !rison.
It is the story of =reation. /here did life coe fro0 /here did the earth coe fro0
And the stars0 And s!ace and tie0 In the beginning there were any non"!hysical
individuals. *hey weren5t located anywhere# nor were they in tie. *hey were all in
love with each other""not !hysical love because there were no bodies and there were no
inds. It was 7ust !ure, loving consciousness of each other.
>ach non"!hysical individual had a !articular ability. It was the ability to say 8no.: *he
individual could say, 89o, I5 not related to you. I deny you. I deny all of you<: *his
denial caused the fall. *he individual was in a heaven of love""a heaven of loving
consciousness of each other# and by denying the others, the individual fell.
/hat does it ean to fall0 /hat does one fall into0 Instead of having loving
relationshi!s with each other as divine individuals, the ones who fell becae conscious of
all the others as !hysical things""!hysical things with energy in tie and s!ace. And here
we are. /e have all fallen<

/e are bodies, in a roo, at this tie, in this s!ace. /e think of ourselves as soething
!hysical instead of non"!hysical, divine entities. /e think we are bodies or brains, or
inds, or !ersonalities. /e think we are soething that can die or be destroyed. 'o we
think we ust survive# and we act in order to survive. And, it isn5t even true< /e are not
bodies# we are not !hysical things# we are divine individuals. >veryone< /e5re lost in
the illusion of this world, trying to survive. /e think we have a body so we can do
things to survive. And at the sae tie we have a body that can die<
/e act lovingly toward each other as long as it doesn5t threaten what we think we are.
(ut soeties we are not nice to others. /e go against dhara or ethics and say, 82h, I
shouldn5t do that. (ut I have to because if I don5t, I will suffer and I ight even die.
9ow what about y children0 *hey ust survive, too. (ut I don5t like to hurt other

/hat to do0 *his is what I ean by being in a !rison. /e are in the !rison of tie and
s!ace and energy and bodies and !hysicalness, fighting to survive. (ut we are not bodies#
we are not !hysical things# we are all divine individuals. >very last one of us<
;iberation gets us out of the !rison. It5s that si!le.
2ne ?uestion reains@ $ow do we get out of the !rison0 *he way out is The Road to
Liberation, the title of this series of talks.
*o get free fro the !rison of life is a big task. /e need to know that life is an illusion,
and that we can go toward liberation""liberation by our own choice. I!risonent was
caused by our choice. *his is how we descended into the !rison of life. And the way out
is to reverse that !rocess and go towards liberation by our own choice""our choice not to
deny others.
You ay be thinking, 8/ell, Yogeshwar, 2A. (ut why don5t you 7ust give e your
shakti blessing &energy i!arted fro aster to disci!le) and I won5t have to do
anything.: If that would work, I would do it. (ut it doesn5t work. 1erha!s for an hour or
two you would say, 82h wonderful, Yogeshwar, you give us blessings<: (ut then you
will go down# you will fall and descend again into the !rison of life. Beeber,
i!risonent was caused by your choice to deny others and the way out is to reverse that
!rocess by choosing 92* to deny others.
You go towards liberation by your choice""your choice not to deny others. It5s easy to
say, isn5t it0 (ut it takes years and years to acco!lish.
*he fall took only one second. It ay be that it will take a whole lifetie to ove toward
liberation. /hy is that so0 It5s si!ly because you are convinced that you are sitting in
a roo in a body. Yes, I can see with y own eyes and feel with y own hands. It ust
be true< /hereas you as the divine individual that I say you are, cannot be seen. You
can know that you are that, but you can5t see it with eyes or feel yourself with fingers.
*he real you is divine and non"!hysical# it is the one that is conscious right now.
Most of you are conscious right now listening to e. It5s enough to !ut anyone to slee!<
I5 sharing very basic truths that cut to the very heart of your being. And because you5re
convinced and believe your consciousness instead of your own truth, you say,
8Yogeshwar is !robably right, but what I5 sure of is that I5 conscious of being a body,
or a brain, or a !ersonality in the ind# so 7ust in case, I5d better !ut survival first# and I5ll
!ut the road to liberation second.:
I understand your situation. You5re in !rison and you want to kee! living long enough
until you can get out. 'o I acce!t that your 7ourney is going to be gradual. If I acce!t it,
you can acce!t it. In any case, you will choose whatever you choose to choose, no atter
what I say. I know that because I acce!t that you have the !ower to deny or not to deny.
9othing causes you to choose one or the other. 82h, yes,: you ight think, 8oh, yes,
soething causes e to ake certain choices.: /hen you think that, you are denying
yourself. 9othing causes you to ake any choice. 'ay you have 3gelato5 here, and over
there you have soe old dried cheese. You say, 8I like the ice crea. I have any
reasons for !referring the ice crea. (ut I5 only going to eat oneCthe ice crea or the
old, s!oiled cheese.: (ut you can choose either one. You can choose to eat the old,
rotten cheese, even though you have any reasons for eating the ice crea. You have
the !ower of choice. 2therwise, I wouldn5t bother to talk to you at all.
1eo!le think that the best way to !roceed is by reason. Yes, soundly based reasons have
their role in life. (ut they don5t ake you choose. You can go along with your reasons,
or you can ignore the and 7ust choose soething else. And you say, 8(ut if I do that, I
ay die<: You ight. (ut you still have that choice. You have the !ower. It5s a divine
!ower. *hat5s what akes you divine# you have free will.
1hysical things do not have free will. 1hysical things only work by cause and effect.
1hysical things don5t ake choices. (ut you ake choices and you have that !ower to
choose. 'o logically, you can not be a !hysical thing< Yes, it is true. (ut it is not
because of the logic that it is true. It is true because you have the !ower of choice. You
ust e.!erience that yourself. 2nce you start on the road to liberation, you will go
against the survival of your !hysical !resence. (ut, so what0 You are not that !hysical
!resence. You are a divine individual, not a !hysical entity.
'o do you think I can talk you into liberation in forty"five inutes0 I don5t think so. (ut
you can listen to what I say and you can think about it. You can !rogress a little bit in
this !rogra or that and that seed that I !lant in your ind will grow. 2ver a !eriod of
any years, it will grow into a wonderful tree. And then flowers will bloo. You5ll say,
8Ahhhh, now I see what liberation is<:
(ut that5s still not liberation# you are only seeing what liberation is. *hat flower ust
turn into a fruit, the divine fruit of the *ruth. *hen you will not only know what
liberation is, you will live it.
/hat is it like to be liberated0 *here aren5t any e.a!les around. 2ne characteristic
of a liberated !erson is that he knows the *ruth, lives the *ruth and is kind to others. A
liberated !erson is healthy, ha!!y, and is not !ushed around by life. A liberated !erson
en7oys life, but he is not seeking to en7oy life. It doesn5t atter what5s ha!!ening to hi.
/hatever it is, he en7oys it# so he doesn5t have to seek it. *hese are 7ust a few
characteristics of a liberated !erson.
9ow the ?uestions are@ $ow do I begin the road to liberation0 And how can I tell that
I5 on the right road0 *oorrow I will talk to you about that. I have y choice to coe
back. And toorrow you have your choice to be here or not and to listen to this. 'o you
say, 8=oe back toorrow.: *hat5s a reason for e to coe back. (ut I choose to
coe back. I will give you a detailed account of the first ste!s that you ust take on the
road to liberation and e.!lain how you know you are on the right !ath.
II. First Steps to Union with the Ultimate
As I !roised you, I will talk to you today about the first ste!s on the road to liberation.
Yesterday we discussed what liberation is and how we start off as divine individuals, as
non"!hysical divine individuals. I said we were all in heaven. (ut by heaven I don5t ean
a !lace in the sky. I ean that we were in a state of relationshi! of divine love and
acce!tance of each other. *his is a state# it is not a location in s!ace. 'o heaven is not a
!hysical !lace. 9or is it in tie. Ah""so then, when is it0 It is at no tie. It is outside of
tie. *his is i!ossible for the ind to iagine. (ut you can understand the words 3not
in tie.5 *hen I told you how we fell by denying each other# and that fall is the descent
fro the divine state down to the !hysical state. And finally I e.!lained that the road to
liberation is to choose to acce!t each other. $ow do we get started on that !ath0
Step one: a direct realisation who you are. /hen I say 8realise who you are,: it eans
ore than having the correct idea that you are the one that you are. It eans to directly
e.!erience yourself as you truly are. It5s si!le""8I5 e<: (ut, 8A I a nae0 A I a
!ersonality0 /ell, I5 e.: /hen one has that direct realiDation""one that any of you
have had""you know which one you are because you e.!erience yourself to be that one.
*hirty years ago, this onth, I gave the first >nlightenent Intensive. /hy did I begin
giving >nlightenent Intensives0 I had discovered that those who ake !rogress in life
are the !eo!le who know who they are. If you think you are a !ersonality and you do
soe growth techni?ue, you don5t ake any !rogress. It ust be you yourself who does
the techni?ue. If you have only an idea of yourself and do the techni?ue, it leads to
failure. (ut if you yourself do the techni?ue, you will !rogress. You ay have a ental
echanis in your ind, and that echanis is doing the techni?ue. You are 7ust sitting
back and watching# therefore, you don5t ake any !rogress. (ut if it is you who does the
techni?ue, you ake !rogress. *his is also true of en7oyent. If soe ental echanis
is en7oying the activity, you don5t get anything out of it. (ut if you realise who you are,
then you !artici!ate in the en7oyent. Anowing who you truly are is the first ste! toward
>nlightenent Intensives are s!ecifically designed to do two things@ one, to have the
direct realisation of who you are and two, to have the direct realisation of what you are.
*herefore any techni?ue, ethod or !artici!ation is coing fro you. (ut there is one
difficulty. If you don5t have a realisation of who you are, how can you successfully do
the enlightenent techni?ue0 It5s a =atch ++. >ither way you lose. 9evertheless, if the
aster directs you correctly and if you try hard enough, you will be able to have an
enlightenent of who you are within one to five intensives. (ut if after eight or ten
intensives you still haven5t directly e.!erienced who you are, it would be better to sto!
taking intensives. I know a an in =alifornia who took intensives for twenty"nine years
Cfive or si. a year, on and on and on. In the last year he finally e.!erienced who he was.
I don5t recoend this. It would be better to sto! and do another techni?ue. You could
sing hyns or chant to Eod. You could do willful $atha Yoga or ind clearing. *hat I
would recoend. 4on5t go on and on with >nlightenent Intensives without having a
direct e.!erience.
Step two: a direct realisation of what you are. *his is also the second ob7ective of the
>nlightenent Intensive. If you5ve realised who you are even a little, you will
iediately begin asking, 8/hat is it that I a0 A I a soul0 A I a brain0 A I a
glowing light0 A I soething that was created by Eod0 A I a flow of energy0 /hat
a I0: *hen you begin working on that until layer u!on layer of false ideas dissi!ate. If
you work on the ?uestion 8/hat a I0: for two or three >nlightenent Intensives and do
not ake any !rogress, sto!. 4o soe other techni?ue. If, however, you ake soe
!rogress and have dee! e.!eriences about what you are, then you have co!leted the
second ste!.
I can tell you what you are right now, but it will not save you fro the intensive work.
$earing what you are with the ear is not the direct e.!erience of what you are. You are a
divine individual that has the !ower of choice. *hat5s all< (ut if you realise that, it will
change the entire direction of your life. 9o longer will you be using your body for
survival and your faily as the basis of your life. 4hara &the right way of living and
acting) becoes ost i!ortant thing.
>ven though soe !eo!le chant to Eod, do clearing, work on resolving their !robles,
and do $atha Yoga, they still don5t ake any !rogress. /hat can these !eo!le do0 You
ay be one of the. *he source of this !roble is bad kara. You won5t allow yourself
to !rogress because you are a divine individual and that divine individual thinks, 8I don5t
deserve to !rogress because I5ve done bad things.:
'o how can you get over bad kara0 You should willfully follow dhara to the best of
your ability. 'oeties even that won5t work. *he final resort is to do service without
reward""7ust serve soeone else without being acknowledged for it. ;et5s say you serve
guru who never says 8*hank you.: You think, 82h, I5ve worked and worked and y
guru won5t even say 8EraDia.: You suffer in your heart and cancel your bad kara.
6ro a huan !oint of view it ay see right to take credit for your work# but fro a
divine !oint of view it is not the correct !ath.
Step three: the achieement of success. You know who you are# you know what you
are now# and now you need to be successful. 'uccess is on the road to liberation. You
need the following to be successful@
a! "orrect #nowled$e
b! "ommunication s#ills
c! %illful concentration
d! &ner$y 'astery techni(ues
You begin by having correct #nowled$e. /hat is correct knowledge0 =orrect
knowledge is having the !ers!ective that you are a divine individual instead of a !hysical
body. *his is correct knowledge. And there5s ore to correct knowledge. Mankind has
been trying his hardest for thousands of years to liberate hiself fro the snareCthe
tra!""of life. $e akes a little !rogress and then he sli!s back. Yes, there has been soe
aterial success, but that aterialis has also tra!!ed hi. =orrect knowledge is needed
to be liberated fro the tra!. *he word in 'anskrit for tra! or snare is pashu. And in
'anskrit !eo!le are referred to as pashus""the ones who are tra!!ed. *o get out of the
tra!, you ust have correct knowledge. *hat is, you are a divine non"!hysical individual
that has ability. You can originate fro yourself. *hat5s it.
2nce you have correct knowledge, you ust have communication s#ills. *hat is, to be
able to e.!ress yourself accurately so that the others can understand you and to get others
to ake their stateents so that you can understand the. You take res!onsibility for
both sides. You say, 8'ay that again. =larify that. Eive e an e.a!le.: 6inally you
say, 8Ah, now I see.: I !ractised these skills for twenty years before I began editating
in a serious way. I got good at it and ade a lot of oney. 9ow that I editate, I have
given it all u!. I5 well on the road to liberation. If you go far enough on the road to
liberation, you5ll leave the oney behind. If you want oney ore than you want
liberation, do the first ste!s on the road and then sto!. You5re !robably thinking, 8I5ll
decide once I get there.: 2A.
In addition to correct knowledge and counication skills, you ust develo! willful
concentration. You begin by kee!ing your attention on soething for five inutes, then
ten inutes, one hour, five hours, two weeks. 2nce you can kee! you attention on
soething for a long !eriod of tie, you can !enetrate to the truth of it. 2n an
>nlightenent Intensive, you5re !ractising concentration. /hat you5re concentrating on
is yourself, the one who is doing the concentrating. If you can kee! that u! without a
break for ten to twelve hours, you will always realise the truth.
My foral training was in !hysics. /hen I was at university, I could only concentrate
for one or two hours. And so I understood !hysics at a shallow level. (ut about fifteen
years ago, I decided that I would work out the basic !rinci!les of !hysics. I !ut y
attention on the root cause of ateriality for two years without interru!tion, night and
day, even in y slee!. I finally got to the root. /hat did I find0 You<< (ut you5re not a
aterial thing< 'o this aterial world coes fro you as divine individuals. *his was
the fruit of concentration. *o be successful in business, you ust be able to concentrate
longer and ore intensely than your co!etitors.
*he last thing you need to be successfulCafter correct knowledge, counication skills,
and willful concentration""is ener$y mastery. I won5t bother you with the technical !arts
of what energy is because you all know when you5re full of energy. You5re interested
and you want to do it. *hat5s what I ean by energy. (ut this energy ust be astered
in the for that you want.
(ut what if you don5t have any energy0 $ow can you aster soething you don5t have0
You ay say, 8I5 all worn out. /ork, work, work, and now I5 tired.: (ut the energy
is there all the tie. You have to release it< You say, 82h, I5 tired# I don5t want to.:
*hen soebody says, 8(ut there5s this and I thought you were interested in that.: And
you feel energiDed and you say, 82h yes, oh yes, I want to do that.: 'o interest is the
leader in releasing the energy.
(ut even then you ay say, 82h, I can5t do that. It wouldn5t be right.: And you !ush the
energy back down. *hen you have to release it again. *he ain reason you will not
release energy is because you5re afraid it will in7ure other !eo!le. You are a divine
individual. A divine individual doesn5t want to hurt others. 'o rather than hurt others,
you crush your creative energy.
9ow I want to tell you a secret. *here are any fors of energy# but the fors are
different disguises of one energy. *here5s energy in light# there5s energy in uscles#
there5s energy in digestion# and there5s energy in se.. *he su!!ressed energy is the
energy in se.. /hen you release the se.ual energy, there5s a great !ossibility of in7uring
others. *his is why we direct the se.ual energy into foral arriage and having failies.
(ut soe control ust be !laced on the se.ual energy even in arriage. If all the energy
is consued in se.ual activity with your s!ouse, there5s nothing left for creative energy
In order to have a lot of creative energy, you ust be sure that you won5t hurt other
!eo!le""that you will behave dharically""or you will not allow your creative energy to
surface. You have to know who you are and what you are. You have to know that you5re
going to follow dhara, have correct knowledge, and be able to concentrate. *hen you
can release the energy of se.uality and let it rise u!. As soon as it rises u! out of the
se.ual organs, it becoes !owerful, creative energy. =orrectly directed, this energy leads
to success.
/hy did I say it was secret if I5 telling everyone0 It is secret not because it ust not be
s!oken. It is secret because it ust not be isused. 'o you need correct knowledge and
everything else that follows. It ust be taught ste! by ste!. *here are ten energy astery
techni?ues. 2nce these techni?ues are acco!lished, your road to success will be easy.
Step four: the desire only for liberation. $ow do I get to the !oint that I want only
liberation0 You follow ste! one, ste! two and ste! three""on and on until you want only
liberation. You have correct knowledge and you have success. You5re forty"two years
old and you say, 89ow what0 9ow what do I do0: /hat if you5re already ore than
forty"two and you have not been successful0 4o ste! one, two and three until you say,
8/hat was that all about0 I guess the only thing of interest now is to work towards
liberation.: *hen what ha!!ens0 'ay you5re forty"five, fifty years old now. Your
children are grown. Most !eo!le go on tours to Fienna or =airo. *hen they coe back
hoe. 9ow what0 2h, I5ll watch soe television. $ow uch television can you watch0
A lot. (ut it is not fulfilling. Maybe for a oent or two, 82h that was e.citing.: (ut it
doesn5t last. 'o if you find that you want liberationCtrue fulfillent""you can go on.
It5s your choice.

I have entitled !art three of this lecture series 8Union with the Ultiate: and !art four,
86inal 'te!s to Union with the Ultiate.: 1erha!s I shouldn5t tell you what these ste!s
are. Most !eo!le are not ready to hear about the. Maybe I should wait until you have
co!leted the ste!s to success that I have 7ust entioned. (ut, because a new world ay
be on its way, now ay be the correct tie to tell you. /hat I ean by now is the
weekend of August +9th and ,-th. I will talk about the final ste!s even though it will
see a bit distant to you. >ven though it5s distant, it5s still interesting. /hat do you go
through in the de!ths of natural editation0 $ow is natural editation different fro
willful editation0 /hat ha!!ens to your ind0 /hat ha!!ens to your brain0 /hat
ha!!ens to your body0 And where does the !ower coe fro to do those things0 I will
describe all of that. Bight now though, I have tie for a few ?uestions.
)uestion: /hy, in dhara, is the !rinci!le not to hurt others first and to tell the truth
second0 1lease e.!lain the relationshi! between the and the order.
*nswer: *hat is because the other is not a !hysical thing. *he other is the truth and it is
less i!ortant to tell the truth than to acce!t the truth. (y not in7uring, you are acce!ting
the truth of the other. *he other is the truth. All there is are divine individuals and their
relationshi!s. *hat5s all there is. /hat is, is the truth. 'o by being kind and not in7uring
what is, eans that you5re not denying that truth. You5re res!ecting the others !ower of
choice. *elling the truth is secondary. (ut it is second, not third. 'o it5s very i!ortant
also. /hen you tell the truth, there5s an i!ortant in7unction@ *ell the truth in such a way
that you don5t in7ure the others. You ust not be brutal with the truth. Yes, say it.
'oeties you have to coe fro different directions and think long and hard about
how you can say it without in7ury. (ut still, you end u! with the truth.
)uestion: I studied econoics in the University. I realised that one of y !ersonal ais
in life ay be to set u! a different kind of econoics, one that is uch ore dharic.
4oes the basis of econoics include any dhara at all0 Is it !ossible to have a syste of
dharic interactions a!!roaching the Eolden Age0
*nswer: Yes. $owever, there is one condition. If you 7ust write an econoic syste
based on dhara, the !eo!le who are willing to violate dhara will ake the !eo!le who
want to follow dhara !oor. 'o such an econoic syste would not work. 4hara
needs a !owerful friend. *hat friend is energy astery. 1eo!le who follow dhara will
be focused, and !owerful. /hen they follow dhara, !eo!le can a!!ly that !ower to
their activities. *hen they will succeed over those who don5t follow dhara. 'o dhara
!lus !ower will ake such an econoic syste work.
About a onth ago, I gave a talk in the other roo. 2ne an asked a ?uestion. I had
been saying, 8You could !ut a thought in the other !erson5s head that he should agree to
the !rogra that you5re doing.: $e said, 8Is that right0: I said, 8Yes, yes. /hat you5re
trying to do is dharic.: You are acknowledging that the !erson has the !ower of choice.
$e can follow the thought you !ut in his head or not. As long as your !rogra is
dharic, he will choose to go along with it# and if isn5t, he won5t. 'o it5s alright to use
your !ower if you do it without in7ury and by telling the truth. (ut there5s this catch, you
ust have the !ower and to do that your se.ual energy ust be restrained to soe
degree. 'o you have to decide, do I want to do that or not. An econoic syste of
dhara and !ower will succeed.

)uestion: In y research, I have often found that guru and teacher say that you have to
lose all certainties in order to !rogress""to be sure of soething. $ow can I live in this
way, if I a not sure of anything0:
*nswer: It is true that !eo!le are sure of any things that are not true. 'o they have to
give those u!. (ut when you directly e.!erience and realise for yourself what is true, that
doesn5t need to be given u!. 'o be willing to set aside your certainty long enough to be
o!en to the truth. 4o not have !reconceived ideas, but be o!en to the truth. If you
!rogress far enough on the road to liberation, there coes a day when you don5t care
about certainty or uncertainty. You5re in the state of the truth itself. *here5s no ental
!rocess of arriving at certainty. *his is called the natural state. In 'anskrit, sahaja
avasta. It5s you, the true state of you. *his is not a state of certainty or uncertainty. It5s
not the state of anything !ositive or negative. It5s not anything that you have to find out
because it5s you. *hat ends the ?uestion of certainty or uncertainty.
)uestion: $ow can I !ay for a wrong choice that I ade in y life0
*nswer: *here are any ways. You don5t have to redo your wrong choice with
soething !ositive. %ust follow dhara in general@ be kind, be truthful, and restrain your
se.ual energy and so on, all the ways of dhara. *hat is sufficient. >veryone akes
wrong choices. 'oe are big and soe are little, but everyone akes istakes. I have
ade a nuber of gigantic istakes, but I have never given u!. I have ke!t going. 'o if
I can do it, you can do it. You don5t know what unbelievable trouble I5ve been in.
'oeties I look back and it sees like a cartoon. (ut now these last ten, fifteen years
have been !retty good.
'o, I will see you at the end of August and we will talk about union with the ultiate and
the final ste!s on the road to liberation.
III. Union with the Ultimate
*oday I a going to give you a very broad !ers!ective. %anaka (runelli has been giving
you a very s!ecific way to hel! you with your life. I5 going to give you a very broad
!ers!ective. /hen I was here four weeks ago, I talked to you about the road to
liberation. 6or those of you who were not here, I5ll give you a very brief review of the
first four ste!s on the road to liberation.
6irst of all, what is liberation0 /e live every day, we eat, we breathe, we go through our
whole life, we die and then we are reborn and so on. ;iberation eans to be released
fro that activity of life. You ay not want to be released fro the activity of life. You
ay be !erfectly ha!!y to live in the !rison of life. 'oeties life is !leasant and
soeties it5s suffering. (ut whether it is !leasant or whether it is suffering, it is still a
!rison. I5 going to talk to you about how to get released fro that !rison without
*he first step is to realise who you are. /hen I say who you are, I don5t ean your
nae# I ean which one are you. It should be self"evident# but any !eo!le are confused
about who they are. *hey think they5re their nae or their activity in life. You ask,
8/ho are you0: *hey say, 8I5 an electrician.: *hat5s a very su!erficial answer. 'o the
best way to know who you are is to take an >nlightenent Intensive. 2nly soeone who
knows who he is is able to ake !rogress with other techni?ues of !ersonal growth.
*he second step on the road to liberation is to directly realise what you are. You know
which one you are, but what are you0 A body0 A brain0 A ind0 A !ersonality0 A soul0
It5s not enough for soeone to tell you what you are# you ust realise this for yourself.
You could take >nlightenent Intensives, but not ore than eight or ten. If you still
haven5t had a dee! realisation of what you are, then you should do other techni?ues and
ethods. You could do willful yoga. You could !erfor service for others. You could
do the techni?ue of ind clearing. (ut you ust have soe realisation of what you truly

2nce you know who you are and what you are, you5re ready for the third step, success
or e!owerent. 6irst, you should have correct knowledge@ what is true and what is not
true. You can do this by studying various books on scri!ture, by taking different courses.
2nce you have correct knowledge, then the second thing is to develo! your
counication skills. *his weekend, you have been !ractising dyad techni?ues to
i!rove your counication skills. *he third thing to gain e!owerent is willful
concentration to release your !ower. /hy don5t !eo!le release their !ower0 *here are
two reasons. 2ne, they are afraid they will in7ure others if they do it. 'o you ust be
coitted to !ractising a code of behavior. In 'anskrit it is called dhara. *he second
reason is they don5t know how to release it safely. 'o in order to safely release your
energy, you need to !ractice the ten techni?ues of energy astery to aster the released
energy. It is i!ortant to continue doing the first three ste!s on the road to liberation""a
direct realisation who you are+ a direct realisation what you are+ and empowerment
or achieement of success""until you are ready to go on to the road to liberation. All this
I talked about four weeks ago. 9ow, the final ste!s on the road to liberation and to union
with the ultiate.
As I entioned before, it ay be the right tie to tell you this. *he world ay be going
through a big crisis over the ne.t twelve to fourteen years. And you should be ared
with a correct !ers!ective on life. /hat is the use of being successful in life0 2f aking
a lot of oney0 2f having a lot of !leasure0 2f having a ha!!y faily0 And then
dying. >ven if you get reborn, you do the sae thing all over again< And again and
again. If you5re not reborn, then your children can do it# and they can have children, on
and on. *his is alright for those who are satisfied in the !rison of life. (ut when you get
to a certain stage of e!owerent# when you realise who and what you are, when you
becoe a su!erior !erson, you will not be satisfied 7ust to go on and on. 'oe !eo!le
will say, 8I want the *ruth.: 2thers will say, 8I want to be free of all this.: 2r others,
8All I want is !erfect, 4ivine ;ove.: And others, 8I5 tired of co!eting in life to get
this and get that.: 'o when you get to this stage, you will want to know what to do ne.t.
/hat I a going to say !robably has no iediate value at all, but later on it ay be
invaluable. 'o listen closely.
Step four: find an e,cellent+ e,perienced teacher. *here is only one e.cellent route to
liberation. *here are any ways to a!!roach it# and they are all e?ually valuable. $ow
you a!!roach it de!ends u!on your own !articular !ersonality and nature. All the
a!!roaches converge on one road. /hen I say liberation, I don5t ean liberation by
dying# I ean liberation while still alive. *hen you5ll never be born again. Most
i!ortantly, you need an e.cellent, e.!erienced teacher who knows this road to
liberation. *his is the fourth ste! to liberation. 4uring the last three onths, I have been
teaching these two. *hey are undergoing this !rocess on the road to liberation. (y the
tie you are ready to go, they will have enough e.!erience to guide those of you who
choose to go on the road to liberation.
/hy is an e.!erienced teacher necessary0 'trictly s!eaking, a teacher is not necessary.
If, for e.a!le, you were assebling an atoic bob, you could try this way and that
way until you got it right# but aybe you wouldn5t. If you start to do it the wrong way
and you have a teacher, the teacher will say,: 9o< 9ot like that, like this<: You5ll say,
8/hew< 2A.: You ight be able to get it right yourself. (ut there are about +G- ste!s#
and you have to get the all correct. 'o an e.!erienced teacher is very valuable.
Step fie: receie shaktipata initiation. 'hakti!ata initiation by your teacher gives you
a link with hi &or her). It is not 7ust a ental link, but a divine energy link. /hen a
teacher gives shaktipata, he takes you on as a student and guides you on the road to
liberation, no atter how long it takes. It could be your whole life, or even longer if
9ow I want to share one thing with you. It is usually the case that !eo!le who are in the
householder stage of life can not go on the advanced road to liberation. You have
failies, res!onsibilities, businesses, and so on. *his road to liberation is eant only for
soeone who does not have the res!onsibilities of work, business and faily. In order to
finish the road to liberation, you ust be free of all that.
(ut I have soe good news for you. My teacher has said that in these final days of life in
the Iron Age""an age of achineries, electronics and technology""it is !ossible for
householders to begin on this road. (ut there5s a certain condition. $ouseholders ust
take a vow, a vow that they will liit their editation to two hours a day. *he reason for
this is that you go through so any stages that soeties you becoe dysfunctional.
You can5t get u! in the orning because you couldn5t go to slee! at night. You can5t
think straight. *he nerve connections in your brain becoe se!arated. *his will last
fro three to si. onths. (ut how can you take care of a faily0 $ow can you run a
business or go to work0 'o in order to !revent this fro ha!!ening, it has been found
that if you liit your editation to two hours a day, you only becoe slightly craDy. You
ust be coitted to this vow. 2therwise your teacher will say, 8You ust sto!.:
Step si,: total freedom to release your ener$y. You can5t have total freedo to
release your energy if you are e!loyed or taking care of your children. You ust be
free of those coitents. *hen you go into a roo, lock the door, and release the
energy totally. You ust have co!lete freedo to do this. Instead of controlling your
energy with your ind, you allow it to be released. *his ust be done in a s!ecial way.
$ow does one release this energy totally0 *he teacher has the key. In 'anskrit it is called,
8shakti!ata.: /hat is this 8shakti0: 'hakti is the 'anskrit word for the energy of life.
/hen you feel like doing things, you have a lot of shakti, and when you don5t you have
very little shakti. *his a!!lies not only to your body, but to the creative activity of your
ind. It also a!!lies to the shakti in your heart""your eotional feelings. /hen you
release that, you release anger, tears, sorrow, and 7oy. It is best to be in your roo with
the door locked when this ha!!ens. 'oe !eo!le say after editation, 82k, I released it.
And nothing ha!!ened.: >ven so very few !eo!le will have it released# ost !eo!le are
afraid of it.
In shaktipata initiation, divine energy is transferred fro teacher to student. *he energy
is enabled like a atch thrown into the kindling of your state. If your body, ind and
feelings are !ure enough, they catch fire in contact with the atch. If your body, ind
and feelings are not !ure enough, like a atch in da! or wet grass, it goes out. *his
eans you5re not ready. *hen you ust go back to ste!s one, two and three, and do it
over and over again. *hen the teacher can throw the atch in later.
*he fire of shakti!ata lasts for two or three weeks. You think, 8*his is wonderful< Ah,
arvelous<: And then you coe down< /hat do I do now0: *hat5s when you need the
*here are any stages that one goes through when this energy is released. *he first stage
is called 8!ranotana.: It eans the release and rising u! of this life energy. *his is a very
draatic thing, but it is only a beginning. /hen the su!!ressed energy held at the base of
your s!ine is released, it rises u! like bubbles if you don5t try to control it. If you allow it
be free of your will and control, it will begin to !urify your body, your feelings and your
ind. /hat does this ean0 It eans that you are giving u! your ego5s control over your
life. (ut it5s not enough 7ust to give u! control. *he control ust be given over to
soething that knows what to do.
/hen you surrender your control over this energy, you surrender it to whatever the
Ultiate is to you. 'oe !eo!le call it Eod. 'oe !eo!le call it 4ivine ;ove. 'oe
!eo!le call it the Absolute *ruth. I 7ust call it the Ultiate. =all it whatever you want.
/hen you release the energy, you give over its control to whatever the Ultiate is for
you. *hat5s the entire techni?ue. (ut it is a very big !ro7ect. *his giving over control is
called surrendering.
/hen I say, 8You give over control,: who is this you0 6irst you ust have a direct, clear
e.!erience of who it is that is giving over control. If you think you5re a !ersonality and
the !ersonality tries to give over control, nothing ha!!ens. It ust be the real you that
gives over control.
*he second !oint in surrendering is that you ust have first had control of your life
energy in order to surrender it. Ah"ha, back to 'te! ,< You ust not only have your
energy released, but ust have enough control over it so you have soething to
surrender< *his is !owerful stuff. It is not for !eo!le who say, 82h, I want soething to
do this weekend, aybe I5ll try this.: It5s very serious. It5s soething you have to give
your whole life to. You surrender the control you had over your energy to an Ultiate.
You ust have at least soe idea of what this Ultiate is for you. It5s no good to have
soeone say, 8You surrender to Eod,: and they tell you what Eod is. It ust be your
own understanding of 4ivine ;ove or Eod or *ruth.
If you are able to surrender the energy over which you have control to an Ultiate, you
will be able to editate for one or two hours a day releasing the energy. It will go on for
two or three weeks, and then you will be lost. >ven though you do everything correctly,
you will be lost.
I was lost. My teacher gave e shakti!ata and the energy was all over the !laceC
feelings, crying, twisting, breathing, everything. *hree weeks later I was co!letely lost.
'o, this is not 7ust soething you do for a weekend. You can !lay with it, but it is
!ointless. *he fire will 7ust go out. /hy does it go out0 (ecause you reach a new level.
You5ll think soething is wrong. *he body is 7ust lying there. 8(ody, lying there0 I
thought you said editation, Yogeshwar.: Yes, when you are using your will to control
your body, you sit in editation. *he body sits u! straight. If it doesn5t, you ake it do
it. (ut if the body is 7ust lying there because you are not using your will to control it, this
is correct. *his is a different kind of editation. It5s natural editation, a editation in
which you have total release of the energy to the Ultiate.
You will go through all kinds of body and ind activity. In the 9ew *estaent it says,
8*hat on the day of 1entecost, the $oly '!irit entered the.: *his is the sae as
shakti!ata. It5s another way of saying the sae thing. And they talked in tongues. 2nce
your energy is released that can ha!!en. *hen the activity goes away after a few weeks
and you will think there is soething wrong again.
>verything has becoe ?uiet. *he body is 7ust lying on the floor and then your ind
starts to work. You ust realise that when the ind starts to work, it is being freed. All
kinds of thoughts ha!!en. 8/hen I go to the grocery store, what will I buy0: And you
say, 8/hat5s the !oint of this0 I can always think what to buy at the grocery store.: (ut
this only ha!!ens for four or five days. Eradually you start thinking dee!er thoughts.
After a while, you5ll say, 8I5 going to ?uit. /hat Yogeshwar talked about was very
interesting, but I don5t think it5s for e.: I5 going to tell you what ha!!ens. 4ee!,
dee! in the subconscious ind, desires are starting to surface. Ficious desires. >vil
desires. *he desire to kill soebody. *he desire to control the world. 2r to sla!
soebody5s face. 2r to have se. with everything. And in order to kee! these buried and
under control, all you can do is ?uit""unless you have the guidance of an e.!erienced
*hen you can go on to the ne.t ste!. You5re right to kee! those evil desires buried,
unless they can be successfully resolved. 'o the teacher will show you how you can, one
by one, let these evil desires surface and be dissolved away. *hese evil desires hold all
your basic energy in a tangle and kee! you tra!!ed in life. In editation you can let the
surface and have the dissolve away. (y this !rocess, the energy that is tangled u! is
freed and turns into the Ultiate itself.
*hat is a ?uick story of the !rocess toward liberation. 9ow toorrow, I5 going to give
you soe details of how that !rocess takes !lace. You will begin to get an idea about why
this is only done under the guidance of a teacher. You ust !re!are yourself through the
e!owerent !rocess and becoe a aster of your energy. You aster that energy
through the use of the will. *hen when you do surrender editation, you surrender that
control to the Ultiate. *his does not ake you rich. It does not give you fae and
res!ect fro the counity. It does not give you a faily. It gives you liberation fro
the illusion of life, fro the !rison of life.
*his road is well known and well arked. And it is available for those who want it. 6or
those few who know the suffering of life and want the end of all !ain, this is the road. I
want you to know about it, so that when you5ve had enough, you can ake the choice.
I5ll be here toorrow to tell you the details of the final ste!s. $ow the 4ivine (ody is
fored. /hat is this 4ivine (ody0 /hen %esus rose out of the tob, he had the 4ivine
(ody. And I will tell you how that coes about. You could call it the Iortal (ody.
In *aois they call it the =rystal (ody of ;ight. In *ibetan (uddhis it is called the
Bainbow (ody. In Yoga it is called the 4ivine (ody. *hey are all the sae.
At this !oint, carefully read 'wai Ari!alvananda5s (irthday 4iscourse before deciding
whether to do 9atural Meditation or not. Eo to the Foundation for Natural Meditation5s
web!age, Sami !ripalvananda"s #ritin$s, and click on 4ownload to the right of
(irthday =ourse 19H9. *o get to the correct web!age, click on the hy!erlink above or on
the following link@ htt!@IIwww.naturaleditation.netI4esignIAri!aluJwritings.htl.
IV. Final Steps on the Road to Liberation
*oday we will talk about the final ste!s on the road to liberation. *o give a co!lete,
detailed descri!tion would take any hours. 'o I5ll give you an outline to start with.
You reeber yesterday, we covered soe of the ste!s. I said you need to know who
you are@ Step one. Step two: you need to know what you are. And Step three@ you ust
acco!lish the ste! of e!owerent or success. You continue with these three ste!s
until you are so successful in life that you5re ready for the ne.t level. *his ay take any
years. (ut we are going to assue that now you are ready for the ne.t level. You are a
su!erior !erson. You have astered the energy that you have released. You follow
dhara. And now you want ore fro life than 7ust success. 6or those few !eo!le who
want only liberation, we will go on to a !ath that re?uires an e.!erienced teacher. 6inding
an e.!erienced teacher is Step four. Step fie is an initiation called shakti!ata by that
teacher into the !ath of surrender editation. It is also called 9atural Yoga. Step si, is
total freedo to release your energy in surrender editation.
In surrender editation, you surrender the control of your life energy, your 3!rana," to
what is the Absolute to youCyou ay call it 4ivine ;ove, *ruth or Eod or soething
else. You surrender only to what is 4ivine. You do not surrender to 7ust anything. You
!resent to the Ultiate, your energy and your enthusias for life. Your life energy is no
longer under the control of your ind or your will as before# it is now surrendered to the
You will reeber that yesterday I said that this energy becoes ?uiet after a few days
or weeks of editation. *hen you5re inclined to sto!. At this !oint you need soe
guidance. *his guidance ust be given !rivately and in !erson. $owever, I5ll give you a
little hint@ the sub7ect is called 3brahacharya5 in 'anskrit.
(rahacharya is usually translated as celibacy. (ut this is not accurate. *he literal
eaning of 3(raha5 is Eod. 3=harya5 eans to ove. 'o you ove with Eod or walk
with Eod. It eans that instead of seeking !leasure in life, you seek only to ove with
Eod. You give u! seeking !leasure# and that is the difficulty. 1eo!le work hard in life.
*hey have been successful and have a good faily. 9ow they want soe reward for
working hard# they want soe !leasure.
(ut on the road to liberation, you have to give u! seeking !leasure. /hy do you !re!are
very tasty food0 /hy do you do that0 It5s to ake it !leasurable to eat. You say I like this
food uch better than that food. You s!end your tie, your effort and your oney
seeking good food""the food that gives you !leasure. (ut at this stage on the road to
liberation, it is necessary to abandon that way of living. 2f course, if you are on the !ath
to Eod, the food ay taste good, but you are not seeking it out. You are not seeking tasty
food for en7oyent. You take whatever food coes your way and you eat it. (ut you
wouldn5t say, 81lease !ass the salt.: You would 7ust eat it as it is. You wouldn5t say, 81ut
soe nice sauce on this.: You wouldn5t bother. You would eat to stay alive, not in order
to find !leasure
*his a!!lies to all your senses@ your eyes, ears, sense of touch, sense of sell, as well as
the taste buds on your tongue. You wouldn5t go to a otion !icture for the !leasure of
watching it. You wouldn5t clib a ountain to see a beautiful sunset. You ay be
walking along, see a beautiful sunset and e.!erience great !leasure. (ut you wouldn5t
seek it out< You wouldn5t fly to *ahiti to see a beautiful sunset. *his is what
brahacharya eans.
*his also a!!lies to se.. You would not seek out se.ual contact for !leasure. As a
householder with a liit of two hours a day of surrender editation, you would not seek
se.ual contact with your s!ouse. It ight ha!!en once or twice a onth, but one
wouldn5t seek it. 6or those of you who are not arried, you would have no se.ual
contact. *his is the beginning of brahacharya. It is brahacharya that o!ens the door to
(ecause you are not distracted by seeking !leasure in any for, the energy in the body
begins to increase. If you feel this is correct, you will !roceed. (ut if you feel it is not
correct, you will sto!. You5ll say, 8I thought brahacharya eant I would no longer feel
any se.ual feelings""ever. 8 *his is not true. In fact, the se.ual feelings increase. You
becoe co!letely restless in the beginning. You can5t slee!. 8Ah, what a I going to
do0: If you are not !ro!erly guided at this stage, you will sto! your editation.
You ust not confuse this with odern tantric teachings. Modern tantric teachings are
wrong. 'e.ual contact between a an and a woan in order to achieve liberation is
i!ossible. 1eo!le have been !ractising that techni?ue for thousands of years, and not
one !erson has gotten liberated that way. You ust abandon all such ideas. (ut this does
not ean that se.ual energy is not involved on the road to liberation. It is involved. *hat
energy rises u! fro the lower !art of the body, and you ust not su!!ress it at this stage.
You let that restlessness be there. You think, 8It5s going to drive e craDy<: You go to
the e.!erienced teacher, and you tell hi, 8It5s driving e craDy<:, and he says, 8'o
what0 *his is !art of the !ath.: You say, 8(ut I have to have relief fro this# I have to
have relief# I can5t rest<:
If you are a householder, you will have se.ual contact with your s!ouse once or twice a
onth. *his will give you enough relief. (ut if you are not a householder, and you are on
the road toward liberation, editating eight hours a day, and have no se.ual contact you
go craDy. *his craDiness is not insanity# it is Eod"into.ication. *here5s an association
between se.uality and the 4ivine. *he trouble is ost se.uality is full of i!urities. It5s
full of selfish thoughts# it5s full of seeking !leasure# it5s full of trying to control others to
get what you want. *here5s ore evil associated with se.uality than with oney.
*his ust be resolved. *o get through this treendous crisis of releasing the se.ual
energy, having no outlet for it, there ust be an answer. 6ortunately, there is. 6ortunately,
there is an answer. *his can be e.!ressed in two ways@ !urification and transforation. In
!urification, the feelings in the body, the thoughts and ideas in the ind, are offered to
Eod, to the Ultiate, to 4ivine ;ove, to Absolute *ruth, whatever you want to call it. In
this offering, Eod takes the i!urity in your body, in your heart and in your ind, and
changes it. (ut you have to be very brave.
*his techni?ue is called the awakening of the 3kundalini5 in 'anskrit. It is eant only for
those who want liberation. *hose who want success in life don5t o!en this door# they
continue the cycle of life"death again. (ut if you want only liberation, you ust go
through this crisis.
*he second way that the crisis is resolved is through transforation. After enough
!urification has occurred, one can 7ust !ut one5s attention on whatever it is, and it will
dissolve right in front of hi. (ut this only coes when one has enough !urification to
have enough !ower to do so.
At a certain stage of transforation, the divine body begins to for. /hat is this divine
body0 My teacher said to e, 8Yogeshwar, the divine body is the body.: /hat we see
here is the divine body, !lus any, any i!urities""i!urities of the flesh, i!urities of
the heart, and i!urities in the ind. $e says all you need to do is to reove those
i!urities, and what is left is the divine body. It is not a iracle# it is only the result of
the !rocess of reoving the i!urities.
*his divine body, as I told you yesterday, is like the resurrection body. It is also called the
iortal body. As a atter of fact, it is not in tie at all. 9ot being in tie ay see
like a iracle, but it is not. In fact, not being in tie is the noral state. (eing conscious
of soething being in tie is an i!urity because it is not true. *ie and s!ace are
illusions. *his whole world is an illusion. It5s an illusion of consciousness. =onsciousness
tells you there is a world here. *here is soething here, but it5s not what a!!ears in your
consciousness. It is Eod. It is the collective us as divine individuals. 'o the divine body is
si!ly a !attern of our relationshi!s.
9ow how does this coe about0 *he first stage has to do with the i!urity of se.uality.
*hat is at the root of the s!ine. In 'anskrit it is called the 3uladhara.5 In that ! ""
like a nerve ! of the body""is buried a treasure"house of i!ure se.ual ideas,
thoughts and feelings. As the !urification goes on""it ay take fro one to ten years""the
ud of i!urities is reoved. /hen that ha!!ens, the actual uladhara chakra, or nerve
!, is absorbed into the ne.t ! u! the s!ine.
'o the uladhara actually ceases to, and is absorbed into a watery"ty!e eleent.
*his is called the 3svadisthana.5 You could call it the se. chakra. 9ow instead of having
i!ure se.ual thoughts, you5ll have thousands and thousands of !ure se.ual thoughts.
2h, I5 going to have a nice wife or a husband, and I5 going to have beautiful children,
and we5ll have se. all the tie. /e5ll be very dharic and very kind and loving to each
other when we do it. *his is !rogress# but it is only a ste!. After soe years of these
thoughts going on and on, then this level or chakra is absorbed into the 3ani!ura,5 the
8gut: chakra.
*he ani!ura is the chakra of fire. You will want to eat. 2h, I5 so hungry all the tie.
You5ll have visions of food. You5ll think, 8/ell, what if nobody notices I5 eating ore
than I should0: And suddenly you5ll get what in odern ties is called !aranoia, and
you5ll think, 8I5ve got to sto! lying.: *hen after soe years of this, you will finally !urify
this all out by transforation, and get through this !roble about eating.
2ne tie %esus and his disci!les were walking. *hey cae to the outskirts of a village.
*hey sto!!ed by the well. *he disci!les said, 8/e5re hungry. /e5re going to go into the
village and ask for soe food.: %esus said, 8You go ahead, I5ll stay here. I5 7ust going
to have soe water.: /ell, after a while a woan cae u! fro the village to get water
at the well. 'he said, 8/hy aren5t you in with the rest getting soe food to eat0: And he
said, 8I have food of which you know not.:
*his is not a figure of s!eech. It is actually true. *hat when the ani!ura chakra has been
absorbed into the heart chakra, one can live off of 3ana.5 Mana is 7ust the energy of life.
*hen one loses all hunger. *his !rocess continues. *his fiery eleent has gone into the
eleent of air. And now that air eleent is absorbed into s!ace in the throat chakra and
then into the 3a7na chakra5 between the eyebrows. >ven tie is absorbed. *his is true.
*hen you5re free of everything.
I only tell you what I read in scri!ture, that which y guru has taught e, and that which
I have e.!erienced for yself. /hen all three agree, I tell you. *his !rocess of one
eleent being absorbed into the ne.t is called 3laya5 yoga. *his is how the divine body is
fored. *he eleents of earth, water, fire, air, and s!ace are i!urities. And even tie is
an i!urity. At that !oint, one has co!leted the first !hase of yoga.
9ow we have the second stage. Many !eo!le think, 82h, I a not going to !ractice $atha
Yoga. I5 not a hatha yogi. I5 a 7nana yogi and I5 going to !ractice ra7a yoga. I only
conceive of the ind.: 'o they try to concentrate on the chakra between the eyebrows.
*hey have left all the lower chakras and all the lower i!urities in !lace. 8And I5 7ust
going to concentrate y attention.: *hey are not ca!able of following ra7a yoga. *hey
will only have an idea. *hey will not have a realisation. You have to take the entire body
with you. And only then is there the s!ontaneous concentration occurring. As long as you
have to use your will in order to concentrate, &this is very nice, and will lead to success in
life) it will not lead to liberation. In order to attain liberation fully, your concentration
ust ha!!en s!ontaneously by the will of Eod. 9ot by your own will. In the ten
techni?ues of >nergy Mastery you learn how to concentrate willfully.
It is s!ontaneous concentration and editation that lead to liberation. All you have to do
is surrender. At this stage the concentration will 7ust go by itself. It becoes so !owerful,
that the ind itself including the attention starts to be absorbed into the *ruth. 'o the
attention is absorbed in Eod. And there is no attention. At this stage, one has achieved
ra7a yoga or union with Eod. *hen all the thoughts, all the ideas, all the worries, are gone.
*his is the end of the ind. It5s the end of !ain. It is liberation. *he divine body is a side
effect. It is of no interest. It is 7ust a side show. If you do this ty!e of editation to
achieve a divine body, you will fail. If you do it to attain liberation, you will succeed.
>ven so, there are any !itfalls on the way. *here are so any that you need a teacher to
!ull you out of the !it, brush you off, and say,: Eo on again.: *hen you will fall again. It
is a very narrow !ath. *he !roble is that we think we know better when actually we5re
blind. Yes, we can see clearly as far as we have gone on the road to liberation. (ut we
can only see three eters ahead. After that, it gets foggy and then becoes dark. (ut you
have to ignore that. You think, 89o, no, no, I5ve understood this tie. I a s!eaking fro
y own e.!erience. I have ade istake after istake after istake. And each tie y
teacher has !ulled e out and saved e. I wonder what istake a I aking now0 I have
an idea.:
If the road to liberation were not difficult, we would have all been liberated long ago. (ut
it is difficult. /e5re buried very dee!ly in layer after layer. /e have talked about si. of
these layers today@ earth, water, fire, air, s!ace, tie. And there are two ore beyond
those. 9ot only that, there are seven layers below earth. 1eo!le who are stuck in those
layers don5t coe to !rogras like this. *hey say, 82h, those !eo!le over there are craDy.
*hey think there5s a Eod# they think that there is truth. *hey think that there is liberation.
And that they can have it<: In contrast, they think that going to an autoobile rally is all
that is of interest in life. /ell, aybe they5re right. Maybe all I5ve been telling you is 7ust
an old an5s fantasy. Maybe. (ut aybe not. It is your choice.
You have the !ower to do whatever you want. Yes, it ay take a long tie, a great
coitent, a lot of effort and study. You ay get very confused and distracted. I
reeber one tie I was in India with y teacher. It was in %une and very hot. *he
onsoons had not coe yet. It was GK"K- degrees centigrade. I thought, 8/hat a I
doing here0 I5 going to ?uit. I5 going to go find a tele!hone and call u! the airlines
and fly back to Aerica.: 'o I went outside on the terrace, sat in a chair and I ?uit. I sat
there for a while. *hree hours later I found yself back in y editation roo# I had
been editating for two hours. 8/hat a I doing0: I forgot. I forgot that I5d ?uit. And
I5ve been editating ever since. *wenty"four years later. I still haven5t started again. It
7ust went on. If that ha!!ens to you, then you will know that Eod is on your side.
It is i!ortant to know about the road to liberation. It is i!ortant to know that this
o!tion is available to you even if you are not going to take u! 9atural Meditation in this
life. Maybe you5re only going to work on your own !ersonal i!roveent to be
successful in life. 'till it is i!ortant to know your o!tions. Yes, you can go round and
round in life as long as you want, but now you know there5s a way out. 'o it akes sense
to work on being dharic in this life, to discover for yourself who and what you are, and
to becoe a !owerful and kind !erson. In this way you will be very successful and
!re!aring for eventual liberation.
/ell, I don5t think I should take any ?uestions because the sub7ect is too difficult and
co!licated. *here would be no way of answering the. I 7ust s!ent three onths with
%anaki and %anaka going over everything in detail. Also y teacher has written a book
that describes in detail the !rocess that one goes through in 9atural Meditation. You
should only take u! the sub7ect if you are serious and ready to give your whole life to the
!ro7ect of attaining liberation. Is it worth it0 2nly you can decide. My e.!erience is
8Yes.: (ut I was dissatisfied with life fro the beginning. *he road to liberation is only
for those who are dissatisfied and e.!erience life as a !rison or tra!. /hether you choose
to go on this road to liberation or not, y love for you is the sae. >ven if nothing else
has occurred, we have had this contact. I love you all. =iao.

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