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Continued Defiance of Gravity


Can scientific rebellion be as good as the political kind? Lets see more about defiance of gravity, a
suspension of laws as it were.

Q: Esteemed Committee, I will return to the Q&A format, based on the previous post; lots of
C: Please proceed; we await your resistance.

Q: How does the suspension of gravity work? Heres what intrigues me; airplanes can follow a flight
path where for part of the trajectory, during an ascent if I remember correctly, gravity is suspended for
the passengers. Normally if a person remains on the deck or in their seat aboard a flying plane, it's just
like on the ground. How does suspension of gravity happen during certain segments of flight, without
electricity or magnetism?
C: Motion against the direction of pull or draw; this requires a certain speed in proportion to the rate
of fall, combined with the angle of divergence.

Q: If the plane flies straight up?
C: This is application of pressure in the opposite direction which does not neutralize gravity, it
opposes it. Once the force is lessened, the gravity effect returns.

Q: The plane must fly at a certain angle?
C: Yes, about thirty degrees or more above the horizon and the velocity must also exceed the rate of
fall by a proportion only your jet aircraft now easily achieve. This allows the occupants and materials to
float, gravitys pull stopped. When either speed or angle return inside the required divergence, gravitys
effect resumes. This occurs because the gravitational force cannot act upon objects which follow curves,
which are really a series of small straight lines. Each straight line can be only the distance represented by
several molecules or clusters of them, too small to measure with Earth instrumentation and perception.
The gravitational force works just like magnetism, and will follow curves just as the flow or flux lines of
magnetism operate. As the trajectory of flight enters an angle sufficiently crosscurrent to the gravity, its
effect drops off.

Q: Like electricity through a wire?
C: Yes, there is a similarity however electricity is the bumping of electrons from atom to atom; the
electrons do not move a far distance and they are the result of the force, not the force itself. The gravity
force that attracts, and operates inside and upon the neutrons, protons and electrons. Electricity is the
result of a similar force acting upon electrons.

Q: Why only electrons?
C: The neutrons and protons of the atoms nucleus are more tightly attached and the force required to
separate them is your nuclear energy; many, many thousands even millions of multiples higher.

Q: What causes gravity?
C: Gravity is not caused, it is the manifestation of the life force of your soul expressed through your
body; the same force in all things inside the density and vibrational ranges you occupy as humans.

Q: There is no gravity in Heaven, our true home?
C: No, not as an attracting force you do not control. This force is with you all, it is the essence of
your soul. In your body, your own gravity is best understood as thought. When you think, you control and
operate gravity. The saying that knowledge is power; it is.

Q: When a person studies, learns, understands and applies knowledge, this is gravity?
C: Yes, it is the force of attraction. There is no push in the universe, only pull. Only attraction. You
attract what you focus upon. Many things in your vibrational range have this force but do not manipulate
it or use it in an active way. As something enters its sphere of existence, there is an interaction; it is
passive. Things fall without desire or choice to do so. Risks to such movement are managed by what
humans call instinct; either parental awareness in the young or control within the young themselves, in the
case of many animals, creates fear sufficient to avoid the danger.

Q: Why havent humans developed, or re-developed, this ability?
C: Belief is one reason yet there has also been reluctance to re-introduce the knowledge for mechanical
and moral reasons; to protect humanity from the few who would abuse the technique. This danger has
passed; human technology allowing of the damage such device could inflict has long ago surpassed this,
so its attractiveness as a tool of war, terror and threat has dropped from what it might have been.

Q: What would be the use of the device today?
C: Construction and transport, and it will be used for these things extensively.

Q: Committee, thank you.
C: Our honor, enjoy your development of the device and its demonstration. We hope to share your
Denis 06/14/2014 11:05am
C: Please proceed; we await your resistance.

Gee, I like these guys, could not help laugh at their response, have not read the post yet, but am sure I will be

Veronica 06/17/2014 4:51pm
Really amazing details, thank you. I want to go see the Coral Castle now...

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