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Portfolio//Timothy P.



Table of Contents

Rethinking Rail
Offshore Dune
Chaos Grove

Annual Migrations
Space Race

New York

Site and Form

Curriculum Vitae



Primary Mode of Transportation


cticut College

Selected Projects

(15 people)

This map shows the journeys made by the fifteen

students of Art 302 from their hometown to
Connecticut College. The lines depict the angle and
distance between their major waypoints. Each point
and line is scaled according to a map of the Continental United States. Additionally, the map and associated



Though the work in this portfolio doesnt have a shared theme or subject,
there is a common thread running from start to finish. From my liberal arts
education, I have been taught to question and critique. These projects are not
answers to design problems. Instead, each creates a jumping-off point from
which to advance. The projects explore multiple perspectives and mediums,
and some have raised more questions than answers. I value these projects the
most. They have shifted my focus in different directions, but with each project
the question becomes more compelling.



Rethinking Rail
Career Discovery
Summer 2013
Contributors: Maria Gonzalez, responsible for base
maps in historical timeline




The intent of this project is to exaggerate a recent unintended

development along the length of the railroad. Beginning with railroad
deregulation in the 1980s, the Boston-Lowell line has experienced a
significant decrease in rail traffic. As a result, the line has experienced an
increase in urban wilds, moving southward from the Mystic Valley area.
This project responds to historical research by positioning the railroad
and its associated flows as the most effective catalyst for development in
the Brickbottom area.
Through a series of pointed interventions, my project addresses three
issues. First, my project exaggerates the movement and establishment of
vegetation along and adjacent to the Boston-Lowell railroad line through
the introduction of a street tree nursery. Second, by incorporating
the Green Line extension the right-of-way is transformed from an
edge condition to an infrastructural spine for the neighborhood.
Finally, circulation and open spaces are introduced to the right-ofway. By transforming the railline into a public space, the Brickbottom
neighborhood is preserved for future development.

01//Rethinking Rail
Historical Timeline

In 1835, Somerville separates from

Charlestown. The area is mainly
rural with agriculture as the primary

In 1842, the Lowell & Boston

railroad is built through Somerville.
The railroad is carved out of a
combination of marshes and
agricultural land

Due to its position between two

railroads, Brickbottom develops into
a primarily industrial neighborhood.
All remaining agricultural land was
developed by this time.




Land is set aside for conservation

purposes, creating new habitat in
suburban towns. Increased automobile use reduces rail traffic along
Boston-Lowell line.

In 1978, the Railroad Revitalization

and Regulatory Reform Act allows
for the deregulation of freight lines.
The Boston-Lowell line experiences
a significant decrease in traffic. As a
result, urban wilds begin to spread
along the line.




01//Rethinking Rail

Site Strategy

Existing Vegetation Movement

Planting Strategy

Resulting Vegetation Movement

Naturally occurring movement of vegetation parallel along right-of-way occurs

slowly. The density varies drastically over the course of the railline. Few trees
have begun to grow outside the limits of the right-of-way.

By dividing the length of the railline into three zones, the right-of-way
is transformed into a physical representation of a trees growth. As each group
grows, it is moved down the line until the trees can be transported to be used
as street trees. This creates a dense planting scheme for the park, while also
drastically reducing the distance traveled per street tree for the Somerville

The planting gradient amplifies the pre-existing growth of vegetation along

the right-of-way. The variation in density creates three distinct experiences
parallel to the railroad. Historically, rail traffic and vegetation have been
mutually exclusive. The introduction of trees occurs parallel to the reactivation
of the railroad, creating a new hybrid condition combining the two flows that
were formerly mutually exclusive.

Site Plan

Site Sections

Planted meadows act as
uninterrupted corridors
for wildlife movement
adjacent to Green Line

Station substructure
directs water towards
plant beds for irrigation.

Path is lowered to separate

circulation from tree

Tree whips are planted in

the northern portion of
the right-of-way due to
limited soil volume

Soil mounds create a soft
edge between tracks and

Path elevation rises as trees

become larger, allowing for
more interaction with the

Path elevation rises as trees

become larger, allowing for
more interaction with the

Mound height correlates
to train speed, resulting in
greater protection and noise

Path is positioned on the

ground plane to create a
single surface combining
both nursery, circulation, and
recreational spaces

Access roads allow large

vehicles to access trees for
transport into the city

01//Rethinking Rail


Offshore Dune
Career Discovery
Summer 2013

This project explores the relationship between the topography of barrier

islands and flooding as an environmental, storm-induced process.
Developing in two stages, part one analyzes the factors impacting
flooding on barrier islands. The second part of the project attempts to
mitigate coastal flooding by exploiting one of its contributing factors.
To understand the role of topography in flooding, I first researched the
geologic processes that give rise to barrier islands. Using Ian McHargs
Design with Nature as a reference, I analyzed the factors that impact the
severity of flooding. Though it was clear that variation in topography
played a significant role in determining the severity of flooding, I was
unconvinced by McHargs proposal to shift all development away from
the waterfront.
Relying upon the research from part one, part two explores how
environmental processes could be utilized to diminish the severity of
storm-induced flooding. By intervening within littoral drift the design
captures moving sediment. Over time new dunes are formed offshore.
These allow for existing development patterns while creating new
ecological systems and programmatic opportunities.

02//Offshore Dune
Storm Surge in Response to Topography



Double dune with Channel

Flooding as a Process

Concept Development



Storm Surge



Beachhead with Channel

Littoral Drift



The above diagrams demonstrate the interaction of storm surges with

various stages of barrier island development. Topography is one of the
primary factors determining the speed, direction, and force of the surges.
The diagram to the left maps the various factors that cause flooding:
topography and storm surge. Further analysis maps the contributing
forces that contribute to the primary factors. Highlighted in red are
the two forces with which I chose to intervene. The proposed design
intervention is a geometric structure placed offshore.
By placing a series of walls perpendicular to the movement of sand from
littoral drift the structure accumulates sand over time. This leads to the
formation of offshore dunes. Eventually these will provide the protection
of a traditional, shore-based dune structure. By altering the form of the
underlying structure, it is possible to provide extra protection in certain
areas, while in others creating new programmatic opportunities. While the
maintenance of typical dunes excludes human activity, these dunes both
protect while promoting physical interaction.

02//Offshore Dune

Existing Littoral Drift

Disrupting Littoral Drift

Resulting Sediment Accumulation


Chaos Grove
Connecticut College
Spring 2013

Beginning as a study of personal routines, this project explores how a

siteless landscape can be designed from a set of abstract qualities. For
the first stage of the project, I selected to map my personal routine on an
average day. While most people consider their days as a series of events
(nodes in this instance), I was curious to explore my movement between
these nodes.
From the diagram, it was apparent that a predefined framework
(sidewalks, roads, etc.) creates an orderly system from which chaos
ensues. This framework was most often utilized after events, but rarely
preceding them. In those moments preceding events, my movement
rejects the winding paths of the suburban collegiate campus in favor of
direct travel. This project explores how one can analyze a set of existing
relationships through diagram, strengthen the analysis through projection
into multiple dimensions, and finally, design a landscape that is a direct
product of this analysis.

03//Chaos Grove
Defining Order
I began to explore how the relationship between order and
chaos could be projected into three-dimensions. Diagram 1
displays duration of time spent per node and which nodes were
connected. Diagram 2 reduces all edge information to simple
connections from one node to another. While this ignores the
intricacies found in the first diagram, it presents a clear formal
language for delineating order between nodes.
Ultimately it was this formal language that was used to indicate
order within the landscape. This subtle introduction suggests
orders, but does not prescribe in. By simply suggesting order,
the intervention sets the stage for chaos to ensue.

Diagram 2: Marking Edges

Creating Chaos
As in the first diagram, it was important for the chaos in the
landscape to occur in the spaces between nodes. To create the
framework from which chaos ensued, a grid was positioned
over the diagram. At every intersection on the grid a timber
pole was positioned to mark the framework. This intervention
creates an ordered, rational structural system, while
simultaneously registering chaotic activity within the system.
The nodes in the diagram were translated into open spaces,
where one would remain static within the landscape. As one
travels through the gridded landscape he or she is faced with
two options: to follow the path suggested by the rope, or to
move freely throughout the grid.

Diagram 1: Personal Routine

Diagram 3: Laying the Grid

03//Chaos Grove



Annual Migrations
Connecticut College
Spring 2013

The purpose of this project was to provide background information of

an upper level studio course through a data visualization. Provided with
a data set containing basic personal information and interests, I explored
how this simple information could be leveraged to reveal more complex
and meaningful relationships.


New York

Starting with the hometown of each student, I researched what occurred

between the college and this data point. First, I plotted the distance and
direction in which the students traveled. Second, I added the mode of
travel for each portion of a given journey. By plotting these pieces of
information without a map as reference, the emphasis is placed strictly
upon the datas representation.

04//Annual Migrations



New York

Los Angeles

Annual Migrations
Art 302 and the Trip to Connecticut College
This map shows the journeys made by the fifteen students of Art 302 from their
hometown to Connecticut College. The lines depict the angle and distance between
their major waypoints. Each point and line is scaled according to a map of the
Continental United States. Additionally, the map and associated graphs depict the
various modes of transportation utilized in the course of these journeys.



Connecticut College





Total Miles Traveled: 12,492 km


Primary Mode of Transportation

(15 people)

100 km
1000 km


Space Race
Connecticut College
Spring 2013

The purpose of this piece was to explore how information from a

data set could be projected into three-dimensions to create a visually
compelling object. Inspired by a childhood fascination with aeronautical
engineering, the piece is a timeline of the initial years of the Space Race
between the Soviet Union and the United States. The form is defined by
three variables and one constant: apoapsis, periapsis, date, and diameter
of Earth. The piece begins at the bottom with the launch of Sputnik in
1957 and represents the following thirteen flights.
By reducing the information to its simplest terms the form highlights
the progress in this limited period. As the various flight paths begin to
coalesce more relational information is revealed and visual complexity
increases. The greatest design problem was balancing this visual
complexity with ease of legibility. In response, the flight paths were
ultimately positioned along a singular axis, resulting in an accurate threedimensional timeline, at the same time creating a rhythmic progression
throughout the form.

05//Space Race

Flight Paths

Concept Sketches

Flight Path


Site and Form

Connecticut College
Fall 2012, Spring 2013

Consisting of two separate pieces, this project explores the relationship

between furniture, place, and narrative. The first piece was designed
for the Connecticut College Arboretum. The guiding question was
determining how the piece could reference a place, even if removed from
its native setting. Rather than relying on the sites formal qualities for
the design of the bench, I sought to develop an abstraction of peoples
perception of the Arboretum. In doing so, the bench would not refer to
the Arboretum itself, but rather the experiential qualities of the site.
The second piece explored how a piece of furniture could be imbued
with narrative. Working within the Fort Trumbull neighborhood, the
piece consists of an installation of Rasmus B. Fexs 9.5 chair. Marking
the position of the houses in the Fort Trumbull neighborhood prior to
the use of eminent domain, each chair makes an ambiguous reference to
the sites former condition. Ultimately, it is through the viewers physical
interaction with the piece that the narrative can be resolved.

06//Site and Form

= Refined core

Concept Development

= Natural surroundings

The development of the form began with sketches of furniture

which possessed a binary form. With the natural sections of the
arboretum assuming the role of positive form, the refined pond
area became the negative counterpart to the mass of the forest. The
two couldnt be separate, their co-existence is the backbone of the
arboretum. Without the woods, the pond area wouldnt seem refined,
and without the pond area, the woods would simply blend in with
the surrounding New England landscape.
Working in the wake of Hurricane Sandy, I was provided with an
abundance of material: fallen trees. Initially, I developed a bench
ex-truding from a log. Formed from one solid piece, the refined seat
was the artificial counterpart to the natural form of a log. After a
series of material setbacks, I was limited to a small section of a fallen
maple tree. The bench could no longer be a single piece, instead, I
had to construct a bench from maple timber and insert in into the

Connecticut College Arboretum Site Plan

Objects Narrative
= location of Fort Trumbull houses

Rasmus B. Fexs 9.5 chair was selected to represent the houses

that formerly occupied the site. This decision was based on the
New London Development Corporations description of the site
as blighted. They described the houses as urban decay - falling over
and in shambles. Despite their description of the neighborhood,
some residents restored houses to their original, early 20th century
condition. Many buildings were structurally sound despite the
NLDCs description.
The design of the chair appears first as though its falling over,
incapable of supporting a persons weight. Upon closer inspection,
it is revealed that the seat is in fact level. When the viewer interacts
with the chair by placing their weight upon the seat, it becomes
apparent that the piece is structurally sound. The relationship
between a falling object and a sturdy piece of furniture is a give and
take. Both are correct interpretations, but it is up to the viewer to
make their decision through either a visual or physical engagement.

Fort Trumbull Historical Site Plan

Existing Site Conditions

06//Site and Form

Timothy P. Clark
Curriculum Vitae
36 Burr Street // Easton, CT 06612
203.502.9844 //


Connecticut College


Harvard University, Graduate School of Design


Danish Institute for Study Abroad

Bachelor of Arts with Distinction, Architectural Studies

Minor, Studio Art
Career Discovery, Landscape Architecture
Concentration, Architecture and Design


CetraRuddy Architecture DPC // New York, NY

Graphic Design and Marketing Intern
Designed and produced a book featuring the firms architectural work
Coordinated the production of graphic materials and copy for firms new website
Prepared RFPs, client presentations, and graphic materials for the firm

Spring 2013

Nina Cuccio Peck Architects // Old Lyme, CT

Surveyed existing buildings for future projects
Prepared existing condition drawings in preparation for renovation projects

Winter 2013
Summer 2012

Austin Patterson Disston Architects // Southport, CT

Summer 2011

Noroton Yacht Club // Darien, CT

Drafted construction documents for firms new office
Coordinated with principal to select interior finishes and materials
Prepared zoning submittals for new residence projects
Head Racing Coach
Directed a sailing program of 100+ junior sailors ranging from 8-18 and ten
Coordinated the logistical planning for regional regattas including transportation, housing, and
racing teams equipment

Spring 2011
Spring 2010

Summer 2010
Summer 2009

High Noon Sailing // Norwalk, CT

Boat Builder
Assisted in the conversion of two 40 racing sailboats to modern racing rules
Using 5-axis routers, prepared female molds for a new carbon fiber deck
Lengthened the boats by 5 through the construction of a new stern section

Cedar Point Yacht Club // Westport, CT

Racing Coach
Coached a regional racing team consisting of sailors ages 14-18
Directed an award-winning keelboat program, teaching youth sailors seamanship, offshore
navigation, and advanced racing techniques

Fall 2009-Fall 2012
Spring 2013
Spring 2012-Spring 2013
Fall 2012-Spring 2013
Fall 2009-Fall 2012
Fall 2009-Spring 2010

Queensway Connection: Elevating the Public Realm Competition

Design team member

Connecticut College Varsity Sailing

Co-ed skipper

TEDxConnecticut College

Stage designer and team member

Architectural Studies Student Advisory Board


Connecticut College Class of 2013 Class Council


Connecticut College Student Athlete Advisory Board

Representative, elected

Easton Volunteer Emergency Medical Service

Emergency Medical Technician

Fall 2012

Oakcliff Grade 3 Match Racing Invitational

1st Place

Spring 2012-Spring 2013

Fall 2009

Connecticut College

Spring 2011

Connecticut College

Deans High Honors

Deans Honors

Summer 2011

IRC Sailing Inshore Nationals

Summer 2008

Sears Cup, Triplehanded Sailing Nationals

Winter 2007

2nd Place
2nd Place

National Indoor Archery Championships

4th Place


American Institute for Graphic Arts


Society for Environmental Graphic Designers


Offshore Sailboat Racing

Constant Weight Apnea

Target Archery

Indoor, Unlimited Compound


Fluent in Adobe Creative Suite, ArchiCAD, and SketchUp. Familiar with AutoCAD


Fluent in Adobe Creative Suite, SketchUp, and Gephi


Fluent in Python, familiar with HTML5

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