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It's the End of the World as we know it

04 December 2013

The End of Earth

Q: When will the end of Earth come?
C: In terms of years we presume you wish to know?

Q: Yes!
A: Many millions, in an irrelevant period to your current lives and existence.

C: How will it happen?
Q: The size of the central star will increase, it will expand enormously by comparison to current size. This
larger size will not affect Earth, as the sun, your name for your system's core star, can increase its
diameter many times and remain very far from Earth. This expansion will be accompanied by a change in
the nature of the radiation emitted. Earth's magnetosphere will no longer withstand this effect and life as it
exists will not be possible. No organisms shall live in this environment, in the dimensionality of life on
Earth today.

Q: Astronomers on Earth have theorized on this subject, suggesting it has happened to many stars,
affecting the planets that orbit them.
C: Yes, this is true and has happened.

Q: Has human civilization on Earth already existed for a small portion, half or more of its eventual
planned presence?
C: A small portion, in fact only a fraction so far, of the "time" it shall be present. It is accurate to say, in
Earth terms, humanity upon it, is in its infancy still.

Q: When humanity on Earth perishes, will it be calamitous or will there be opportunity to escape?
C: Ample opportunity there shall be.

Q: This has happened elsewhere in the galaxy?
C: Yes, it is common.

Q: What evolution of human physicality is likely and how much will we resemble ourselves currently as
the end of Earth time nears?
C: The resemblance will be very similar although what are called racial differences will reduce. There
will be less importance, less concern and less attention given to this. Physical function will improve and
lifespans will lengthen considerably, compared to now. Improvements to medical science, changes in
body function at the cellular level and diets & requirements will all feed this expansion of lifetimes.

Q: Why the relatively shorter lifetimes now as compared to the future you describe?
C: Opportunity; the more lives, the greater variety or circumstance, challenge and learning there can be.
In just a few centuries of Earth time, average lifespans have grown and this trend shall continue.

Q: We're going to do another post on Lemuria and realize this question could be redundant, but if a small
fraction, say three to five percent, of a human presence of five million years is all we've covered, that
means humans have been on Earth for one hundred fifty to two hundred fifty thousand years.
C: Two percent and three million, approximately sixty thousand.

Q: Animal and plant life have been here for far longer, yes?
C: Yes, many millions of years and many organisms also, small to very large. Much theory regarding
extinctions is accurate, but for timing. Little method is there upon Earth to be accurate. Little need,

Q: Why do you say there is little need?
C: We suggest reincarnation, where little or nothing of a previous life is or can be recalled, for no purpose
does this serve to a current life, in the many cases. Knowledge of it is interesting and we understand the
curiosity, as this prevails in many human emotions. This curiosity is remembrance that you know what
you have set aside to not "know" but access to and memory of which shall all be returned intact upon your
return home.

Q: What will happen to all the souls and being on Earth once the planet is no longer able to be inhabited?
C: Existence and development will be continued and pursued elsewhere, in many dimensions available, as
has always happened to all of you.

Q: What will Earth look like?
C: We suggest Mars, where moisture has gone underground and the prevailing color of soil substances is
seen widely. Earth shall have this effect also.

Q: Earth was not created for humanity?
C: No. You have come for opportunity and appreciation.

Q: Committee, thank you for telling us about Earth's end.
C: Our pleasure.

Chris S. 04/12/2013 11:04pm
Although I am now familiar with most of the material covered in this channeling session, I was perplexed
by the idea that Earth was not created for humaniy. I know it's because I'm speaking from a human
perspective and can't imagine thriving anywhere else but earth. I feel deeply saddened when I imagine
Mother Earth becoming uninhabitable because I love and greatly appreciate her.
santanu 05/12/2013 7:02am
I too have heard about the idea that Earth existed long before humanity arrived. And that the aliens seeded
Earth with human life much later through DNA manipulation which is still going on and had it been left
to evolution only, it would have taken a much longer time for such development to take place. So this
information from the Committee is sort of a confirmation.

Recently there was much debate on a geneticist floating the idea that pigs and chimps interbred, which
resulted in humans. While biology does not support such interbreeding due to incompatible DNA pattern,
it is not unlikely that in a distant past DNA from pigs or other animals had been used to "improve"

Atlanteans have been known to manipulate DNA which resulted in creation of some of the mythical
animals (like Centaurs) that we read about (see the recent post on Atlantis). So aliens with much superior
technology would have complete knowledge about genetic manipulation required for creating humans by
mixing their own genes with genes of animals existing on Earth to make humans compatible with Earth's
atmosphere. If that is correct, then the "creation" theory is correct after all, with a twist :)
Ahmed 06/12/2013 2:30am
Very interesting, thank you. I've wanted to ask this question for a long time.
Sarah 06/12/2013 10:28am
Indeed very interesting, thank you!
cristina 07/12/2013 11:12am
thank you Patrick and committee !
Sarah 08/12/2013 4:14am
Patrick, could you ask the Committe, about the Urantia book, if there is any truth about how they descripe
our earth place in the structural universe of the universes.
This is how they descripe it;
"Earth Urantia is the planet of our birth. Our solar system spins through space on the fringes of the
gigantic seventh super universe - Orvonton. The center of our super universe is the Milky Way Galaxy.
The universes are engaged in an orderly, well-understood, and perfectly controlled processional, swinging
in majestic grandeur around the Paradise Father and his residential universe - Havona".

Much thank you, whenever you have time for this question.
The Committee 13/12/2013 10:10pm
"All of this is accurate but for the names; these can be anything you do choose. Humans as users
of language require names as labels to identify, to communicate. Understandable, yet not
required. True is this description."
Sarah 14/12/2013 3:33pm
Thank you!
Chris 10/12/2013 1:15pm
Hi Patrick and Committee! This is all incredibly fascinating and amazing information! You mentioned
that asteroids ended the Lemurian civilization and self-made earthquakes ended the Atlantean
civilization...My question is now that we are reaching toward the apogee of Earth's third phase of major
development of society, what will cause our planned and expected decline, if not asteroids and self-made
earthquakes? Thanks!
Patrick 13/12/2013 10:07pm
Decline of civil structure, health, population, extinction? All of the above?

Change is not necessarily "decline" although many will choose that view.

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