Earth Societies

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Earth Societies

20 Sept 2013

Q: This subject has been studied in depth by anthropologists, so tell us, how do societies on Earth
compare to societies in Heaven?
C: Earth societies relate to ownership of land which does not exist outside of the physical
dimensions on the planet; before there was ownership of land there was control for survival; sustenance
and defense seen as necessary.

Q: Nomads?
C: Yes, the great part of Earth history is this way. The grouping of peoples by proximity, the
distance reasonably traveled on foot, then horseback and so forth all known and well understood only
exists and thus creates a curious system of nation state and organizations of ownership, systems of
control. These also do not exist.

Q: Explain the systems of control, please, and why systems of control don't exist.
C: What land mass remains outside the sovereign control of a nation? Virtually none; there are large
territories that would be defended against invasion or takeover, we suggest your continent of Antarctica,
that would nevertheless be protected from it were this attempted. No place remains unclassified as not a
nation's territory proper or controlled by it.

A plot of the surface cannot be owned; only the collective agreement can be made to allow one or a group
of persons to do certain things with it. The nations and subdivisions within will nearly always seize the
control of the land, what you call ownership, from the inhabitants previously indicated as the controllers,
or owners you prefer to say.

This aspect of recent Earth society differs vastly from your true home in Heaven. Control systems are
simply agreements to behave a certain way, that can be altered immediately, if desired.

Q: What is it like in a Heavenly society?
C: We shall describe Earth and then by the absence of what is listed, you shall begin to see, again,
what your natural home is, as you shall remember it when you all return home.

It is common to consider materials and labor, manufacturing versus service and raw goods and planning
of use as separate but these are the same thing; all objects, items and materials on Earth already exist on
Earth before you have, make, create and produce them. The plastic of the toy, the polyethylene of the
automobiles interior and the steel, brick, stone and glass of the massive building all originate entirely and
completely from materials on Earth, all in a fixed location. A location under control in some way, often to
secure the ability to utilize materials there in furtherance of economic gain. So everything produced is
labor or service also; consider your electricity. Does the metallic winding of the generator wear out from
production? No, the energy that is what you call electricity comes from inside the atom and is not
physical in the way the exterior of the atom and molecule operates, so electricity is a service. Yes, you
produce equipment, but like all things, this equipment comes from materials already existent on Earth.
The plastic we mentioned are the result of electricity and manipulation of materials found upon and below
the surface of the planet and each successive step leads to the culmination of services, the plastic. So you
see, all of what is produced originates in thought and energy within the atoms and cells of the body and
brain and all things you utilize.

This pattern resembles Heaven accurately, yet slower by the dimensionality of Earth. The old and tiring
concept of time, so valuable and servile to your purposes, creates delay and a wonderful series of
opportunities to see the universe in so unique a fashion.

The systemic control over locations thus materials and thus service born of thought does not exist away
from Earth or another dense existence of the universe. The energy can be corralled, grouped, pulled
together and the object of desire created. It shall last as long as desired and then vanish instantly when not
wanted. Your materials never vanish; the raw becomes the finished and can again be returned to the raw
to a degree, if you so prefer.

This scheme is what creates Earth societies as you now have them.

Q: Okay, so what about a time not so long ago, when there were only nomads or smaller groups of
people and no worldwide set of borders?
C: This more naturally resembles your Heavenly home with one stark, significant difference; Earth
existence limits your movement. This is absent in your home, the absence allowing of a completely
different structure.

Q: So what about families?
C: A baby cannot survive without parents, and this applies to all animals of a certain size. Smaller
insects, by relative simplicity of function, require less or none. Your plants? The concept of parent is
genetic, not societal. This closely resembles Heaven, where survival of a soul is independent of creation
and not risky or imperiled in any manner. You cannot perish and disappear; you do not consider it. On
Earth, disappearance of a person is deemed absolute. It is not.

The absoluteness of circumstance creates a basis for Earth society that rises only to the level of high and
wide illusion.

Q: Has the development of societies, with languages, borders, rules and generalized organization
been positive?
C: Yes, and also supplies many challenges, a richness of experience Heaven does not offer. Consider
a deep, romantic experience with a person of great beauty and mutual attraction with whom you cannot
speak, by virtue of language barriers; is this not unique and rewarding in many ways? Heaven offers this
not; the ability to communicate with ease and understanding is universal. This universality denies you all
the beauty of limits.

Q: What missteps have been created by Earth societies?
C: There are only missteps from certain views created by the criteria established to fix the view, its
point of observation. We shall cite racist attitudes of one prevailing skin color and set of features versus
another; the mistreated gains great insight into the value of a being by observing another who cannot see
below the shallow package of differences. Likewise the unacceptor, the rejector gains an opposite and
equally if not more valuable benefit from the role. She or he shall have the opportunity to understand the
effect of imposition of preferences, to not just feel put upon but to know the emotion after having done it
to another without realization; the life review moment of this is an enormous lifting of growth. All shall
gain immeasurably from the experience. The challenge for human life, these realizations often complete
process after returning home. Not always shall the insight, amends, repairs and understanding become
available while the parties to process live still. This partial assignment aspect of human life and existence,
a product of societies and likewise cause of them, is what you have all created.

Q: So racial, religious or other divisions are entirely a human creation?
C: Yes, however we shall say reaction. As movement of ever larger number of humans across greater
and greater distance developed - eventually oceans and between continents the reactions of visitors and
natives was entirely human. This was not a mandated course of action and reaction; this is human choice
and developed as would many animals. The opportunity to experience this was enormously attractive to
many a soul and so incarnation in great numbers of the very brave, who wanted - and want still to
experience this, did choose Earth society. This has been the case with all civilizations, Lemuria, Altantis
and now.

Q: So is we remove the organization of land surface control..
C: You thus remove money. Control is done primarily for control of trade, to personal or family group
benefit. You have recently learned to allow larger groups of owners yet the spread of what you consider
the value of such control units shares, stock or otherwise never extends far beyond family, if at all.
Rare is the person to bequeath wealth around a family, to its exclusion. The large company with many
owners as you consider them, take good advantage of economy of scale and use money as the tool of
organizational effort. All of this you understand well; so removing the system of land surface control
implies removal of money.

Q: Control over land usually means defense; inability to do so invites takeover.
C: Where benefit is seen; we cited your Earthly mass of Antarctica. The distance from other
populations coupled with environmental challenges make use of this place unwanted.

Q: So wars, organized conflicts between established societies in control of a certain land area, are a
natural occurrence?
C: You must examine the assumptions inherent in this word of human use, natural. Natural from
nature but what is nature? This refers to a series of properties, talents, behaviors, traits and characteristics
inherent and automatically occurring. This is the appearance and this is a true thing, because of the
collective design of Earth all of you create.

The horror of war, denounced so vigorously by so many, would be swiftly initiated by these same
denouncers, under a certain set of circumstances. We know with certainty, mass suicide or surrender
would not be chosen. The control of the surface is deemed too important.

Q: So how would human societies eliminate conflict, organized armed conflict, and all that must
come with it?
C: Examine the desires and values these conflicts support, and eschew them.

Q: Do vicious conflicts exist between extraterrestrials, civilizations of other planets?
C: Yes, but very limited. The aggressor understands the risk and rarely pursues such action. Great
interstellar conflicts have often happened; your movie series Star Wars and television program Star Trek
are analogies, not complete imaginations.

Q: So what is the difference, besides degree, between an armed robber or rapist and an invasion?
C: Scope; you have, I want, use force thus gain. This pattern is inherent in all conflict of society, on
all scales. Where did conflict in human society not follow this pattern? The names and pieces of each part
go by many different names; pleasure, release, money, revenge and so forth. The break in the pattern
eliminates the occurrence. Where you may create and have anything you want, you want for nothing that
you can make and this is Heaven. Where what you cannot automatically have can only be gained by
voluntary agreement and willful joining of cause, activity and group, this is Heaven.

Q: How can conflict be reduced on Earth?
C: Understanding and love. Scarcity is an illusion, just as all things around you are an agreement to
be seen that way, itself an illusion. Reality is no more than congruence with a point of reference
previously created and planned. When recognition of scarcity fades which means acceptance of
abundance is common conflict abates. Humanity must define by examination what it shall understand as
abundance. All of you on Earth are vastly and generously over-supplied with everything happiness could
involve; simply look at it, right before you.

Q: Esteemed Committee, thank you.
C: Our honor to be of benefit; until soon.

Sarah 21/09/2013 8:35am
Very good, thank you!

MoFo 21/09/2013 1:18pm
Q: Do vicious conflicts exist between extra-terrestrials, civilizations of other planets?
C: Yes, but very limited. The aggressor understands the risk and rarely pursues such action. Great
interstellar conflicts have often happened; your movie series Star Wars and television program Star Trek
are analogies, not complete imaginations.

I hope our future Earth doesn't turn out to be a replica of Planet Coruscant in the star war universe. Yoda
- Trust the force you must

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