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22 June 2012 Your Life on Earth

Esteemed Committee, you know the subject and approach suggested so we turn the stage over
and await what you will all say, with our thanks.

"Greetings again to all who come to read these words and our thanks for your 'time' that thing so
valuable, so limited yet unlimited in the existence of the universe.

We look forward to showing you all locations as the real substance of this concept of time while
you still do all exist on Earth in your physical bodies; this will be a true development and
interesting thing to learn. The understanding taken from living in this sequential time pattern is
invaluable and we admire the courage and tenacity required to take upon yourselves this
challenge; it is not small to your existence this 'time' you live on Earth. It is large in your
composition, your experience and your being and it shows brightly to all. Many souls have, for
many reasons, chosen to remain away from a planet existence such as you have on this Earth
and do admire this 'adventure', if not unserious a word.

Look always at what is good with you when you see what might ail you, bother you, disturb you
or sidetrack you. Never blame yourself or others; this idea that blame must be assigned,
distributed and made known serves no purpose. You specifically do not want information about
everyone around you; if you had this knowledge, then why would you be on Earth? You would
not, we say, and thus concern yourself not with what you cannot see. We see it and you will

To complain about yard work means you are so favored to have a yard to require this work. To
complain of washing dishes means not only a good meal but also a sink? Also a kitchen? A
sweaty, smelly spouse who has arrived from exercise is one with better physical condition, all
good for a family if so blessed. S/he who makes noise cleaning a house at a time a family wants
less sound is a fortunate family to have both a house and occupant to care for upkeep.

So it is with all things less pleasant; the car damaged by the storm is a thing good to have for the
use it provides; there is no time where you really live so there is no before and after to compare.
This you see inside the cycles of your days and the pieces of which you measure; it is not this way
so the benefit is not lost when a thing is changed and not able to be used in the same way. The
absence of time means a comparison is what you will make and a reference is what you will see.
This your home in Heaven you see.

Your birth, your childhood, your adolescence and your adulthood seem to follow a fixed
sequence and this is all intended to supply the illusion of what a life becomes. These things, like
the storm that damaged the car, do not happen in steps throughout a sequence and soon you
will all see that, to use an Earth saying in your English we like, you do always 'turn back the
hands of time' and this is a permanent feature of true existence.

To review the effect encapsulated within the illusion of time means an event must be seen to
provoke the effect; so sad it will seem to know that the young woman sent to prison for attacking
a motorist and taking a car was an event set to preface a time in prison; this experience would
not have meaning without belief of the experience as it happens. All who choose to participate in
the events take on great burdens to temporarily lose their perspective of true existence to
become part of the occurrence. To feel isolated, deprived, subjugated, punished are instances of
great value; we know there are many would might read these words and believe value to a prison
inmate for commission of crimes is absurd. To you we say, nothing on Earth with you is absurd
and there is great courage as you cannot measure in the person who has done this. To go to
Earth and plan to be the victim, knowing that it will be easier to succumb to the violence of the
encounter and return happy to home yet plan to stay, remain in the event, observe the effects
and then be faced with forgiveness, condemnation, understanding, compassion, hate, love and
concern? All those choices without benefit of the decision to go and be part? This also is not so
easy a thing to do. You all can see your lives as a simple matter to avoid trouble, injury and death
yet when planning for important events, you do know death as liberation, freedom and a happy
trip home and yet with this knowledge you still do choose to set aside what you understand as
the absolute truth and descend into a limited parameter. This not so easy a thing it is, you see.
Would you on Earth, knowing you could need use of your arms and legs, decide to jump into the
ocean without use of your limbs knowing the risk you might drown? This is an idea of what you
confront in Heaven when you agree to be a victim in a beating; the aggressor who by Earthly
terms is likely punished for this faces less risk of a painful survival and will confront other
circumstances of learning. You who might have agreed to be injured by this event see its
termination and your recovery in a way you did not and could not see it from your home in
Heaven. You will use it to provide yourself with the opportunity to forgive or condemn and have
a result from your choice.

We all admire you for this; many of us as your Guardian Angels will not assume the burdens you
do bravely take on and will eternally admire and accompany you now in your Earthy visit and
forever in your family of Heaven, with great pride we were able to help, guide and assist you
through these challenges. Our individual understandings form our collective well being and so
it is in all dimensions. We know we will be great because of you, you our friends who bravely
allow us to follow, guide and assist you The Great Ones who have gone to help Earth.

Many changes to your Earth as you see it are coming. This is our Earth and we see these changes
and benefits and with great joy, glee and childlike anticipation we await your entry into this new
age. Please see this small childs photograph eating the fruit; it is this we see in you, all who are
about to enter a new stage where great fun, pleasure and opportunity stands ready to be

Much talk of calamity abounds, and events that challenge Earthly ideas of well being will be
supplied in quantity; rejoice over the opportunities to understand new things not of your
surroundings now. Worry not; there is nothing to support this concern. We will stand by you all,
ready to help and know that you are all loved from Heaven and are all admired and held in
great, great regard by all who observe. There is no dark that you might fear; we will lighten you
way as we light up your load and lighten your tasks; we hope you re-read these words as we have
used light in several forms unique to your English language. The light we shine upon you, to
match the great brightness that comes from within all of you will bring you always peace and
happiness; please look at the light way and the right way and smile when burdens seem too
much. They will be lifted and the weight you seek to discard will be taken from you; so you
remain true to your course you shall.

We bid you all a short adieu and offer a poem we like to write, as these rhymes of sounds so
pleasing to some reflect for you what communication is here; like colors that please when
combined as preferred, from sounds that agree more meaning you will see!

So until in the morrow;

The burdens of the Earth
Add much value and great worth
And to your soul they provide
Embrace them do not hide

Visitor salutations
To appear at many stations
Much wonderment will create
So that worry will abate

You chose to see things now
Ask not if this is how
Look happy towards your morrow
Discard what causes sorrow. "

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