Alek Grinberg: Business Development Manager, Affiliatenetwork - Com, New York, Ny

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Alek Grinberg

1S1 Norfo|k St. #18 New ork, N 10002 ! Ce||: 917-499-428 ! Lma||: a||nbergQgma||.com
L|nkedIn: http:]]||nked|]|n]agr|nberg ! G|thub: http:]]g|]agr|nb


1echn|ca| sk|||s: 8uby, 8uby on 8alls, !avaScrlpL, !Cuery, P1ML3, CSS, SlnaLra, SCL, osLgreSCL, ClL, 8ooLsLrap, 8Spec, Capybara
Market|ng Sk|||s: Campalgn AnalyLlcs, SLC, SLM, Lmall MarkeLlng, ConLenL MarkeLlng, Lead CeneraLlon, ?leld CpLlmlzaLlon, A/8
and MulLlvarlaLe LesLlng, Wlreframes, Coogle AnalyLlcs.


Chrome Lxtens|on: AlerLs of new [obs aL saved u8L. !"#$%&'&()"*+ Coogle Als, CAuLh2, !avaScrlpL, !Cuery, !SCn, 8uby on 8alls,
8reakab|e 1oy: - ConnecLs lor-Sale-8y-Cwner Sellers" wlLh real esLaLe agenLs, lf Lhey are unavallable aL
Lhe Llme. !"#$%&'&()"*+ 8uby on 8alls, osLgresSCL, 8ooLsLrap, P1ML3, CSS, !Cuery, 8Spec, Capybara
Group ro[ect: - A nelghborhood revlew webslLe. My conLrlbuLlons lncluded schema deslgn, admln
secLlon funcLlonallLy, full LexL search and AcLlonMaller funcLlonallLy. !"#$%&'&()"*+ 8uby on 8alls, osLgresSCL, 8Spec, Capybara


Iu||-stack Deve|opment Apprent|ce Launch Academy, 8osLon, MA 03/2014 - 07/2014
-.'' /01#2 3"4 5"6"'&78"%0 9&&0#187 :)0$ #&%#"%0;10)&% )% <.4=> /)%10;1> <.4= &% <1)'*> !"*0 5;)6"% 5"6"'&78"%0
" ueveloped varlous web appllcaLlons wlLh 1uu uslng 8uby, SlnaLra, SCL (osLgreSCL), 8alls, P1ML, CSS, 8ooLsLrap
" used LesL drlven developmenL uslng 8Spec, Capybara and lacLoryClrl
" Learned besL pracLlces lncludlng: daLabase normallzaLlon, L8 dlagrams, palr programmlng, glL, ClLhub

Co-Iounder -Market|ng, roduct, Sa|es 8lse Above MarkeLlng / Slmple1exLlng, new ?ork, n? 03/2008 - 12/2013
<)*" ?4&6" @1;2"0)%( A 5"*)(%* 1%B "C"#.0"* '"1B ("%";10)&% #1871)(%* .*)%( 8"B)1 4.=* 1%B "81)' ;"01;("0)%(D
/)87'"!"C0)%( A/11/ /@/ *&'.0)&%*D
" ueslgned and managed programs for LesLlng 100+ slmulLaneous reLargeLlng campalgns wlLh ~200 emall feeds,
resulLlng ln $3 mllllon annual revenue
" Launched several producLs, and led growLh Lo 10,000+ users lncludlng deslgnlng overall ux for webslLe/landlng pages
and organlzlng markeLlng programs
" Managed producL markeLlng lnlLlaLlves lncludlng: SLM, SLC/conLenL markeLlng resulLlng ln 30 decrease ln CA and
10x lncrease ln organlc search Lrafflc
" roduced landlng pages and conducLed A/8 LesLlng and benchmarked Lrafflc sources
" CaLhered feedback from cllenLs and conLrlbuLed Lo producL developmenL roadmap
" ldeaLed and produced requlremenLs for developlng lnLernal analyLlcs sulLe for emall campalgns

8us|ness Deve|opment Manager,, new ?ork, n? 12/2003-03/2008
" Managed publlsher sales Leam resulLlng ln 300 growLh ln ad neLwork revenue Lo $13 mllllon annual revenue
" Worked closely wlLh deslgn and Lechnology Leams Lo develop and launch 10+ lead generaLlon properLles and markeLlng
campalgns. lnpuL cenLered around ux, converslon prlnclples and publlsher requlremenLs
" Managed and esLabllshed relaLlonshlps wlLh 30+ web publlshers, resulLlng ln 40 of neLwork Lrafflc
" ConducLed C/SLM LesLlng for new properLles Lo esLabllsh basellne of performance

Co-Iounder, Market|ng and Sa|es, Cxeo Managed PosLlng, 8rooklyn, n? 02/2002-12/2003
" 8ooLsLrapped company revenues Lo $1+ mllllon Lhrough markeLlng and sales whlle aLLendlng college full-Llme
" 8ullL afflllaLe neLwork wlLh communlLy lnfluencers, LhaL resulLed ln ~30 of leads
" Managed flnanclal budgeLlng and forecasLlng, and negoLlaLed bulk order prlclng wlLh Lelecom and hardware provlders

8achelors ln 8uslness AdmlnlsLraLlon, 8aruch College, ClLy unlverslLy of new ?ork, AugusL, 1999 - uecember, 2004

Languages: Lngllsh, 8usslan

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