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Multimedia Courseware Design Proposal

Name of Developer: Christine Simms Date: _10-2-1!__

1" #verview
Program $itle: %ealth & ' Managing Confli(t)*iolen(e Prevention
+rade or age level,s-: &
Ma.or +oal: Students learn to manage (onfli(ts/ in(luding when to see0 adult help/ to prevent
them from es(alating to violen(e"
1mount of $ime to 2earn the Content: 1"3 hours
S4stem 5e6uirements: Mi(rosoft 7indows 8P SP2/ 312M 51M/ 390 dial-up/ :lash pla4er &"0/ audio
(ard/ and spea0er"
2" Program Des(ription
Chara(teristi(s of $arget 2earners:
Students are &
grade students in the Davis ;oint <nified S(hool Distri(t who are ta0ing %ealth & as an
online (lass through Davis S(hool for =ndependent Stud4" 1ll DS=S students (omplete the ma.orit4 of
their wor0 at home/ meeting for one hour ea(h wee0 with their supervising tea(her at the s(hool" $his
lesson situates in the se(ond half of a 2"3 (redit/ semester-long (ourse/ so students will have developed
>a(0ground 0nowledge in health)personal safet4 issues as the4 relate to the &
grade standards as well as
having ?@ wee0s engaging in (ourse topi(s via the S(hoolog4 2MS and utiliAing 7e> 2"0 tools to
present their wor0" Students admitted to the independent stud4 program are re6uired to >e meeting or
eB(eeding grade-level re6uirements in reading or have a support s4stem in pla(e ,generall4 onl4 students
on =CPs-"
=nstru(tional o>.e(tives:
1" Students will differentiate >etween (onfli(t and violen(e"
2" Students will develop strategies for (ommuni(ating during (onfli(ts"
!" Students will re(ogniAe when (onfli(t is getting out of (ontrol"
" Students will identif4 signs that (onfli(t ma4 >e(ome violent and how)where to get help"
3" Students will indi(ate wa4s to avoid situations that in(rease ris0 of violen(e"
9" Students will emplo4 strategies for (ontrolling anger and prote(ting themselves from violent
!" :low(hart
" Stor4>oard
<nit $itle: Confli(t and *iolen(e
2esson $itle: Confli(t and *iolen(e
:rame D: 1
Date: 10)2&)201!
Stor4>oard 1 of !E
:ile Name: 311_Simms_Confli(t_and_*iolen(e"swf
S(reen Des(ription: $itle S(reen
$eBt #utline: %ealth & ' <nit :
Safet4/ Confli(t and *iolen(e
Created >4:
Christine Simms 201!
7or0 Spa(e: ,5ough s0et(h of the page-
$his s(reen identifies the (ontent of the intera(tive (ourseware for users"
1dditional Notes:
<nit $itle: Confli(t and *iolen(e
2esson $itle: Fa(0ground
:rame D: 2
Date: 10)2&)201!
Stor4>oard 2 of !E
:ile Name: 311_Simms_Confli(t_and_*iolen(e"swf
S(reen Des(ription: Fa(0ground)*ideo introdu(tion
$eBt #utline: $his intera(tive
(ourseware is designed to (over the
(ontent in (hapter 10" Please >egin
4our first visit >4 wat(hing the
introdu(tor4 video >efore
pro(eeding to the lessons" *ideo
s(ript to in(lude instru(tions to
view ea(h lessonGs (ontent in
se6uen(e and instru(tions to (li(0
HhomeI at an4 time to return to this
introdu(tor4 s(reen to review
Students ma4 (hoose to wat(h the
introdu(tion or pro(eed dire(tl4 to
a lesson >4 (li(0ing its >utton"
Futtons will produ(e a sound on
hover/ a (li(0 when pressed/ and
will >e shaded after sele(ted until
user pushes a different lesson
>utton in order to indi(ate whi(h
lesson the (urrent (ontent is in"
7or0 Spa(e: ,5ough s0et(h of the page-
HFa(0groundI will tween down the s(reen to rest at the >ottom"
H%omeI >utton will remain shaded to indi(ate pla(ement within the (ourseware"
%overing over a lesson >utton will displa4 the out(omes ea(h student should >e a>le to demonstrate
after (ompleting the lesson"
$his s(reen introdu(es students to the (ontent and format of the (ourseware" $he video will also provide some >a(0ground information that is not availa>le in
the student edition of the teBt>oo0" $he video is intended to engage students in the rationale for (overing this (ontent as well as the nontraditional format"
%over teBt for lesson >uttons:
21: 1fter this lesson 4ou will >e a>le to ,>ulleted list-: Des(ri>e three signs that a (onfli(t is happening or is a>out to happenJ =dentif4 three reasons that (onfli(t
happensJ Des(ri>e how (onfli(ts (an happen at home/ with peers/ and at s(hool
22: 1fter this lesson 4ou will >e a>le to ,>ulleted list-: Des(ri>e the importan(e of good (ommuni(ationJ Des(ri>e >od4 language and its importan(eJ =dentif4
five s0ills for good listeningJ Des(ri>e negotiation/ (ompromise/ and (olla>oration"
2!: 1fter this lesson 4ou will >e a>le to ,>ulleted list-: =dentif4 five warning signs that a (onfli(t ma4 >e out of (ontrolJ Des(ri>e the use of mediation for
solving out-of-(ontrol (onfli(tsJ =dentif4 seven s0ills of a trained mediator"
2: 1fter this lesson 4ou will >e a>le to ,>ulleted list-: Des(ri>e how a (onfli(t >e(omes violentJ =dentif4 four signs that a (onfli(t ma4 >e(ome violentJ CBplain
the importan(e of reporting all threats of violen(e"
23: 1fter this lesson 4ou will >e a>le to ,>ulleted list-: =dentif4 five wa4s to (ontrol angerJ =dentif4 five wa4s to prote(t 4ourself from violent situations"
<nit $itle: Confli(t and *iolen(e
2esson $itle: Confli(t
:rame D:
Date: 10)2&)201!
Stor4>oard ! of !E
:ile Name:
S(reen Des(ription: 21 5e(ogniAing
$eBt #utline: Content will >e summariAed
from this se(tion of the teBt>oo0 (hapter ,p"
Cver4one eBperien(es (onfli(tJ itGs what
happens when there is an4 (lash of ideas or
$he first step in solving a (onfli(t is >eing
a>le to re(ogniAe when it is a>out to happen"
2oo0 for three signs:
Disagreement '
Cmotions '
Fehavior '
7or0 Spa(e: ,5ough s0et(h of the page-
HConfli(tI will tween down to rest at the >ottom of the s(reen/ indi(ating the title of
lesson 1 ,mat(hing the teBt>oo0-
H2esson 1I >utton will remain shaded to indi(ate pla(ement within the (ourseware"
%overing over a lesson >utton will displa4 the out(omes ea(h student should >e a>le to
demonstrate after (ompleting the lesson" ,see notes on stor4>oard 2 of !E for details-
$eBt will >e >ro0en into pie(es (orresponding to ea(h se(tion of the lesson within the (hapter" $his
redu(tion in the amount of teBt will support student fo(us and ma0e it easier for students who are
re6uired to ta0e notes to >e supported in doing so ,primaril4 students on =CPs-"
1rrow >utton will move learners to the neBt se(tion of (ontent within the lesson"
1dditional Notes:
<nit $itle: Confli(t and *iolen(e
2esson $itle: Confli(t
:rame D: 3
Date: 10)2&)201!
Stor4>oard of !E
:ile Name:
S(reen Des(ription: 21 7h4 Confli(t
$eBt #utline: Content will >e summariAed
from this se(tion of the teBt>oo0 (hapter ,p
7or0 Spa(e: ,5ough s0et(h of the page-
HConfli(tI (ontinues to rest in pla(e throughout the presentation of lesson 1"
H2esson 1I >utton will remain shaded to indi(ate pla(ement within the (ourseware"
%overing over a lesson >utton will displa4 the out(omes ea(h student should >e a>le to
demonstrate after (ompleting the lesson" ,see notes on stor4>oard 2 of !E for details-
$eBt will >e >ro0en into pie(es (orresponding to ea(h se(tion of the lesson within the (hapter" $his
redu(tion in the amount of teBt will support student fo(us and ma0e it easier for students who are
re6uired to ta0e notes to >e supported in doing so ,primaril4 students on =CPs-"
=mage spa(e will >e used to in(orporate a visual depi(tion of the s(reen topi(" =mages will (ome
from three possi>le sour(es: posed photos of students/ student artwor0/ or (( li(ensed images"
1rrow >uttons will move learners to the neBt se(tion of (ontent within the lesson or allow them to
>a(0 up to revisit or (larif4 the previous se(tion of the lesson"
1dditional Notes:
<nit $itle: Confli(t and *iolen(e
2esson $itle: Confli(t
:rame D: 3
Date: 10)2&)201!
Stor4>oard 3 of !E
:ile Name:
S(reen Des(ription: 21 Confli(t at
$eBt #utline: Content will >e summariAed
from this se(tion of the teBt>oo0 (hapter ,p"
7or0 Spa(e: ,5ough s0et(h of the page-
HConfli(tI (ontinues to rest in pla(e throughout the presentation of lesson 1"
H2esson 1I >utton will remain shaded to indi(ate pla(ement within the (ourseware"
%overing over a lesson >utton will displa4 the out(omes ea(h student should >e a>le to
demonstrate after (ompleting the lesson" ,see notes on stor4>oard 2 of !E for details-
$eBt will >e >ro0en into pie(es (orresponding to ea(h se(tion of the lesson within the (hapter" $his redu(tion in the amount of teBt will support student fo(us
and ma0e it easier for students who are re6uired to ta0e notes to >e supported in doing so ,primaril4 students on =CPs-"
=mage spa(e will >e used to in(orporate a visual depi(tion of the s(reen topi(" =mages will (ome from three possi>le sour(es: posed photos of students/ student
artwor0/ or (( li(ensed images"
1rrow >uttons will move learners to the neBt se(tion of (ontent within the lesson or allow them to >a(0 up to revisit or (larif4 the previous se(tion of the
<nit $itle: Confli(t and *iolen(e
2esson $itle: Confli(t
:rame D: 3
Date: 10)2&)201!
Stor4>oard 9 of !E
:ile Name: 311_Simms_Confli(t_and_*iolen(e"swf
S(reen Des(ription: 21 Confli(t with Peers
$eBt #utline: Content will >e
summariAed from this se(tion
of the teBt>oo0 (hapter ,p"
7or0 Spa(e: ,5ough s0et(h of the page-
HConfli(tI (ontinues to rest in pla(e throughout the presentation of lesson 1"
H2esson 1I >utton will remain shaded to indi(ate pla(ement within the (ourseware"
%overing over a lesson >utton will displa4 the out(omes ea(h student should >e a>le to demonstrate
after (ompleting the lesson" ,see notes on stor4>oard 2 of !E for details-
$eBt will >e >ro0en into pie(es (orresponding to ea(h se(tion of the lesson within the (hapter" $his redu(tion in the amount of teBt will support student fo(us
and ma0e it easier for students who are re6uired to ta0e notes to >e supported in doing so ,primaril4 students on =CPs-"
=mage spa(e will >e used to in(orporate a visual depi(tion of the s(reen topi(" =mages will (ome from three possi>le sour(es: posed photos of students/ student
artwor0/ or (( li(ensed images"
1rrow >uttons will move learners to the neBt se(tion of (ontent within the lesson or allow them to >a(0 up to revisit or (larif4 the previous se(tion of the
<nit $itle: Confli(t and *iolen(e
2esson $itle: Confli(t
:rame D: 3
Date: 10)2&)201!
Stor4>oard & of !E
:ile Name:
S(reen Des(ription: Confli(t at S(hool
$eBt #utline: Content will >e summariAed
from this se(tion of the teBt>oo0 (hapter
,p" 201-"
7or0 Spa(e: ,5ough s0et(h of the page-
HConfli(tI (ontinues to rest in pla(e throughout the presentation of lesson 1"
H2esson 1I >utton will remain shaded to indi(ate pla(ement within the (ourseware"
%overing over a lesson >utton will displa4 the out(omes ea(h student should >e a>le to
demonstrate after (ompleting the lesson" ,see notes on stor4>oard 2 of !E for details-
$eBt will >e >ro0en into pie(es (orresponding to ea(h se(tion of the lesson within the (hapter" $his redu(tion in the amount of teBt will support student fo(us
and ma0e it easier for students who are re6uired to ta0e notes to >e supported in doing so ,primaril4 students on =CPs-"
=mage spa(e will >e used to in(orporate a visual depi(tion of the s(reen topi(" =mages will (ome from three possi>le sour(es: posed photos of students/
student artwor0/ or (( li(ensed images"
1rrow >utton will allow learners to >a(0 up to revisit or (larif4 the previous se(tion of the lesson" $he pra(ti(e >utton will advan(e learners to a pra(ti(e
s(enario to use to appl4 the se(tion (ontent"
<nit $itle: Confli(t and *iolen(e
2esson $itle: Confli(t
:rame D: 9
Date: 10)2&)201!
Stor4>oard E of !E
:ile Name: 311_Simms_Confli(t_and_*iolen(e"swf
S(reen Des(ription: 21 Pra(ti(e $ransition
$eBt #utline: H$hin0 and
1ppl4 K 7hat would
4ou doLI
7or0 Spa(e: ,5ough s0et(h of the page-
$his animation (reates a transition >etween (ontent presentation and appl4ing learning to real world s(enarios"
1dditional Notes:
<nit $itle: Confli(t and *iolen(e
2esson $itle: Confli(t
:rame D: &
Date: 10)2&)201!
Stor4>oard ? of !E
:ile Name:
S(reen Des(ription: 21 Pra(ti(e
$eBt #utline: S(ripts will >e
written under the dire(tion of the
D;<SD Crisis =ntervention
Possi>le situations:
Full4ing video with 0ids ta0ing
>ase>all (ap and pla4ing 0eep
#r si>lings in (onfli(t over
wanting to use the (omputer at the
same time"
7or0 Spa(e: ,5ough s0et(h of the page-
H2esson 1I >utton will remain shaded to indi(ate pla(ement within the (ourseware"
%overing over a lesson >utton will displa4 the out(omes ea(h student should >e a>le to
demonstrate after (ompleting the lesson" ,see notes on stor4>oard 2 of !E for details-
2earners will engage in ri(h/ multimedia presentation of s(enarios" $he4 will in(lude video and)or audio
(omponents or animations to ma0e them as real as possi>le" :or eBample/ students ma4 >e as0ed to listen to
an audio narration of a student des(ri>ing a situation and as0ing for advi(e/ or wat(h video or an animation of
an in(ident and as0ed to identif4 neBt steps or what should >e done differentl4"
Cli(0a>le responses will allow learners to (hoose what the4 would doJ upon (li(0/ the out(ome related to that
(hoi(e will >e delivered/ also in ri(h/ multimedia format" =f a student wants to repeat the s(enario to tr4 a
different response/ s)he (an use the Htr4 againI >utton to repla4 the s(enario and (hoi(es"
1dditional Notes:
;en M(Neill has agreed to meet at
the >eginning of Novem>er to
(onsult on s(ript (ontent" She has
alread4 shared via email some
related (ontent"
<nit $itle: Confli(t and *iolen(e
2esson $itle: Confli(t
:rame D: E
Date: 10)2&)201!
Stor4>oard 10 of !E
:ile Name:
S(reen Des(ription: 21 Pra(ti(e
$eBt #utline: S(ripts will >e
written under the dire(tion of the
D;<SD Crisis =ntervention
Possi>le situations:
Full4ing video with 0ids ta0ing
>ase>all (ap and pla4ing 0eep
#r si>lings in (onfli(t over
wanting to use the (omputer at the
same time"
7or0 Spa(e: ,5ough s0et(h of the page-
H2esson 1I >utton will remain shaded to indi(ate pla(ement within the (ourseware"
%overing over a lesson >utton will displa4 the out(omes ea(h student should >e a>le to
demonstrate after (ompleting the lesson" ,see notes on stor4>oard 2 of !E for details-
2earners will engage in ri(h/ multimedia presentation of s(enarios" $he4 will in(lude video and)or audio
(omponents or animations to ma0e them as real as possi>le" :or eBample/ students ma4 >e as0ed to listen to
an audio narration of a student des(ri>ing a situation and as0ing for advi(e/ or wat(h video or an animation of
an in(ident and as0ed to identif4 neBt steps or what should >e done differentl4"
Cli(0a>le responses will allow learners to (hoose what the4 would doJ upon (li(0/ the out(ome related to that
(hoi(e will >e delivered/ also in ri(h/ multimedia format" =f a student wants to repeat the s(enario to tr4 a
different response/ s)he (an use the Htr4 againI >utton to repla4 the s(enario and (hoi(es"
1dditional Notes:
;en M(Neill has agreed to meet at
the >eginning of Novem>er to
(onsult on s(ript (ontent" She has
alread4 shared via email some
related (ontent"
<nit $itle: Confli(t and *iolen(e
2esson $itle: Communi(ating
During Confli(t
:rame D:
Date: 10)2&)201!
Stor4>oard 11 of !E
:ile Name: 311_Simms_Confli(t_and_*iolen(e"swf
S(reen Des(ription: 22 CBpressing Mourself
$eBt #utline: Content will >e
summariAed from this se(tion
of the teBt>oo0 (hapter ,p"
7or0 Spa(e: ,5ough s0et(h of the page-
HCommuni(ating During Confli(tI will tween down to rest at the >ottom of the s(reen/ indi(ating the
title of lesson 2 ,mat(hing the teBt>oo0-
H2esson 2I >utton will remain shaded to indi(ate pla(ement within the (ourseware"
%overing over a lesson >utton will displa4 the out(omes ea(h student should >e a>le to demonstrate
after (ompleting the lesson" ,see notes on stor4>oard 2 of !E for details-
$eBt will >e >ro0en into pie(es (orresponding to ea(h se(tion of the lesson within the (hapter" $his redu(tion in
the amount of teBt will support student fo(us and ma0e it easier for students who are re6uired to ta0e notes to >e
supported in doing so ,primaril4 students on =CPs-"
1rrow >utton will move learners to the neBt se(tion of (ontent within the lesson"
1dditional Notes:
<nit $itle: Confli(t and *iolen(e
2esson $itle: Communi(ating
During Confli(t
:rame D: 3
Date: 10)2&)201!
Stor4>oard 12 of !E
:ile Name: 311_Simms_Confli(t_and_*iolen(e"swf
S(reen Des(ription: 22 Choosing 5ight 7ords
$eBt #utline: Content will >e
summariAed from this se(tion
of the teBt>oo0 (hapter ,p"
7or0 Spa(e: ,5ough s0et(h of the page-
HCommuni(ating During Confli(tI (ontinues to rest in pla(e throughout the presentation of lesson 2"
H2esson 2I >utton will remain shaded to indi(ate pla(ement within the (ourseware"
%overing over a lesson >utton will displa4 the out(omes ea(h student should >e a>le to demonstrate
after (ompleting the lesson" ,see notes on stor4>oard 2 of !E for details-
$eBt will >e >ro0en into pie(es (orresponding to ea(h se(tion of the lesson within the (hapter" $his redu(tion in the amount of teBt will support student fo(us
and ma0e it easier for students who are re6uired to ta0e notes to >e supported in doing so ,primaril4 students on =CPs-"
=mage spa(e will >e used to in(orporate a visual depi(tion of the s(reen topi(" =mages will (ome from three possi>le sour(es: posed photos of students/
student artwor0/ or (( li(ensed images"
1rrow >uttons will move learners to the neBt se(tion of (ontent within the lesson or allow them to >a(0 up to revisit or (larif4 the previous se(tion of the
<nit $itle: Confli(t and *iolen(e
2esson $itle: Communi(ating
During Confli(t
:rame D: 3
Date: 10)2&)201!
Stor4>oard 1! of !E
:ile Name: 311_Simms_Confli(t_and_*iolen(e"swf
S(reen Des(ription: 22 Fod4 2anguage
$eBt #utline: Content will >e
summariAed from this se(tion
of the teBt>oo0 (hapter ,p"
7or0 Spa(e: ,5ough s0et(h of the page-
HCommuni(ating During Confli(tI (ontinues to rest in pla(e throughout the presentation of lesson 2"
H2esson 2I >utton will remain shaded to indi(ate pla(ement within the (ourseware"
%overing over a lesson >utton will displa4 the out(omes ea(h student should >e a>le to demonstrate
after (ompleting the lesson" ,see notes on stor4>oard 2 of !E for details-
$eBt will >e >ro0en into pie(es (orresponding to ea(h se(tion of the lesson within the (hapter" $his redu(tion in the amount of teBt will support student fo(us
and ma0e it easier for students who are re6uired to ta0e notes to >e supported in doing so ,primaril4 students on =CPs-"
=mage spa(e will >e used to in(orporate a visual depi(tion of the s(reen topi(" =mages will (ome from three possi>le sour(es: posed photos of students/
student artwor0/ or (( li(ensed images"
1rrow >uttons will move learners to the neBt se(tion of (ontent within the lesson or allow them to >a(0 up to revisit or (larif4 the previous se(tion of the
<nit $itle: Confli(t and *iolen(e
2esson $itle: Communi(ating
During Confli(t
:rame D: 3
Date: 10)2&)201!
Stor4>oard 1 of !E
:ile Name: 311_Simms_Confli(t_and_*iolen(e"swf
S(reen Des(ription: 22 2istening
$eBt #utline: Content will >e
summariAed from this se(tion
of the teBt>oo0 (hapter ,p"
7or0 Spa(e: ,5ough s0et(h of the page-
HCommuni(ating During Confli(tI (ontinues to rest in pla(e throughout the presentation of lesson 2"
H2esson 2I >utton will remain shaded to indi(ate pla(ement within the (ourseware"
%overing over a lesson >utton will displa4 the out(omes ea(h student should >e a>le to demonstrate
after (ompleting the lesson" ,see notes on stor4>oard 2 of !E for details-
$eBt will >e >ro0en into pie(es (orresponding to ea(h se(tion of the lesson within the (hapter" $his redu(tion in the amount of teBt will support student fo(us
and ma0e it easier for students who are re6uired to ta0e notes to >e supported in doing so ,primaril4 students on =CPs-"
=mage spa(e will >e used to in(orporate a visual depi(tion of the s(reen topi(" =mages will (ome from three possi>le sour(es: posed photos of students/
student artwor0/ or (( li(ensed images"
1rrow >uttons will move learners to the neBt se(tion of (ontent within the lesson or allow them to >a(0 up to revisit or (larif4 the previous se(tion of the
<nit $itle: Confli(t and *iolen(e
2esson $itle: Communi(ating
During Confli(t
:rame D: 3
Date: 10)2&)201!
Stor4>oard 13 of !E
:ile Name: 311_Simms_Confli(t_and_*iolen(e"swf
S(reen Des(ription: 22 Negotiation
$eBt #utline: Content will >e
summariAed from this se(tion
of the teBt>oo0 (hapter ,p"
7or0 Spa(e: ,5ough s0et(h of the page-
HCommuni(ating During Confli(tI (ontinues to rest in pla(e throughout the presentation of lesson 2"
H2esson 2I >utton will remain shaded to indi(ate pla(ement within the (ourseware"
%overing over a lesson >utton will displa4 the out(omes ea(h student should >e a>le to demonstrate
after (ompleting the lesson" ,see notes on stor4>oard 2 of !E for details-
$eBt will >e >ro0en into pie(es (orresponding to ea(h se(tion of the lesson within the (hapter" $his redu(tion in the amount of teBt will support student fo(us
and ma0e it easier for students who are re6uired to ta0e notes to >e supported in doing so ,primaril4 students on =CPs-"
=mage spa(e will >e used to in(orporate a visual depi(tion of the s(reen topi(" =mages will (ome from three possi>le sour(es: posed photos of students/
student artwor0/ or (( li(ensed images"
1rrow >uttons will move learners to the neBt se(tion of (ontent within the lesson or allow them to >a(0 up to revisit or (larif4 the previous se(tion of the
<nit $itle: Confli(t and *iolen(e
2esson $itle: Communi(ating
During Confli(t
:rame D: 3
Date: 10)2&)201!
Stor4>oard 19 of !E
:ile Name: 311_Simms_Confli(t_and_*iolen(e"swf
S(reen Des(ription: 22 Compromise and
$eBt #utline: Content will >e
summariAed from this se(tion
of the teBt>oo0 (hapter ,p"
7or0 Spa(e: ,5ough s0et(h of the page-
HCommuni(ating During Confli(tI (ontinues to rest in pla(e throughout the presentation of lesson 2"
H2esson 2I >utton will remain shaded to indi(ate pla(ement within the (ourseware"
%overing over a lesson >utton will displa4 the out(omes ea(h student should >e a>le to demonstrate
after (ompleting the lesson" ,see notes on stor4>oard 2 of !E for details-
$eBt will >e >ro0en into pie(es (orresponding to ea(h se(tion of the lesson within the (hapter" $his redu(tion in the
amount of teBt will support student fo(us and ma0e it easier for students who are re6uired to ta0e notes to >e
supported in doing so ,primaril4 students on =CPs-"
=mage spa(e will >e used to in(orporate a visual depi(tion of the s(reen topi(" =mages will (ome from three possi>le
sour(es: posed photos of students/ student artwor0/ or (( li(ensed images"
1rrow >utton will allow learners to >a(0 up to revisit or (larif4 the previous se(tion of the lesson" $he pra(ti(e
1dditional Notes:
>utton will advan(e learners to a pra(ti(e s(enario to use to appl4 the se(tion (ontent"
<nit $itle: Confli(t and *iolen(e
2esson $itle: Communi(ating
During Confli(t
:rame D: 9
Date: 10)2&)201!
Stor4>oard 1& of !E
:ile Name: 311_Simms_Confli(t_and_*iolen(e"swf
S(reen Des(ription: 22 Pra(ti(e $ransition
$eBt #utline: H$hin0 and
1ppl4 K 7hat would
4ou doLI
7or0 Spa(e: ,5ough s0et(h of the page-
$his animation (reates a transition >etween (ontent presentation and appl4ing learning to real world s(enarios"
1dditional Notes:
<nit $itle: Confli(t and *iolen(e
2esson $itle: Communi(ating
During Confli(t
:rame D: &
Date: 10)2&)201!
Stor4>oard 1E of !E
:ile Name: 311_Simms_Confli(t_and_*iolen(e"swf
S(reen Des(ription: 22 Pra(ti(e
$eBt #utline: S(ripts will
>e written under the
dire(tion of the D;<SD
Crisis =ntervention
Possi>le situations for
$wo si>lings >oth want to
have friends over to hang
out in the >a(04ard and
use the pool"
1 group of friends have
different opinions a>out
what movie the4 should
go to on the wee0end"
Some mem>ers of the
group thin0 the movie one
friend is suggesting is
7or0 Spa(e: ,5ough s0et(h of the page-
H2esson 2I >utton will remain shaded to indi(ate pla(ement within the (ourseware"
%overing over a lesson >utton will displa4 the out(omes ea(h student should >e a>le to demonstrate after
(ompleting the lesson" ,see notes on stor4>oard 2 of !E for details-
2earners will engage in ri(h/ multimedia presentation of s(enarios" $he4 will in(lude video and)or audio (omponents
or animations to ma0e them as real as possi>le" :or eBample/ students ma4 >e as0ed to listen to an audio narration of a
student des(ri>ing a situation and as0ing for advi(e/ or wat(h video or an animation of an in(ident and as0ed to
identif4 neBt steps or what should >e done differentl4"
Cli(0a>le responses will allow learners to (hoose what the4 would doJ upon (li(0/ the out(ome related to that (hoi(e
will >e delivered/ also in ri(h/ multimedia format" =f a student wants to repeat the s(enario to tr4 a different response/
s)he (an use the Htr4 againI >utton to repla4 the s(enario and (hoi(es"
1dditional Notes:
;en M(Neill has agreed to
meet at the >eginning of
Novem>er to (onsult on
s(ript (ontent" She has
alread4 shared via email
some related (ontent"
<nit $itle: Confli(t and *iolen(e
2esson $itle: Communi(ating
During Confli(t
:rame D: E
Date: 10)2&)201!
Stor4>oard 1? of !E
:ile Name: 311_Simms_Confli(t_and_*iolen(e"swf
S(reen Des(ription: 22 Pra(ti(e
$eBt #utline: S(ripts will
>e written under the
dire(tion of the D;<SD
Crisis =ntervention
7or0 Spa(e: ,5ough s0et(h of the page-
H2esson 2I >utton will remain shaded to indi(ate pla(ement within the (ourseware"
%overing over a lesson >utton will displa4 the out(omes ea(h student should >e a>le to demonstrate after
(ompleting the lesson" ,see notes on stor4>oard 2 of !E for details-
2earners will engage in ri(h/ multimedia presentation of s(enarios" $he4 will in(lude video and)or audio (omponents
or animations to ma0e them as real as possi>le" :or eBample/ students ma4 >e as0ed to listen to an audio narration of a
student des(ri>ing a situation and as0ing for advi(e/ or wat(h video or an animation of an in(ident and as0ed to
identif4 neBt steps or what should >e done differentl4"
Cli(0a>le responses will allow learners to (hoose what the4 would doJ upon (li(0/ the out(ome related to that (hoi(e
will >e delivered/ also in ri(h/ multimedia format" =f a student wants to repeat the s(enario to tr4 a different response/
s)he (an use the Htr4 againI >utton to repla4 the s(enario and (hoi(es"
1dditional Notes:
;en M(Neill has agreed to
meet at the >eginning of
Novem>er to (onsult on
s(ript (ontent" She has
alread4 shared via email
some related (ontent"
<nit $itle: Confli(t and *iolen(e
2esson $itle: +etting %elp for
:rame D:
Date: 10)2&)201!
Stor4>oard 20 of !E
:ile Name: 311_Simms_Confli(t_and_*iolen(e"swf
S(reen Des(ription: 2! 7hen it is #ut of Control
$eBt #utline: Content will
>e summariAed from this
se(tion of the teBt>oo0
(hapter ,p" 209-"
7or0 Spa(e: ,5ough s0et(h of the page-
H+etting %elp for Confli(tsI will tween down to rest at the >ottom of the s(reen/ indi(ating the title of
lesson ! ,mat(hing the teBt>oo0-
H2esson !I >utton will remain shaded to indi(ate pla(ement within the (ourseware"
%overing over a lesson >utton will displa4 the out(omes ea(h student should >e a>le to demonstrate after
(ompleting the lesson" ,see notes on stor4>oard 2 of !E for details-
$eBt will >e >ro0en into pie(es (orresponding to ea(h se(tion of the lesson within the (hapter" $his redu(tion in the
amount of teBt will support student fo(us and ma0e it easier for students who are re6uired to ta0e notes to >e supported
in doing so ,primaril4 students on =CPs-"
1rrow >utton will move learners to the neBt se(tion of (ontent within the lesson"
1dditional Notes:
<nit $itle: Confli(t and *iolen(e
2esson $itle: +etting %elp for
:rame D: 3
Date: 10)2&)201!
Stor4>oard 21 of !E
:ile Name: 311_Simms_Confli(t_and_*iolen(e"swf
S(reen Des(ription: M! Mediation
$eBt #utline: Content will
>e summariAed from this
se(tion of the teBt>oo0
(hapter ,p" 20&-"
7or0 Spa(e: ,5ough s0et(h of the page-
H+etting %elp for Confli(tsI (ontinues to rest in pla(e throughout the presentation of lesson !"
H2esson !I >utton will remain shaded to indi(ate pla(ement within the (ourseware"
%overing over a lesson >utton will displa4 the out(omes ea(h student should >e a>le to demonstrate after
(ompleting the lesson" ,see notes on stor4>oard 2 of !E for details-
$eBt will >e >ro0en into pie(es (orresponding to ea(h se(tion of the lesson within the (hapter" $his redu(tion in the
amount of teBt will support student fo(us and ma0e it easier for students who are re6uired to ta0e notes to >e supported
in doing so ,primaril4 students on =CPs-"
=mage spa(e will >e used to in(orporate a visual depi(tion of the s(reen topi(" =mages will (ome from three possi>le
sour(es: posed photos of students/ student artwor0/ or (( li(ensed images"
1rrow >utton will allow learners to >a(0 up to revisit or (larif4 the previous se(tion of the lesson" $he pra(ti(e >utton
will advan(e learners to a pra(ti(e s(enario to use to appl4 the se(tion (ontent"
1dditional Notes:
<nit $itle: Confli(t and *iolen(e
2esson $itle: +etting %elp for
:rame D: 9
Date: 10)2&)201!
Stor4>oard 22 of !E
:ile Name: 311_Simms_Confli(t_and_*iolen(e"swf
S(reen Des(ription: 2! Pra(ti(e $ransition
$eBt #utline: H$hin0 and
1ppl4 K 7hat would
4ou doLI
7or0 Spa(e: ,5ough s0et(h of the page-
$his animation (reates a transition >etween (ontent presentation and appl4ing learning to real world s(enarios"
1dditional Notes:
<nit $itle: Confli(t and *iolen(e
2esson $itle: +etting %elp for
:rame D: &
Date: 10)2&)201!
Stor4>oard 2! of !E
:ile Name: 311_Simms_Confli(t_and_*iolen(e"swf
S(reen Des(ription: 2! Pra(ti(e
$eBt #utline: S(ripts will
>e written under the
dire(tion of the D;<SD
Crisis =ntervention
Possi>le situation for
1fter two girls have had a
disagreement outside of
(lass/ one dis(overs that
her >ig pro.e(t that is due
toda4 is missing from her
>a(0pa(0" She is sure the
other girl too0 it"
7or0 Spa(e: ,5ough s0et(h of the page-
H2esson !I >utton will remain shaded to indi(ate pla(ement within the (ourseware"
%overing over a lesson >utton will displa4 the out(omes ea(h student should >e a>le to demonstrate after
(ompleting the lesson" ,see notes on stor4>oard 2 of !E for details-
2earners will engage in ri(h/ multimedia presentation of s(enarios" $he4 will in(lude video and)or audio (omponents or
animations to ma0e them as real as possi>le" :or eBample/ students ma4 >e as0ed to listen to an audio narration of a
student des(ri>ing a situation and as0ing for advi(e/ or wat(h video or an animation of an in(ident and as0ed to identif4
neBt steps or what should >e done differentl4"
Cli(0a>le responses will allow learners to (hoose what the4 would doJ upon (li(0/ the out(ome related to that (hoi(e
will >e delivered/ also in ri(h/ multimedia format" =f a student wants to repeat the s(enario to tr4 a different response/
s)he (an use the Htr4 againI >utton to repla4 the s(enario and (hoi(es"
1dditional Notes:
;en M(Neill has agreed to
meet at the >eginning of
Novem>er to (onsult on
s(ript (ontent" She has
alread4 shared via email
some related (ontent"
<nit $itle: Confli(t and *iolen(e
2esson $itle: +etting %elp for
:rame D: E
Date: 10)2&)201!
Stor4>oard 2 of !E
:ile Name: 311_Simms_Confli(t_and_*iolen(e"swf
S(reen Des(ription: 2! Pra(ti(e
$eBt #utline: S(ripts will
>e written under the
dire(tion of the D;<SD
Crisis =ntervention
7or0 Spa(e: ,5ough s0et(h of the page-
H2esson !I >utton will remain shaded to indi(ate pla(ement within the (ourseware"
%overing over a lesson >utton will displa4 the out(omes ea(h student should >e a>le to demonstrate after
(ompleting the lesson" ,see notes on stor4>oard 2 of !E for details-
2earners will engage in ri(h/ multimedia presentation of s(enarios" $he4 will in(lude video and)or audio (omponents or
animations to ma0e them as real as possi>le" :or eBample/ students ma4 >e as0ed to listen to an audio narration of a
student des(ri>ing a situation and as0ing for advi(e/ or wat(h video or an animation of an in(ident and as0ed to identif4
neBt steps or what should >e done differentl4"
Cli(0a>le responses will allow learners to (hoose what the4 would doJ upon (li(0/ the out(ome related to that (hoi(e
will >e delivered/ also in ri(h/ multimedia format" =f a student wants to repeat the s(enario to tr4 a different response/
1dditional Notes:
;en M(Neill has agreed to
meet at the >eginning of
Novem>er to (onsult on
s(ript (ontent" She has
alread4 shared via email
s)he (an use the Htr4 againI >utton to repla4 the s(enario and (hoi(es"
some related (ontent"
<nit $itle: Confli(t and *iolen(e
2esson $itle: 7hen Confli(t
Fe(omes Dangerous
:rame D:
Date: 10)2&)201!
Stor4>oard 23 of !E
:ile Name: 311_Simms_Confli(t_and_*iolen(e"swf
S(reen Des(ription: 2 7hat is *iolen(e
$eBt #utline: Content will
>e summariAed from this
se(tion of the teBt>oo0
(hapter ,p" 20E-"
7or0 Spa(e: ,5ough s0et(h of the page-
H7hen Confli(t Fe(omes DangerousI will tween down to rest at the >ottom of the s(reen/ indi(ating the
title of lesson ,mat(hing the teBt>oo0-
H2esson I >utton will remain shaded to indi(ate pla(ement within the (ourseware"
%overing over a lesson >utton will displa4 the out(omes ea(h student should >e a>le to demonstrate after
(ompleting the lesson" ,see notes on stor4>oard 2 of !E for details-
$eBt will >e >ro0en into pie(es (orresponding to ea(h se(tion of the lesson within the (hapter" $his redu(tion in the amount of teBt will support student fo(us
and ma0e it easier for students who are re6uired to ta0e notes to >e supported in doing so ,primaril4 students on =CPs-"
1rrow >utton will move learners to the neBt se(tion of (ontent within the lesson
<nit $itle: Confli(t and *iolen(e
2esson $itle: 7hen Confli(t
Fe(omes Dangerous
:rame D: 3
Date: 10)2&)201!
Stor4>oard 29 of !E
:ile Name: 311_Simms_Confli(t_and_*iolen(e"swf
S(reen Des(ription: 2 %ow Confli(t turns to *iolen(e
$eBt #utline: Content will
>e summariAed from this
se(tion of the teBt>oo0
(hapter ,p" 20?-"
7or0 Spa(e: ,5ough s0et(h of the page-
H7hen Confli(t Fe(omes DangerousI (ontinues to rest in pla(e throughout the presentation of lesson "
H2esson I >utton will remain shaded to indi(ate pla(ement within the (ourseware"
%overing over a lesson >utton will displa4 the out(omes ea(h student should >e a>le to demonstrate after
(ompleting the lesson" ,see notes on stor4>oard 2 of !E for details-
$eBt will >e >ro0en into pie(es (orresponding to ea(h se(tion of the lesson within the (hapter" $his redu(tion in the amount of teBt will support student fo(us
and ma0e it easier for students who are re6uired to ta0e notes to >e supported in doing so ,primaril4 students on =CPs-"
=mage spa(e will >e used to in(orporate a visual depi(tion of the s(reen topi(" =mages will (ome from three possi>le sour(es: posed photos of students/
student artwor0/ or (( li(ensed images"
1rrow >uttons will move learners to the neBt se(tion of (ontent within the lesson or allow them to >a(0 up to revisit or (larif4 the previous se(tion of the
<nit $itle: Confli(t and *iolen(e
2esson $itle: 7hen Confli(t
Fe(omes Dangerous
:rame D: 3
Date: 10)2&)201!
Stor4>oard 2& of !E
:ile Name: 311_Simms_Confli(t_and_*iolen(e"swf
S(reen Des(ription: 2 7at(h for the Signs
$eBt #utline: Content will
>e summariAed from this
se(tion of the teBt>oo0
(hapter ,p" 20?-"
7or0 Spa(e: ,5ough s0et(h of the page-
H7hen Confli(t Fe(omes DangerousI (ontinues to rest in pla(e throughout the presentation of lesson "
H2esson I >utton will remain shaded to indi(ate pla(ement within the (ourseware"
%overing over a lesson >utton will displa4 the out(omes ea(h student should >e a>le to demonstrate after
(ompleting the lesson" ,see notes on stor4>oard 2 of !E for details-
$eBt will >e >ro0en into pie(es (orresponding to ea(h se(tion of the lesson within the (hapter" $his redu(tion in the
amount of teBt will support student fo(us and ma0e it easier for students who are re6uired to ta0e notes to >e supported
in doing so ,primaril4 students on =CPs-"
=mage spa(e will >e used to in(orporate a visual depi(tion of the s(reen topi(" =mages will (ome from three possi>le
sour(es: posed photos of students/ student artwor0/ or (( li(ensed images"
1rrow >uttons will move learners to the neBt se(tion of (ontent within the lesson or allow them to >a(0 up to revisit or
(larif4 the previous se(tion of the lesson"
1dditional Notes:
<nit $itle: Confli(t and *iolen(e
2esson $itle: 7hen Confli(t
Fe(omes Dangerous
:rame D: 3
Date: 10)2&)201!
Stor4>oard 2E of !E
:ile Name: 311_Simms_Confli(t_and_*iolen(e"swf
S(reen Des(ription: 2 1ggression
$eBt #utline: Content will
>e summariAed from this
se(tion of the teBt>oo0
(hapter ,p" 210-"
7or0 Spa(e: ,5ough s0et(h of the page-
H7hen Confli(t Fe(omes DangerousI (ontinues to rest in pla(e throughout the presentation of lesson "
H2esson I >utton will remain shaded to indi(ate pla(ement within the (ourseware"
%overing over a lesson >utton will displa4 the out(omes ea(h student should >e a>le to demonstrate after
(ompleting the lesson" ,see notes on stor4>oard 2 of !E for details-
$eBt will >e >ro0en into pie(es (orresponding to ea(h se(tion of the lesson within the (hapter" $his redu(tion in the amount of teBt will support student fo(us
and ma0e it easier for students who are re6uired to ta0e notes to >e supported in doing so ,primaril4 students on =CPs-"
=mage spa(e will >e used to in(orporate a visual depi(tion of the s(reen topi(" =mages will (ome from three possi>le sour(es: posed photos of students/
student artwor0/ or (( li(ensed images"
1rrow >uttons will move learners to the neBt se(tion of (ontent within the lesson or allow them to >a(0 up to revisit or (larif4 the previous se(tion of the
<nit $itle: Confli(t and *iolen(e
2esson $itle: 7hen Confli(t
Fe(omes Dangerous
:rame D: 3
Date: 10)2&)201!
Stor4>oard 2? of !E
:ile Name: 311_Simms_Confli(t_and_*iolen(e"swf
S(reen Des(ription: 2 $hreats
$eBt #utline: Content will
>e summariAed from this
se(tion of the teBt>oo0
(hapter ,p" 210-"
7or0 Spa(e: ,5ough s0et(h of the page-
H7hen Confli(t Fe(omes DangerousI (ontinues to rest in pla(e throughout the presentation of lesson "
H2esson I >utton will remain shaded to indi(ate pla(ement within the (ourseware"
%overing over a lesson >utton will displa4 the out(omes ea(h student should >e a>le to demonstrate after
(ompleting the lesson" ,see notes on stor4>oard 2 of !E for details-
$eBt will >e >ro0en into pie(es (orresponding to ea(h se(tion of the lesson within the (hapter" $his redu(tion in the
amount of teBt will support student fo(us and ma0e it easier for students who are re6uired to ta0e notes to >e supported
in doing so ,primaril4 students on =CPs-"
=mage spa(e will >e used to in(orporate a visual depi(tion of the s(reen topi(" =mages will (ome from three possi>le
sour(es: posed photos of students/ student artwor0/ or (( li(ensed images"
1rrow >uttons will move learners to the neBt se(tion of (ontent within the lesson or allow them to >a(0 up to revisit or
(larif4 the previous se(tion of the lesson"
1dditional Notes:
<nit $itle: Confli(t and *iolen(e
2esson $itle: 7hen Confli(t
Fe(omes Dangerous
:rame D: 3
Date: 10)2&)201!
Stor4>oard !0 of !E
:ile Name: 311_Simms_Confli(t_and_*iolen(e"swf
S(reen Des(ription: 2 5eporting $hreats
$eBt #utline: Content will
>e summariAed from this
se(tion of the teBt>oo0
(hapter ,p" 211-"
7or0 Spa(e: ,5ough s0et(h of the page-
H7hen Confli(t Fe(omes DangerousI (ontinues to rest in pla(e throughout the presentation of lesson "
H2esson I >utton will remain shaded to indi(ate pla(ement within the (ourseware"
%overing over a lesson >utton will displa4 the out(omes ea(h student should >e a>le to demonstrate after
(ompleting the lesson" ,see notes on stor4>oard 2 of !E for details-
$eBt will >e >ro0en into pie(es (orresponding to ea(h se(tion of the lesson within the (hapter" $his redu(tion in the amount of teBt will support student fo(us
and ma0e it easier for students who are re6uired to ta0e notes to >e supported in doing so ,primaril4 students on =CPs-"
=mage spa(e will >e used to in(orporate a visual depi(tion of the s(reen topi(" =mages will (ome from three possi>le sour(es: posed photos of students/
student artwor0/ or (( li(ensed images"
1rrow >utton will allow learners to >a(0 up to revisit or (larif4 the previous se(tion of the lesson" $he pra(ti(e >utton will advan(e learners to a pra(ti(e
s(enario to use to appl4 the se(tion (ontent"
<nit $itle: Confli(t and *iolen(e
2esson $itle: 7hen Confli(t
Fe(omes Dangerous
:rame D: 9
Date: 10)2&)201!
Stor4>oard !1 of !E
:ile Name: 311_Simms_Confli(t_and_*iolen(e"swf
S(reen Des(ription: 2 Pra(ti(e $ransition
$eBt #utline: H$hin0 and
1ppl4 K 7hat would
4ou doLI
7or0 Spa(e: ,5ough s0et(h of the page-
$his animation (reates a transition >etween (ontent presentation and appl4ing learning to real world s(enarios"
1dditional Notes:
<nit $itle: Confli(t and *iolen(e
2esson $itle: 7hen Confli(t
Fe(omes Dangerous
:rame D: &
Date: 10)2&)201!
Stor4>oard !2 of !E
:ile Name: 311_Simms_Confli(t_and_*iolen(e"swf
S(reen Des(ription: 2 Pra(ti(e
$eBt #utline: S(ripts will
>e written under the
dire(tion of the D;<SD
Crisis =ntervention
Possi>le situations for
;oeGs friend Matt is
furious over >eing (ut
from the >ase>all team"
Matt sa4s heGs Hgoing to
ma0e the (oa(h pa4"I ;oe
as0s Matt what he
means/ Matt tells him not
to worr4 a>out it"
During a math test/ Paige
noti(es that Naren is
(heating" Fefore Paige
sa4s an4thing to the
tea(her/ Naren tells her/
H=f 4ou tell/ =Gll tell
ever4one that 4ou are a
tattletale and no one will
ever tal0 to 4ou again"I
7or0 Spa(e: ,5ough s0et(h of the page-
H2esson I >utton will remain shaded to indi(ate pla(ement within the (ourseware"
%overing over a lesson >utton will displa4 the out(omes ea(h student should >e a>le to demonstrate after
(ompleting the lesson" ,see notes on stor4>oard 2 of !E for details-
2earners will engage in ri(h/ multimedia presentation of s(enarios" $he4 will in(lude video and)or audio (omponents or
animations to ma0e them as real as possi>le" :or eBample/ students ma4 >e as0ed to listen to an audio narration of a
student des(ri>ing a situation and as0ing for advi(e/ or wat(h video or an animation of an in(ident and as0ed to identif4
neBt steps or what should >e done differentl4"
Cli(0a>le responses will allow learners to (hoose what the4 would doJ upon (li(0/ the out(ome related to that (hoi(e will
>e delivered/ also in ri(h/ multimedia format" =f a student wants to repeat the s(enario to tr4 a different response/ s)he (an
use the Htr4 againI >utton to repla4 the s(enario and (hoi(es"
1dditional Notes:
;en M(Neill has agreed
to meet at the >eginning
of Novem>er to (onsult
on s(ript (ontent" She
has alread4 shared via
email some related
<nit $itle: Confli(t and *iolen(e
2esson $itle: 7hen Confli(t
Fe(omes Dangerous
:rame D: E
Date: 10)2&)201!
Stor4>oard !! of !E
:ile Name: 311_Simms_Confli(t_and_*iolen(e"swf
S(reen Des(ription: 2 Pra(ti(e
$eBt #utline: S(ripts will
>e written under the
dire(tion of the D;<SD
Crisis =ntervention
7or0 Spa(e: ,5ough s0et(h of the page-
H2esson I >utton will remain shaded to indi(ate pla(ement within the (ourseware"
%overing over a lesson >utton will displa4 the out(omes ea(h student should >e a>le to demonstrate after
(ompleting the lesson" ,see notes on stor4>oard 2 of !E for details-
2earners will engage in ri(h/ multimedia presentation of s(enarios" $he4 will in(lude video and)or audio (omponents or
animations to ma0e them as real as possi>le" :or eBample/ students ma4 >e as0ed to listen to an audio narration of a
student des(ri>ing a situation and as0ing for advi(e/ or wat(h video or an animation of an in(ident and as0ed to identif4
neBt steps or what should >e done differentl4"
Cli(0a>le responses will allow learners to (hoose what the4 would doJ upon (li(0/ the out(ome related to that (hoi(e will
>e delivered/ also in ri(h/ multimedia format" =f a student wants to repeat the s(enario to tr4 a different response/ s)he (an
use the Htr4 againI >utton to repla4 the s(enario and (hoi(es"
1dditional Notes:
;en M(Neill has agreed
to meet at the >eginning
of Novem>er to (onsult
on s(ript (ontent" She
has alread4 shared via
email some related
<nit $itle: Confli(t and *iolen(e
2esson $itle: Preventing *iolen(e
:rame D:
Date: 10)2&)201!
Stor4>oard ! of !E
:ile Name: 311_Simms_Confli(t_and_*iolen(e"swf
S(reen Des(ription: 23 Controlling 1nger
$eBt #utline: Content
will >e summariAed from
this se(tion of the
teBt>oo0 (hapter ,p"
7or0 Spa(e: ,5ough s0et(h of the page-
HPreventing *iolen(eI will tween down to rest at the >ottom of the s(reen/ indi(ating the title of lesson 3
,mat(hing the teBt>oo0-
H2esson 3I >utton will remain shaded to indi(ate pla(ement within the (ourseware"
%overing over a lesson >utton will displa4 the out(omes ea(h student should >e a>le to demonstrate after
(ompleting the lesson" ,see notes on stor4>oard 2 of !E for details-
$eBt will >e >ro0en into pie(es (orresponding to ea(h se(tion of the lesson within the (hapter" $his redu(tion in the
amount of teBt will support student fo(us and ma0e it easier for students who are re6uired to ta0e notes to >e supported in
1dditional Notes:
doing so ,primaril4 students on =CPs-"
1rrow >utton will move learners to the neBt se(tion of (ontent within the lesson"
<nit $itle: Confli(t and *iolen(e
2esson $itle: Preventing *iolen(e
:rame D: 3
Date: 10)2&)201!
Stor4>oard !3 of !E
:ile Name: 311_Simms_Confli(t_and_*iolen(e"swf
S(reen Des(ription: 23 Prote(ting Mourself
$eBt #utline: Content
will >e summariAed from
this se(tion of the
teBt>oo0 (hapter ,p"
7or0 Spa(e: ,5ough s0et(h of the page-
HPreventing *iolen(eI (ontinues to rest in pla(e throughout the presentation of lesson 3"
H2esson 3I >utton will remain shaded to indi(ate pla(ement within the (ourseware"
%overing over a lesson >utton will displa4 the out(omes ea(h student should >e a>le to demonstrate after
(ompleting the lesson" ,see notes on stor4>oard 2 of !E for details-
$eBt will >e >ro0en into pie(es (orresponding to ea(h se(tion of the lesson within the (hapter" $his redu(tion in the
amount of teBt will support student fo(us and ma0e it easier for students who are re6uired to ta0e notes to >e supported in
doing so ,primaril4 students on =CPs-"
=mage spa(e will >e used to in(orporate a visual depi(tion of the s(reen topi(" =mages will (ome from three possi>le
sour(es: posed photos of students/ student artwor0/ or (( li(ensed images"
1rrow >utton will allow learners to >a(0 up to revisit or (larif4 the previous se(tion of the lesson" $he pra(ti(e >utton
will advan(e learners to a pra(ti(e s(enario to use to appl4 the se(tion (ontent"
1dditional Notes:
<nit $itle: Confli(t and *iolen(e
2esson $itle: Preventing *iolen(e
:rame D:
Date: 10)2&)201!
Stor4>oard !9 of !E
:ile Name: 311_Simms_Confli(t_and_*iolen(e"swf
S(reen Des(ription: 23 Pra(ti(e $ransition
$eBt #utline: H$hin0 and
1ppl4 K 7hat would
4ou doLI
7or0 Spa(e: ,5ough s0et(h of the page-
$his animation (reates a transition >etween (ontent presentation and appl4ing learning to real world s(enarios"
1dditional Notes:
<nit $itle: Confli(t and *iolen(e
2esson $itle: Preventing *iolen(e
:rame D: &
Date: 10)2&)201!
Stor4>oard !& of !E
:ile Name: 311_Simms_Confli(t_and_*iolen(e"swf
S(reen Des(ription: 23 Pra(ti(e
$eBt #utline: S(ripts will
>e written under the
dire(tion of the D;<SD
Crisis =ntervention
Possi>le situation for
1shle4 gets in a fight
with her >rother after he
teases her a>out
something that happened
at her soft>all game"
$he4 4ell at ea(h other
and then she gra>s an
um>rella and raises it to
hit him"
7or0 Spa(e: ,5ough s0et(h of the page-
H2esson 3I >utton will remain shaded to indi(ate pla(ement within the (ourseware"
%overing over a lesson >utton will displa4 the out(omes ea(h student should >e a>le to demonstrate after
(ompleting the lesson" ,see notes on stor4>oard 2 of !E for details-
2earners will engage in ri(h/ multimedia presentation of s(enarios" $he4 will in(lude video and)or audio (omponents or
animations to ma0e them as real as possi>le" :or eBample/ students ma4 >e as0ed to listen to an audio narration of a
student des(ri>ing a situation and as0ing for advi(e/ or wat(h video or an animation of an in(ident and as0ed to identif4
neBt steps or what should >e done differentl4"
Cli(0a>le responses will allow learners to (hoose what the4 would doJ upon (li(0/ the out(ome related to that (hoi(e will
>e delivered/ also in ri(h/ multimedia format" =f a student wants to repeat the s(enario to tr4 a different response/ s)he (an
use the Htr4 againI >utton to repla4 the s(enario and (hoi(es"
1dditional Notes:
;en M(Neill has agreed
to meet at the >eginning
of Novem>er to (onsult
on s(ript (ontent" She
has alread4 shared via
email some related
<nit $itle: Confli(t and *iolen(e
2esson $itle: 7hen Confli(t
Fe(omes Dangerous
:rame D: E
Date: 10)2&)201!
Stor4>oard !E of !E
:ile Name: 311_Simms_Confli(t_and_*iolen(e"swf
S(reen Des(ription: 23 Pra(ti(e
$eBt #utline: S(ripts will
>e written under the
dire(tion of the D;<SD
Crisis =ntervention
7or0 Spa(e: ,5ough s0et(h of the page-
H2esson 3I >utton will remain shaded to indi(ate pla(ement within the (ourseware"
%overing over a lesson >utton will displa4 the out(omes ea(h student should >e a>le to demonstrate after
(ompleting the lesson" ,see notes on stor4>oard 2 of !E for details-
2earners will engage in ri(h/ multimedia presentation of s(enarios" $he4 will in(lude video and)or audio (omponents or
animations to ma0e them as real as possi>le" :or eBample/ students ma4 >e as0ed to listen to an audio narration of a
student des(ri>ing a situation and as0ing for advi(e/ or wat(h video or an animation of an in(ident and as0ed to identif4
neBt steps or what should >e done differentl4"
Cli(0a>le responses will allow learners to (hoose what the4 would doJ upon (li(0/ the out(ome related to that (hoi(e will
>e delivered/ also in ri(h/ multimedia format" =f a student wants to repeat the s(enario to tr4 a different response/ s)he (an
1dditional Notes:
;en M(Neill has agreed to
meet at the >eginning of
Novem>er to (onsult on
s(ript (ontent" She has
alread4 shared via email
use the Htr4 againI >utton to repla4 the s(enario and (hoi(es" some related (ontent"

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