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Open MO as admin (right click on it, and choose to open it as admin)

download and install requiem. Then activate requiem on the left side.
Click on the 2 gears to modify the executables.
Title: Choose something for the title, for example: Requiem SkyProc Patcher
Binary: location of your javaw.exe. Normally: C:\Program
Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\javaw.exe

Start in: This is the location of the patcher. It is located in
the map skyproc/requiem of the mod itself.
\Mod Organizer\mods\Requiem - The Roleplaying

Argument: Same as above, but now with the java executable added: -jar "...\Mod
Organizer\mods\Requiem - The Roleplaying Overhaul\SkyProc\Requiem\Requiem for the
note: Confirm that you find the files, and use those location paths you have.
(you actually have to fill in the )
Then a message pops up that says it's different for MO. Click 'OK'

Change the folder name to the location your Requiem.esp is located in MO, probably ...\Mod
Organizer\mods\Requiem - The Roleplaying Overhaul

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