Way Work Much: Is, Is

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2346-50. It is only in this way that tlie value of work can be arrived at ; it is much
to be regretted thnt from no species of labour of the carpenter havo been formed tables
capable of furnishing such a set of constants as would, by application to the rate of a
journeyman's wages, form factors, or, in other words, furnish diita for a perpetual price-
book. As we have before hinted, the best of the price-bojks that have ever been
published are useless as guides to the value of work. The method of lumping work by
the square is as much as possible to be avoided, unless the surfaces be ot a perfectly
uniform description of workmanship
as, fur instance, in hipped roofs, the principal
trouble is at ttie hips, in fitting the jack rafters, which are fixed at equal distances thereon;
hence such a price may be fixed for the cubic quantity of hips and valleys as will pay not
only for them, but also for the trouble of cutting and fixing the jack rafters. Such parts,
indeed, as these should be separately classified; but the analysis of such a subject
requires investigation of enormous labour
and as it must depend on the information
derived from the practical carpenter, is, we fear, not likely to be soon, if ever, accomplished.
2351. The works of the Join'ek consist in the preparation of boarding, which is measured
and estimated by the foot superficial. 01 this there are many varieties
; as, edges shot
edges shot, ploughed, and tougued
wrought on one side and edges shot; the same on
both sides and edges shot ; wrought on both sides and ploughed and tongued. Boai-ds
keyed and clamped ; mortise clamped, and mortise and mitre clampfd. The value per
loot increases according to the thickness of the stuff. When longitudinal joints are
glued, an addition per foot is made; and if feather-tongued, still more.
2352. The measurement and estimation of floors is by the square, the price A'arying as
the siirface is wrought or plain
the method of connecting the longitudinal and heading
joints, and also on the thickness of the stuff; as well as on the circumstance of the boards
being laid one after another or folded
or whether laid with boards, battens, wainscot, or
other wood. Skirtings are m'^asured by the foot super, according to their position, as
whether level, raking, or rampins. Also on the manner of finishing them, as wdiether
plain, torus, rebated, scribed to floors or steps, or whether straight or circular on the plan.
2353. Tlie value of every species of framing must depend en the thickness of the stuff
employed, whetJier it is plain or moulded
and if the latter, whether the miuldings be
.-truck on the solid, or laid in
whether mitred or scribe!, and upon the number of panels
in a given height and breadth, and also on the form of the plan.
2354. Wainscotings, window-linings, as backs and elbows
; door linings, such as jambs
and sofites, with t'uir framed grounds; back linings, partiiions, doors, shutters, and the
like, are all measured and valued by the foot super. The same mode is applied to sashes
and their frames, either together or separately.
2355. Skylights, the prices whereof depend on their pUns and elevations, are also
measured by the foot super.
2356. The value of dado, which varies as the plan is straight or circular or being level
or inclined, is measured by the foot super.
2357. In the measurement of staircases, the risers, treads, carriages, and brackets are,
after being classed together, measured by the foot super, and the string bonrd is some-
times included. The value varies as the steps may be flyers or winders, or from the
risers being mitred into the string board, the treads dovetailed for balusters and the ni sings
returned, or whether the bottom edges of the risers are tongued into the step. The curtail
step is valued by itself, and returned nosings are sometimes valued at the piece
and if
they are circular on the plan, they are charged at double the price of straight ones. The
handrail, whose value depends tipon the materials and diameter of the well hole, or whether
ramped, swan-necked, level, circular, or wreathed; whether got out of the solid, or in
thicknesses glued up together, i* measured by the foot run. The scroll is charged by
itself, as is the making and fixing each joint screw, and 3 inches of the straight part at each
end of the wreath is measured in. The deal balusters, as also the iron ones and the iron
columns to curtail, housings to .teps and risers, common cut brackets, square and circular
on the plan, together witn the preparing and fixing, are VHlued all by the piece. Extra
sinking in the rail for iron balusters is valued by the foot run, the price depending on the
rail, as being straight, circular, wreathed, or rarap''d. The string board is measured by
the foot super, and its value is greater or less as it is mouklcd, straight, oi wreathed, or
according to the method in which the wreathed string is constructed by being properly
backed upon a cylinder.
2;;58. The shafts of columns are measured by the foot super., their value depending
upon the diameter, or whether it be straight or curved on the side, and upon its being
properly glued and blocked. If the columns be fluted, the flutes are taken in linear
measure, the price depending on the size of the flutes, whose headings at top and bottom
are charged by the piece. Pilasters, straight or curved in the height, are similarly
measured, an<l the price taken by the foot super. In the caps and bases of pilas.ters,
besides the mould'ngs, the mitres are charged .so much each, according to the size.

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