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Delhi Polls: Hopes ride on Modi ..

Prime Ministers rally scheduled for Delhi has been cancelled, It seems
that Congress party is unable to deal with Narendra Modi. An important
publication which was used in the past for more than a decade to carry
on anti-Modi campaign appears to be collapsing under the weight of its
own immorality. Tejpal reminds me of Ravana who was a man of
contrast, a paradox of sorts. On one hand he had such a great ego and
considered him to be the warrior par excellence, but once he attempted
to lift God Shiva with entire Kailash mountain on his hands. This was
one distinct attribute of Ravana, the arrogance. When Shiva pressed his
toe on Kailash, Ravana's fingers got stuck beneath the mountains .
Tejpals story is very similar to the above mythological instance. How
could senior leaders of Congress Sibal, Tiwari, Digvijay could come out
to openly defend someone like Tejpal ? Its shows his association with
party leaders and it may be possible that he is pressurizing Congress.
But tejpals downfall will give momentum to BJP in the assembly
elections .
The crucial Assembly Elections in the national capital is slated to take
place on December 04 where BJP is inching closer to the majority.
Delhi has a total of 70 Assembly seats. On December 4, when Delhi
goes to the polls, BJPs Harsh Vardhan will be pitted against two of
Delhis most popular faces, chief minister Sheila Dikshit and anti-
corruption activist-turned-politician Arvind Kejriwal.
According to a BJP leader, the party is trying hard to cash in on Modi's
popularity.The benefit with BJP is that congress cannot organise a rally
with Manmohan Singhs face in Delhi .Congress may not be able to
drum up a decent crowd with Manmohans Name . Now, an IB report on
the potential outcome of the Delhi polls has added weight to these
worries. This report submitted to the political leadership at the Centre
concluded that the BJP was inching closer to the majority in Delhi with
34-36 seats, the Congress lagging behind with 21-23 seats and the Aam
Admi Party making a not-so-modest beginning with 8-10 seats.
Residents of Slum, low income group colonies stood by Sheila dixit for
long but Kejriwal is cutting the votes of Congress by targeting on these
groups. The Congress initially assessed that AAP would Cut BJPs
middle class support base which has gone horribly wrong
Modis rally on Nov 30 and Dec 1 gave momentum to BJP in Delhi
Polls. As a result of his rally congress leaders started getting jittery.
Shiela Dixits interview on the TV channels in the past one week indicate
that she has the feeling on not being on a sound footing.
It seems Congress has conceded defeat already. But the rules of
democracy require us to go through the motions of an election.

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