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Disaster Advances Vol.

5 (4) October 2012


I Im mp po or rt ta an nc ce e o of f D Du uc ct ti il le e D De et ta ai il li in ng g i in n E Ea ar rt th hq qu ua ak ke e R Re es si is st ta an nt t
R Re ei in nf fo or rc ce ed d C Co on nc cr re et te e F Fr ra am me e B Bu ui il ld di in ng g
Bhattacharya Shankha Pratim
Department of Architecture and Regional Planning, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, INDIA

The past earthquake experiences in India clearly
demonstrated that the typical structural design and
construction methods lacks the basic seismic
resistance criteria. The implementation of ductile
design and detailing practices in ordinary building is
one of the major area need to be focused. The overall
ductility in reinforced concrete structure is a tough
issue. But in some strategic locations of the building
structure certain design factor and reinforcement
detailing can be adopted to minimise the seismic
damage and life threatening collapse. The techniques
are simple, inexpensive and elaborately discussed in
the bureau of Indian standard code of practice
(IS13920:1993). The structures need to be designed to
have sufficient strength and ductility for overall safety
against earthquake forces. Both the strength and the
ductility are combined together to improve its seismic

This study discussed the ductile behaviours of the
reinforced concrete structures according to Indian
code. It also evaluates the earthquake resistance
performance of structure based on design and
detailing parameters. The curvature ductility in beams
with reference to the percentage of reinforcement and
design material stress is considered. The behaviour of
beam-column joints and the confinement in concrete
columns are also addressed.

Keywords: Ductility, Confined Pressure, Reinforcement,
Detailing, Capacity Design.

There are certain objectives to be achieved through an
efficient structural design for any building. The principal
requirements of an effective structure are stated as safety,
stability, serviceability, durability, cost effective and
visually pleasing. The structure should have sufficient
strength to resist various stresses induced in its different
elements. Sufficient margin of safety has to be maintained
to reduce the risk of collapse under any overloading
situation during its life. The stability criteria need to be
fulfilled to prevent overturning, sliding or buckling of the
structure fully or partially under the action of lateral loads.
The serviceability criteria ensure the satisfactory
performance under service load conditions and also to
content deflection, crack width, storey drift and vibration
within the acceptable limit.

Providing impermeability, corrosion resistance, control of
creep and shrinkage, using high performance material are
the essential durability requirement of structure. The
economy and aesthetics are another two vital parameters to
be considered while designing any structure. But in
general, ductility factor in structural design is ignored
particularly in ordinary buildings. Ductility is considered as
one of the important design parameter for effective
functioning of building during dynamic situation like
earthquake. Both the ductility and the strength all together
finally considered as the seismic strength of the building

A typical reinforced concrete frame is consisting of
horizontal beams and vertical columns. Beams carry the
dead and live loads from floor slabs and the column
transmits the super structure load to the soil via foundation.
The beam and column cast monolithically in single
operation and the joint between them acts as rigid. The
resistance against gravity and lateral load is provided by the
reinforced concrete frame. The internal stresses are
developed in the frame members due the bending moment
induced in the beam and column. The percentage of steel
reinforcement in structural element should be considered
suitably so that it provides considerable strength against the
normal or service loading and at the same time it must
behave as a ductile material in case of excessive loading

The amount of steel and the detailing of the reinforcement
can provide two types of reinforced concrete frame, (i) Non
ductile reinforced frame and (ii) Ductile concrete frame.
The masonry infill portion of the concrete frame is mostly
non ductile in nature. The non ductile frames are usually
common in all over the world. The seismic performances of
these frames are poor, as it cannot retain the strain energy
to deform excessively before the complete collapse. In
1970s the code of practices of different countries first
realizes the actual implementation of ductility in reinforced
concrete structures

The codes introduce many significant changes and related
to design and detailing of reinforced concrete frames.
Earlier codes focused on the strength requirements, which
mainly focused on the provision of adequate strength in
structural members to resist the lateral seismic forces.
However, based on research evidence and lessons learned
from earthquakes, code suggested some guidelines
Disaster Advances Vol. 5 (4) October 2012

regarding the requirement of reinforcements and has given
more focus on the detailing of beams, columns and joints
The principal objective of those code provisions is to
achieve a certain amount of ductility in addition to the
required strength. The effect of ductility is considered in
the form of Response Reduction Factor in Indian code
[IS 1893]. More overall ductility of the structure reduces
the design seismic forces.

Ductility in Reinforced Concrete Element
Ductility is one of the key features required for desirable
seismic behaviour of building structures. It can be defined
as the ability of a material to stretch or deform significantly
before failure. Steel exhibits excellent ductile behaviour. It
shows a higher proportional amount of yielding before
failure. But the nature of ductility depends upon the grade
of steel
. Higher the grade of steel the ductility is decrease.
The present Fe-415 grade steel reinforcement shows
adequate ductility and absorbs considerable amount of
strain energy. The ductility of flexure members depends
upon the percentage of tensile and compressive
reinforcement. The ductility will increase with a reduction
in percentage of tensile reinforcement. Ductility of flexural
member improves with the increase of compressive steel
percentage. Therefore, steel reinforcement plays a key role
in ensuring ductile behaviour of reinforced concrete
structures in earthquakes.

Figure 1: Schematic diagram showing increase in
Ductility with Confinement Pressure

On the other hand imparting ductility to concrete is quite
difficult. Concrete by nature is a brittle material and it is
prone to sudden failure with negligible yielding. Studies
show that there are two different ways to improve the
ductility criteria in concrete.
(i) Higher grade of concrete (with high characteristics
strength) imparts high ductility in structural member
[Figure 1] and
(ii) Increase in confined pressure in concrete member
improves its ductility [Figure 1].

The confinement in the concrete can be achieved by
increasing the lateral reinforcement in beam and column.
When the amount of longitudinal reinforcement is higher,
code of practice specifies to adopt more robust type of tie
with more legs. As the number of longitudinal bars and the
closely rapped by the higher legs ties, the confinement
pressure increases in the core concrete. Hence it improves
the ductility in concrete.

Ductile Detailing in Reinforced Concrete Frames: Other
than the general specification, IS 13920:1993
recommended various reinforcement detailing in reinforced
concrete frames. These recommendations are needed to be
carried out to improve the ductile criteria of the structure
and to minimise the risk of seismic damage
. The
recommendations are broadly classified into four categories
for the present building survey purpose:

Column Detailing
Lap length: Column lap splices were required to provide
in the central part, as the shear and bending moment due to
lateral loading are minimum. The length of lap is
recommended as 50 times the diameter of the longitudinal
bars. The portion of the lap the tie spacing should not be
more than 150mm (6).

Transverse reinforcement: Confinements of ties are
required to be provided in the zone of beam-column joints.
This is a special confinement lateral reinforcement criteria
over the suggestion made by IS: 456.

Beam Detailing
Development length in compressive steel: The top
reinforcing bars should be taken into the beam column
junction to an adequate development length. It gives the
sufficient fixity in beam-column junction.

Development length in tensile steel: The bottom tensile
bars are also extended to required development length. In
earthquake loading push-pull phenomenon will occur and
the adequate length of tensile reinforcement will provide
the sufficient resistance.

Stirrups in beam end: The beam end should be devised
with closely spaced stirrups to provide greater strength
against the action of shear. The zone is likely to crack and
fail due to excessive reversible shear during earthquakes.

Strong column/weak beam design approach
Depth of beam and width of column: Depth of the beam
and the dimension of the associated column should provide
the weak beam-strong column design approach. It allows
the plastic hinge formation in beam and restricts the
collapse of the structure.

Proportionate reinforcement in beam w.r.t. column: A
capacity design approach should be followed in the design
of the beam flexural reinforcement, as the beams were
generally designed for the code level forces. The effects of
post yield behaviour were not considered, thus increasing
Increase in confining pressure
Ductility Increases in Concrete
Disaster Advances Vol. 5 (4) October 2012

the chances for undesirable shear failure in either the beams
or columns. Shear failure is rather brittle and sudden and
should be avoided in reinforced concrete structures located
in seismic zones.

Detailing in ties
135 degree hooks in column ties: To arrest the buckling
failure, ties are generally requires having 135 degree hooks
to ensure adequate confinement.

Comparative Analysis of Ductility Features
through Case Studies
A physical survey has been conducted in and around
Ranchi, Jharkhand India to study the present condition of
ductile detailing implementation in ongoing construction.
Eight building are considered for the survey. The buildings
are mainly of residential types (two hostels, three
residential apartments, two duplex houses and one
shopping complex). The survey was conducted to check
four parameters of ductile detailing. The survey response of
the four parameters and their details is listed below. The
observations are given in the table 1.

Parameter 1 Column Detailing
Lap Length: Lap Lengths of the column longitudinal
reinforcements are observed. The general tendency is to
provide less lap length as it requires. The observations are
put into four categories as (i) adequate, (ii) up to 10% less
than the actual lap length, (iii) in between 10 to 30% less
than the actual lap length and (iv) in between 30 to 50 %
less than the actual lap length. The four numbers in the fifth
column of table 1 indicate the number of such observations
(above mentioned four categories respectively) found in the
survey in particular building. The bar chart figure 2 shows
the complete spectrum of survey findings.

Transverse reinforcement: Almost in all columns of all
the building surveyed, the confinement of ties at prescribe
level is missing. The design documental survey found it as
a design lapse. No column schedule sheet mentioned about
the confinement of the ties. The site engineer and the
supervisors are also ignoring the fact during construction.
As the Ranchi city is situated in seismic zone-II (most safe
zone), design engineers ignored the spatial reinforcement
criteria (as per IS 13920:1993) and followed the general
rule prescribe by IS: 456.

Parameter 2 Beam Detailing
Development lengths in compressive steel: The study
observations are grouped into two categories as (i)
adequate and (ii) inadequate. The two numbers in the sixth
column of table 1 indicate the number of such observations
(above mentioned two categories) found in the survey in
particular building. Figure 3 shows percentage of
compressive development length provided in the beams
(Duplex houses shows good condition for this case).

Development lengths in tensile steel: The observations
are grouped into four categories namely (i) adequate, (ii) up
to 10% less than the actual development length, (iii) in
between 10 to 30% less than the actual development length,
and (iv) in between 30 to 50 % less than the actual
development length. The four numbers in the seventh
column of table 1 indicate the number of such observations
(above mentioned four categories respectively) found in the
survey in particular building. The bar chart figure 4 shows
the complete spectrum of survey findings.

Beam Stirrups: The study observations are grouped into
two categories as (i) adequate and (ii) inadequate. The two
numbers in the eighth column of table 1 indicate the
number of such observations (above mentioned two
categories) found in the survey in particular building.
Figure 3 shows percentage of adequate beam stirrups
provided in the beams (Overall it shows a poor scenario as
adequacy of beam stirrups fluctuates between 20 to 60%).

Parameter 3
Strong Column/Weak Beam Design Approach: Visual
survey gives an impression that mostly the strong column -
weak beam design approach was considered (except the
duplex housings). However, this is completely a design
approach and difficult to make a final comment at site

Parameter 4
Detailing in Ties: No where the 135 degree hooks are
considered for column ties. The verbal discussion during
the survey may conclude as site supervisors and bar-
benders are either having no knowledge about this special
detailing of tie or not willing to give an extra effort to
provide 135 degree hooks.

The survey finally concluded that the overall consciousness
on the ductile detailing issue is missing in the general
construction industry. The present trends of construction
practice need to be revised to cater the seismic safety

Seismic performance of RC frame buildings has been quite
poor in our country. In recent Bhuj earthquake shows that
the reinforced concrete buildings in urban areas are prone
to damage and failure even when subjected to earthquakes
below the design level prescribed by code. One of the
primary reasons is the absence of an effective mechanism
for implementation of code provisions. This deficiency is
due to several related factors such as the lack of technical
control and supervision in site, inadequate legal framework,
low engineering fees and improper regional construction
practices. When one or more such factors are present
during construction, the built structure does not comply
with many aspects of the design. As a result, its seismic
resistance of the built form becomes inadequate. Following
Disaster Advances Vol. 5 (4) October 2012

are the key deficiencies identified in the present practice of
reinforced concrete building
Sudden addition alteration of the member sizes during
construction phase avoiding the specifications mentioned
in the design drawings.
Noncompliance of the detailing work with the design
Inferior quality of building materials and improper
concrete-mix design.
Reduction in the amount of steel reinforcement (to
reduce the cost of construction) as compared to the
design specifications.
Poor construction practice (particularly reinforcement

The survey shows the existing gap between the structural
requirements and practices regarding earthquake resistant
Followings are the general recommendation suggested
imparting the ductility in the reinforced concrete structures:
In respect of proper detailing of reinforcement in beams,
columns, beam-column joints as well as shear walls, all
the provisions in IS:13920 have to be carefully
understood and adopted in design.
The philosophy of weak beam strong column need to
be adopted in the design level.
Beam should be designed as under-reinforced. If it is not
permitted, then beam should be doubly reinforced with
compression steel. Over reinforced design of beam
should be completely avoided.
Confining of concrete in columns and the use of properly
shaped shear stirrups with 135 degree hooks are
extremely important requirement.

Table 1
Observation of the survey conducted for eight buildings
S. N. Building Type Stories
Area (Sq
Lap Length
Length in
Compression Steel
Length in
Tensile Steel
1 Hostel Block-I G+2 3000 7 - 11 - 4 - 2 11 - 17 12 - 8 - 5 - 3 6 - 22
2 Hostel Block-II G+2 4500 17 - 9 - 1 - 0 9 - 3 7 - 3 - 2 - 0 3 - 9
G+4 12000 12 - 8 - 2 - 0 13 - 7 9 - 6 - 4 - 1 12 - 8
G+4 9000 9 - 5 - 2 - 0 12 - 6 6 - 6 - 4 - 2 7 - 11
G+3 1400 20 - 14 - 5 - 1 10 - 12 8 - 12 - 2 - 0 11 - 11
6 Duplex Hosing-I G+1 150 7 - 3 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 3 - 5 - 0 - 0 2 - 6
7 Duplex Hosing-II G+1 170 6 - 5 - 0 - 0 9 - 1 6 - 3 - 1 - 0 2 - 8
8 Shopping Complex G+2 1600 12 - 6 - 1 - 0 8 - 4 7 - 3 - 0 - 2 4 - 8

Figure 2: Survey result of Lap length in Column
Disaster Advances Vol. 5 (4) October 2012

Figure 3: Survey result shows the Percentage of Compression Development length and Stirrup provided in Beams

Figure 4: Survey result of Development length for Tensile steel in Beam

Ductility is one of the prime attributes of the earthquake
resistant design of structures. To achieve a considerable
amount of ductility in reinforced concrete structures
various code provisions regarding structural design and
detailing can be adopted. A large number of seismic
damage and failure of buildings in recent past years are due
to poor quality control of structural materials and poor
workmanship. Improper detailing is one of the main factors
for decrease in the ductility in reinforced concrete frame
building. The survey result stated that a gap exists in the
design of structural member and the site execution. A
minor lacks in reinforcement detailing may not be so
problematic during static situation, but it can magnify the
earthquake damageability risk many times. The careful
inspection is necessary to avoid the present practices in
construction sites. An improved and systematic site
supervision approach is highly indispensable for a better
and safe built environment.

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(Received 10
February 2012, accepted 20
July 2012)

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