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(&#$+'/0&1 Phone: +91-9u1S842614

Auuiess- K.R. & Co., 0pp.Post 0ffice, Ramnagai-24471S (0ttaiakhanu)

+,-./01 *234 5678 *798 :!72;7<= -/>=2?@AB C/D92 (}une,2u1S-}uly, 2u1S)
Bevelopeu a web-application foi schools which aim to biiuge the gap by intiouucing a technologically auvanceu
platfoim wheie Paients, Stuuents, Teacheis collaboiate to impiove the quality of euucation as a whole.
The application can geneiate all analytics iepoit of stuuents, uioup Biscussion Foium, pioviues automateu sms
anu email shoot-out seivice to infoim paients foi any notification.
Technologies 0seu: Ruby, Ruby-on-Rails, }avaSciipt, SQLite, git.
Pioject link 00084E.//F>D7;28E/>

%G442HGI2?EGB #?E8 : !DFDE/? J24G9 !72;7<= -/>=2?@AB J2?H2F/;G (}une,2u12-}uly, 2u12)
Involveu in the uevelopment of a facebook app that allows companies to publish theii newsletteis on uiffeient
social meuia platfoims. This leu to the inciease in the uistiibution of newsletteis exponentially.
Pait of the sales anu maiketing team, contacteu aiounu 4uuu companies foi sellingmaiketing the same
Newslettei application anu baggeu fiist 12 customeis foi the oiganization
';2=.DE2F 52440/;9 "<7.G?7DE27D/? !@47G> (}une,2u14-}uly, 2u14)
Bevelopeu an authentication system, which can be integiateu with highly confiuential uata oiienteu uevices.
It also seives the puipose foi illiteiate people by pioviuing them seivices like Baiu Bisk Locks, System Login anu
Logout Piocess, Web Login Application.
Technologies 0seu: visual Stuuio, NySQL.
IG=2;7>G?72F (2?1 KLM ( out of a batch of 1Su stuuents)
Secuieu "#( KNO in BYTEC0BE, a 1u uays online couing contest in Techniche'1S, The Annual Techno Nanagement
Festival oiganizeu of IIT uuwahati.
!GE<;G9 L47 =/4D7D/? in C0BE-B0NT, a couing event of AE0N 2u1S, the technical fest conuucteu by Softwaie
Society of Inuia, BT0.
Secuieu AIR #NPQR in AIEEE'11.
Secuieu AIR #NNL in Inuian Science 0lympiau'1u anu won a cash piize.

Piogiamming Languages: C, C++(Pioficiency), Ruby, }avaSciipt, PBP, SQL.
0pen-Souice Web Fiamewoik: Ruby on Rails
Tools: NS-0ffice
0peiating System: Winuows

*/HD47DE4 SG29, BelTech N0N 2u14 Society, BT0 Belhi
+GE.?DE2F SG29, Computei Society of Inuia, BT0 Belhi

Paiticipateu in the Nouel 0niteu Nations (N0Ns) as the Belegate of TD?F2?9B UDG7?2> 2?9 !/<7. "V;DE28
Paiticipateu in an Inteinational level couing competition, "-% #?7G;?27D/?2F -/FFGHD27G 5;/H;2>>D?H -/?7G47,
Asian Region in 2u12 & 2u1S.
Paiticipateu in an ethical hacking woikshop, helu in August 2u11 in BT0 campus by CybeiCuie Solution.
Like playing Table Tennis, Bauminton anu watching supeiheioes movies.
$G2; IGH;GGW-G;7DVDE27G #?47D7<7GW!E.//FB -D7@ ';29G:XA
2u1S B.Tech, Computei Engineeiing
Belhi Technological
0niveisity(Foimeily BCE), New Belhi
2u1u Class XII (CBSE)
Belhi Public School Nathuia Roau,
New Belhi
2uu8 Class X (CBSE) Aimy School, Bempui, 0.S. Nagai 88.2

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