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2005-2008 Placement
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CTS Fresher Campus Drive Recruitment Paper Pattern:17-Jan-201
Company Name : CTS
Type : Fresher
Jo !ntervie", Question Paper
Hi Friends,
I am Siddhartha Das from FIEM. I am from computer science Dept. I am going to share m
CTS e!perience "ith ou. CTS #isited our campus on $%th &an, '($$.
Tota# No$ o% Roun& are:
PPT presented ) Mr. *i+angshu ,hosa+
-ptitude test
H. and Technica+
There "ere /0( students appeared for CTS in our co++age, friends the ppt "as #er good, no"
I "ant to te++ ou something a)out aptitude test. It had t"o part, +ogica+ reasoning and Eng+ish
, for +ogica+ part do ..S -ggar"a+. It is more than enough.
Pu11+es 2#er important3
Picture pu11+es 2#er important3
S++ogism 2#er important3
.e+ations 2#er important3
4dd man out
Cu)es and dies
Data sufficienc 2#er important3
Data interpretation 2#er important3
Statement conc+usion.
For Eng+ish part, do cat materia+ 5ust ta6e care of grammatica+ ru+es, sentence correction,
rapid fast reading a)i+it that7s enough for Eng+ish. Friend p+ease note that in '($$, the
aptitude standard of CTS is most difficu+t compared to TCS, Infoss. *o" in technica+
inter#ie" part, peop+e from cse p+ease do prepare C 2pointers, functions, arra, )asic concept,
do sorting, gcd, fi)o, factoria+, prime, ca++ ) #a+ue, ) reference, arra of ptrs, ptrs to arra
etc.3, &a#a 2oops, thread, e!ception3, data structure 2+in6ed +ist, tree, sorting, recursion, stac6,
8ueue3, D9MS 2norma+i1ation, ru+es of entit, transaction3 #er carefu++. E+se prepare C,
data structure p+us departmenta+ su)5ects. P+ease do prepare for fina+ ear pro5ect, m H. to+d
me to dra" "ho+e E:. diagram of m fina+ pro5ect, triggered so man technica+ 8uestions in
a random "a. P+ease note that, the technica+ part is most important in third round. -s a cse
peop+e ou shou+d ha#e good technica+ 6no"+edge.
'R Roun&:
(hy &o you "ant to )oin our company*
Cogni1ant is a "e++ 6no"n prestigious IT compan. It is a +eading pro#ider of information
techno+og, consu+ting, and )usiness process outsourcing ser#ices. ;ith o#er <( g+o)a+
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2005-2008 Placement
2010 Placement Papers 2011 Placement Papers 2009 Placement Papers
de+i#er centers and more than $((,((( emp+oees as of Decem)er $, '($(, CTS com)ine a
uni8ue g+o)a+ de+i#er mode+ +eading to customer satisfaction. - mem)er of the *-SD-Q:
$(( Inde! and S=P <(( Inde!, Cogni1ant is a For)es ,+o)a+ '((( compan and a mem)er of
the Fortune $((( and is ran6ed among the top information techno+og companies in 9usiness
;ee6>s Hot ,ro"th and Top <( Performers +istings. Its estimated re#enues for '($( is ?/.<<
)i++ Hence, for a oung, hard "or6ing IT graduate +i6e me, CTS is one of the )est compan to
(hy shou#& ! recruit you*
I am honest, hard "or6ing person and ha#e performed "e++ in m academic carrier. I ha#e got
first c+ass mar6s through out m carrier. More o#er, I am a good team p+aer "ho can p+a
important ro+e in the success of the organi1ation. This is a "in @ "in situation "here I "i++ get
a chance to uti+i1e m s6i++s and gro" "hich "i++ in turn he+p this compan to gro".
Do you have any +uestion*
I ha#e nothing much to as6 at this point of time. ;e++, a 8uic6 8uestion came in m mind.
Cou+d ou p+ease te++ me a)out the initia+ training programs for the fresh candidates +i6e meA
This is )ecause I ha#e heard that our compan offers #er good training to the fresher.
I sha++ "ait for the inter#ie" resu+ts. Than6s.

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