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Why passive tuned harmonic filters are the only global choice for energy intensive power quality

harmonics project?

This is because optimum harmonic distortion mitigation necessitates harmonic filter manufacturer to
design passive filter projects with appropriate modeling of both clients & grids incoming electrical
power systems, through a full range harmonics frequency scan. The modeling ensures elimination of
harmonics resonance throughout all possible harmonic ranges. The required engineering efforts are
necessary to effectively improve clients electric power systems immunity to harmonics resonance as
well as to mitigate both THDv (total voltage harmonic distortions) and THDi (total current harmonic
distortions). Passive filters tuning requires matching its parameters with power systems impedance
and clients variable load demands and thus tuned passive harmonic filter solution is never a mass
manufacturing process but knowledge based engineering deliverables & a service manufacturing
process. This is the domain and utility of passive tuned harmonics filter that when designed
appropriately, lasts a life time and delivers great rewards so much so that ever since its inception in
the 1970s, it always remained the only option for all power intensive projects worldwide.
Passive Tuned harmonic filter saves by reducing upto 15% Energy Bills (kWh Energy Conservation). It
cuts down upto 40% Maximum Contract Demand (KVAh Power Savings). It maintains unity Power
Factor PF (the optimum kVArh Power Conservations). It eliminates nuisance tripping problems with
protective relays, Circuit Breakers, AC VFD Motor Drives, DC Motors Drive, Data Center Computer
Servers, Internet and Communication Electronics Equipments. It comprehensively solves equipment
overheating, humming noise, vibrations, hunting, Burning and failure Issues with Electronics Cards,
AC VFD Drive cards, DC Drives Electronic card, DDC or PLC Control Cards, Power IGBT Thyristor
Boards, Data Centers Computer Hard Disks Drive, Fuses, CT PT, Switchgears, Diesel Generators DG,
Turbine Generator TG, Transformers, Cables Terminations and Lugs failures Issue. It allows upto
100% Equipment Loadings a very useful Engineering Design Tool that enables Design Engineers to
design their projects without being forced into the otherwise costly Derating options. It saves money
by slashing down upto 40% in Project Costs. It allows upto 25% increase in Production. It improves
both Product Quality and Quality Rejection Rates that by Suppressing Harmonics Distortion and
solving the problems of Electrics Power Quality Disturbances. Passive Tune Harmonic Filters truly
achieves Industries 3P Power, Productivity and Profitability.
As against; the Active Harmonic Filter Solutions are mass manufactured product but it can not
effectively Mitigate Harmonics Distortion thus it ends up in exacerbating Electronic Failures if
Equipments are not highly Derated. This is the reason and also the catch as to why Equipments like
Large VFD Mill Drives, Large DC Mills Drive or Process Transformers with high Non Linear Loads (NLL)
are so hugely Over Designed if large Amperage Active Harmonic Filters are connected across it. Please
visit us at under Knowledge Center for a real life case study on the Pros and
Cons of Active Harmonics Filters vis--vis Tuned Passive Harmonic Filter.
Encon Harmonic Filters type Encon Ih Filters are time tested through several decades across all
Industrials, Commercials, Intelligent Buildings and Utility Projects worldwide. You may like to visit us
under Our Credentials and Knowledge Center for real life case studies, application notes, client
feedbacks letters and detailed information.

Low Voltage Harmonic Filter Specifications and Products Range.
Working Voltage: 120V, 380V, 415V, 480V, 575V, 690V, 1000V or job specific voltages
Working Current: From as low as 30A up to 6000A in one "Single Harmonic Filter Module"
and beyond 6000A with modular multiples of Harmonic Filters
Filter connection Connected in parallel with the load application
Load Application 1) Transformer End, used if non-linear-loads are small and scattered
across TRF
2) Load End, used if any non-liner-load that is big enough to merit such
3) Duel Winding Transformer, method used when non-linear-loads are
Controllability 1) Fixed Filter, used if loads are generally constant or mildly variable
2) Automatically Variable Filter, used if loads are variable or highly
Switching 1) Manual, if simple operation procedure is needed
2) Automatic, if process conditions need matching switching on/off
Installation Indoor, enclosed in one free standing high quality compartmentalized
panel. Modular multiple panel sections are used for higher sized filters.
High Voltage Harmonic Filter Specification and Product Range > usually using Air Core
Working Voltage: 2.2kV, 3.3kV, 6.6kV, 11kV, 22kV, 33kV or job specific voltages

1.0mvar, 33kv, Tune Harmonic Filter with iron core reactors

Working Current Job specific
Filter connection Connected in parallel with the load application
Load Application 1) Transformer primary end, used for mega-sized-loads like EAF, IF,
2) PCC End, used for entire factory loads OR, for whole of a plant section
Controllability 1) Fixed Filter, mostly HT applications use fixed filters.
2) Variable Filters, rarely used unless needed for Flicker control for
extra-large loads.
Switching 1) Manual, if simple operation procedure is needed
2) Automatic, if process conditions need matching switching on/off
Installation 1) Indoor, enclosed in one compartmentalized free standing panel.
2) Outdoor, substation type mounting
Zero Sequence 3rd (also known as Neutral or Triplen) Harmonics Filter and its
Triplen harmonic trebling at Neutral
In a balanced 3-phase grounded wye
system currents going into neutral node
get cancelled vectorially each being
120o out of phase. Neutral current
remain ideally zero but practically at a
marginal level that depends upon phase
unbalance. Fig. 9, 3rd (Third) harmonic
current is in phase with neutral add-up
and produce very high neutral current.
The same happen with any odd multiple of third harmonic 9th, 15th, 21th and they collectively
referred as Triplen harmonics. They are vectorially in phase with neutral and also referred as Zero
Sequence harmonics. They present electrical fire risk if neutral conductor not sufficiently oversized and
circulate in power systems and transformer causing significant overheating and energy losses. Their
primary sources are computers, smps and single phase power supplies those are so common with
todays plethora of power electronic devices and electronic ballasts.
End user power distribution system conventionally use delta-star transformer wherein delta winding
connect to utility transmission as 3phase 3wire (3P3W) system and star winding to end-user loads as
3phase 4wire (3P4W) system. Triplen harmonic current from Non-Liner-Load (NLL) enter secondary
star winding and through neutral continuously circulate with the NLL as in Fig. 9. Since primary delta
winding provide ampere-turn balance it get transferred to primary delta get trapped and circulate
continuously thus power systems upstream of transformer primary get spared from Triplen harmonic
current. However circulating harmonic current remain that cause excessive heat and energy losses in
the transformer.
Zero Sequence Harmonic Filter drops the zero sequence currents on neutral wire by creating least
impedance path for the flow of third harmonic current that lead to the elimination of Triplen harmonic
current from its point of application.

Working Voltage: 120V, 240V, 380V, 415V, 480V or job specific voltage
Working Current: From as low as 10A up to 3000A of neutral current specification.
Filter connection Connected in parallel with the load application
Load Application 1) Transformer End, if the upstream power systems protection is needed
2) Load End, if trouble-shooting measures are needed for electronic
failure like in Data Center servers, work station computers, control
systems and power supplies
Controllability 1) Manual, if simple operation procedure is needed
2) Automatic, if process conditions need matching switching on/off .
Switching 1) Manual, if simple operation procedure is needed
2) Automatic, if process conditions need matching switching on/off
Installation Indoor, enclosed in one free standing high quality compartmentalized
panel. Modular multiple panel sections are used for higher sized filters.

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