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Appendices for Food & Nutrition lessons at Knighton:

1. Nutrition Australia (n.d) 5 food tips for healthy kids. Retrieved September 11, 21!, from
2. Ministry of Education (1999). Health and Education in the New Zealand Curriculum. Wellington:
Learning Media. Limited.
". Ministry of Education (2007). The New Zealand Curriculum. Wellington: Learning Media Limited.
!. Ridgewell, J. (1996). Examining Food & Nutrition. Oxford, England: Heinemann Educational Publishers.
5. #e $ete %puran&i, (n.d.). 'ealthy people eat healthy food.. Retrieved from
+. Ward, B. (2005). Microscopic Life in your food. London, England: Franklin Watts.
Useful guideline material from Nutrition Australia & TKI
5 food tips for healthy kids
'My kids won't eat vegetables!' ...'How can I get my toddler to eat new foods?'
Do the above phrases sound familiar to you? Do you have kids that are fussy, or unwilling to try new
foods? Try the following tips to help keep you sane and your kids healthy.
Surround them with healthy food messages
Books: read books that convey healthy food messages. Some classics are: Jasper cflea will
!ot "at his Tea by #ee $o%& 'egetable (lue by Susan )handler& (reen "ggs and *am by Dr
Seuss and& The 'ery *ungry )aterpillar by "ric )arle.
Activities: provide healthy art and craft activities e.g. look for healthy food colour+in pages or
books& get children to cut out fruit and veg pictures from the supermarket brochures. They can
then paste these in a food scrapbook.
Songs: some classics are *ot ,otato by The -iggles, -atermelon by Justine )larke.
Pictures: hang up bright healthy food pictures in the kitchen.
Fruit bowl: always have a readily supplied fruit bowl in easy view and within reach on the
kitchen table or bench. ,ut the cookie .ar out of sight/
*ave only healthy choices available in the fridge and pantry. Strategically place healthiest
choices within eye view of children.
Why provide opportunities for food and nutrition education? from TKI
Nutritious food choices support all dimensions of health. The action-oriented approach used
in this book will help students develop health-promoting food-related behaviours in their
everyday lives.
School programmes should promote safe food-handling practices and assist students to
develop the skills they need to prepare food safely. Food-borne illness is most often caused
by unsafe handling of food during preparation. Risk factors include cross-contamination,
inadeuate personal hygiene, and repeated reheating of food.
!s society"s perceptions of what are appropriate body si#es and shapes have a strong
influence on young people, a healthy attitude to body si#e and shape should be encouraged.
! preoccupation with dieting, which is more prevalent in girls than boys, can start as early
as nine years and increases with age.
What do students need to learn? from TKI
$athering and analysing a range of information about the food and nutrition learning needs
of your students will help you to identify the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that they need
to develop in their class programmes. %ossible learning outcomes that relate to the food
and nutrition learning e&periences in this book are listed below. 'ou could draw on these
outcomes to set goals with your students and to provide them with feedback about their
Students will: level 2 ideal for year 3-4
describe their nutritional needs for growth and development and demonstrate increasing
responsibility for what they eat(
identify and use safe food practices and basic risk-management strategies for food safety(
e&perience their personal strengths in food preparation(
demonstrate ways that food can enhance relationships between individuals and groups(
describe how, when selecting and preparing foods, individuals and groups share characteristics but
are also uniue(
e&press their ideas, needs, and feelings confidently and listen sensitively to and affirm others when
making simple food choices(
e&amine how attitudes, values, and actions concerning food and nutrition contribute to healthy
physical and social environments(
use simple guidelines and practices that contribute to physically and socially healthy classrooms,
schools, and local environments.
1. also see 'ome National nutrition resour,e list -ood and nutrition for healthy, ,on.dent kids in #$%

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