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Delhi Technological University

Scheme of Examination
Course of Reading
Proposed Syllaus
!" Tech" #Automoile Engineering$
Semester % Examination &ovemer' ()*)
Semester %% Examination +ay' ()**
Semester %%% Examination &ovemer' ()**
Semester %, Examination +ay' ()*(
Semester , Examination &ovemer' ()*(
Semester ,% Examination +ay' ()*-
Semester ,%% Examination &ovemer' ()*-
Semester ,%%% Examination +ay' ()*.
Syllaus applicale to the students see/ing admission to the !" Tech" #Automoile$ course in the academic year
*" There shall e the follo0ing four year Degree courses under the Faculty of Technology"
i" !achelor of Technology #Electronics 1 Communication$
ii" !achelor of Technology #Computer$
iii" !achelor of Technology #Electrical$
iv" !achelor of Technology #+echanical$
v" !achelor of Technology #Production 1 %ndustrial$
vi" !achelor of Technology #Civil$
vii" !achelor of Technology #Environmental$
viii" !achelor of Technology #Polymer Science 1 Chemical Technology$
ix" !achelor of Technology #%nformation Technology$
x" !achelor of Technology #!io Technology$
xi" !achelor of Technology #Soft0are Engineering$
xii" !achelor of Technology #Electrical 1 Electronics$
xiii" !achelor of Technology #Automoile Engg$
xiv" !achelor of Technology #Engineering Physics$

(" in addition to the conditions laid do0n in 2rdinance %' a candidate see/ing admission to any of the aove
Courses of study for the !achelor3s Degree should satisfy the follo0ing conditions"
(a) Educationa !uai"ication#$
A candidate passing any one of the follo0ing examinations and securing 4) percent or more mar/s in the
aggregate of Physics' chemistry and +athematics shall e eligile for admission to the first Semester of
!achelor of Technology Course provided he5she has passed in each su6ect separately 7
i" Senior Schools Certificate Examination #*( year course$ of the Central !oard of Secondary Education
#C"!"S"E"$' &e0 Delhi"
ii" %ndian School Certificate Examination #*( 8ear course$ of the Council for %ndian School Certificate
Examination' &e0 Delhi"
iii" !"Sc" #9en"$ 9roup :A3 final Examination of the University of Delhi or e;uivalent examination"
iv" !"Sc" #<ons"$ Examination in Physics' chemistry and +athematics of the University of Delhi 0ith
comination of Physics' Chemistry' +athematics and e;ual 0eightage to the susidiary su6ects or
e;uivalent examination"
v" Any other examination recogni=ed as e;uivalent to the Senior School Certificate Examination of the
C"!"S"E y the University of Delhi"
A candidate must additionally have passed English as a su6ect of study at the *(
class level #core or
NOTE > There shall e no direct admission to any level of the Courses aove the %st Semester"
-" Under each !"Tech" Degree course certain su6ects are offered 0hich can e classified as Theory5
Practical5 Dra0ing5 Design5 Pro6ect5 Practical Training" Further classification is ased on the relationship
of the su6ects 0ith the degree courses admitted to' namely <umanities and Social Science5 !asic
Sciences5 Allied engineering' Departmental' core' etc"
in addition to the aove' a su6ect could e classified as a compulsory one or as one of the pre?re;uisite
for another su6ect" The Committee of courses and Studies of the concerned Department shall do this
." A student 0ho 6oins the first semester 0ill e automatically' deemed to have registered for the su6ects
0hich are listed under the first Semester of the SU99ESTED SC<E+E 2F @EAR&%&9" Every student
is re;uired to register for the su6ects to e taught in the second and suse;uent semesters" This process
of registration shall start 6ust efore the start of next semester" The student 0ill also indicate during
registration of su6ect5 su6ects of earlier Semester#s$ in 0hich he5 she desire to appear' if other0ise
eligile" Such a student 0ill e allo0ed to appear in the End Semester Examination and his5 her mar/s of
mid terms activities 0ill remain unaltered since attendance is compulsory' a student 0ill e permitted to
register for course5 courses 0hich he can attend" The numer of theory su6ects permitted 0ill not e
more than six" The total duration of contact period should not ordinarily exceed thirty t0o hours per
A" !"Tech Degree shall e a0arded if a student has earned a minimum of ((B credits as specified in each
degree program su6ect to rea/ up and compulsory credit as mentioned there in" <o0ever' a student
may register in su6ects leading to a maximum of (.) credits in the entire course"
A student should /eep a 0atch on his progress and register in those papers in 0hich he must earn the
credit to satisfy the aove re;uirement of the particular degree"
%f a student earns more than a specified minimum credit for degree the est mar/s in the minimum credits
#satisfying the aove conditions$ 0ill e considered for the purposes of classification of result"
%& E'auation and R('i()
The committee of Courses 1 Studies in each Department shall specify the follo0ing for the degree
#a$ Suggested Scheme of @earning"
#$ +inimum credits needed for the degree course and rea/ up in terms of classification of courses i"e"
a" <umanities and Social Sciences
" !asic Sciences
c" Allied Engineering
d" Departmental Core
e" Practical Training
f" Unspecified5 Elective and
g" Pro6ect"
The committee of courses 1 Studies in each Department shall appoint one or more Evaluation?cum?
Revie0 Committees each dealing 0ith group of su6ects" This E"R"C consist of the teachers 0ho are
li/ely to teach su6ects in the group"
The E"R"C" has the follo0ing functions>
i" to recommend appointment of paper setters5 examiners of various examinations at the start of each Semester"
ii" to get prepared ;ui==es' assignments' test papers etc" for the mid?term and the end semester examination and
to get them evaluated" &ormally each concerned teacher' 0ho is also a memer of E"R"C"' 0ill do this 6o
for his class" <o0ever' in exceptional circumstances any part the 0or/ 0ill e entrusted to some other
memer of E"R" C"
iii" The mode of evaluation of the mid?term activities 0hose 0eightage shall e -)C and the end of term
examination 0hose 0eightages shall e D)C #The mid?term activities 0ill e one midterm test or ()C
0eightage 0hich 0ill e supplemented y assignments' ;ui==es etc" for a theory course 0ith 0eightage of
*)C$" For a practical course' -)C 0eightage e given for internal evaluation and D)C for End Semester
Examination" At the end of the Semester' the E"R"C" Chairman 0ill send to the University the consolidated
mar/s for the mid?term activities and the End Semester in separate column for taulation and for declaration
of results"
iv" to consider the individual representation of students aout evaluation and ta/e the remedial action if needed"
After scrutini=ing the E"R"C may alter the mar/s a0arded up0ard5 do0n0ard" The decision of the ERC
shall e final" The candidate shall apply for the same on a prescried Proforma along 0ith the evaluation
fee prescried the University from time to time only for the end Semester Examination 0ithin seven days
from the date of declaration of result"
v" to moderate the ;ui=5 assignment test papers given y each concerned teacher in class 0ith a vie0 to
maintain uniformity of standards and course coverage amongst various classes and to attain stipulated level
of learning"
vi" to revie0 and moderate the midterm and end term results of each class 0ith a vie0 to maintain uniformity of
standards and course coverage amongst various classes and to attain stipulated level of learning"
vii" to lay guidelines for teaching a su6ect"
*& Ca##i"ication o" R(#ut$
A student has to secure .)C or more mar/s in a su6ect evaluation to earn the credits assigned to the
su6ect" A student after having secured the minimum credit as needed for the degree course 0ill e
eligile for the a0ard of degree" The final result 0ill e evaluated as elo0>
Each su6ect 0ill carry *)) mar/s"

$ Credits #
$ Secured +ar/s Credits #
mar/s average
#See clause A for est grades in the minimum credits$
The final result 0ill e classified ased on the average mar/s as follo0s"
First Class 0ith Distinction DAC or more
First Class 4)C or more ut less than DAC
Second Class A)C or more ut less than 4)C
Pass Class .)C or more ut less than A)C
B" A student has to put in a minimum of DAC attendance separately in each su6ect for 0hich he has
registered" A relaxation up to a maximum of (AC may e given on the production of satisfactory
evidence that>
#a$ The student 0as usy in authori=ed activities"
#$ The student 0as ill"
&ote>? #i$ A student should sumit the evidence to the aove fact 0ithin three 0or/ing days of resuming the
studies" Certificates sumitted later 0ill not e considered"
#ii$ &o relaxation in attendance eyond (AC is permitted in any case"
#iii$ The registration of a student stands cancelled if his attendance re;uirements are not satisfied in
the su6ect"
E" The duration of the course is not less than B Semesters and the span is not more than *. semesters"
A student 0ho earn *A credits or less at the end of the first semester 0ill receive a 0arning for his5her
poor performance' if he fails to earn at least (A credits at the end of the second semester' he has to leave
the course and institution"
in case a student has not earned a minimum of *)) credits at the end of eight semester' his admission to
the course and the institution stands cancelled" The admission stands cancelled at the end of *. semester
in any case"
*)" The %nstitution 5University may cancel the registration of all the su6ects in a given semester if>
*" The student has not cleared the dues to the institution 5hostel"
(" A punishment is a0arded leading to the cancellation"
At discretion of the institution the result may e 0ithheld even if the registration of the student stands"
**" There shall e a Central Advisory Committee consisting of the follo0ing>
#a$ Dean' Faculty of Technology' #Chairman of the Committee$
#$ <eads' of the %nstitutions"
#c$ <eads of the Departments in the Faculty of Technology"
This Committee shall have the follo0ing functions>
#i$ @ay guidelines for the process of registration"
#ii$ 9ive an interpretation of the rules in case of difference of opinion 0hich shall e inding on all"
*(" Under very exceptional conditions minor relaxations in rules may e allo0ed and implemented y the
Central Advisory Committee" <o0ever' same relaxation in rules can not e granted in a suse;uent
semester" in case the conditions 0arrant such a relaxation again' the rules shall have to amended"
G(n(+a Not(#$
*" For all Theory Papers #Code>T<$ there is one min?semester test of -) mar/s #()F*) Assignments$ and an
end?semester exam" of - hours duration for D) mar/s" The total mar/s for the Theory Papers is thus *))"
(" For all Practical Papers #Code> PR$ there is semester assessment of -) mar/s and an end semester exam
of - hours or . hours duration for D) mar/s" The total mar/s for the Practical paper is thus *))"
-" For all valuation of Sessional #Code7 ,S$ there is semester assessment of *)) mar/s" There is no end?
semester exam for these courses" Credit of ,S are not included in the total credits of semester" <o0ever'
it is mandatory to pass the ,S course"
." At ,%% and ,%%% semester levels there is assessment of Practical Training Reports y a duly constituted
!oard" The report is to e sumitted y summer 50inter rea/s" The total mar/s associated 0ith each
Practical Training Report is *)) mar/s of 0hich -) mar/s are a0arded y the department on the asis of
supervision of %ndustrial Training"
A" At ,%%% semester level there is assessment of Pro6ect Report y a duly constituted !oard" The report is to
e sumitted y the student of the pro6ect 0or/ performed at the ,%% and ,%%% semester levels" The total
mar/s associated 0ith the pro6ect report is *)) mar/s of 0hich -) mar/s are a0arded y the department
on the asis of guidance of Pro6ect Gor/"
4" The total credits in all scheme of examination to !"Tech" Courses upto ,%%% semester 0ill e (.) and the
denominator for calculation of average mar/s for final result 0ill e ((B"
D" the pro6ect and the Practical Training after , 1 ,% Semester are mandatory"
B" Candidates securing (-4 to (.) credits are declared to have passed !"Tech" Final examination"
E" Candidates securing ((E to (-A credits are declared to have passed !"Tech" Final examination provided
they s/ip5 fail in not more than . credits in C2RE"
*)" Candidates securing exactly ((B credits are declared to have passed !"Tech" Final examination' provided
they s/ip5 fail in not more than . credits in core' not more than . credits in Applied Engineering' and not
more than . credits in Applied Sciences 1 <umanities"
Su..a+/ o" R('i#(d Scheme of Examination
Total Credits for !"Tech" Degree> (.)
Semester 0ise> %?-)' %%?-)' %%%?-)' %,?-)' ,?-)' ,%?-)' ,%%?-)' ,%%%?-)
Distriution of credits>
Su6ects < A C T2TA@
% *E ** )) -)
%% *. )D )E -)
%%% )B )4 *4 -)
%, )) )D (- -)
, ). )4 () -)
,% )) )- (D -)
,%% )) )B (( -)
,%%% )) )B (( -)
Total Credits (.)
45 56 139
Contents of <' A' C
18.75 23.33 57.91
< <umanities' Social Studies and !asic Sciences
A Allied Engineering
C Core #include ma6or pro6ect and practical training also$
+ +andatory Core
Indu#t+ia t+ainin0 o" %12 )((3# du+ation du+in0 #u..(+ 'acation# a"t(+ %
#(.(#t(+ and 5 )((3# a"t(+ 6

,S #Evaluation of sessional courses have een converted in the form of regular theory or practical course 0ith
End Semester Examination$
#Common to all ranches$
Subject LTP Evaluato!
Sessional End
t T$%e
T<* +A *)* +athematics?* -*) -) D) *)) .<
T<( <U *)( Communication s/ills (*) -) D) *)) -<
T<- P< *)- Applied Physics -*) -) D) *)) .<
T<. C< *). Applied Chemistry -*) -) D) *)) .<
T<A EE *)A Electrical sciences -*) -) D) *)) .A
T<4 %T *)4 Fundamentals of
%nformation Technology
(*) -) D) *)) -A
PR* P< *)D Applied Physics @a ))( -) D) *)) (<
PR( C< *)B Applied Chemistry @a ))( -) D) *)) (<
PR- EE *)E Electrical Sciences @a ))( -) D) *)) (A
PR. %T **) %nformation Technology
))( -) D) *)) (A
TOTAL -+actic( 78 4+# 9888 78
(Co..on to a :+anc4(#)
Subject LTP Evaluato!
Sessional End
T<* +A *** +athematics?%% -*) -) D) *)) .<
T<( E& **( Environmental Science ()) -) D) *)) (A
T<- AS **- Applied Physics?%% .)) -) D) *)) .<
T<. AS **. Engineering +aterials .)) -) D) *)) .<
T<A +E **A !asic +echanical Engineering -*) -) D) *)) .C
T<4 C2E**4 Programming Fundamentals ()) -) D) *)) (A
PR* +E **D Engineering 9raphics ))- -) D) *)) -A
PR( C2E**B Programming @a ))( -) D) *)) (C
PR- P< **E Applied Physics @a ))( -) D) *)) (A
PR. PE *() Gor/shop Practice ))- -) D) *)) -C
TOTAL -+actic( 78 4+# 9888 78
B.Tech Thr# Se&ester '(uto&oble )
T<* AE? ?()* Ther&o#$!a&cs -*) -) D) *)) .C
T<( AE? ?()(
-*) -) D) *)) .<
T<-H AE? ?()- E!*!eer!* Mecha!cs -*) -) D) *)) .C
T< . AE? ?(). !uantitati'( T(c4ni=u(# -*) -) D) *)) .<
ThA AE?? ()A M(tau+0/ -)) -) D) *)) -C
Th4 AE?? ()4 -+inci>(# o" Manu"actu+in0
-)) -) D) *)) -A
Pr* AE?? ()D -+inci>(# o" Manu"actu+in0
S/#t(.# La:?Wo+3#4o>
))( -) D) *)) (A
PR( AE?? ()B (uto&oble E!*!eer!*
))- -) D) *)) -C
PR- AE??()E Ther&o#$!a&cs, E!*!eer!*
Mecha!cs Lab
))( -) D) *)) (C
AE (*) Sel- Stu#$ ))* -) D) *)) *A
T2TA@ -) <RS *))) -)
B.Tech Fourth Se&ester '(uto&oble )
Th* AE? (** H(at T+an#"(+ @ Auto.oti'(
Ai+ Conditionin0
-*) -) D) *)) .C
Th( AE? (*( -+oduction T(c4noo0/ -)) -) D) *)) -A
T<- AE?(*- M(c4anic# o" Soid# -*) -) D) *)) .C
Th. AE (*. At(+nati'( Fu(# and En(+0/
-)) -) D) *)) -C
ThA AE (*A IC En0in(# -*) -) D) *)) .C
Th4 AE (*4 T4(o+/ o" Mac4in(# -*) -) D) *)) .C
Pr* AE (*D H(at T+an#"(+ @ Auto.oti'(
Ai+ Conditionin0 ?IC En0in(#
))- -) D) *)) -C
Pr( AE (*B T4(o+/ o" Mac4in(#?M(c4anic#
o" Soid# a:
))( -) D) *)) (C
Pr- AE (*E -+oduction T(c4noo0/19 La: ?
At(+nati'( Fu(# and En(+0/
))( -) D) *)) (A
Pr. AE (() S(" Stud/ ))* -) D) *)) *A
Tota 784+# 9888 78
B.Tech F-th Se&ester '(uto&oble E!*!eer!*)
Th* AE -)* M(a#u+(.(nt @ In#t+u.(ntation -*) Ses End
-) D)
*)) .C
Th( AE -)( Auto.oti'( E(ct+ica and
.)) -) D) *)) .A
Th- AE -)- ,a#ic Auto.o:i( S/#t(.# -*) -) D) *)) .C
Th. AE-). Fuid M(c4anic# @ H/d+auic
-*) -) D) *)) .C
ThA AE-)A En0in((+in0 Econo.ic# @
-*) -) D) *)) .<
Pr* AE -)4 M(a#u+(.(nt @In#t+u.(ntation
))( -) D) *)) (C
Pr( AE -)D Fuid M(c4anic# @ H/d
Mac4in(# ? E(.(nt# o"
Auto.o:i( La:
))( -) D) *)) (C
Pr- AE -)B Auto.oti'( E(ct+ica S/#t(.#
E(ct+onic# La:
))( -) D) *)) (A
Pr. AE-)E Mino+ -+oA(ct1I )). -) D) ()) .C
Tota 78 H+# 9888 78
. %ndustrial Training I% #Durations . Gee/s in Ginter ,acation At the End of ,
B.Tech S/th Se&ester '(uto&oble E!*!eer!*)
Th* AE ?-** D(#i0n o" M?C E(.(nt# -)) -) D) *)) -C
Th( AE -*( Tu+:o .ac4in(+/ @ Ga# D/na.ic# -*) -)
*)) .C
Th- AE?-*- Pro#ucto! a!# O%erato!s
Ma!a*e&e!t 19
-)) -) D) *)) -A
-)) -) D) *)) -C
ThA AE-*A -o)(+ Unit# and T+an#.i##ion -*) -) D) *)) .C
Pr* AE?-*4 Tu+:o.ac4in(+/ @ Trbolo*$ Lab ))( -) D) *)) (C
Pr( AE -*D D(#i0n o" M?C E(.(nt# La: ))- -) D) *)) -C
Pr- AE ?-*B -o)(+ Unit# and T+an#.i##ion Lab ))( -) D) *)) (C
Pr. AE-*E Mino+ -+oA(ct1II )). -) D) *)) .C
PrA AE ?-() Indu#t+ia T+ainin01I ))( -) D) *)) (C
Tota 78 H+# 9888 78
%ndustrial Training I%% #Durations 4?B 0ee/s in summer vacation at the end of ,%
B.Tech Seve!th Se&ester '(uto&oble E!*!eer!*)
S.No. Course No. Subject LTP Evaluato! Total
Th* AE .)* D(#i0n o" Auto.o:i( Co.>on(nt# -)) -) D) *)) -C
Th( AE.)( -+oduction and O>(+ation# Mana0(.(nt1 B -)) -) D) *)) -C
Th- AE .)- E(cti'(19 -*) -) D) *)) .C
Th. AE ?.). O>(n E(cti'( I .)) *)) .A
ThA AE .)A CFD -*) -) D) *)) .A
Pr* AE .)4 O>(n E(cti'(19? E(cti'( I La: ))( -) D) *)) (A
Pr( AE
D(#i0n o" Auto.o:i( Co.>on(nt# La: ))- -) D) *)) -C
Pr- AE.)B CFD ))( -) D) *)) (A
Pr- AE? .)E MaAo+ -+oA(ct (-a+t1I) ))- E) (*) *)) -C
Pr. AE?.*) Indu#t+ia T+ainin01II ))( -) D) *)) (C
Total -) <rs *))) -)
B.Tech E*hth Se&ester '(uto&oble E!*!eer!*)
Subject LTP Evaluato!
Sessional End
Th* AE .** V(4ic( Sa"(t/ En0in((+in0 -*) -) D) *)) .C
Th( AE .*( E(cti'(1 II -*) -) D) *)) .C
Th- AE .*- O>(n E(cti'(1 II -*) -) D) *)) .<
Pr* AE .*. V(4ic( Sa"(t/ En0in((+in0 a: ))( -) D) *)) (C
Pr( AE .*A O>(n E(cti'(1 II? E(cti'(1 II
)). -) D) *)) .<
Pr- AE .*4 MaAo+ -+oA(ct (-a+t1II) ))*) *() (B) .)) *)C
Pr. AE .*D S(.ina+ ? R(>o+t ))( -) D) *)) (C
Total -) <rs *))) -)
E(cti'( I #Any one From the Follo0ing$
(" AE1 587: Co.>ut(+ Si.uation o" I&C& En0in( -+oc(##
." AE1 587d Mod(+n V(4ic( T(c4noo0/
6& AE1 587( Auto.oti'( A(+od/na.ic# @ CFD
4" AE1587" Co.>ut(+ Aid(d V(4ic( D(#i0n and Sa"(t/
B" AE1 5874 F((t Mana0(.(nt
*)" AE 1587A R(n()a:( Sou+c(# o" En(+0/
**" AE15873 T/+( T(c4noo0/
E(cti'( II (Any one From the Follo0ing$
*" AE 59Ba Co.>ut(+ Int(0+at(d Manu"actu+in0 S/#t(.#
B& AE 59B: Tota Li"( C/c( Mana0(.(nt
7& AE 597 c Vi:+ation Ana/#i#
." AE 59Bd 1 Ad'anc(# in I&C& En0in(#
6& AE 59B ( M(c4at+onic#
%& AE 59B" H(at ECc4an0(+#
D" AE 59B 0 Finit( E(.(nt M(t4od# and A>>ication#
E" AE 59B A T+an#>o+t Mana0(.(nt @ Auto.o:i( Indu#t+/
*)" AE159B 3 Co.:u#tion G(n(+at(d -oution
AE1 B891 T4(+.od/na.ic# @ T P Credits
- * ) .C
Unit 9$ ,a#ic Conc(>t#$
+acroscopic and microscopic approaches' thermodynamic systems' surrounding and oundary' thermodynamic
property I intensive and extensive' thermodynamic e;uilirium' state' path' process and cycle' ;uasi?static'
reversile and irreversile processes' 0or/ing sustance" Concept of thermodynamic 0or/ and heat' e;uality of
temperature' temperature scale' =eroth la0 of thermodynamics"

Unit B$ -u+( Su:#tanc($
Pure Sustance and %ts Properties' Phase and Phase Transformation' ,apori=ation' Evaporation and !oiling'
Saturated and Superheat Steam' T?,' P?, and P?T Plots During Steam Formation' Properties of Dry' Get and
Superheated Steam' Property Changes During Steam Processes' Temperature I Entropy #T?S$ and Enthalpy I
Entropy #<?S$ Diagrams' Throttling and +easurement of Dryness Fraction of Steam"
Unit 7$ Fi+#t La) o" T4(+.od/na.ic#$
Energy and its Forms' Energy and *
@a0 of Thermodynamics' %nternal Energy and Enthalpy' P?, Plot for
Different Processes' Steady Flo0 Energy E;uation' *
@a0 Applied to &on? Flo0 Process' Steady Flo0 Process
and Transient Flo0 Process' Throttling Process and Free Expansion Process"
Unit 5$ S(cond La) o" T4(+.od/na.ic# and A'aia:iit/$
@imitations of First @a0' Thermal Reservoirs' <eat Engine' Jelvin? Planc/ and Clausius Statements and Their
E;uivalence' Carnot Cycle' Carnot Theorem and %ts Corollaries' Entropy' Clausius %ne;uality' Principle of
Entropy %ncrease' Entropy Change in Different Processes' Thermodynamic Relation" <igh and @o0 9rade
Energy' Availaility and Unavailale Energy' @oss of Availale Energy Due to <eat Transfer Through A Finite
Temperature Difference' Dead State of A System' Availaility of A &on?Flo0 and Steady Flo0 System'
<elmholt= and 9i3s Functions"
Unit 6$ Fu(# and Co.:u#tion>
Classification of Fuels? Solid' @i;uid 1 9aseous Fuels' Comustion E;uations' Stochiometric Air?Fuel Ratio'
Excess Air' Exhaust 9as Analysis' 2rsat Apparatus" Enthalpy and %nternal Energy of Comustion' Enthalpy of
Formation' Adiaatic Flame Temperature' Calorific ,alues of Fuel" First 1 second la0 analysis of comustion
Unit %$ Id(a and R(a Ga#(#$
Concept of An %deal 9as' !asic 9as @a0s' Characteristic 9as E;uation' Avogadro3s @a0 and Universal 9as
Constant' P?,?T Surface of An %deal 9as" ,ander Gaal3s E;uation of State' Reduced Co?2rdinates'
Compressiility Factor and @a0 of Corresponding States" +ixture of 9ases' +ass' +ole and ,olume Fraction'
9ison Dalton3s @a0' 9as Constant and Specific <eats'"
T(Ct ,oo3#$
*" Thermodynamics I Kones and Dugan' P<%' &e0 Delhi"
(" Fundamentals of Thermodynamics I E" Radha/rishnan' Phi' &e0 Delhi"
-" Thermal Science 1 ' D"S"Jumar' SJ Jataria 1 Sons
." Thermodynamics ? R' 8adav' CP< Allahaad
5. Thermodynamics C P Arora, Tata Mcgraw Hill
6. Thermodynamics P K Nag, Tata Mcgraw Hill
Re-ere!ce Boo"s4
9& Theory Problems o Thermodynamics !. ".C. #ao, $iley %astern &td., New 'elhi.
%ngineering Thermodynamics ()ord *ni+. ,ress
-.Thermodynamics. Cengel and /oles Tata Mcgraw Hill
."Engineering Thermodynamics 2n/ar Singh' &e0 Age %nternational

L T - C+(dit#
- 9 8 5
Unit19$ Int+oduction to #tati#tic#
&ature and role of statistics in management' +easures of central tendency and dispersion' Jurtosis"
Unit1B$ Int+oduction to >+o:a:iit/ t4(o+/
Proaility theory' 6ointly distriuted random variales' distriutions ? continuous and discrete7 Sampling
Unit17$ H/>ot4(#i# T(#tin0
Estimation and hypothesis testing7 Parametric tests7 t?test7 A&2,A7 &on?parametric tests7 Chi?s;uare test'
Correlation and regression analysis' logistic regression analysis' Applications of statistical pac/ages"
Unit15$ Lin(a+ -+o0+a..in0
Prolem? formulation and applications' solution through graphical method and Simplex methods' introduction to
non?linear programming"
Unit16$T+an#>o+tation Mod(#
Transportation and transshipment prolems' assignment and se;uences models"
Unit1%$ D(ci#ion T4(o+/
Decision Tree' 9ame Theory?+inimax and +aximin' Dominance Principle and use of 2R soft0are pac/ages"
Su00(#t(d R(adin0#$
1. Luantitative +ethods y K J Sharma' +ac+illan Pulishers"
2. Luantitative +ethods for !usiness y Anderson' Cengage @earning
3. !usiness statistics y !a6pai' Pearson %ndia

@ T P Credits
- * ) .C
%ntroduction %mportant ,ector ;uantities of +echanics' Force> E;uivalent System of Forces" +oment of a
force> ,arignon3s Theorem" Couple> E;uivalent Couples'
E;uilirium of Rigid !odies> Free !ody Diagram' Conditions of Rigid !odies"
#Solution of the prolems y ,ector method also"$First +oment #centre of gravity$ 1 Second +oment
#moment of inertia$ of Curvilinear' Plane and Solid !odies"
Truss> Types' Solution of Simple plane trusses y analytical and graphical methods"
Friction> @a0s of dry friction' Friction Cone' Angle of Repose' Engineering Applications of friction e"g"
Gedge' !elt 1 Pulley and Scre0 Kac/ etc" Shear Forces and !ending +oments in Different !eams"

St+(n0t4 o" .at(+ia#
Simple stresses and strains> Concept of stress and strain7 stress and strain diagram' <oo/eMs la0' 8oungMs
modulus' Poison ratio' stress at a point' stress and strains in ars su6ected to axial loading" +odulus of
elasticity' stress produced in compound ars su6ect to axial loading" Temperature stress and strain
calculations due to applications of axial loads and variation of temperature in single and compound 0alls"
Strain Energy> Strain Energy under due to axial loads' stresses due to sudden and impact loads
Compound stress and strains> the t0o dimensional system7 stress at a point on a plane' principal stresses and
principal planes7 +ohrMs circle of stresses"
!ending> ending theory' derivation of ending formula> its application to eam of rectangular' circular and
channel sections"
Torsion> Derivation of torsion e;uation and its assumptions" Applications of the e;uation of the hollo0 and
solid circular shafts' torsional rigidity" Principal stresses and maximum shear stresses under comined loading
of ending and torsion"
Su00(#t(d R(adin0#$
9&+echanics for Engineers> Statics' !eer and Kohnson'Tata +cgra0 hill Pulishing Company @imited"
B& Engineeering +echanics> Statics 1 Dynamics7 %r0ing <"Shames Prentice <all of %ndia"
7& Engineering +echanicsN' Timoshen/o and 8oung7 +c9ra0<ill"
5& Engineering +echanics y S"S"!havi/atti 'N&e0 age %nternational pulicationsN
6& OEngg +echanics' U"C"Kindal' 9algotia Pulications
%& %ngineering Mechanics0 . /as1deb /hattacharyya0 ()ord *ni+ersity Press
*& %ngineering Mechanics0. /ha+i2atti, 3.30. New Age 4nternational P1blishers
2& %ngineering Mechanics0. "ela M1rali0. ()ord *ni+ersity Press
D& %ngineering Mechanics #2 /ansal &a)mi P1blication
AE1B85 !uantitati'( T(c4ni=u(#
L T - C+(dit#
7 8 8 7
Unit19$ Int+oduction to #tati#tic#
&ature and role of statistics in management' +easures of central tendency and dispersion' Jurtosis"
Unit1B$ Int+oduction to >+o:a:iit/ t4(o+/
Proaility theory' distriutions ? continuous and discrete7 Sampling distriutions"
Unit17$ H/>ot4(#i# T(#tin0
Estimation and hypothesis testing7 Parametric tests7 t?test7 A&2,A7 &on?parametric tests7 Chi?s;uare test'
Correlation and regression analysis' logistic regression analysis' Applications of statistical pac/ages"
Unit15$ Lin(a+ -+o0+a..in0
Prolem? formulation and applications' solution through graphical method and Simplex methods'"
Unit16$ T+an#>o+tation Mod(#
Transportation and transshipment prolems' assignment and se;uences models"
Unit1%$ D(ci#ion T4(o+/
Decision Tree' 9ame Theory?+inimax and +aximin' Dominance Principle and use of 2R soft0are pac/ages"
Su00(#t(d R(adin0#$

4. Luantitative +ethods y K J Sharma' +ac+illan Pulishers"
5. Luantitative +ethods for !usiness y Anderson' Cengage @earning
6. !usiness statistics y !a6pai' Pearson %ndia
L T - C+(dit#
7 8 8 7C
Natu+( and >+o>(+ti(# o" .at(+ia# > lennard?6ones potential' cohesive energy' short and long?range order'
examples of materials highlighting structure?processing?property?performance relations' *. space lattices' unit
cells' cuic and hcp structures' miller indices' interstitials' different ceramic structures'
noncrystalline5nanocrystalline material definitions' concept of glass transition temperature' local order' different
polymer structures"
Structure determination using x?ray diffraction#ragg3s diffraction and structure factor for cuic lattices$' point
defects' edge and scre0 dislocations' energy of a dislocation' stac/ing fault' grains and grain oundaries' ul/
-4a#( ('oution$ definition of diffusivity' concept of activation energy' examples of diffusion process7
definition of a phase' phase rule' unary and inary #eutectic' eutectic 0ith terminal solid solutions$ systems 0ith
examples' phase diagram of important metals and ceramic systems' iron?caron e;uilirium diagram' nucleation
and gro0th #homogeneous and heterogeneous$' ttt curves' heat treatment of plain caron steels' annealing'
normali=ing' hardening' tempering and case?hardening' precipitation hardening of aluminum alloys"
M(c4anica :(4a'iou+$ measurement of mechanical response' and true stress strain response' concept of yield
point and elastic modulus' visco?elasticity'
Fracture toughness' stress intensity factor' fracture energy' comparison of these properties for different
materials7 deformation of single and polycrystalline materials' slip systems' critical resolved shear stress'
mechanism of slip and t0inning7 fatigue and creep properties of materials 0ith suitale examples' strengthening
mechanisms' fracture in ductile and rittle materials' 9riffith3s theory' ductile to rittle transition"
Mat(+ia#$ plain caron steels' effect of alloying elements' properties' uses and heat treatment of tools' stainless'
spring and 0ear?resisting steels7 production' composition' properties and use of non?ferrous alloys' e"g"' rasses'
ron=es' duralumin' die?casting and earing alloys"
-o)d(+ .(tau+0/ > principles' techni;ues' application and advantages' surface treatment"
Su**este# Rea#!*s4
5.Callister6s Material 3cience and, $iley 4ndia %dition.
7.Mechanical Metall1rgy by 'eiter, Mcgraw Hill
-.Materials 3cience and8 A 9irst Co1rse, 5
%dition,, #agha+an,Phi Pri+ate
:. Materials8 Pro,erties and 3election, ;
%d., /1dins2i < /1dins2i.
5.%lements o Material 3cience < , "an "lac2, Pearson %d1cation.
- * ) -A
UNIT E I Ca#tin0 -+oc(##(#$
Principles of metal casting> pattern materials' types and allo0ance7 study of moulding' sand
+oulding' tools' moulding materials' classification of moulds' core' elements of gating and rising system'
Casting defects' description and operation of cupola> special casting processes e"g" die?casting'
Permanent mould casting' centrifugal casting' investment casting"
UNIT E II W(din0
Classification of Gelding Processes ? Principles and E;uipment Used in the Follo0ing Processes ? 9as Gelding
?Arc Gelding ? Resistance Gelding ? Thermit Gelding I Soldering' !ra=ing" Standard 0elding symols'
UNIT E III M(ta ;oinin0$
Gelding Principles' Classification of Gelding Techni;ues7 2xyacetylene 9as Gelding' E;uipment
And Field of Application' Arc?Gelding' +etal Arc' Caron Arc' Sumerged Arc and Atomic
<ydrogen Gelding' Electric Resistance Gelding> Spot' Seam' !utt' Percussion Gelding7 Flux>
Composition' Properties and Function7 Electrodes' Types of Koints and Edge Preparation' !ra=ing
And Soldering"
UNIT E IV S4((t M(ta Wo+3$
Common Processes' Tools and E;uipments7 +etals Used for sheets' Standard Specification For
Sheets' Spinning' !ending' Emossing and Coining"
UNIT1 V M(ta Fo+.in0 and -o)d(+ M(tau+0/
!asic Concepts and Classification of Forming Processes ? Principles ? E;uipment Used and Application of
Follo0ing Processes ? Forging' Rolling' Extrusion' Gire Dra0ing' Spinning"
Po0der +etallurgy Steps %nvolved' and applications"
5. Man1act1ring Process by #agh1+anshi.
5. Man1act1ring Technology by P.N.#ao =TMH P1blications>
#%9%#%NC% /((K8
5. $or2sho, Technology by Ha?ra.Chowdhary
7. Prod1ction %ngineering by #.K.@ain
-. $or2sho, Technology by Cha,man
AE1 B8* -+inci>(# o" Manu"actu+in0 S/#t(.# La: @ T P Credits
) ) ( (A
AE1 B82 Automoile Engineering Dra0ing
@ T P Credits
) ) - -C
*" ;oint# -u(/#
Universal Koint' Slip Koint'? Stepped or Cone Pulley' ,?!elt Pulley
(" En0in( ,(a+in0#
? !ush !earing'? Split !earing'? Thrust !earing'? !all !earing? Roller !earing I Straight and &eedle
-" En0in( Co.>on(nt#
? Four Stro/e Petrol Engine Piston
? T0o Stro/e Petrol Engine Piston
? Four Stro/e Diesel Engine Piston
? Connecting Rod
? Cran/ Shaft of . Cylinder Engines
? Cran/ Shaft of Single Cylinder Engines
." G(a+#
Dra0ing of 9ear Tooth Profile for Spur 9ear' &omenclature and Profiles Approximate and Un0in3s +ethod
A" Ca. -+o"i(
? Different Types of Cams and Follo0ers
? Types of +otion of Follo0er
? Uniform ,elocity +otion
? Simple <armonic +otion
? Uniformly Accelerated and Retarded +otion
? Dra0ing of Cam Profiles for the Aove +otions
&ote> (AC of Dra0ings to !e +ade Using AutoCAD
*" Engineering Dra0ing y R! 9upta7 Satya Par/as an' &e0 Delhi
(" +achine Dra0ing y PS 9ill7 !D Jataria and Sons' @udhiana
-" +achine Dra0ing y @a/shminarayan7 Kain !rothers' &e0 Delhi
AE1 B8D T4(+.od/na.ic# ?M(c4anic# La:&
@ T P Credits
) ) ( (C

@ T P Credits
- * ) .C
Introduction and Conduction:
Various modes of heat transfer, Fourier's, Newton's and Stefan Boltzmanns Law, combined modes of
heat transfer, thermal diffusivity, and overall heat transfer coefficient, thermal conductivity of solids,
liquids and ases, factors influencin conductivity, measurement, eneral differential equation of
conduction, one dimensional steady state conduction, linear heat flow throuh a !lane and com!osite
wall, tube and s!here, critical thic"ness of insulation, effect of variable thermal conductivity, conduction
with heat sources, heat transfer from e#tended surfaces, fin !erformances, conce!t of corrected fin
lenth$ error in tem!erature measurement by thermometer well, transient heat conduction% lum!ed
system analysis, transient tem!erature charts &'eisler and (rober charts), transient heat conduction in
multidimensional systems*
Convection (Forced)
+ntroduction, laminar boundary layer equations for internal and e#ternal flows, laminar forced
convention on a flat !late and in a tube, -eynolds%.olburn analoy$/imensional analysis and !hysical
sinificance of the dimensionless !arameters
Convection (Natural)
/imensional analysis of natural convection, em!irical relationshi! for natural convection, convection
with !hase chane, descri!tion of condensin flow, theoretical model of condensin flow, introduction
to heat !i!e, reimes of boilin heat transfer, em!irical relationshi!s for convection with !hase chane*
Thermal adiation:
+ntroduction, absor!tion and reflection of radiant enery, emission, radiosity and irradiation, blac" and
non blac" bodies, 0irchhoffs law, intensity of radiation, radiation e#chane between blac" surface,
eometric confiuration factor, rey body radiation e#chane between surfaces of unit confiuration
factors, radiation shields, electrical analoy to sim!le !roblems, non%luminous as radiation, errors in
tem!erature measurement due to radiation*
"eat #$chan%er&
/ifferent ty!es of heat e#chaners, desin of heat e#chaners, L12/ and N23 methods, foulin
factor and correction factor, +ntroduction to com!act and !late heat e#chaners*
'a&& Tran&(er
1ass and mole concentrations, molecular diffusion, Fic"'s law, eddy diffusion, molecular diffusion from
an eva!oratin fluid surfaces, introduction to mass transfer in laminar and turbulent convection,
dimensional less !arameters in convective mass transfer, combined heat and mass transfer*
Auto.oti'( Ai+1conditionin0$
Refrigeration' ton of Refrigeration' ,arious +ethods of Producing Refrigeration' Applications' <eat Pump'
Reversed Carnot Cycle and %ts @imitations' ,apour Compression Cycle' Sucooling' Superheating' @i;uid
,apour <eat Exchanger' Effect of Changes in Evaporator Condenser Temperatures' Deviations From %deal
Cycle" Refrigerants and Their Properties' Alternative Refrigerants"
Psychrometric> Air?Conditioning' Psychometrics Properties' Psychometric Chart and ,arious Processes and
Their Analysis' Summer and Ginter Air?Conditioning' Comfort Air?Conditioning" Cooling and <eating @oad
Estimation" !asic Air Conditioning System ? @ocation of Air Conditioning Components in A Car ? Schematic
@ayout of A Refrigeration System" Refrigeration and Air?Conditioning Controls in Automotive AC"
*" 91ndamentals o Heat and Mass Transer by 9.P.4ncro,era '.P.'ewitt, :th %d., @ohn $iley < 3ons.
(" %lements o Heat < Mass Transer by "iAay B1,ta, New Age 4nternational P1blishers.
-" Fundamental& o( #n%ineerin% "eat and 'a&& Tran&(er by -*.*Sachdeva, New 4e
+nternational 5ublishers*
." Fundamental& o( "eat and 'a&& Tran&(er by 5 Fran"* +ncro!era and /avid 5* /e6itt,
7ohn 6iley and Sons*
A" "eat Tran&(er by 4* Be8an, 7ohn 6iley and Sons*
4" "eat Tran&(er by 1*N* 9zisi", 1c (raw 'ill Boo" .o*
D" "eat Tran&(er ) *ractical )++roach by 4*.eneel :unus, 2ata 1c(raw 'ill*
B" "eat and 'a&& Tran&(er by 7*5 'olman, 2ata 1c(raw 'ill*
E" Fundamental& o( 'omentum, "eat and 'a&& Tran&(er by 7ames -*6elty, 7ohn 6iley ;
Sons &5vt)* Ltd*
L T - C+(dit#
7 9 8 5A
Con'(ntiona Mac4inin0
9eneral Principles # Gith Schematic Diagrams only $ of Gor/ing' Types and Commonly Performed 2perations in
the Follo0ing +achines ? @athe' Shaper' Planer' +illing +achine' Drilling +achine' 9rinding +achine' 9ear
Cutting ? !asic of C&C +achine"
Uncon'(ntiona Mac4inin0 -+oc(##(#
&eed for Unconventional +achining Processes ? &on conventional machining> Studies on asic principle' 0or/ing and effects of
process parameters of the follo0ing processes> Ultrasonic machining #US+$' Arasive 6et machining #AK+$' Electro?discharge
machining #ED+$' Electro?chemical machining #EC+$' Electron eam machining #E!+$' Plasma arc machining #PA+$ and @aser
eam machining #@!+$" %on !eam +achining #%!+$' !iochemical +achining
Theory of +etal Cutting> +echanics of metal cutting? 2rthogonal and oli;ue cutting' Chip formation' Types of chips' Chip control'
+erchants theory of cutting forces at tool point' @imitations and modifications of +erchants theory' Plo0ing forces and the :Si=e
effect3' <eat generation in metal cutting' Cutting fluids and their physical action' Tool 0ear' Tool life and +achinaility'
&omenclature of cutting tools and Cutting tool materials' Economics of machining' Analysis of milling and grinding processes"
Design Features of +achine Tools> Design re;uirements of machine tools' Jinematic drives of machine tools' Types of machine tool
drives' Design of machine tool spindle"
Kigs 1 Fixtures> %mportant considerations in 6igs and fixture design" +ain principles of designing of 6igs 1 fixtures" Different devices
and methods of locations" Different types of clamps used in 6igs 1 fixtures"
+etrology> %ntroduction to +etrology and its relevance' @inear and angular measurements"
Su00(#t(d R(adin0#$
Te)t /oo2s8
*" HaAra Cho1d1ry, C%lements o $or2sho, Technology D,"ol. 4 and"ol. 44, Asia P1blishing Ho1se, 5EE6.
5. Prod1ction Technology / 3 #agh1wanshi "ol. 5,7
(" Prod1ction Technology by P N #ao 5. #ao P.N., CMan1act1ring TechnologyF,"ol.5, Tata Mcgraw Hill, 7GG-.
-" 3harma P.C., CA Te)t /oo2 o Prod1ction %ngineeringF, "ol.5, 3. Chand P1blication,New 'elhi, 7GG5.
." 91ndamentals o Machining < Machine Tools by Beorey /oothroyd < $inston A. Knight, Marcel < 'e22er P1blications.
A" 91ndamentals o Metal C1tting < Machine Tools by /.&.@1neAa, B.3.3e2hon < Nitin 3eth, New Age 4nternational
4" Man1act1ring Technology by P.N.#ao, Tata McBraw Hill P1blications
D" Prod1ction %ngineering 3ciences by P.C. Pandey < C.K. 3ingh, 3tandard P1blications.
Re-ere!ce Boo"s8
5. @ain P.&., CPrinci,les o 9o1ndry TechnologyF, Tata Mcgraw Hill, New 'elhi, 5EE;.
7. #amana #ao T."., CMetal Casting Princi,les < PracticesF, New Age 4nt, New 'elhi,7GG-.
-. Heine < #osenthal, CPrinci,le o Metal CastingF, Tata Mcgraw Hills, New 'elhi, 7GG-.
:. &ittle #ichard &, C$elding < $elding TechnologyF, Tata Mcgraw Hill, New 'elhi,7GG-.
5. #agh1wanshi /.3., C$or2sho, Technology F,"ol.5, 'han,at #ai P1blication, N.'elhi,7GG-.
6. Ha?ra Cha1dhari, C%lements o $or2sho, TechnologyF, Media Promoter P1blication,New 'elhi, 5EE;.
H. @ain, #.K., CProd1ction TechnologyF, Khanna P1blishers, 7GG5.
E. &indberg #.A., CProcesses < Materials o Man1act1reF, Prentice Hall P1blication, 5EE;.
5G. @ain #.K. and B1,ta 3.C., D Prod1ction Technology D, Khanna P1blishers, 5EEH.
55.Man1act1ring 3cience by Bosh and Mali2
*(+anufacturing Science and Technology y J",araprasadrao' &e0 Age %nternational
L T - C+(dit#
7 9 8 5C
UNIT I$ Stress and strain tensors"
State of stress at a point' Principal stresses' Three stress invariants' +ohr3s circle' Strain tensors' Constitutive
la0s' Theories of failure"
UNIT II$ St+ain En(+0/ M(t4od#
St+ain (n(+0/ in to+#ion and :(ndin0F MaC)(G# +(ci>+oca t4(o+(.F Ca#tiianoG#F #o>( and d("((ctionF
#in3in0 o" #u>>o+t#&
UNIT III$ ,(ndin0 @ To+#ion
A#/..(t+ic :(ndin0 o" #t+ai04t :a+#F :(ndin0 o" cu+'(d :a+#F #t+(## in c+an(14oo3#F T and I1#(ction#&
To+#ion o" t4in1)a(d non1ci+cua+ tu:(#&
UNIT IV$ ACi1#/..(t+ic >+o:(.#
T4in and t4ic3 c/ind(+# und(+ int(+na "uid >+(##u+(F )i+( )indin0 o" t4in c/ind(+#F #t+(##(# in #4+in31
"it4ud and #4a"t& Rotatin0 di#c# o" uni"o+. t4ic3n(##F di#c o" 'a+ia:( t4ic3n(##F +otatin0 #4a"t# and
UNIT V$ Cou.n#
Ea#tic in#ta:iit/F t4(o+/ o" on0 cou.n#F (nd condition#F +an3in( Go+don " and ot4(+ (.>i+ica
Unit VI$ S>+in0#
H(icaF S>i+a and (a" #>+in0#&

Te/t Boo"s4
5. # 31bramanian C3trength o MaterialsF, ()ord 1ni+ersity Press
7. #yder B.H., C3trength o MaterialsF, Macmillan, 'elhi, 7GG-.
-. #.K. /ansal, C3trength o MaterialsF, &a)mi P1blication, New 'elhi, 7GG5.
:.Timoshen2o 3.P., C%lements o 3trength o MaterialsF, %ast.$est Ailiated, New 'elhi, 7GGG.
5.Hibbler #.C., CMechanics o MaterialsF, Prentice Hall, New 'elhi, 5EE:.
6.Po,o+ %ger P., C%ngg. Mechanics o 3olidsF, Prentice Hall, New 'elhi, 5EE;.
H.9enner, #oger.T, CMechanics o 3olidsF, *.K. /.C. P1blication, New 'elhi, 5EEG.
;. 3adh1 3ingh, C3trength o MaterialsF, Khanna P1blishers, New 'elhi, 7GGG
@ T P Credits
- ) ) -C
Estimation of petroleum reserves ? need for alternative fuels ? availaility and suitaility to piston engines'
Concept of conventional fuels' potential alternative fuels ? ethanol' methanol' DEE5D+E ? hydrogen' @P9'
&atural gas' producer gas' io gas and vegetale oils ? use in C% engines?merits and demerits of various fuels"
Aco4o Fu(#
Properties as engine fuels ? performance in S% engines ? lends 0ith gasoline and diesel ? flexile fuel vehicle ?
Reformed alcohols ? use in C% engines ? emulsions
Dual fuel systems ?spar/ assisted diesel engines ISurface ignition engines ? ignition accelerators ? comustion
and emission characteristics in engines ? emission
Ga#(ou# Fu(#
<ydrogen ? properties ? use in C% engines ? use in S% engines ? storage methods ? safety precautions" Producer
9as and iogas ? ra0 materials ? gasification ? properties ? cleaning up the gas ? use in S% and C% engines' @P9
1 C&9 ? properties ? use in S% and C% engines"
V(0(ta:( Oi#
Conversion of vegetale oils as iodiesel Iproduction techni;ues ? standards and properties ? performance and
Emission characteristics' additives"
E(ct+ic and #oa+ >o)(+(d '(4ic(#
@ayout of an electric vehicle ? advantage and limitations ? specifications ? system component" Electronic
Control system ? high energy and po0er density atteries ? hyrid vehicle ? solar po0ered vehicles"
Re-ere!ce Boo"s4
5. (sam1 Hirao and #ichard K. Peley, Present and 91t1re A1tomoti+e 91els, @ohn $iley and 3ons,
7. Keith (wen and Tre+or %oley, A1tomoti+e 91els Handboo2, 3A%. P1blications, 5EEG.
-. #ichard &./echtold, A1tomoti+e 91els B1ide /oo2, 3A%. P1blications, 5EEH"
." Bodrey /oyle, C#enewable %nergyF, ()ord *ni+ersity Press, 7GG:
L T - C+(dit#
7 9 8 5C
U&%T %
Co.:u#tion >4(no.(non in SI (n0in(#$ principles of comustion in S% engine' effect of engines and operating
variales on ignition lag 1 flame propagation' cycle to cycle variation' anormal comustion' theory of
detonation' effect of engine and operating variales on detonation' surface ignition' adiaatic flame temperature"
U&%T %%
Co.:u#tion >4(no.(non in CI (n0in(#$ principles of comustion in C% engine' delay period' variales
affecting delay period' diesel /noc/' methods of controlling diesel /noc/' comustion process 1 comustion
chamers for si 1 ci engines design of comustion chamer"
U&%T %%%
Fu( #/#t(. and .iCtu+( +(=ui+(.(nt in SI and CI (n0in( $ caruretion? 0or/ing principles' chemically
correct air?fuel ratio and load variation' caruretors 1 modern air fuel systems' compensating devices' venture
and 6et dimension calculation' fuel in6ection> common rail direct in6ection' ignition' electronics ignition system"
+ulti point fuel in6ection system
Su>(+c4a+0in0$ supercharging limits of S% 1 C% engines methods of supercharging' superchargers' turo
U&%T %,
En0in( u:+ication and cooin0 E lurication principles' function of luricating system' properties of luricating
oil' additives' cooling system' air cooling' 0ater cooling"
U&%T ,
Int+oduction to at(+nat(# "u(# and (.i##ion#$ >etroleum ased fuels' gasoline 1 diesel fuel and their
properties' /noc/ rating of engine fuels' io?diesel and alcohols' lending'
%ntroduction to engine emissions' pollutant formation and control"
Te/t Boo"s4
*" 4.C %ngines and Air Poll1tion by (bert.
(" 4.C %ngines by 91ng1son.
-" 91ndamentals o 4.C %ngines by @./ Heywood.
." 4.C %ngines by Mathew < 3harma
@ T P Credits
- * ) .C
Unit 9$ <in(.atic# "unda.(nta#$
+echanisms and machines' /inematics and /inetics"
Degrees of freedom' types of motion ' elements of /inematic chain' determination of degrees of freedom'
paradoxes' isomers' lin/age transformation' intermittent motion mechanism' inversion' grashof3s criterion'
straight line generating mechanisms"
Unit B$ Acc((+ation ana/#i#>
9raphical and vector solution> Position of any point on lin/age' transmission angles' velocity y velocity
polygon and instantaneous centre method' acceleration7 corriolis acceleration" Analytical solution for four?ar'
slider?cran/ mechanism" Freudenstein3s e;uation' velocity of slip" Computer aided analysis of position' velocity
and acceleration"
Unit 7$ <in(.atic #/nt4(#i# o" .(c4ani#.#$
Functioning and path generation' Cheyshev spacing of precision points' three position synthesis> Cam profile
analysis> +otion of the follo0er' cam profile constructions' analysis of cams 0ith specified contours"

Unit 5$ <in(.atic ana/#i# o" 0(a+#$
&omenclature and classification' la0 of gearing' path of contact' arc of contact' interference for spur gears"
9ear trains> Simple' compound' reverted' epicyclical gear trains> compound epicyclic' epicyclic 0ith evel
9ears' sun and planet gear"
Unit 6$ D/na.ic# ana/#i# and :aancin0$
Sid(+1c+an3 .(c4ani#.F tu+nin0 .o.(nt co.>utation# and "/)4((&
G/+o#co>(#$ G/+o#co>ic a)F (""(ct o" 0/+o#co>ic cou>( an auto.o:i(#F #4i># and ai+c+a"t#&
,aancin0$ Static and d/na.ic :aancin0F :aancin0 o" +('o'in0 and +(ci>+ocatin0 .a##(#F #in0( and
.uti1c/ind(+ (n0in(#F V1(n0in(#&
Unit %$ Vi:+ation#
Vi:+ation ana/#i# o" SDOF #/#t(.#F natu+aF da.>(dF "o+c(d 'i:+ation#F t+an#.i##i:iit/ +atioF 'i:+ation
i#oation and 'i:+ation o" .a## #u>>o+t(d on "oundation# #u:A(ct o" 'i:+ation#F )4i+in0 o" #4a"t#&
5. Theory o Machines and Mechanisms by @.@.3higley, Pennoc2 @.@.*ic2er, ()ord *ni+. Press
7. Theory o Machines by 3.3.#attan, TMH.5EE-
-. 'esign o Machinery by #.&.Norton, , Mcgrawhill
:. Theory Machines by #.K./ansal , &a)mi P1blications
5. Mechanism and Machine Theory by @.3.#ao and #.".'122i,ati, New Age 4nternational.5EE7
@ T P Credits
) ) ( (C
@ T P Credits
) ) ( (C
@ T P Credits
) ) ( (A
@ T P Credits
- * ) .A
!asic concepts' 9eneralised +easurement System> definition of terms' caliration' standards and errors' static
and Dynamic performance characteristics7 analysis of experimental data
Unit I%% %instrumentation for measurement of
Position and displacement' force' Strain'pressure' temperature' proximity and range" Concept of feedac/7
open and close loop systems
@oop control systems' transducers and devices for applications' digital readouts' data
Ac;uisition and processing"
Unit %,> +etrology> introduction' measuring instruments' measuring range' sensitivity' repeataility' precision
and accuracy" Standards > definitions of line standard' end standard and 0avelength standard' su divisions of
Standards" Slip gauges"
+easurement of angles > introduction' evel venire protractor' sine ar' angel gauges' spirit level'
Autocollimator' angle de//or' rotary tales' precision polygon' caliration of polygons"
+easurement of internal and external tapers"
+easurement of threads> introduction' scre0 thread terminology' pitch error' angle error' measurement
of ma6or and minor diameter' measurement of effective diameter y one 0ire' t0o 0ire and three 0ire
+ethod" !est si=e 0ire"
+easurement of surface finish> introduction' surface texture' surface roughness terminologies' methods
of measuring surface finish' stylus proe instruments' taylor?hoson talysurf' sample length or cutoff
@ength' analysis of surface traces"
9ear measurements> introduction' terminology of gear tooth' errors in manufacturing gears' rolling
Test' measurement of tooth thic/ness' Par/inson gear tester"
%nspection of straightness' flatness' and alignment"
%nterferometry and use of optical flats"
+easurement of coordinates using coordinate measuring machine"
Te)t boo2s8
5. Mechanical meas1rements by t. B. /ec2with, n. &. /1c2 and r. '. Marangoni, -rd ed, narosa
P1blishing ho1se.5EE-
7. Metrology by #. K. @ain 2hanna ,1b. 7GG7
:. 91ndamentals o dimensional metrology by c. 'otson, r. Harlow and r. Thomson. P1b. 7GG-
5. 4nstr1mentation, meas1rement and analysis by b. C. Na2ra and 2. K. Cha1dhari, tmh, 5E;5
6. Meas1rement system. a,,lication and design by e. (. 'oeblin, :th ed, tmh, 5EEG
H. 4nstr1mentation or %ngineers and 3cientists by T1rner and Hill, ()ord 1ni+ersity Press
@ T P Credits
. ) ) .A
Unit 9$ Auto.oti'( E(ct+ica S/#t(.$
Classification of Automotive Electrical Systems I 9eneration' Storage' Distriution' Starting' %gnition' @ighting'
Accessories I Electrical System I Earth 1 %nsulated Return System I Positive 1 &egative Earthing"

Auto.oti'( E(ct+ica S/#t(. @ ,att(+i(#$
Principles and Construction of @ead Acid !attery' Characteristics of !attery' Rating' Capacity and Efficiency of
!atteries' &on?2ver Filling Devices' ,arious Tests on !atteries' %nternal Resistance of !attery' +aintenance and
Charging' Charging Sulphated !atteries' Care of !atteries in Stoc/' !attery Failures' @ong @ife !attery' Al/aline
!attery' %ts Advantages 2ver @ead Acid' &ic/el I%ron !attery' &ic/el Cadmium !attery' ,enner Silver I Pinc
!attery' Fuel Cells' Troule Shouting of @ead I Acid !attery"
Unit B$ Sta+tin0 S/#t(. @ C4a+0in0 S/#t(.$
Condition At Starting' !ehaviour of Starter During Starting' Simple +otor' Tor;ue Terms' Series +otor and %ts
Characteristics' Principle and Construction of Starter +otor' Gor/ing of Different Start Drive Units' Care and
+aintenances of Starter +otor' Starter S0itches' Troule Shooting" 9eneration of Direct Current Simple'
9enerator' Type of D"C" 9enerators' Shunt 9enerator Characteristics' Commutation' Commutator Construction'
Armature Reaction' Third !rush Regulation 1 %ts @imitation' System of Connecting Fields' Cutout' Types of
,oltage and Current Regulators' Compensated ,oltage Regulator' Alternators Principle and Constructional
Aspects and !ridge Rectifiers' &e0 Developments' Troule Shooting of 9enerator Alternator"
Unit 7$ Funda.(nta# o" Auto.oti'( E(ct+onic S/#t(.$
Current Trends in Automotive Electronic Engine +anagement System' Electro +agnetic %nterference
Suppression' Electromagnetic Compatiility' Electronic Dashoard %nstruments' onoard Diagnostic System'
Security and Garning System" Type of Sensors' Sensor for Speed' Throttle Position' Exhaust 2xygen @evel'
+anifold Pressure' Cran/shaft Position' Coolant Temperature' Exhaust Temperature' Air +ass Flo0 for Engine
Application' Solenoids' Stepper +otors' Relay" Programmale @ogic Controls' Relay @ogic Control' +otion
I0nition S/#t(.$
Composition of %gnition System' Types of %gnition Systems' +agneto %gnition' +agnetos I %gnition Coil and %ts
Construction' +utual 1 Self %nduction' Condenser' Distriutor 1 Types I Spar/ Plug 1 %ts Construction' Spar/
Plug +aterials' Spar/ Plug @ife' Special Plugs' <eat Ranges' Plug Fouling' Cam Angle 1 Contact Point 9ap I
Rotor Arm I Spar/ Plug Advance +echanism I Centrifugal Advance I %nlet +anifold ,acuum Advance' Fully
,acuum Advance' @imitation of Coil %gnition System' Special %gnition System 1 Devices' 9as?Turine %gniters'
%gnition System Troule Shooting"

Unit 5$ Li04tin0 S/#t(.$
@ights Sources' Energy Demand' <ead?@ights 1 %ts Construction' <ead @ight !eam' <eadlight Da==le' Anti?
Da==le Devices' !uls 1 Gattages' <eadlight Ad6ustments' Fog @amps' Side 1 Tail @ight' !ra/e Garning
@ights' @ed @ighting System' <orn' Giper System' Trafficator' Electrical S0itches' %ndicating 1 Giring Devices'
Electrical Pumps' <eater 1 Defrosters' @atest Trends' Giring 1 %nstallation' Auto Cales' Cale Colors' Cale
Connectors' Giring <arnesses' Circuit !rea/ers' Fuses' Printed Circuits' Plastic Fireoptics' Troule Shooting
Telemetric I !luetooth Technology for Communication' Consumer Electronics in Automoiles"
-a+t ,
Unit 6$ A+c4it(ctu+(
9eneral B !it +icropocessor and %ts Architecture B)BA' P?B) and +c 4B)) +pu and %ts Pin Function ?
Architecture ? Function of Different Sections"
In#t+uction S(t
%nstruction Format ? Addressing +odes ? %nstruction Set of B)BA +pu?T?State ? +achine Cycle and %nstruction
Cycles ? Timing Diagrams ? Different +achine Cycles ? Fetch and Execute 2perations ? Estimation of Execution
Unit %
A##(.:/ Lan0ua0( -annin0
Construct of the @anguage Programming ? Assemly Format of B)BA ? Assemly Directive ? +ultiple Precision
Addition and Sutraction I !CD to !inary and !inary to !CD' +ultiplication' Division' Code Conversion
Using @oo/ Up Tales ? Stac/ and Suroutines"
Data T+an#"(+ Sc4(.(#
%nterrupt Structure ? Programmed %52 ? %nterrupt Driven %52' Dma ? Serial %52"
Int(+"acin0 D('ic(#
Types of %nterfacing Devices ? %nput 5 2utput Ports B(*(' B(AA' B(A*' B(DE" 2ctal @atches and Tristate !uffers ?
A5D and5A Converters ? S0itches' @edMs Rom and Ram %nterfacing"
Data Ac;uisitions ? Temperature Control ? Stepper +otor Control ? Automotive Applications Engine Control'
Suspension System Control' Driver %nformation Systems$' Development of A <igh Speed' <igh Precision
@earning Control System for the Engine Control"
T(Ct ,oo3$
*" Ramesh' 9oan/ar"S"' Q +icroprocessor Architecture Programming and Applications Q'
Te/t Boo"s4
*" A1tomoti+e %lectrical %I1i,ment by !o1ng A.P. < Briiths. &., %lbs < New Press 5EEE.
(" *nderstanding A1tomoti+e %lectronics by $illiam /. #iddens, 5
%dition /1tter $orth Heinemann
$ob1rn, 5EE;.
-" A1tomoti+e %lectrical %I1i,ment by Kohli P.&., Tata Mcgraw Hill Co., &td., New 'elhi,
." *nderstanding A1tomoti+e %lectronics by /echhold, 3A%., 5EE;.
A" A1tomobile %lectrical %I1i,ment by Cro1se, $.H., Mcgraw Hill /oo2 Co., 4nc., New !or2, -
4" Modern %lectrical %I1i,ment o A1tomobiles by @1dge A.$, Cha,man < Hall, &ondon, 5EE7.
D" A1tomoti+e Hand /oo2 by #obert /osch, 3A%. =5
%dition>, 7GGG.
B" Aditya"P"+athur' Q %ntroduction to +icroprocessors Q' %%% Edition' Tata +cgra0?<ill
Pulishing Co @td"' &e0 Delhi' *EBE"
E" Ahson"S"%" Q +icroprocessors Gith Applications in Process Control Q' Tata +cgra0?<ill'
&e0 Delhi' *EB4"
*)" Kae= Dhinagar"S"' Q +icroprocessor Application in Automolies Q"
@ T P Credits
- * ) .C
Unit I$ Int+oduction$
Classification of automoiles according to no" of 0heels' propulsion systems' transmission drives' type of fuels'
application 1 capacity' study of main specifications" Components of an automoile ? functions 1 layout' I
frames' axles' frameless construction' steering system' suspension system' ra/ing system' po0er train 1 drives'
clutch' gear ox' final drive' propeller shaft' u?6oints' vehicle ody' 0heels' tyres 1 tues"
Unit II$ -o)(+ -+oduction$
Selection of engine for t0o 0heeler' three 0heeler 1 four 0heeler vehicles7 constructional 1 0or/ing details of
t0o stro/es 1 four sto/e petrol 1 diesel engines' fuel system' ignition system' starting system' charging system'
lighting system' cooling system' lurication system' comustion 1 comustion chamers"
Unit III$ St((+in0 S/#t(. and Su#>(n#ion S/#t(.$
Steering system re;uirements' front axle details 1 geometry' castor' camer' toe in' toe out' steering geometry'
steering lin/ages' different types of steering gear oxes' their constructional 1 0or/ing details" Concept and
0or/ing of energy asoring and po0er steering
Unit IV$ Su#>(n#ion #/#t(.$
&eed and types of suspension systems' constructional details 1 characteristics of laminated and' coil springs"
%ntroduction to independent suspension' front 1 rear suspension systems of the vehicle' shoc/ asorers"
Unit V$ ,+a3in0 S/#t(.$
&eed and classification of ra/es' drum ra/es and disc ra/es' constructional 1 0or/ing details' introduction to
hydraulic ra/e 1 par/ing ra/e' vacuum assisted hydraulic ra/es' compressed air assisted hydraulic ra/es'
compressed air assisted ra/es' leading 1 trailing ra/e shoes' self energerising ra/es 1 A!S' 0or/ing of
master cylinder' 0heel cylinders' tandem master cylinder' characteristics of ra/e fluid'
Unit VI$ W4((# @ T/+(#$
Gheel re;uirements' types of 0heels' their constructional 1 0or/ing details' rims 1 tyres' types of tyres' tyre
selection' ordinary' radial tyres tueless tyres' their constructional details' comparison 1 application' 0heel
T(Ct ,oo3#$
1. Automotive Technology y Sethi' Tmh' &e0 Delhi
2. Automoile y J"J" Ramalingam' Scitech Pulication' Chennai
3. Automotive Chassis 1 !ody y P"@" Johli' Tmh' &e0 Delhi
R("(+(nc( ,oo3#$
1. +otor ,ehicles y &e0ton Steeds and 9arrot' !utter0orths' @ondon"
2. +echanism of the Car y Kudge A"G' Chapman and <alls @td"' @ondon"
3. Automotive Chassis and !ody y Crouse G"<' +cgra0 I<ill' &e0 8or/"
4. Automoile Engg" y J"J" Kain' R"!" Asthana' Tmh"
5. Automoile Engg #,ol?*$ y Dr" Jripal Singh' Standard Pulisher Distriutors
AE1 785 Fuid M(c4anic# and H/d+auic Mac4in(#
@ T P Credits
- * ) .C
Unit 9$
,a#ic Conc(>t @ -+o>(+ti(#$
Fluid I Definition' Distinction !et0een Solid and Fluid I Units and Dimensions I Properties of Fluids I Density'
Specific Geight' Specific ,olume' Specific 9ravity' Temperature' ,iscosity' Compressiility' ,apour Pressure'
Capillary and Surface Tension I Fluid Statics> Concept of Fluid Static Pressure' Asolute and 9auge Pressure
+easurements y +anometers and Pressure 9auges"

Unit B$
Fuid <in(.atic# and Fuid D/na.ic#$
Fluid Jinematics ? Flo0 ,isuali=ation I @ines of Flo0 I Types of Flo0 I,elocity Field and Acceleration I
Continuity E;uation #one and Three Dimensional Differential Forms$? E;uation of Streamline I Stream Function
I ,elocity Potential Function I Circulation I Flo0 &et"
Unit 7$
Fuid D/na.ic#>
E;uations of +otion? Euler3s E;uation Along A Streamline I !ernoulli3s E;uation I Applications I
,enturimeter' 2rifice +eter' 2ther Flo0 +easurement %nstruments' Pilot Tue" Dimensional Analysis
Dimensional &umers' Their Application" I !uc/ingham3s Theorem I Applications I Similarity @a0s and
Unit 5$
Inco.>+(##i:( Fuid Fo)$
,iscous Flo0 I &avier I Sto/e3s E;uation #Statement only$ I Shear Stress' Pressure 9radient Relationship
@aminar Flo0 !et0een Parallel Plates I @aminar Flo0 Through Circular Tues #<agen Poiseulle3s$ I <ydraulic
and Energy 9radient I Flo0 Through Pipes I Darcy I Geisac/3s E;uation I Pipe Roughness IFriction Factor I
+ody3s Diagram I +inor @osses ? Flo0 Through Pipes in Series and in Parallel I Po0er Transmission I
!oundary @ayer Flo0s' !oundary @ayer Thic/ness' !oundary @ayer Separation I Drag and @ift Coefficients"

Unit 6$
H/d+auic Tu+:in(#$
%mpact of Ket on Flat' Curved 1 +oving Plates IFluid +achines> Definition and Classification I Exchange of
Energy I Euler3s E;uation for Turo +achines I Construction of ,elocity ,ector Diagram3s I <ead and Specific
Gor/ I Component of Energy Transfer I Degree of Reaction"
Unit %$
H/d+auic -u.># Co.>+(##o+ @ Fan#$
Pumps> Definition and Classifications I Centrifugal Pump> Classifications' Gor/ing Principles' ,elocity
Triangles' Specific Speed' Efficiency and Performance Curves I Reciprocating Pump> Classification' Gor/ing
Principles' %ndicator Diagram' Gor/ Saved y Air ,essels and Performance Curves I Cavitations in Pumps
Rotary Pumps> Gor/ing Principles of 9ear and ,ane Pumps" Definition I Classification Difference' Efficiency'
and Performance Curves Special Application in Auto +oile %ndustries"
Te/t Boo"s4
*"9l1id Mechanics and Hydra1lics Machines =5
%dition> by /ansal, #.K., &a)mi P1blications =P> &td., New
'elhi, 5EE5.
(" 9l1id Mechanics by 3treeter, ".&. and $ylie, %./, Mcgraw.Hill, 5E;-
-" Hydra1lic Machines. Theory and 'esign by "asandani, ".P., Khanna P1blishers, 5EE7
." 9l1id Mechanics and %l1id Machinery by (?a, /erndtsson,, ()ord *ni+ersity Press43/N EH;G5E56EE6-G
Re-ere!ce Boo"s4
*" 9l1id Mechanics < Machines, by '.3. K1mar, Kataria P1b.
(" 9l1id Mechanics by $hite, 9.M., Tata Mcgraw.Hill, 5
%dition, New 'elhi, 7GG-
-" 4ntrod1ction to 9l1id Mechanics and 9l1id Machines by 3om, 3.K. and /iswas, B., Tata Mcgraw Hill, 7

%dition, 7GG:.
:. 9l1id Mechanics Cengel, !o1n1s Tata Mc Braw Hill
5. 9l1id Mechanics 4 H 3hames
L T - C+(dit#
7 9 8 5H
Unit19$ Int+oduction to En0in((+in0 Econo.ic#
Concept of engineering economics I Engineering efficiency7 Demand Analysis' @a0 of Demand' Determinants
of demand' Elasticity of demand?Price' %ncome and cross elasticity" Uses of concepts of elasticity of demand in
managerial decision' introduction to micro and macro?economics"
Unit1B$ D(.and Fo+(ca#tin0 and Co#t E#ti.ation
+eaning' significance and methods of demand forecasting' production function' @a0s of returns to scale 1 @a0
of Diminishing returns scale" An overvie0 of Short and @ong run cost curves I fixed cost' variale cost' average
cost' marginal cost' 2pportunity cost' !rea/?Even?Analysis"
Unit17$ Ti.( Vau( o" Mon(/
Present 0orth' annual 0orth' Future 0orth' internal rate of return' External rate of return"
Unit15$ Co.>a+i#on a.on0 at(+nati'(#
Present 0orth method #Revenue dominated cash flo0 diagram$' Future 0orth method #Revenue dominated cash
flo0 diagram' cost dominated cash flo0 diagram$' Annual e;uivalent method #Revenue dominated cash flo0
diagram' cost dominated cash flo0 diagram$' rate of return method' Examples in all the methods"
Unit-5: Depreciation and Taxes
Depreciation- Introduction, Classical Methods: Straight line method o depreciation, declining !alance method o
depreciation-Sum o the "ears digits method o depreciation, sin#ing und method o depreciation$ %nnuit" method o
depreciation, Modiied accelerated cost reco&er" s"stem, 'a( concepts and ater ta( economic comparison.
Unit1%$ ,oo3 <((>in0
Principles of doule entry system> an/ reconciliation statement' single entry system> 6oint venture and
consignment account"
Su00(#t(d R(adin0#$
*" Engineering Economy' Sullivan' Gic/s' and Joelling' Pearson %nternational
(" +acroeconomics> Understanding the Gealth of &ations y David +iles and Andre0 Scott' Giley
AE1178% M(a#u+(.(nt @ In#t+u.(ntation La: 88B BC
AE1178* FMHM ? -o)(+ Unit# @ T+an#.i##ion La: 88B BC
AE11782 Auto.oti'( E(ct+ica S/#t(. ? E(ct+onic# La: 88B BA
AE1178D Mino+ -+oA(ct1I88B 885 5C
@ T P Credits
- * ) .C
%ntroduction to mechanical engineering design' design process' interaction et0een design process elements'
design?economics' uncertainty' stress and strength' factors of safety' reliaility' proailistic approach to design"
Selection of materials? the asics' selection strategy' engineering materials? ferrous and non? ferrous metals' heat
treatment of metals' designation of steels as per %S> *AD)?*EDB' AST+ standards"' computer aided selection"
+anufacturing considerations in design' interchangeaility' limits' fits' and tolerances as per %ndian std" system'
surface roughness"
Failures resulting from static loading' static strength' and stress concentration"Failures resulting from variale
loading' introduction to fatigue to metals' Strain life relationship' stress life relationship" Endurance limit
modifying factors' stress concentration and notch sensitivity' Cumulative fatigue damage' design factors in
!asics of finite element analysis and its application to the design of machine components" FEA? 0eighted
residual approach and variational approach' simple applications using *D and (D elements"
Design of spur gears using @e0is e;uation and A9+A design e;uations"
Design of scre0s' design of olted' 0elded and riveted 6oints? under direct and eccentric loads' design of pipes
and pipe 6oints"
Design of shafts' /eys' couplings #rigid and flexile$' design of po0er scre0s' closed coil helical and leaf springs
#laminated$ for static and fatigue loading"
Su00(#t(d R(adin0#$
*" Shigley' K" E"' +isch/e' C" R" and !udynas' R" 9"' +echanical Engineering Design' +c9ra0 <ill' Dth
Edition' ())." %nternational"
(" Kuvinall' R" C"' and +arshe/' J" +"' Fundamental of +achine Component Design' Kohn Giley and Sons'
-" <amroc/' !" K"' Kacoson' !" Schmidt' S" R"' Fundamentals of +achine Elements" +c9ra0 <ill' *EEE"
." &orton' R" @"' +achine Design> An %ntegrated Approach' Pearson Education' %ndian Reprint?())*"
A" 'esign o Machine %lements by M.9.3,otts, Prentice Hall.5EE;
'esign o Machine %lements by ". /. /handari, Tata Mcgraw Hill P1b.5EE:
@ T P Credits
- * ) .C
Turomachinery Principles' Energy transfer et0een fluid and rotor' classification of fluid machinery'
dimensionless parameters' specific speed' applications' stage velocity triangles' 0or/ and efficiency for
compressors and turines"
Types' stage and design parameters' flo0 analysis in impeller lades' volute and diffusers' losses'
Characteristics curves and selection' fan drives and fan noise"
Construction details' types' impeller flo0 losses' slip factor' diffuser analysis' losses and performance curves"
Stage velocity triangles' enthalpy?entropy diagrams' stage losses and efficiency' 0or/ done factor' simple
Stage design prolems and performance characteristics"
Stage velocity diagrams' reaction stages' losses and coefficients lade design principles' testing and
Performance characteristics"
Ga# D/na.ic#>? Continuity E;uation' +omentum E;uation' Energy E;uation' Stagnation Properties7 %sentropic
Flo0 Gith ,ariale Area' Gave +otion7 Flo0 Gith &ormal Shoc/ Gaves' 2li;ue Shoc/ Gaves' Flo0 in
Constant Area Duct Gith Friction and Gith <eat Transfer' +easurement of Fluid Properties' Anemometer' Flo0
;(t -+o>u#ion>? Aircraft Propulsion Theory' Ram6et Engine' Pulse6et Engine7 Roc/et Propulsion' @i;uid
Propellant' Solid Propellant' Roc/et Propulsion Theory' Roc/et Applications' Space Flights"
Su00(#t(d R(adin0#$
*" S"+" 8ahya' Q Fundamentals of Compressile Flo0 Q' &e0 Age %nternational #P$@imited' &e0 Delhi' *EE4"
(" P"<ill and C" Peterson' Q +echanics and Thermodynamics of Propulsion Q' Addison ?
Gesley Pulishing Company' *EE("
-" &"K" Pucro0' Q Aircraft and +issile Propulsion' ,ol" % 1 %% Q' Kohn Giley ' *EDA"
." &"K" Pucro0' Q Principles of Ket Propulsion and 9as Turines Q' Kohn Giley' &e0 8or/' *ED)"
A" <"Cohen' 9"E"C"Rogers and Saravanamuttoo' Q 9as Turine Theory Q' @ongman 9roup @td"' *EB)"
4" 9"P"Sutton' Q Roc/et Propulsion Elements Q' Kohn Giley' *EB4' &e0 8or/"
D" A"<"Shapiro' Q Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Compressile Fluid Flo0 ,ol"Jl Q'
Kohn Giley ' *EA-' &e0 8or/"
B" ,"9anesan' Q 9as Turines Q' Tata +cgra0 <ill Pulishing Co"' &e0 Delhi' *EEE.
L T - C+(dit#
7 8 8 7A
Unit19$ O>(+ation# #t+at(0/ and co.>(titi'(n(##
%ntroduction to P2+' 2perations strategy' strategy design process' corporate and operations strategies'
2perations competitive dimensions"
Unit1B$ -+oduct and -+oc(## D(#i0n
Product design and development processes' product life cycle' Process flo0 chart' Types of processes' Process
performance' @earning curve"
Unit17$ Faciit/ ocation and La/out
Factors affecting the location decisions' methods of facility location? factor rating systems' centroid method' and
profit volume analysis7 Types of layout' !loc/ diagram and Assemly @ine !alancing"
Unit15$ D(.and Fo+(ca#tin0
Lualitative and ;uantitative forecasting' Time series and regression models' +easures of forecasting errors"
Unit16$ In'(nto+/ .od(
%mportance of inventory' understoc/ing and overstoc/ing' Fixed order ;uantity models and fixed time period
models #E2L models$' Selective inventory management? A!C' ,ED' and FS& analysis"
Unit1%$ L(an Manu"actu+in0
K%T manufacturing system' Toyota production systems? JA&!A& model' and elimination of 0aste"
Text !oo/
*" 2perations +anagement' Kay <ei=er' !arry Render7 Pearson learning
(" 2perations management for competitive advantage7 Chase' Kaco' and A;uilano7 T+<
-" +odern Production52perations +anagement' !uffa and Serin' Kohn Geily %ndia"
@ T P Credits
- ) ) -C
M(anin0 @ n((d "o+ #a"(t/" Relationship of safety 0ith plant design' e;uipment
Design and 0or/ environment" %ndustrial accidents' their nature' types and causes"
Assessment of accident costs7 prevention of accidents" %ndustrial ha=ards' ha=ard
%dentification techni;ues' accident investigation' reporting and analysis"
-annin0 "o+ #a"(t/> definition' purpose' nature' scope and procedure" Range of
Planning' variety of plans" Policy formulation and implementation of safety policies"
Sa"(t/ .(a#u+(# in a .anu"actu+in0 o+0aniHation' safety and economics' safety
And productivity" Employees participation in safety" Safety standards and legislation
Maint(nanc( o" +(co+d# and #c4(du(#
%mportance of maintenance' preventive #scheduled$ and rea/do0n #unscheduled$
+aintenance' re;uirements of maintenance' preparation of chec/ lists" %nspection
Schedule' maintenance of records' log sheets and other forms' safety precautions in
En0in( .aint(nanc( E +(>ai+ and o'(+4auin0
Dismantling of engine components and cleaning' cleaning methods' visual and
Dimensional inspections' minor and ma6or reconditioning of various components'
Reconditioning methods' engine assemly' special tools used for maintenance
2verhauling' engine tune up" Performance evaluation for maintenance"
C4a##i# .aint(nanc( 1 +(>ai+ and o'(+4auin0
+echanical and automoile clutch and gear ox' servicing and maintenance'
+aintenance servicing of propeller shaft and differential system" +aintenance 1servicing
of suspension systems" !ra/e systems' types and servicing techni;ues" Steering
Systems' overhauling and maintenance" Gheel alignment' computeri=ed alignment and
Gheel alancing"
Maint(nanc( o" auto.oti'( ((ct+ica #/#t(. #(+'icin0 and +(>ai+#
Testing methods for chec/ing electrical components' chec/ing attery' starter motor'
Charging systems' dc generator and alternator' ignitions system' lighting systems" Fault
Diagnosis and maintenance of modern electronic controls' chec/ing and servicing of
Dash oard instruments"
Maint(nanc( o" "u( #/#t(.F cooin0 #/#t(.#F u:+ication #/#t(. and '(4ic(
Servicing and maintenance of fuel system of different types of vehicles' caliration and
Tuning of engine for optimum fuel supply" Cooling systems' 0ater pump' radiator'
Thermostat' anticorrosion and antifree=e additives" @urication maintenance' luricating
2il changing' greasing of parts" ,ehicle ody maintenance' minor and ma6or repairs"
Door loc/s and 0indo0 glass actuating system maintenance"
Text !oo/
*" Kohn Do/e OFleet +anagementN' +c9ra0?<ill Co" *EB.
(" Fra=e'prving O Automotive +aintenance 1 TrouleshootingN" +ir Pulishers' +osco0*ED4"

*" Kames D <alderman I Advanced Engine Performance Diagnosis I P<% I *EEB"
(" Service +anuals from Different ,ehicle +anufacturers"
-" Audel I 9as Engine +anual I D"!" Taraporevala pulishers' !omay"

@ T P Credits
- * ) .C
Transmission> %ntroduction' re;uirements of automoile propulsion and transmission system' Discussion on
tractive effort and other performance parameters"
Clutch> &eed of clutch' types of clutches' construction of clutch systems and clutch plates' operation and tor;ue
transmission characteristics" C,T' diaphragm and centrifugal clutch and fluid fly0heel"
9ear ox> Re;uirements of gearox' different types of gear oxes vi= sliding 'constant mesh and
Synchromesh' construction details of gear oxes"
<ydro?dynamic drive> Fluid coupling' principle and operation tor;ue capacity performance characteristic' tor;ue
converter construction' principle of operation' tor;ue capacity' multistage tor;ue converter performance"
Automatic transmission> Construction and operating principle' three for0ard and reverse' four for0ard and
reverse" 2ver drive unit need and its operation" <ydrostatic drive> construction and operation" Electric drive
Gard @eonard control system' construction and operation' advantages and disadvantages"
Unit ,%
Drive line and Differential> &eed and construction of drive line components' universal 6oints" &eed and
re;uirement of differential' principle of operation and construction" @imitations of ordinary differential and
concept of limited slip differential"
Te/t boo"s 4
5. Cro1se $ and Anglin ', A1tomoti+e Mechanics, Tata Mcgraw Hill P1blication ltd 5Gthedition 7GG:
7. Na2ra C P, /asic A1tomobile, 'han,at #ai P1blication Co. &td H
-. @ose,e Heitner A1tomoti+e Mechanics Princi,le and Practice, %ast $est Press 7
edition 5EEE.
:. Motor "ehicle by Newton, Berre and 3teeds, /H ,1blications.
5.P 3 Bill, A1tomobile %ngineering, 3K Kataria < 3ons
AE?-*4 Tu+:o.ac4in(+/ ? T+i:oo0/ @a ) ) ( (C

AE -*DD(#i0n o" M?C E(.(nt# La: 8 8 7 7C
AE -*EMino+ -+oA(ct EII 8 8 5 5C
AE -() Indu#t+ia T+ainin0 ?????? (C
D(#i0n o" "+iction cutc4(#> common friction materials' single plate' multi plate and centrifugal clutches and
their characteristics and design of friction clutches"
M(c4anica 0(a+#>
Design of <elical' !evel and Gorm 9ears' !elt and Chain drives and Automotive 9ear ox assemly"
Common friction materials' shoe' and' cone and disc ra/es their characteristics and design of ra/e assemly"
D(#i0n o" ,(a+in0#$
Roin0 contact :(a+in0$ types of rolling contact earings' static and dynamic load capacities' Striec/3s e;uation'
e;uivalent earing load' load life relationship' earing life' load factor' selection of earings from manufacturers
catalogue" @urication and mountings' dismounting and preloading of earings' oil seals and pac/ing"
#idin0 contact :(a+in0#$ earing material and their properties' earing types' and their
constructional details' hydrodynamic lurication? asic theory' design consideration in
hydrodynamic earings' Raimondi and !oyd method relating earing variales"
D(#i0n o" En0in( -a+t#> Piston' Engine ,alves' Cylinder' Connecting Rod' Cran/ Shaft for C% and S% engines"
Unit EVI
Int+oduction to t4( d(#i0n o" auto.o:i( c4a##i#$ a(+od/na.ic "o+.uation#
Te/t Boo"s4
5. Malee+e Hartman and (.P. Bro+er, CMachine 'esignF, C/3 P1blication < P1blishers.
7. "./ /handari, CMachine 'esignF, Tata Mcgraw Hill.
-. P.C. 3harma and '.K Aggarwal., CMachine 'esignF, 3.K. Kataria < 3ons.
Re-ere!ce Boo"4
5. Mahade+an, C'esign 'ata /oo2F, C/3 P1blication < P1blishers
7. Mechanical Assemblies by 'aniel % $hitney, ()ord *ni+. Press
L T - Tota
7 9 8 5C
Unit I$ Int+oduction
%ntroduction' Definition and o6ectives of %ndustrial Engineering' Scope of %ndustrial Engineering' Production
systems and their classifications7 Productivity?Total and partial productivity' Reasons and remedy for poor
Unit II$ ;o: ana/#i# and Wo+3 M(a#u+(.(nt S/#t(.#
Gor/ System Design> Taylor3s scientific management' 9ilreth3s contriutions7 method study' micro?motion
study' principles of motion economy7 0or/ measurement ? stop 0atch time study' micro motion and memo
motion' 0or/ sampling' standard data' P+TS7 ergonomics7 6o evaluation' merit rating' incentive schemes' and
0age administration7 usiness process reengineering"
Unit III$ -+oduction -annin0 and Cont+o
Types and characteristics of production systems 26ective and functions of Production' Planning 1 Control'
Routing' Scheduling and 2perations scheduling' production scheduling' 6o shop scheduling prolems'
se;uencing prolems' scheduling tools and techni;ues' @oading' Dispatching and its sheets 1 9antt charts"
Unit IV$ !uait/ En0in((+in0
Luality concept and costs7 statistical ;uality control' Concept of specification limits' statistical control limits'
process capaility' Process control and control charts for oth attriutes and variale data" Acceptance Sampling?
Single and doule sampling"
Unit V$ R(ia:iit/ and Maint(nanc(
Reliaility' availaility and maintainaility7 distriution of failure and repair times7 determination of +T!F and
+TTR' reliaility models7 system reliaility determination7 +aintenance management and its o6ectives'
,arious types of +aintenance Planning' <ouse Jeeping' AS concepts"
Unit VI$ Mat(+ia Handin0
Principles' functions' and o6ectives of +aterial <andling7 Selection and classification of +aterial <andling
E;uipments7 Relation of material handling 0ith plant layout"
1. Industrial Engineering and Management; B. Kumar, Khanna Publication.
2. Introduction to work Stud; !"#ord and IB$ %ublishing &o. P't. (td, )ew *elhi
9eneral Design of Tractors > Classification of Tractors?+ain Components of Tractor?Safety Rules"
Control of the Tractor and Fundamentals of Engine 2peration> Tractor Controls and the Starting of the
Tractor Engines?!asic &otions and Definition?Engine Cycles?2peration of +ulticylinder Engines?9eneral
Engine Design ? !asic Engine Performance Characteristics"
Engine Frame Gor/ and ,alve +echanism of Tractor> Cylinder and Pistons?Connecting Rods And
Cran/shafts Engine !alancing I Construction and 2peration of the ,alve +echanism?,alve +echanism
Components I ,alve +echanism Troules"
Cooling System' @urication System and Fuel System of A Tractor> Cooling System I Classification I
@i;uid Cooling System I Components' @uricating System Servicing and Troules I Air Cleaner and Turo
Charger I Fuel Tan/s and Filters IFuel Pumps"
Farm E;uipments> Gor/ing Attachment of Tractors?Farm E;uipment I Classification I Auxiliary
E;uipment I Trailers and !ody Tipping +echanism"
%ntroduction of off Road ,ehicles> Classification of off Road ,ehicles and Their Application
Excavator> Different Types of Shovel and Dragline' Their Construction ' 2perating
Principles' 2perating Cycles " Production Capacity and Cost of Production
Transport E;uipment> ,arious Types of Dumpers' +ain System' Components and Carrying Capacity of
Road +a/ing and +aintenance +achines> Different Types of Do=er' 9rader' and Their Construction"
2perating Principles' Production Capacity and Application +echanism"
2ther E;uipment> Scraper and Front End @oader' Their Construction and 2peration
+aintenance> +aintenance Aspect of off Road ,ehicles"
Referrences >
*" Arosimov' J" !ran !erg' A and Jatayer' J" Road +a/ing +achinery' + % R" Pulishers +osco0"
(" De' A" @atest Development of <eavy Earth +oving +achinery' Annapurna Pulishers' Dhanad *EEA
-" &ichols' <erer @ #Kr"$' +oving the Earth' 9algotia Pulishing <ouse' &e0 Delhi'
." Rudnev' ," J" ' Digging of Soils y Earthmover Gith Po0er Parts' 2xanian Press Pvt" @td"' &e0
Delhi' *EBA
*" Rodichev and 9"Rodicheva' Tractor and Automoiles' +ir Pulishers' *EBD
(" Jolchin" A"' and ,"Demidov Design of Automotive Engines for Tractor' +ir
Pulishers' *ED(

AE 587: Co.>ut(+ Si.uation o" I&C En0in( -+oc(##
@ T P Credits
- * ) .
%ntroduction ? <eat of Reaction ? +easurement of URP ? +easurement of <RP ? Adiaatic Flame Temperature>
Complete Comustion in C5<525& Systems' Constant ,olume Adiaatic Comustion' Constant Pressure
Adiaatic Comustion" Calculation of Adiaatic Flame Temperature ? %sentropic Changes of State"
Si Engine Simulation Gith Air As Gor/ing +edium
Deviation !et0een Actual and %deal Cycle ? Prolems' S% Engine Simulation Gith Adiaatic Comustion'
Temperature Drop Due to Fuel ,apourisation' Full Throttle 2peration ? Efficiency Calculation' Part?Throttle
2peration' Super Charged 2peration"
Progressive Comustion
S% Engines Simulation Gith Progressive Comustion Gith 9as Exchange Process' <eat Transfer Process'
Friction Calculation' Compression of Simulated ,alues' ,alidation of the Computer Code' Engine Performance
Simulation' Pressure Cran/ Angle Diagram and another Engine Performance" Simulation of (?Stro/e S% Engines"
Diesel Engine Simulation
+ulti Pone +odel for Comustion' Different <eat Transfer +odels' E;uilirium Calculations' Simulation of
Engine Performance' Simulation for Pollution Estimation"
*" 9anesan"," Q Computer Simulation of Spar/ %gnition Engine Process Q'
Universities Press #%$ @td' <yderad' *EE4"
(" Ramoss"A"@"' Q +odelling of %nternal Comustion Engines Processes Q'
+cgra0 <ill Pulishing Co"' *EE("
-" Ashley Campel' Q Thermodynamic Analysis of Comustion Engines Q' Kohn
Giley 1 Sons' &e0 8or/' *EB4"
." !enson"R"S"' Ghitehouse"&"D"' Q %nternal Comustion Engines Q' Pergamon Press'
2xford' *EDE

L T - C+(dit#
7 9 8 5
Int+oduction to Co.>o#it(#
9eneral %ntroduction and Concept' <istorical Development' Concept of Composite +aterials' +aterial
Properties That Can !e %mproved y Forming A Composite +aterial1 %ts Engineering Potential
,a#ic D("inition# and Ca##i"ication o" Co.>o#it(#
!asic Definitions' ,arious Types of Composites' Classification !ased on +atrix +aterial> 2rganic +atrix
Composites Polymer +atrix Composites #P+C$' Caron +atrix Composites 2r Caron?Caron Composites'
+etal +atrix Composites #++C$' Ceramic +atrix Composites #C+C$7 Classification !ased on
Reinforcements> Fier Reinforced Composites' Fier Reinforced Polymer #FRP$ Composites' @aminar
Composites' Particulate Composites
Ad'anta0(# o" Co.>o#it(# Mat(+ia#
Comparison Gith +etals' Advantages 1 @imitations of Composites
,a#ic Con#titu(nt# Mat(+ia# in Co.>o#it(#$
T/>(# o" R(in"o+c(.(nt#?Fi:(+#
Role and Selection 2r Reinforcement +aterials' Types of Fiers' 9lass Fiers' Caron Fiers' Aramid Fiers '
+etal Fiers' Alumina Fiers' !oron Fiers' Silicon Caride Fiers' Luart= and Silica Fiers' +ultiphase Fiers'
Ghis/ers' Fla/es Etc"' +echanical Properties of Fiers" Mat+iC Mat(+ia#
Functions of A +atrix' Desired Properties of A +atrix' Polymer +atrix #Thermosets and Thermoplastics$' +etal
+atrix' Ceramic +atrix' Caron +atrix' 9lass +atrix Etc
Fi:(+# R(in"o+c(.(nt Co.>o#it( Mat(+ia# (9 Hou+)
Fier Reinforced Polymer #FRP$ @aminated Composites @amina 1 @aminate @ay?Up" Ph?2rientation Definition
,(4a'iou+ o" A La.inat(1I$
I#ot+o>ic Ea#ticit/@ -an( St+(## Conc(>t in 71D
@inear Elastic Stress?Strain Characteristics of FRP Composites' Stress and Strain Components in -?D'
9enerali=ed <oo/e3s @a0 in -?D' Stress?Strain Relations in -?D for %sotropic Case"
Ani#ot+o>ic?O+t4ot+o>ic Ea#ticit/
Stress?Strain Relations for %sotropic and 2rthotropic Cases
To+#iona @ Mat+iC Notation#
Concept of Cartesian Tensor' %ndicial &otation and Torsional Representations in Elasticity' ,oigt3s &otations
,(4a'iou+ o" A La.inat(1II$
M(c4anic# o" Load1T+an#"(+ in La.inat(
+echanics of @oad?Transfer in A @aminate
Prediction of Engineering Property in A @aminate
La.inat(?-/ St+(##1St+ain R(ation#
@amina Stress?Strain A Relation in +aterial Coordinates' Transformation Relations' @amina Stress?Strain
Relations in Structure 9loal Coordinates
La.inat(d Co.>o#it(#1I
M(c4anic# o" -at(#?<i+c44o""G# -at( T4(o+/
Conc(>t o" La.inat(
@aminate Strain?Displacement Relationship !ased on Jirchhoff3s <ypothesis
M(c4anica ,(4a'iou+ o" Unidi+(ctionaF C+o##1-/ and An0(1-/
St+uctu+a M(c4anic# o" La.inat(#
La.inat(d Co.>o#it(#1II
St+uctu+a M(c4anic# o" La.inat(#
@aminate Stiffness ?+atrices
S>(cia Ca##i"ication o" La.inat(#
Symmetric "Anti?Symmetric and &on?Symmetric @aminates
St+(n0t4 and Faiu+( Conc(>t#
St+(n0t4 o" La.inat(#
Faiu+( M(c4anic# o" Co.>o#it(#
Mac+o1M(c4anica Faiu+( T4(o+i(#
+aximum Stress Theory' +aximum Strain Theory' Tsai?<ill Theory' Tsai?Gu Theory
Co.>a+i#on o" Faiu+( T4(o+i(#
D(#i0n Conc(>t#$
D(#i0n I##u(#
T/>ica St+uctu+a Co.>on(nt D(#i0n -+oc(##
La.inat( Ana/#i#?D(#i0n So"t)a+(
Co.>o#it( Cod(# @ Standa+d#
Manu"actu+in0 -+oc(##(#
-+oc(##in0 o" Co.>o#it( Mat(+ia#
2verall Considerations' Autoclave Curing' 2ther +anufacturing Processes
Fier?only Performs' Comined Fier?+atrix Performs"
Manu"actu+in0 T(c4ni=u(#$ Tooling and Specialty +aterials' Release Agents' Peel Plies' Release Films and
Farics' !leeder and !reather Plies' !agging Films
S>(cia To>ic# $
T(#tin0 o" Co.>o#it(# (ENGN5699)
+echanical Testing of Composites' Tensile Testing' Compressive Testing' %ntra?@aminar Shear Testing' %nter?
@aminar Shear Testing' Fracture Testing Etc
En'i+on.(nta E""(ct# on Co.>o#it(#
Mic+o.(c4anic# o" La.ina(
En0in((+in0 A>>ication#
G(n(+a En0in((+in0 A>>ication# o" FR- Co.>o#it(#
Applications Related to Aerospace' Automoile' !ridge and 2ther Civil Engineering Structures' Case Studies"
AE1 587d Mod(+n V(4ic( T(c4noo0/$
@ T P Credits
- * ) .
Trends in Po0er Plants
<yrid ,ehicles ? Stratified Charged 5 @earn !urn Engines ? <ydrogen Engines ? !attery ,ehicles I Electric
Propulsion Gith Cales ? +agnetic Trac/ ,ehicles"
Suspension !ra/es and Safety
Air Suspension ? Closed @oop Suspension ? Antis/id !ra/ing System' Retarders' Regenerative !ra/ing Safety
Cage ? Air !ags ? Crash Resistance ? Passenger Comfort"
&oise 1 Pollution
Reduction of &oise ? %nternal 1 External Pollution Control Through Alternate Fuels5Po0er Plants I Catalytic
Converters and Filters for Particulate Emission"
,ehicle 2peration and Control
Computer Control for Pollution and &oise Control and for Fuel Economy ? Transducers and Actuators ?
%nformation Technology for Receiving Proper %nformation and 2peration of the ,ehicle @i/e 2ptimum Speed
and Direction"
,ehicle Automated Trac/s
Preparation and +aintenance of Proper Road &et0or/ ? &ational <igh0ay &et0or/ Gith Automated Roads and
,ehicles ? Satellite Control of ,ehicle 2peration for Safe and Fast Travel"
5. /erane2.&.&. D Noise #ed1ction D, Mcgraw.Hill /oo2 Co., 4nc, New !or2, 5EE-.
7. D /osch Hand /oo2 D, -rd %dition, 3A%., 5EE-.
AE1 587( Auto.oti'( A(+od/na.ic# @ CFD
*" A(+od/na.ic# "o+ Auto.o:i(# 1 Fluid Properties' Fluid Statics' +easurement of Pressure' Fluid
Jinematics' Fluid Dynamics' Euler and !ernoulli E;uations' &s E;uations' Dimensional Analysis And
Similitude' ,iscous Flo0' Flo0 2ver %mmersed !odies' !oundary @ayer' Production of @ift and Drag'
Effect of AE?Rodynamic Forces on Staility of the ,ehicle
-" Co.>utationa Fuid D/na.ic# 1 Fundamentals of CFD !asics of Finite Difference and Finite
,olume +ethods' !oundary Conditions' %nitial Conditions' Choice of Turulence +odels' +erits And
@imitations of Commercial CFD Tools
." A(+od/na.ic St/in0 o" V(4ic(# 1 Effect of Shape and Si=e of ,arious Exterior Parts of the ,ehicle
on the Drag Force' Details of Effect of Shape on AE?Rodynamics of ,arious ,ehicles> Passenger Car'
Suv' Utility ,an' +ini !us' !us' Cargo' Truc/ and To0ing ,ehicle
A(+od/na.ic# o" Rac( Ca+# 1 AE?Rodynamic Features of Race Cars' +easures to Create &egative @ift'
Front and Rear Gings' Staility Consideration' Fluid Flo0 2ver !ra/es
A" T4(+.a Mana0(.(nt in V(4ic(# 1 Engine Cooling Re;uirements' Underhood Cooling' +echanism of
Drag Production y the Cooling System"
4" EC>(+i.(nta -+oc(du+( and Faciiti(# 1 !asics of Gind Tunnels' Types of Gind Tunnels'
%nstrumentation for Gind Tunnels> Pressure +easurement' ,elocity +easurement' Force and +oment
+easurement Devices' Flo0 ,isuali=ation' Case Studies of Different Gind Tunnels Used for ,ehicle
Aerodynamics Experimentation"
*" !ruce R" +unson' Donald F" 8oung' Theodore <" 2/ishi' 91ndamentals o 9l1id Mechanics'
.th Edition' Kohn Giley andSons %nc' ())(
(" Kohn F" Doughlas' Kanus= +" 9asiore/' Kohn A" S0affield' ' 9l1id Mechanics, Ath Edition' Prentice
<all' ())4"
-" <ucho G" <"' A%.#odynamics o #oad "ehicles' .th Edition' SAE? %nternational' *EEB
." Koseph Jat=' #ace Car A%.#odynamics' Roert !entley Pulishers' Camridge' +a' *EEA
A" !arnard R"<"' #oad "ehicle A%.#odynamic 'esign8 An 4ntrod1ction, @ongman' *EE4
4" Ke0el !" !arlo0' Gillium <" RAE?' Alan Pope' &ow 3,eed $ind T1nnel Testing, -rd Edition' Giley
%nterscience' *EEE
D" <olman K"P"' Heat Transer, Bth Edition' +c 9ra0 <ill Company' U/' ())*"
B" Steven Daly' A1tomoti+e Air.Conditioning and Climate Control 3ystems, !utter0orth?<einemann'
Elsevier' +a' ())4
AE1587" Co.>ut(+ Aid(d V(4ic( D(#i0n and Sa"(t/
@ T P Credits
- * ) .
Unit 9$ Int+oduction$
Study and Selection of ,ehicle Specifications I Choice of Cycle' Fuel' Speed' Cylinder Arrangement' &umer of
Cylinders' +ethod of Cooling' +aterial' Design ,ariales and 2perating ,ariales Affecting Performance and
Unit B$ V(4ic( ,od/ D(tai#$
Types> Saloon' Convertiles' @imousine' Estate Car' Racing and Sports Car" ,isiility> Regulations' Driver3s
,isiility' Test for ,isiility' +ethods of %mproving ,isiility and Space in Cars" Safety Design' Safety
E;uipments for Cars" Car !ody Construction7 Design Criteria' Prototype +a/ing' %nitial Tests' Crash Tests on
Full Scale +odel' Dummies and %nstrumentation"

Unit 7$ V(4ic( AE1Rod/na.ic#$
26ectives" ,ehicle Drag and Types> ,arious Types of Forces and +oments' Effects of Forces and +oments'
Side Gind Effects on Forces and +oments' ,arious !ody 2ptimi=ation Techni;ues for +inimum Drag' Gind
Tunnel Testing> Flo0 ,isuali=ation Techni;ues' Scale +odel Testing' Component !alance to +easure Forces
and +oments" 9ear Ratios Determination of 9ear Ratios' Acceleration and 9radaility"
Unit 5$ -(+"o+.anc( Cu+'(#$
Residence' Po0er and Tor;ue Curve' Driving Force Against ,ehicle Speed?Acceleration and 9radaility in
Different 9ears for A Typical Car 2r Truc/ Plotted From Specifications"
Unit 6$ En0in( D(#i0n$
Pressure ,olume Diagram' Frictional +ean Effective Pressure' Engine Capacity' Calculation of !ore and Stro/e
@ength' ,elocity and Acceleration' 9as Force' %nertia and Resultant Force At ,arious Cran/ Angles I Side
Thrust on Cylinder Galls"

Unit %$ ,od/ Mat(+ia#F T+i. and M(c4ani#.#$
Steel Sheet' Timer' Plastic' 9rp' Properties of +aterials7 Corrosion' Anticorrosion +ethods" Selection of Paint
and Painting Process" !ody Trim %tems" !ody +echanisms"
T(Ct ,oo3#$
*" Automoile +echanics y 9iri" &"J"' Jhanna Pulishers I &e0 Delhi I ())(
(" <igh Speed Comustion Engine y <eldt" P"+"' 2xford 1 %h Pulishing Co"' Calcutta *EBE"
-" ,ehicle !ody y K" Po0los/i' !usiness !oo/s @td' @ondon I *EBE
R("(+(nc( ,oo3#$
*" %c Engines y @ichty' Joga/usha Co"' @td" To/yo' *EE*"
(" !ody Construction and Design y 9iles" K"C"' @iiffe !oo/s !utter0orth 1 Co"
-" ,ehicle !ody @ayout and Analysis y Kohn FentonI+echanical Engg" Pulication @td"' @ondon"
." ,ehicle !ody !uilding and Dra0ing y !raith0aite"K"!"I<einemann Educational !oo/s @td"' @ondon"
@ T P Credits
- * ) .
Unit19$ Int+oduction
&ature' Scope and <istorical developments' @inear programming? +odel formulation' 9raphical and simplex
methods' Duality' Degeneracy' sensitivity analysis"

Unit1B$ T+an#>o+tation
&orth?Gest corner rule' @east cost method' ,A+' +ethods to chec/ the optimality' Assignment? <ungarian
method and Se;uencing models> Kohnson Rule for n? 6o t0o? machine' n? 6o m? machine"
Unit17$ !u(uin0 t4(o+/
Assumptions and applications of 0aiting line theory' +5+5*>

5FCFS' +5+5J>

5FCFS' +5+5J
Unit15$ Ga.( t4(o+/ and it# a>>ication#
Pure and mixed strategy' dominance principle' Algeraic' arithmetic' and graphical methods to solve 9T
Unit16$ R(>ac(.(nt .od(#
Replacement policy for the items that deteriorate over time' replacement policy for the items that deteriorate over
time 0hen time value of money is declining' replacement policy for the items that fails suddenly"
Unit1%$ N(t)o+3 -annin0
PERT' CP+' Pro6ect crashing' Shortest?path prolem' +aximum flo0 prolem' +inimum spanning tree
prolem' minimum cost flo0 prolem' Resource leveling"
Su00(#t(d R(adin0#$
*" 2perations Research> Theory and Applications y K J Sharma' +acmillan
(" 2perations Research> An introduction y < A Taha' Pearson Education
-" 2perations Research> Concepts and cases y F S <iller and 9 K @ieermaan' T+<
." Luantitative Techni;ue in +anagement y & D ,ohra' T+<
AE 587 4 F((t Mana0(.(nt
@ T P Credits
- * ) .
Unit *"
+anagement Training and 2perations
!asic Principles of Supervising" 2rgani=ing Time and People" Ko %nstruction Training ? Training Devices and
Techni;ues ? Driver and +echanic <iring ? Driver Chec/list ? @ists for Driver and +echanic ? Trip @easing ?
,ehicle 2peration and Types of 2perations"
Unit ("
,ehicle +aintenance
Scheduled and Unscheduled +aintenance ? Planning and Scope ? Evaluation of Pmi Programmed ? Gor/
Scheduling ? 2vertime ? !rea/do0n Analysis ? Control of Repair !ac/logs ? Cost of 2ptions"
Unit -"
,ehicle Parts' Supply +anagement and !udget
Cost of %nventory ? !alancing %nventory Cost Against Do0ntime ? Parts Control ? !in Tag Systems ? Time
+anagement ? Time Record Jeeping ? !udget Activity ? Capital Expenditures ? Classification of ,ehicle
Expenses ? Fleet +anagement and Data Processing ? Data Processing Systems ? Soft0are" +odel ? Computer
Controlling of Fleet Activity ? Energy +anagement"
Unit ."
Scheduling and Fare Structure
Route Planning ? Scheduling of Transport ,ehicles ? Preparation of Timetale' Costs' Fare Structure ? +ethods
of Fare Collection ? Preparation of Fare Tale"
Unit A"
+otor ,ehicle Act
Schedules and Sections ? Registration of +otor ,ehicles ? @icensing of Drivers ? Control of Permits ? @imits of
Speed ? Traffic Signs ? Constructional Regulations ? Description of 9oods Carrier' Delivery +an' Tan/er'
Tipper' +unicipal' Fire Fighting and !rea/ Do0n Service ,ehicle"
Te)t /oo28
5. @ohn 'ol1, D 9leet Management D, Mcgraw.Hill Co., 5E;:.
5. Bo+erment P1blication, D The Motor "ehicle Act D, 5E;E.
7. Kitchin.&.'., D /1s (,eration D, &llie and3ons &td., &ondon, 444 %dition, 5EE7.
-. Kadiyali.&.#., D Traic and Trans,ort Planning D.

@ T P Credits
- * ) .
Int+oduction and T4(+.od/na.ic#
Int+oduction$ !asic 2perating Principles I <istorical <ighlights I Classification" T4(+.od/na.ic#$
Electrochemical Energy Conversion I Theoretical Efficiency I Electrochemical Energy Conversion I Factors
Affecting Electrochemical Energy Conversion
E(ct+od( <in(tic#
Electrode Doule @ayer I Electrolyte Doule @ayer I Doule @ayer +odels #<elmolt= +odel' 9ouy?Chapman
+odel' Stern +odel' 9rahame +odel I !oc/ris' Devenathan and +uller +odel' and Chemical +odels$ I Solid
+etallic Electrode I Semiconductor Electrode I Specific Adsorption I Pero Potential"
A3ain( Fu( C(# @ -4o#>4o+ic Acid Fu( C(#
A3ain( Fu( C(#$ Gor/ing Principle I Components I +odules and Stac/s I Performance Characteristics
#Po0er Density' Space Applications' Atmospheric Pressure Cells$ I @imitations and R1D Challenges I System
%ssues I Ammonia As Fuel" -4o#>4o+ic Acid Fu( C(#$ Cell Reactions I Electrodes #Staility of Catalysts'
Electrode Farication I Fuel Cell Performance$ I Stac/s and Systems"
Soid OCid( Fu( C(# @ Mot(n Ca+:onat( Fu( C(#
Soid OCid( Fu( C($ Principle of 2peration ? !enefits and @imitations I Cell Components #Electrolytes'
Pirconia Systems' Ceria !ased Electrolytes' Perovs/ite?!ased Systems$ I Cathode +aterials I Anode +aterials
%nterconnects I Fuel Reactions IConfigurations and Performance #Tuular' +onolithic' Planar$ I Environmental
%mpact I Applications" Mot(n Ca+:onat( Fu( C($ 9eneral Principle I Components #Electrolyte and +atrix'
Cathode and Anode +aterials$ I Electrode Reactions I @ife Time
Di+(ct M(t4ano Fu( C(# @ -+oton ECc4an0( M(.:+an( Fu( C(#
Di+(ct M(t4ano Fu( C(#$ 2perating Principle I &ole +etal %ssue I Electro?2xidation of +ethanol
#Catalysts' 2xygen Electro?Reduction' Electrolyte' &on?Catalytic Aspects$ ? +ethanol Crossover I Catalyst
2ptimi=ation I ,apor Feed ,ersus @i;uid Feed Cells" -+oton ECc4an0( M(.:+an( Fu( C(#$ 2perating
Principle #+emranes' Electrodes and Electrolysis' 2ptimi=ation of +emrane and Electrode Assemly'
%mpurities$ I Technology Development #Single Cell and Stac/s' Composite Plates$ I Fuel Processing I
Studies #+emrane' Electrode' +emrane?Electrode Assemly' Fuel Cell' Stac/ and System$ I Technology
Development and Applications"
T(Ct ,oo3#
*" ,is0anathan' !" and Aulice Sciioh' +"' 91el Cells Princi,les and A,,lications, Universities Press
#%ndia$ Pvt" @td"' <yderaad' ())4"
*" <oogers' 9"' Edr"' 91el Cell Technology Handboo2, Crc Press' Gashington D" C"' ())-"
R("(+(nc( ,oo3#
*" @arminie' K" andDic/s' A"' 91el Cell 3ystems %),lained, Kohn Giley 1 Sons' @td"' &e0 8or/' ())*"
AE 587 A R(n()a:( Sou+c(# o" En(+0/
@ T P Credits
- * ) .
Unit 9$ Soa+ En(+0/
Conversion of Solar Energy to Electrical Energy ? Availaility ? Advantages and @imitations I Po0er Systems"
Unit B$ Wind En(+0/
Gind +apping ? @ocation of Gind 9enerators ? Types of Gind +ills and 9enerators ? %nduction and
Synchronous Systems"
Unit 7$ ,io1"u(#
Sources of !io?+ass Energy ? Good and Agricultural Gaste ? +unicipal Gaste ? Animal Gaste I Energy
Conversion Systems ? !iogas 9eneration From Animal Gaste ? Good 9asification ? Do0ndraft andFluidised
!ed Systems
? Alcohol Fuels" Properties as engine fuel' alcohols lending 0ith diesel and gasoline' their performance and
emissions characteristics' D+E' DEE properties and performance and emissions characteristics"
V(0(ta:( Oi#
Conversion of vegetale oils as iodiesel Iproduction techni;ues ? standards and properties ? performance and
Emission characteristics' additives"
Unit 5
Aco4o Fu(#
Properties as engine fuels ? performance in S% engines ? lending 0ith gasoline ? Reformed alcohols I
Use in C% engines ? emulsions ? dual fuel systems ?spar/ assisted diesel engines ? comustion and emission
Unit 6$ Ot4(+ Sou+c(#
Gave Energy ? Scope and Simple Systems for Po0er 9eneration ? Tidal Po0er ? Scope and Applications" 2tec
Scope Fundamental Principles and 2perating Systems for Po0er 9eneration" 9eo Thermal Energy ? Principle
and Simple Systems for Po0er 9eneration"
Unit %I Auto.oti'( A>>ication#
Electric Car 2peration Gith Energy Stored in !attery ? Energy Converted to <ydrogen Engine 2peration I
<ydrogen Conversion and Storage System ? Relative +erits ? Direct 2peration of ,ehicle y !iomass Fuels
@i/e Good Chips' Rice <us/ and Alcohol"
*" 9.3.3eiler., D Alternate %nergy "ehicle 4normation D, $ind /oo2 4nc.
7. Bodrey /oyle, C#enewable %nergyF, ()ord *ni+ersity Press
7. T.NeAat "e?iroyIl1., D Alternati+e %nergy 3o1rces . 444 D Hemis,here P1blishing Co.
-. /arbara Keiler., D %nergy Alternati+es D, &1scent /oo2s, 5EEG.
:. 'a+id Haemeister, Henry Kelly, /arbara B.&e+i, American 4nstit1te o Physics"
AE1587 3 T/(+ T(c4noo0/
Unit I $ Int+oduction
%mportance of tyers' history' current status' functions of pneumatic tyers' applications' types of tyers' desirale
tyre properties' classification of tyres ased on carcass' tyre profile' geometry' si=ing 1 designation' tyre
components' principle of pneumatic tyre' re;uirements of pnumetic tyres"
Unit II$ T/+( D(#i0n
9eneral' motion forces' heat uild up' types of onding' set of service conditions' tyre si=e re;uirements' safety
re;uirements> Tread design' general' role of foot print area and factors affecting tread life' various types of tread
pattern" Carcass design' role of fot print area and factors affecting tread life' various types of tread pattern"
Carcass design' role of various fiers used in carcass' estimation of numer of piles' !ead design' single ead'
multiple eads' and various configurations of 0ires in ead assemly"
Unit III$ Co.>ound D(#i0n
9eneral introduction' role of various mixing ingredients' various recipes"
Unit IV$ Manu"actu+( T(c4noo0/
Compound mixing' mixing' mixing e;uipments' extrusion of components' tyre cord' 0ire cord manfacture'
calendaring tyre manufacture' mold procurement' component preparation' green tyre uilding' pre curing' curing
and post curing operations5treatments"
Unit ,> Tyre testing5 Evalution +ethods
9eneral safty standards' carcass strength' resistance to ead unseating' machine simulation test' indoor
laoratory testing' field?test on roa' proving ground' lates testing techni;ues"
Suggested Readings>
*" Tyre Technology' S"&" Cha/ravarty' %ndian Ruer %nstitute
(" Tires' Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology' Jir/ 1 2thmer
-" Pneumatic Tyre Design' E"C" Good' Camridge
." Tire Engineering' Jovac 1 Rodgers' 9oodyear Tire Ruer Co"' 2hio
A" <andoo/ of Ruer Technology' R" Schuster' Giley %nterscience
AE1 585 O>(n E(cti'(111to :( c4o#(n "+o. ((cti'( i#t o" ot4(+ d(>a+t.(nt#& @ T P Credits
. ) ) .
AE 586 CFD @ T P Credits
- * ) .
AE1 58% E(cti'(1I La:
@ T P Credits
( ) ) (
AE1 58* D(#i0n o" Auto.oti'( Co.>on(nt La:&
@ T P Credits
) ) - -
AE1 582 CFD @a @ T PCredits
) ) ( (
AE 158D -+oA(ct (-a+t1I) @ T P Credits
) ) - -
AE1 582 Indu#t+ia T+ainin0
AE .** V(4ic( Sa"(t/ En0in((+in0
7 9 8
Unit1 9$
Auto.oti'( '(4ic( t(#tin0 "o+ Sa"(t/$ Int+oduction to acti'( @ >a##i'( #/#t(.#
,+a3in0 t(#t (a# >(+ IS 9926B1B889)F A,S >(+"o+.anc( t(#tF F+onta c+a#4 t(#tF #(at :(t anc4o+a0( t(#tin0F
.i++o+F 4o+nF i04tin0 in#taation t(#t and t4(i+ #i.uation&
Coa>#i:( #t((+in0 cou.n t(#tin0F #(at anc4o+a0( t(#tF #id( doo+ int+u#ionF int(+io+ and (Ct(+io+ t(#t&
,od/ :oc3 t(#t ( IS199D7D19DD% )F Int+oduction to t4(o""#(tF Frontal impact test #%S?**E-E?*EE4" F+onta
I.>act t(#t ( ECE D5)F Lat(+a I.>act ( ECE RD6 )F AIS18BD $ SURVIVAL S-ACE FOR OCCU-ANTSF
#id( i.>act and >(d(#t+ian >+ot(ction t(#t& And ot4(+ u>co.in0 #tanda+d#&
En'i+on.(nt +(at(d t(#tin0$ E.i##ion t(#t$ A# >(+ Ta> 996F Fu t4+ott( t(#t "o+ (n0in(F t/>( a>>+o'a
and CO- t(#t#F >a## :/ noi#( t(#t and t4(i+ #i.uation
-(+"o+.anc($ 0+ada:iit/F St((+in0 (""o+t t(#tF tu+nin0 ci+c( dia.(t(+ t(#t and t4(i+ #i.uation
Cont+o#$ #>((do.(t(+ cai:+ationF M-FIF CRDI cai:+ation t(#t and t4(i+ #i.uation
Moto+ V(4ic( Act (9D22)F C(nt+a Moto+ V(4ic(# Ru(# (9D2D) and #u:#(=u(nt a.(nd.(nt#
AE 59B E(cti'(1 II 7 9 8
AE 597 O>(n E(cti'(1 II 7 9 8
AE 595 Auto.oti'( V(4ic( T(#tin0 and Sa"(t/ R(0uation# La: 8 8 7
AE 596 E(cti'(1 II La: 8 8 7
AE59% MaAo+ -+oA(ct (-a+t1II) 8 8 2
AE 59* S(.ina+ ? R(>o+t 8 8 5
AE 59Ba Co.>ut(+ Int(0+at(d Manu"actu+in0 S/#t(.#
@ T P Credits
- * ) .
Unit 9
Fundamental Concepts in +anufacturing and Automation ? &eed for Automation ? Automation Strategies ?
Economic Analysis and Production ? Fundamental of C%+S
Unit B
Computer Aided Design #CAD$
Elements of CAD System ? 9raphics <ard0are ? Alu ? Cpu ? %nput52utput Devices ? 9eometric +odeling ?
Automated Drafting "
Unit 7
+anufacturing Systems
!asics of &umerical Control ? Types of &C Systems ? C&C and D&C +achines ? +atching Centre I Tool
+aga=ine ? &C Tape Format ? Programming ? +anual Part Programme ? Simple Programmes ? Computer
Part Programming ? Apt @anguage ? Simple Examples"
Unit 5
Flexile +anufacturing Systems
9roup Technology ? Part Families ? Part Classification and Cooling ? Production Flo0 Analysis ? +achine Cell
Design ? Description of F+S ? E;uipment' Tooling and Fixture"

Unit 6
Computer Aided +anufacturing
Computers in +anufacturing ? Automated +anufacturing Systems ? Gor/piece <andling ? Types of Transfer ?
Continuous' %ntermittent and &on?Synchronous Gal/ing !eam ? Computer Aided Process Planning I Computer
Aided %nspection ? Computer Aided Luality Control ? !asic +odel off C%+S? %nterfacing +ethods of CAD And
CA+ ? Computer Process +onitoring"
Te/t Boo"4
5. Broo+er.M.P., D A1tomation Prod1ction 3ystems and Cam D, Prentice Hall, 5EEG.
5. Broo+er. M.P., D CadJCam Com,1ter Aided 'esign and Man1act1ring D, Prentice Hall, 5EEG.
7. /arry Haw2ar, D CadJCam Processes D, Pitman, 5E;;.
-. Niebel, D Modem Man1act1ring Process D, Mcgraw.Hill, 5E;E.
:. Martin, 3.@., D N1merical Control o Machine Tools D, %lbs, &ondon, 5E;G.
5. $eatherhall. A., D Com,1ter 4ntergrated Man1act1ring D, Ailiated %ast.$est, 5E;;.
AE 59B: Tota Li"( C/c( Mana0(.(nt
@ T P Credits
- * ) .
Unit 9&
Definition of Total @ife Cycle #T@C$ ? Concept of T@C ? @ife Cycle %mpacts ? %ntegrating @ife Cycle
Technologies ? Products and Processes Githin T@C ? T@C +ethodology ? T@C Accessement Data to Complex
Products ? Resultant %mprovement for Product"
Unit B
,ehicles End of @ife
Design for End of 2ld ,ehicle +anagement ? Prolems of 2ld ,ehicles in Emerging +ar/ets ? Recovery and
Economic Feasiility of +aterials Such As Plastic' Ruer' Aluminium' Steel' Etc"
Unit 7
Applying @ife Cycle Thin/ing to Define Tradeoffs Along the Supply' +anufacture ? Use and End of @ife Chain
? Effects on the Customer ? Expectation of the Customer ? Evaluate Product Cost on Fuel Consumption'
Emission' Duraility' Environment and <ealth"
Unit 5
Ghat %s Sustainaility ? Use of Rene0ale Resources ? ,ie0 to Design <ori=on"
Unit 6
<armoni=ation of Environmental 9oals
Tlc for Emerging ,s Developed +ar/ets ? Rules and Regulations to 9uide Designers ? %nternational Common
Practices for End of @ife ,ehicles"
5. D &ie Cycle Management and Assessment D, 3A%., May, 5EEH.
7. D Accident #econstr1ction . A1tomobiles D, Tractors . 3emi Trailers. Motor Cycles
and Pedestrians, 3A%., 5E;H.
AE 597 c Vi:+ation Ana/#i#
@ T P Credits
- * ) .
Unit 9$
%ntroduction> Simple <armonic +otion' Terminology' &e0ton3s @a0' D3alemert3s Prinicple' Resonance'
%ntroduction to +echanism of Damping" Damped and Undamped 2scillations" Degrees of Freedom" ,arious
+echanisms of Damping" E;uivalent ,iscous Damping"
Unit B$
Single Degree of Freedom Systems> Free ,irations' Free Damped ,irations' Forced ,irations Gith and
Githout Damping" Support Excitation and ,iration +easuring %nstruments" Amplitude and Phase Response
Diagrams" 9enerali=ed Single Degree of Freedom Systems for Continuous Structures and Computation of J' +
and C"
Unit 7$
+ulti Degree of Freedom Systems> T0o 5 Three Degree of Freedom Systems' Static and Dynamic Coupling'
,iration Asorers' Principal Coordinates' Principal +odes' 2thogonality Conditions <amilton3s Principle'
@agrange3s E;uation and Application" @ongintudinal ,iration' @ateral ,iration' Torsional ,iration of Shafts'
Dynamical E;uations of E;uilirium of Elastic !odies' &atural Fre;uencies and+odeshapes Determination"
Unit .> Fre;uency Analysis> +ethods Determining &atural Fre;uencies and +ode Shape" &atural ,irations of
Solid Continua" Determination of Eigen ,alues and Eigen +odes" %ntroduction to Approximate +ethods for
Fre;uency Analysis Rayleigh Rit= +ethod for,iration Analysis" Diagonali=ation of Stiffness' +ass and
Damping +atrices Using 2rthogonality Conditions"
Unit 6$
Dynamic Analysis> +atrices for Dynamic Analysis" Jinematically Consistent @oad Systems and Determination
of RJS' R+S' RCS andR@S +atrices" &ormali=ation and Formulation of +odal E;uations"
Steady State Analysis> Steady State Response' Using Fourier Analysis for Decomposing Complex Periodic @oad
Functions' of +odal E;uations Using S?Plane Representation" Transient Response Analysis of +odal E;uations
Using Duhamel3s %ntegrals"
T(Ct ,oo3#$
*" Theory of ,irations Gith Applications G"T" Thomson' Prentice <all of %ndia"
(" +echanical ,iration > 9"J" 9rover and S"P" &igam' &em Chand and Sons
R("(+(nc( ,oo3#$
*" Theory and Practice of +echanical ,irations K"S" Rao and J" 9upta' Giley Eastern @td"
(" +echanical ,irations S"S" Rao' Addison I Gesely Pulishing Company
AE 59Bd 1 Ad'anc(# in I&C& En0in(#
@ T P Credits
- * ) .
Cycle Analysis
2perating Cycles of S"%" and C"%" Engines and 9as Turines ? Comparison of Air Standard Cycle ? Fuel Air
Cycle and Actual Cycle"
Comustion of Fuels
Comustion Stoichiometry of Petrol' Diesel' Alcohol and <ydrogen Fuels ? Chemical Energy and <eating
,alues ? Chemical E;uilirium and +aximum Temperature ? Si Engine Comustion ? Flame ,elocity and Area
of Flame Front I C% Engine Comustion" Fuel Spary Characteristics ? Droplet Si=e' Penetration and atomi=ation"
Comustion +odeling
!asic Concepts of Engine Simulation
? 9overning E;uation ? Flo0 +odels' Thermodynamic +odels ? Si Engine and C% Engine +odels"
Advances in %C Engines
Adiaatic and @"<"R" Engines ? +an Comustion Chamer and +ultifuel Engines ? Stratified Charged and @ean
!urn Engines ? @ocomotive and +arine Engines"
2peration and Performance
Computer Control of Engine Parameters for Pollution Control and !etter Efficiency ? Closed @oop Control of
Engine Parameters ? <yrid 2peration ? Performance +aps"
Te)t /oo2s8
5. Banesan."., D 4nternal Comb1stion %ngines D, Tata Mcgraw Hill P1blishing Co, 5EE:.
5. Banesan."., D Com,1te 3im1lation o 3,ar2 4gnition %ngine Process D, *ni+ersities Press
=4ndia> &td, Hyderabad, 5EE6.
7. @ohn./., Heywood, D 4nternal Comb1stion %ngine 91ndamentals D, Mcgraw Hill P1blishing
Co., New !or2, 5EEG.
AE 59B ( M(c4at+onic#
@ T P Credits
- * -a+t1A
Unit 9$ ,a#ic E(ct+onic# @ Co.>utation$
@ogic 9ates' Passive Electrical and Active Electronic Elements' %c and Their Characteristics' &umer System'
!oolean Algera' Digital Circuit Technologies> Rtl5Dtl5Dctl5 Ttl5 +os5 Cmos5Ecl' Cominational and Se;uential
Circuits' Flip?Flops' Counters' Timers' Shift Registers" +emory System> Ram' Rom' Eprom' Eeprom' Pal' Plds'
and gas"
Unit B$ S(n#o+# andT+an#duc(+#$
An %ntroduction to Sensors and Transducer' Classification' Static and Dynamic Characteristics' Sensors for
+otion and Position' Force' Tor;ue and Tactile Sensors' Flo0 Sensors' Temperature Sensing Devices' Range
Sensors' Ultrasonic Sensors' Fier 2ptic Devices in +echatronics" Actuators>?<ydraulic' Pneumatic and Electric
Unit 7$ Mic+o>+oc(##o+ and Mic+ocont+o(+$
B)BA +icroprocessor Architecture and %ts 2perations?+emory?%nput' 2utput Devices' +icroprocessor Systems'
Application in Temperature Control 1 Traffic Control" +icro Controller %ntel?B)A*' !asic Features' Application
in Domestic Gashing +achine"
Unit 5$ S/#t(. Mod(in0$
+athematical +odels' !uilding !loc/s of +echanical' Electrical' Fluid and Thermal System" Systems'
Rotational?Translation Systems' Electromechanical Systems' <ydraulic?+echanical Systems"
Unit 6$ Si0na Conditionin0 @ Data -+(#(ntation S/#t(.$
Da and Ad Converters' 2perational Amplifier7 Protection' Filtering' Digital Signals' +ultiplexers' Pulse
+odulation' Data Ac;uisition' Digital Signal Processing7 Pulse +odulation7 Data Presentation Systems I
Displays7 Data Presentation Elements7 +agnetic Recording7 Data Ac;uisition Systems7 Testing 1 Caliration'
%nterfacing Da and Ad Converters"
Unit %$ M(c4at+onic -+oduct D(#i0n$
Traditional and +echantronics Design Approach' Autotronics> Gind Screen Giper +otion' Engine +anagement
System' Digital Speedometer and 2dometer' Automatic Dim and !right Control' Engine Temperature
+easurements' Radiator Gater @evel %ndicator' !ath Room Scale' A Pic/ 1 Place Root' Automatic Camera' 1
!ar Code Recorder" %ntroduction to +ems' &ems" +echatronics Application in !ionics and Avionics"
T(Ct ,oo3#$
*" %ntroduction to +echtronics > Appuu Juttan' J" J" 2xford University Press
(" +echatronics y G" !olton' Pulished y Addition Gesley"
-" +echatronics System Design I Devdas Shetty and Richard A" Jol/ Thomson !roo/s5Cole *EED"
R("(+(nc( ,oo3#$
." %ntroduction to +echatronics and +easuring System> David 9" Alciation and +ichae?@ !" <ist' Tata
+cgra0 <ill"
A" +echatronics Principles' Concepts and Application' +ahali/' &"P" Tata +cgra0 <ill"
4" +echtronics y Smaili and +rad' 2xford University Press
AE 59B" H(at ECc4an0(+#
@ T P Credits
- * ) .
Unit 9$ Dou:( -i>( H(at ECc4an0(+# @ H(at -i>(#$
Thermal and <ydraulic Design I %nner Pipe I Annulus' <airpin <eat Exchanger I !ase %nner Tue I Finned
%nner +ultituesI Parallel and Series Arrangements' Pressure Drop' Constructional Features" <eat Pipes I
Structures I Applications I !asic Relations I Performance Characteristics I Effects of Gor/ing Fluid and
2perating Temperature' Gic/ I Selection of +aterial I Pore Si=e"

Unit B$ S4( and Tu:( H(at ECc4an0(+$
!asic Components I Shell I Tue !undles I !affles I Types and 9eometry" Design Procedure I Preliminary
Estimation of Si=e' Pressure Drop and <eat Transfer Calculations I Shell and Tue Sides I Jen +ethod I !ell I
Dela0are +ethod"
Unit 7$ Ot4(+ H(at ECc4an0(+$
Compact <eat Exchangers 1 Cas/eted Plate <eat Exchangers7 Compact <eat Exchangers I Types I
Constructional Features' <eat Transfer and Pressure Drop Calculations I Finned Plate' and Tue"
Unit 5$ Ca#3(t(d -at( H(at ECc4an0(+#$
Constructional Features I Plate Pac/ and Frame I 2perational Characteristics I Flo0 Arrangement' <eat
Transfer and Pressure Drop Calculation' Performance Analysis' Comparison Gith 2ther Types of <eat
Unit 6$ Cond(n#(+# and E'a>o+ato+#$
Shell and Tue Condensers I <ori=ontal 1 ,ertical Types I Design and 2perational Consideration' Plate
Condensers' Air Cooled and Direct Contact Types' Condenser for Refrigeration' Evaporative Condensers"
Evaporation for Refrigeration 1 Air Conditioning I Chillers I Air Coolers I Thermal Analysis I Shah'
Jandh/ar and 9hngor and Gintertom Correlationsl' Standard Types"
Unit %$ Cooin0 To)(+#$
Types I !asic Relation I <eat !alance and <eat Transfer I Characteristics' Effects of I Pac/ing I 9eometry '
Spray Design' Selection of I Pumps' Fans" Testing' +aintenance' Environmental Effects' Gind @oads' Typical
Re-ere!ce Boo"s4
5. 3adi2 Ka2ac and Hongtan &in, Heat %)changer.
7. Arth1r P.9raas, Heat %)changer 'esign
-. Kenn '. Process Heat Transer
:. $al2ar, 4nd1strial Heat %)changers
5. Holger Martin, Heat %)changers.
AE 59B0 Finit( E(.(nt M(t4od#
L T - C+(dit#
7 9 8 5
Fundamental concepts of the Finite Element +ethod" ,arious element shapes' Displacement +odel' Derivation
of stiffness matrix for the element and for the entire domain
%S2 parametric elements Element stresses and strains"
Derivation of force and displacement vectors for the entire domain" !oundary conditions' Solution of the overall
Applications of finite element method to various field prolems such as solid mechanics' fluid mechanics and
heat transfer"
Use of Soft0are such as A&S8S5 &ASTRA&5%DEAS" !asic feature of these soft0ares"
Suggested Reading >
*"Finite element +ethod'2"C" Pien/ie0ic= 1 R"A" Taylor
("Finite element Analysis'C"S" Jrishnamurthy
-"Finite element +ethod' Jenneth <" <uener
@ T P Credits
- * ) .
9& Wo+d En(+0/$ This Unit Examines the %nternational 2utloo/ for !oth Traditional and Rene0ale Energy
Sources7 Energy'
Economic 9ro0th and the Environment' %mplications of the Jyoto Protocol7 and Structural Change in the
Electricity Supply %ndustry" A Primary Focus of the Unit %s the Comparative Economics of Sustainale Energy
Systems" A Detailed Analysis of Pro6ected Us Energy Re;uirements Through ()()' and Their Related
Environmental %mplications' Gill !e !ased Upon Recent Us Energy %nformation Administration Estimates"
B& En(+0/ and En'i+on.(nta I.>ication#$ This Unit Gill Consider> ? the Sources of the Critical Pollutants
As Defined y the Epa Together Gith Control Strategies and Forms of Regulation7 the Concept of the
Environment As A Closed System #%"E" Spaceship Earth$
and the 2ptimal @evel of Pollution7 the Concept of Environmental Externalities and the Use of +ar/et
%nstruments to Ensure That the Polluter Pays" Climate Change and the Jyoto Protocol> Science' Economics' and
Politics Gill !e Considered in 2verlap Gith Section *" The %mpact of Each of the Rene0ale Technology Areas
on Environmental Factors Gill
!e Discussed in the Appropriate Unit of the Course"
7& En(+0/ and Su#taina:( D('(o>.(nt
2ur Society3s Energy Systems <ave a Critical Role to Play in Driving Sustainale Development" Jey
Sustainaility Drivers Are Energy Poverty in the Developing Gorld and the Environmental <arms of Present
Energy Systems" This Unit Presents An :Energy Services3 +odel for Designing Sustainale Energy Systems
Are <ighly Energy Efficient and Use Rene0ale Energy Sources"
5& En(+0/ and t4( ,uit En'i+on.(nt
Energy Use in !uildings' Domestic and Commercial7 Sustainale Architecture7 Thermal Comfort7 Passive
Design7 Energy Performance +odeling7 !uilding Systems7 <vac and @ighting in !uildings" The Use of
Computer Simulations to Sho0 Effects of ,arious Design Techni;ues on Energy Usage I 9la=ing of Gindo0s'
Thermal Storage' %nsulation' and ,entilation"
6& E.(+0in0 En(+0/ T(c4noo0i(#
There Are A &umer of <ighly Promising !ut' As 8et' Commercially Unproven Energy Technologies Ghich
Play A ,ery %mportant Role in 2ur Future Energy Systems 2ver the @onger Term" Ge Focus' in Particular' on
Emerging Caron Capture and Storage #CCS$ and <ydrogen Technologies"
%& En(+0/ Sto+a0(
Energy Storage Systems %nclude Electrochemical' Chemical and Thermal" The Principles of Electrochemical
Energy Systems and Fundamentals of Electrochemistry' Secondary !atteries and Fuel Cells Are Considered"
The @atest Advanced !atteries for Stationary and +oile Applications' %ncluding the ,anadium Redox Flo0
!attery' Sodium Sulphur' Pinc?!romine' Sodium +etal Chloride and &ic/el?<ydride Are Discussed" @aoratory
Gor/ %ncludes !attery Design' Testing and Performance Calculations"
*& En(+0/ and t4( -+oc(## Indu#t+i(#
Process %ndustries Form the !asis of +odern Society and Gill Continue to Play A +a6or Role" Research
%nitiatives Gorld0ide <ave Paved the Gay for Advancing the Development of Sustainale Processes" Energy
Efficiency and Gaste Utili=ation Are Some of the Jey Features of +any of the Sustainale Processes That Gill
!e Discussed"
2& ,io.a## and :io"u(#
This Unit Revie0s the Use of Agricultural Crops and !iomass Gastes in the Production of Alternative Fuels"
Ethanol Production Technology' From !oth 8easts and !acteria %ncluding 9enetically Engineered
+icroorganisms#9+2S$ and All the %ssues That This Raises for @arge?Scale Ethanol Production Are
Considered As Gell As +ethane ,ia !iogas Technology"
Re-ere!ce Boo"s4
5. (sam1 Hirao and #ichard K. Peley, Present and 91t1re A1tomoti+e 91els, @ohn $iley and 3ons,
7. Keith (wen and Tre+or %oley, A1tomoti+e 91els Handboo2, 3A%. P1blications, 5EEG.
-. #ichard &./echtold, A1tomoti+e 91els B1ide /oo2, 3A%. P1blications, 5EEH"
." Bodrey /oyle, C#enewable %nergyF, ()ord *ni+ersity Press, 7GG:
@ T P Credits
- * ) .
Int+oduction and T4(+.od/na.ic#
Int+oduction$ !asic 2perating Principles I <istorical <ighlights I Classification" T4(+.od/na.ic#$
Electrochemical Energy Conversion I Theoretical Efficiency I Electrochemical Energy Conversion I Factors
Affecting Electrochemical Energy Conversion
E(ct+od( <in(tic#
Electrode Doule @ayer I Electrolyte Doule @ayer I Doule @ayer +odels #<elmolt= +odel' 9ouy?Chapman
+odel' Stern +odel' 9rahame +odel I !oc/ris' Devenathan and +uller +odel' and Chemical +odels$ I Solid
+etallic Electrode I Semiconductor Electrode I Specific Adsorption I Pero Potential"
A3ain( Fu( C(# @ -4o#>4o+ic Acid Fu( C(#
A3ain( Fu( C(#$ Gor/ing Principle I Components I +odules and Stac/s I Performance Characteristics
#Po0er Density' Space Applications' Atmospheric Pressure Cells$ I @imitations and R1D Challenges I System
%ssues I Ammonia As Fuel" -4o#>4o+ic Acid Fu( C(#$ Cell Reactions I Electrodes #Staility of Catalysts'
Electrode Farication I Fuel Cell Performance$ I Stac/s and Systems"
Soid OCid( Fu( C(# @ Mot(n Ca+:onat( Fu( C(#
Soid OCid( Fu( C($ Principle of 2peration ? !enefits and @imitations I Cell Components #Electrolytes'
Pirconia Systems' Ceria !ased Electrolytes' Perovs/ite?!ased Systems$ I Cathode +aterials I Anode +aterials
%nterconnects I Fuel Reactions IConfigurations and Performance #Tuular' +onolithic' Planar$ I Environmental
%mpact I Applications" Mot(n Ca+:onat( Fu( C($ 9eneral Principle I Components #Electrolyte and +atrix'
Cathode and Anode +aterials$ I Electrode Reactions I @ife Time
AE? I DB )D?)B I Srm I E1T
Di+(ct M(t4ano Fu( C(# @ -+oton ECc4an0( M(.:+an( Fu( C(#
Di+(ct M(t4ano Fu( C(#$ 2perating Principle I &ole +etal %ssue I Electro?2xidation of +ethanol
#Catalysts' 2xygen Electro?Reduction' Electrolyte' &on?Catalytic Aspects$ ? +ethanol Crossover I Catalyst
2ptimi=ation I ,apor Feed ,ersus @i;uid Feed Cells" -+oton ECc4an0( M(.:+an( Fu( C(#$ 2perating
Principle #+emranes' Electrodes and Electrolysis' 2ptimi=ation of +emrane and Electrode Assemly'
%mpurities$ I Technology Development #Single Cell and Stac/s' Composite Plates$ I Fuel Processing I
Studies #+emrane' Electrode' +emrane?Electrode Assemly' Fuel Cell' Stac/ and System$ I Technology
Development and Applications"
T(Ct ,oo3#
*" ,is0anathan' !" and Aulice Sciioh' +"' 91el Cells Princi,les and A,,lications, Universities Press
#%ndia$ Pvt" @td"' <yderaad' ())4"
-" <oogers' 9"' Edr"' 91el Cell Technology Handboo2, Crc Press' Gashington D" C"' ())-"
R("(+(nc( ,oo3#
*" @arminie' K" and Dic/s' A"' 91el Cell 3ystems %),lained, Kohn Giley 1 Sons' @td"' &e0 8or/' ())*"
AE 59B A T+an#>o+t Mana0(.(nt andAuto.o:i( Indu#t+/
Automoile %ndustry> <istory and Development of the Automoile %ndustry7 +ar/et Trends7 Current
Scenario in %ndian Auto %ndustry7 Auto Ancillary %ndustries7 Role of the Automoile %ndustry in &ational
9ro0th I Society5 Association andPartnership"
,ehicle +aintenance> 26ectives of +aintenance7 Type of +aintenance ? Scheduled and Unscheduled
+aintenance7 Planning and +aintenance System7 Scheduling of +aintenance Gor/ ? Evaluation of Pmi
Program' !rea/do0n Analysis7 Cost of 2peration ? +aintenance Cost7 %ndirect 1 Direct Cost"
,ehicle Parts' Supply +anagement and !udget> Stores +anagement I Function' 26ectives' Type of
Stores' Stoc/ing 1 %ssuing of +aterials7 Parts Control I %dentification' +ethods of Parts Control ? !in Tag
Systems7 Scientific %nventory +anagement I Classification of %tems #Ac Analysis$' 2rder Luantity
#Eo;$7 !udget ? !udget Activity' Capital Expenditures' Classification of ,ehicle Expenses"
Fleet +anagement and Data Processing > Type of ,ehicles and Their Purpose7 +anagement of the Fleet7
Data Processing Systems? Soft0are' +odems 'Computer Controlling of Fleet Activity"
Scheduling and Fare Structure> Route Planning' Scheduling of Transport ,ehicles' Preparation of
Timetale' Costs' Fare Structure' +ethods of the Fare Collection' Preparation of Fare Tale"
+otor ,ehicle Act> Schedules and Sections' Registration of +otor ,ehicles' @icensing of Drivers' Control
of Permit' @imits of Speed' Traffic Signs" Constructional Regulations" Description of 9oods Carrier' Delivery
,an' Tan/er' Tipper' +unicipal' Fire Fighting and !rea/ Do0n Service ,ehicle"
+anagement Training and 2perations> !asic Principles of Supervising" 2rganising Time and People" Ko
%nstruction Training' Training Devices and Techni;ues" Driver Chec/list' Tests for Driver and +echanic"
*" S"J" Sharma 1 Savita Sharma' O%ndustrial 1 2peration +anagementN'
S"J"Jataria 1 Sons' ())D?())B"
(" S"@" !handar/ar' O,ehicle Transport +anagementN' Dhanpat Rai 1 Co" #Pvt"$ @td"'
-" 9overnment Pulication' The +otor ,ehicle Act' *EBE
)#412 -C.'/U0TI.N 1#N#)T#2 *.33UTI.N
3 T * Credit&
3 1 4 4C
<nine fundamentals= Fuels, alternative fuels for +. enines, 2y!e of hydro carbons* (asoline
s!ecifications* <ffect of <nine !arameters on !erformance, fuel in8ection for S+ enines, <nine
vehicle road !erformance, road !erformance and fuel economy*
<missions and air !ollution= 4utomotive <missions and their role in air !ollution* 5hoto chemical smo*
.hemistry of smo formation* .ombustion in 'omoeneous mi#tures, emission formation* +ncom!lete
combustion, formation of hydro carbons, .arbon mono#ide and o#ides of nitroen* 4ldehyde
+nfluence of desin and o!eratin variables on asoline enine e#haust emissions*
'ydrocarbon <va!orative <missions= Various sources and methods of their control* .anisters for
controllin eva!orative emissions* <mission control systems for asoline enines= Blow by control
closed 5.V system desin*
<#haust treatment devices= 4ir in8ection into e#haust system, 2hermal reactors, .atalytic convertor*
Stratified chare enines* 'onda .V.. enine* 1ethods of reducin emissions e#haust as
/iesel enine combustion <missions= Sources of emissions durin combustion* <ffect of air fuel ratio,
s!eed, in8ection timin on !erformance and emission formation* /*+ and +*/*+ enine emissions,smo"e
emission from diesel enines*
<mission +nstruments= Non% dis!ersive +nfrared analyzer, (aschromotora!h, flame ionization
detector, .hemiluminescent analyzer
Suggested Readings>
*" Engine emission > !"P" Pundir' &arose Pulication
(" Automoile and air pollution > Paul Degoerd' SAE Pulication
-" Fundamentals of %"C" Engines> K"P" <ey0ood' Tata +c9ra0 <ill Pulication"

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