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Please ensure to fll the booklet completely. Information given in
this booklet will be remained confdential. For further
information, please kindly contact Honesty (!"#$%!!&'!$(')
and *ndre (!"#''#%(""#').
+P, -I+. "('/
Dear Respectful Participant,
How are you? Its a pleasure for me to welcome you from this application form. Im
the President of SPE Universitas Indonesia Student Chapter 2!". Im sure some of you
already #now SPE as an international or$ani%ation focussin$ in &il and 'as (echnolo$y. )ut
for me and more people out there have reali%ed that SPE is somethin$ $reater than words
e*plainin$ it.
Society Petroleum En$ineers has +een esta+lished since !,-. with a purposed to
$ather and disciminate the petrolem #nowled$e. /nd it $rows fast until each part of this
world have their own +ranch called the student chapter to fulffiled its mission. I 0ust would
li#e to encoura$e this SPE is a door with many opportunities. I thin# the needs of the student
to +e involved in or$ani%ation divided into 2 main purposed which are #nowled$e and
networ#in$. 1e have +een esta+lshied since !,,, and $row up intensively from internal to
e*ternal side in order to harness information2 insi$ht and #nowled$e from the field of
Petroleum Industry. 3rom internal2 SPE UI SC has intesified the contri+ution of their alumnus
in 'uest 4ecture and (rainin$s2 and Contri+ution of the mem+er to +oast our SPE UI SC in
any competitions.and from the e*ternal side most of the Student chapter has +een intesified
its +ond +y holdin$ their own events and moreover the lin# to professional also +e fulfilled +y
attendin$ some of SPE events. I $uess those pro$rams could +e your vision in 0oinin$ SPE.
/nd for me and my friends2 two years is more that enou$h to learn this petroleum
thin$s whether the #nowled$e and networ#in$. /nd now this is your turn to receive this
+enefits. I always +e $raceful to have SPE UI SC in here that will promote us to +e competent
human resoruce in Petroleum Industry 1orld. /t last Join SPE, Get Involve and Be Active
SPE UI SC 20! "#e$a%iliari&eProfessionalis%'
*rsallah Putra
+P, -I+. "('/ 0,01,2 2,.2-I0,43
*PP5I.*3I64 16675,3
*can be more than
*16-3 6I5 *48 9*+
'. :hat is the di;erent between upstream and downstream in
oil < gas industry=
". 0ention name oil upstream companies and oil downstream
companies in Indonesia=
/ :hat is defnition about oil service company=
& :hat is defnition about oil company= 8o you see the
di;erent about oil service company and oil company= ,>plain
*16-3 +P,
'. :ho is the "('/ +P, -I +. President and +P, International
". 0ention +P, -I+.As routine activities you know@
/ :hat is +P,As website=
& 0ention +P, +cholarship you know@
063IB*3I64*5 C-,+3I64+
'. :hat is your motivation to be a member of +P,=
". Please e>plain which subDectsEtopics about 6il and 9as
Full Name Alristo Sanal
Place, Date of
Jakarta, 25 Maret 1993
Gender Male
Mobile Phone 08176936543
Email alristo_sanal@hotmail!om
Address "osambi bar# blok $1 no
51, Jakarta barat
Exerience since
!igh "chool
Sta% h#mas imtk
&hoto o'
A((li!ant in
3echnology you wish to learn in +P, brie?y@
/. If you are selected to be a 1oard of 8irector +P, -I +., what
will you do to build or improve +P, -I +. better=
&lease mark one o' the *ate +i,en -ith *etaile* time 'or -hi!h .o# are
'ree 'or an inter,ie- session Make s#re .o# /ll in 'or ea!h (ossible
+eptember "('/ #EFE'(E''E'"
3ime G
+eptember "('/ #EFE'(E''E'"
3ime G
1otes 0 2ille* booklet an* 3#rri!#l#m 4itae 5346 must be sent in P8F
format to s(es!_#i@.ahoo!om -ith +ubDectG H+P, -I+. 0ember
2ecruitment (your name)I before the *ea*line +eptember %
at ''.$F P0 2or '#rther in'ormation, (lease kin*l. !onta!t Honesty
(!"#$%!!&'!$(') an* *ndre (!"#''#%(""#')

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