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What's new in Microsoft Access

In Microsoft Access 2010, you can build web databases and publish them
to a SharePoint site. SharePoint visitors can use your database application
in a web browser, usin SharePoint permissions to determine who can see
what. And you can start with a template, so you can start collaboratin riht
!he Access user interface has also chaned. If you are not familiar with
"ffice Access 200#, the ribbon and the $aviation Pane are probably new
to you. !he ribbon replaces the menus and toolbars from previous
versions. !he $aviation Pane replaces and e%tends the functionality of the
&atabase window. And new in Access 2010, 'ac(stae view rants you
access to all the commands that apply to an entire database, such as
compact and repair, or commands that came from the File menu.
What is Database
A database is a collection of information that is orani/ed so that it can
easily be accessed, manaed, and updated. In one view, databases can be
classified accordin to types of content) biblioraphic, full+te%t, numeric,
and imaes.
In computin, databases are sometimes classified accordin to their
orani/ational approach. !he most prevalent approach is the relational
database, a tabular database in which data is defined so that it can be
reorani/ed and accessed in a number of different ways. A distributed
database is one that can be dispersed or replicated amon different points
in a networ(. An ob0ect+oriented prorammin database is one that is
conruent with the data defined in ob0ect classes and subclasses.
Types of Database
A lot of the sites that we visit on the web today are enerated by a script of
some description, and a reat deal of them will use a database in one form
or another. 2i(e it or loathe it, buildin paes dynamically from databases is
a techni1ue that is here to stay.
!here are two main types of database3 flat+file and relational. 4hich is the
best one to use for a particular 0ob will depend on factors such as the type
and the amount of data to be processed3 not to mention how fre1uently it
will be used.
!he flat+file style of database are ideal for small amounts of data that needs
to be human readable or edited by hand. 5ssentially all they are made up
of is a set of strins in one or more files that can be parsed to et the
information they store3 reat for storin simple lists and data values, but
can et complicated when you try to replicate more comple% data
structures. !hat6s not to say that it is impossible to store comple% data in a
flat+file database3 0ust that doin so can be more costly in time and
processin power compared to a relational database. !he methods used
for storin the more comple% data types, are also li(ely to render the file
unreadable and un+editable to anyone loo(in after the database.
!he typical flat+file database is split up usin a common delimiter. If the
data is simple enouh, this could be a comma, but more comple% strins
are usually split up usin tabs, new lines or a combination of characters not
li(ely to be found in the record itself.
"ne of the main problems with usin flat files for even a semi+active
database is the fact that it is very prone to corruption. !here is no inherent
loc(in mechanism that detects when a file is bein used or modified, and
so this has to be done on the script level. 5ven if care is ta(en to loc( and
unloc( the file on each access, a busy script can cause a 7race condition7
and it is possible for a file to be wiped clean by two or more processes that
are fihtin for the loc(3 the timin of your file loc(s will become more and
more important as a site ets busy.
Database Management (DBM)
!he &atabase Manaement 2ayer allows script prorammers to store
information as a pair of strins3 a (ey, which is used to find the associated
value. 5ssentially, a &'M adds more functionality and better sortation
durin storae to the binary flat+files that it uses. !here are several versions
of &'Ms available, but the most popular is the 'er(ley &atabase Manaer3
also (nown as the 'er(ley &'.
!he 'er(ley &' is an improvement over normal flat+files, as it provides a
way for prorammers to use the database without havin to worry about
how the data is stored or how to retrieve the values. 8etrieval of data usin
the 'er(ley &' is often much faster than from a flat+file, with the time
savins bein made by storin data in a way that speeds up the locatin of
a specific (ey+value pair.
9reatin, editin and deletin data when usin the 'er(ley &' is actually
1uite simple3 once the database has been tied to the script you 0ust use and
manipulate the variables as normal. !he problem of file loc(in that
plaues flat+file databases is still apparent when usin &'M, so you should
still ta(e care when plannin scripts that utili/e it.
!he relational databases such as MyS:2, Microsoft S:2 Server and
"racle, have a much more loical structure in the way that it stores data.
!ables can be used to represent real world ob0ects, with each field actin
li(e an attribute. ;or e%ample, a table called boo(s could have the columns
title, author and IS'$, which describe the details of each boo( where each
row in the table is a new boo(.
!he 7relation7 comes from the fact that the tables can be lin(ed to each
other, for e%ample the author of a boo( could be cross+referenced with the
authors table <assumin there was one= to provide more information about
the author. !hese (ind of relations can be 1uite comple% in nature, and
would be hard to replicate in the standard flat+file format.
"ne ma0or advantae of the relational model is that, if a database is
desined efficiently, there should be no duplication of any data3 helpin to
maintain database interity. !his can also represent a hue savin in file
si/e, which is important when dealin with lare volumes of data. ,avin
said that, 0oinin lare tables to each other to et the data re1uired for a
1uery can be 1uite heavy on the processor3 so in some cases, particularly
when data is read only, it can be beneficial to have some duplicate data in
a relational database.
8elational databases also have functions 7built in7 that help them to
retrieve, sort and edit the data in many different ways. !hese functions
save script desiners from havin to worry about filterin out the results
that they et, and so can o 1uite some way to speedin up the
development and production of web applications.
Database omparisons
In most cases, you would want your database to support various types of
relations3 such databases, particularly if desined correctly, can
dramatically improve the speed of data retrieval as well as bein easier to
maintain. Ideally, you will want to avoid the replication of data within a
database to (eep a hih level of interity, otherwise chanes to one field
will have to be made manually to those that are related.
4hile several flat+files can be combined in such a way as to be able to
emulate some of the behaviours of a relational database, it can prove to be
slower in practice. A sinle connection to a relational database can access
all the tables within that database3 whereas a flat file implementation of the
same data would result in a new file open operation for each table.
What is the Benefit of a Database!
&atabases have many benefits. !hey are able to store lare amounts of
data and sort it accordin to your needs. Also, havin information saved on
a computer rather than written on somethin will help with the chances of
losin the information.
"ight #ey benefits of ha$ing a great %atabase
1. A database can reduce lots of comple%ity <flailin and endless spinnin
of wheels= in a business ++ the status of everythin is no loner un(nown or
(nown only to a few.
2. 4ith a ood database, all of your business6s (ey info is in one and only
one place, meanin that no one has to wonder if what they6re loo(in at is
the latest, most up+to+date info, or if the info they are see(in miht be
found if they loo( hard and lon enouh.
-. 4ith a ood database, everyone (nows where to find the information
they need at the moment they need it.
.. A database can add lots of productivity ains)
++ reducin the flailin mentioned above
++ reducin mundane, automate+able wor( <and empowerin your team to
do hiher+value added wor(=
?. A database lets you scale your business ++ multiple people and even
multiple locations.
MS 5%cel and file folders don@t scale
Aou and your manaers have access to the info you need to ma(e the
critical decisions, ta(in your business6s mar(etin and operations to the
ne%t level)
++ promotions trac(in <lets you test and adapt, test and adapt, test and
++ clarity on (ey 1uestions such as 7how much can we afford to spend on
ac1uisitionB7, and 7how much are we spendin on ac1uisitionB7, and Chow
lon is it ta(in us to ship ordersBD
++ manaers have insiht into production process and areas where thins
are ettin boed down
++ critical 1uestions such as 74hat is our lead conversion processB7, 74hat
is our customer re+order rateB7, etc.
++ critical 1uestions such as 7what is our current bac(lo of wor( to be
done, and what6s in the pipelineB7
++C what6s the status of our current open orders, and what needs to happen
ne%t with eachBD
E. A database can provide an easy way to automatically contact customers
and*or employees F either some (ind of triered email or phone CalertD,
status messae, or an emailed promotional piece
#. A database ives the business owner peace of mind even when away on
vacation. A database lets you 1uic(ly see what6s oin in your business.
4hen thins are out in the open, it@s much harder for anyone to hide thins
that aren@t oin well.
G. $ot only does a database provide immediate 8"I, it also adds to the
lon+term financial value of your business F it@s an awesome investment. If
all (nowlede about your business and your customers is in your head,
your presence is re1uired for your business to have any value at all. If the
(nowlede in your business is captured outside of your head, your
business becomes somethin that can be run or sold without your
Three &ses of Databases in the B'siness Worl%!
!he three main uses of database in the business world are storae of
information, easy access to information, and better security than paper
files. &atabase is the systematic collection of data usin the computer.
Amon the database manaement systems are "racle, Microsoft Access,
and Sybase.
(ow Are Databases &se% in the Real Worl%!
Databases are obviously used in business applications and financial
transactions; however, databases are not just used for business
applications. Your grocery store, bank, video rental store and favorite
clothing store all use databases to keep track of customer, inventory,
employee and accounting information. Databases allow for data to be
stored quickly and easily and are used in many aspects of your daily life.
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8ead more) http)***about>?..#??E>databases+used+real+
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