07 PMP Training Notes

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PMI Exam Study Notes Sajid Jambagi

PROJECT MANAGEMENT KNOWLEDGE AREAS & 44 Processes...................................................................................2
PMBOK (Project Maa!e"et Bo#$ o% Ko&'e#!e(................................................................................................................)
Chapter 1 Introduction (Project Management Framework).....................................................................................................7
Chapter 2 Project Lie C!c"e and organi#ation........................................................................................................................$
Chapter % Project Management Proce&&e& or a project........................................................................................................1'
Chapter ( I)*+,-.*I/) Management................................................................................................................................11
Chapter 0 1C/P+ Management.............................................................................................................................................1%
Chapter 2 *IM+ Management................................................................................................................................................12
Chapter 7 C/1* Management................................................................................................................................................2'
Chapter 3 45.LI*6 Management.........................................................................................................................................2%
Chapter $ 7 85M.) -+1/5-C+ Management......................................................................................................................27
Chapter 1' C/MM5)IC.*I/)1 Management....................................................................................................................%1
Chapter 11 -I19 Management...............................................................................................................................................%(
Chapter 12 P-/C5-+M+)* Management...........................................................................................................................%3
Chapter 1% Proe&&iona" -e&pon&i:i"itie&...............................................................................................................................(2
POSS*BLE E+AM ,-EST*ONS..............................................................................................................................................4.
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PMI Exam Study Notes Sajid Jambagi
Ko&'e#!e Areas Major Processes Pr/"ar$ *01ts Too's & Tec2/31es Pr/"ar$ O1t01ts
Develop Project Charter Developing the project charter
that formall a!thori"e# a
project or a project pha#e
$% Contract &'hen applica(le)
*% Project Statement of +or,
-% Enterpri#e environmental factor#
4% Organi"ational Proce## A##et#
$% Project Selection .etho/#
*% Project .anagement
.etho/olog &P..)
-% Project .anagement
0nformation ##tem&P.0S)
4% E1pert 2!/gment
$% Project Chapter
Develop Preliminar
Project Scope Statement
Developing Preliminar Project
Scope Statement that provi/e#
high level #cope narrative%
$% Project Charter
*% Project Statement of +or,
-% Enterpri#e Environmental Factor#
4% Organi"ational Proce## A##et#
$% P..
*% P.0S
-% E1pert 2!/gment
$% Preliminar project Scope Statement
Develop Project
.anagement Plan
Doc!menting the action#
nece##ar to /efine3 prepare3
integrate an/ coor/inate all
#!(#i/iar plan# into a project
management plan%
$% Preliminar project Scope Statement
*% Project .anagement Proce##e#
-% Enterpri#e Environmental Factor#
4% Organi"ational Proce## A##et#
$% P..
*% P.0S
-% E1pert 2!/gment
$% Project .anagement Plan
Direct an/ .anage Project
E1ec!ting the 'or, /efine/ in
the project management plan to
achieve the project4#
re5!irement# /efine/ in the
project #cope #tatement%
$% Project .anagement Plan
*% Approve/ Corrective action#
-% Approve/ Preventive Action#
4% Approve/ Change 6e5!e#t#
7% Approve/ /efect repair
6% 8ali/ate/ /efect 6epair
9% A/mini#trative Clo#!re Proce/!re
$% P..
*% P.0S
$% Delivera(le#
*% 6e5!e#te/ Change#
-% +or, Performance 0nformation
4% 0mplemente/ corrective action#
7% 0mplemente/ Preventive action#
6% 0mplemente/ Change 6e5!e#t#
9% 0mplemente/ /efect repair
.onitor an/ Control
Project +or,
.onitoring an/ Controlling the
proce##e# !#e/ to initiate3 plan3
e1ec!te3 an/ clo#e a project to
meet the performance
o(jective# /efine/ in the project
management plan
$% Project .anagement Plan
*% +or, Performance 0nformation
-% 6ejecte/ Change 6e5!e#t#
$% P..
*% P.0S
-% Earne/ 8al!e Techni5!e
4% E1pert 2!/gment
$% 6ecommen/e/ corrective action#
*% 6ecommen/e/ Preventive action#
-% 6ecommen/e/ Defect 6epair
4% Foreca#t#
7% 6e5!e#te/ Change#
0ntegrate/ Change Control 6evie'ing all change re5!e#t#3
approving change#3 an/
controlling change# to the
/elivera(le# an/ organi"ational
proce## a##et#%
$% Project .anagement Plan
*% Delivera(le#
-% +or, Performance 0nformation
4% 6e5!e#te/ Change#
7% 6ecommen/e/ corrective action#
6% 6ecommen/e/ Preventive action#
9% 6ecommen/e/ Defect 6epair
$% P..
*% P.0S
-% E1pert 2!/gment
$%Project .anagement Plan&!p/ate#)
*% Project Scope Statement &!p/ate#)
-% Delivera(le#
4% Approve/ corrective action#
7% Approve/ corrective action#
6% Approve/ Change 6e5!e#t#
9% 6ejecte/ Change 6e5!e#t#
:% Approve/ Defect 6epair
;% 8ali/ate/ Defect 6epair
Clo#e Project Finali"ing all activitie# acro##
all of the project management
proce## gro!p# to formall clo#e
the project or a project pha#e%
$% Project .anagement Plan
*% Contract Doc!mentation
-% Delivera(le#
4% +or, Performance 0nformation
7% Enterpri#e environmental factor#
6% Organi"ational Proce## A##et#
$% P..
*% P.0S
-% E1pert 2!/gment
$% A/mini#trative clo#!re Proce/!re
*% Contract clo#!re Proce/!re
-% Final Pro/!ct3 Service or re#!lt
4% Organi"ational Proce## A##et# &!p/ate#)
SCOPE Pac, Dnamite
With 4erifie/ Care
Scope Planning Creating a project #cope
management plan that
/oc!ment# ho' the project
#cope 'ill (e /efine/3 verifie/3
controlle/ an/ ho' the 'or,
(rea,/o'n #tr!ct!re 'ill (e
create/ an/ /efine/%
$% Project charter
*% Preliminar Project Scope Statement
-% Project .anagement Plan
4% Organi"ational Proce## A##et#
7% Enterpri#e environmental factor#
$% E1pert 2!/gment
*% Template#3 form#3 #tan/ar/#
$% Project Scope .anagement Plan
Scope Definition Developing a /etaile/ project
#cope #tatement a# the (a#i# for
f!t!re project /eci#ion#%
$% Project charter
*% Preliminar Project Scope Statement
-% Project Scope .anagement Plan
4% Organi"ational Proce## A##et#
7% Approve/ Change re5!e#t#
$% Pro/!ct anal#i#
*% Sta,ehol/er anal#i#
-% Alternative# 0/entification
4% E1pert 2!/gment
$% Project Scope Statement
*% Project Scope .anagement plan
-% 6e5!e#te/ change#
Create +BS S!(/ivi/ing the major project
/elivera(le# an/ project 'or,
into #maller more managea(le
$% Project Scope Statement
*% Project Scope .anagement Plan
-% Organi"ational Proce## A##et#
4% Approve/ Change re5!e#t#
$% +or, Brea,/o'n Str!ct!re
*% Decompo#ition
$% Project Scope Statement &<p/ate#)
*% Project Scope .anagement plan
-% Scope (a#eline
4% +or, Brea,/o'n Str!ct!re
7% +BS /ictionar
6% 6e5!e#te/ change#
Scope 8erification Formali"ing acceptance of the
complete/ project /elivera(le#%
$% Project Scope Statement
*% Project Scope .anagement Plan
-% +BS /ictionar
4% Delivera(le#
$% 0n#pection $% Accepte/ /elivera(le#
*% 6e5!e#te/ Change#
-% 6ecommen/e/ corrective action#
Scope Control Controlling change# to the
project #cope%
$% Project Scope Statement
*% Project Scope management plan
-% +or, (rea,/o'n #tr!ct!re
4% +BS /ictionar
7% +or, Performance information
$% 8ariance anal#i#
*% 6e planning
-% Change Control ##tem
4% Config!ration .anagement
$% Project Scope Statement &!p/ate#)
*% Scope Ba#eline &!p/ate#)
-% +or, Brea,/o'n Str!ct!re &!p/ate#)
4% +BS Dictionar &!p/ate#)
7% Project .anagement plan &!p/ate#)
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PMI Exam Study Notes Sajid Jambagi
6% Performance report#
9% Approve/ Change re5!e#t#
6% Organi"ational Proce## A##et# &<p/ate#)
9% 6ecommen/e/ Corrective action
:% 6e5!e#te/ change#
Activit Definition 0/entifing the #pecific
#che/!le activitie# that nee/ (e
performe/ to pro/!ce the
vario!# project /elivera(le#
$% Enterpri#e environmental factor#
*% Organi"ational Proce## A##et#
-% Project Scope Statement
4% Project .anagement Plan
7% +or, (rea,/o'n #tr!ct!re
6% +BS /ictionar
$% Decompo#ition
*% Template#
-% 6olling 'ave planning
4% Planning component
7% E1pert 2!/gment
$% Activit Li#t
*% Activit Attri(!te#
-% .ile#tone li#t
4% 6e5!e#t Change#
Activit Se5!encing 0/entifing an/ /oc!menting
/epen/encie# among #che/!le
$% Project Scope Statement
*% Activit li#t
-% Activit Attri(!te#
4% .ile#tone li#t
7% Approve/ Change 6e5!e#t#
$% PD.
*% AD.
-% Sche/!le Net'or, template#
4% Depen/enc /etermination
7% Appling lea/# an/ lag#
$% Project Sche/!le Net'or, /iagram#
*% Activit li#t &!p/ate#)
-% Activit attri(!te# &!p/ate#)
4% 6e5!e#te/ change#
Activit 6e#o!rce
E#timating the tpe an/
5!antitie# of re#o!rce# re5!ire/
to perform each #che/!le
$% Enterpri#e environmental factor#
*% Organi"ational Proce## A##et#
-% Project .anagement Plan
4% Activit li#t
7% Activit Attri(!te#
6% 6e#o!rce Availa(ilit
$% Bottom=!p e#timating
*% Alternative# Anal#i#
-% P!(li#he/ e#timate/ /ata
4% Project .anagement Soft'are
7% E1pert 2!/gment
$% Activit re#o!rce re5!irement#
*% Activit attri(!te# &!p/ate#)
-% 6e#o!rce calen/ar &!p/ate#)
4% 6e#o!rce Brea,/o'n Str!ct!re
7% 6e5!e#te/ change#
Activit D!ration
E#timating the n!m(er of 'or,
perio/# that 'ill (e nee/e/ to
complete each #che/!le
$% Enterpri#e environmental factor#
*% Organi"ational Proce## A##et#
-% Project Scope Statement
4% Project .anagement Plan
%6i#, regi#ter
%Activit Co#t e#timate#
7% Activit li#t
6% Activit Attri(!te#
9% Activit 6e#o!rce re5!irement#
:% 6e#o!rce Calen/ar
$% Analogo!# e#timating
*% Parametric e#timating
-% Three=point e#timate#
4% 6e#erve Anal#i#
7% E1pert j!/gment
$% Activit D!ration e#timate#
*% Activit attri(!te# &!p/ate#)
Sche/!le Development Anal"ing activit #e5!ence#3
/!ration#3 re#o!rce
re5!irement#3 an/ #che/!le
con#traint# to create the project
$% Enterpri#e environmental factor#
*% Project Scope Statement
-% Project .anagement Plan
% 6i#, regi#ter
4% Activit li#t
7% Activit Attri(!te#
6% Project Sche/!le net'or, /iagram#
9% Activit 6e#o!rce re5!irement#
:% 6e#o!rce Calen/ar#
;% Activit /!ration e#timate#
$% Sche/!le Net'or, anal#i#
*% Critical path metho/
-% Sche/!le Compre##ion
4% +hat=if #cenario anal#i#
7% 6e#o!rce leveling
6% Critical chain metho/
9% Project management #oft'are
:% Appling calen/ar#
;% A/j!#ting lea/# an/ lag#
$>% Sche/!le mo/el
$% Project #che/!le
*% Sche/!le mo/el /ata
-% Sche/!le (a#eline
4% 6e#o!rce re5!irement# &!p/ate#)
7% Activit attri(!te# &!p/ate#)
6% Project calen/ar &!p/ate#)
9% 6e5!e#te/ Change#
:% Project .anagement Plan &!p/ate#)
%Sche/!le .anagement Plan &!p/ate#)
Sche/!le Control Controlling change# to the
project #che/!le%
$% Sche/!le management plan
*% Sche/!le (a#eline
-% Performance report#
4% Approve/ Change re5!e#t#
$% Progre## 6eporting
*% Sche/!le change control
-% Performance mea#!rement
4% Project management #oft'are
7% 8ariance anal#i#
6% Sche/!le compari#on (ar chart#
$% Sche/!le mo/el /ata &!p/ate#)
*% Sche/!le (a#eline &!p/ate#)
-% Activit li#t &!p/ate#)
4% Activit Attri(!te# &!p/ate#)
7% Performance mea#!rement#
6% 6e5!e#te/ change#
9% 6ecommen/e/ Corrective action#
:% Project .anagement Plan &!p/ate#)
;% Organi"ational Proce## A##et# &!p/ate#)
COST EBC ra/io i# free of
Co#t E#timating Developing an appro1imation of
the co#t# of the re#o!rce#
nee/e/ to complete project
$% Enterpri#e environmental factor#
*% Organi"ational Proce## A##et#
-% Project Scope Statement
4% +or, (rea,/o'n #tr!ct!re
7% +BS /ictionar
6% Project .anagement Plan
Sche/!le .anagement Plan
Staffing .anagement Plan
6i#, 6egi#ter
$% Analogo!# e#timating
*% Determine 6e#o!rce Co#t
-% Bottom=!p e#timating
4% Parametric e#timating
7% Project .anagement Soft'are
6% 8en/or Bi/ anal#i#
9% 6e#erve anal#i#
:% Co#t of ?!alit
$% Activit Co#t e#timate#
*% Activit Co#t E#timate S!pporting /etail
-% 6e5!e#te/ Change#
4% Co#t management plan &!p/ate#)
Co#t B!/geting Aggregating the e#timate/ co#t#
of in/ivi/!al activitie# or 'or,
pac,age# to e#ta(li#h a co#t
$% Project Scope Statement
*% +or, (rea,/o'n #tr!ct!re
-% +BS /ictionar
4% Activit Co#t e#timate#
7% Activit Co#t E#timate S!pporting
6% Project Sche/!le
9% 6e#o!rce Calen/ar#
:% Contract
;% Co#t management plan
$% Co#t aggregation
*% 6e#erve Anal#i#
-% Parametric E#timating
4% F!n/ing Limit reconciliation
$% Co#t (a#eline
*% Project f!n/ing re5!irement#
-% Co#t management plan &!p/ate#)
4% 6e5!e#te/ Change#
Co#t Control 0nfl!encing the factor# that
create co#t variance# an/
controlling change# to the
$% Co#t (a#eline
*% Project f!n/ing re5!irement#
-% Performance report#
$% Co#t change control ##tem
*% Performance mea#!rement
$% Co#t e#timate# &!p/ate#)
*% Co#t (a#eline &!p/ate#)
-% Performance .ea#!rement#
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PMI Exam Study Notes Sajid Jambagi
project (!/get% 4% +or, performance information
7% Approve/ Change re5!e#t#
6% Project management plan
-% Foreca#ting
4% Project performance revie'#
7% Project .anagement #oft'are
6% 8ariance .ea#!rement
4% Foreca#te/ Completion
7% 6e5!e#te/ Change#
6% 6ecommen/e/ corrective action#
9% Organi"ation proce## a##et# &!p/ate#)
:% Project management plan &!p/ate#)
,-AL*T5 The 3 !alit -=
PAC,% (% P.C)
?!alit Planning 0/entifing 'hich 5!alit
#tan/ar/# are relevant to the
project an/ /etermining ho' to
#ati#f them%
$% Enterpri#e environmental factor#
*% Organi"ational Proce## A##et#
-% Project Scope Statement
4% Project .anagement Plan
$% Co#t=Benefit anal#i#
*% Benchmar,ing
-% De#ign of e1periment#
4% Co#t of 5!alit &CO?)
7% A//itional 5!alit Planning
$% ?!alit management plan
*% ?!alit .etric#
-% ?!alit Chec,li#t#
4% Proce## 0mprovement Plan
7% ?!alit Ba#eline
6% Project .anagement Plan &!p/ate#)
Perform ?!alit
Appling the planne/
##tematic 5!alit activitie# to
en#!re that project emplo# all
proce##e# nee/e/ to meet
$% ?!alit management plan
*% ?!alit .etric#
-% Proce## 0mprovement Plan
4% +or, performance 0nformation
7% ?!alit control .ea#!rement#
6% Approve/ Change 6e5!e#t#
9% 0mplemente/ Corrective Action#
:% 0mplemente/ Preventive Action#
;% 0mplemente/ Change 6e5!e#t#
$>% 0mplemente/ Defect 6epair
$% ?!alit planning tool# an/
*% ?!alit a!/it#
-% Proce## anal#i#
4% ?!alit control tool# an/
$% 6e5!e#te/ Change#
*% Corrective Action#
-% Organi"ation proce## a##et# &!p/ate#)
4% Project management plan &!p/ate#)
Perform ?!alit Control .onitoring #pecific project
re#!lt# to /etermine 'hether
the compl 'ith relevant
5!alit #tan/ar/# an/ i/entifing
'a# to eliminate ca!#e# of
!n#ati#factor performance%
$% ?!alit management plan
*% ?!alit .etric#
-% ?!alit Chec,li#t#
4% Organi"ation proce## a##et#
7% +or, performance 0nformation
6% Approve/ Change 6e5!e#t#
9% Delivera(le#
$% Ca!#e an/ effect /iagram
*% Control chart#
-% Flo'=charting
4% @i#togram
7% Pareto chart
6% 6!n Chart
9% Scatter /iagram
:% Stati#tical #ampling
;% 0n#pection
$>% Defect repair revie'
$% ?!alit Control .ea#!rement#
*% 8ali/ate/ Defect 6epair
-% ?!alit Ba#e line &!p/ate#)
4% 6ecommen/e/ Corrective Action#
7% 6ecommen/e/ Preventive Action#
6% 6e5!e#te/ Change#
9% 6ecommen/e/ Defect 6epair
:% Organi"ation proce## a##et# &!p/ate#)
;% 8ali/ate/ /elivera(le#
$>% Project management plan &!p/ate#)
@!man 6e#o!rce Planning 0/entifing an/ /oc!menting
project role#3 re#pon#i(ilitie#
an/ reporting relation#hip# a#
'ell a# creating the #taffing
management plan
$% Enterpri#e Environmental Factor#
*% Organi"ational Proce## A##et#
-% Project management plan
%Activit re#o!rce re5!irement#
$% Organi"ation chart# an/
po#ition /e#cription#
*% Net'or,ing
-% Organi"ational theor%
$% 6ole# an/ re#pon#i(ilitie#
*% Project Organi"ation chart#
-% Staffing management plan
Ac5!ire Project Team O(taining the h!man re#o!rce#
nee/e/ to complete the project%
$% Enterpri#e Environmental Factor#
*% Organi"ational Proce## A##et#
-% 6ole# an/ re#pon#i(ilitie#
4% Project Organi"ation chart#
7% Staffing management plan
$% Pre=a##ignment
*% Negotiation
-% Ac5!i#ition
4% 8irt!al team#
$% Project Staff A##ignment#
*% 6e#o!rce Availa(ilit
-% Staffing management plan &!p/ate#)
Develop Project Team 0mproving the competencie#
an/ interaction of team
mem(er# to enhance project
$% Project Staff A##ignment#
*% 6e#o!rce Availa(ilit
-% Staffing management plan
$% Aeneral management #,ill#
*% Training
-% Team=(!il/ing activitie#
4% Aro!n/ r!le#
7% Co=location
6% 6ecognition an/ re'ar/#
$% Team Performance a##e##ment
.anage Project Team Trac,ing team mem(er
performance3 provi/ing
fee/(ac,3 re#olving i##!e#3 an/
coor/inating change# to enhance
project performance
$% Organi"ational Proce## A##et#
*% Project Staff A##ignment#
-% 6ole# an/ re#pon#i(ilitie#
4% Project Organi"ation chart#
7% Staffing management plan
6% Team Performance a##e##ment
9% +or, Performance 0nformation
:% Performance 6eport#
$% O(#ervation an/ conver#ation
*% Project performance apprai#al#
-% Conflict management
4% 0##!e log
$% 6e5!e#te/ Change#
*% 6ecommen/e/ Corrective Action#
-% 6ecommen/e/ Preventive Action#
4% Organi"ation proce## a##et# &!p/ate#)
6% Project management plan &!p/ate#)
Comm!nication# Planning Determining the information
an/ comm!nication# nee/# of
the #ta,ehol/er#
$% Enterpri#e Environmental Factor#
*% Organi"ational Proce## A##et#
-% Project Scope Statement
4% Project management plan
$% Comm!nication#
re5!irement anal#i#
*% Comm!nication#
$% Comm!nication management plan
0nformation Di#tri(!tion .a,ing nee/e/ information
availa(le to project #ta,ehol/er#
in a timel manner
$% Comm!nication management plan $% Comm!nication #,ill#
*% 0nformation gathering an/
retrieval ##tem#
-% 0nformation /i#tri(!tion
4% Le##on# learne/ Proce##
$% Organi"ational Proce## A##et# &!p/ate#)
*% 6e5!e#te/ Change#
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PMI Exam Study Notes Sajid Jambagi
Performance 6eporting Collecting an/ /i#tri(!ting
performance information% Thi#
incl!/e# Stat!# reporting3
progre## mea#!rement an/
$% +or, Performance 0nformation
*% Performance .ea#!rement#
-% Foreca#te/ completion
4% ?!alit control mea#!rement#
7% Project management plan
Performance mea#!rement
6% Approve/ Change re5!e#t#
9% Delivera(le#
$% 0nformation pre#entation tool#
*% Performance information
gathering an/ compilation
-% Stat!# revie' meeting#
4% Time reporting ##tem#
7% Co#t reporting ##tem#
$% Performance report#
*% Foreca#t#
-% 6e5!e#te/ Change#
4% 6ecommen/e/ Corrective Action#
7% Organi"ational Proce## A##et# &!p/ate#)
.anage Sta,ehol/er# .anaging comm!nication# to
#ati#f the re5!irement# of an/
re#olve i##!e# 'ith project
$% Comm!nication# management plan
*% Organi"ational Proce## A##et#
$% Comm!nication# .etho/#
*% 0##!e Log#
$% 6e#olve/ 0##!e#
*% Approve# Change 6e5!e#t#
-% Approve/ corrective action#
4% Organi"ational Proce## A##et# &!p/ate#)
7% Project management plan &!p/ate#)
R*SK It?& ri&k! to ha@e
an I4 in <C.
6i#, .anagement
Deci/ing ho' to approach an/
plan ri#, management activitie#%
$% Enterpri#e Environmental Factor#
*% Organi"ational Proce## A##et#
-% Project Scope Statement
4% Project .anagement Plan
$% Planning meeting# an/ anal#i# $% 6i#, management plan
6i#, 0/entification Determining 'hich ri#,# are
li,el to affect the project B
/oc!menting their
$% Enterpri#e Environmental Factor#
*% Organi"ational Proce## A##et#
-%6i#, management plan
4% Project Scope Statement
7% Project .anagement Plan
$%Doc!mentation revie'#
*% 0nfo=gathering techni5!e#
-% Chec,li#t anal#i#
4% A##!mption# anal#i#
7% Diagramming techni5!e#
$%6i#, 6egi#ter
?!alitative 6i#, Anal#i# A##e##ing the impact an/
li,elihoo/ of i/entifie/ ri#,#%
$% Organi"ational Proce## A##et#
*% 6i#, 6egi#ter
-% Project Scope Statement
4% Project .anagement Plan
$% 6i#, pro(a(ilit B impact
*% Pro(a(ilit an/ impact matri1
-% 6i#, /ata 5!alit a##e##ment
4% 6i#, Categori"ation
7% 6i#, !rgenc a##e##ment
$%6i#, 6egi#ter &<p/ate#)
?!antitative 6i#, Anal#i# A proce## that anal"e#
n!mericall the pro(a(ilit of
each ri#, an/ it# con#e5!ence on
project o(jective#
$% Organi"ational Proce## A##et#
*% Project Scope Statement
-% 6i#, .anagement Plan
4% 6i#, 6egi#ter
7% Project .anagement Plan
C Project Sche/!le .anagement Plan
C Project Co#t .anagement Plan
$% Data Aathering an/
repre#entation techni5!e#
&0ntervie'ing3 pro(a(ilit
/i#tri(!tion an/ E2)
*% ?!antitative 6i#, anal#i# B
mo/eling techni5!e#% &Sen#itivit3
E.83 Deci#ion Tree)
$% 6i#, 6egi#ter &<p/ate#)
6i#, 6e#pon#e Planning Developing option# B
/etermining action# to enhance
opport!nitie# to re/!ce threat#
to project o(jective#
$% 6i#, .anagement Plan
*% 6i#, 6egi#ter
$% Strategie# for negative ri#, or
*% Strategie# for po#itive ri#, or
-% Strategie# for (oth threat# an/
4% Contingenc re#pon#e #trateg
$% 6i#, 6egi#ter &<p/ate#)
*% Project .anagement Plan &<p/ate#)
-% 6i#, relate/ contract!al agreement#
6i#, .onitoring B
Trac,ing i/entifie/ ri#,3
monitoring re#i/!al ri#,#3 an/
i/entifing ne' ri#,3 en#!ring
the e1ec!tion of ri#, plan# an/
eval!ating the effectivene## in
re/!cing ri#,%
$% 6i#, .anagement Plan
*% 6i#, 6egi#ter
-% Approve/ Change 6e5!e#t#
4% +or, Performance 0nformation
7% Performance 6eport#
$% 6i#, rea##e##ment
*% 6i#, a!/it#
-% 8ariance an/ tren/ anal#i#
4% Technical performance
7% 6e#erve anal#i#
6% Stat!# .eeting#
$% 6i#, 6egi#ter &<p/ate#)
*% 6e5!e#te/ Change#
-% 6ecommen/e/ Corrective action#
4% 6ecommen/e/ Preventive action#
7% Organi"ational proce## a##et &<p/ate)
6% Project .anagement Plan &<p/ate#)
Plan P!rcha#e# B
Determining 'hat to proc!re
an/ 'hen (make or :u!)
$% Enterpri#e Environmental Factor#
*% Organi"ational Proce## A##et#
-% Project #cope #tatement
4% +BS
7% +BS Dictionar
6% Project .anagement Plan
$% .a,e or (! anal#i#
*% E1pert j!/gment
-% Contract tpe#
$% Proc!rement mgmt plan
*% Contract Statement&#) of +or,
-% .a,e or B! Deci#ion#
4% 6e5!e#te/ Change#
Plan Contracting Preparing the /oc!ment# nee/e/
to #!pport #olicitation
$% Proc!rement management plan
*% Contract Statement&#) of 'or,
-% .a,e or B! Deci#ion#
4% Project .anagement Plan
$% Stan/ar/ form#
*% E1pert j!/gment
$% Proc!rement /oc!ment#
*% Eval!ation criteria
-% Contract Statement of 'or, &!p/ate#)
6e5!e#t Seller 6e#pon#e# O(taining 5!otation#3 (i/#3
offer#3 or propo#al# (an&wer
$% Organi"ational Proce## A##et#
*% Proc!rement .anagement Plan
-% Proc!rement Doc!ment#
$% Bi//er conference#
*% A/verti#ing
-% Develop 5!alifie/ #eller# li#t
$% ?!alifie/ #eller# li#t
*% Proc!rement Doc!ment Pac,age
-% Propo#al#
Select Seller# 0nvolve# the receipt of (i/# or
propo#al# an/ the application of
eval!ation criteria to #elect a
$% Organi"ational Proce## A##et#
*% Proc!rement .anagement Plan
-% Eval!ation Criteria
4% Proc!rement Doc!ment Pac,age
7% Propo#al#
6% ?!alifie/ Seller# Li#t
9% Project .anagement Plan
$% +eighting ##tem
*% 0n/epen/ent e#timate#
-% Screening ##tem
4% Contract Negotiation
7% Seller 6ating S#tem
6% E1pert 2!/gment
9% Propo#al Eval!ation
$% Selecte/ Seller#
*% Contract
-% Contract .anagement Plan
4% 6e#o!rce Availa(ilit
7% Proc!rement .anagement Plan
6% 6e5!e#te/ change#
Contract A/mini#tration En#!ring that the #eller4#
performance meet# contract!al
$% Contract
*% Contract .anagement Plan
-% Selecte/ Seller#
4% Performance 6eport#
7% Approve/ change re5!e#t#
6% +or, Performance information
$% Contract change control ##tem
*% B!er con/!cte/ performance
-% 0n#pection# an/ a!/it#
4% Performance reporting
7%Pament ##tem
$% Contract Doc!mentation
*% 6e5!e#te/ Change#
-% 6ecommen/e/ Corrective action#
4% Organi"ational Proce## a##et# &<p/ate#)
7% Project .anagement plan &!p/ate#)
C Proc!rement .anagement Plan
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PMI Exam Study Notes Sajid Jambagi
6% Claim# a/mini#tration
9% 6ecor/# management ##tem
:% 0nformation technolog
C Contract management plan
Contract Clo#eo!t Pro/!ct verification an/
a/mini#tration clo#eo!t
$% Proc!rement management Plan
*% Contract management plan
-% Contract /oc!mentation
4% Contract clo#!re proce/!re
$% Proc!rement a!/it#
*% 6ecor/# .anagement S#tem
$% Clo#e/ Contract#
*% Organi"ational proce## a##et# &<p/ate#)
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PMI Exam Study Notes Sajid Jambagi
PMBOK (Project Maa!e"et Bo#$ o% Ko&'e#!e(
C2a0ter 7 8 *tro#1ct/o (Project Maa!e"et 9ra"e&or:(
PMBOK = The P!rpo#e of P.BOD A!i/e i# to i/entif that #!(#et of Project .anagement Bo/ of Dno'le/ge that i#
generall recogni"e/ a# goo/ practice%
Project E Temporar an/ <ni5!e3 Temporar al#o applie# to project team3 opport!nitie# an/ .ar,et 'in/o'% Project i#
temporar (!t the pro/!ct3 #ervice or re#!lt i# it create# i# !#!all inten/e/ to (e long la#ting%
Pro!ress/;e E'a<orat/o = Progre##ivel mean# Fprocee/ing in #tep#G contin!ing #tea/il ( increment#3H 'hile e"a:orated
mean# F'or,e/ o!t 'ith care an/ /etailG /evelope/ thoro!ghlH
Projects (Te"0orar$ & -/31e( & O0erat/os (re0et/t/;e( Co""o C2aracter/st/cs
$% Performe/ ( People
*% Con#traine/ B limite/ 6e#o!rce#
-% Planne/3 E1ec!te/ an/ Controlle/
Project "aa!e"et = Application of ,no'le/ge3 #,ill#3 tool#3 an/ techni5!e# to project activitie# to meet project
PM* .em(er# A/here to E Co/e of Ethic#
PMP a/here to E Co/e of Profe##ional Con/!ct
Tr/0'e Costra/t E Co#t3 Time an/ Scope I ?!alit3 6i#, an/ C!#tomer Sati#faction
Maa!e"et B$ Projects 8 .anagement of Project# an/ #ome ongoing operation#3 'hich can (e re/efine/ a# project# !#ing
FProject .anagementH% An organi"ation that a/opt# thi# approach /efine# it# activitie# a# project# in a 'a that i# con#i#tent
'ith /efinition of project%
$% Project *te!rat/o Maa!e"et = vario!# element# of the project are properl coor/inate/%
*% Project Sco0e Maa!e"et = incl!/e# all the 'or, re5!ire/3 to complete the project #!cce##f!ll%
-% Project T/"e Maa!e"et = en#!re timel completion of the project%
4% Project Cost Maa!e"et = complete/ 'ithin the approve/ (!/get%
7% Project ,1a'/t$ Maa!e"et = project 'ill #ati#f the nee/# for 'hich it 'a# !n/erta,en
6% Project 61"a Reso1rce Maa!e"et = to ma,e the mo#t effective !#e of the people involve/ 'ith the project%
9% Project Co""1/cat/os Maa!e"et = to en#!re timel an/ appropriate generation3 collection3 /i##emination3
Storage3 an/ !ltimate /i#po#ition of project information%
:% Project R/s: Maa!e"et = i/entifing3 anal"ing3 an/ re#pon/ing to project ri#,%
;% Project Proc1re"et Maa!e"et = to ac5!ire goo/# an/ #ervice# from o!t#i/e the performing organi"ation%
Areas o% E=0ert/se
$% P.BOD
$% Project Life ccle Definition *% Five P. proce## gro!p# -% Nine Dno'le/ge area#
*% Application area ,no'le/ge3 #tan/ar/# an/ reg!lation#
-% <n/er#tan/ing Project environment
$%C!lt!ral an/ Social *%0nternational an/ political -%Ph#ical Environment
4% Aeneral .anagement Dno'le/ge an/ S,ill#
$%Planning *%Organi"ing -%Staffing 4%E1ec!ting 7%Control operation#
7% 0nterper#onal S,ill#
$%Comm!nication *%0nfl!enct -%Lea/er#hip 4%.otivation 7%Negotiation B Conflict re#ol!tion 6%Pro(lem Solving
Sta#ar# 7 i# a F/oc!ment approve/ ( a recogni"e/ (o/3 that provi/e#3 for common an/ repeate/ !#e3 r!le#3 g!i/eline#3 or
characteri#tic# for pro/!ct#3 proce##e# or #ervice# 'ith 'hich co"0'/ace /s ot "a#ator$.> Stan/ar/# #tart o!t a#
g!i/eline# an/ later 'ith 'i/e#prea/ a/aptation (ecome# accepte/ a# if the 'ere reg!lation#%
Re!1'at/o ? i# a F/oc!ment3 'hich la# /o'n pro/!ct3 proce## or #ervice characteri#tic#3 incl!/ing the applica(le
a/mini#trative provi#ion#3 'ith 'hich co"0'/ace /s "a#ator$.
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PMI Exam Study Notes Sajid Jambagi
Pro!ra" 8 Aro!p of relate/ Project# manage/ in a coor/inate/ 'a to o(tain (enefit# an/ control not availa(le from
managing them in/ivi/!all%
Port%o'/o E Collection of Project#3 Program# an/ other 'or, gro!pe/ together to facilitate effective management to meet
#trategic o(jective#%
PMO E Project .anagement Office3 Project office3 Program Office E Centrali"e an/ Coor/inate the management of project3
over#ee or a/mini#ter project3 program or (oth%
OPM. E P.04# organi"ational mat!rit mo/el%
E=0e#/tor E Staff A##i#tant an/ Comm!nication coor/inator% No Po'er to ma,e /eci#ion#
Coor#/ator E Some a!thorit3 po'er an/ report# to higher=level manager%
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PMI Exam Study Notes Sajid Jambagi
C2a0ter 2 8 Project L/%e C$c'e a# or!a/@at/o
Project '/%e c$c'e = Organi"ation# performing project# 'ill !#!all /ivi/e each project into #everal project pha&e& to improve
management control% Collectivel3 the project pha#e# are ,no'n a# the project "ie c!c"e% <#!all the are #e5!ential%
Project L/%e C$c'e De%/e E
$% +hat technical 'or, to /o in each pha#e
*% +hen the /elivera(le# are to (e generate/3 ho' the are revie'e/3 verifie/ B vali/ate/%
-% +ho i# involve/ in each pha#e
4% @o' to control an/ approve each pha#e
Project P2ase = Each project pha#e i# mar,e/ ( completion of one or more /elivera(le#% A de"i@era:"e i# a tangi(le3
verifia(le 'or, pro/!ct% The concl!#ion of a project pha#e i# generall mar,e/ ( a revie' of (oth ,e /elivera(le# an/
project performance to /ate3 to a) /etermine if the project #ho!l/ contin!e into it# ne1t pha#e an/ () /etect an/ correct error#
co#t effectivel% The#e pha#e=en/ revie'# are often calle/ pha&e eBit&3 &tage gate&3 or ki"" point&%
Practice of overlapping pha#e# i# often calle/ a&t tracking%
Cost a# sta%%/! = level# are lo' at the #tart3 higher to'ar/# en/3 an/ /rop rapi/l a# the project /ra'# to a concl!#ion%
Co"0'et/o = The pro(a(ilit of #!cce##f!l completion generall get# progre##ivel higher a# the project contin!e#%
Sta:e2o'#er *%'1ece E On the final characteri#tic# of the project4# pro/!ct an/ the final co#t of the project i# highe#t at the
#tart an/ get# progre##ivel lo'er a# the project contin!e#%
R/s: 8 <ncertaint an/ hence ri#, of failing i# high at the (eginning an/ get progre##ivel le##erJ(etter a# project contin!e#
Ke$ sta:e2o'#ers E pm3 c!#tomer &(!J!#e)3 org3 team B #pon#or &pa#)3 Project .anagement team3 P.O
D/%%ereces = 0n general3 /ifference# (et'een or among #ta,ehol/er# #ho!l/ (e re#olve/ in favor of the c!#tomer%
Maa!/! = i# primaril concerne/ 'ith Fcon#i#tentl pro/!cing ,e re#!lt# e1pecte/ ( #ta,ehol/er#3H
Lea#/! = E#ta(li#hing /irection vi#ion of the f!t!re an/ #trategie#3 Aligning people to vi#ion3 .otivating an/ in#piring%
Pro<'e" #e%//t/o = re5!ire# /i#ting!i#hing (et'een ca!#e# an/ #mptom#%
Pro(lem# ma (e internal &a ,e emploee i# rea##igne/ to another project) or e1ternal &a permit re5!ire/ to (egin 'or, i#
/elae/)% Pro(lem# ma (e technical &/ifference# of opinion a(o!t the (e#t 'a to /e#ign a pro/!ct)3 managerial &a
f!nctional gro!p i# not pro/!cing accor/ing to plan)3 or interper#onal &per#onalit or #tle cla#he#)%
Or!a/@at/oa' Str1ct1re *%'1ece o Projects
F!nctional +ea, .atri1 Balance/ .atri1 Strong .atri1 Projecte/
P. a!thorit Little or None Limite/ Lo' to .o/erate .o/erate to @igh @igh to Total
6e#o!rce Availa(ilit Little or None Limite/ Lo' to .o/erate .o/erate to @igh @igh to Total
Project B!/get F!nctional .ngr F!nctional .ngr .i1e/ P. P.
P. 6ole Part Time Part Time F!ll Time F!ll Time F!ll Time
A/mini#trative Staff Part Time Part Time Part Time F!ll Time F!ll Time
Co"0os/te Or!a/@at/o E A f!nctional organi"ation ma create a #pecial project team to han/le a critical projectG the team
ma have #ome characteri#tic# of a project team in a projecti"e/ organi"ation% an/ ma have f!ll time a/min #taff from
/ifferent f!nctional /epartment#3 ma /evelop it# o'n #et of operating proce/!re# an/ ma operate o!t#i/e the #tan/ar/
formali"e/ reporting #tr!ct!re%
PMO E Can e1i#t in an ,in/ of organi"ation incl!/ing the f!nctional organi"ation%
P'a/! 8 Planning i# the onl P. Proce## gro!p that ha# a #pecific or/er of activitie#
Re'ease Reso1rces E 0# the La#t activit in the clo#ing proce## gro!p%
*terat/os E Start after 6i#, management (eca!#e onl after thi# final co#t an/ #che/!le can (e /etermine/%
Page $ o 46 La&t 5pdated
PMI Exam Study Notes Sajid Jambagi
C2a0ter . 8 Project Maa!e"et Processes %or a 0roject
P/c: Process E Project .anager along 'ith team i# re#pon#i(le for pic,ing 'hat proce##e# are appropriate%
A00'/cat/o o% Processes E to the project i# iterative%
Coce0t o% /teract/o a"o! PM 0rocesses = &B She'hart B Deming) E PLAN E DO E C@ECD E ACT
Mo/tor/! & Cotro' E Aro!p not onl monitor# an/ control# the 'or, (eing /one 'ithin a proce## gro!p (!t al#o monitor#
an/ control# the entire project effort%
Process 7 i& Fa #erie# of action# (ringing a(o!t a re#!ltH
Process Gro10 E Are not project pha#e#% Proce## gro!p# are !#!all repeate/ for each pha#eJ#!( project%
*/t/at/! Process E Are often /one e1ternal to the project4# #cope of control%
Project C2arter E Approval an/ f!n/ing are han/le/ e1ternal to the project (o!n/arie#% Charter i# primaril concerne/ 'ith
a!thori"ing the project Jpha#e% 0t lin,# project to the ongoing 'or, of the organi"ation%
Ro''/! Wa;e P'a/! E Progre##ive /etailing of the project management plan i# calle/ rolling 'ave planning3 in/icating
plan i# an interactive an/ ongoing proce##%
E=ec1t/! Process Gro10 E .ajorit of the project (!/get 'ill (e #pent in performing E1ec!ting proce## gro!p%
*te!rate# C2a!e Cotro' E 0# performe/ thro!gho!t the project3 from project initiation thr! Project clo#!re%
Core processes Are Performed in same order & may be iterated several times during any
one phase
Facilitating processes- Performed intermittently and as needed during project planning, they
are not
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PMI Exam Study Notes Sajid Jambagi
C2a0ter 4 8 *NTEGRAT*ON Maa!e"et
*te!rat/o Maa!e"et 8 <nification3 Con#oli/ation3 artic!lation an/ interactive action# that are cr!cial to project
completion% 0ntegration i# a(o!t ma,ing choice#3 a(o!t 'here to concentrate re#o!rce# an/ effort% 0t al#o involve# ma,ing
tra/eoff# among competing o(jective# an/ alternative#% P. an/ team m!#t a//re## ever proce## an/ level of /"0'e"etat/o
for proce##
Project De'/;era<'es 8 Nee/ to (e integrate/ 'ith ongoing operation#%
Reasos to start 0rojects 8 $% Pro(lem# *% .ar,et Opport!nit -%B!#ine## 6e5!irement#
Project C2arter ? $% A!thori"e project *% Aive# Project .anager A!thorit -%0##!e/ ( initiator or #pon#or e1ternal to project
organi"ation 'ho ha# the a!thorit to f!n/% 4% 0t i# (roa/ eno!gh that it /oe# not have to change a# the project change#%
Project C2arter Cota/
$% 6e5!irement# that #pecif C!#tomerJSpon#or Nee/#3 'ant# an/ e1pectation# *%B!#ine## Nee/# -%Project p!rpo#e or
j!#tification 4% A##igne/ P. a!thorit 7%Sta,ehol/er infl!ence 6%F!nctional organi"ation participation 9%A##!mption# B
Con#traint# :%B!#ine## ca#e an/ ret!rn on inve#tment ;%S!mmar B!/get
E;/ro"eta' Process Assets = Compan C!lt!re B Str!ct!re3 Aovernment or in/!#tr #tan/ar/#3 infra#tr!ct!re3 e1i#ting
h!man re#o!rce#3 per#onal a/mini#tration &@ire3 Fire3 performance)3 'or, a!thori"ation3 .ar,et place con/ition3 Sta,e
hol/er ri#, tolerance3 Commercial /ata(a#e3 P.0S
Or!a/@at/oa' Process Assets E Stan/ar/#3 Policie#3 Stan/ar/ Pro/!ct an/ Project Life Ccle#3 ?!alit policie# B
proce/!re3 performance mea#!rement criteria3 Template#3 Comm!nication re5!irement#3 Project Clo#!re A!i/eline#3 6i#,
Control proce/!re3 0##!e an/ Defect .anagement Proce/!re3 Change Control Proce/!re3 Proce/!re for Approving B i##!ing
'or, a!thori"ation% 0t al#o incl!/e Proce## .ea#!rement /ata(a#e3 project file#3 @i#torical information B Le##on# learne/3
Config!ration management /ata(a#e3 financial /ata(a#e containing la(or ho!r#3 co#t# B (!/get#%
Project Se'ect/o Met2o#s
$% Benefit .ea#!rement .etho/# &Comparative Approach)
$% Scoring .o/el#
*% Benefit Contri(!tion#
-% .!r/er (oar/ E Panel of people 'ho tr to #hoot /o'n a ne' project i/ea%
4% Peer 6evie'
7% Economic .o/el#
$% Benefit Co#t 6atio *% Ca#h Flo' -%0nternal 6et!rn 6ate 4% Pre#et 8al!e &P8) an/ net pre#ent val!e &NP8)
7%Opport!nit Co#t 6% Di#co!nte/ Ca#h Flo' 9% 6et!rn On 0nve#tment
*% Con#traine/ Optimi"ation .etho/# &.athematical .o/el#)
$% Linear *% Nonlinear -% Dnamic 4% 0nteger 7% .!ltiple O(jective Programming

Preliminary Project Scope Statement Contain
$%Project B Pro/!ct O(jective# *%6e5!irement# B Characteri#tic# -%Acceptance Criteria 4%Bo!n/arie# 7%6e5!irement# an/
Delivera(le# 6%Con#taint# 9%A##!mption# :%Project Organi"ation ;%0nitial Define/ 6i#,# $>%Sche/!le .ile#tone $$%0nitial
+BS $*%Or/er of .agnit!/e Co#t E#timate $-% Config!ration .anagement 6e5!irement#
Project Maa!e"et P'a E 0t /efine# ho' project i# e1ec!te/3 monitore/ an/ controlle/ an/ Clo#e/% P.P can (e either
#!mmar level or /etaile/ an/ can (e compo#e/ of one or more #!(#i/iar plan# an/ other component#% 0t contain# follo'ing
management plan#
1. Scope 2.Schedule .!ost ".#uality $.%is& '.!ommunication (.Procurement ).Schedule *aseline
+.Process improvement Plan 1,.Sta- 11..ile Stone list 12. %esource !alendar 1.!ost *aseline
1".#uality *aseline 1$.%is& %egister
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PMI Exam Study Notes Sajid Jambagi
Co%/!1rat/o Maa!e"et E 0t i# a #!( ##tem of overall project management information ##tem% 0t i# a mean# of
monitoring an/ controlling emerging project #cope again#t the #cope (a#elineG it# p!rpo#e i# to control change thro!gho!t the
project% 0t i# an /oc!mente/ proce/!re# !#e/ to appl technical an/ a/mini#trative /irection an/ #!rveillance to a!/it the
item# an/ ##tem to verif conformance re5!irement#% % 0t /oc!ment# the ph#ical characteri#tic# of formal project /oc!ment#
an/ #tep# re5!ire/ to control change# to them &e%g% 'o!l/ (e !#e/ ( a c!#tomer 'ho 'i#he# to e1pan/ the project #cope after
the performance mea#!rement (a#eline ha# (een e#ta(li#he/)% +hen more than one in/ivi/!al ha# #ign a C2arter3 o! have
to (e concerne/ 'ith competing nee/# an/ re5!irement# impacting o!r effort# on config!ration management
Co%/!1rat/o Maa!e"et Act/;/t/es 8 $%Config!ration 0/entification *%Config!ration Stat!# Acco!nting -%Config!ration
8erification an/ a!/iting
C2a!e Cotro' S$ste" E 0t i# a collection of formal /oc!mente/ proce/!re# that /efine ho' project /elivera(le# an/
/oc!mentation are controlle/3 change/ an/ approve/% 0t i# a #!(##tem of config!ration management% 0t m!#t al#o incl!/e
proce/!re# to han/le change# that ma (e approve/ 'itho!t prior revie' &e%g% re#!lt of an emergenc)
*te!rate# C2a!e Cotro' 8 0t i# performe/ from project inception thr! completion3 it incl!/e#
$% 0/entifing that a change nee/# to occ!r or ha# occ!rre/
*% .a,e #!re onl approve/ change# are implemente/
-% 6evie'ing an/ approving re5!e#te/ change#
4% .anaging approve/ change# a# an/ 'hen the occ!r an/ reg!lating them
7% .aintain integrit of (a#eline
6% 6evie' an/ approve all recommen/e/ corrective an/ preventive action#
9% Controlling an/ !p/ating #cope3 co#t3 (!/get3 #che/!le an/ 5!alit
:% Doc!menting impact of re5!e#te/ change#
;% 8ali/ating /efect repair
C2a!es = if the f!nctional manager 'ant# to ma,e a change to time a##ociate/ to a ta#, &change in goal# an/ o(jective# of
the Charter) an/ there i# not eno!gh re#erve3 #enior management &not the Project .anager) #ho!l/ a!thori"e the change% The
(e#t metho/ to contro" change# on the project i# to loo, for #o!rce# of change% The (e#t metho/ to dea" 'ith change# i# to
/irect the change# to the C2a!e Cotro' Boar#% Project Maa!er ha# a!thorit to approve #ome change re5!e#t#% @e i#
given a!thorit to approve Change# in Emergenc Sit!ation#%
*te!rate# c2a!e Cotro' E Occ!r# /!ring all the project management proce##e#%
Project Base'/e E #ho!l/ (e change/ for all implemente/ change#% Sometime#3 certain cla##ification of change# get#
a!tomatic approval on a project an/ /o not nee/ Change Control Boar/ approval%
Project P'a E a# an inp!t to team /evelopment3 the project plan /e#cri(e# the technical conte1t 'ithin 'hich the team
Project E=ec1t/o E Altho!gh the pro/!ct#3 #ervice# or re#!lt# of the project are fre5!entl in the form of tangi(le
/elivera(le# #!ch a# (!il/ing3 roa/ or #oft'are3 /ta!/<'e /elivera(le# #!ch a# training i# al#o provi/e/%
Sc2e#1'e C2a!e Cotro' S$ste" E can incl!/e the paper3 ##tem# an/ approval# for a!thori"ing change#% The project
manager i# normall not the approval a!thorit3 an/ not all the change# approve/
Or!a/@at/o Process Assets E 0ncl!/e# an in/e1 B location of project /oc!mentation
Formal Acceptance Doc!mentation
Project File#
Clo#!re Doc!ment#
@i#torical information
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PMI Exam Study Notes Sajid Jambagi
C2a0ter A 8 SCOPE Maa!e"et
Project Sco0e Maa!e"et = proce##e# re5!ire/ to en#!re that the project incl!/e# onl the 'or, re5!ire/ to complete the
project #!cce##f!ll%
Project Sco0e Maa!e"et P'a = Provi/e# g!i/ance on ho' project #cope 'ill (e /efine/3 /oc!mente/3 verifie/3 manage/
an/ controlle/ ( project management team% 0t incl!/e#
$% A proce## to prepare /etaile/ project #cope #tatement (a#e/ on preliminar project #cope #tatement
*% A proce## that ena(le# creation of +BS al#o e#ta(li#he# ho' +BS 'ill (e maintaine/ an/ approve/
-% @o' formal verification an/ acceptance of the complete/ project /elivera(le# 'ill (e o(taine/
4% A proce## to control change# to project #cope3 it i# /irectl lin,e/ to integrate/ change control
Sco0e State"et Cota/ E $%Project O(jective# *%Pro/!ct Scope De#cription -%Project 6e5!irement 4%Project Bo!n/arie#
7%Project Delivera(le# 6%Pro/!ct Acceptance Criteria 9% Con#traint# :% A##!mption# ;%Project Organi"ation $>%0nitial
i/entifie/ ri#,# $$%Sche/!le .ile#tone# $*%F!n/ Limitation $-%Co#t E#timate $4%Project Config!ration .anagement
6e5!irement# $7%Specification# $6%Approval 6e5!irement#
Ro''/! Wa;e P'a/! 8 The Project .anagement team !#!all 'ait# !ntil the /elivera(le or #!(project i# clarifie/ #o the
/etail# of the +BS can (e /evelope/% Thi# i# referre/ a# rolling 'ave planning% So +or, to (e performe/ in the near f!t!re i#
planne/ to the lo' level of the +BS3 'here a# 'or, to (e performe/ far into the f!t!re can (e planne/ at the relativel high
level of the +BS%
Brea: Do& Str1ct1res
$% +or, Brea, Do'n Str!ct!re &+BS)
*% Organi"ational Brea,/o'n Str!ct!re &OBS)
-% 6e#o!rce Brea,/o'n Str!ct!re &6BS)
4% 6i#, Brea,/o'n Str!ct!re &6BS)
7% Bill of .aterial# &BO.) E @ierarchical ta(!lation of ph#ical a##em(lie#3 #!(a##em(lie# B component# nee/e/ to
fa(ricate a man!fact!re/ pro/!ct%
WBS D/ct/oar$ 8 For each +BS Component3 +BS /ictionar incl!/e# a FCo#e o% Acco1t *#et/%/er>B a #tatement of
'or,3 re#pon#i(le organi"ation3 an/ a li#t of #che/!le mile#tone#% Other information can (e Contract information3 ?!alit
re5!irement# an/ technical reference%
Sco0e Base'/e E Approve/ /etaile/ project Scope #tatement3 +BS an/ +BS /ictionar are the #cope (a#eline%
Sco0e 4er/%/cat/o E to verif that the 'or, /one #ati#fie# the #cope of the project% 0t m!#t (e /one at the en/ of each pha#e% A
#imilar activit /!ring clo#!re i# Pro#1ct 4er/%/cat/o% Foc!#e# on c!#tomer acceptanceJperformance mea#!rement3 not
change to project #cope% Scope 8erification i# normall /one after 5!alit control &'hich chec,# for pro/!ct correctne##) (!t
the#e t'o proce##e# can (e performe/ in parallel% Occ!r /!ring the control pha#e of the project3 not at the en/% The revie' at
the en/ of the project pha#e i# calle/ pha#e e1it3 #tage gate3 or ,ill point%
*s0ect/o E Are calle/ 6evie'#3 Pro/!ct 6evie'#3 A!/it# an/ +al,thro!gh#%
Sco0e Cree0 E <ncontrolle/ change# are often referre/ a# project #cope creep%
4ar/ace Aa'$s/s E Project performance i# mea#!rement# are !#e/ to a##e## the magnit!/e of variation% 0t incl!/e# fin/ing
the ca!#e of variation relative to the #cope (a#eline%
Costra/ts ? A con#traint i# an applica(le re#triction that 'ill affect the performance of the project% For e1ample3 a
pre/efine/ (!/get i# a con#traint
Ass1"0t/os ? A##!mption# are factor# that3 for planning p!rpo#e#3 are con#i/ere/ to (e tr!e3 real3 or certain%
Deco"0os/t/o ? &$#t level E Project pha#e#3 *
level E Delivera(le# &Brea, /o'n till co#t e#timate# can (e /one3 verif
/ecompo#ition correctne##) ) lo'e#t level of the +BS ma (e referre/ to a# work packages.
+or, not in the +BS i# o!t#i/e the #cope of the project%
Maa!e"et <$ O<ject/;e (MBO( E /etermining compan4# o(jective an/ ho' the project fit# into them% .BO foc!#e# on
the goal# of an activit rather than the activit it#elf &manager i# re#pon#i(le for re#!lt# rather than performing certain
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PMI Exam Study Notes Sajid Jambagi
Project Sco0e = the 'or, that m!#t (e /one in or/er to /eliver a pro/!ctG completion i# mea#!re/ again#t the project p"an. 0t
incl!/e# meeting#3 report#3 anal#i# an/ all the other part# of P.%
Pro#1ct Sco0e = feat!re# an/ f!nction# that are to (e incl!/e/ in a pro/!ctG completion i# mea#!re/ again#t the Pro/!ct
re5!irement#. 0t can (e #!pplie/ a# a re#!lt of a previo!# project to /etermine the re5!irement#%
Des/! Sco0e E contain the /etaile/ project re5!irement# &!#e/ for FP contract)
Sco0e De%//t/o E #!(/ivi/ing major project /elivera(le#%
Deco"0os/! E #!(/ivi/ing project 'or, pac,age# into #maller3 more managea(le component# &activitie#Jaction #tep#)% The
he!ri#tic &r!le of th!m() !#e/ in project /ecompo#ition i# :> ho!r#%
Sco0e Maa!e"et P'a = /e#cri(e# ho' #cope 'ill (e manage/ an/ ho' change# 'ill (e integrate/ into projectG al#o
incl!/e# a##e##ment of e1pecte/ #ta(ilit of project #cope% &e%g% project manager 'o!l/ refer to the Scope .anagement Plan to
ma,e a change)
Sta:e2o'#er Maa!e"et E the project manager m!#t i/entif the #ta,ehol/er#3 /etermine their nee/# an/ e1pectation#3
then manage an/ infl!ence e1pectation# to en#!re project #!cce##% Project #!cce## /epen/# primaril on c1sto"er
WBS = #!(/ivi/ing project /elivera(le# into #maller3 more managea(le component#% 0t i# a /elivera(le=oriente/ gro!ping of
project element# that organi"e# an/ /efine# the total #cope of the project% 0t i# a comm!nication tool an/ it /e#cri(e# 'hat
nee/# to (e /one an/ 'hat #,ill# are re5!ire/% Anthing mi##ing in the +BS #ho!l/ (e a//e/% The $
level #ho!l/ (e the
project life=ccle &not product)% The +BS i# create/ ( the team &help# to get (!=in) an/ it i# !#e/ to ma,e certain that all the
'or, i# covere/% 0t provi/e# a (a#i# for e#timating the project an/ help# to organi"e the 'or,% 0t# p!rpo#e i# to incl!/e the total
project #cope of all the 'or, that m!#t (e /one to complete the project% Define# the project4# #cope (a#eline%
The - mo#t common tpe# of +BS are ##temJ#!( ##tem#3 life=ccle pha#ing an/ organi"ational% W/t2o1t WBS
$% Project 'ill ta,e longer3 element# 'ill #lip thr! crac,#
*% Delivera(le oriente/3 not onl c!#tomer /elivera(le# (!t all /elivera(le#
-% Top /o'n effort to /ecompo#e 'or, into #mall piece#%
WBS D/ct/oar$ 8 Define# each item in the +BS3 incl!/ing /e#cription of the 'or, pac,age# an/ other planning info #!ch
a# #che/!le /ate#3 co#t (!/get# an/ #taff a##ignment#% 0t help# re/!ce Scope Creep an/ increa#e# !n/er#tan/ing%
+BS /ictionar can (e !#e/ a# a part of Wor: A1t2or/@at/o s$ste" to inform team mem(er# of 'hen their 'or, pac,age i#
going to #tart3 #che/!le mile#tone# an/ other info%
Sco0e State"et E Define an/ recor/ Re31/re"ets% A /oc!mente/ /e#cription of the o(jective#3 'or, content3 /elivera(le#3
an/ en/ pro/!ctG it incl!/e# a /e#cription of project a##!mption# an/ con#traint#% Provi/e# #ta,ehol/er# 'ith a common
!n/er#tan/ing of the #cope of the project an/ i# a #o!rce of reference for ma,ing f!t!re project /eci#ion#%
State"et o% Wor: = a narrative /e#cription of pro/!ct# or #ervice# to (e #!pplie/ !n/er contract%
Project C2arter = formal /oc!ment !#e/ an/ approve/ ( #enior management that e1plain# p!rpo#e of the project incl!/ing
(!#ine## nee/# a//re##e/ an/ the re#!lting pro/!ct &/elivera(le# an/ o(jective#)% 0t /e#cri(e# re#pon#i(ilitie# an/ a!thorit of
the project manager to appl organi"ational re#o!rce# to project activitie#% Clarification to the Project Charter m!#t (e
a//re##e/ to the #pon#or&#) 'ho approve/ the charter% 6e#o!rce# cannot (e committe/ 'itho!t the Charter% The Charter i# an
inp!t to ALL the project management proce##e#%
Wor: Pac:a!e = /elivera(le at the lo'e#t level of +BS% The are control point# in the +BS an/ are !#e/ for a##ignment# to
'or, center#% The are !#e/ to pa## a gro!p of 'or, for f!rther (rea,/o'n in the e1ec!tive organi"ation%
Cost Acco1t E one level a(ove the +or, Pac,age%
Ass1"0t/os E factor# that3 for planning p!rpo#e#3 are con#i/ere/ to (e tr!e3 real or certain
The principal so1rces o% 0roject %a/'1re are organi"ational factor#3 poorl i/entifie/ c!#tomer nee/#3 ina/e5!ate #pecifie/
project re5!irement#3 an/ poor planning an/ control%
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PMI Exam Study Notes Sajid Jambagi
Costra/e# o0t/"/@at/o E incl!/e# analtic hierarch proce##3 logical frame'or, anal#i# an/ m!lti=o(jective
.o#t C2a!e Re31ests are the re#!lt ofK
An e1ternal event
An error or omi##ion in /efining the #cope of the pro/!ct
An error or omi##ion in /efining the #cope of the project
A val!e=a//ing change
A C2a!e Re31est i# the mo#t effective 'a of han/ling the /i#connect (et'een 'hat !#er# act!all 'ant an/ 'hat
management thin,# the 'ant% The project manager4# role relate/ to project change i# to infl!ence the factor# that affect
change% @e #ho!l/ a#, for a change or/er an/ loo, for impact# to the triple con#traint% Sco0e C2a!es on project can (e
minimi"e/ ( #pen/ing more time /eveloping the sco0e <ase'/e%
0f there i# eno!gh reser;e to accommo/ate a change3 the Project .anager can approve the change &'e are pai/ to manage the
#cope completion 'ithin o!r (!/get an/ re#erve#)
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PMI Exam Study Notes Sajid Jambagi
C2a0ter C 8 T*ME Maa!e"et
Project T/"e Maa!e"et = proce##e# re5!ire/ to en#!re timel completion of the project
Act/;/t$ De%//t/o E /efine# activitie# that m!#t ta,e place to pro/!ce project /elivera(le#
Act/;/t$ E con#!me# time &eg te&ting)
E;ets E #pecifie/ accompli#hment J /oe# not con#!me time &eg te&ted)
T/"e Maa!e"et 8 0n #mall project# Activit Definition3 Se5!encing3 6e#o!rce E#timation3 D!ration E#timation an/
Sche/!le /evelopment are #o tightl lin,e/ that the are vie'e/ a# #ingle proce##%
Sc2e#1'e Maa!e"et P'a E Development of Sche/!le .anagement Plan i# part of Develop Project .anagement Plan
Proce##% S.P i# a #!(#i/iar plan of P.P an/ ma formal or informal3 highl /etaile/ or (roa/l frame/ /epen/ing on the
Deco"0os/t/o &TT !#e/ in Activit Definition)
0nvolve# #!( /ivi/ing the +or, Pac,age# into #maller component# calle/ activitie#%
Activit Definition o!tp!t i# #che/!le activitie# not Delivera(le# &Create +BS o!tp!t i# Delivera(le#)
Activit li#t3 +BS an/ +BS /ictionar can (e /evelope/ either #e5!entiall or conc!rrentl%
Performe/ ( team mem(er# re#pon#i(le for the 'or, pac,age%
P'a/! Co"0oet &TT !#e/ in Activit Definition)
Cotro' Acco1t E From management Per#pective a control line i# /ra'n in the +BS @ierarch level#% All the Planning
component# a(ove thi# line (elong to 'hat i# calle/ the Control Acco!nt% All effort# performe/ 'ithin a control acco!nt are
/oc!mente/ in a control acco!nt plan%
P'a/! Pac:a!e 8 0t i# a +BS Component (elo' the control acco!nt (!t a(ove the 'or, pac,age%
Act/;/t$ L/st
Doe# not incl!/e an #che/!le activit that i# not re5!ire/ a# part of the project #cope
0t incl!/e# a activit i/entifier an/ #cope of 'or, /e#cription for each #che/!le activit in #!fficient /etail%
0t i# !#e/ in #che/!le mo/el an/ i# part of P.P&Project .anagement Plan)
Di#crete component# of Project Sche/!le (!t are not component# of the +BS%
Act/;/t$ Attr/<1tes E Contain Activit i/entifier3 activit Co/e3 Activit De#cription3 Pre/ece##or Activitie#3 S!cce##or
activitie#3 logical relation#hip#3 lea/# an/ lag#3 re#o!rce re5!irement#3 impo#e/ /ate#3 con#traint# an/ a##!mption#%
M/'estoe E Can (e man/ator or optional3 it a component of P.P3 incl!/e/ in SS an/ +BSD an/ !#e/ in #che/!le mo/el%
P. can impo#e a//itional mile#tone#%
9ra!"et Net&or: 8 Portion# of project #che/!le net'or, /iagram are often referre/ to a# a S!( net'or, or Fragment
Net'or,% S!( Net'or, template# are !#ef!l 'hen project ha# #everal i/entical or nearl i/entical /elivera(le#%
Lea# a# La! E Lea/ allo'# acceleration of the #!cce##or activit3 A lag /irect a /ela in S!cce##or activit%
Botto" -0 Est/"at/o &TT of 6e#o!rce E#timation) E E#timation i# /one for lo'er level item# an/ then aggregate/%
Act/;/t$ Reso1rce Est/"at/o E 0/entifie# tpe an/ 5!antitie# of re#o!rce# re5!ire/ for a #che/!le activit% The#e are
aggregate/ to /etermine the e#timate/ re#o!rce# for each 'or, pac,age%
RBS (Reso1rce Brea: Do& Str1ct1re( 8 O!tp!t of Activit 6e#o!rce E#timation proce##3 it i# a hierarchical #tr!ct!re of
re#o!rce# ( categor B tpe%
Act/;/t$ D1rat/o Est/"ate 8 Some in/ication of range of po##i(le val!e# &*+ee,# I or E * /a#)
TT %or Act/;/t$ D1rat/o Est/"at/o
7. Aa'o!o1s Est/"at/o E <#ing act!al /!ration of previo!# #imilar #che/!le activit% 0t i# project level3 given to P.
from .anagement or Spon#orG it i# a form of E1pert 2!/gment%
2. Para"etr/c Est/"at/o 8 ?!antit of +or, C Pro/!ctivit 6ate = $%6egre##ion Anal#i# &Scatter Diagram)
*%Learning C!rve% 6e#!lt# of Parametric E#timation can (ecome he!ri#tic#%
.. T2ree Po/t Est/"ates E .o#t Li,el3 Optimi#tic3 Pe##imi#tic%
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PMI Exam Study Notes Sajid Jambagi
4. Reser;e Aa'$s/s
A. E=0ert J1#!"et
*"0ose# Dates 8 0mpo#e/ /ate# in Scope Statement &0JP to Sche/!le Development Proce##) re#trict the #tart or fini#h /ate%
Sc2e#1'e Net&or: Aa'$s/s (TT %or Sc2e#1'e De;e'o0"et(
$% Cr/t/ca' Pat2 Met2o# E Calc!late Project D!ration3 Critical path length an/ Float% Critical path can have > or
negative tota' %'oat%
*% Sc2e#1'e Co"0ress/o E Cra#hing &A//itional 6e#o!rce#) an/ Fa#t Trac,ing &Parallel)
-% W2at /% Scear/o E .onte Carlo Anal#i#
4% Reso1rce Le;e'/! E Applie/ after Critical Path .etho/3 Deep re#o!rce !#age at con#tant level
7% Cr/t/ca' C2a/ Met2o# E <#e# Pe##imi#tic re#o!rce availa(ilit3 A//# /!ration (!ffer# that are non 'or, #che/!le
Mote Car'o Aa'$s/s E $% Pro(a(ilit of Completion *% Pro(a(ilit of Completion in amo!nt of Co#t -%Pro(a(ilit of activit
in critical path 4% 6i#,
Project Sc2e#1'e 8 Sho!l/ at lea#t incl!/e planne/ #tart /ate an/ fini#h /ate for each #che/!le activit3 project #che/!le i#
preliminar till re#o!rce allocation# are /one3 'hich !#!all happen# (efore completion of P.P% Project #che/!le i# 'hen
pre#ente/ in #!mmar form i# calle/ a# ma#ter #che/!le or mile#tone #che/!le%
T/"e Est/"ate E Non=Calen/ar Sc2e#1'e E Calen/ar Ba#e/
6a""oc: Act/;/t$ E OJp of Sche/!le Development =L Bar Chart# =L For Control an/ management comm!nication3 the
(roa/er more comprehen#ive #!mmar activit calle/ @ammoc, Activit i# !#e/ (et'een mile#tone# or acro## m!ltiple
inter/epen/ent 'or, pac,age#%
Project et&or: #/a!ra"s. Project net'or, /iagram# are #chematic /i#pla# of the project4# activitie# an/ the logical
relation#hip# &/epen/encie#) among them%
Co#/! str1ct1re. .cti@itie& mu&t ha@e /ifferent attri(!te# &a# re#pon#i(ilit3 geographic area 3M = <#e/ for #orting)
Cr/t/ca' Pat2 Met2o# (CPM( (ML( Ncalc!late# #tart an/ fini#h /ate for each activit B "oat
Gra02/ca' E;a'1at/o a# Re;/e& Tec2/31e (GERT(Dallo'# for pro(a(ili#tic treatment of (oth net'or, logic an/
activit /!ration e#timate#% 0t i# a form of AD. &A Net'or, Dra'ing .etho/) that allo'# loop# (et'een activitie#% The
ea#ie#t e1ample i# 'hen o! have an activit to /e#ign a component an/ then te#t it%
Pro!ra" E;a'1at/o a# Re;/e& Tec2/31e &PERT) &OI4.LIPJ6)N!#e# a 'eighte/ average /!ration e#timate to
calc!late activit /!ration#%
Project Time .anagement
Arro' Diagramming .etho/
PE6T an/ CP. foc!#e# on float /!ration3 to /etermine 'hich activitie# have the lea#t
#che/!ling fle1i(ilit% Activit on Arro'% Onl Sho' %//s2?to?start relation#hip
PE6T Program Eval!ation an/ 6evie' Techni5!e
Empha#i# on meeting #che/!le# 'ith fle1i(ilit on co#t
Three time e#timate# per activitK pe##imi#tic3 mo#t li,el3 an/ optimi#tic
The pro(a(ilit of completing a project at or later than it# e1pecte/ time i# 7>O
Event oriente/G !#e# /!mmG activit on arro' &AOA)
Fini#h=to=Start logical relation#hip
Time e#timate# appear on arro'
Critical Path .etho/ &CP.) Empha#i# on controlling co#t an/ leaving the #che/!le fle1i(le
One time e#timate per activit
Activit oriente/G !#e# /!mmG activit on arro'
Time e#timate# appear on arro'
Prece/ence Diagram .etho/
6epre#ent# improvement to PE6T an/ CP. ( a//ing lag relation#hip# to activitie#
PStart to StartG Start to Fini#hG Fini#h to StartG Fini#h to Fini#hQ
+or, i# /one /!ring activit% Arro' in/icate# /epen/anc
Activit on no/eG no /!mm
%//s2?to?start i# the mo#t commonl !#e/ tpe of logical relation#hip% Start?to?%//s2
relation#hip# are rarel !#e/
AE6T A net'or, /iagram /ra'ing metho/ that allo'# loop# (et'een ta#,#% 0t i# a metho/ of
#e5!encing &e%g% a project re5!ire# re/e#ign after completion of te#ting)
.an/ator or @ar/ Often involve ph#ical or technological limitation# &(a#e/ on the nat!re of 'or, (eing
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PMI Exam Study Notes Sajid Jambagi
Di#cretionar ma al#o (e calle/ preerred "ogic3 preerentia" "ogic3 or &ot "ogic%
SoftK /e#ira(le an/ c!#tomar &(a#e/ on e1perience)
PreferentialK preferre/ or man/ate/ ( a c!#tomer &al#o3 nee/ of the project #pon#or)
Define/ ( P. Team
E1ternal 0np!t nee/e/ from another project or #o!rce
Cr/t/ca' c2a/ i# a techni5!e that mo/ifie# the project #che/!le to acco!nt for limite/ re#o!rce#%
PERT We/!2te# A;era!e R &O I 4. I P)J6 #tan/ar/ /eviation R &P = O)J6 variance R #tan/ar/ /eviation
&To a//
#tan/ar/ /eviation#K convert to variance then a//G ta,e the #5!are root of the #!m)% Be#t metho/ 'hen o! have no hi#torical
/ata for a #imilar ta#,% 6e#!lt# i# the 7>O point &mean)%
Mote Car'o Aa'$s/s = comp!ter #im!lation of project o!tcome# !#ing PE6T e#timate#G re#!lt repre#ente/ in S c!rve%
Provi/e# the a(ilit to comp!te the pro(a(ilit of completing a project on a #pecific /a% Can al#o (e !#e/ to a##e## fea#i(ilit
of #che/!le !n/er a/ver#e con/ition# &eg 'hen a #che/!le con#traint i# i/entifie/)
6e1r/st/cs = r!le# of th!m(
Cr/t/ca' Pat2 E longe#t path &almo#t al'a# have no float)
Near Cr/t/ca' Pat2 E Path i# clo#e in /!ration to critical path3 the clo#e it i# the more 60SD project ha#%
4ar/ace = Plan min!# Act!al
9'oat E S'ac: E $%Free *% Total -% Project Float% Time an activit ma (e /elae/ from it# earl #tart 'itho!t /elaing the
project fini#h /ate% Difference (et'een the re5!ire/ en/ /ate an/ the e1pecte/ project completion /ate% A negative #lac, on
the critical path mean# that the project i# (ehin/ #che/!le%
9ree 9'oat E Amo!nt of time a ta#, can (e /elae/ 'itho!t /elaing the earl #tart of it# #!cce##or
Tota' 9'oat E amo!nt of time that an activit ma (e /elae/ from earl #tart 'itho!t /elaing the project fini#h /ate
La! E 'aiting time (et'een t'o ta#,# &negative lea/)
Sc2e#1'e Base'/e = the original3 approve/ project #che/!leG #ho!l/ never (e change/ 'itho!t proper revie' an/ approval%
An approve/ change #ho!l/ (e /oc!mente/ in 'riting% Sho!l/ (e create/ at the (eginning of the project an/ !#e/ /!ring the
project to ga!ge &mea#!re) overall project performance3 not j!#t #che/!le% The project Per%or"ace Meas1re"et Base'/e
#ho!l/ generall change onl in re#pon#e to a #cope or /elivera(le change% The project performance mea#!rement (a#eline#
#ho!l/ generall change onl in re#pon#e to a #cope or /elivera(le change%
Correct/;e act/o = in project time management primaril concern# e1pe/iting to en#!re that activitie# remain on #che/!le%
0# anthing /one to (ring e1pecte/ f!t!re #che/!le performance in line 'ith the project plan%
Re;/s/os are change# to the #che/!le/ #tart an/ fini#h /ate# in the approve/ project #che/!leG generall revi#e/ onl in
re#pon#e to #cope change#% Re<ase'//! ma (e nee/e/ to provi/e reali#tic /ata to mea#!re performance%
Sche/!ling an/ allocating re#o!rce# to "1't/0'e 0rojects ma affect #che/!le #lippage an/ in=proce## inventor%
The mo#t important element nece##ar for project control i# clear re5!irement#%
D1rat/o Co"0ress/o Met2o#s E occ!r# after activit /!ration e#timating an/ (efore finali"ing the #che/!le% 0ncl!/e
cras2/!B %ast trac:3
Cras2/! 8 'hen o! are 'orrie/ a(o!t time3 not #o m!ch a(o!t co#t#%
9ast Trac: 8 re#o!rce# in parallel3 involve increa#e re'or,% Sho!l/ fa#t trac, ta#,# on the critical path &float R >) in or/er to
#ave time%
Reso1rce Le;e'/! 8 often re#!lt# in a project /!ration that i# longer than the preliminar #che/!le% Reso1rce rea''ocat/o
from non=critical to critical path activitie# i# a common 'a to (ring the #che/!le (ac,3 or a# clo#e a# po##i(le3 to the
originall inten/e/ overall /!ration% So $% Sche/!le Can Slip *% Co#t increa#e
9//s2 to 9//s2 = activitie# m!#t fini#h on a #pecific #e5!ence
FStart o ear'/er t2a> & F9//s2 o 'ater t2a> E 6e#pectivel S$ an/ S* mo#t pop!lar /ate con#traint in project
management #oft'are%
Root Ca1se Aa'$s/s E !#e/ to i/entif the ca!#e of the variation
4ar/ace aa'$s/s E ,e element to time control% 9'oat ;ar/ace i# an e##ential planning component for eval!ating project
time performance%
Re;/s/o E categor of #che/!le !p/ate that re#!lt in change to the project4# #che/!le/ #tart or fini#h /ate#% Ne' target
#che/!le #ho!l/ (e the !#!al mo/e of #che/!le revi#ion%
Sc2e#1'e Maa!e"et P'a E /efine# ho' #che/!le change# 'ill (e manage/G ma (e formal or informal%
Sc2e#1'e C2a!e Cotro' S$ste" E /efine# proce/!re# for changing the project #che/!le an/ incl!/e# the /oc!mentation3
trac,ing ##tem#3 an/ approval level# re5!ire/ for a!thori"ing #che/!le change#%
Reso1rce P'a/!
6e#pon#i(ilit .atri1 0/entif 'ho /oe# 'hat at 'hat timeJpha#e of the project
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PMI Exam Study Notes Sajid Jambagi
6e#o!rce Sprea/#heet ?!antifie# ho' m!ch 'or, i# nee/e/ from each re#o!rce /!ring each time perio/
6e#o!rce Aantt Chart 0/entif the perio/# of time &e%g% calen/ar /ate) 'hen a partic!lar re#o!rce i# 'or,ing on a
partic!lar ta#,
6e#o!rce @i#togram
&6e#o!rce Loa/ing
8ertical (ar chart #ho'ing the total n!m(er of re#o!rce# nee/e/ /!ring each time perio/
Sc2e#1'/! Too's
Net'or,# &PE6T3 CP.3
0nter/epen/encie#G ho' relate/
Barchart &Aantt) Effective progre## reporting toolG no logical relation#hip# #ho'n (et'een activitie#
.ile#tone Chart Significant event#G goo/ for comm!nicating #tat!# &!#e/ to trac, #!cce##)
Bar C2art (Grat C2art( E $% +ea, Planning Tool# *% Aoo/ reporting tool# -% No Depen/enc Sho'n 4% No 6e#o!rce#
Pro!ress Re0ort E 7>J7>3 *>J:>3 >J$>> E An Activit i# con#i/ere/ T percent complete 'hen it (egin# an/ get# cre/it of the
la#t $>>=T percent onl 'hen it i# complete/%
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PMI Exam Study Notes Sajid Jambagi
C2a0ter ) 8 COST Maa!e"et
Cost Est/"at/! ? Developing an appro1imation &e#timate) of the co#t# of the re#o!rce# nee/e/ to complete project activitie#%
Cost B1#!et/! = Allocating the overall co#t e#timate to in/ivi/!al 'or, activitie#%
Cost Cotro' ? Controlling change# to the project (!/get%
Reso1rce P'a/!N/etermining 'hat re#o!rce# &people3 e5!ipment3 material#) an/ 'hat 5!antitie# of each #ho!l/ (e !#e/
to perform project activitie#%
L/%e C$c'e Cost/! E Broa/er vie' of Project Co#t .anagement3 'hich incl!/e# co#t of re#o!rce# nee/e/ to complete
#che/!le activitie# along 'ith effect of /eci#ion# on co#t of !#ing3 maintaining B #!pporting the pro/!ct3 #ervice or re#!lt of
the project%

Cost Maa!e"et P'a ? 0t i# create/ a# part of the Develop Project .anagement Plan proce##% 0t can e#ta(li#h
$% Preci#ion Level &U$>>3 U$>>> etc)
*% <nit# of .ea#!re &Staff ho!r#J/a#Jl!mp #!m etc)
-% Organi"ational Proce/!re Lin,# &Control Acco!nt3 co/e or acco!nt n!m(er /irectl lin,e/ acco!nting ##tem)
4% Control thre#hol/# &Agree/ amo!nt of variation allo'e/)
7% Earne/ 8al!e r!le# &$%Comp!tation Form!la *%Earne/ 8al!e Cre/it Criteria -%+BS Level)
6% 6eporting Format#
9% Proce## /e#cription# &Each of the three co#t management Proce##e#)
ROM E Acc!rac of project e#timate 'ill increa#e a# it progre##e#3 project at initial #tage# can have ro!gh or/er of magnit!/e
&6O.) in the range of E7> to I$>>O later it 'ill narro' to a range of E$> to I$7O%
Cot/!ec$ Reser;e = $%Project &,no'n <n,no'n#) E Part of Co#t Ba#eline
*%.anagement &<n,no'n <n,no'n#) E Part of Co#t B!/get
C2art o% Acco1ts = A chart of acco!nt# /e#cri(e# the co/ing #tr!ct!re !#e/ ( the performing organi"ation to report
financial information in it# general le/ger%
Aa'o!o1s est/"at/! = al#o calle/ top7down e&timating3 mean# !#ing the act!al co#t of a previo!#3 #imilar project
Parametric mo/eling = mathematical mo/el to pre/ict project co#t# = per #5!are foot of living #pace
Para"etr/c Est/"at/o E 0t !#e# #tati#tical relation#hip (et'een hi#torical /ata an/ other varia(le# to calc!late co#t e#timate%
0t can pro/!ce higher level# of acc!rac /epen/ing on #ophi#tication3 re#o!rce 5!antit an/ co#t /ata%
Botto"?10 est/"at/! = the co#t of in/ivi/!al activitie# or 'or, pac,age# rolle/ !p to get the e#timate for 'hole component%
Cost <ase'/e ? The co#t (a#eline i# a time=pha#e/ (!/get that 'ill (e !#e/ to mea#!re an/ monitor co#t performance on the
project% 0t i# #ho'n a# an S c!rve%
91#/! L/"/t Recoc/'/at/o E C!#tomer 'ill #et limit# on /i#(!r#ement of f!n/# for the project% F!n/ing Limit
6econciliation &TT of Co#t B!/geting) 'ill nece##itate the #che/!ling of 'or, to (e a/j!#te/ to #mooth or reg!late tho#e
e1pen/it!re#% 0t i# accompli#he/ ( placing impo#e/ /ate con#traint# for #ome 'or, pac,age#%
Project Per%or"ace Re;/e&s (TT o% Cost Cotro'( E $%8ariance Anal#i# *%Tren/ Anal#i# -%Earne/ 8al!e Techni5!e
Per%or"ace Meas1re"et Aa'$s/s &TT of Co#t Control)E P83 E83 AC3 ETC3 C83 S83 CP03 SP0
EAC ?Original e#timating a##!mption# 'ere f!n/amentall fla'e/3 or that the are no longer relevant to a change in
con/ition#% Form!laK EAC R AC I ETC%
C!rrent variance# are #een a# atpical an/ the project management team e1pectation# are that #imilar variance# 'ill not occ!r
in the f!t!re% Form!laK EAC R AC I BAC E E8%
+hen c!rrent variance# are #een a# tpical of f!t!re variance#% Form!laK EAC R AC I &&BAC E E8)JCP0)
Project Cost Maa!e"et Proce##e# re5!ire/ to en#!re that the project i# complete/ 'ithin the approve/ (!/get%
Bee%/t Cost Rat/o E1pecte/ 6even!e# J E1pecte/ Co#t#% .ea#!re (enefit# &pa(ac,) to co#t#G not j!#t profit#% The
Page 2' o 46 La&t 5pdated
PMI Exam Study Notes Sajid Jambagi
higher the (etter &if rating over $3 the (enefit# are greater than the co#t#)
*tera' Rate o% Ret1r 0ntere#t 6ate 'hich ma,e# the P8 of co#t# e5!al to P8 of (enefit#
Pa$<ac: Per/o# N!m(er of time perio/# !p to the point 'here c!m!lative reven!e# e1cee/# c!m!lative co#t#%
+ea,ne## in thi# approach i# the lac, of empha#i# on the magnit!/e of the profita(ilit% Doe#
not acco!nt for time val!e of mone nor con#i/er val!e (enefit# after pa(ac,%
O00ort1/t$ Cost Co#t of choo#ing one alternative an/ therefore giving !p the potential (enefit# of another
alternativeK it i# the val!e of the project not #electe/ &lo#t opport!nit)%
S1: Cost E1pen/e/ co#t# 'hich #ho!l/ (e ignore/ 'hen ma,ing /eci#ion# a(o!t 'hether to contin!e
inve#ting in a project
La& o% D/"//s2/!
Stra/!2t L/e
The point (eon/ 'hich the marginal a//ition of re#o!rce# /oe# not provi/e a proportional
amo!nt of !tilit% Same amo!nt each time perio/ &e%g% $> E $> E $>)%
Tpe# $% Straight Line *% Accelerate/ &$% Do!(le Declining Balance *% S!m of Vear# Digit#)
Cot/!ec$ Reser;e Separate 5!antit of timeJmone for ,no'n !n,no'n#% De#igne/ to cover #pecific ri#, event#
previo!#l i/entifie/ an/ mea#!re/ in the 6i#, .anagement Proce##%
Maa!e"et Reser;e Separate 5!antit of timeJmone for !n,no'n !n,no'n#
Wor:/! Ca0/ta' C!rrent A##et# = C!rrent Lia(ilitie#
4a'1e Aa'$s/s Co#t re/!ction tool that con#i/er# 'hether f!nction i# reall nece##ar an/ 'hether it can (e
provi/e/ at a lo'er co#t 'itho!t /egra/ing performance or 5!alit% Fin/ing the lea#t e1pen#ive
'a to /o the #cope of 'or,%
4a'1e Est/"at/! Part of Co#t Control
4a'1e E!/eer/! Too' Tool for anal"ing a /e#ign3 /etermining it# f!nction3 an/ a##e##ing ho' to provi/e tho#e
f!nction# co#t effectivel%
AG?AG R1'e At (eginning3 charge 7>O of it# BC+S to the acco!nt% Charge remaining at completion%
Aa'o!o1s Est/"at/! Top /o'nG (a#e/ on #imilar project#% 6epre#ent# a form of e1pert j!/gment% Aive# project team
an !n/er#tan/ing of management4# e1pectation# &part of co#t (!/geting an/ co#t e#timating)
Botto"?10 Est/"at/! Detaile/ co#t e#timate# of 'or, pac,age# are aggregate/% +o!l/ provi/e (e#t overall 5!alit of
the e#timate%
Para"etr/c Est/"at/! 6elie# on ,no'le/ge of mathematical relation#hip#G mea#!re/ in UJ!nit &#cala(le3 5!antifia(le)%
0t /oe# not ma,e !#e of team e#timate% &part of co#t (!/geting an/ co#t e#timating)% <#ing a
mathematical mo/el to pre/ict the /!ration of a ta#, &e%g% ta,ing the average /!ration of all
pa#t ta#,#)
Re!ress/o Aa'$s/s Stati#tical techni5!e graphicall repre#ente/ on #catter /iagram
Lear/! C1r;e .athematicall mo/el# the int!itive notion that the more time# 'e /o #omething3 the fa#ter 'e
'ill (e a(le to perform
4ar/a<'e Costs Co#t# ri#e /irectl 'ith the #i"e an/ #cope of the project
9/=e# Costs Co#t# /o not changeG non=rec!rring &e%g% project #et!p co#t#)
D/rect Costs 0nc!rre/ /irectl ( a #pecific project% The P.0 'ant the team to participate in the co#t
e#timate# to get their (!=in%
*#/rect Costs Part of the overall organi"ationW# co#t of /oing (!#ine## an/ are #hare/ ( all project#% <#!all
comp!te/ a# a percentage of the /irect co#t#%
Cost acco1ts 6epre#ent the (a#ic level at 'hich project performance i# mea#!re/ an/ reporte/% The p!rpo#e
of co#t acco!nt# i# to monitor an/ report on project performance%
Cost C2a!e Cotro'
0ncl!/e# the /oc!mentation3 trac,ing ##tem#3 an/ approval level# nee/e/ to a!thori"e a
B1#!et 10#ates Sho!l/ (e the ne1t #tep# after an approve/ co#t (a#eline ha# change/ (eca!#e of a major change
on a project%
O0erat/! 0ro%/t Amo!nt of mone earne/K 6even!e E &/irect I in/irect co#t#)
D/sco1te# cas2?%'o&
Pre#ent val!e metho/ /etermine# the net pre#ent val!e of all ca#h flo' ( /i#co!nting it ( the
re5!ire/ rate of ret!rn%
Para"etr/c "o#e'/! 0nvolve# !#ing project characteri#tic# &parameter#) in a mathematical mo/el to pre/ict project
L/%e?C$c'e Cost Provi/e a pict!re of the total co#t for the pro/!ct &project3 operation# an/ maintenance)%
Project C'oseo1t &o!tp!t to co#t control) Proce## an/ proce/!re# /evelope/ for the clo#ing or canceling of
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PMI Exam Study Notes Sajid Jambagi
E=0ecte# 4a'1e
Preset 4a'1e
Pro(a(ilit C 0mpact
F8 J &$ I r)
Cost 4ar/ace
E8 R BAC C &'or, complete/Jtotal 'or, re5!ire/)
E8 E AC PBC+P E AC+PQ 8ariance C p"anned actua"
Sc2e#1'e 4ar/ace
P8 R BAC C&Total time pa##e/ Jtotal #che/!le time)
E8 E P8 PBC+P E BC+SQ &if X>G 'or, complete/ i# le## than 'hat 'a# planne/)
Cost Per%or"ace *#e=
E8JAC PBC+P J AC+PQ I am getting DDDD out o each do""ar. (E1 goodF G1 :ad)
Sc2e#1'e Per%or"ace
*#e= (SP*(
E8JP8 PBC+P J BC+SQ I am progre&&ing at DDDDH o the rate origina""! p"anned
Est/"ate at Co"0'et/o
ACIETC &'hen original e#timate# are con#i/ere/ fla'e/)
ACIBAC=E8 &'hen everthing i# OD an/ variance 'ill not occ!r in the f!t!re)
ACI&&BAC=E8)JCP0) &'hen everthing i# OD an/ variance 'ill occ!r in the f!t!re)
Est/"ate to Co"0'et/o
EAC = AC or &BAC = E8) J CP0
4ar/ace at Co"0'et/o
Cost 4ar/ace / H C8JE8
Sc2e#1'e 4ar/ace / H S8JP8
To Co"0'ete Per%or"ace
*#e= (TCP*(
BCWS (P4( @o' m!ch #ho!l/ (e /oneY Thi# i# the perormance mea&urement :a&e"ine%
BCWP (E4( @o' m!ch 'or, i# /oneY &Progre##) B!/gete/ co#t of 'or, performe/% 8al!e of the 'or,
complete/ in term# of 'hat o! (!/gete/ &o!r (a#eline)
ACWP (AC( @o' m!ch /i/ the Fi# /oneH 'or, co#tY
BAC B!/get at Completion E @o' m!ch i# (!/gete/ for the total jo(Y BAC 'o!l/ change ever
time there i# a f!n/e/ #cope change approve/ for activit to (e performe/ in the f!t!re%
EAC Ba#e/ on project performance an/ ri#, 5!antification
ETC E#timate to Completion
CP* C!m!lative CP0 /oe# not change ( more than $>O once a project i# appro1imatel *>O
complete% The CP0 provi/e# a 5!ic, #tati#tical foreca#t of final project co#t#%
E4IP4 JBCWPIBCWSK E8 e5!al# P8 'hen the project i# complete/%
AD +or, ?!antit&#cope of the activit) J Pro/!ction rate
S'o0e &cra#h co#t = normal co#t) J &cra#h time = normal time) G if X>3 a# the time re5!ire/ for a
projectJta#, /ecrea#e3 the co#t increa#e
Cost Maa!e"et P'a E &from Co#t E#timating) The action ta,en ( the project manager for all variance# are /e#cri(e/ in
the Co#t .anagement Plan%
Cost Ca'c1'at/os = Co#t# are more practical to calc!late at one level higher &Control Acco!nt) than 'or, pac,age level
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PMI Exam Study Notes Sajid Jambagi
C2a0ter L 8 ,-AL*T5 Maa!e"et
Lo& !ra#e &a limite/ n!m(er of feat!re#) = 'o& 31a'/t$ &man (!g#)
Prec/s/o E Con#i#tenc that the val!e of repeate/ mea#!rement# have little #catter% Preci#e mea#!rement# ma not (e
Acc1rate E 0t correctne## of mea#!re/ val!e3 acc!rate mea#!rement# ma not (e preci#e%
,1a'/t$ = 0# planne/3 /e#igne/ an/ (!ilt in3 not in#pecte/ in%
2o#eph 2!ran E ?!alit = Fitne## of <#e
E/'ar/ Deming E ?!alit 0mprovement E Plan3 Do3 Chec, an/ Act
Philip Cro#( E ?!alit E Conformance to re5!irement#3 A/vocate/ Prevention over in#pection an/ FZero Effect#H%
,1a'/t$ Maa!e"et 8Complement# Project .anagement% Both recogni"e the importance of C!#tomer #ati#faction3
prevention over in#pection#3 .anagement 6e#pon#i(ilit an/ Contin!o!# improvement%
Cost o% 31a'/t$ ? All 'or, to en#!re conformance to re5!irement# I nonconformance to re5!irement#%
Mar!/a' Aa'$s/s E Optimal ?!alit i# reache/ at the point 'here the increa#e/ reven!e from improvement e5!al
incremental co#t to #ec!re it%
,1a'/t$ Maa!e"et P'a E Provi/e# inp!t to the overall project management plan an/ m!#t a//re## ?!alit Control3
?!alit A##!rance an/ contin!e# proce## improvement for the project% Peer revie' ma not incl!/e in/ivi/!al# that 'or,e/
on the material (eing revie'e/%
Go'# P'at/! E Aiving C!#tomer# e1tra#3 it i# not recommen/e/%
,1a'/t$ Matr/= E Define# 'hat #omething i# an/ ho' to mea#!re it%
Process /"0ro;e"et P'a E S!(#i/iar of P.P3 it /etail# the #tep# for anal"ing proce##e# that 'ill facilitate the
i/entification of 'a#te an/ non val!e a//e/ activit3 it incl!/e#
$% Proce## (o!n/arie# *%Proce## config!ration -%Proce## matri1 4%Target# for improve/ performance%
,1a'/t$ Cotro' Meas1re"ets E 6e#!lt# of ?C activitie# that are fe/ (ac, to ?A to reeval!ate an/ anal"e the 5!alit
#tan/ar/# an/ proce##e# for performing organi"ation%
Process Aa'$s/s E TT of ?A3 it follo'# #tep# o!tline/ in Proce## improvement plan3 it incl!/e# root ca!#e anal#i#%
Se;e Bas/c Too's o% ,1a'/t$ E $%Ca!#e an/ Effect Diagram *%Control Chart# -%Flo'charting 4%@i#togram 7%Pareto Chart
6%6!n Chart 9%Scatter Diagram
Des/! o% e=0er/"ets = i# a #tati#tical metho/ that help# i/entif 'hich factor# might infl!ence #pecific varia(le#
O0erat/oa' #e%//t/os are al#o calle/ metric&
Pre;et/o &,eeping error# o!t of the proce##) an/ /s0ect/o &,eeping error# o!t of the han/# of the c!#tomer)%
To'eraces = &the re#!lt i# accepta(le if it fall# 'ithin the range #pecifie/ ( the tolerance) an/ control limit# &the proce## i# in
control if the re#!lt fall# 'ithin the control limit#)%
*s0ect/os = are vario!#l calle/ re@iew&3 product re@iew&3 audit&3 an/ wa"kthrough&G
The proce## ma (e changed to provi/e improvement#3 (!t it #ho!l/ not (e a/j!#te/ 'hen it i# in control%
Control chart E <L3LL
Pareto D/a!ra" E @i#togram3 or/ere/ fre5 of occ!rrence3 ta,e corrective action B :> pro(J*> ca!#e#
Stat/st/ca' sa"0'/! 7 Stati#tical #ampling involve# choo#ing part of a pop!lation of intere#t for in#pection
Tre# aa'$s/s involve# !#ing mathematical techni5!e# to foreca#t f!t!re o!tcome# (a#e/ on hi#torical re#!lt#%
Page 2% o 46 La&t 5pdated
PMI Exam Study Notes Sajid Jambagi
Project ,1a'/t$ Maa!e"et E proce##e# re5!ire/ to en#!re that the project 'ill #ati#f the nee/# for 'hich it 'a#
,1a'/t$ i# the conformance to re5!irement#J#pecification# an/ to fitne## of !#e%
,1a'/t$ %1ct/o #e0'o$"et E provi/e (etter pro/!ct /efinition an/ pro/!ct /evelopment% 0t# main feat!re are to capt!re
the c!#tomer4# re5!irement#3 en#!re cro## f!nctional team'or,3 an/ lin, the main pha#e# of pro/!ct /evelopment%
Re&or: E action ta,en to (ring a non=conforming item into compliance% 6e'or, i# a fre5!ent ca!#e of project overr!n#%
,1a'/t$ 4ar/a<'e A 5!alit characteri#tic that i# mea#!ra(le
,1a'/t$ Attr/<1te A 5!alit characteri#tic that i# cla##ifie/ a# either conforming or nonconforming
Bec2"ar:/! Comparing practice# of other project#% Provi/e# a #tan/ar/ to mea#!re performance &time con#!ming)%
&e%g% inve#tigating 5!alit #tan/ar/# that other companie# are !#ing)
Stat/st/ca' Aa'$s/s 0nvolve# /etermining the pro(a(ilit of an occ!rrence
Tre# Aa'$s/s <#e# mathematical techni5!e# to foreca#t f!t!re o!tcome# (a#e/ on hi#torical re#!lt#G !#e/ to mea#!re
technical3 co#t3 an/ #che/!le performance
,1a'/t$ A1#/t Str!ct!re/ revie' of other 5!alit management activitie# performe/ to i/entif le##on# learne/ &!#e/
for proce## improvement) Part of ?!alit A##!rance% Provi/e management confi/ence that the project
'ill #ati#f relevant 5!alit #tan/ar/#%
*s0ect/o Prevent error# from reaching the c!#tomer (efore /eliver to the c!#tomer% Can (e /one thro!gho!t
pro/!ct /evelopment%
Des/! o%
A techni5!e to i/entif 'hich varia(le# have the mo#t infl!ence on overall o!tcome# &part of ?!alit
Planning) &e%g% anal"e the colorJ#i"e com(ination that 'ill contri(!te mo#t to the f!nctionalit of the
ne' pro/!ct)% Can (e applie/ to co#t an/ #che/!le tra/eoff#%
9'o& c2art @elp anal"e ho' pro(lem# occ!r#
Attr/<1te Sa"0'/! .ea#!re# 'hether or not the re&u"t& conform# to #pecification#
4ar/a<'e Sa"0'/! Are characteri#tic o! 'ant to mea#!re &#i"e3 #hape3 'eight3 etcM)% An attri(!te i# 'hat o! are
mea#!ring% The re#!lt i# rate/ on a contin!o!# #cale that mea#!re# the /egree of conformit%
Ass/!a<'e Ca1ses Data point on a control chart that re5!ire# inve#tigation
S0ec/%/cat/o L/"/t Sho'# c!#tomer4# e1pectation# for 5!alit &on a control chart)
Cotro' C2art M@elp ne'l a##igne/ project manager /etermine 'hether the project i# o!t of control &in or/er to
verif 5!alit level)% Can (e !#e/ to monitor project management proce##e# #!ch a# co#car/3 #che/!le
variance3 vol!me an/ fre5!enc of #cope change#3 an/ error# in project /oc!ment#%
Stat/st/ca' Cotro'
Are !#e/ to monitor proce## variation# overtime% @elp people !n/er#tan/ an/ control their proce##
FO1t o% Cotro'> Non=ran/om point# that are #till 'ithin the !pper an/ lo'er control limit
-00er a# Lo&er
Cotro' L/"/t o a
Cotro' C2art
Accepta(le range of variation of a proce##% P*he&e "imit& are &et :a&ed on the compan!I& Aua"it!
&tandard&. *he contro" "imit& are determined rom data o:tained rom the proce&& it&e".J
S0ec/%/cat/o L/"/t Fi1e/ ( the c!#tomer
Pareto D/a!ra" <#e/ to #ho' ho' re#!lt# 'ere generate/3 ( tpe or categor of i/entifie/ ca!#e
*s2/:a&a .a/e pop!lar Pareto Chart3 Ca!#e=an/=Effect Diagram an/ Control Chart
Ta!1c2/ Met2o# 0# !#e/ to e#timate the lo## a##ociate/ 'ith controlling or failing to control proce## varia(ilit% 0f o!
#elect goo/ /e#ign parameter#3 o! can pro/!ce pro/!ct# that are more forgiving an/ tolerant% The
tool help# /etermine the val!e or (rea,=even point of improving a proce## to re/!ce varia(ilit%
*SO MGGG Provi/e# a (a#ic #et of re5!irement# for a 5!alit ##tem3 'itho!t #pecifing the partic!lar# for
C2ec:'/sts <#e/ to verif that a #et of re5!ire/ #tep# ha# (een performe/ in 5!alit control proce##
Determine if pro(lem# are relate/ (efore planning 'hat to /o a(o!t them
M1t1a''$ E=c'1s/;e 0f t'o event# cannot (oth occ!r in a #ingle trial &Y)
S0ec/a' Ca1se <n!#!al event
Ra#o" Ca1se Normal proce## variation
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PMI Exam Study Notes Sajid Jambagi
Ca1se a# E%%ect
&$) Creative 'a to loo, at act!al ca!#e# an/ potential ca!#e# of a pro(lem
&*) Proce## of con#tr!cting help# #tim!late thin,ing a(o!t an i##!eG help# to organi"e tho!ght#G
generate# /i#c!##ion
&-) <#e/ to e1plore a 'i/e variet of topic#
&4) Al#o ,no'n a# 0#hi,a'a or Fi#h(one /iagram
,1a'/t$ P'a/! 6efer# to potential pro(lem#% Altho!gh it !#!all occ!r /!ring planning pha#e3 it can occ!r /!ring
e1ec!tion if there i# a change%
,1a'/t$ Cotro' 6efer# to #pecific performance of a ta#, &mea#!ring 5!alit an/ comparing re#!lt# to the 5!alit plan)
,1a'/t$ Ass1race 6efer# to overall 5!alit re5!irement# &#tan/ar/#) &e%g% eval!ating o@era"" project performance
Cost o% ,1a'/t$
Co%or"ace No?Co%or"ace &mo#t acc!rate)
Planning Scrap
Training 6e'or, an/ repair
Proce## Control A//itional .aterial
De#ign an/ proce## vali/ation 6epair# an/ #ervice
Te#t an/ eval!ation Complaint#
?!alit a!/it# Lia(ilit
.aintenance an/ cali(ration Pro/!ct recall#
0n#pection Fiel/ #ervice
Fiel/ te#ting E1pe/iting
*"0act o% Poor ,1a'/t$
0ncrea#e/ co#t
Decrea#e/ pro/!ctivit
0ncrea#e/ ri#, an/
0ncrea#e/ co#t# in monitoring
Aoal of the co#t of 31a'/t$ 0ro!ra" #ho!l/ (e . ? AH of total val!e%
Co#t of o?31a'/t$ i# e#timate/ to (e 72 ? 2GH of #ale#%
Cost o% ,1a'/t$ 0ncl!/e# Prevention Co#t# &training)3 Apprai#al# Co#t# &in#pectionJte#ting) an/ 0nternal &#crap3
re'or,)JE1ternal &'arrant) Fail!re co#t#
.anagement i# LAH re#pon#i(le for 5!alit% The team mem(er i# u"timate"! re#pon#i(le for 5!alit management% The project
manager i# primari"! re#pon#i(le for 5!alit management%
T'o component# of 0ro#1ct a;a/'a</'/t$ are re"ia:i"it! an/ maintaina:i"it!.
To effectivel !#e stat/st/ca' 31a'/t$ cotro'3 the project team #ho!l/ ,no' the /ifference# (et'een &pecia" cau&e& an/
random cau&e&%
1amp"ing an/ pro:a:i"it! are the mo#t important topic# to !n/er#tan/ in stat/st/ca' 0rocess cotro'%
Top management #ho!l/ /irect cot/1o1s /"0ro;e"et%
,1a'/t$ cotro' "eas1re"et are recor/# of 5!alit control te#ting an/ mea#!rement in a format for compari#on an/
anal#i# &inp!t to 5!alit a##!rance)%
?!alit .anagement Plan E /e#cri(e# metho/ for implementing 5!alit polic project 5!alit ##tem an/ organi"ational
#tr!ct!re#3 re#pon#i(ilitie#3 proce/!re#3 proce##e# an/ re#o!rce# nee/e/ to implement project 5!alit management%
T,M E Total ?!alit .anagement Philo#oph enco!rage# companie# an/ their emploee# to foc!# on fin/ing 'a# to
contin!o!#l improve 5!alit of their (!#ine## practice# an/ pro/!ct#%
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PMI Exam Study Notes Sajid Jambagi
Process Aa'$s/s E Le##on# learne/ in fir#t fe' ca#e# i# !#e/ to improve the proce## on the remaining one#%
Sta#ar# De;/at/o E From - point E#timate# R &P E O)J6
S/= S/!"a E Level of ?!alit% IJ= $ Sigma e5!al to 6:%*6O3 'hich i# percentage of occ!rrence# to fall (et'een the t'o
control limit#%
R1'e o% Se;e E Ba#e/ on @e!ri#tic#3 #even ran/om /ata point# gro!pe/ together in a #erie# 'ith in control limit% 0t
repre#ent# that the are not ran/om an/ #ho!l/ (e inve#tigate/%
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PMI Exam Study Notes Sajid Jambagi
C2a0ter M ? 6-MAN RESO-RCE Maa!e"et
Eter0r/se E;/ro"eta' 9actors E &0JP to @6 Planning)
$% Organi"ational &'hich /epartment#3 their 'or,ing arrangement#3 relation#hip#)
*% Technical &Di#cipline# an/ Specialtie# nee/e/)
-% 0nterper#onal &Formal or informal reporting relation#hip#3 c!lt!re an/ lang!age /ifference# etc)
4% Logi#tical &@o' m!ch /i#tance)
7% Political &0n/ivi/!al goal# an/ agen/a#)
Costra/s 8 Organi"ational Str!ct!re3 Collective (argaining agreement#3 Economic Con/ition#.
Or!a/@at/oa' C2arts 8 @ierarchical3 .atri1 (a#e/ an/ Te1t Oriente/%
RBS 8 6e#o!rce Brea, Do'n Str!ct!re i# an hierarchical chart 'hich #ho'# (rea, /o'n of project ( re#o!rce tpe#% 6BS i#
helpf!l in trac,ing project co#t#3 aligne/ 'ith organi"ation# acco!nting ##tem3 can contain categorie# other than h!man
RAM E 6e#pon#i(ilit a##ignment .atri13 can (e /evelope/ at vario!# level#% RAC* &6e#pon#i(le3 Acco!nta(le3 Con#!lt an/
6a'o E%%ect E Ten/enc to rate high or lo' on all the factor# /!e to the impre##ion of a high or lo' rating on #ome #pecific
Or!a/@at/oa' t2eor$ E Provi/e# information regar/ing the 'a# that people3 team# an/ organi"ational !nit# (ehave%
Ro'es a# Res0os/</'/t/es E &OJP of @6 planning) 6ole3 A!thorit3 6e#pon#i(ilit an/ competenc
Sta%% Maa!e"et P'a E De#cri(e# 'hen an/ ho' h!man re#o!rce re5!irement# 'ill (e met% S.P can (e !p/ate/ (eca!#e
of promotion#3 retirement#3 illne##3 performance i##!e# an/ changing 'or,loa/#% S.P content#K
7. Sta%% ac31/s/t/o 8 internal or e1ternal or contract3 #ame location or /ifferent etc
2. T/"eta<'e E 6e#o!rce hi#togram i# prepare/3 (ar# (eon/ the ma1im!m availa(le ho!r# i/entif nee/ for reso1rce
'e;e'/! strate!$%
.. Re'ease cr/ter/a 8 .orale i# improve/ if tran#ition# are alrea/ planne/%
4. Tra//! Nee#s
A. Reco!/t/o a# re&ar#s
C. Co"0'/ace 8 +ith Aovernment reg!lation#
). Sa%et$
*ter0ersoa' S:/''s 8 Are al#o ,no'n a# #oft #,ill#
Maa!e"et o% Project tea"s E i# complicate/ in .atri1 organi"ation% -0'ae# tra//! ta,e# place a# a re#!lt of
o(#ervation3 conver#ation an/ project performance apprai#al#%
9/;e Sta!es o% Tea" De;e'o0"et E Forming3 Storming3 Norming3 Performing an/ A/jo!rning
K/c:o%% Meet/! E 0n/irect .etho/ to #tart team /evelopment% 0t #ho!l/ an#'er $%+h am 0 hereY *%+ho are o! an/ o!r
e1pectation# of meY -% +hat i# thi# team going to /oY 4%@o' i# the team going to /o thi# 'or,Y 7%@o' /o 0 fit into all thi#Y
Lessos Leare# %ro" Maa!e Project Tea" E
$% Project organi"ation chart#3 po#ition# an/ S.P
*% Aro!n/ r!le#3 conflict management techni5!e# an/ recognition#
-% Proce/!re# for 8irt!al team#3 co=location3 training an/ team (!il/ing
4% Special #,ill# an/ competencie# ( team mem(er# /i#covere/
7% 0##!e# an/ #ol!tion#
Project 61"a Reso1rce Maa!e"et = proce## re5!ire/ to ma,e the mo#t effective !#e of the people involve/ 'ith the
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PMI Exam Study Notes Sajid Jambagi
Res0os/</'/t$ Ass/!"et Matr/= (RAM( E Sho' 'ho /oe# 'hat &1Rper#on3 Rpha#e)% The mo#t important feat!re of the
6A. i# the participator /evelopment proce## involving all #ta,ehol/er#% Sho' 'ho i# participant3 'ho i# acco!nta(le3
'ho han/le# revie'#3 'ho provi/e# inp!t an/ 'ho m!#t #ign off on #pecific 'or, pac,age# or project pha#e#%
L/ear Res0os/</'/t$ C2art (LRC( E i/entifing re#pon#i(ilit3 a##ignment# ( 'or, pac,age# an/ action re5!ire/% Al#o
referre/ to a# 6A.%
Or!a/@at/oa' Brea:#o& Str1ct1re (ORS( ? A /epiction of the project organi"ation arrange/ #o a# to relate 'or,
pac,age# to organi"ation !nit#%
Reso1rces 6/sto!ra" E often part of Staffing .anagement PlanG #ho'# re#o!rce !#age &eg #taff ho!r#) per time perio/ &eg
',3 mth) of a #pecific jo( f!nction%
Re&ar#s a# Reco!/t/o S$ste"s == to (e effective3 m!#t ma,e the lin, (et'een performance an/ re'ar/ clear3 e1plicit
an/ achieva(le%
T$0es o% Po&er
Derive/ from formal po#ition
Coercive Pre/icate/ on fear
6e'ar/ 0nvolve# po#itive reinforcement an/ a(ilit to a'ar/ #omething of val!e
Project often nee/# their o'n re'ar/# ##tem to affect emploee performance% <#e/ correctl3 (ring the
team4# goal# an/ o(jective# in line 'ith each other an/ 'ith the project%
E1pert @el/ in e#teem (eca!#e of #pecial ,no'le/ge or #,ill &re5!ire# time)
6eferent A(ilit to infl!ence other# thro!gh chari#ma3 per#onalit3 etc%
The (e#t form# of po'er are generall 6e'ar/ an/ E1pert
Co%'/ct Maa!e"et
At lea#t one part 'ith/ra'# from conflict% Cool off perio/3 co!l/ (e lo#eJlo#e
6etreating from act!al or potential /i#agreementG /elaing &e%g% F2!#t /oc!ment the pro(lemH)
CompetitionJForcing E1erting one4# vie'pointG a la#t re#ort P'inJlo#eQ &e%g% FCall the c!#tomer an/ /eman/ that
o! receive the approval to/a%H
Compromi#ing Bargaining an/ #earching for #ol!tion#G neither part 'in# (!t each gain #ome #ati#faction
P'in=lo#eJ'in=lo#eQ thi# i# ver rarel a goo/ 'a to re#olve technical i##!e#%
Accommo/ation Oppo#ite of Competition% One part meet# other part nee/ at e1pen#e of hi# o'n% Lo#eJ+in
Colla(orating 0nvolve# incorporating m!ltiple i/ea# an/ vie'point# from people 'ith /ifferent per#pective#
an/ offer# a goo/ opport!nit to learn from other# &goo/ 'hen project i# too important to (e
compromi#e/) +inJ+in Be#t Strateg
NNSmoothing De=empha#i"e /ifference# an/ empha#i"e commonalitie#G frien/l (!t avoi/# #olving root
ca!#e#G /elaing &eg% .anager #a# an i##!e i# vali/ (!t /oe#n4t thin, it 'ill (e a (ig pro(lem
CCPro(lem Solving J
A//re## conflict /irectl in pro(lem #olving mo/e P'inJ'inQ
Sources of
Conflict *N*T*AT*
N &
Prioritie# $ $ I
A/min Proce/!re# * -
Sche/!le# - * $ $ I
Technical 0##!e# * I
- - I
. ste0s o% 0ro<'e" so';/!O
$% Anal"e the #it!ation J Doc!ment the #it!ation
*% Develop alternative# 'ith the team
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PMI Exam Study Notes Sajid Jambagi
-% Ao to management
Mot/;at/oa' T2eor$O Cotet & Process T2eor/es
ContentK F+hatH energi"e#3 /irect# (ehavior E
$% .a#lo'4# @ierarch of Nee/# Theor &Ph#iological3 Safet3 SocialJBelonging3 E#teem3 Self=Act!ali"ation)
*% @ert"(erg4# .otivatorJ@giene Theorie# &.otivatorK 6e#pon#i(ilit3 Self=Act!ali"ation3 E#teem3 Profe##ional Aro'th3
6ecognitionG @gieneK +or,ing Con/ition#3 Salar3 6elation#hip at +or,3 Social3 Safet3 Ph#iological)
Proce##K F@o'H per#onal factor# infl!ence (ehavior
$% .cAregor4# Theor T an/ Theor V &TK A##!me# people lac, am(ition3 /i#li,e re#pon#i(ilit3 are inherentl #elf=
centere/ an/ are not ver (rightG motivate ( re'ar/ an/ p!ni#hment% VK A##!me# people (ecome la" 'Jo
recognition3 'ill accept re#pon#i(ilit3 can (ecome #elf=motivate/ an/ e1erci#e #elf=controlG motivate ( removing
o(#tacle# an/ provi/ing #elf=/irecte/ environment%)
*% O!chi4# Theor ZJ2apane#e Theor & foc!# on team3 companG !#!all lifetime emploment3 collective
/eci#ionma,ing )
Ot2er Mot/;at/oa' T2eor/esO
Be2a;/or/s" E people (ehavior can (e mo/ifie/ thro!gh manip!lation of re'ar/# an/ p!ni#hment#
E=0ectac$ T2eor$ E .otivation i# e1plaine/ in term# of e1pectation# that people have a(o!t &$) their a(ilit to perform
effectivel on the jo(3 &*) the re'ar/# the might o(tain if the /o perform effectivel an/ &-) the val!e or /egree of
#ati#faction the anticipate from tho#e re'ar/#%
MBO E .ore #!pport to team3 not more po'er &remain to P.)
Lea#ers2/0 T2eor/esO
McGre!or 8 Theor T &emploee lac, am(ition) an/ Theor V &org #tr!ct!re are re#pon#i(le for motivation)
Taea<a1"?Sc2"/#t "o#e' E Contin!!m of lea/er#hip #tle# (et'een the a!tocratic an/ participative #tle#
B'a:e a# Mo1to E ref to managerial gri/ &Concern for People 8# Concern for Pro/!ction)3 'herea# $3$ i# lai##e" faire
mgmnt3 $3; i# Co!ntr Cl!( mgmnt3 ;3$ i# Ta#, oriente/ mgmnt3 737 i# Compromi#e mgmnt an/ ;3; i# team mgmnt%
9or"s o% Or!a/@at/o
F!nctional Aro!p# people ( #peciali"ation% Project manager ha# no formal a!thorit of re#o!rce# an/ m!#t rel on
informal po'er #tr!ct!re an/ hi# o'n interper#onal #,ill# to o(tain re#o!rce commitment# from
f!nctional manager#%
Project E1pe/itor 6etain# f!nctional (!t a//# a Project E1pe/itor 'ho #erve# a# a comm!nication# lin, an/ coor/inator for
the project acro## f!nctional !nit#
Similar to Project E1pe/itor e1cept the Coor/inator report# to a higher level manager an/ ha# #ome
a!thorit to a##ign 'or,
+ea, .atri1 8ertical f!nctional line# of a!thorit maintaine/ 'ith a relativel permanent hori"ontal #tr!ct!re
containing manager# for vario!# project#% Balance of po'er lean# to'ar/ the F!nctional .anager% Can
ca!#e a project to fall (ehin/ (eca!#e f!nctional manager# are p!lling re#o!rce# a'a to perform non=
project relate/ ta#,#% The Project .anager ma (e a(le to ma,e re#o!rce /eci#ion on hi# o'n (!t not
technical /eci#ion%
Strong .atri1 Same a# +ea, e1cept that the (alance of po'er lean# to'ar/# the Project .anager
Projecti"e/ A #eparate3 vertical #tr!ct!re i# e#ta(li#he/ for each project% All the project team mem(er# report /irectl
an/ #olel to the project manager%
NNMe"or/@e PMBOK FOr!a/@at/oa' Str1ct1re *%'1ece o Projects>
Tea" <1/'#/! i# mo#t /iffic!lt in a matri1 organi"ation% 0t# main p!rpo#e i# to improve team performance%
Tea" #e;e'o0"et i# (a#e/ on the /#/;/#1a' #e;e'o0"et of each mem(er%
A1tocrat/c P. ma,e# /eci#ion 'itho!t #oliciting information from team
Cos1't/;e 0nten#ive information #olicite/G P. ma,e# /eci#ion
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PMI Exam Study Notes Sajid Jambagi
Coses1s Team ma,e# /eci#ionG open /i#c!##ion an/ information gathering ( team
S2are2o'#er Little or no information e1changeG team ha# !ltimate a!thorit for final /eci#ion
Ro'es o% t2e Project Maa!er 91ct/os o% t2e Project Maa!er
0ntegrator Planning
Comm!nicator Organi"ing
Team Lea/er Lea/ing
Deci#ion .a,er Controlling
Climate CreatorJB!il/er
Sta%%/! Maa!e"et P'a E /e#cri(e# 'hen re#o!rce# 'ill (e (ro!ght into an/ ta,en off the project%
E"0'o$ee Recor# -0#ate E a# part of clo#!re3 the project manager #ho!l/ !p/ate emploee4# recor/ 'ith the ne' #,ill#
Reso1rce ca'e#ar 8 i/entifie# perio/ 'hen 'or, i# allo'e/%
Per%or"ace A00ra/sa'sEAssess"et E Project .anager 'ill collect information from team mem(er4# #!pervi#or# 'hen
project performance apprai#al# are complete/% Team Performance a##e##ment i# /one ( the P. in or/er to eval!ate an/
improve the effectivene## of team%
Co%'/cts / Or#er o% 9re31ec$ E $% Sche/!le *% Project Prioritie# -% 6e#o!rce# 4% Technical Opinion# 7% A/mini#trative
Proce/!re# 6% Co#t 9% Per#onalit
Ar</trat/o E The hearing an/ re#ol!tion of a /i#p!te performe/ ( a ne!tral part%
Per31/s/tes E Aiving Special re'ar/#
9r/!e Bee%/ts E Stan/ar/ (enefit# given to all emploee#%
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PMI Exam Study Notes Sajid Jambagi
C2a0ter 7G 8 COMM-N*CAT*ONS Maa!e"et
Co""1/cat/os P'a/!N/etermining the information an/ comm!nication# nee/# of the #ta,ehol/er#K 'ho nee/# 'hat
information3 'hen the 'ill nee/ it3 an/ ho' it 'ill (e given to them% 0t i# often tightl lin,e/ 'ith enterpri#e environmental
factor# an/ organi"ational infl!ence#%
Art o% Co""1/cat/os E 0ncl!/e# Sen/er=receiver .o/el#3 Choice of .e/ia3 +riting Stle3 Pre#entation techni5!e# an/
.eeting .anagement Techni5!e#%
Project Co""1/cat/os Maa!e"et = proce## re5!ire/ to en#!re proper collection an/ /i##emination of project
Co""1/cat/os Tec2o'o!$ 8 (TT of Comm!nication planning) factor# that affect the project incl!/e <rgenc of the nee/
for information3 Availa(ilit of technolog3 E1pecte/ Project Staffing3 Length of the Project an/ Project Environment%
CMP 8 Contain# #ta,ehol/er comm!nication re5!irement#3 information format3 content3 /etail level3 per#on re#pon#i(le3
metho/# or technologie#3 fre5!enc of comm!nication3 metho/# for C.P !p/ate#3 e#calation proce## B Alo##ar of common
Per%or"ace re0ort/! E Aenerall on Scope3 ?!alit3 Sche/!le an/ Co#t% B!t ma incl!/e information on 6i#, an/
Tea" Meet/!s E perio/ic team meeting# i# the mo#t effective 'a to accelerate the project integration proce##%
Per%or"ace Re;/e&s E meeting# hel/ to a##e## #tat!# an/Jor progre##%
Comm!nicator The originator of the me##age
.e##age Tho!ght#3 feeling#3 or i/ea# re/!ce/ to [co/e[ that i# !n/er#too/ ( (oth #en/er an/ receiver
.e/i!m The vehicle or metho/ !#e/ to conve the me##age
6ecipient The per#on for 'hom the me##age i# inten/e/
PSen/erQ == Enco/ing Tran#mi##ion Deco/ing == P6eceiverQ Fee/(ac,
Co""1/cat/os C2ae's R &n
= n)J* or n&n=$)J*
Mthe fact that t'o team mem(er# are 'or,ing F/irectlH together /oe# not re/!ce the n!m(er of comm!nication channel#%
T/!2t Matr/= = all team mem(er# allocate/ in a #ingle office #pace
A @ariance i# con#i/ere/ to (e &igniicant if it jeopar/i"e# project o(jective#%
The p!rpo#e of 0roject 0'a #e;e'o0"et i# to create a /oc!ment to g!i/e project e1ec!tion an/ control%
The o!tp!t of 0roject 0'a e=ec1t/o con#i#t# of 'or, re#!lt# an/ change re5!e#t#%
T$0es o% Co""1/cat/os
Formal +ritten Project Charter3 .anagement Plan &thi# i# the (e#t tpe
of comm!nication metho/ to !#e 'hen there are
c!lt!ral /ifference# an/ /i#tance (et'een team
0nformal +ritten Note#3 memo#
Formal 8er(al Pre#entation#
0nformal 8er(al Conver#ation#
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PMI Exam Study Notes Sajid Jambagi
)oteK 77O of comm!nication# i# non=ver(al &it i# the mo#t important a#pect of a
;>O of Project .anagerW# time i# #pent ac5!iring an/ comm!nicating
O<ject/;es o% a K/c:o%% Meet/!
Aet to ,no' each other
Set team goal# an/ o(jective#
6evie' project #tat!#
6evie' project plan#
0/entif pro(lem area#
E#ta(li#h re#pon#i(ilitie# an/ acco!nta(ilitie#
O(tain commitment#
Barr/ers to Co""1/cat/os (&2/c2 'ea# to
Lac, of clear comm!nication channel#
Ph#ical or temporal /i#tance
Diffic!ltie# 'ith technical lang!age
Di#tracting environmental factor#
Detrimental attit!/e#
The mo#t li,el re#!lt# of comm!nication (loc,er an/ mi#comm!nication a# a 'hole i# conflict%
B1/'#/! E%%ect/;e Tea" Co""1/cat/os
Be an effective comm!nicator
Be a comm!nication# e1pe/itor
Avoi/ comm!nication (loc,er#
<#e a [tight matri1[ &#ingle office #pace)
.a,e meeting# effective &meeting /!ring e1ec!tion i# the (e#t format to
A!thoritarian Let# in/ivi/!al# ,no' 'hat i# e1pecte/ of them
Com(ative Eager to fight or (e /i#agreea(le over an #it!ation
Conciliator Frien/l an/ agreea(le
Di#r!ptive Ten/# to /i#r!pt !nit an/ ca!#e /i#or/er
Ethical @one#t an/ #incere
Facilitating Doe# not interfere 'ith /a=to=/a ta#,#3 (!t i# availa(le for help an/ g!i/ance 'hen nee/e/
0ntimi/ating 6epriman/# emploee# for the #a,e of a [to!gh g![ image
2!/icial Applie# #o!n/ j!/gment
Promotional C!ltivate# team #piritG re'ar/# goo/ 'or,G enco!rage# #!(or/inate# to reali"e their f!ll potential
Secretive Not open or o!tgoing in #peech3 activit3 or p!rpo#e
Maa!e"et S:/''s
Lea/ing E#ta(li#hing /irection3 aligning people3 an/ motivating an/ in#piring
Comm!nicating The e1change of information in a variet of /imen#ion#
Negotiating Conferring 'ith other# in or/er to come to term# or reach an agreement
Pro(lem Solving A com(ination of pro(lem /efinition an/ /eci#ion ma,ing
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PMI Exam Study Notes Sajid Jambagi
0nfl!encing the
The a(ilit to get thing# /one (a#e/ on an !n/er#tan/ing or the formal an/ informal #tr!ct!re# of
the organi"ation
Mthe prevailing mea#!rement of 'hat information to acc!m!late an/ comm!nicate on a project i# that it contri(!te# to it#
Pro!ress Re0ort = #!mmari"e project #tat!#% Preferre/ report to 5!ic,l revie' 'here a project no' #tan/#%
Tre# Re0ort E #ho' performance over time &#ho'# if it i# improving or /eteriorating)
4ar/ace Re0ort E compare project re#!lt#3 loo,# at #pecific project item# or ta#,#
9orecast/! Re0ort E onl loo,# into the f!t!re
Stat1s Re0ort E relating a moment in time &#tatic)
Project P'a
Sta%%/! Maa!e"et P'a
Co""1/cat/os Maa!e"et P'a = #ho!l/ cover all pha#e# of the project
Per%or"ace re0orts 8 provi/e info on #che/!le performance3 there( alerting the team to pro(lem# that ma ari#e in
the f!t!re%
Lessos Leare# E One #ho!l/ not 'ait till the Project i# over3 the might (e #ent o!t a# the are create/% LL are create/ (
Sta,e @ol/er#3 P. Team3 P.3 Seller# an/ C!#tomer#
WBS E Can (e effective tool for comm!nicating in a #it!ation internal an/ e1ternal to the project%
Co""1/cat/o / Cotract E Everthing 'e /o i# more formal in contract environment%
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6eport# are a metho/ to
/i#tri(!te information3 not
j!#t to report on progre##
PMI Exam Study Notes Sajid Jambagi
C2a0ter 77 8 R*SK Maa!e"et
Project r/s: = 0# an !ncertain event or con/ition that3 if it occ!r#3 ha# a po#itive or a negative effect on a project o(jective%
A ri#, ha# a ca!#e an/3 if it occ!r#3 a con#e5!ence% 6i#, i/entification i# an iterative proce##% &2!#t li,e core proce##)
R/s: T$0es 8 $% B!#ine## &Aain or Lo##) *% P!re 6i#, &Onl 6i#, of Lo##)
P'a/! "eet/!s 7 Atten/ee# = project manager3 the project team lea/er#3 anone in the organi"ation 'ith re#pon#i(ilit to
manage the ri#, planning an/ e1ec!tion activitie#3 ,e #ta,ehol/er#3
,1a'/tat/;e R/s: Aa'$s/s E Prioriti"ing ri#,# for #!(#e5!ent f!rther anal#i# or action ( a##e##ing an/ com(ining their
pro(a(ilit of occ!rrence an/ impact.
,1at/tat/;e R/s: Aa'$s/s 8 N!mericall anal"ing the effect on overall project o(jective# of i/entifie/ ri#,#%
Att/t1#e a<o1t R/s: E Sho!l/ (e ma/e e1plicit3 Comm!nication a(o!t ri#, #ho!l/ (e hone#t an/ open% 6i#, re#pon#e reflect#
organi"ation# perceive/ (alance (et'een ri#, ta,ing an/ ri#, avoi/ance% Some one 'ho /oe# not 'ant to ta,e ri#,# i# #ai/ to
(e 6i#, Aver#e%
To'erace a# T2res2o'# E Tolerance are area# of ri#, that are accepta(le or !naccepta(le% A thre#hol/ i# the amo!nt of ri#,
that i# accepta(le%
R/s: Maa!e"et P'a E De#cri(e# ho' 6i#, .anagement 'ill (e #tr!ct!re/ an/ performe/3 it incl!/e#
$% Met2o#o'o!$ &Approach3 tool# an/ /ata #o!rce#)
*% B1#!et/! &6e#o!rce an/ Co#t E#timate)
-% T/"/! &+hen an/ ho' often)
4% R/s: Cate!or/es &6BS3 Aoo/ practice i# to revie' ri#, categorie# /!ring 6.P prior to 6i#, 0/entification Proce##)
7% De%//t/o o% R/s: Pro<a</'/t$ a# *"0act &<#e/ for ?!alitative 6i#, Anal#i#3 ?!alit B cre/i(ilit important)
6% Pro<a</'/t$ a# *"0act Matr/= &Loo, !p ta(le3 'ith impact categori"e/ a# Lo'3 .o/erate or @igh)
). Re;/se# Sta:e2o'#ers to'eraces
:% Re0ort/! 9or"ats &De#cri(e# 6i#, 6egi#ter Content# an/ format)
;% Trac:/! &A!/iting an/ Doc!mentation for LL)
*%or"at/o Gat2er/! Tec2/31es &0JP for 6i#, 0/entification) E $%Brain#torming *%De'02/ Tec2/31e -%0ntervie'ing
4%6oot ca!#e anal#i# 4%SWOT aa'$s/s
C2ec: L/st Aa'$s/s &0JP for 6i#, 0/entification) E Can (e (a#e/ on @i#torical information of previo!# #imilar project#3 the
lo'e#t level of 6BS can al#o (e !#e/ a# 6i#, Chec,li#t%
,1at/tat/;e R/s: Aa'$s/s
7. Data Gat2er/! a# Re0resetat/o Tec2/31e
$% 0ntervie'ing *%Pro(a(ilit Di#tri(!tion# &Beta D/str/<1t/o an/ Tr/a!1'ar D/str/<1t/o)
2. ,1at/tat/;e R/s: Aa'$s/s a# Mo#e'/! Tec2/31es
Sen#itivit Anal#i# E Determine 'hich ri#,# have mo#t potential impact3 Tora#o Diagram%
E1pecte/ .onetar 8al!e E Opport!nit e1pre##e/ a# Po#itive3 6i#, e1pre##e/ a# negative% .o/eling an/
Sim!lation i# recommen/e/ for Co#t B Sche/!le 6i#, anal#i# (eca!#e the are more po'erf!l an/ le##
#!(ject to mi#!#e than E.8 anal#i#%
Deci#ion tree anal#i# E Sho'# availa(le choice# an/ their po##i(ilitie#
.o/eling an/ Sim!lation E Done !#ing Mote Car'o Tec2/31e% Cost R/s: Aa'$s/s !#e CBS or +BS%
Sc2e#1'e R/s: aa'$s/s !#e PD.%
Strate!$ %or Pos/t/;e R/s: or O00ort1/t/es = SEE E Share3 E1ploit3 Enhance
Strate!$ %or Ne!at/;e R/s: or T2reats E AT. E Avoi/3 Tran#fer3 .itigate
Strate!$ %or Bot2 = Acceptance
Res/#1a' R/s:s E 6i#,# that are e1pecte/ to remain after planne/ re#pon#e# have (een ta,en3 a# 'ell a# tho#e have (een
/eli(eratel accepte/%
Seco#ar$ R/s:s E 6i#,# that ari#e a# a /irect o!tcome of implementing a ri#, re#pon#e%
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PMI Exam Study Notes Sajid Jambagi
Reco""e#e# Correct/;e Act/os E For 6i#, monitor an/ Control incl!/e Contingenc plan# an/ 'or,aro!n/ plan#% +or,
aro!n/ plan# are not initiall planne/ (!t are re5!ire/ to /eal 'ith emerging ri#,# that 'ere previo!#l !ni/entifie/ or
R/s: #ata<ase 7 A repo#itor that provi/e# for collection3 maintenance3 an/ anal#i# of /ata gathere/ an/ !#e/ in the ri#,
management proce##e#% <#e of thi# /ata(a#e 'ill a##i#t ri#, management thro!gho!t the organi"ation an/3 over time3 form the
(a#i# of a ri#, le##on# learne/ program%
R/s: Re!/ster E &OJP of 6i#, 0/entification)
$% Li#t of 0/entifie/ 6i#,# &incl!/ing root ca!#e# an/ a##!mption#)
*% Li#t of Potential 6e#pon#e#
-% 6oot ca!#e# of 6i#,#
4% <p/ate/ 6i#, Categorie# &6BS 'hich i# /evelope/ in 6.P i# enhance/ or amen/e/)
-0#ates a%ter ,1a'/tat/;e R/s: Aa'$s/s
7% 6elative 6an,ing or Priorit li#t of Project 6i#,#
6% 6i#,# gro!pe/ ( categorie#
9% Li#t of 6i#, re5!iring 6e#pon#e in the near term
:% +atch li#t of lo' priorit ri#,#
;% Tren/# in 6elative 6i#, anal#i# re#!lt#
-0#ates a%ter ,1at/tat/;e R/s: Aa'$s/s
$>% Pro(a(ili#tic Anal#i# of the project
$$% Pro(a(ilit of Achieving Co#t an/ Time O(jective
$*% Prioriti"e/ Li#t of ?!antifie/ 6i#,#
$-% Tren/# in ?!antitative 6i#, Anal#i# 6e#!lt#
-0#ates a%ter R/s: Res0ose P'a/!
$4% 0/entifie/ 6i#,#3 their /e#cription#3 area# of the project an/ ho' the affect project o(jective#
$7% 6i#, o'ner# an/ their re#pon#i(ilitie#
$6% Agree/ !pon re#pon#e #trategie#
$9% Smptom# an/ 'arning #ign# of ri#,# occ!rrence
$:% B!/get an/ Sche/!le activitie# re5!ire/ to implement the cho#en re#pon#e#
$;% Contingenc re#erve# of Time an/ Co#t% Contingenc Trigger#%
*>% Fall(ac, plan
*$% 6e#i/!al an/ Secon/ar 6i#,#
Project R/s: Maa!e"et E proce##e# concerne/ 'ith i/entifing3 anal"ing3 an/ re#pon/ing to !ncertaint% The mo#t li,el
ca!#e of poor ri#, management i# lac, of prioriti"e/ li#t of ri#,#%
T$0es o% R/s:
B1s/ess Normal ri#,# that offer gain an/ lo##
P1re E *s1ra<'e Onl lo##K propert /amage3 in/irect con#e5!ential lo##3 legal lia(ilit3 per#onnel% For ri#, 'e can
o!t#o!rce3 'e have contract% For p!re ri#,#3 'e o(tain in#!rance%
R/s: 9actors
6i#, event
6i#, pro(a(ilit
Amo!nt at Sta,e
Stat/st/ca' *#e0e#ece
Data Prec/s/o Ra:/!
Seco#ar$ R/s:
Occ!rrence of one event i# not relate/ to occ!rrence of the other
P!rpo#e i# to te#t the val!e of /ata &inp!t to ?!alitative Anal#i#)
&part of 6i#, 6e#pon#e Planning)
Pat2 Co;er!ece Ten/enc of parallel path# of e5!al /!ration to /ela the completion of the mile#tone 'here the
Cot/!ec$ P'a Planne/ action #tep# to (e ta,en if an i/entifie/ ri#, occ!r#% &e%g% /eveloping alternative activit
Page %0 o 46 La&t 5pdated
PMI Exam Study Notes Sajid Jambagi
-certa/t$ #e5!ence#)
An !ncommon #tate of nat!re3 characteri"e/ ( the a(#ence of an information relate/ to a /e#ire/
Wor:aro1# <nplanne/ re#pon#e to negative ri#, event# &re5!ire# to (e impacte/ ( the ri#, fir#t)
E=0ecte# Moetar$ 4a'1e R Pro(a(ilit C .onetar 0mpact &!#e/ in Deci#ion Tree Anal#i#)
R/s: E;et A /i#crete occ!rrence that ma affect the project for (etter or 'or#e% After a ri#, event3 the project
manager4# role i# to rea##e## the ri#, ran,ing% The ri#, o'ner i# re#pon#i(le to ta,e action 'hen an
i/entifie/ ri#, occ!r#%
R/s: Tr/!!er A #mptom of ri#,G in/irect manife#tation of act!al ri#, eventG o!tp!t of ri#, i/entificationG
e1ample i# poor morale
R/s: Port%o'/o 6i#, /ata a##em(le/ for the management of the project
-t/'/t$ T2eor$ Techni5!e that characteri"e# an in/ivi/!al4# 'illingne## to ta,e ri#,
Ses/t/;/t$ Aa'$s/s
R/s: A1#/tor
R/s: To'erace
Place# a val!e on the impact to the project plan ( a/j!#ting a #ingle project varia(leG #imple#t
form of anal#i#
6ole i# to inve#tigate the effectivene## of the ri#, o'ner &'hich can ca!#e potential conflict 'ith
ri#, o'ner)
6i#, Ta,er3 6i#, A/ver#e3 6i#, Ne!tralG if o! ,no' the tolerance of the #ta,ehol/er#3 o! can
/etermine ho' the might react to /ifferent #it!ation an/ ri#, event#% Vo! !#e thi# information to
help a##ign level# of ri#, on each 'or, pac,age%
Res0oses to R/s:
Eliminating ca!#e eliminate# ri#,% Can (e /one ( changing the Project Plan or protecting project
o(jective# from it# impact%
6e/!ce the E1pecte/ .onetar 8al!e% Float can (e !#e to mitigate potential ri#,#
Tras%er Deflect or #hare &eg% 0n#!rance3 'arrantie#)
Acce0tace Accept or retain con#e5!ence#% * tpe#K .cti@e Acceptance &/evelop a contingenc plan) or Pa&&i@e
Acceptance &no action)%
N1"<ers to Ko&
Cost Est/"atesO
Or/er of .agnit!/e
&(allpar, e#timate)
=*7O I97O
B!/get =$>O I*7O
Definitive =7O I$>O
$ #igma 6:%-O
* #igma ;7%7O
- #igma ;;%9O
6 #igma ;;%;;O
The range of an e#timate 'ith the #malle#t range i# the lea#t ri#,%
R/s: Maa!e"et P'a 8 'o!l/ mo#t li,el (e /evelope/ /!ring #cope planning pha#e of the #cope management proce##%
Dec/s/o Tree Aa'$s/s = $% Ta,e# into acco!nt f!t!re event# in tring to ma,e /eci#ion to/a
*% 0t calc!late# E.8 in more comple1 #it!ation# -% 0nvolve# m!t!al e1cl!#ivit
9a'' <ac: P'a E Specific action# that 'ill (e ta,en if the contingenc plan i# not effective%
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PMI Exam Study Notes Sajid Jambagi
C2a0ter 72 8 PROC-REMENT Maa!e"et
Project Maa!e"et Tea" E 0# re#pon#i(le to help tailor the contract to the #pecific nee/# of the Project%
Proc1re"et Processes Re0et/t/o = +hen the project o(tain# pro/!ct# an/ #ervice# &project #cope) from o!t#i/e the
performing organi"ation3 the proce##e# from #olicitation planning &Section $*%*) thro!gh contract clo#eo!t &Section $*%6)
'o!l/ (e performe/ once for each pro/!ct or #ervice item%
Costs = Direct co#t# are co#t# inc!rre/ for the e1cl!#ive (enefit of the project &e%g%3 #alarie# of f!ll=time project #taff)% 0n/irect
co#t#3 al#o calle/ overhea/ co#t#3 are co#t# allocate/ to the project ( the performing organi"ation a# a co#t of /oing
(!#ine## &e%g%3 #alarie# of corporate e1ec!tive#)%
Proc1re"et Doc1"ets 8 Common name# for /ifferent tpe# of proc!rement /oc!ment# incl!/eK 0nvitation for Bi/ &0FB)3
6e5!e#t for Propo#al &6FP)3 6e5!e#t for ?!otation &6F?)3 ten/er notice3 0nvitation for Negotiation3 an/ Contractor 0nitial
6e#pon#e% Proc!rement /oc!ment# are rigoro!# eno!gh to en#!re con#i#tent3 compara(le re#pon#e# (!t fle1i(le eno!gh to
allo' #eller #!gge#tion# for (etter 'a# to #ati#f the re5!irement#% Seller i# allo'e/ to propo#e alternative #ol!tion in a
#eparate propo#al%
0t ha# $% 0nformation for #eller# *% Contract SO+ -% Propo#e/ term# an/ con/ition# of the contract &Legal B B!#ine##)
Pro0osa' = technical approach3 B/#B Te#er a# 31otat/o E price
Proc1re"et Maa!e"et P'a E De#cri(e# ho' proc!rement 'ill (e manage/ till contract clo#!re% 0t incl!/e# Tpe Of
contract3 'ho prepare# in/epen/ent e#timate#3 #tan/ar/i"e/ proc!rement /oc!ment#3 Con#traint# an/ a##!mption#3
i/entifing #eller li#t etc%
Cotract SOW E Develope/ from Scope Statement3 +BS an/ +BS Dictionar /e#cri(e# proc!rement item in #!fficient
/etail to allo' pro#pective #eller# to /etermine if the are capa(le of provi/ing it%
Cotract SOW T$0es E $% Performance *% F!nctional -% De#ign
0T3 @igh=tech3 6 B D or Project# never /one (efore E Performance B F!nctional
Con#tr!ction3 E5!ipment or P!rcha#e = De#ign
B/##er Co%ereces E Al#o calle/3 a# Contactor Conference#3 8en/or Conference# an/ Pre=Bi/ Conference# are meeting#
'ith pro#pective #eller# prior to preparation of (i/ or propo#al3 en#!re# clear an/ common !n/er#tan/ing of proc!rement
Proc1re"et Doc1"et Pac:a!e E B!er prepare/ formal re5!e#t #ent to each #eller an/ i# the (a#i# !pon 'hich a #eller
prepare# a (i/ for the re5!e#te/ pro/!ct#3 #ervice or re#!lt%
Proc1re"et Doc1"ets
$% 6e5!e#t For Propo#alJTen/er &6FP3 6FT ) E 6e5!e#t# for Price an/ Detaile/ Propo#al
*% 0nvitation for Bi/J6e5!e#t for Bi/ &0FB3 6FB) E One Price
-% 6e5!e#t for ?!otation E Price ?!ote per item
Cotract E S!(ject# covere/ incl!/e 6e#pon#i(ilitie#3 a!thoritie#3 la' an/ term#3 technical an/ management approache#3
financing3 #che/!le3 pament# an/ price% Contract negotiation# concl!/e 'ith a /oc!ment that can (e #igne/ ( (oth (!er
an/ #eller3 that i# contract% The final contract can (e a revi#e/ offer ( the #eller or co!nter offer ( the (!er%
Se'ect Se''ers 8 Too's & Tec2/31es
7. We/!2t/! S$ste" 8 N!meric +eight to each criteria3 rating #eller#3 #election (a#e/ on total 'eight
2. *#e0e#et Est/"ates 8 calle/ FSho!l/=Co#tH 3 prepare/ ( proc!ring organi"ation%
.. Scree/! S$ste" 8 E#ta(li#h minim!m performance re5!irement for one or more criteria an/ !#e $ B * metho/#
4. Cotract Ne!ot/at/o 8 Project .anager ma not (e the lea/ negotiator3 P. team ma (e pre#ent /!ring
negotiation# for provi/ing an clarification of project4# technical an/ management re5!irement#%
A. Se''er Rat/! S$ste"s
C. E=0ert J1#!"et
). Pro0osa' E;a'1at/os tec2/31es 8 <#e #ome E1pert j!/gment an/ eval!ation criteria to rate an/ #core propo#al#%
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PMI Exam Study Notes Sajid Jambagi
Cotract Maa!e"et P'a E Li#t# /oc!mentation3 /eliver an/ performance re5!irement# that the (!er an/ #eller m!#t
meet% The plan cover# the contract a/mini#tration activitie# thro!gho!t the life of the contract% Part of P.P%
Cotract A#"//strat/o E En#!re# the #eller meet# the performance re5!irement# of the contract% Beca!#e of legal
con#i/eration# man organi"ation# treat contract a/mini#tration a# a #eparate a/mini#trative f!nction from the project
organi"ation% Contract a/mini#tration incl!/e# application of the appropriate project management proce##e# to the contract!al
relation#hip#&#) an/ integration of the o!tp!t# from the#e proce##e# into overall management of the project%
Pa$"et S$ste" E <#!all han/le/ ( acco!nt# paa(le ##tem of the (!er% 0t incl!/e# revie'# B approval# ( P. team%
C'a/"s A#"//strat/o E Conte#te/ Charge# &claim#3 Di#p!te# or appeal#) are tho#e 'here (!er an/ #eller cannot agree% 0f
(oth partie# /o not re#olve a claim it i# han/le/ accor/ing to the re#ol!tion proce/!re# e#ta(li#he/ in the contract% Contract
cla!#e# can involve ar(itration or litigation an/ can (e invo,e/ prior or after contract clo#!re%
Recor#s Maa!e"et S$ste" E Set of proce/!re# an/ a!tomation tool# that are con#oli/ate/ a# part of P.0S to manage
contract /oc!mentation an/ recor/#%
Or!a/@at/o Process Assets &After Contract A/mini#tration) E
$% Corre#pon/ence E 0n a//ition to /oc!mentation3 it i# a recor/ of all the 'ritten an/ oral comm!nication%
*% Pament Sche/!le# an/ 6e5!e#t#
-% Seller Performance eval!ation /oc!mentation
PMP 10#ates E Proc!rement .anagement Plan an/ Contract .anagement Plan%
Proc1re"et A1#/t E 6evie' of proc!rement proce##e# from Plan p!rcha#e# to Contract a/mini#tration% Aim# to i/entif
#!cce##e# an/ fail!re#%
a contract3 an agreement3a &u:contract3 a purcha&e order3 or a memorandum o under&tanding%
B1$er(G/;e Or#er (????PO???????????? Se''er
Se''er ????*;o/ce?????? B1$er (Pa$ or#er(
Contract a/mini#tration al#o ha# a financial management component% Pament term# #ho!l/ (e /efine/ 'ithin the contract
an/ m!#t involve a #pecific lin,age (et'een #eller progre## ma/e an/ #eller compen#ation pai/%
Contract clo#eo!t i# #imilar to a/mini#trative clo#!re &/e#cri(e/ in Section $>%4) in that it involve# (oth pro/!ct verification
&+a# all 'or, complete/ correctl an/ #ati#factorilY)
A/mini#trative clo#eo!t &!p/ating of recor/# to reflect final re#!lt# an/ archiving of #!ch information for f!t!re !#e)%
Contract i"e. A complete #et of in/e1e/ recor/# #ho!l/ (e prepare/ for incl!#ion 'ith the final project recor/#
+hen P62# involve #ignificant proc!rement3 partic!lar attention m!#t (e pai/ to archiving of financial recor/#%
7G.4 A#"//strat/;e C'os1re (*tera'(D!eerat/!B !at2er/!B a# #/sse"/at/! /%or"at/o
to %or"a'/@e a 02ase or 0roject co"0'et/o.
Cotract C'oseo1tDco"0'et/o a# sett'e"et o% t2e cotractB /c'1#/! reso'1t/o o% a$ o0e /te"s.
&E1ternal )
Common format# for performance report# incl!/e (ar chart# &al#o calle/ Aantt chart#)3 S=c!rve#3 hi#togram#3 an/ ta(le#%
Project Proc1re"et Maa!e"et = the proce##e# re5!ire/ to ac5!ire goo/# an/ #ervice# from o!t#i/e the performing
Ma:e or B1$ Dec/s/o E it i# generall (etter to /o the 'or, o!r#elf if !#ing an o!t#i/e compan mean# o! have to t!rn
over highl confi/ential proprietar /ata to other compan%
Cotract T$0es a# R/s: 7. 9/=e# Pr/ce 2. Cost?Re/"<1rsa<'e ..T/"e & Mater/a'
Cost P'1s Perceta!e o%
Cost (CPPC(
No vali/ for fe/eral contract#
Cost P'1s 9/=e# 9ee
<#e/ for re#earch an/ /evelopment contract# &'hich generall have lo' level of /etail in the
#cope)G fi1e/ fee can change if there i# a change to the contract &!#!all thro!gh change
or/er#)% The ri#, re#t# 'ith the (!er% Thi# i# the mo#t common co#t reim(!r#a(le contract%
Cost P'1s *cet/;e 9ee B!er an/ #eller #hare in #aving# (a#e/ on pre/etermine/ O#G long performance perio/# an/
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PMI Exam Study Notes Sajid Jambagi
CP*9( #!(#tantial /evelopment an/ te#t re5!irement# &incentive to the ven/or to perform on or
ahea/ of time)
In Co&t p"u& contractL the on"! irm igure i& the ee
9/=e# Pr/ce P'1s *cet/;e
9ee (9P*(
@igh=val!e project# involving long performance perio/#
9/r" 9/=e# Pr/ce (99P( 6ea#ona(l /efinite #pecification# &e%g% SO+)% Shift ri#, to #eller% Aoo/ 'hen /elivera(le i#
not a core competenc% Fi1e/ Price &FP) i# the mo#t common tpe of contract in the 'orl/%
T/"e & Mater/a' (T&M( Aoo/ if the (!er 'ant# to (e in f!ll control an/Jor the #cope i# !nclearJnot /etaile/ or 'or,
ha# to #tart 5!ic,l% Profit factor into the ho!rl rate%
9/=e# Pr/ce A&ar# 9ee F(on!#H to the #eller (a#e/ on performance &e%g% $>>D I $>D for ever /e#ignate/
incremental 5!alit level reache/%
9/=e# Pr/ce Ecoo"/c Pr/ce
A#j1st"et (9PEPA(
Allo' Price increa#e if the contract i# for m!ltiple ear#
P1rc2ase Or#er A form of contract that i# normall !nilateral an/ !#e/ for #imple commo/it p!rcha#e#% 0t i#
#imple#t tpe of fi1e/ price contract an/ i# !#!all !nilateral&Signe/ ( one part in#tea/ of
Fi1e/ Price E TB. = Co#t 6eim(!r#a(le
B!er4# ri#, from lo' to high
Seller4# ri#, from high to lo'
E'e"ets o% a Cotract
Offer A##ent to certain term# ( (oth partie#
Acceptance Agreement3 'ritten or #po,en
Con#i/eration Something of val!e
Legal Capacit A(le to contract
Legal P!rpo#e No violation of p!(lic polic
Sta!es o% Cotract
Protocol 0ntro/!ction#
Pro(ing 0/entif concern#3 #trength#3 'ea,ne##e#
Scratch (argaining Act!al (argaining
Clo#!re Po#ition# #!mme/ !p
Agreement Doc!menting
S0ec/%/cat/o = preci#e /e#cription of a ph#ical item3 proce/!re3 or #ervice% The SO+ #!pplement# the #pecification in
/e#cri(ing 'hat m!#t (e /one to complete the project%
Pr/;/t$ = legal relation#hip that e1i#t# (et'een an contracting partie# &e%g% if compan FAH hire# FBH an/ FBH #!(contract to
FCH3 FCH i# not legall (o!n/ ( anthing FAH can #aG the pri@it! i# 'ith FBH)
Wa/;er = a part can relin5!i#h right# that it other'i#e ha# !n/er the contract% Fore(earance can mat!re into 'aiver%
9orce Maje1re E Act of Ao/3 Floo/#3 Fire etc
*#e"/%/cat/o E Lia(ilit3 'ho i# lia(le
Reta/a!e E 'ithhol/ing of f!n/# !n/er contract% Amo!nt of mone !#!all 7O to $>O 'ithhel/ form each pament% Thi#
mone i# pai/ 'hen 'or, i# complete%
Warrat$ = a##!rance of the level of 5!alit to (e provi/e/
A contract e#s (K
S!cce##f!l performance
.!t!al agreement La#t t'o are *ermination
Breach of contract
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PMI Exam Study Notes Sajid Jambagi
Ter"s a# Co#/t/os E the project manager m!#t !phol/ the Term# an/ Con/ition# of the contract3 even if it meet# the
nee/# of the project3 it ha# to al#o meet the re5!irement of the contract%
L/31/#ate# #a"a!es =
Cotract Cotro' S$ste" ;s Project Cotro' S$ste" E the (oth incl!/e proce/!re#% The contract control ##tem re5!ire#
more /oc!mentation an/ more #ignoff%
Wor: A1t2or/@at/o S$ste"s E can (e !#e/ to coor/inateJcontrol 'hat time an/ #e5!ence 'or, i# /one% 0t help# 'ith
integrating ta#,# into a 'hole%
Per%or"ace Sco0e o% Wor: E /e#cri(e# the performance E not the f!nctionalit== re5!ire/ ( the c!#tomer
*#e0e#et Est/"ate E mo#t concern 'ith co#t#3 comparing co#t e#timate# 'ith in=ho!#e e#timate# or 'ith o!t#i/e
a##i#tance &part of So!rce Selection)
Proc1re"et A1#/t E #tr!ct!re/ revie' that fl!#h o!t i##!e#3 an/ #et=!p le##on# learne/% @elp# en#!re pro(lem# are re#olve/
for f!t!re project#% 0/entif #!cce##e# an/ fail!re# that 'arrant tran#fer to other proc!rement#%
Bee%/c/a' E%%/c/ec$ E 'hen the 'or, i# (eing !#e/ for the inten/e/ p!rpo#e an/ ha# (een certifie/
Terminating contract for Co;e/ece E if a project i# terminate/ (efore it i# complete3 the level of e1tent of completion
#ho!l/ (e e#ta(li#he/ an/ /oc!mente/%
Mater/a' Breac2 E Breach #o large that it ma not (e po##i(le to complete the 'or,%
So'e So1rce (ot S/!'e So1rce)E Onl one #eller3 it might (e a compan that o'n# a patent%
Cetra'/@e# Decetra'/@e#
P .ore economical P Project .anager ha# more control
P Ea#ier to Control P Contracting per#onnel are more familiar 'ith project
P @igher /egree of #peciali"ation
P .ore fle1i(le an/ a/apta(le to project nee/#
P Or/er# can (e con#oli/ate/ ? D!plication of contracting effort#
? .a (ecome a (ottlenec, ? @igher co#t#
? Le## attention to #pecial nee/# ? No #tan/ar/ policie#
Ne!ot/at/! Tact/cs
Dea/line Strategic Dela
S!rpri#e 6ea#oning Together
Limite/ A!thorit +ith/ra'al
.i##ing .an <nrea#ona(le
Fair an/ 6ea#ona(le S!gge#ting Ar(itration
Fait Accompli &A /one /eal)
D/%%erece Bet&ee Cotract C'oseo1t a# A#"/ C'os1re
$% Contract Clo#!re come# fir#t *% AC i# /one at en/ of each pha#e or project3 CC i# /one onl once at the en/ of Contract
-%AC E Le##on# learne/ CC E Proc!rement a!/it 4% AC E Le## Formal CC E .ore Formal%
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PMI Exam Study Notes Sajid Jambagi
C2a0ter 7. 8 Pro%ess/oa' Res0os/</'/t/es
Ro1t/e Go;er"et 9ee (Tras%er 9ee( E onl government official can collect ro!tine government fee# &thi# i# not a (ri(e)
Co"0a$ Po'/c/es = 0t i# the project manager4# profe##ional re#pon#i(ilit to en#!re that compan policie# are follo'e/
/!ring the project%
Co0$r/!2t 'a&s E /o not violate
E"0'o$ee "/sta:e = 'hen a team mem(er ma,e# a mi#ta,e#3 allo' him to #ave face an/ to fi1 the pro(lem% Tr to 'or,o!t
an i##!e (efore e#calating% E1ceptionK if it i# not con#i/ere/ a project relate/ i##!e &e%g% hara##ment)3 it #ho!l/ (e reporte/
/irectl to the emploee4# manager%
Do not ma,e illegal pament#3 report theft#
Co"0a$ a# C1sto"erQs *terest = profe##ional re#pon#i(ilit re5!ire# the inve#tigation of an in#tance# 'here the
legitimate intere#t# of the c!#tomer ma (e compromi#e/% 0f #!ch compromi#e i# fo!n/3 action m!#t (e ta,en% Protect
o!r compan4# intere#t#
B1#!et ta"0er/! = pre#enting anthing (e#i/e# o!r original e#timate to allocate more to the (!/get i# inacc!rate an/ call#
into 5!e#tion o!r competence an/ integrit a# project manager &e%g% if a c!#tomer a#, to e#timate Fpe##imi#ticallH3 o!
#ho!l/ a// a# a l!mp #!m contingenc f!n/ to han/le project ri#,#)
R/!2ts = /o not /o (!#ine## 'ith a co!ntr 'here there i# a clear violation of the f!n/amental right# &e%g% non=/i#criminating
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Scope Questions
+h i# a caref!l an/ acc!rate nee/# anal#i#
To ma,e #!re c!#tomer or #ta,ehol/er e1pectation# can (e i/entifie/ an/
@o' i# a change control (oar/ !#e/Y Can
there (e more than oneY
To approve or reject change re5!e#t# accor/ing to re#pon#i(ilitie# /efine/
an/ agree/ !pon ( ,e #ta,ehol/er#% .!ltiple CCB# ma (e !#e/ on large
+hat i# the p!rpo#e of the project charterY
@o' /oe# it (enefit the project managerY
To formall /oc!ment the e1i#tence of the project3 incl!/ing the (!#ine##
nee/ that the project 'a# !n/erta,en to a//re## an/ the pro/!ct
/e#cription% 0t provi/e# the project manager 'ith the a!thorit to appl
organi"ational re#o!rce# to project activitie#%
+hat i# the Delphi Techni5!eY A foreca#ting techni5!e !#e/ to gather informationG it relie# on gathering
e1pert opinion#% <#!all goe# three ro!n/#% O(j%K Aain con#en#!# of e1pert
+hat i# the p!rpo#e of the #cope management
To /e#cri(e ho' project #cope 'ill (e manage/ an/ ho' #cope change 'ill
(e integrate/ into the project%
+hat i# the p!rpo#e of the +BS /ictionarY To provi/e intere#te/ partie# 'ith 'or, pac,age /e#cription# an/ other
planning information #!ch a# #che/!le /ate3 co#t (!/get#3 an/ #taff
a##ignment# for each +BS element%
+hat i# the :> ho!r r!leY Each ta#, #ho!l/ (e (ro,en /o'n into 'or, pac,age# that re5!ire no more
than :> ho!r# to complete%
+hat i# the /ifference (et'een #cope
verification an/ 5!alit controlY
Scope verification i# primaril concerne/ 'ith acceptance of the 'or,
re#!lt#G 5!alit control i# primaril concerne/ 'ith the correctne## of the
'or, re#!lt#%
+hat are the three #tep# involve/ in .BOY &$) E#ta(li#h !nam(ig!o!# an/ reali#tic o(jective#
&*) Perio/icall eval!ate 'hether project o(jective# are (eing achieve/
&-) Act on the re#!lt# of the eval!ation%
+hen #ho!l/ #cope verification occ!rY At the en/ of the project%
HR Questions
+hich are the five metho/# of managing
conflict i# recommen/e/Y +hY
Pro(lem SolvingJconfrontation (eca!#e (oth partie# can (e f!ll #ati#fie/ if
the 'or, together to fin/ a #ol!tion that #ati#fie# (oth their nee/#%
+hat are the three tpe# of project interface#
that #erve a# inp!t# to the organi"ational
planning proce##% +hen can the occ!rY
&$) Organi"ational interface#
&*) Technical interface#
&-) 0nterper#onal interface#
The can occ!r #im!ltaneo!#l%
+hat i# .cAregor4# Theor TY +hat i#
management4# role in thi# approachY
Tra/itional approachK 'or,er# are #elf=centere/3 la"3 lac,ing am(ition%
.anager# organi"e the element# of the pro/!ctive enterpri#e in the intere#t
of economic end&%
+hat i# .cAregor4# theor VY +hat i#
management4# role in thi# approachY
+or,er# are not ( nat!re re#i#tant to organi"ational nee/#G the are 'illing
an/ eager to accept re#pon#i(ilitie# an/ are concerne/ 'ith #elf=gro'th an/
f!lfillment% .anager# #ho!l/ tr to create an environment 'here 'or,er#
can achieve their o'n goal#%
+hat i# an organi"ational (rea,/o'n #tr!ct!re
A #pecific tpe of organi"ational chart that #ho'# 'hich !nit# are
re#pon#i(le for 'hich 'or, item#
+hat i# the p!rpo#e of a re#o!rce Aantt chartY 0t i/entifie# 'hen a partic!lar re#o!rce i# or 'ill (e 'or,ing on a partic!lar
Doe# the matri1 form of project organi"ation
facilitate or complicate project team
0t complicate# team /evelopment (eca!#e team mem(er# are acco!nta(le to
(oth a f!nctional manager an/ a project manager%
Name three major form# of project
organi"ational #tr!ct!re%
F!nctional3 .atri13 an/ Projecti"e/
+hat i# the e1pectanc theorY 0t hol/# that people ten/ to (e highl pro/!ctive an/ motivate/ if the
Page (2 o 46 La&t 5pdated
PMI Exam Study Notes Sajid Jambagi
Scope Questions
+h i# a caref!l an/ acc!rate nee/# anal#i#
To ma,e #!re c!#tomer or #ta,ehol/er e1pectation# can (e i/entifie/ an/
@o' i# a change control (oar/ !#e/Y Can
there (e more than oneY
To approve or reject change re5!e#t# accor/ing to re#pon#i(ilitie# /efine/
an/ agree/ !pon ( ,e #ta,ehol/er#% .!ltiple CCB# ma (e !#e/ on large
(elieve their effort# 'ill lea/ to #!cce##f!l re#!lt# an/ the 'ill (e re'ar/e/
for their #!cce##%
+hat i# pro(lem #olvingJconfrontationY A//re##ing conflict /irectl ( getting the partie# to 'or, together to /efine
the pro(lem3 collect information3 /evelop an/ anal"e alternative#3 an/
#elect the mo#t appropriate alternative%
Aive three e1ample# of hgiene factor# in
@er"(erg4# theor of motivation% @o' /o the
affect motivation%
Pa3 attit!/e of #!pervi#or3 an/ 'or,ing con/ition#%
Poor hgiene ma /e#tro motivation3 (!t improving hgiene factor# in not
li,el to increa#e motivation% .otivator# are an opport!nit to achieve an/
e1perience #elf=act!ali"ation%
+ho i# re#pon#i(le for a//re##ing in/ivi/!al
performance pro(lem#Y
Senior an/ f!nctional management
De#cri(e the /ifference (et'een a 'ea, matri1
an/ a #trong matri1%
+ea, matrice# are #imilar to f!nctional organi"ation#% Strong matrice# are
#imilar to projecti"e/ organi"ation# &'ith (alance of po'er tippe/ to'ar/
the project manager)
+hat i# a projecti"e/ organi"ationY One in 'hich a #eparate3 f!nctional organi"ation i# e#ta(li#he/ for each
project% Per#onnel are a##igne/ on a f!ll=time (a#i#%
Project manager4# concern i# that the team ma not (e foc!#e/ on
completing the project &team loo,# for ne' man/ate or trie# to e1ten/ the
length of the project)% Accor/ing to P.03 the (igge#t pro(lem in
A/mini#trative Clo#!re i# retaining team mem(er# !ntil clo#!re of the
Communications Questions
+hat i# a project ['ar room[Y +hat i# it#
primar (enefitY
A #ingle location for the team to get together for an p!rpo#e% 0t provi/e# a
repo#itor for project artifact#3 recor/#3 an/ !p=to=/ate #che/!le# an/ #tat!#
report#% 0t give# an i/entit to the project team%
De#cri(e the #i1 part# of a Comm!nication#
.anagement Plan%
&$) +hat information 'ill (e collecte/
&*) @o' the information 'ill (e collecte/
&-) @o' an/ to 'hom the information 'ill (e /i#tri(!te/
&4) +hen the information 'ill (e comm!nicate/
&7) @o' to o(tain information (et'een reg!lar comm!nication#
&6) @o' the Comm!nication# Plan 'ill (e !p/ate/ thro!gh the project
+hat i# variance anal#i#Y Comparing act!al project re#!lt# to planne/ or e1pecte/ re#!lt# in term# of
co#t3 #che/!le3 #cope3 5!alit3 an/ ri#,%
+hat are #i1 action# project manager# #ho!l/
ta,e to en#!re effective project team
&$) Be an effective comm!nicator
&*) Be a comm!nication# e1pe/itor
&-) Avoi/ comm!nication# (loc,er#
&4) <#e a tight matri1
&7) @ave a project 'ar room
&6) .a,e meeting# effective
+hat i# active li#teningY Li#tening in 'hich the recipient i# attentive an/ a#,# for clarification of
am(ig!o!# me##age#
+hat i# major ca!#e of conflict 'ith f!nctional
+hat i# mo#t /iffic!lt conflict to /eal 'ithY Per#onalit conflict#
+hat i# earne/ val!e anal#i#Y @o' i# it !#e/
in performance reportingY
An anal#i# that integrate# co#t an/ #che/!le mea#!re#% 0t i# !#e/ to help
the project management team a##e## project performance%
+hat i# the tool for !#e/ for comm!nication
Sta,ehol/er anal#i#
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PMI Exam Study Notes Sajid Jambagi
Communications Questions
+hat i# a project ['ar room[Y +hat i# it#
primar (enefitY
A #ingle location for the team to get together for an p!rpo#e% 0t provi/e# a
repo#itor for project artifact#3 recor/#3 an/ !p=to=/ate #che/!le# an/ #tat!#
report#% 0t give# an i/entit to the project team%
De#cri(e the #i1 part# of a Comm!nication#
.anagement Plan%
&$) +hat information 'ill (e collecte/
&*) @o' the information 'ill (e collecte/
&-) @o' an/ to 'hom the information 'ill (e /i#tri(!te/
&4) +hen the information 'ill (e comm!nicate/
&7) @o' to o(tain information (et'een reg!lar comm!nication#
&6) @o' the Comm!nication# Plan 'ill (e !p/ate/ thro!gh the project
+hat i# variance anal#i#Y Comparing act!al project re#!lt# to planne/ or e1pecte/ re#!lt# in term# of
co#t3 #che/!le3 #cope3 5!alit3 an/ ri#,%
+hat are #i1 action# project manager# #ho!l/
ta,e to en#!re effective project team
&$) Be an effective comm!nicator
&*) Be a comm!nication# e1pe/itor
&-) Avoi/ comm!nication# (loc,er#
&4) <#e a tight matri1
&7) @ave a project 'ar room
&6) .a,e meeting# effective
+hat i# the mo#t important characteri#tic for a
project managerY
A(ilit to 'or, 'ell 'ith other#
+hat factor ha# the greate#t effect on the
projectW# comm!nication re5!irement#Y
The projectW# organi"ational #tr!ct!re
+hat i# the primar con/ition lea/ing to
conflict in (oth the 'ea, an/ #trong matri1
Am(ig!o!# j!ri#/iction#% The e1i#t 'hen t'o or more partie# have relate/
re#pon#i(ilitie#3 (!t their 'or, (o!n/arie# an/ role /efinition# are !nclear%
+hen i# a project con#i/ere/ clo#e/Y +hen the archive i# complete/% All project /oc# goe# into the archive#G thi#
i# the la#t thing to create (efore relea#ing the team%
Time Questions
+hat i# the critical pathY The longe#t path thro!gh the net'or, 'hich repre#ent# the #horte#t amo!nt
of time in 'hich the project can (e complete/%
+hat i# cra#hingY Ta,ing action to /etermine ho' to o(tain the greate#t amo!nt of /!ration
compre##ion for the lea#t incremental co#tG generall increa#e# co#t%
+hat i# fa#t trac,ingY Compre##ing the #che/!le ( overlapping activitie# that 'o!l/ normall (e
/one in #e5!enceG ma re#!lt in re'or, an/ increa#e/ ri#,G logical
relation#hip# are mo/ifie/
@o' /oe# re#o!rce leveling 'or,Y
B !#ing po#itive float availa(le on non=critical path#3 #che/!le (
#moothing or leveling pea,# an/ valle# of re#o!rce !tili"ation
+hat i# activit /!ration e#timatingY A##e##ing the n!m(er of 'or, perio/# li,el to (e nee/e/ to complete each
+hat i# a /!mm activitY One that con#!me# no time or re#o!rce#G it #ho'# onl /epen/enc
+hat i# #lac, or floatY Free floatY Amo!nt of time that an activit can (e /elae/ 'itho!t /elaing project%
Free float i# the amo!nt of time an activit can (e /elae/ 'itho!t /elaing
the earl #tart of the ne1t activit
+hat i# lagY 6e5!ire/ 'aiting time (et'een activitie#
Cost Questions
+hat i# life ccle co#tingY Concept of incl!/ing ac5!i#ition3 operating3 maintenance3 an/ /i#po#al
co#t#G total co#t of o'ner#hip
+hich of the follo'ing incl!/e# an a!/itG
A/mini#trative Clo#!re or Contract Clo#!reY
Contract Clo#!re incl!/e# an a!/it%
+hat i# [chart of acco!nt#[Y Co/ing #tr!ct!re !#e/ to report financial information in general le/ger%
Co/e of acco!nt# i# n!m(ering of +BS element#
+hat are co#t acco!nt#Y The repre#ent the (a#ic level at 'hich project performance i# mea#!re/
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PMI Exam Study Notes Sajid Jambagi
Cost Questions
an/ reporte/%
Risk Questions
Aenerall #pea,ing3 in 'hat project pha#e are
ri#, an/ opport!nit greater than the amo!nt at
#ta,e ( the 'i/e#t marginY
De#cri(e the /ifference (et'een an internal
ri#, an/ an e1ternal ri#,%
An internal ri#, i# !n/er the control or infl!ence of the project teamG
e1ternal i# (eon/ control or infl!ence%
+hat i# p!rpo#e of a ri#, management planY
+hat #ho!l/ it incl!/eY
To /oc!ment the proce/!re# that #ho!l/ (e !#e/ to manage ri#, thro!gho!t
the project% 0t #ho!l/ incl!/e the ri#, i/entification an/ ri#, 5!antificationG
ho' contingenc plan# 'ill (e implemente/G ho' re#erve# 'ill (e allocate/%
+hat i# a re#erveY A provi#ion in the project plan to mitigate co#t an/Jor #che/!le ri#,%
.anagement re#erve# are for F!n,no'n !n,no'n#H an/ contingenc
re#erve# are for F,no'n !n,no'n#H%
+hat are the t'o mo#t common tpe# of
management re#erve#Y @o' are the !#e/Y
Co#t an/ Sche/!le3 !#e/ to re/!ce the chance of overr!n# in either area
+hen i# the highe#t ri#, impact generall
D!ring 0mplementation an/ Clo#e=o!t = the Amo!nt at Sta,e i# high tho!gh
ri#, ha# /ecrea#e/% 6i#, i# highe#t /!ring 0nitiation an/ Planning%
+ho i# !ltimatel re#pon#i(le for i/entifing
an/ managing ri#,Y
Project manager
Vo! are fin/ing it /iffic!lt to eval!ate the e1act
co#t con#e5!ence# of ri#,#% Vo! #ho!l/K
Eval!ate them on a 5!alitative (a#i#%
0n 'hat circ!m#tance 'o!l/ o! have to
!p/ate the 6i#, 6e#pon#e PlanY
0f a ri#, occ!r# an/ ha# a greater impact on the project than 'hat 'a#
anticipate/% &part of 6i#, .onitoring an/ Control)
+hat #ho!l/ (e /one after competingJ!p/ating
the 6i#, 6e#pon#e PlanY
A// ta#,# to the +BS
@o' /o o! a//re## !n,no'n ri#,#Y B appling a general contingenc (a#e/ on pa#t e1perience
+hat i# a ,no'n=!n,no'n ri#,Y 6i#, that can (e i/entifie/ a# po##i(l happening &e%g% Floo/ if a (!#ine## i#
locate/ in a floo/ "one)
Quality Questions
+hat are control limit# a# !#e/ in control
Control limit# /e#cri(e the nat!ral variation of a proce##% .&&igna:"e cau&e
i# a point o!t#i/e the control limit#
Define [,ai"en[Y Contin!o!# improvement% Small improvement# in pro/!ct# or proce/!re#
to re/!ce co#t# an/ en#!re con#i#tenc of performance of pro/!ct or #ervice%
+hat i# gol/=platingY Aiving the c!#tomer more than 'hat 'a# re5!ire/% 0t ha# no val!e%
+hat i# the effect of #ample #i"e on the
#tan/ar/ /eviationY
+henever #ample #i"e increa#e#3 the #tan/ar/ /eviation /ecrea#e#%
+hat i# the 6!le of SevenY 0f #even or more o(#ervation# in a ro' occ!r on the #ame #i/e of the mean3
even tho!gh 'ithin control limit#3 the #ho!l/ (e inve#tigate/ a# an
a##igna(le ca!#e%
+hat i# 2!#t=0n=TimeY An inventor control approach that attempt# to re/!ce 'or, =in=proce##
inventor &Decrea#ing 0nventor co#t to >)G there i# no e1tra #toc, ,ept in
+hat i# meant ( the co#t of 5!alitY Co#t of conormance an/ co#t of nonconormance
@o' are ca!#e an/ effect /iagram# !#e/Y The #ho' ho' vario!# ca!#e# an/ #!( ca!#e# relate to create potential
pro(lem#% After the#e are i/entifie/3 corrective action can (e ta,en%
+hat i# the principal p!rpo#e of the ?!alit
.anagement PlanY
To /e#cri(e ho' the project management team 'ill implement it# 5!alit
+hat i# a Pareto DiagramY A (ar chart in 'hich /ata are arrange/ in /e#cen/ing or/er of importance%
0t p!t# i##!e# into an ea#il !n/er#too/ frame'or,%
+hat i# the !n/erling concept of a Pareto
A relativel #mall n!m(er &*>O) of ca!#e# 'ill tpicall pro/!ce a large
majorit &:>O) of the pro(lem# or /efect#%
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PMI Exam Study Notes Sajid Jambagi
+ho i# !ltimatel re#pon#i(le for 5!alitY The in/ivi/!al% The project manager ha# o@era"" re#pon#i(ilit%
Procurement Questions
+hat i# ma,e or (! anal#i#Y A techni5!e !#e/ to /etermine 'hether a pro/!ct can (e pro/!ce/ co#t
effectivel ( the organi"ation%
+hat are contract incentive#Y 0n/!cement# provi/e/ ( the (!er to the contractor in an attempt to ring
the o(jective# an/ intere#t# of the contractor in line 'ith tho#e of the (!erG
po#itive an/ negative% <#!all co#t effective
+hat i# a (i//erW# conferenceY .eeting# 'ith pro#pective #eller# to en#!re that the have a clear3 common
!n/er#tan/ing of the proc!rementG hel/ (efore #eller# prepare their
+hat i# part of the contract /oc!mentY Propo#al3 Scope of +or,3 Term# an/ Con/ition# &'hich #ho!l/ (e the re#!lt
of a ri#, anal#i#)3 general provi#ion3 #pecial provi#ion# &'hich ta,e#
prece/ence over general provi#ion#)
+hat /o o! /o if a #eller /oe# not perform
accor/ing to the contractY
Ta,e action% &$) Contact #eller an/ a#, 'hat4# going on% &*) let #eller ,no'
he i# in /efa!lt &e%g% /efa!lt letter)%
Integration Questions
Le##on# learne/ are complete/ (Y Project team
+hat are the major con#traint# on a projectY 6efer# to the Tr/0'e Costra/tsK Co#t3 Time3 ?!alit3 along 'ith c!#tomer
#ati#faction an/ #cope of 'or,%
+hen man change# are ma/e to a project3
'hat #ho!l/ a project manager /oY
.a,e change a# nee/e/3 (!t maintain a #che/!le (a#eline &(a#eline i# there
to /etermine ho' the project i# progre##ing)
+hat i# the p!rpo#e of a Project PlanY $% A!i/e the project e1ec!tion
*% Doc!ment project planning a##!mption
-% Doc!ment project planning /eci#ion# regar/ing alternative# cho#en
4% Facilitate comm!nication# among #ta,ehol/er#
7% Define ,e management revie'
6% Provi/e a (a#eline for progre## mea#!rement an/ project control
Vo! are a ne' project manager% 0t i# (e#t to
rel on YY to improve o!r chance# of #!cce##Y
@i#torical information
R7O FW2at 2as t2e 0roject "aa!er 9ORGOTTEN to #oS>
a) /etermine 'hat proce## the are referring to
() /etermine if an#'er choice# areJ#ho!l/ (e inp!tJo!tp!tJtool# &activitie#)
c) /etermine 'hich inp!tJo!tp!tJtool the 5!e#tion i# loo,ing for
/) #elect the one mi##ing
R2O FW2at /s t2e BEST t2/! to #oS>
The correct an#'er #ho!l/ re#olve the !n/erling pro(lem%
R. FT2e 0roject "aa!er "1st <e MOST care%1' to E W2/c2 /s t2e MOST /"0ortatS>
The ea#ie#t 'a to /eal 'ith the#e 5!e#tion# i# to loo, for the choice that 'ill have the highe#t impact on the project%
R4 T/0O 6o&e;er acc1rate as&er c2o/ce areB 0/c: t2e oe t2at as&er t2e 31est/o.
RA T/0O Ko& 0ro<'e" so';/! 0rocesses &e%g% for a changeK &$) Eval!ate impact of the change 'ith the team3 &*) /etermine
option an/ &-) go to management or c!#tomer%)
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