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Forum Script

Chairperson :Very good morning and assalamualaikum for all audience and
panelist. It was great day today to disscuss and debate about news. Nowaday,
many diseases and health problem happen around us. Besides, there are so
many opinion about how to prevent or protect our environment from this problem.
So, today panelist that can shared an information between us were invited.
heres !r. "ohd #idil bin $thman from %ospital &usrawi. %e work as chronic
lung diseases. In left side him, there is !atuk "uhammad 'aris #iman bin "ohd
(aki as socialist on &ertubuhan #nti !adah "alaysia. Ne)t, "iss Nor Sharnida
binti !aud from S"* Seri Suria. She works as senior school councellor for +,
years.-astly, I also invited psychologist .niversiti "alaya, !r.Nor %idayahne binti
/amil to hit us to a better and happy lifestyle.
Smoking is the problem among youth and adult is not peculiar to our
country. Neither is it a new phenomenon. Smoking is the largest preventable
cause of premature death, illness and disability. here is voluminous research to
prove beyond and doubt that smoking is harmful to the health of smokers to
those around them. Besides, there are effecting a bad cause in human being. #re
there serious0 'or that, I would give the all 1uestioning about the smoking
phenomenon that really worse to !r. #idil bin $thman.
panelist 2 Lung specialist: 3espiratory disease is common disease in the
world. Smoking can damage our respiratory system. 3espiratory !isease is the
term for diseases of the respiratory system. hese include diseases of the lung,
pleural cavity, bronchial tubes, trachea, and upper respiratory tract and of the
nerves and muscles of breathing. 3espiratory diseases range from mild and self2
limiting such as the common cold to life2threatening such as bacterial pneumonia
or pulmonary embolism.
he study of respiratory disease is known as pulmonology. # doctor who
speciali4es in respiratory disease is known as a pulmonologist, a chest medicine
specialist, a respiratory medicine specialist, a respirologist or a thoracic medicine
Chairperson : %ow about the serious respiratory diseases that you can related
with it0 &lease e)plain to us.
Lung specialist: 5hronic obstructive pulmonary disease 65$&!7 is one of the
most common lung diseases. It makes it difficult to breathe. here are two main
forms of 5$&!:
5hronic bronchitis, defined by a long2term cough with mucus
8mphysema, defined by destruction of the lungs over time
"ost people with 5$&! have a combination of both conditions
he causes is form e)posure to certain gases or fumes in the workplace,
e)posure to heavy amounts of second2hand smoke and fre1uent use of cooking
gas without proper ventilation.
5ough with mucus, shortness of breath 6dyspneadyspnea7 that gets worse
with mild activity, fatigue, and fre1uent respiratory infections and whee4ing. Since
the symptoms of 5$&! develop slowly, some people may be unaware that they
are sick.
he best test for 5$&! is a simple lung function test called spirometer.
his involves blowing out as hard as one can into a small machine that tests lung
capacity. he test can be interpreted immediately and does not involve
e)ercising, drawing blood, or e)posure to radiation..sing a stethoscope to listen
to the lungs can also be helpful, although sometimes the lungs sound normal
even when 5$&! is present. &ictures of the lungs 6such as 92rays and 5
scans7 can be helpful but sometimes look normal even when a person has
5$&!. Sometimes it is necessary to do a blood test 6call a :blood gas;7 to
measure the amounts of o)ygen and carbon dio)ide in the blood.
Chairperson :hat<s very helpful information from !r. #idil. =e must keep it as a
small advice from a specialist in lung cancers. Nowaday, there are many
campaign and seminars for preventing the bad habit which is addiction on
smoking that focusing the ne)t generation, teenagers and youngster. 'or the
moment, we also have a governments advises that shown in campaign.
%owever, N>$<s also have a serious commitment on this. So, I would like to
debate about this with our panelist, !atuk 'aris #iman to answer it.
&anelist2socialist : hank you for giving me an opportunity to shared the
information about today topic. I as a president of #nti2drug $rgani4ations believe
that addicton among teenagers is the serious problem in "alaysia. Besides, we
on N>$s also trust what we going held to give all teenagers awareness about
bad habits which is smoking. I also believe if we can give support and
encouragement between community, we will success to reduces this bad habit
especially among youth. 'uthermore, in fact, in recent survey by "inistry @outh
and Sport on negative behaviours among A BC, adolescents B,D indicated that
they had ever e)perience in smoking. So, I believe the bad habit can be control
by community if we together bring a good manner around us.
$therwise, in my opinion, we should not only blamed the teenagers when
they are smoking but we should think wisely about the environtment of
Chairperson : #re there have a statistic or other fact that you can shared with
Socialist : @es, I have. 'or an e)amples, there is a statistic at *elantan which
that shown the prevalence of male adolescent smoking in "alaysia reported as
E,D by the National %ealth "obidity survey conducted nationwide in +FFC. It
shown that higher prevalence than national level. I also believe this may be
because of homogenity of study in participants. #s conclusion, I think the fact
really help N>$s to give some information and awareness to prevent the more
serious negative influence among teenagers to Goin us in community activities
such as rafting, camping or seminar.
#lthough they have influence of friends, encouraging them to smoke, but
there is more strong, encouraging them to do this the smoking ads promising to
attract interest. In addition, fact shown that image such as "arlboro "an e1uate
smoking with a macho ruggedness that is appealing to men and boys. his
theme mirror the pressure many boys face tobe tough. Boys believe that smoking
will give them the aura coolness that they are searching for.

Chairperson : hank you. !atuk 'aris #iman.8veryone knows that smoking is
bad for your health, and tobacco prevention efforts are everywhere. So why do
so many teens continue to do it0 obacco advertising may impact that decision
more than we reali4e. =e know that kids feel peer pressure from other kids in
their everyday lives. But the teens and adults in cigarette advertising may be one
of the most influential peer groups of all. Images such as the "arlboro "an
e1uate smoking with a macho ruggedness that is appealing to men and boys.
his theme mirrors the pressures many boys face to be :tough;. Boys may
believe that smoking will give them the aura of coolness they are searching for. I
think thats being a mitos is too much for the teenagers. !id you agreed with me
"iss Nor Sharnida0 %ow can we give something inside from us to keep our
generation from suffered this bad habit0
panelist2 school cauncellor : 'irst and foremost, I would like to thanks
organi4er for inviting me to deliver some benefit information on our forum today.
# very good morning also to "iss 5hairman, panels and my beloved audience.
oday, right now..millions of children around the world and in our
neighborhood are on the verge of becoming hooked, not on phonics but on
cigaretteH I am a teacher, counselor, social worker, member of society and also a
mother of two boys I which both are teenagers.
#s a parent, I am concerned that my sons may be influenced to use
cigarette or be involved in behaviors and activities that will derail their futureH
=hat about you0 #re you a parent like me who is concerned about the
plague of cigarette that threatens your son or daughter0 $r are you a person who
wants to make a difference in the lives of children0
Since I am a counselor, I<ve faced with so many problems related with
smoking and there are many persons who came to me and mentioned their
intention to 1uit smoking but they failed. I<ve done some researches and find out
a few ways that we can do to help our teenagers to stop smoking or at least
reduce addiction of cigarette among them.
Chairperson : &uan, how about to reduce smoking addiction0 &lease plessure
to e)plain it.
School cauncellor : he first step is if you are a smoker, put down your
cigarette. If you don<t smoke, keep it that way. his is because teenagers who
have parents that smoke, they are tend to follow their parents habit. Secondly,
roles play with your teenagers to give practice at saying no. If you walk through
this situation together, your teenagers will be better e1uipped to say no when
approached by a peer who smokes.
$ther than that, remind your teenagers about the unattractive 1ualities of
smoking such as bad breath, yellow teeth, smelly clothes and chronic cough Gust
might be enough to turn your teenagers off to the idea of smoking. #part from
that, parents can also talk to their teenagers about smoking. =hen you
understand where your teenagers might be looking to fit in, you can understand
the doors that might be open to the use of tobacco. @ou ought to encourage good
behavior with positive praise.
#s a counselor, I tried my best to play a vital role to help my client or
school students to stop smoking and reduce addiction of cigarette. 'or e)ample,
at first I will have a frank discussion session with the students and offer them
advices. #t the same time, I will motivate and promote them till they have the
desire to 1uit smoking.
It<s not easy to stop smoking but never forget that where there<s a will,
there<s a way HH
Chairperson : It was great motivation about the reality today. #s an adult, we
must keep mind to give a good manner to the youngster. So, for the moment, we
can see many research and e)periment on smoking habits. $thers, doctors and
psychologist found that disease not only cause a physical effects but also on
emotional caution. o the further information, I would invited !r. Nor %idayahne
Bt. /amil to share with us about the addiction on smoking habits among
panelist2 Psychologist : 'irstly, a very good morning and thank you "iss
5hairman for inviting me to talk about this topic. =e always heard people talk
about smoking especially among the teenagers so this is a very common issue
that most people talk about. I<m as the psychologist will answer the 1uestion
given by "iss 5hairman.
here are many reasons why smokers among teenagers start to smoke.
he maGor cause is their family especially their parents. 5hildren whose parents
smoke are twice as likely to start compared to those with non2smoking parents.
here are a phrase :like father, like son: that I think most suitable to be related
with this situation.
#s we know, teenagers having the nature of curiosity. =hen they see their
family smoke especially their father or brothers for the whole day, teenagers are
wondering what is so interesting with smoking. #nd the last solution for that
1uestion, the teenagers will try to smoke themselves to find what is so special
with cigarette.
=hen the teenagers start to smoke, they will influence their peers
especially at the school. !uring recess time, they will offer cigarettes to their
friends and I think the usual and most safe place to smoke is in the toilet. heir
friends who do not want to follow, they will taunt and challenge them until those
teenagers follow.
Chairperson : =hat does if the teenagers feel when they are smoking,doctor0
Psychologist : eenagers especially boys think smoke can make them matured.
his is one of the misconceptions of their minds. #t this level, they still cannot
differentiate which one is good and bad for them. he teenagers assume that
smoking will make they look smarter, cooler and interesting. hat is not true at all
because smoking is only harmful to the teenagers.
#ctually, those emotions of teenagers are normal because they have a
curious nature, influence of friends and try to change the appearance. o solve
this problem, parents, teachers and adults are responsible because they must
take serious action to curb the addiction of smoking among the teens.
In conclusion, the problems can be solved in so many ways. 8motionally,
we need to increase awareness among teenagers and youth to avoid them from
bad influence. Before everything becomes bad to worst, the society should be
alert with their environment because the teenagers today are always changed
and easy to be influenced by peers, media and all bad influences around them.
=e still have time to save our generation and have you ever heard ;better late
than never;.
Chairperson : we will break a few minutes for give a chance to audience give a
1uestion to our panelist today.
Second round
Chairperson : &uan Nor Sharnida, I have a curiousity about the teenagers in
school environment. 'or that, I have one 1uestion to you, what are
recommendation programs to prevent the tobacco addict0
School cauncellor : In my opinion, there a few recommendations that we can
apply to solve the smoking problem or reduce smoking addiction among
students. 'irstly, I will motivate the student who smoke and have a frank
discussion session with them personally. I will also provide a complete
information about smoking whether the reasons, risks and any other
disadvantages. herefore, they will start to have a desire for 1uitting smoking.
#part from that, parents should also give a fully support to their smoking children
and let they think that 1uitting smoking is the best thing that they have done in
their life. !on<t ever force them to do it because teenagers will not change
without their own desire.
Audience : "y name is "oni. I from "elaka.I would ask to !r. #idil. =hat is a
medication use to treat 5$&! diseases0
Lung cancer specialist : here is no cure for 5$&!. %owever, there are many
things you can do to relieve symptoms and keep the disease from getting worse.
&ersons with 5$&! must stop smoking. his is the best way to slow down the
lung damage. "edications used to treat 5$&! include:
Inhalers 6bronchodilators7 to open the airways, such as ipratropium
6#trovent7, tiotropium 6Spiriva7, salmeterol 6Serevent7, or formoterol
Inhaled steroids to reduce lung inflammation
Chaiperson : hat it<s a good answer for us. hank you to our panellist today.
#s conce1uence, I conclude that smoking give us a bad lifestyle. &erhaps social
life can be more unhappy because the bad habits. But despite such as strong
evidence linking to smoking to health problem and mortality rates, people still
choose to subGect their bodies to the harmful effects of tobacco smoke. #specially
among teenagers. hat unfortunely, will never happen as the tobacco industry is
too big a money2maker to forsaken.
So, it is better to 1uitting smoke to prevent our ne)t generation from bad habit
lifestyle. heres is the most effective way to do that. #s a tips, there are some I
would like to share. 'irst, 1uitting smoking can reduced health risk. Secondly, it is
substantially reduces the risk of developing and dying from cancer.
hirdly, nicotine replacement products can help 1uitting smoking. he last but no
least, alternative approaches such as hypnosis,acupuncture,acupressure or laser
therapy can be use to 1uit smoking.
hat<s all for the forum today. hank you.

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