Sentence Correction

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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions

1. A calendar stick carved centuries ago by the Winnebago tribe may provide the
first evidence that the North American Indians have developed advanced full-year
calendars basing them on systematic astronomical observation.
(A that the North American Indians have developed advanced full-year calendars
basing them
(! of the North American Indians "ho have developed advanced full-year
calendars and based them
(# of the development of advanced full-year calendars by North American
Indians$ basing them
(% of the North American Indians and their development of advanced full-year
calendars based
(& that the North American Indians developed advanced full-year calendars
2. A '()* agreement bet"een #anada and the +nited ,tates reduced the amount of
phosphates that municipalities had been allo"ed to dump into the -reat .akes.
(A reduced the amount of phosphates that municipalities had been allo"ed to
(! reduced the phosphate amount that municipalities had been dumping
(# reduces the phosphate amount municipalities have been allo"ed to dump
(% reduced the amount of phosphates that municipalities are allo"ed to dump
(& reduces the amount of phosphates allo"ed for dumping by municipalities
3. A collection of /0 poems by 1hillis Wheatley$ a slave$ "as published in the
'))23s$ the first book by a !lack "oman and it "as only the second published by
an American "oman.
(A it "as only the second published by an American "oman
(! it "as only the second that an American "oman published
(# the second one only published by an American "oman
(% the second one only that an American "oman published
(& only the second published by an American "oman
4. A common disability in test pilots is hearing impairment$ a conse4uence of sitting
too close to large 5et engines for long periods of time.
(A a conse4uence of sitting too close to large 5et engines for long periods of time
(! a conse4uence from sitting for long periods of time too near to large 5et
(# a conse4uence "hich resulted from sitting too close to large 5et engines for
long periods of time
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(% damaged from sitting too near to large 5et engines for long periods of time
(& damaged because they sat too close to large 5et engines for long periods of
5. A controversial figure throughout most of his public life$ the !lack leader 6arcus
-arvey advocated that some !lacks return to Africa$ the land that$ to him$
symboli7ed the possibility of freedom.
(A that some !lacks return to Africa$ the land that$ to him$ symboli7ed the
possibility of freedom
(! that some !lacks return to the African land symboli7ing the possibility of
freedom to him
(# that some !lacks return to Africa "hich "as the land "hich symboli7ed the
possibility of freedom to him
(% some !lack3s returning to Africa "hich "as the land that to him symboli7ed
the possibility of freedom
(& some !lack3s return to the land symboli7ing the possibility of freedom to him$
6. A fire in an enclosed space burns "ith the aid of reflected radiation that preheats
the fuel$ making ignition much easier and flames spreading more 4uickly.
(A flames spreading
(! flame spreads
(# flames are caused to spread
(% causing flames to spread
(& causing spreading of the flames
7. A firm that speciali7es in the analysis of hand"riting claims from a one-page
"riting sample that it can assess more than three hundred personality traits$
including enthusiasm$ imagination$ and ambition.
(A from a one-page "riting sample that it can assess
(! from a one-page "riting sample it has the ability of assessing
(# the ability$ from a one-page "riting sample$ of assessing
(% to be able$ from a one-page "riting sample$ to assess
(& being able to assess$ from a one-page "riting sample$
8. A huge flying reptile that died out "ith the dinosaurs some 89 million years ago$
the :uet7alcoatlus had a "ingspan of /8 feet$ believed to be the largest flying
creature the "orld has ever seen.
(A believed to be
(! and that is believed to be
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(# and it is believed to have been
(% "hich "as$ it is believed$
(& "hich is believed to be
9. A .abor %epartment study states that the numbers of "omen employed outside
the home gre" by more than a thirty-five percent increase in the past decade and
accounted for more than si;ty-t"o percent of the total gro"th in the civilian "ork
(A numbers of "omen employed outside the home gre" by more than a thirty-
five percent increase
(! numbers of "omen employed outside the home gre" more than thirty-five
(# numbers of "omen employed outside the home "ere raised by more than
thirty-five percent
(% number of "omen employed outside the home increased by more than thirty-
five percent
(& number of "omen employed outside the home "as raised by more than a
thirty-five percent increase
10. A large rise in the number of housing starts in the coming year should boost ne"
construction dollars by several billion dollars$ making the construction industry3s
economic health much more robust than five years ago.
(A making the construction industry3s economic health much more robust than
five years ago
(! and make the construction industry3s economic health much more robust than
five years ago
(# making the construction industry3s economic health much more robust than it
"as five years ago
(% to make the construction industry3s economic health much more robust than
five years ago
(& in making the construction industry3s economic health much more robust than
it as five years ago
11. A letter by 6ark <"ain$ "ritten in the same year as The Adventures of
Huckleberry !nn "ere published$ reveals that <"ain provided financial
assistance to one of the first !lack students at =ale .a" ,chool.
(A A letter by 6ark <"ain$ "ritten in the same year as The Adventures of
Huckleberry !nn "ere published$
(! A letter by 6ark <"ain$ "ritten in the same year of publication as The
Adventures of Huckleberry !nn$
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(# A letter by 6ark <"ain$ "ritten in the same year that The Adventures of
Huckleberry !nn "as published$
(% 6ark <"ain "rote a letter in the same year as he published The Adventures of
Huckleberry !nn that
(& 6ark <"ain "rote a letter in the same year of publication as The Adventures
of Huckleberry !nn that
12. A little under a million years ago$ the briny "aters of the !altic ,ea began
flooding into the cold North Atlantic> geologists are still debating "hether the
flood "as gradual or created a cataclysm.
(A "hether the flood "as gradual or created a cataclysm
(! if the flood "as gradual or created a cataclysm
(# about "hether the flood "as gradual or cataclysmic
(% "hether the flood "as gradual or cataclysmic
(& "hether the flood "as gradual or it created a cataclysm
13. A ma5ority of the international 5ournalists surveyed vie" nuclear po"er stations
as unsafe at present but that they "ill$ or could$ be made sufficiently safe in the
(A that they "ill$ or could$
(! that they "ould$ or could$
(# they "ill be or could
(% think that they "ill be or could
(& think the po"er stations "ould or could
14. A migraine typically afflicts one side of the head$ lasts for hours or days$ and may
recur as infre4uently as once every other month or often$ as daily.
(A as infre4uently as once every other month or often$ as
(! as infre4uently as once every other month or as often as
(# infre4uently$ as often as once every other month$ or often$ like
(% infre4uently$ like once every other month$ or often$ like
(& infre4uently$ like once every other month$ or as often as
15. A ne" phenomena$ "hich is visible at 6anagua3s ma5or intersections$ are "aves
of vendors and beggars$ "hich include many children and mob cars at the
(A A ne" phenomena$ "hich is visible at 6anagua3s ma5or intersections$ are
"aves of vendors and beggars$ "hich include many children and
(! ?isible at 6anagua3s ma5or intersections are "aves of vendors and beggars
"ith many children$ ne" phenomena that
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(# A ne" phenomenon visible at 6anagua3s ma5or intersections is "aves of
vendors and beggars$ many of them children$ "ho
(% 1henomenally ne" "aves of vendors$ beggars$ and many children are visible
at 6anagua3s ma5or intersections$ "hich
(& A "ave of vendors and beggars$ many of "hom are children$ are visible at
6anagua3s ma5or intersections$ "here they are a ne" phenomenon and
16. A number of linguists contend that all of the thousands of languages spoken by
the "orld3s five billion people can be traced back to a common root language.
(A that all of the thousands of languages spoken by the "orld3s five billion
people can be traced
(! that the "orld3s five billion people speak thousands of languages of "hich all
can be traced
(# the "orld3s five billion people speak thousands of languages "hich are all
(% all of the thousands of languages spoken by the "orld3s five billion people to
be traceable
(& the ability to trace all of the thousands of languages that are spoken by the
"orld3s five billion people
17. A patient accusing a doctor of malpractice "ill find it difficult to prove damage if
there is a lack of some other doctor to testify about proper medical procedures.
(A if there is a lack of some other doctor to testify
(! unless there "ill be another doctor to testify
(# "ithout another doctor3s testimony
(% should there be no testimony from some other doctor
(& lacking another doctor to testify
18. A peculiar feature of the embryonic mammalian circulatory system is that in the
area of the heart the cells adhere to one another$ beating in unison and adopting
speciali7ed orientations e;clusive of one another.
(A beating in unison and adopting
(! they beat in unison "hile adopting
(# beat in unison$ and adopt
(% beating in unison yet adopting
(& even though they beat in unison and adopt
19. A 1resident entering the final t"o years of a second term is likely to be at a severe
disadvantage and is often unable to carry out a legislative program.
(A likely to be at a severe disadvantage and is often unable to
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(! likely severely disadvantaged and often unable to
(# liable to be severely disadvantaged and cannot often
(% liable that he or she is at a severe disadvantage and cannot often
(& at a severe disadvantage$ often likely to be unable that he or she can
20. A prolific architect "ho "orked from the turn of the century until the late '(923s$
Aulia 6organ designed nearly 022 buildings in #alifornia$ perhaps most notably
William Bandolph Cearst3s monumental estate at ,an ,imeon.
(A Aulia 6organ designed nearly 022 buildings in #alifornia$ perhaps most
notably William Bandolph Cearst3s monumental estate at ,an ,imeon
(! perhaps the most notable of the nearly 022 buildings in #alifornia designed
by Aulia 6organ "as William Bandolph Cearst3s monumental estate at ,an
(# of the nearly 022 buildings in #alifornia designed by Aulia 6organ$ perhaps
the most notable "as William Bandolph Cearst3s monumental estate at ,an
(% nearly 022 buildings in #alifornia "ere designed by Aulia 6organ$ of "hich
William Bandolph Cearst3s monumental estate at ,an ,imeon is perhaps the
most notable
(& William Bandolph Cearst3s monumental estate at ,an ,imeon is perhaps the
most notable of the nearly 022 buildings in #alifornia designed by Aulia
21. A proposal has been made to trim the horns from rhinoceroses to discourage
poachersD the 4uestion is "hether tourists "ill continue to visit game parks and
see rhinoceroses after their horns are trimmed.
(A "hether tourists "ill continue to visit game parks and see rhinoceroses after
their horns are
(! "hether tourists "ill continue to visit game parks to see one once their horns
(# "hether tourists "ill continue to visit game parks to see rhinoceroses once the
animals3 horns have been
(% if tourists "ill continue to visit game parks and see rhinoceroses once the
animals3 horns are
(& if tourists "ill continue to visit game parks to see one after the animals3 horns
have been
22. A recent national study of the public schools sho"s that there are no" one
microcomputer for every thirty-t"o pupils$ four times as many than there "ere
four years ago.
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(A there are no" one microcomputer for every thirty-t"o pupils$ four times as
many than there "ere
(! there is no" one microcomputer for every thirty-t"o pupils$ four times as
many than there "ere
(# there is no" one microcomputer for every thirty-t"o pupils$ four times as
many as there "ere
(% every thirty-t"o pupils no" have one microcomputer$ four times as many
than there "ere
(& every thirty-t"o pupils no" has one microcomputer$ four times as many as
23. A recent "e# $ork T!%es editorial critici7ed the city3s election board for$ first of
all$ failing to replace outmoded voting machines prone to breakdo"ns$ and
secondarily$ for their failure to investigate allegations of corruption involving
board members.
(A secondarily$ for their failure to
(! secondly$ for their failure to
(# secondly$ that they failed and did not
(% second$ that they failed to
(& second$ for failing to
24. A recent study has found that "ithin the past fe" years$ many doctors had elected
early retirement rather than face the threats of la"suits and the rising costs of
malpractice insurance.
(A had elected early retirement rather than face
(! had elected early retirement instead of facing
(# have elected retiring early instead of facing
(% have elected to retire early rather than facing
(& have elected to retire early rather than face
25. A recent study of ancient clay deposits has provided ne" evidence supporting the
theory of global forest fires ignited by a meteorite impact that contributed to the
e;tinction of the dinosaurs and many other creatures some 89 million years ago.
(A supporting the theory of global forest fires ignited by a meteorite impact that
(! supporting the theory that global forest fires ignited by a meteorite impact
(# that supports the theory of global forest fires that "ere ignited by a meteorite
impact and that
(% in support of the theory that global forest fires "ere ignited by a meteorite
impact and that
(& of support for the theory of a meteorite impact that ignited global forest fires
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
26. A recording system "as so secretly installed and operated in the Eennedy Fval
Fffice that even <heodore #. ,orensen$ the White Couse counsel$ did not kno" it
(A A recording system "as so secretly installed and operated in the Eennedy
Fval Fffice that
(! ,o secret "as a recording system installation and operation in the Eennedy
Fval Fffice
(# It "as so secret that a recording system "as installed and operated in the
Eennedy Fval Fffice
(% A recording system that "as so secretly installed and operated in the Eennedy
Fval Fffice
(& Installed and operated so secretly in the Eennedy Fval Fffice "as a recording
system that
27. A report by the American Academy for the Advancement of ,cience has
concluded that much of the currently uncontrolled dio;ins to "hich North
Americans are e;posed comes from the incineration of "astes.
(A much of the currently uncontrolled dio;ins to "hich North Americans are
e;posed comes
(! much of the currently uncontrolled dio;ins that North Americans are e;posed
to come
(# much of the dio;ins that are currently uncontrolled and that North Americans
are e;posed to comes
(% many of the dio;ins that are currently uncontrolled and North Americans are
e;posed to come
(& many of the currently uncontrolled dio;ins to "hich North Americans are
e;posed come
28. A representative of the Women3s !ureau of the +nited ,tates %epartment of
.abor contends that employers "ho offer benefits "hich permit that employees
can balance home and "ork responsibilities better$ reali7ing gains in attendance$
recruiting$ and retention.
(A "hich permit that employees can balance home and "ork responsibilities
better$ reali7ing
(! "hich permit employees balancing home and "ork responsibilities better "ill
(# that permit employees to balance the responsibilities of home and "ork better
"ill reali7e
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(% that permit employees a better balance bet"een the responsibilities of home
and "ork$ thus reali7ing
(& such that employees are permitted a balance bet"een home and "ork
responsibilities$ and they "ill reali7e
29. A shy$ religious-minded publisher "ho had married a duke3s daughter$ Carold
6acmillan3s rise to the position of 1rime 6inister in '(9) surprised many$
though #hurchill had since the '(/2s been e;tolling 6acmillan3s courage.
(A Carold 6acmillan3s rise to the position of 1rime 6inister in '(9) surprised
(! Carold 6acmillan3s rise in '(9) to the position of 1rime 6inister surprised
(# Carold 6acmillan3s becoming 1rime 6inister in '(9) surprised many
(% Carold 6acmillan surprised many by rising to the position of 1rime 6inister
in '(9)
(& the position of 1rime 6inister attained by Carold 6acmillan in '(9)
surprised many
30. A special Aapanese green tea called &en%'!(ch' contains bro"n rice and is
considered as a delicacy fit for a gourmet by most Aapanese$ though it is virtually
unavailable outside =okohama.
(A A special Aapanese green tea called &en%'!(ch' contains bro"n rice and is
considered as a delicacy fit for a gourmet by most Aapanese$ though it is
virtually unavailable outside =okohama.
(! #onsidered to be a delicacy fit for a gourmet by most Aapanese$ &en%'!(ch' is
a special green tea that contains bro"n rice$ virtually unavailable outside
(# A special Aapanese green tea called &en%'!(ch' contains bro"n rice and is
considered a gourmet delicacy by most Aapanese$ though it is virtually
unavailable outside =okohama.
(% 6ost Aapanese consider &en%'!(ch'$ a special green tea "hich contains
bro"n rice$ as a delicacy virtually unavailable outside =okohama.
(& <hough virtually unavailable outside =okohama$ most Aapanese consider
&en%'!(ch'$ a special green tea that contains bro"n rice$ a gourmet delicacy.
31. A star "ill compress itself into a "hite d"arf$ a neutron star$ or a black hole after
it passes through a red giant stage$ depending on mass.
(A A star "ill compress itself into a "hite d"arf$ a neutron star$ or a black hole
after it passes through a red giant stage$ depending on mass.
(! After passing through a red giant stage$ depending on its mass$ a star "ill
compress itself into a "hite d"arf$ a neutron star$ or a black hole.
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(# After passing through a red giant stage$ a star3s mass "ill determine if it
compresses itself into a "hite d"arf$ a neutron star$ or a black hole.
(% 6ass determines "hether a star$ after passing through the red giant stage$ "ill
compress itself into a "hite d"arf$ a neutron star$ or a black hole.
(& <he mass of a star$ after passing through the red giant stage$ "ill determine
"hether it compresses itself into a "hite d"arf$ a neutron star$ or a black
32. A study commissioned by the %epartment of Agriculture sho"ed that if calves
e;ercise and associated "ith other calves$ they "ill re4uire less medication and
gain "eight 4uicker than do those raised in confinement.
(A associated "ith other calves$ they "ill re4uire less medication and gain
"eight 4uicker than do
(! associated "ith other calves$ they re4uire less medication and gain "eight
4uicker than
(# associate "ith other calves$ they re4uired less medication and "ill gain
"eight 4uicker than do
(% associate "ith other calves$ they have re4uired less medication and "ill gain
"eight more 4uickly than do
(& associate "ith other calves$ they re4uire less medication and gain "eight
more 4uickly than
33. A substance derived from the 6adagascar peri"inkle$ "hich has proved useful in
decreasing mortality among young leukemia patients$ is cultivated in #hina as
part of a program to integrate traditional herbal medicine into a contemporary
system of health care.
(A A substance derived from the 6adagascar peri"inkle$ "hich has proved
useful in decreasing mortality among young leukemia patients$
(! A derivative$ "hich has proved useful in decreasing mortality among young
leukemia patients$ of the 6adagascar peri"inkle$
(# A 6adagascar peri"inkle derivative$ "hich has proved useful in decreasing
mortality among young leukemia patients$
(% <he 6adagascar peri"inkle has a derivative "hich has proved useful in
decreasing mortality among young leukemia patients$ that
(& <he 6adagascar peri"inkle$ a derivative of "hich has proved useful in
decreasing mortality among young leukemia patients$
34. A "ildlife e;pert predicts that the reintroduction of the caribou into northern
6innesota "ould fail if the density of the timber "olf population in that region is
more numerous than one "olf for every /( s4uare miles.
(A "ould fail if the density of the timber "olf population in that region is more
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
numerous than
(! "ould fail provided the density of the timber "olf population in that region is
more than
(# should fail if the timber "olf density in that region "as greater than
(% "ill fail if the density of the timber "olf population in that region is greater
(& "ill fail if the timber "olf density in that region "ere more numerous than
35. According to a panel of health officials$ there has been a great deal of confusion
in the medical profession about "hether obesity is a biological disorder posing
serious health risks or a condition more related to appearance than to health.
(A about "hether obesity is a biological disorder posing serious health risks or a
condition more related to appearance than to
(! "ith respect to obesity being a biological disorder posing serious health risks
or if it is related more to appearance than
(# over "hether or not obesity is a biological disorder posing serious health risks
or it is a condition more related to appearance than to
(% about obesity and if it is a biological disorder posing serious health risks or a
condition related to appearance more than to
(& concerning "hether obesity is a biological disorder posing serious health risks
or it is a condition related to appearance more than
36. According to a recent poll$ o"ning and living in a freestanding house on its o"n
land is still a goal of a ma5ority of young adults$ like that of earlier generations.
(A like that of earlier generations
(! as that for earlier generations
(# 5ust as earlier generations did
(% as have earlier generations
(& as it "as of earlier generations
37. According to a recent study by Butgers +niversity$ the number of "omen in state
legislatures has gro"n in every election since '(80.
(A the number of "omen in state legislatures has gro"n
(! the number of "omen "ho are in state legislatures have gro"n
(# there has been gro"th in the number of "omen in state legislatures
(% a gro"ing number of "omen have been in state legislatures
(& "omen have been gro"ing in number in state legislatures
38. According to a recent study$ the elderly in the +nited ,tates are four times more
likely to give regular financial aid to their children as to receive it from them.
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(A the elderly in the +nited ,tates are four times more likely to give regular
financial aid to their children as
(! the elderly in the +nited ,tates are four times as likely to give regular
financial aid to their children as it is for them
(# the elderly in the +nited ,tates are four times more likely to give regular
financial aid to their children than
(% it is four times more likely for the elderly in the +nited ,tates to give regular
financial aid to their children than they are
(& it is four times as likely that the elderly in the +nited ,tates "ill give their
children regular financial aid as they are
39. According to a ruling by the state supreme court$ the o"ner of polluted land is
liable for the cleanup of the property even if the o"ner did not have the
responsibility that pollution occurred before the title changed hands.
(A the o"ner did not have the responsibility that pollution
(! the o"ner is not responsible for pollution that
(# it "as not the o"ner3s responsibility that pollution "ould have
(% the responsibility of the o"ner is not that pollution
(& the responsibility "as not the o"ner3s that pollution "ould have
40. According to a study by the #arnegie Goundation for the Advancement of
<eaching$ companies in the +nited ,tates are providing 5ob training and general
education for nearly eight million people$ about e4uivalent to the enrollment of
the nation3s four-year colleges and universities.
(A e4uivalent to the enrollment of
(! the e4uivalent of those enrolled in
(# e4ual to those "ho are enrolled in
(% as many as the enrollment of
(& as many as are enrolled in
41. According to a study published by %r. 6yrna Weissman$ only one percent of
Americans born before '(29 had suffered ma5or depression by the age of
seventy-fiveD of those born since '(99$ si; percent had become depressed by age
(A only one percent of Americans born before '(29 had suffered ma5or
depression by the age of seventy-fiveD of those born since '(99$ si; percent
had become depressed by age t"enty-four
(! only one percent of Americans born before '(29 suffer ma5or depression by
the age of seventy-fiveD if they are born since '(99$ si; percent become
depressed by age t"enty-four
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(# of Americans born before '(29$ only one percent of them have suffered ma5or
depression by age seventy-five$ but si; percent of those born since '(99 do
by the age of t"enty-four
(% ma5or depression is suffered by the age of seventy-five by only one percent of
Americans born before '(29$ and by age t"enty-four by the si; percent born
since '(99
(& Americans born before '(29 suffer ma5or depression by the age of seventy-
five only one percent of the time$ but si; percent of those born since '(99
did so by age t"enty-four
42. According to a survey of graduating medical students conducted by the
Association of American 6edical #olleges$ minority graduates are nearly four
times more likely than are other graduates in planning to practice in
socioeconomically deprived areas.
(A minority graduates are nearly four times more likely than are other graduates
in planning to practice
(! minority graduates are nearly four times more likely than other graduates "ho
plan on practicing
(# minority graduates are nearly four times as likely as other graduates to plan
on practicing
(% it is nearly four times more likely that minority graduates rather than other
graduates "ill plan to practice
(& it is nearly four times as likely for minority graduates than other graduates to
plan to practice
43. According to !ooker <. Whatley3s recent analysis$ planting the same crops as are
planted on large farms "ill lead to economic disaster for the small farmer$ "ho
should plan a succession of high-value crops that "ill provide a year-round cash
(A planting the same crops as are planted on large farms "ill lead to economic
disaster for the small farmer$ "ho
(! it "ill lead to economic disaster for the small farmer to plant the same crops
as on the large farmsD they
(# economic disaster "ill result from planting the same crops as large farms to
the small farmer$ "ho
(% economic disaster for the small farmer "ill result from planting the same
crops as on the large farmsD they
(& the small farmer planting the same crops as are planted on large farms "ill
lead to economic disasterD they
44. According to Cenry %avid <horeau$ the reason a ma5ority is allo"ed to rule is not
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that it is more likely to be right$ but because it is stronger.
(A the reason a ma5ority is allo"ed to rule is not that it is more likely to be right$
but because it is stronger
(! a ma5ority is allo"ed to rule not because it is more likely to be right$ but
because it is stronger
(# the reason for ma5ority rule is not because they are more likely to be right$
they are stronger
(% the ma5ority is allo"ed to rule because of its strength$ not because it is more
likely to be right
(& the reason "hy the ma5ority rules is that it is strong$ not because it is likely to
be right
45. According to his o"n account$ Grederic-Auguste !artholdi$ the sculptor of the
,tatue of .iberty$ modeled the face of the statue like his mother3s and the body
like his "ife3s.
(A modeled the face of the statue like his mother3s and the body like his "ife3s
(! modeled the face of the statue after that of his mother and the body after that
of his "ife
(# modeled the face of the statue like his mother and the body like his "ife
(% made the face of the statue after his mother and the body after his "ife
(& made the face of the statue look like his mother and the body look like his
46. According to Interstudy$ a nonprofit organi7ation that studies health maintenance
organi7ations (C6F3s$ they estimate that$ in comparison to last year$ "hen only
/8 percent of the nation3s 82) C6F3s "as profitable$ this year )/ percent "ill be.
(A they estimate that$ in comparison to last year$ "hen only /8 percent of the
nation3s 82) C6F3s "as profitable$ this year )/ percent "ill be
(! compared to only /8 percent of the nation3s 82) C6F3s being profitable last
year$ they estimate )/ percent "ould be this year
(# only /8 percent of the nation3s 82) C6F3s "ere profitable last yearD it
estimates that this year )/ percent "ill be
(% it estimates )/ percent of the nation3s 82) C6F3s "ould be profitable this
yearD last year that "as only /8 percent
(& only /8 percent of the nation3s 82) C6F3s last year "ere profitable$ "hereas
they estimate it this year to be )/ percent
47. According to scientists at the +niversity of #alifornia$ the pattern of changes that
have occurred in human %NA over the millennia indicate the possibility that
everyone alive today might be descended from a single female ancestor "ho lived
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
in Africa sometime bet"een '@2$222 and *02$222 years ago.
(A indicate the possibility that everyone alive today might be descended from a
single female ancestor "ho
(! indicate that everyone alive today might possibly be a descendant of a single
female ancestor "ho had
(# may indicate that everyone alive today has descended from a single female
ancestor "ho had
(% indicates that everyone alive today may be a descendant of a single female
ancestor "ho
(& indicates that everyone alive today might be a descendant from a single
female ancestor "ho
48. According to some analysts$ "hatever its merits$ the proposal to ta; a"ay all
capital gains on short-term investments "ould$ if enacted$ have a disastrous effect
on Wall ,treet trading and employment.
(A its merits$ the proposal to ta;
(! its merits may be$ the proposal of ta;ing
(# its merits as a proposal$ ta;ing
(% the proposal3s merits$ to ta;
(& the proposal3s merits are$ ta;ing
49. According to some economists$ Aapan is in danger of plunging into a depression
that$ "ith double-digit unemployment$ could severely strain a society that regards
lifetime employment as a virtual right of citi7enship.
(A that$ "ith double-digit unemployment$ could severely strain
(! that$ because of double-digit unemployment$ could be a severe strain for
(# "ith double-digit unemployment$ and it could severely strain
(% "ith double-digit unemployment and could be a severe strain
(& "ith double-digit unemployment and could severely strain
50. According to some economists$ the Auly decrease in unemployment so that it "as
the lo"est in t"o years suggests that the gradual improvement in the 5ob market
is continuing.
(A so that it "as the lo"est in t"o years
(! so that it "as the lo"est t"o-year rate
(# to "hat "ould be the lo"est in t"o years
(% to a t"o-year lo" level
(& to the lo"est level in t"o years
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
51. According to surveys by the National Institute on %rug Abuse$ about *2 percent
of young adults used cocaine in '()($ doubling those reported in the '()) survey.
(A doubling those reported in the '()) survey
(! to double the number the '()) survey reported
(# t"ice those the '()) survey reported
(% t"ice as much as those reported in the '()) survey
(& t"ice the number reported in the '()) survey
52. According to the !etter !usiness !ureau$ if you fail to advertise the highest price
in a range of prices for a service or product as prominently as that of the lo"est$ it
violates the Ne" =ork #onsumer 1rotection .a".
(A if you fail to advertise the highest price in a range of prices for a service or
product as prominently as that of the lo"est$ it
(! if one fails to advertise the highest price in a range of prices for a service or
product as prominently as the lo"est price$ it
(# failure to advertise the highest price in a range of prices for a service or
product as prominently as the lo"est
(% failure to advertise as prominently the highest price in a range of prices for a
service or product as the lo"est
(& failing to advertise as prominently the highest price in a range of prices for a
service or products as that of the lo"est
53. According to the National 1asta Association$ per-capita consumption of pasta in
the +nited ,tates$ "hich has already been approaching '( pounds a year$ "ill
achieve /2 pounds a year by the t"enty-first century.
(A According to the National 1asta Association$ per-capita consumption of pasta
in the +nited ,tates$ "hich has already been approaching '( pounds a year$
"ill achieve /2 pounds a year by the t"enty-first century.
(! Already approaching '( pounds a year in the +nited ,tates$ the National 1asta
Association predicts that per-capita consumption of pasta "ill reach /2
pounds a year by the t"enty-first century.
(# <he National 1asta association predicts by the t"enty-first century that per-
capita consumption of pasta in the +nited ,tates$ "hich is already
approaching '( pounds a year$ "ill reach /2 pounds a year.
(% !y the t"enty-first century$ the National 1asta Association predicts that per-
capita consumption of pasta in the +nited ,tates$ having already approached
'( pounds a year$ "ill reach /2 pounds a year.
(& According to the National 1asta Association$ per-capita consumption of pasta
in the +nited ,tates is already approaching '( pounds a year and "ill reach
/2 pounds a year by the t"enty-first century.
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
54. According to the professor3s philosophy$ the antidote to envy is one3s o"n "ork$
al"ays one3s o"n "ork> not thinking about it$ not assessing it$ but simply doing
(A one3s o"n "ork$ al"ays one3s o"n "ork> not thinking about it$ not assessing
it$ but simply doing it
(! al"ays "orkD because you don3t think about it or assess it$ you 5ust do it
(# al"ays one3s o"n "ork> not thinking about or assessing it$ but simply to do it
(% not to think or assess$ but doing one3s o"n "ork
(& neither to think about one3s o"n "ork nor to assess it$ it is al"ays simply
doing it
55. According to +nited ,tates Air Gorce officials$ a cannon shooting dead chickens
at airplanes has proved helpful to demonstrate "hat kind of damage can result
"hen 5ets fly into a flock of large birds.
(A shooting dead chickens at airplanes has proved helpful to demonstrate
(! shooting dead chickens at airplanes has proved itself helpful as a
demonstration of
(# shooting dead chickens at airplanes proves itself helpful as demonstrating
(% that shoots dead chickens at airplanes proves itself helpful to demonstrate
(& that shoots dead chickens at airplanes has proved helpful in demonstrating
56. Acid rain and sno" result from the chemical reactions bet"een industrial
emissions of sulfur dio;ide and nitrogen o;ides "ith atmospheric "ater vapor to
produce highly corrosive sulfuric and nitric acids.
(A "ith atmospheric "ater vapor to produce highly corrosive sulfuric and nitric
(! "ith atmospheric "ater vapor producing highly corrosive sulfuric and nitric
(# and atmospheric "ater vapor "hich has produced highly corrosive sulfuric
and nitric acids
(% and atmospheric "ater vapor "hich have produced sulfuric and nitric acids
"hich are highly corrosive
(& and atmospheric "ater vapor to produce highly corrosive sulfuric and nitric
57. Added to the increase in hourly "ages re4uested last Auly$ the railroad employees
are no" seeking an e;panded program of retirement benefits.
(A Added to the increase in hourly "ages re4uested last Auly$ the railroad
employees are no" seeking an e;panded program of retirement benefits.
(! Added to the increase in hourly "ages "hich had been re4uested last Auly$ the
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
employees of the railroad are no" seeking an e;panded program of
retirement benefits.
(# <he railroad employees are no" seeking an e;panded program of retirement
benefits added to the increase in hourly "ages that "ere re4uested last Auly.
(% In addition to the increase in hourly "ages that "ere re4uested last Auly$ the
railroad employees are no" seeking an e;panded program of retirement
(& In addition to the increase in hourly "ages re4uested last Auly$ the employees
of the railroad are no" seeking an e;panded program of retirement benefits.
58. Adult survivors of child abuse traditionally have had little or no chance that they
could get their symptoms recogni7ed and treated.
(A that they could get their symptoms recogni7ed and treated
(! to recogni7e and treat their symptoms
(# of getting their symptoms recogni7ed and treated
(% of recogni7ing and treating symptoms
(& of getting his or her symptoms recogni7ed and treated
59. Affording strategic pro;imity to the ,trait of -ibraltar$ 6orocco "as also of
interest to the Grench throughout the first half of the t"entieth century because
they assumed that if they did not hold it$ their grip on Algeria "as al"ays
(A if they did not hold it$ their grip on Algeria "as al"ays insecure
(! "ithout it their grip on Algeria "ould never be secure
(# their grip on Algeria "as not ever secure if they did not hold it
(% "ithout that$ they could never be secure about their grip on Algeria
(& never "ould their grip on Algeria be secure if they did not hold it
60. After a fe" "eeks3 e;perience$ apprentice 5e"elers can usually begin to
discriminate$ though not "ith absolute certainty$ genuine diamonds from
imitation diamonds.
(A genuine diamonds from imitation diamonds
(! genuine diamonds apart from imitations
(# bet"een genuine diamonds and imitation diamonds
(% among genuine diamonds and imitation diamonds
(& "hether diamonds are imitation or genuine
61. After crude oil$ natural gas is the +nited ,tates second biggest fuel source and
supplied almost e;clusively from reserves in North America.
(A After crude oil$ natural gas is the +nited ,tates second biggest fuel source and
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supplied almost e;clusively from reserves in North America.
(! Natural gas$ after crude oil the +nited ,tates second biggest fuel source$
supplied almost e;clusively from reserves in North America.
(# !eing supplied almost e;clusively from reserves in North America$ natural
gas$ the +nited ,tates second biggest fuel source after crude oil.
(% Natural gas$ the +nited ,tates3 second biggest fuel source after crude oil$ is
supplied almost e;clusively from reserves in North America.
(& Natural gas is supplied almost e;clusively from reserves in North America$
being the +nited ,tates3 second biggest fuel source after crude oil.
62. After gradual declension do"n to about /( hours in '()2$ the "ork"eek in the
+nited ,tates has steadily increased to the point that the average "orker no" puts
in an estimated '8@ e;tra hours of paid labor a year.
(A After gradual declension do"n
(! Gollo"ing a gradual declension do"n
(# After gradual declining do"n
(% After gradually declining
(& Gollo"ing gradually declining
63. After Auly$ anyone disposing of or servicing refrigerators must capture the
chlorofluorocarbons in the refrigerant chemicals.
(A anyone disposing of or servicing
(! those "ho dispose or service
(# anyone disposing of or "ho services
(% the disposal or repair of
(& someone "ho disposes or repairs
64. After :ueen Isabella asked Admiral #olumbus to describe the island of
Cispaniola (no" Caiti$ "hich "as ne"ly discovered$ he had reached for a sheet
of paper$ crumpled it$ and said$ It looks like thatHbeyond the mountains$ more
(A After :ueen Isabella asked Admiral #olumbus to describe the island of
Cispaniola (no" Caiti$ "hich "as ne"ly discovered$ he had reached
(! Fn being asked to describe the ne" discovery of the island of Cispaniola
(no" Caiti by :ueen Isabella$ Admiral #olumbus$ reaching
(# :ueen Isabella asked Admiral #olumbus to describe the ne"ly discovered
island of Cispaniola (no" Caiti$ then he reached
(% When asked by :ueen Isabella to describe the ne"ly discovered island of
Cispaniola (no" Caiti$ Admiral #olumbus reached
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(& After :ueen Isabella had asked Admiral #olumbus to describe the discovery
of the island of Cispaniola (no" Caiti$ he had reached
65. After suffering I* billion in losses and *9$222 layoffs$ the nation3s semiconductor
industry$ "hich makes chips that run everything from computers and spy
satellites to dish"ashers$ appears to have made a long-a"aited recovery.
(A computers and spy satellites to dish"ashers$ appears to have
(! computers$ spy satellites$ and dish"ashers$ appears having
(# computers$ spy satellites$ and dish"ashers$ appears that it has
(% computers and spy satellites to dish"ashers$ appears that it has
(& computers and spy satellites as "ell as dish"ashers$ appears to have
66. After the Arab con4uest of &gypt in A.%. 8@2$ Arabic became the dominant
language of the &gyptians$ replacing older languages and "riting systems.
(A became the dominant language of the &gyptians$ replacing older languages
(! became the dominant language of the &gyptians$ replacing languages that
"ere older
(# becomes the dominant language of the &gyptians and it replaced older
(% becomes the dominant language of the &gyptians and it replaced languages
that "ere older
(& becomes the dominant language of the &gyptians$ having replaced languages
that "ere older
67. After the #ivil War$ contemporaries of Carriet <ubman3s maintained that she has
all of the 4ualities of a great leader$ coolness in the face of danger$ an e;cellent
sense of strategy$ and an ability to plan in minute detail.
(A <ubman3s maintained that she has
(! <ubman3s maintain that she had
(# <ubman3s have maintained that she had
(% <ubman maintained that she had
(& <ubman had maintained that she has
68. After the #olonial period3s 92 percent mortality rate$ life e;pectancy improved
for children$ but as late as the nineteenth century about one child in three died
before reaching the age of si;.
(A After the #olonial period3s 92 percent mortality rate$ life e;pectancy
improved for children$ but
(! &ven though children3s life e;pectancy$ "hich improved over the #olonial
period3s 92 percent mortality rate$
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(# Although life e;pectancy for children improved after the #olonial period$
during "hich the mortality rate "as 92 percent$
(% While there "as an improvement in life e;pectancy for children after the 92
percent mortality rate of the #olonial period$ still
(& %espite children3s life e;pectancy improvement from the #olonial period3s 92
percent mortality rate$
69. After the ?ietnam "ar !ettye -ranther$ a +.,. Army nurse$ continued her efforts
on behalf of in5ured ?ietnamese children$ providing medical care$ helping to
reunite estranged families$ and the establishment of a fund for the children3s
future education.
(A the establishment of a fund for the children3s future education
(! the establishing of a fund for the future education of children
(# establishing a fund for the children3s future education
(% establishing a fund for the childrens3 future education
(& the establishment of a fund for the childrens3 future education
70. After this year3s record-shattering Aanuary performance in 6adison ,4uare
-arden$ the ensemble "ere touted as the country3s best ne" group in decadesD no
critic or revie"er had anything but praise for the young musicians.
(A the ensemble "ere touted as the country3s
(! the ensemble "as touted as the country3s
(# the country touted the ensemble like the
(% touting the ensemble as the country3s
(& they "ere touting the ensemble as the country3s
71. Aging is a property of all animals that reach a fi;ed si7e at maturity$ and the
variations in life spans among different species are far greater as that among
individuals from the same species> a fruit fly is ancient at @2 days$ a mouse at /
years$ a horse at /2$ a man at '22$ and some tortoises at '92.
(A among different species are far greater as that among individuals from
(! among different species are far greater than that among individuals from
(# among different species are far greater than those among individuals of
(% bet"een different species are far more than that bet"een individuals of
(& bet"een different species are greater by far than is that bet"een individuals
72. Aho$ a Eio"a matriarch$ held festivals in her home$ they featured the preparation
of great 4uantities of ceremonial food$ the "earing of many layers of colorful
clothing adorned "ith silver$ and the recounting of traditional tribal 5okes and
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(A Aho$ a Eio"a matriarch$ held festivals in her home$ they featured
(! Gestivals "ere held in Aho$ a Eio"a matriarch3s home$ "hich featured
(# Aho$ "ho "as a Eio"a matriarch in her home$ held festivals featuring
(% In her home$ Aho$ a Eio"a matriarch$ held festivals that featured
(& Aho$ a Eio"a matriarch$ held festivals in her home that featured
73. Alaska regularly deposits some of its profits from the sale of oil into a special
fund$ "ith the intention to sustain the state3s economy after the e;haustion of its
oil reserves.
(A fund$ "ith the intention to sustain the state3s economy after the e;haustion of
its oil reserves
(! fund$ the intention of "hich is to sustain the state3s economy after they have
e;hausted their oil reserves
(# fund intended to sustain the state3s economy after oil reserves are e;hausted
(% fund intended to sustain the state3s economy after e;hausting its oil reserves
(& fund that they intend to sustain the state3s economy after oil reserves are
74. All-terrain vehicles have allo"ed vacationers to reach many previously
inaccessible areas$ but they have also been blamed for causing hundreds of
deaths$ in5ury to thousands$ and seriously damaging the nation3s recreational
(A deaths$ in5ury to thousands$ and seriously damaging
(! deaths and in5uring thousands$ and serious damage to
(# deaths$ thousands "ho are in5ured$ as "ell as seriously damaging
(% deaths and thousands of in5uries$ as "ell as doing serious damage to
(& deaths$ thousands are in5ured$ and they do serious damage to
75. Along "ith the drop in producer prices announced yesterday$ the strong retail
sales figures released today seem like it is indicative that the economy$ although
gro"ing slo"ly$ is not nearing a recession.
(A like it is indicative that
(! as if to indicate
(# to indicate that
(% indicative of
(& like an indication of
76. Although all the proceedings of the #ommunist party conference held in 6osco"
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"ere not carried live$ ,oviet audiences have seen a great deal of coverage.
(A all the proceedings of the #ommunist party conference held in 6osco" "ere
not carried live
(! all the #ommunist party conference3s 6osco" proceedings "ere not carried
(# all the #ommunist party conference 6osco" proceedings have not been
carried alive
(% not all the #ommunist party conference 6osco" proceedings have been
carried alive
(& not all the proceedings of the #ommunist party conference held in 6osco"
"ere carried live
77. Although aspirin irritates the stomach$ it can be avoided if the aspirin tablet is
given a coating that "ill not dissolve until the tablet reaches the intestine.
(A Although aspirin irritates the stomach$ it
(! <he irritation of the stomach caused by aspirin
(# <he fact that aspirin causes irritation of the stomach
(% Aspirin causes stomach irritation$ although it
(& Aspirin irritates the stomach$ "hich
78. Although do7ens of Ne" =ork3s small museums are either devoted to local
history or various ethnic groups$ there are many one-of-a-kind museums from
6anhattan to the !ron; that are open for e;ploration on summer "eekends.
(A Although do7ens of Ne" =ork3s small museums are either devoted to local
history or various ethnic groups$ there are
(! Although do7ens of Ne" =ork3s small museums are devoted to local history
or various ethnic groups$
(# %o7ens of Ne" =ork3s small museums are devoted to local history or various
ethnic groups$ but there are
(% %o7ens of Ne" =ork3s small museums are devoted to local history or various
ethnic groups$ and there are also
(& %evoted to local history or various ethnic groups$ do7ens of Ne" =ork3s small
museums and also
79. Although early soap operas "ere first aired on evening radio in the '(*23s$ they
had moved to the daytime hours of the '(/23s "hen the evening schedule became
cro"ded "ith comedians and variety sho"s.
(A "ere first aired on evening radio in the '(*23s$ they had moved to the
daytime hours of the '(/23s
(! "ere first aired on evening radio in the '(*23s$ they "ere moved to the
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daytime hours in the '(/23s
(# "ere aired first on evening radio in the '(*23s$ moving to the daytime hours
in the '(/23s
(% "ere aired first in the evening on '(*23s radio$ they moved to the daytime
hours of the '(/23s
(& aired on evening radio first in the '(*23s$ they "ere moved to the '(/23s in
the daytime hours
80. Although films about the American West depict coyotes as solitary animals
ho"ling mournfully on the tops of distant hills$ in reality these gregarious
creatures live in stable groups that occupy the same territory for long periods.
(A films about the American West depict coyotes as solitary animals ho"ling
mournfully on the tops of distant hills
(! in films about the American West coyotes are depicted to be solitary animals
that ho"l mournfully on the tops of distant hills
(# coyotes are depicted as solitary animals ho"ling mournfully on the tops of
distant hills in films about the American West
(% films about the American West depict coyotes as if they "ere solitary$
mournfully ho"ling animals on the tops of distant hills
(& films about the American West depict coyotes to be solitary and mournfully
ho"ling animals on the tops of distant hills
81. Although fruit can no longer gro" once it is picked$ it continues for some time to
respire$ taking in o;ygen and giving off carbon dio;ide$ similar to the "ay human
beings breathe.
(A similar to the "ay human beings breathe
(! similarly to human beings "ho are breathing
(# 5ust like the breathing of human beings
(% as human beings "hen breathing
(& 5ust as human beings do "hen they breathe
82. Although he is as gifted as$ if not more gifted than$ many of his colleagues$ he is
e;tremely modest and his poetry is unpublished.
(A Although he is as gifted as$ if not more gifted than$ many of his colleagues$ he
is e;tremely modest and his poetry is unpublished.
(! Although he is as gifted$ if not more gifted$ than many of his colleagues$ he is
e;tremely modest and "ith his poetry remaining unpublished.
(# Although he is as gifted as$ if not more gifted than$ many of his colleagues$ he
is e;tremely modest and "ill not publish his poetry.
(% %espite his being gifted$ if not more gifted than his colleagues$ he is
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
e;tremely modest and "ill not publish his poetry.
(& !eing a gifted as$ or more gifted than$ many of his colleagues$ he is e;tremely
modest and his poetry is unpublished.
83. Although it claims to delve into political issues$ television can be superficial such
as "hen each of the three ma5or net"orks broadcast e;actly the same statement
from a political candidate.
(A superficial such as "hen each of the three ma5or net"orks
(! superficial$ as can sometimes occur if all of the three ma5or net"orks
(# superficial if the three ma5or net"orks all
(% superficial "henever each of the three ma5or net"orks
(& superficial$ as "hen the three ma5or net"orks each
84. Although it "as e;pected that "orkers under forty "ould sho" hostility to the
plan$ the research report indicates that both younger and the older people approve
of governmental appropriations for ,ocial ,ecurity.
(A younger and the older people
(! younger people and the older
(# the younger and the older people
(% younger and older people
(& people "ho are younger and those "ho are older
85. Although it "as once funded entirely by the government$ the ?ictoria and Albert
6useum "as one of the first of !ritain3s national museums seeking support from
corporations and private donors and to increase income by increasing attendance.
(A one of the first of !ritain3s national museums seeking support from
(! one of !ritain3s first national museums seeking support of
(# among !ritain3s first national museums to seek support of
(% among the first of !ritain3s national museums to seek support from
(& among !ritain3s first national museums that have sought the support of
86. Although 5ust inside the orbit of Aupiter$ amateur astronomers "ith good
telescopes should be able to see the comet "ithin the ne;t fe" "eeks.
(A Although 5ust inside the orbit of
(! Although it is 5ust inside the orbit of
(# Aust inside the orbit of
(% Frbiting 5ust inside
(& Caving orbited 5ust inside
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87. Although many art patrons can readily differentiate a good debenture from an
undesirable one$ they are much less e;pert in distinguishing good paintings and
poor ones$ authentic art and fakes.
(A much less e;pert in distinguishing good paintings and poor ones$ authentic art
(! far less e;pert in distinguishing good paintings from poor ones$ authentic art
(# much less e;pert "hen it comes to distinguishing good paintings and poor
ones$ authentic art from
(% far less e;pert in distinguishing good paintings and poor ones$ authentic art
(& far less the e;pert "hen it comes to distinguishing bet"een good painting$
poor ones$ authentic art$ and
88. Although many Whites$ noting the presence of some !lacks in the middle class$
think that the time for enforcing civil rights measures is past$ !lacks generally are
a"are that the figures for average income and unemployment sho" as "ide of a
radical discrepancy as ever.
(A that the figures for average income and unemployment sho" as "ide of
(! that average-income and unemployment figures sho" as "ide
(# that the average-income and unemployment figures are sho"ing as "ide of
(% of average-income and unemployment figures that sho" as "ide of
(& of figures for average income and unemployment sho"ing as "ide
89. Although 6s. !akara had previously emphasi7ed that she could not speak for
other !lack people$ she ventured to do so on this one occasion because she firmly
believed that many minority people$ likely most$ "ould agree "ith her.
(A do so on this one occasion because she firmly believed that many minority
people$ likely most$ "ould agree
(! speak on this one occasion since she firmly believed that many minority
people$ likely most$ "ould have agreed
(# so speak on this one occasion due to her firmly believing that many minority
people$ even most$ "ould likely agree
(% do so on this one occasion because she firmly believed that many minority
people$ if not most$ "ould agree
(& do so on this one occasion since she firmly believed many minority people$
and even most$ "ould likely agree
90. Although Napoleon3s army entered Bussia "ith far more supplies than they had in
their previous campaigns$ it had provisions for only t"enty-four days.
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(A they had in their previous campaigns
(! their previous campaigns had had
(# they had for any previous campaign
(% in their previous campaigns
(& for any previous campaign
91. Although one link in the chain "as demonstrated to be "eak$ but not sufficiently
so to re4uire the recall of the automobile.
(A demonstrated to be "eak$ but not sufficiently so to re4uire
(! demonstrated as "eak$ but it "as not sufficiently so that it re4uired
(# demonstrably "eak$ but not sufficiently so to re4uire
(% demonstrably "eak$ it "as not so "eak as to re4uire
(& demonstrably "eak$ it "as not "eak enough that it re4uired
92. Although partially destroyed$ the archaeologists "ere able to infer from "hat
remained of the inscription that the priest Jonainos "as buried in the crypt.
(A Although partially destroyed$ the archaeologists "ere able to infer
(! Although partially destroyed$ the archaeologists had inferred
(# Although it had been partially destroyed$ the archaeologists "ere able to infer
(% 1artially destroyed though it had been$ the archaeologists had been able to
(& %estroyed partially$ the archaeologists "ere able to infer
93. Although schistosomiasis is not often fatal$ it is so debilitating that it has become
an economic drain on many developing countries.
(A it is so debilitating that it has become an economic
(! it is of such debilitation$ it has become an economical
(# so debilitating is it as to become an economic
(% such is its debilitation$ it becomes an economical
(& there is so much debilitation that it has become an economical
94. Although she had signed a pledge of abstinence "hile being an adolescent$
Grances Willard "as /9 years old before she chose to become a temperance
(A "hile being an adolescent
(! "hile in adolescence
(# at the time of her being adolescent
(% as being in adolescence
(& as an adolescent
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
95. Although some officials noted that using machines for farming in #hina costs
more than traditional hand cultivation$ the mechani7ation of farming in the
village of .ong !o" doubled the corn yield "hile the previous year3s costs "ere
cut in half.
(A mechani7ation of farming in the village of .ong !o" doubled the corn yield
"hile the previous year3s costs "ere cut in half
(! mechani7ation of farming in the village of .ong !o" doubled the corn yield
"hile cutting costs to half those of the previous year
(# mechani7ation of farming in the village of .ong !o" doubled the corn yield
as cost "ere cut to half of the previous year3s
(% farming mechani7ation in the village of .ong !o" doubled the corn yield as
it cut in half the previous year3s costs
(& farming mechani7ation in the village of .ong !o" doubled the corn yield
"hile costs "ere cut to half that of the previous year
96. Although the bite of bro"n recluse spiders are rarely fatal$ they cause chronic
flesh "ounds$ posing the greatest danger to the infant and elderly$ "ho are
particularly vulnerable to its poison.
(A bro"n recluse spiders are rarely fatal$ they cause chronic flesh "ounds$
posing the greatest danger to the infant and elderly$ "ho are particularly
vulnerable to its
(! bro"n recluse spiders are rarely fatal$ they cause chronic flesh "ounds and
pose the greatest danger to the infant and elderly$ "ho are particularly
vulnerable to their
(# the bro"n recluse spider is rarely fatal$ it causes chronic flesh "ounds$ posing
the greatest danger to the infant and elderly$ "ho are particularly vulnerable
to their
(% the bro"n recluse spider is rarely fatal$ it causes chronic flesh "ounds and
poses the greatest danger to infants and the elderly$ "ho are particularly
vulnerable to its
(& the bro"n recluse spider is rarely fatal$ they cause chronic flesh "ounds$
posing the greatest danger to the infant and elderly$ "ho are particularly
vulnerable to its
97. Although the coordination of monetary policy can help facilitate the orderly
financing of e;isting imbalances$ it is unlikely that its effect on their si7e is
significant in the absence of an appropriate fiscal ad5ustment.
(A it is unlikely that its effect on their si7e is significant
(! it is unlikely that the si7e of their effect "ould be significant
(# affecting their si7es are not likely to be significant
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(% the significance of their effect on its si7e is unlikely
(& its effect on their si7e is not likely to be significant
98. Although the lesser cornstalk borer is "idely distributed$ control of them is
necessary only in the ,outh.
(A the lesser cornstalk borer is "idely distributed$ control of them is
(! "idely distributed$ measures to control the lesser cornstalk borer are
(# "idely distributed$ lesser cornstalk borer control is
(% the lesser cornstalk borer is "idely distributed$ measures to control it are
(& it is "idely distributed$ control of the lesser cornstalk borer is
99. Although the manager agreed to a more fle;ible "ork schedule$ he said that it
must be posted on the bulletin board so that both management and labor "ill
kno" "hat everyone is assigned to do.
(A he said that it must be posted on the bulletin board so that both management
and labor "ill kno" "hat everyone is
(! he said it had to be posted on the bulletin board so that both management and
labor kno"s "hat everyone is
(# he said that they "ould have to post the assignments on the bulletin board so
that management and labor kne" "hat everyone "as
(% he said that the schedule "ould have to be posted on the bulletin board so that
both management and labor "ould kno" "hat everyone "as
(& saying that the schedule had to be posted on the bulletin board so that both
management and labor "ould kno" "hat everyone had been
100. Although the phenomenon of "ithdra"al has al"ays been the crucial
physiological .eng for distinguishing addictive from nonaddictive drugs$ it has
become increasingly evident that not all regular heroin users e;perience
"ithdra"al symptoms.
(A addictive from
(! addictive and
(# addictive or
(% bet"een addictive or
(& among addictive or
101. Although the ,upreme #ourt ruled as long ago as '002 that !lacks could not be
e;cluded outright from 5ury service$ nearly a century of case-by-case ad5udication
has been necessary to develop and enforce the principle that all 5uries must be
dra"n from a fair cross section of the community.
(A has been necessary to develop and enforce the principle that all 5uries must be
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(! "as necessary for developing and enforcing the principle of all 5uries being
(# "as to be necessary in developing and enforcing the principle of all 5uries to
(% is necessary to develop and enforce the principle that all 5uries must be
(& "ill be necessary for developing and enforcing the principle of all 5uries being
102. Although the term psychopath is popularly applied to an especially brutal
criminal$ in psychology it is someone "ho is apparently incapable of feeling
compassion or the pangs of conscience.
(A it is someone "ho is
(! it is a person
(# they are people "ho are
(% it refers to someone "ho is
(& it is in reference to people
103. American productivity is declining in relation to &urope3sD the energy e;pended
per unit of production in the +nited ,tates is as much as t"ice that e;pended in
West -ermany.
(A as much as t"ice that e;pended in West -ermany
(! as much as t"ice that of West -ermany3s e;penditure
(# up to t"o times of West -ermany3s e;penditure
(% up to t"o times "hat West -ermans e;pended
(& up to double the West -erman e;penditure
104. Among the cossacks$ vegetable farming "as once so despised that it "as
forbidden on pain of death.
(A so despised that it "as
(! so despised to be
(# so despised it had been
(% despised enough that it "as
(& despised enough as to be
105. Among the emotions on display in the negotiating room "ere anger for repeatedly
raising the issue over and over again and preventing the ra" "ounds from earlier
battles from ever beginning to heal.
(A "ere anger for repeatedly raising the issue over and over again and
preventing the ra" "ounds from earlier battles from ever beginning to heal
(! "as anger for repeatedly raising the issue and preventing the ra" "ounds
from earlier battles from ever beginning to heal
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(# "ere anger over repeatedly raising the issue and preventing the ra" "ounds
from earlier battles to begin healing
(% "as anger about the issue$ "hich "as raised over and over$ and preventing
the "ounds from earlier battles$ still ra"$ to begin healing
(& "ere anger about the issue$ "hich "as raised repeatedly$ and preventing the
ra" "ounds from earlier battles to begin to heal
106. Among the ob5ects found in the e;cavated temple "ere small terra-cotta effigies
left by supplicants "ho "ere either asking the goddess !ona %ea3s aid in healing
physical and mental ills or thanking her for such help.
(A in healing physical and mental ills or thanking her for such help
(! in healing physical and mental ills and to thank her for helping
(# in healing physical and mental ills$ and thanking her for helping
(% to heal physical and mental ills or to thank her for such help
(& to heal physical and mental ills or thanking her for such help
107. Among the reasons for the decline of Ne" &ngland agriculture in the last three
decades "ere the high cost of land$ the pressure of housing and commercial
development$ and basing a marketing and distribution system on importing
produce from Glorida and #alifornia.
(A basing a marketing and distribution system on importing produce from
Glorida and #alifornia
(! basing a marketing and distribution system on the imported produce of
Glorida and #alifornia
(# basing a system of marketing and distribution on the import of produce from
Glorida and #alifornia
(% a marketing and distribution system based on importing produce from Glorida
and #alifornia
(& a marketing and distribution system importing produce from Glorida and
#alifornia as its base
108. An array of ta; incentives has led to a boom in the construction of ne" office
buildingsD so abundant has capital been for commercial real estate that investors
regularly scour the country for areas in "hich to build.
(A so abundant has capital been for commercial real estate that
(! capital has been so abundant for commercial real estate$ so that
(# the abundance of capital for commercial real estate has been such$
(% such has the abundance of capital been for commercial real estate that
(& such has been an abundance of capital for commercial real estate$
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
109. An artistic presence of the first order$ one fre4uently ranked "ith 1icasso$
,travinsky$ and Aames Aoyce$ 6artha -raham "as acclaimed as a great dancer
long before her innovative master"orks made her the most honored of American
(A 6artha -raham "as acclaimed as
(! 6artha -raham "as acclaimed to be
(# 6artha -raham3s acclaim is as
(% 6artha -raham3s acclaim to be
(& 6artha -raham3s acclaim "as in being
110. An attempt to ratify the &4ual Bights Amendment$ begun almost t"o decades
ago$ has been unsuccessful despite efforts by many important groups$ including
the National Frgani7ation for Women.
(A to ratify the &4ual Bights Amendment$ begun almost t"o decades ago$
(! begun almost t"o decades ago$ for ratifying the &4ual Bights Amendment
(# begun for ratifying the &4ual Bights Amendment almost t"o decades ago
(% at ratifying the &4ual Bights Amendment$ begun almost t"o decades ago$
(& that has begun almost t"o decades ago to ratify the &4ual Bights Amendment
111. An inventory e4ual to (2 days sales is as much as even the strongest businesses
carry$ and then only as a "ay to anticipate higher prices or ensure against
(A as much as even
(! so much as even
(# even so much as
(% even as much that
(& even so much that
112. An unusually strong cyclist can$ it is hoped$ provide enough po"er to set a ne"
distance record for human-po"ered aircraft in 6I<3s diaphanous construction of
graphite fiber and plastic.
(A can$ it is hoped$ provide enough po"er to set
(! it is hoped$ can provide enough po"er that "ill set
(# hopefully can provide enough po"er$ this "ill set
(% is hopeful to set
(& hopes setting
113. Analysts blamed 6ay3s sluggish retail sales on une;citing merchandise as "ell as
the "eather$ colder and "etter than "as usual in some regions$ "hich slo"ed
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
sales of barbecue grills and la"n furniture.
(A colder and "etter than "as usual in some regions$ "hich slo"ed
(! "hich "as colder and "etter than usual in some regions$ slo"ing
(# since it "as colder and "etter than usually in some regions$ "hich slo"ed
(% being colder and "etter than usually in some regions$ slo"ing
(& having been colder and "etter than "as usual in some regions and slo"ed
114. Ancient Bomans found it therapeutic to bathe in cold milk$ in stra"berries that
had been crushed$ or in bathtubs filled "ith black caviar.
(A to bathe in cold milk$ in stra"berries that had been crushed$ or in bathtubs
filled "ith black caviar
(! that they bathe in cold milk$ in stra"berries that had been crushed$ or in
caviar that "as black
(# to bathe in cold milk$ crushed stra"berries$ or black caviar
(% that they bathe in cold milk$ crushed stra"berries$ or black caviar
(& to bathe in milk $ stra"berries$ or caviar
115. Any medical test "ill sometimes fail to detect a condition "hen it is present and
indicate that there is one "hen it is not.
(A a condition "hen it is present and indicate that there is one
(! "hen a condition is present and indicate that there is one
(# a condition "hen it is present and indicate that it is present
(% "hen a condition is present and indicate its presence
(& the presence of a condition "hen it is there and indicate its presence
116. Archaeologists in Ireland believe that a recently discovered chalice$ "hich dates
from the eighth century$ "as probably buried to keep from being stolen by
(A to keep from
(! to keep it from
(# to avoid
(% in order that it "ould avoid
(& in order to keep from
117. Architects and stonemasons$ huge palace and temple clusters "ere built by the
6aya "ithout benefit of the "heel or animal transport.
(A huge palace and temple clusters "ere built by the 6aya "ithout benefit of the
"heel or animal transport
(! "ithout the benefits of animal transport or the "heel$ huge palace and temple
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
clusters "ere built by the 6aya
(# the 6aya built huge palace and temple clusters "ithout the benefit of animal
transport or the "heel
(% there "ere built$ "ithout the benefit of the "heel or animal transport$ huge
palace and temple clusters by the 6aya
(& "ere the 6aya "ho$ "ithout the benefit of the "heel or animal transport$ built
huge palace and temple clusters
118. Art museums do not usually think of their collections as capital or consider the
interest income that "ould be generated if a portion of the capital "ould have
been invested in another form.
(A be generated if a portion of the capital "ould have been
(! have been generated if a portion of the capital "ould have been
(# be generated if a portion of the capital "ere
(% be generated if a portion of the capital "as
(& be generated if a portion of the capital had been
119. Artificial intelligence emerged during the late '(923s as an academic discipline
based on the assumption that computers are able to be programmed to think like
(A are able to be programmed to think like people
(! "ere able to be programmed to think as people
(# can be programmed to think as people can
(% could be programmed to think like people
(& are capable of being programmed to think like people do
120. As a baby emerges from the darkness of the "omb "ith a rudimentary sense of
vision$ it "ould be rated about *2K922$ or legally blind if it "ere an adult "ith
such vision.
(A As a baby emerges from the darkness of the "omb "ith a rudimentary sense
of vision$ it "ould be rated about *2K922$ or legally blind if it "ere an adult
"ith such vision.
(! A baby emerges from the darkness of the "omb "ith a rudimentary sense of
vision that "ould be rated about *2K922$ or legally blind as an adult.
(# As a baby emerges from the darkness of the "omb$ its rudimentary sense of
vision "ould be rated about *2K922D 4ualifying it to be legally blind if an
(% A baby emerges from the darkness of the "omb "ith a rudimentary sense of
vision that "ould be rated about *2K922D an adult "ith such vision "ould be
deemed legally blind.
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(& As a baby emerges from the darkness of the "omb$ its rudimentary sense of
vision$ "hich "ould be deemed legally blind for an adult$ "ould be rated
about *2K922.
121. As a result of medical advances$ many people that might at one time have died as
children of such infections as diphtheria$ pneumonia$ or rheumatic fever no" live
"ell into old age.
(A that might at one time have died as children
(! "ho might once have died in childhood
(# that as children might once have died
(% "ho in childhood might have at one time died
(& "ho$ "hen they "ere children$ might at one time have died
122. As a result of the continuing decline in the birth rate$ less people "ill enter the
labor force in the '(023s than did in the '(823s and '()23s$ a t"enty year period
during "hich people born after the "ar s"elled the ranks of "orkers.
(A less people "ill enter the labor force in the '(023s than
(! less people "ill be entering the labor force in the '(023s as
(# fe"er people "ill enter the labor force in the '(023s as
(% fe"er people "ill be entering the labor force in the '(023s as
(& fe"er people "ill enter the labor force in the '(023s than
123. As a result of the ground-breaking "ork of !arbara 6c#lintock$ many scientists
no" believe that all of the information encoded in 92$222 to '22$222 of the
different genes found in a human cell are contained in merely three percent of the
cell3s %NA.
(A 92$222 to '22$222 of the different genes found in a human cell are contained
in merely
(! 92$222 to '22$222 of the human cell3s different genes are contained in a mere
(# the 92$222 to '22$222 different genes found in human cells are contained in
(% 92$222 to '22$222 of human cell3s different genes is contained in merely
(& the 92$222 to '22$222 different genes found in a human cell is contained in a
124. As business gro"s more comple;$ students ma5oring in speciali7ed areas like
those of finance and marketing have been becoming increasingly successful in the
5ob market.
(A ma5oring in speciali7ed areas like those of finance and marketing have been
becoming increasingly
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(! "ho ma5or in such speciali7ed areas as finance and marketing are becoming
more and more
(# "ho ma5ored in speciali7ed areas such as those of finance and marketing are
being increasingly
(% "ho ma5or in speciali7ed areas like those of finance and marketing have been
becoming more and more
(& having ma5ored in such speciali7ed areas as finance and marketing are being
125. As contrasted "ith the honeybee$ the yello" 5acket can sting repeatedly "ithout
dying and carries a potent venom that can cause intense pain.
(A As contrasted "ith the honeybee
(! In contrast to the honeybee3s
(# +nlike the sting of the honeybee
(% +nlike that of the honeybee
(& +nlike the honeybee
126. As envisioned by researchers$ commercial farming of lobsters "ill enable
fisheries to sell the shellfish year-round$ taking advantage of off-season demand$
standardi7e its si7es and colors$ and to predict sales volume in advance.
(A taking advantage of off-season demand$ standardi7e
(! taking advantage of off-season demand$ to standardi7e
(# taking advantage of off-season demand$ standardi7ing
(% take advantage of off-season demand$ standardi7ing
(& take advantage of off-season demand$ to standardi7e
127. As Curricane Cugo approached the Atlantic coast$ it increased dramatically in
strength$ becoming the tenth most intense hurricane to hit the +nited ,tates
mainland in the t"entieth century and most intense since #amille in '(8(.
(A most intense since #amille in '(8(
(! most intense after #amille in '(8(
(# the most intense since #amille in '(8(
(% the most intense after '(8($ "hich had #amille
(& since '(8( and #amille$ the most intense
128. As it becomes more fre4uent to have spouses "ho both "ork outside the home$
companies are beginning to help in finding ne" employment for the spouses of
transferred employees.
(A it becomes more fre4uent to have spouses "ho both "ork outside the home
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(! it becomes more fre4uent to have couples both "orking outside the home
(# it becomes more common that both husband and "ife should be "orking
outside the home
(% it becomes more common for both husband and "ife to "ork outside the
(& couples in "hich both of the spouses "orking outside the home become more
129. As litigation gro"s more comple;$ the need that e;perts e;plain technical issues
becomes more apparent.
(A that e;perts e;plain technical issues becomes
(! for e;perts to e;plain technical issues became
(# for e;perts to e;plain technical issues becomes
(% that technical issues be e;plained by e;perts became
(& that there be e;planations of technical issues by e;perts has become
130. As many as /22 of the )*2 paintings attributed to Bembrandt may actually be the
"orks of his students or other admirers.
(A the )*2 paintings attributed to Bembrandt may
(! the )*2 paintings attributed to be Bembrandt3s might
(# the )*2 paintings that "ere attributed to be by Bembrandt may
(% the )*2 Bembrandt paintings that "ere once attributed to him might
(& Bembrandt3s paintings$ although )*2 "ere once attributed to him$ may
131. As measured by the #ommerce %epartment$ corporate profits peaked in the
fourth 4uarter of '(00 and have slipped since then$ as many companies have been
unable to pass on higher costs.
(A and have slipped since then$ as many companies have been unable to pass on
higher costs
(! and have slipped since then$ the reason being because many companies have
been unable to pass on higher costs
(# and slipped since then$ many companies being unable to pass on higher costs
(% but$ many companies unable to pass on higher costs$ they have slipped since
(& yet are slipping since then$ because many companies "ere unable to pass on
higher costs
132. As more and more people invest their money in savings certificates or money-
market funds in order to earn higher interest$ they are abandoning traditional lo"-
interest investment havens such as passbook accounts and life insurance policies.
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(A As more and more people invest their money
(! While people have more and more been investing their money
(# As money is more and more invested by people
(% 6ore and more$ "hen investors put their money
(& While$ more and more$ investors have been putting their money
133. As part of their therapy$ young polio victims learning to live "ith their disabilities
"ere helped to practice falling during the '(92s$ so that they could learn to fall
"ithout being hurt.
(A As part of their therapy$ young polio victims learning to live "ith their
disabilities "ere helped to practice falling during the '(92s
(! As part of their therapy$ young polio victims learning to live during the '(92s
"ith their disabilities "ere helped to practice falling
(# =oung polio victims learning to live during the '(92s "ith their disabilities
"ere helped to practice falling as part of their therapy
(% =oung polio victims learning to live "ith their disabilities "ere helped to
practice falling during the '(92s as part of their therapy
(& %uring the '(92s$ as part of their therapy$ young polio victims learning to live
"ith their disabilities "ere helped to practice falling
134. As rare as something becomes$ be it a baseball card or a musical recording or a
postage stamp$ the more avidly it is sought by collectors.
(A As rare as something becomes$ be it
(! As rare as something becomes$ "hether it is
(# As something becomes rarer and rarer$ like
(% <he rarer something becomes$ like
(& <he rarer something becomes$ "hether it is
135. As recently as '(92$ tuberculosis "as never curable unless se4uestered in
sanitariumsD today$ the drug Isonia7id has made such treatment obsolete.
(A unless se4uestered
(! "ithout se4uestering
(# "ithout being se4uestered
(% unless it "as se4uestered
(& unless patients "ere se4uestered
136. As researchers continue to probe the highly e;pressive vocal and postural
language of "olves$ their close resemblance to dogs has become ever more
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(A their close resemblance to dogs has become
(! the closeness of their resemblance to dogs has become
(# the close resemblance bet"een them and dogs has become
(% the close resemblance bet"een "olves and dogs becomes
(& the close resemblance of "olves "ith dogs becomes
137. As Bussell !anks suggests$ it is a lack of grand ideas that have only left "riters
"ith semiotics$ hermeneutics$ and deconstruction.
(A As Bussell !anks suggests$ it is a lack of grand ideas that have only left
"riters "ith
(! Writers$ Bussell !anks suggests$ "ho lack of grand ideas and leave only
(# Bussell !anks suggests that a lack of grand ideas has left "riters "ith only
(% It is Bussell !anks3 suggestion that a lack of grand ideas have left "riters
only "ith
(& It is only a lack of grand ideas$ Bussell !anks suggests$ "hich leave "riters
138. As sales of cars and light trucks made in North America "ere declining '/.8
percent in late Gebruary$ many analysts conclude that evidence of a recovering
automotive market remains slight.
(A As sales of cars and light trucks made in North America "ere declining '/.8
percent in late Gebruary$ many analysts conclude
(! ,ince sales of cars and light trucks made in North America declined '/.8
percent in late Gebruary$ and many analysts conclude
(# With sales of cars and light trucks made in North America declining '/.8
percent in late Gebruary$ "ith many analysts concluding
(% !ecause sales of cars and light trucks made in North America declined '/.8
percent in late Gebruary$ many analysts concluded
(& !ecause of sales of cars and light trucks made in North America declining
'/.8 percent in late Gebruary$ therefore$ many analysts concluded
139. As the etched lines on computer memory chips have become thinner and the
chips3 circuits more comple;$ both the po"er of the chips and the electronic
devices they drive have vastly increased.
(A the chips3 circuits more comple;$ both the po"er of the chips and the
electronic devices they drive have
(! the chips3 circuits more comple;$ the po"er of both the chips and the
electronic devices they drive has
(# the chips3 circuits are more comple;$ both the po"er of the chips and the
electronic devices they drive has
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(% their circuits are more comple;$ the po"er of both the chips and the
electronic devices they drive have
(& their circuits more comple;$ both the po"er of the chips and the electronic
devices they drive have
140. As the housing affordability gap "idens$ middle-income families are especially
hard-hit$ and these families can no longer 4ualify to buy homes$ and rising rental
rates force them to use far more than the standard *9 percent of their incomes for
housing$ leaving them "ith no e4uity or ta; "rite-offs to offset the e;penditures.
(A and these families can no longer 4ualify to buy homes$ and
(! since these families can no longer afford to buy homes$ furthermore
(# for these families can no longer afford to buy homes$ yet
(% and these families can no longer afford to buy homesD ho"ever$
(& and these families can no longer afford to buy homes$ for
141. As the price of gasoline rises$ "hich makes substituting alcohol distilled from
cereal grain attractive$ the prices of bread and livestock feed are sure to increase.
(A "hich makes substituting alcohol distilled from cereal grain attractive
(! "hich makes substituting the distillation of alcohol from cereal grain
(# "hich makes distilling alcohol from cereal grain an attractive substitute
(% making an attractive substitution of alcohol distilled from cereal grain
(& making alcohol distilled from cereal grain an attractive substitute
142. As +.,. nuclear attack submarines pro"l their familiar haunts deep "ithin the
oceans of the "orld these days$ they increasingly are engaged in missions far
different from the tasks for "hich they "ere built and for "hich their cre"s "ere
trained over the last forty years.
(A they increasingly are engaged in missions far different from the tasks for
"hich they "ere built
(! the missions they increasingly engage in are far different than the tasks they
"ere built for
(# they engage increasingly in missions that differ significantly from the tasks
they "ere built for
(% the missions they engage in are increasingly different than the tasks for "hich
they "ere built
(& they increasingly engage in missions far different than the tasks for "hich
they "ere built
143. As virtually all the nation3s 92 busiest airports are$ Ne" =ork3s "ere built for an
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
age of propellers$ before 5et planes "eighing 022$222 pounds needed over t"o
miles of run"ay.
(A As virtually all the nation3s 92 busiest airports are
(! As "ith virtually all of the nation3s 92 busiest airports
(# .ike virtually all of the nation3s 92 busiest airports
(% .ike the cities "here virtually all the nation3s 92 busiest airports are
(& .ike other cities "here virtually all the nation3s 92 busiest airports are
144. As "ell as heat and light$ the ,un is the source of a continuous stream of atomic
particles kno"n as the solar "ind.
(A As "ell as heat and light$ the ,un is the source of a continuous stream
(! !esides heat and light$ also the ,un is the source of a continuous stream
(# !esides heat and light$ the ,un is also the source of a continuous streaming
(% <he ,un is the source not only of heat and light$ but also of a continuous
(& <he ,un is the source of not only heat and light but$ as "ell$ of a continuous
145. Astronomers at the 1alomar Fbservatory have discovered a distant supernova
e;plosion$ one that they believe is a type previously unkno"n to science.
(A that they believe is
(! that they believe it to be
(# they believe that it is of
(% they believe that is
(& they believe to be of
146. Astronomers studying the ne"ly discovered star say that it provides clues about
our gala;y3s origin$ that it may supply data about ho" fast our gala;y is
e;panding$ and moreover it is perhaps the most distant star in the entire 6ilky
(A about ho" fast our gala;y is e;panding$ and moreover it is perhaps
(! regarding the speed our gala;y e;pands atD moreover$ they think it may be
(# about ho" fast our gala;y e;pands and perhaps be
(% on the gala;y3s e;pansion rate and perhaps
(& about ho" fast our gala;y is e;panding$ and that it is perhaps
147. At a recent session$ the Grench government has decided that 1aris needs a second$
larger opera house to complement the famous 1aris Fpera.
(A has decided that 1aris needs
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(! decided that 1aris needs
(# has decided that 1aris "ill need
(% decided that 1aris has a need of
(& has decided that 1aris needed
148. At a time "hen it "as unusual to do it$ %orothy ,terling "rote about such ma5or
figures of !lack history as Carriet <ubman and W. &. !. %u !ois.
(A it "as unusual to do it
(! it "as unusual to do so
(# doing that "as unusual
(% that "as an unusual thing to be doing
(& it "as not usual to do
149. At ground level$ o7one is a harmful pollutant$ but in the stratosphere it shields the
&arth from the most biologically harmful radiation emitted by the ,un$ radiation
in the ultraviolet band of the spectrum.
(A in the stratosphere
(! in the stratosphere$ in "hich
(# it is in the stratosphere in "hich
(% in the stratosphere "here
(& it is in the stratosphere and
150. At ,hiprock$ Ne" 6e;ico$ a perennially po"erful girls3 high school basketball
team has become a path to college for some and a source of pride for a
community "here the household incomes of @( percent of them are belo" the
poverty level.
(A "here the household incomes of @( percent of them are
(! "here they have @( percent of the household incomes
(# "here @( percent of the household incomes are
(% "hich has @( percent of the household incomes
(& in "hich @( percent of them have household incomes
151. At the beginning of the year$ the city allocated I'92 million to cover the increase
in "ages that it e;pected to approve as a result of negotiations "ith the municipal
labor unions.
(A increase in "ages that it e;pected to approve as a result of negotiations
(! increased "ages it e;pected to approve from negotiations
(# increasing "ages e;pected to be approved as a result of negotiating
(% negotiated increases in "ages it e;pected to approve
Score Your Way To The Top
1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(& increases e;pected to be approved in "ages from negotiating
152. At the invitation of E"ame Nkrumah$ W. &. !. %u !ois settled in -harla and
became the editor of the &ncyclopedia Africana.
(A At the invitation of
(! When he "as invited by
(# An invitation coming from
(% An invitation that came from
(& After having an invitation by
153. At the time of the 6e;ican agrarian revolution$ the most radical faction$ that of
Japata and his follo"ers$ proposed a return to communal o"nership of land$ to
"hat had been a pre-#olumbian form of o"nership respected by the ,paniards.
(A land$ to "hat had been a pre-#olumbian form of o"nership respected by the
(! land$ a form of o"nership of the pre-#olumbians and respected by the
(# land$ respected by the ,paniards and a pre-#olumbian form of o"nership
(% land in "hich a pre-#olumbian form of o"nership "as respected by the
(& land that had been a pre-#olumbian form of o"nership respected by the
154. Automation has undermined the traditional position of labor as much by robbing
"orkers of the special ,kills that "ere once their most important strength than by
the elimination of 5obs.
(A than by the elimination of 5obs
(! rather than by the elimination of a 5ob
(# than by eliminating 5obs
(% as by the elimination of a 5ob
(& as by eliminating 5obs
155. Aviation officials have not only failed to determine the cause of the crash$ but
they have also ignored demands by the pilots union that the investigation should
be e;pedited.
(A crash$ but they have also ignored demands by the pilots union that the
investigation should be e;pedited
(! crash but also ignored demands by the pilots union that the investigation be
(# crash but have ignored demands for e;pediting the investigation by the pilots3
Score Your Way To The Top
1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(% crash$ but they are also ignoring the pilots3 union3s demands to e;pedite the
(& crash> the demands by the pilots3 union that the investigation should be
e;pedited have also been ignored
156. !alding is much more common among White males than males of other races.
(A than
(! than among
(# than is so of
(% compared to
(& in comparison "ith
157. !al7ac drank more than fifty cups of coffee a day and died of caffeine poisoningD
furthermore$ caffeine did not seem to bother ,amuel Aohnson$ the great "riter and
le;icographer$ "ho "as reported to have drunk t"enty-five cups of tea at one
(A furthermore$ caffeine did not seem to bother
(! ho"ever$ caffeine did not seem to bother
(# ho"ever$ caffeine did not seem to have bothered
(% furthermore$ caffeine did not seem to have bothered
(& in addition$ caffeine did not seem to bother
158. !ankers re4uire that the financial information presented to them by mortgage
applicants be complete and follo" a prescribed format.
(A be complete and follo" a prescribed format
(! is complete and it follo"s a prescribed format
(# be complete and a prescribed format is follo"ed
(% to be complete and a prescribed format be follo"ing
(& be completed$ and it follo"ed a prescribed format
159. !ased on accounts of various ancient "riters$ scholars have painted a sketchy
picture of the activities of an all-female cult that$ perhaps as early as the si;th
century !.#.$ "orshipped a goddess kno"n in .atin as !ona %ea$ the good
(A !ased on accounts of various ancient "riters
(! !asing it on various ancient "riters3 accounts
(# With accounts of various ancient "riters used for a basis
(% !y the accounts of various ancient "riters they used
Score Your Way To The Top
1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(& +sing accounts of various ancient "riters
160. !ased on pinto beans and corn tortillas$ the 1ima Indians have a diet that derives
)2 percent of its protein from vegetable sources and only /2 percent from animal
foods$ the reverse of the typical North American diet.
(A 1ima Indians have a diet that derives
(! 1ima Indians in their diet derive
(# diet of the 1ima Indians derives
(% diets of the 1ima Indians have derived
(& diet of the 1ima Indians$ deriving
161. !ased on the gro"th rates of large modern reptiles such as the -alapagos tortoise
and e;aminations of fossils of 5uvenile dinosaurs$ scientists estimate that the
largest dinosaurs probably lived to be bet"een '22 and *22 years old.
(A !ased on the gro"th rates of large modern reptiles such as
(! Fn the basis of gro"th rates of large modern reptiles such as
(# !ased on the gro"th rates of large modern reptiles like
(% Fn the basis of gro"th rates of large modern reptiles$ like those of
(& !ased on such gro"th rates as those of large modern reptiles like
162. !eatri; 1otter$ in her book illustrations$ carefully coordinating them "ith her
narratives$ capitali7ed on her keen observation and love of the natural "orld.
(A !eatri; 1otter$ in her book illustrations$ carefully coordinating them "ith her
(! In her book illustrations$ carefully coordinating them "ith her narratives$
!eatri; 1otter
(# In her book illustrations$ "hich she carefully coordinated "ith her narratives$
!eatri; 1otter
(% #arefully coordinated "ith her narratives$ !eatri; 1otter$ in her book
(& !eatri; 1otter$ in her book illustrations$ carefully coordinated them "ith her
narratives and
163. !ecause Calley3s comet changes orbit slightly during the seventy-si;-year
interval bet"een passing close to &arth$ it may veer onto a collision course "ith a
planet sometime in the distant future.
(A bet"een passing
(! of passing
(# bet"een its passes
(% of its passes
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(& as it passes
164. !ecause natural gas is composed mostly of methane$ a simple hydrocarbon$
vehicles po"ered by natural gas emit less of certain pollutants than the burning of
gasoline or diesel fuel.
(A less of certain pollutants than the burning of gasoline or diesel fuel
(! fe"er of certain pollutants than burning gasoline or diesel fuel do
(# less of certain pollutants than gasoline or diesel fuel
(% fe"er of certain pollutants than does burning gasoline or diesel fuel
(& less of certain pollutants than those burning gasoline or diesel fuel
165. !ecause of the business community3s uncertainty about the 1resident3s position in
regard to the issue of the budget deficit$ an unanticipated rise in interest rates has
(A in regard to the issue of the budget deficit$ an unanticipated rise in interest
rates has
(! on the deficit$ an unanticipated rise in interest rates has
(# regarding the budgetary deficit$ an unanticipated rise in interest rates have
(% on the deficit$ an unanticipated rise in interest rates have
(& regarding the deficit$ an unanticipated rise in interest rats have
166. !ecause of the enormous research and development e;penditures re4uired to
survive in the electronics industry$ an industry marked by rapid innovation and
volatile demand$ such firms tend to be very large.
(A to survive
(! of firms to survive
(# for surviving
(% for survival
(& for firms3 survival
167. !ecause paper of all kinds is the biggest single component of municipal trash$
many municipalities have tried recycling to reduce the cost of trash disposal.
(A !ecause paper of all kinds is the biggest single component of municipal trash$
many municipalities have tried recycling to reduce the cost of trash disposal.
(! !ecause paper of all kinds is the biggest single component in municipal trash$
many municipalities tried to recycle so that the cost of trash disposal is
(# !ecause paper of all kinds are the biggest single components in municipal
trash$ many municipalities have tried to recycle to reduce the cost of trash
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(% All kinds of paper are the biggest single components of municipal trash$ and
so many municipalities have tried recycling to reduce the cost of trash
(& All kinds of paper is the biggest single component of municipal trash$ so
many municipalities have tried to recycle so that the cost of trash disposal
could be reduced.
168. !ecause the &arth3s crust is more solid there and thus better able to transmit
shock "aves$ an earth4uake of a given magnitude typically devastates an area '22
times greater in the eastern +nited ,tates than it does in the West.
(A of a given magnitude typically devastates an area '22 times greater in the
eastern +nited ,tates than it does in the West
(! of a given magnitude "ill typically devastate '22 times the area if it occurs in
the eastern +nited ,tates instead of the West
(# "ill typically devastate '22 times the area in the eastern +nited ,tates than
one of the comparable magnitude occurring in the West
(% in the eastern +nited ,tates "ill typically devastate an area '22 times greater
than "ill a 4uake of comparable magnitude occurring in the West
(& that occurs in the eastern +nited ,tates "ill typically devastate '22 times
more area than if it occurred "ith comparable magnitude in the West
169. !ecause the enemy3s ne" ship is the 4uietest and it is therefore the most elusive
submarine$ it is being increasingly vie"ed by the military as a threat to security.
(A and it is therefore the most elusive submarine$ it is being increasingly vie"ed
(! it is therefore the most elusive of submarines$ and it has increased the vie"
(# and therefore the most elusive submarine$ it is being increasingly vie"ed
(% and therefore it is the most elusive of submarines$ there is an increasing vie"
(& therefore being the most elusive of submarines$ it is increasingly vie"ed
170. !ecause the financial revie" covered only the last fe" fiscal years$ and therefore
the investigators "ere unable to determine the e;tent to possible earlier
(A and therefore the investigators "ere unable to determine the e;tent to possible
(! so therefore the investigators "ere not capable of determining the possible
e;tent of
(# therefore the investigators "ere unable to determine the possible e;tent of
(% the investigators "ere not capable of determining the possible e;tent of
(& the investigators "ere unable to determine the e;tent of possible
171. !ecause young children do not organi7e their attention or perceptions
Score Your Way To The Top
1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
systematically$ like adults$ they may notice and remember details that their elders
(A like adults
(! unlike an adult
(# as adults
(% as adults do
(& as an adult
172. !efore the #ivil War$ Carriet <ubman$ herself an escaped slave$ returned again
and again to 6aryland to guide other slaves along the +nderground Bailroad to
(A herself an escaped slave$ returned again and again to 6aryland to guide
(! being an escaped slave herself$ returned again and again to 6aryland so as to
(# an escaped slave herself$ returned again and again to 6aryland for guiding
(% herself as an escaped slave$ returned again and again to 6aryland so as to be
the guide of
(& "ho had been herself as an escaped slave$ returned again and again to
6aryland for the guiding of
173. !eing a +nited ,tates citi7en since '(00 and born in #alcutta in '(@2$ author
!harati 6ukher5ee has lived in &ngland and #anada$ and first came to the +nited
,tates in '(8' to study at the Io"a Writers3 Workshop.
(A !eing a +nited ,tates citi7en since '(00 and born in #alcutta in '(@2$ author
!harati 6ukher5ee has
(! Caving been a +nited ,tates citi7en since '(00$ she "as born in #alcutta in
'(@2D author !harati 6ukher5ee
(# !orn in #alcutta in '(@2$ author !harati 6ukher5ee became a +nited ,tates
citi7en in '(00D she has
(% !eing born in #alcutta in '(@2 and having been a +nited ,tates citi7en since
'(00$ author !harati 6ukher5ee
(& Caving been born in #alcutta in '(@2 and being a +nited ,tates citi7en since
'(00$ author !harati 6ukher5ee
174. !elieved to originate from a small area on their foreheads$ elephants emit lo"-
fre4uency sounds that may be used as a secret language to communicate "ith
other members of the herd.
(A !elieved to originate from a small area on their foreheads$ elephants emit
lo"-fre4uency sounds that may be used
(! &lephants emit lo"-fre4uency sounds that are believed to originate from a
Score Your Way To The Top
1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
small area on their foreheads$ and they may use this
(# &lephants emit lo"-fre4uency sounds$ believed to originate from a small area
on their foreheads$ that they may use
(% Friginating$ it is believed$ from a small area on their foreheadsD elephants
emit lo"-fre4uency sounds they may use
(& Friginating$ it is believed$ from a small area on their foreheads$ lo"-
fre4uency sounds are emitted by elephants that may be used
175. !esides yielding such psychological re"ards as relief from stress$ deep
rela;ation$ if practiced regularly$ can strengthen the immune system and produce
a host of other physiological benefits.
(A deep rela;ation$ if practiced regularly$ can strengthen the immune system
(! one can strengthen the immune system through deep rela;ation$ if it is
practiced regularly
(# the immune system can be strengthened as a result of deep rela;ation if
practiced regularly
(% "hen deep rela;ation is practiced regularly$ the immune system can be
(& "hen practiced regularly$ the results of deep rela;ation can be to strengthen
the immune system
176. !eyond the immediate cash flo" crisis that the museum faces$ its survival
depends on if it can broaden its membership and leave its cramped 4uarters for a
site "here it can store and e;hibit its more than '*$222 artifacts.
(A if it can broaden its membership and leave
(! "hether it can broaden its membership and leave
(# "hether or not it has the capability to broaden its membership and can leave
(% its ability for broadening its membership and leaving
(& the ability for it to broaden its membership and leave
177. !ihar is India3s poorest state$ "ith an annual per capita income of I'''$ lo"er
than in the most impoverished countries of the "orld.
(A lo"er than in
(! lo"er than that of
(# and lo"er than that of
(% "hich is lo"er than in
(& "hich is lo"er than it is in
178. !ill Walton continued on playing$ even though he had in5uries that recurred over
and over again$ al"ays hoping to return back to his position as a regular starter in
Score Your Way To The Top
1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
the game he loved.
(A on playing$ even though he had in5uries that recurred over and over again$
al"ays hoping to return back
(! playing$ in spite of recurrent in5uries$ al"ays hoping to return
(# playing$ though in5ured over and over$ and he "as al"ays hoping to return
(% on playing$ even "ith in5uries that recurred$ and al"ays hoped to return
(& to play$ despite recurring in5uries$ hoping that the return
179. !iologists believe that they have found one of the substances that tell individual
genes both "hen to become active and "hen to remain 4uiescent in the earliest
phases of an embryo3s development.
(A tell individual genes both "hen to become active and "hen to remain
(! tell individual genes both at "hich time they should become active or should
(# tells individual genes both "hen to become active or remain
(% tells individual genes both "hen to become active or "hen to remain
(& "ill tell an individual gene both about "hen it should become active and
180. !luegrass musician !ill 6onroe$ "hose repertory$ vie"s on musical
collaboration$ and vocal style "ere influential on generations of bluegrass artists$
"as also an inspiration to many musicians$ that included &lvis 1resley and Aerry
-arcia$ "hose music differed significantly from his o"n.
(A "ere influential on generations of bluegrass artists$ "as also an inspiration to
many musicians$ that included &lvis 1resley and Aerry -arcia$ "hose music
differed significantly from
(! influenced generations of bluegrass artists$ also inspired many musicians$
including &lvis 1resley and Aerry -arcia$ "hose music differed significantly
(# "as influential to generations of bluegrass artists$ "as also inspirational to
many musicians$ that included &lvis 1resley and Aerry -arcia$ "hose music
"as different significantly in comparison to
(% "as influential to generations of bluegrass artists$ also inspired many
musicians$ "ho included &lvis 1resley and Aerry -arcia$ the music of "hom
differed significantly "hen compared to
(& "ere an influence on generations of bluegrass artists$ "as also an inspiration
to many musicians$ including &lvis 1resley and Aerry -arcia$ "hose music
"as significantly different from that of
Score Your Way To The Top
1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
181. !ob Wilber became ,idney !echet3s student and protLgL "hen he "as nineteen
and$ for a fe" years in the '(@23s$ came as close to being a carbon copy of the
5a77 virtuoso in performance as anyone has ever come.
(A as anyone has ever come
(! as anyone ever had been
(# as anyone ever had done
(% that anyone ever did
(& that anyone ever came
182. !ringing the Gord 6otor #ompany back from the verge of bankruptcy shortly
after the ,econd World War "as a special governmentally sanctioned price
increase during a period of "age and price controls.
(A !ringing the Gord 6otor #ompany back from the verge of bankruptcy shortly
after the ,econd World War "as a special governmentally sanctioned price
increase during a period of "age and price controls.
(! What brought the Gord 6otor #ompany back from the verge of bankruptcy
shortly after the ,econd World War "as a special price increase that the
government sanctioned during a period of "age and price controls.
(# <hat "hich brought the ford 6otor #ompany back from the verge of
bankruptcy shortly after the ,econd World War "as a special
governmentally sanctioned price increase during a period of "age and price
(% What has brought the Gord 6otor #ompany back from the verge of
bankruptcy shortly after the ,econd World War "as a special price increase
that the government sanctioned during a period of "ages and price controls.
(& <o bring the Gord 6otor #ompany back from the verge of bankruptcy shortly
after the ,econd World War$ there "as a special price increase during a
period of "ages and price controls that government sanctioned.
183. )ufo %'r!nus toads$ fierce predators that "ill eat frogs$ li7ards$ and even small
birds$ are native to ,outh America but "ere introduced into Glorida during the
'(/23s in an attempt to control pests in the state3s vast sugarcane fields.
(A are native to ,outh America but "ere introduced into Glorida during the
'(/23s in an attempt to control
(! are native in ,outh America but "ere introduced into Glorida during the
'(/23s as attempts to control
(# are natives of ,outh America but "ere introduced into Glorida during the
'(/23s in an attempt at controlling
(% had been native to ,outh America but "ere introduced to Glorida during the
'(/23s as an attempt at controlling
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(& had been natives of ,outh America but "ere introduced to Glorida during the
'(/23s as attempts at controlling
184. !uilding large ne" hospitals in the bistate area "ould constitute a "asteful use of
resources$ on the basis of avoidance of duplicated facilities alone.
(A on the basis of avoidance of duplicated facilities alone
(! on the grounds of avoiding duplicated facilities alone
(# solely in that duplicated facilities should be avoided
(% "hile the duplication of facilities should be avoided
(& if only because the duplication of facilities should be avoided
185. !y '('@$ ten of the "estern states had granted "omen the right to vote$ but only
one in the &ast.
(A only one in the &ast
(! only one eastern state
(# in the &ast there "as only one state
(% in the &ast only one state did
(& only one in the &ast had
186. !y a vote of ( to 2$ the ,upreme #ourt a"arded the #entral Intelligence Agency
broad discretionary po"ers enabling it to "ithhold from the public the identities
of its sources of intelligence information.
(A enabling it to "ithhold from the public
(! for it to "ithhold from the public
(# for "ithholding disclosure to the public of
(% that enable them to "ithhold from public disclosure
(& that they can "ithhold public disclosure of
187. !y analy7ing the advanced olfactory apparatus of 1leistocene chordates$
paleo7oologists have discovered a link bet"een the brain3s regions of scent
discrimination and its regions of long-term memory storage$ a link that could
prove invaluable in the treatment of amnesia victims.
(A paleo7oologists have discovered a link bet"een the brain3s regions of scent
discrimination and its regions of long-term memory storage
(! a link bet"een the brain3s regions of scent discrimination and its regions of
long-term memory storage has been discovered by paleo7oologists
(# there is a link that paleo7oologists have discovered bet"een the brain3s
regions of scent discrimination and its regions of long-term memory storage
(% the discovery of a link bet"een the brain3s regions of scent discrimination
and its regions of long-term memory storage "as made by paleo7oologists
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(& the brain3s regions of scent discrimination and long-term memory storage
have a link that "as discovered by paleo7oologists
188. !y installing special electric pumps$ farmers3 houses could be heated by the
"armth from co"s3 milk$ according to one agricultural engineer.
(A farmers3 houses could be heated by the "armth from co"s3 milk$ according to
one agricultural engineer
(! the "armth from co"s3 milk could be used by farmers to heat their houses$
according to one agricultural engineer
(# one agricultural engineer reports that farmers could use the "armth from
co"s3 milk to heat their houses
(% farmers$ according to one agricultural engineer$ could use the "armth from
co"s3 milk to heat their houses
(& one agricultural engineer reports that farmers3 houses could be heated by the
"armth from co"s3 milk
189. !y offering lo"er prices and a menu of personal communications options$ such as
caller identification and voice mail$ the ne" telecommunications company has
not only captured customers from other phone companies but also forced them to
offer competitive prices.
(A has not only captured customers from other phone companies but also forced
(! has not only captured customers from other phone companies$ but it also
forced them
(# has not only captured customers from other phone companies but also forced
these companies
(% not only has captured customers from other phone companies but also these
companies have been forced
(& not only captured customers from other phone companies$ but it also has
forced them
190. !y sho"ing that ,outh Africa does not have a free market and is in fact a kind of
collectivist "elfare state for Whites only$ ,o"ell argues that American
conservatives have no valid ideological grounds to be in sympathy "ith the
1retoria regime.
(A to be in sympathy "ith
(! to sympathi7e "ith
(# for sympathi7ing "ith
(% that they should sympathi7e "ith
(& that they should have sympathy for
Score Your Way To The Top
1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
191. !y studying the primitive visual systems of single-cell a4uatic organisms$
biophysicists have discovered a striking similarity bet"een algae and co"s$ a
similarity that indicates the common evolutionary origin of plants and animals>
both algae and co"s produce a light-sensitive protein called rhodopsin.
(A biophysicists have discovered a striking similarity bet"een algae and co"s
(! a striking similarity bet"een algae and co"s has been discovered by
(# there is a striking similarity that biophysicists have discovered bet"een algae
and co"s
(% the discovery of a striking similarity bet"een algae and co"s "as made by
(& algae and co"s have a striking similarity that "as discovered by biophysicists
192. !y the mid-seventeenth century$ Amsterdam had built a ne" to"n hall so large
that only ,t. 1eter3s in Bome$ the &scorial in ,pain$ and the 1ala77a %ucale in
?enice could rival it for scale or magnificence.
(A could rival it for
(! "ere the rivals of it in their
(# "ere its rival as to
(% could be its rivals in their
(& "ere rivaling its
193. !yron possessed po"ers of observation that "ould have made him a great
anthropologist and that makes his letters as a group the rival of the best novels of
the time.
(A makes his letters as a group the rival of
(! makes his letters as a group one to rival
(# makes his letters a group rivaling
(% make his letters as a group the rival of
(& make his letters a group "hich is the rival of
194. #a5uns speak a dialect brought to southern .ouisiana by the four thousand
Acadians "ho migrated there in ')99D their language is basically seventeenth-
century Grench to "hich has been added &nglish$ ,panish and Italian "ords.
(A to "hich has been added &nglish$ ,panish and Italian "ords
(! added to "hich is &nglish$ ,panish$ and Italian "ords
(# to "hich &nglish$ ,panish$ and Italian "ords have been added
(% "ith &nglish$ ,panish$ and Italian "ords having been added to it
(& and$ in addition$ &nglish$ ,panish$ and Italian "ords are added
Score Your Way To The Top
1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
195. #alifornia3s child-support payments are as high or higher than other states.
(A as high or higher than other states
(! at least as high as any states
(# as high as$ or higher than$ those of any other state
(% higher than any state3s$ or 5ust as high
(& higher$ or as high as$ other states
196. #amille #laudet "orked continuously through the '0023s and early '0(23s "ith
the sculptor Auguste BodinD since there are very fe" signed "orks of hers$ the
inescapable conclusion seems to be one of #laudet conceiving and e;ecuting part
of Bodin3s enormous production of that period.
(A inescapable conclusion seems to be one of #laudet conceiving and e;ecuting
part of Bodin3s enormous production of that period
(! conclusion of #laudet conceiving and e;ecuting part of Bodin3s enormous
production of that period seems inescapable
(# conclusion seems inescapable that part of Bodin3s enormous production of
that period "as conceived and e;ecuted by #laudet
(% conclusion of part of Bodin3s enormous production of that period having been
conceived and e;ecuted by #laudet seems inescapable
(& seemingly inescapable conclusion is that #laudet "ould have conceived and
e;ecuted part of Bodin3s enormous production of that period
197. #amus broke "ith ,artre in a bitter dispute over the nature of ,talinism.
(A in a bitter dispute over
(! over bitterly disputing
(# after there "as a bitter dispute over
(% after having bitterly disputed about
(& over a bitter dispute about
198. #anadian scientists have calculated that one human being should be struck every
nine years by a meteorite$ "hile each year si;teen buildings can be e;pected to
sustain damage from such ob5ects.
(A one human being should be struck every nine years by a meteorite
(! a human being should be struck by a meteorite once in every nine years
(# a meteorite "ill strike one human being once in every nine years
(% every nine years a human being "ill be struck by a meteorite
(& every nine years a human being should be struck by a meteorite
199. #ar o"ners "ho inflate their tires properly can substantially boost their vehicles3
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
fuel efficiency$ since the increase in car-road friction can "aste up to five percent
of car fuel by underinflation.
(A #ar o"ners "ho inflate their tires properly can substantially boost their
vehicles3 fuel efficiency$ since the increase in car-road friction can "aste up
to five percent of car fuel by underinflation.
(! !ecause the underinflation of tires can "aste up to five percent of a car3s fuel
by increasing car-road friction$ car o"ners can substantially boost their
vehicles3 fuel efficiency by properly inflating the tires.
(# <heir vehicles3 fuel efficiency is substantially boosted by car o"ners through
the proper inflation of tires that$ "hen underinflated$ can "aste up to five
percent of car fuel by an increase in car-road friction.
(% <he proper inflation of tires by car o"ners$ due to the fact that underinflation
can "aste up to five percent of a car3s fuel by the increase of car-road
friction$ can substantially boost their fuel efficiency.
(& !ecause up to five percent of a car3s fuel are "asted through the increases in
car-road friction "hen the tires are underinflated$ car o"ners properly
inflating tires can substantially boost their fuel efficiency.
200. #arbon-'@ dating reveals that the megalithic monuments in !rittany are nearly
*$222 years as old as any of their supposed 6editerranean predecessors.
(A as old as any of their supposed
(! older than any of their supposed
(# as old as their supposed
(% older than any of their supposedly
(& as old as their supposedly
201. #ardiopulmonary resuscitation should begin bet"een one to four minutes after a
cardiac arrest in order to be a success.
(A #ardiopulmonary resuscitation should begin bet"een one to four minutes
after a cardiac arrest in order to be a success.
(! !et"een one and four minutes after a cardiac arrest$ cardiopulmonary
resuscitation should begin to be successful.
(# ,uccessful cardiopulmonary resuscitation should be begun from one to four
minutes after a cardiac arrest occurs.
(% If it is to be successful$ a cardiac arrest should be treated "ith
cardiopulmonary resuscitation one to four minutes after"ard.
(& <o be successful$ cardiopulmonary resuscitation should begin "ithin one to
four minutes after a cardiac arrest.
202. #arnivorous mammals can endure "hat "ould other"ise be lethal levels of body
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
heat because they have a heat-e;change net"ork "hich kept the brain from
getting too hot.
(A "hich kept
(! that keeps
(# "hich has kept
(% that has been keeping
(& having kept
203. #arpenters$ dentists$ se"ing machine operators$ needlepointers$ piano players$
and indeed anyone "ho "orks "ith their hands for long hours can get carpal
tunnel syndrome.
(A anyone "ho "orks
(! anyone "orking
(# "orkers
(% those for "hom "ork is
(& any people "ho "ork
204. #artographers have long struggled "ith the problem of having the spherical &arth
to dra" on a flat sheet of paper.
(A having the spherical &arth to dra" on a flat sheet of paper
(! having a flat sheet of paper on "hich to dra" the spherical &arth
(# ho" can one dra" the spherical &arth on a flat sheet of paper
(% ho" they could use a flat sheet of paper to dra" the spherical &arth
(& ho" to dra" the spherical &arth on a flat sheet of paper
205. #ertain pesticides can become ineffective if used repeatedly in the same placeD
one reason is suggested by the finding that there are much larger populations of
pesticide-degrading microbes in soils "ith a relatively long history of pesticide
use than in soils that are free of such chemicals.
(A #ertain pesticides can become ineffective if used repeatedly in the same
placeD one reason is suggested by the finding that there are much larger
populations of pesticide-degrading microbes in soils "ith a relatively long
history of pesticide use than in soils that are free of such chemicals.
(! If used repeatedly in the same place$ one reason that certain pesticides can
become ineffective is suggested by the finding that there are much larger
populations of pesticide-degrading microbes in soils "ith a relatively long
history of pesticide use than in soils that are free of such chemicals.
(# If used repeatedly in the same place$ one reason certain pesticides can become
ineffective is suggested by the finding that much larger populations of
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
pesticide-degrading microbes are found in soils "ith a relatively long history
of pesticide use than those that are free of such chemicals.
(% <he finding that there are much larger populations of pesticide-degrading
microbes in soils "ith a relatively long history of pesticide use than in soils
that are free of such chemicals is suggestive of one reason$ if used repeatedly
in the same place$ certain pesticides can become ineffective.
(& <he finding of much larger populations of pesticide-degrading microbes in
soils "ith a relatively long history of pesticide use than in those that are free
of such chemicals suggests one reason certain pesticides can become
ineffective if used repeatedly in the same place.
206. #harles .indbergh$ for his attempt at a solo transatlantic flight$ "as very reluctant
to have any e;tra "eight on his plane$ he therefore refused to carry even a pound
of mail$ despite being offered I'$222 to do so.
(A #harles .indbergh$ for his attempt at a solo transatlantic flight$ "as very
reluctant to have any e;tra "eight on his plane$ he therefore
(! When #harles .indbergh "as attempting his solo transatlantic flight$ being
very reluctant to have any e;tra "eight on his plane$ he
(# ,ince he "as very reluctant to carry any e;tra "eight on his plane "hen he
"as attempting his solo transatlantic flight$ so #harles .indbergh
(% !eing very reluctant to carry any e;tra "eight on his plane "hen he
attempted his solo transatlantic flight "as the reason that #harles .indbergh
(& ?ery reluctant to have any e;tra "eight on his plane "hen he attempted his
solo transatlantic flight$ #harles .indbergh
207. #harlotte 1erkins -ilman$ a late nineteenth-century feminist$ called for urban
apartment houses including child-care facilities and clustered suburban houses
including communal eating and social facilities.
(A including child-care facilities and clustered suburban houses including
communal eating and social facilities
(! that included child-care facilities$ and for clustered suburban houses to
include communal eating and social facilities
(# "ith child-care facilities included and for clustered suburban houses to
include communal eating and social facilities
(% that included child-care facilities and for clustered suburban houses "ith
communal eating and social facilities
(& to include child-care facilities and for clustered suburban houses "ith
communal eating and social facilities included
208. #hicago$ "here industrial gro"th in the nineteenth century "as more rapid than
any other American city$ "as plagued by labor troubles like the 1ullman ,trikes
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of '0(@.
(A "here industrial gro"th in the nineteenth century "as more rapid than any
other American city
(! "hich had industrial gro"th in the nineteenth century more rapid than that of
other American cities
(# "hich had gro"th industrially more rapid than any other American city in the
nineteenth century
(% "hose industrial gro"th in the nineteenth century "as more rapid than any
other American city
(& "hose industrial gro"th in the nineteenth century "as more rapid than that of
any other American city
209. #hild prodigies are marked not so much by their skills but instead by the fact that
these skills are fully developed at a very early age.
(A but instead
(! rather than
(# than
(% as
(& so much as
210. #hinese$ the most ancient of living "riting systems$ consists of tens of thousands
of ideographic characters$ each character a miniature calligraphic composition
inside its o"n s4uare frame.
(A each character a miniature calligraphic composition inside its
(! all the characters a miniature calligraphic composition inside their
(# all the characters a miniature calligraphic composition inside its
(% every character a miniature calligraphic composition inside their
(& each character a miniature calligraphic composition inside their
211. #hronic lo"-level leaking and the routine discharge of drilling mud and mineral
salts present considerable environmental risk during offshore oil drilling.
(A #hronic lo"-level leaking and the routine discharge of drilling mud and
mineral salts present considerable environmental risk during offshore oil
(! <he reason offshore oil drilling presents a considerably environmental risk is
because of chronic lo"-level leaking and the routine discharge of drilling
mud and mineral salts.
(# A considerable risk to the environment is presented during offshore oil
drilling$ "here lo"-level leaks are chronic and the routine discharge of mud
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
and mineral salts.
(% Fffshore oil drilling presents a considerable risk to the environment due to
the fact of chronic lo"-level leaks$ and mud and mineral salts are routinely
(& #hronic lo"-level leaking$ along "ith the routine discharge of drilling mud
and mineral salts$ are "hat make offshore oil drilling environmentally risky.
212. #iting evidence that the carbon dio;ide content of the atmosphere has increased
more than seven percent in the last /2 years$ many scientists have e;pressed a
fear of destroying forests and continued use of fossil fuels "ill cause an
irreversible shift in &arth3s climatic pattern.
(A many scientists have e;pressed a fear of destroying forests and continued use
(! many scientists have e;pressed a fear that destruction of forests and continued
use of
(# many scientists have e;pressed a fear that destruction of forests and
continually using
(% a fear that many scientists have e;pressed is that destroying forests and
continually using
(& a fear that many scientists have e;pressed is that destruction of forests and
continual using of
213. #lark and Glorence Wallace$ a husband-and-"ife medical team$ "orked steadily
and efficiently through the night$ but sipping their coffee the ne;t morning$ she
noticed that he seemed disoriented.
(A sipping their coffee the ne;t morning$ she noticed that he seemed disoriented
(! sipping their coffee the ne;t morning$ he seemed to be disoriented$ she
(# as they sipped their coffee the ne;t morning$ she noticed that he seemed
(% as they "ere sipping their coffee the ne;t morning$ he seemed$ she noticed$
(& he seemed disoriented$ she noticed$ sipping their coffee the ne;t morning
214. #limatic shifts are so gradual as to be indistinguishable at first from ordinary
fluctuations in the "eather.
(A so gradual as to be indistinguishable
(! so gradual they can be indistinguishable
(# so gradual that they are unable to be distinguished
(% gradual enough not to be distinguishable
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(& gradual enough so that one cannot distinguish them
215. #omparing the :uechans "ith other Native Americans of the ,outh"est$ the
:uechans "ere singularly uninterested in the accumulation of material "ealth or
in the crafting of elaborate pottery and basketry.
(A #omparing the :uechans "ith other Native Americans of the ,outh"est$ the
(! When you compare the :uechans to other Native Americans of the
,outh"est$ they
(# When other Native Americans of the ,outh"est are compared to the
:uechans$ they
(% #omparison to other Native Americans of the ,outh"est sho"s that the
(& #ompared "ith other Native Americans of the ,outh"est$ the :uechans
216. #omputers are becoming faster$ more po"erful$ and more reliable$ and so too are
modems$ they are the devices to allo" t"o or more computers to share
information over regular telephone lines.
(A so too are modems$ they are the devices to allo"
(! so too are modems$ the devices that allo"
(# so too modems$ the devices allo"ing
(% also modems$ they are the devices that allo"
(& also modems$ "hich are the devices to allo"
217. #oncerned at the increase in accident fatalities$ <ennessee adopted a child-
passenger protection la" re4uiring the parents of children under four years of age
to be restrained in a child safety seat.
(A the parents of children under four years of age to be restrained in a child
safety seat
(! the restraint of parents of children under four years of age in a child safety
(# that parents restrain children under four years of age in a child safety seat
(% that children be restrained under four years of age in a child safety seat by
their parents
(& children to be restrained under four years of age by their parents in a child
safety seat
218. #onfused by the many strata and substrata of ancient civili7ations overlying one
another$ ,chliemann3s e;cavations of the fabled city of Ilium$ the ancient <roy$
"ere temporarily called to a halt.
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(A ,chliemann3s e;cavations of the fabled city of Ilium$ the ancient <roy$ "ere
temporarily called to a halt
(! ,chliemann3s e;cavations of the fabled city of Ilium$ the ancient <roy$
temporarily halted
(# ,chliemann temporarily halted his e;cavations of the fabled city of Ilium$ the
ancient <roy
(% e;cavations of the fabled city of Ilium$ the ancient <roy$ "ere temporarily
halted by ,chliemann
(& e;cavations of the fabled city of Ilium$ and of the ancient <roy$ "ere
temporarily halted by ,chliemann
219. #ongress is debating a bill re4uiring certain employers provide "orkers "ith
unpaid leave so as to care for sick or ne"born children.
(A provide "orkers "ith unpaid leave so as to
(! to provide "orkers "ith unpaid leave so as to
(# provide "orkers "ith unpaid leave in order that they
(% to provide "orkers "ith unpaid leave so that they can
(& provide "orkers "ith unpaid leave and
220. #onstance Corner$ chief of the +nited ,tates government3s personnel agency$ has
recommended that the use of any dangerous or illegal drug in the five years prior
to application for a 5ob be grounds for not hiring an applicant.
(A the use of any dangerous or illegal drug in the five years prior to application
for a 5ob be grounds for not hiring an applicant
(! any dangerous or illegal drug$ if used in the five years prior to applying for a
5ob$ should be grounds not to hire the applicant
(# an applicant3s use of any dangerous or illegal drug in the five years prior to
application for a 5ob be grounds not to hire them
(% an applicant3s use of any dangerous or illegal drug in the five years prior to
applying for a 5ob are grounds that they not be hired
(& for five years prior to applying for a 5ob$ an applicant3s use of any dangerous
or illegal drug be grounds for not hiring them
221. #onsumers may not think of household cleaning products to be ha7ardous
substances$ but many of them can be harmful to health$ especially if they are used
(A #onsumers may not think of household cleaning products to be
(! #onsumers may not think of household cleaning products being
(# A consumer may not think of their household cleaning products being
(% A consumer may not think of household cleaning products as
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(& Cousehold cleaning products may not be thought of$ by consumers$ as
222. #ontrary to earlier con5ectures$ it may be that increased atmospheric carbon
dio;ide as a result of burning fossil fuels "ould cool the globe by reducing the
amount of solar energy absorbed by sno".
(A increased atmospheric carbon dio;ide as a result of burning
(! increased atmospheric carbon dio;ide resulting from the combustion of
(# increasing carbon dio;ide in the atmosphere resulting from the combustion of
(% carbon dio;ide in the atmosphere that increase from burning
(& atmospheric carbon dio;ide that increased from burning
223. #ontrary to popular belief$ victors in the ancient -reek Flympic -ames received
cash pri7es in addition to their laurel "reaths.
(A #ontrary to
(! In contrast "ith
(# Fpposite of
(% +nlike
(& In spite of
224. #ontrary to popular opinion$ the movement to"ard a service economy is leading
neither to lo"er standards of living$ more of an une4ual distribution of income$ or
displacing the physical production of goods.
(A leading neither to lo"er standards of living$ more of an une4ual distribution
of income$ or
(! leading neither to lo"er standards of living nor a more une4ual distribution of
income$ or
(# not leading to either lo"er standards of living nor to more of an une4ual
distribution of income$ and neither is it
(% not leading to lo"er standards of living$ more of an une4ual distribution of
income$ and it is not
(& not leading to lo"er standards of living or to a more une4ual distribution of
income$ nor is it
225. #onvinced at last of the soundness of her advice$ the villagers tried crop rotation$
built crude sanitary facilities$ and even the use of goat3s milk for the making of
(A the use of goat3s milk for the making of cheese
(! used goat3s milk to make cheese
(# the use of goat3s milk in cheese making
(% making cheese from goat3s milk
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(& goat3s milk to make cheese
226. #ooperative apartment houses have the peculiar distinction of being d"ellings
that must also operate as businesses.
(A of being d"ellings that must also operate as businesses
(! of d"ellings that must also operate like business
(# that they are d"ellings that must operate like business
(% that$ as d"ellings$ they must also operate like businesses
(& to be a d"elling that must also operate as a business
227. #oronary angiography$ a sophisticated method for diagnosing coronary disease
involving the introduction of a dye into the arteries of the heart$ is no"
administered selectively$ because it uses ;-rays to observe cardiac function.
(A for diagnosing coronary disease involving the introduction of a dye into the
arteries of the heart$ is no" administered selectively$ because it uses
(! for diagnosing coronary disease involving the introduction of a dye into the
arteries of heart$ is no" administered selectively$ because of using
(# for diagnosing coronary disease$ involves the introduction of dye into the
arteries of the heart and is no" administered selectively$ because it uses
(% to diagnose coronary disease that involves the introduction of a dye into the
arteries of the heart$ is no" administered selectively$ because it uses
(& to diagnose coronary disease involving the introduction of a dye into the
arteries of the heart$ "hich is no" administered selectively$ uses
228. #orporations "ill soon be re4uired to report to the government "hether they have
the necessary reserves to pay the pension benefits earned by their employees and
that the information be published in annual reports to shareholders.
(A earned by their employees and that the information be published
(! that their employees earned and that the information be published
(# that "as earned by their employees "ith the information being published
(% earned by their employees$ information that must also be published
(& earned by their employees and published the information
229. #rises in international diplomacy do not al"ays result from maliceD for nations$
like individuals$ can find themselves locked into difficult positions$ unable to
back do"n.
(A do not al"ays result from maliceD for nations$ like individuals$ can find
(! do not al"ays results from maliceD nations$ 5ust as individuals$ finding
(# do not al"ays results from maliceD nations$ such as individuals$ can find
(% aren3t al"ays the results of maliceD nations in the same "ay that individuals
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can find
(& aren3t resulting al"ays from maliceD 5ust like individuals "ho can find
230. #ritics of the trend to"ard privately operated prisons consider corrections
facilities to be an integral part of the criminal 5ustice system and 4uestion if
profits should be made from incarceration.
(A to be an integral part of the criminal 5ustice system and 4uestion if
(! as an integral part of the criminal 5ustice system and they 4uestion if
(# as being an integral part of the criminal 5ustice system and 4uestion "hether
(% an integral part of the criminal 5ustice system and 4uestion "hether
(& are an integral part of the criminal 5ustice system$ and they 4uestion "hether
231. #ut-paper design$ a popular pastime of #olonial "omen$ became an art form in
the hands of Abigail .efferts .loyd$ a Bevolutionary War heroine.
(A design$ a popular pastime of colonial "omen$ became an art form in the
hands of
(! design$ a popular #olonial "omen3s pastime$ and it became an art form in the
hands of
(# design "as a popular pastime for #olonial "omen$ then it became an art form
in the hands of
(% design is a popular pastime of #olonial "omen that has become an art form
(& design$ the popular #olonial pastime$ became an art form for
232. %ance fans kne" <amara -eva as a soloist in several !allanchine "orks$ a dancer
"ho introduced his choreography to the +nited ,tates$ and as a star in !road"ay
(A a dancer "ho introduced
(! as a dancer "hich introduced
(# the dancer to introduce
(% "ho introduced
(& as the dancer "ho introduced
233. %ar"in "as not the first to advance a theory of evolutionD his tremendous
originality lay in the fact that he proposed the idea of natural selection as the
means by "hich evolution "orked.
(A lay in the fact that he proposed the idea
(! lay in the fact of his proposing the idea
(# laid in the fact of his proposing the idea
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(% laid in his proposal
(& lay in his proposal
234. %eclining values for farm e4uipment and land$ the collateral against "hich
farmers borro" to get through the harvest season$ is going to force many lenders
to tighten or deny credit this spring.
(A the collateral against "hich farmers borro" to get through the harvest season$
(! "hich farmers use as collateral to borro" against to get through the harvest
season$ is
(# the collateral "hich is borro"ed against by farmers to get through the harvest
season$ is
(% "hich farmers use as collateral to borro" against to get through the harvest
season$ are
(& the collateral against "hich farmers borro" to get through the harvest season$
235. %efense attorneys have occasionally argued that their clients3 misconduct
stemmed from a reaction to something ingested$ but in attributing criminal or
delin4uent behavior to some food allergy$ the perpetrators are in effect told that
they are not responsible for their actions.
(A in attributing criminal or delin4uent behavior to some food allergy
(! if criminal or delin4uent behavior is attributed to an allergy to some food
(# in attributing behavior that is criminal or delin4uent to an allergy to some
(% if some food allergy is attributed as the cause of criminal or delin4uent
(& in attributing a food allergy as the cause of criminal or delin4uent behavior
236. %egler does more than merely summari7ing e;isting researchD he constructs a
coherent picture of t"o centuries of studies dealing "ith the changing roles of
(A %egler does more than merely summari7ing
(! %egler3s study is more than a mere summari7ing of
(# %egler has done more than a mere summari7ing of
(% %egler3s study has done more than summari7e merely
(& %egler does more than merely summari7e
237. %elighted by the reported earnings for the first 4uarter of the fiscal year$ it "as
decided by the company manager to give her staff a raise.
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(A it "as decided by the company manager to give her staff a raise
(! the decision of the company manager "as to give her staff a raise
(# the company manager decided to give her staff a raise
(% the staff "as given a raise by the company manager
(& a raise "as given to the staff by the company manager
238. %ental caries and gingivitis can be e;acerbated not only by the foods patients eat
but also by "hen the patients eat them.
(A not only by the foods patients eat but also by "hen the patients eat them
(! by not only the foods patients eat but also by "hen the patients eat them
(# not only by the foods patients eat but also by time "hen the foods are eaten
(% by not only the foods that are eaten by patients but also by the times the foods
are eaten
(& not only by "hat patients eat but also by "hen they eat it
239. %espite its attractiveness$ investing abroad can still pose big risks$ ranging from
the potential for political instability in some countries to the shortage of
regulations to protect investors and a serious lack of information about
investments in others.
(A to the shortage of regulations to protect investors and a serious lack of
information about investments in others
(! to the shortage of regulations to protect investors and in others a serious lack
of information about investments
(# and the shortage of regulations to protect investors and a serious lack of
information about investments in others
(% and the shortage of regulations to protect investors to a serious lack of
information about investments in others
(& to the shortage of regulations to protect investors in others and a serious lack
of information about investments
240. %espite no proof that the consumption of any particular foods reverse hardening
of the arteries$ studies indicate that refraining from eating certain foods could
help reverse blockage of coronary arteries$ the blood vessels that feed the heart.
(A %espite no proof that the consumption of any particular foods reverse
hardening of the arteries$ studies indicate that refraining from eating certain
foods could
(! %espite no foods having been proved to reverse hardening of the arteries
"hen consumed$ studies indicate that refraining from eating certain foods
(# Although the consumption of no particular foods have been proved to reverse
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hardening of the arteries$ studies indicate that to refrain from eating certain
foods could
(% Although not proved that the consumption of any foods reverse hardening of
the arteries$ studies indicate that refraining from eating certain foods can
(& Although it has not been proved that the consumption of any particular food
"ill reverse hardening of the arteries$ studies indicate that refraining from
eating certain foods can
241. %espite protests from some "aste-disposal companies$ state health officials have
ordered the levels of bacteria in sea"ater at popular beaches to be measured and
that the results be published.
(A the levels of bacteria in sea"ater at popular beaches to be measured and that
the results be
(! that sea"ater at popular beaches should be measured for their levels of
bacteria$ "ith the results being
(# the measure of levels of bacteria in sea"ater at popular beaches and the
results to be
(% sea"ater measured at popular beaches for levels of bacteria$ "ith their results
(& that the levels of bacteria in sea"ater at popular beaches be measured and the
242. %espite the recent election of a "oman to the office of prime minister$ the status
of "omen in 1akistan is little changed from ho" it "as in the last century.
(A is little changed from ho" it "as
(! is a little change from ho" it "as
(# has changed little
(% has changed little from ho" it has been
(& is little changed from the "ay it "as
243. %eveloping nations in various parts of the "orld have amassed I)22 billion in
debtsD at stake$ should a significant number of these debts be repudiated$ is the
solvency of some of the "orld3s largest multinational banks.
(A should a significant number of these debts be repudiated$ is
(! should a significant number of these debts be repudiated$ are
(# should they repudiate a significant number of these debts$ are
(% if there is a repudiation of a significant number of these debts$ "ould be
(& if a significant number of these debts "ill be repudiated$ is
244. %irt roads may evoke the bucolic simplicity of another century$ but financially
strained to"nships point out that dirt roads cost t"ice as much as maintaining
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paved roads.
(A dirt roads cost t"ice as much as maintaining paved roads
(! dirt roads cost t"ice as much to maintain as paved roads do
(# maintaining dirt roads costs t"ice as much as paved roads do
(% maintaining dirt roads costs t"ice as much as it does for paved roads
(& to maintain dirt roads costs t"ice as much as for paved roads
245. %iscrimination in "ages paid in occupations that are predominantly male over the
predominantly female have given rise to substantial differentials bet"een the
"age of housepainters and secretaries and bet"een the "ages of parking-lot
attendants and library assistants.
(A paid in occupations that are predominantly male over the predominantly
female have
(! paid in occupations that are predominantly make over those that are
predominantly female have
(# that favors predominantly male occupations over the predominantly female
(% that favors predominantly male occupations over those that are predominantly
female has
(& paid in predominantly male occupations over the predominantly female has
246. %isplays of the aurora borealis$ or northern lights$ can heat the atmosphere over
the arctic enough to affect the tra5ectories of ballistic missiles$ induce electric
currents that can cause blackouts in some areas and corrosion in north-south
(A to affect the tra5ectories of ballistic missiles$ induce
(! that the tra5ectories of ballistic missiles are affected$ induce
(# that it affects the tra5ectories of ballistic missiles$ induces
(% that the tra5ectories of ballistic missiles are affected and induces
(& to affect the tra5ectories of ballistic missiles and induce
247. %istinguished architecture re4uires the e;penditure of large sums of money$ even
if it is by no means certain that the e;penditure of large sums of money produce
distinguished architecture.
(A even if it is by no means certain that the e;penditure of large sums of money
(! even if it is by no means certain that the e;penditure of large sums of money
"ill produce
(# even though there is no certainty that the e;penditure of money in large sums
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(% even though it is by no means certain that the e;penditure of large sums of
money produces
(& though there is no certainty as to the e;penditure of money in large sums
248. %octors generally agree that such factors as cigarette smoking$ eating rich foods
high in fats$ and alcohol consumption not only do damage by themselves but also
aggravate genetic predispositions to"ard certain diseases.
(A not only do damage by themselves but also aggravate
(! do damage by themselves but also are aggravating to
(# are damaging by themselves but also are aggravating
(% not only do damage by themselves$ they are also aggravating to
(& are doing damage by themselves$ and they are also aggravating
249. %octors still kno" little about ho" the .isteria bacterium is spread and "hy the
disease it causes$ listeriosis$ afflicts some people in a contaminated area though it
spares many others.
(A though it spares
(! "here it spares
(# despite sparing
(% "hen sparing
(& "hile sparing
250. %omestic automobile manufacturers have invested millions of dollars into
research to develop cars more gasoline-efficient even than presently on the road.
(A into research to develop cars more gasoline-efficient even than presently on
the road
(! into research for developing even more gasoline-efficient cars on the road
than at present
(# for research for cars to be developed that are more gasoline-efficient even
than presently on the road
(% in research to develop cars even more gasoline-efficient than those at present
on the road
(& in research for developing cars that are even more gasoline-efficient than
presently on the road
251. %o"n7oning$ 7oning that typically results in the reduction of housing density$
allo"s for more open space in areas "here little "ater or services e;ist.
(A little "ater or services e;ist
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(! little "ater or services e;ists
(# fe" services and little "ater e;ists
(% there is little "ater or services available
(& there are fe" services and little available "ater
252. %r. Cakuta3s research among Cispanic children in the +nited ,tates indicates that
the more the children use both ,panish and &nglish$ their intellectual advantage is
greater in skills underlying reading ability and nonverbal logic.
(A their intellectual advantage is greater in skills underlying reading ability and
nonverbal logic
(! their intellectual advantage is the greater in skills underlaying reading ability
and nonverbal logic
(# the greater their intellectual advantage in skills underlying reading ability and
nonverbal logic
(% in skills that underlay reading ability and nonverbal logic$ their intellectual
advantage is the greater
(& in skills underlying reading ability and nonverbal logic$ the greater
intellectual advantage is theirs
253. %r. Cegsted argues that 5ust as polio vaccine is given to every person to protect
the fe" "ho might actually contract polio$ mass dietary change is needed to
protect the significant number "ho are susceptible to the life-threatening effects
of press eating habits.
(A 5ust as polio vaccine is given to every person to protect the fe" "ho might
actually contract polio
(! like polio vaccine$ "hich is given to every person to protect the fe" "ho
might contract polio
(# similar to polio vaccine "hich is given to every person in order to protect the
fe" "ho might actually contract polio
(% "hile$ to protect the fe" "ho might actually contract polio$ polio vaccine is
given to every person
(& similar to the giving of polio vaccine to every person in order to protect the
fe" "ho might contract polio actually
254. %r. ,ayre3s lecture recounted several little-kno"n episodes in the relations
bet"een nations that illustrates "hat is "rong "ith alliances and treaties that do
not have popular support.
(A relations bet"een nations that illustrates
(! relation of one nation "ith another that illustrates
(# relations bet"een nations that illustrate
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(% relation of one nation "ith another and illustrate
(& relations of nations that illustrates
255. %r. <onega"a "on the Nobel 1ri7e for discovering ho" the body can constantly
change its genes to fashion a seeming unlimited number of antibodies$ each
specifically targeted at an invading microbe or foreign substance.
(A seeming unlimited number of antibodies$ each specifically targeted at
(! seeming unlimited number of antibodies$ each targeted specifically to
(# seeming unlimited number of antibodies$ all specifically targeted at
(% seemingly unlimited number of antibodies$ all of them targeted specifically to
(& seemingly unlimited number of antibodies$ each targeted specifically at
256. %uring an era "hen interracial tensions in the +nited ,tates have run high$ Bosa
1arks became a 4uiet$ unassuming symbol of the continued struggle for human
(A have run high
(! ran high
(# had run highly
(% run high
(& "ere running highly
257. %uring an ice age$ the buildup of ice at the poles and the drop in "ater levels near
the e4uator speed up the &arth3s rotation$ like a spinning figure skater "hose
speed increases "hen her arms are dra"n in.
(A like a spinning figure skater "hose speed increases "hen her arms are dra"n
(! like the increased speed of a figure skater "hen her arms are dra"n in
(# like a figure skater "ho increases speed "hile spinning "ith her arms dra"n
(% 5ust as a spinning figure skater "ho increases speed by dra"ing in her arms
(& 5ust as a spinning figure skater increases speed by dra"ing in her arms
258. %uring her lecture the speaker used map to clarify directional terms$ for not
everyone in attendance "as kno"ledgeable that "inds are designated by the
direction from "hich they come.
(A or not everyone in attendance "as kno"ledgeable
(! for everyone in attendance did not kno"
(# "ith everyone in attendance not kno"ing
(% "ith everyone attending not kno"ledgeable
Score Your Way To The Top
1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(& for not everyone attending kne"
259. %uring Boosevelt3s years in office !lack Americans began voting for %emocrats
rather than Bepublicans in national elections$ but !lack support for %emocrats at
the state and local levels developed only after "hen civil rights legislation "as
supported by Carry <ruman.
(A developed only after "hen civil rights legislation "as supported by Carry
(! developed only after "hen Carry <ruman supported civil rights legislation
(# developed only after Carry <ruman3s support of civil rights legislation
(% develops only at the time after the supporting of civil rights legislation by
Carry <ruman
(& developed only after there being Carry <ruman3s support of civil rights
260. %uring the '(023s appro;imately I92 billion in private investment capital is
estimated to have left 6e;ico and added to the strain on the country3s debt-ridden
(A %uring the '(023s appro;imately I92 billion in private investment capital is
estimated to have left 6e;ico and added
(! %uring the '(023s it is estimated that appro;imately I92 billion in private
investment capital left 6e;ico and added
(# It is estimated that there "as appro;imately I92 billion in private investment
capital that left 6e;ico during the '(023s and added
(% It is estimated that during the '(023s appro;imately I92 billion in private
investment capital left 6e;ico$ adding
(& Appro;imately I92 billion in private investment capital is estimated as having
left 6e;ico during the '(023s$ adding
261. %uring the '(02s it became clear that soliciting private funds "as far more
efficient for environmentalists "ho sought financial aid than to go to state or
federal agencies.
(A that soliciting private funds "as far more efficient for environmentalists "ho
sought financial aid
(! that for environmentalists "ho sought financial aid$ it "as far more efficient
to solicit private funds
(# that for environmentalists seeking financial aid$ private organi7ations "ere far
more efficient to go to
(% for environmentalists seeking financial aid$ going to private organi7ations
"as far more efficient
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(& for environmentalists "ho sought financial aid$ private organi7ations "ere far
more efficient
262. %uring the early years of &uropean settlement on a continent that "as vie"ed as
"ilderness by the ne"comers$ Native Americans$ intimately kno"ing the
ecology of the land$ "ere a help in the rescuing of many 1ilgrims and pioneers
from hardship$ or even death.
(A Native Americans$ intimately kno"ing the ecology of the land$ "ere a help in
the rescuing of
(! Native Americans kne" the ecology and the land intimately and this enabled
them to help in the rescue of
(# Native Americans$ "ith their intimate kno"ledge of the ecology of the land$
helped to rescue
(% having intimate kno"ledge of the ecology of the land$ Native Americans
helped the rescue of
(& kno"ing intimately the ecology of the land$ Native Americans helped to
263. %uring the first nine months of '()($ te;tbook publishers incurred substantial
costs for creating products that$ due to a decline in public funding for
instructional material$ never "ere sold.
(A funding for instructional material$ never "ere
(! funding for instructional material$ never "as
(# funding$ the instructional material$ "as never
(% funding for instructional material$ the products "ere never
(& funding$ they "ere never
264. %uring the first one hundred fifty years of the e;istence of this republic$ no one
e;pected the press "as fairD ne"spapers "ere mostly shrill$ scurrilous$ and
(A "as
(! to be
(# of being
(% should be
(& had to be
265. %uring the first year after the corporate reorgani7ation$ no one considered the
management "as "ell-organi7edD managers "ere largely untrained and
(A "as "ell-organi7ed
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(! "ell-organi7ed
(# "ere "ell-organi7ed
(% seemed to be "ell-organi7ed
(& seemed "ell-organi7ed
266. %uring the -reat %epression$ industrial output fell by nearly fifty percent from its
peak in '(*( do"n to its nadir in '(//.
(A %uring the -reat %epression$ industrial output fell by nearly fifty percent
from its peak in '(*( do"n to its nadir in '(//.
(! %uring the -reat %epression$ industrial output fell by nearly fifty percent
from its peak in '(*( to its nadir in '(//.
(# At the time of the -reat %epression$ industrial output fell by almost fifty
percent from its '(*( peak do"n to its '(// nadir.
(% At the time of the -reat %epression$ industrial output fell from its peak in
'(*($ by nearly fifty percent$ to it nadir in '(//.
(& %uring the -reat %epression$ industrial output fell from its peak in '(*( to its
nadir in '(// by nearly fifty percent.
267. %uring the nineteenth century &mily &den and Ganny 1arks 5ourneyed throughout
India$ sketching and keeping 5ournals forming the basis of ne"s reports about the
princely states "here they had visited.
(A forming the basis of ne"s reports about the princely states "here they had
(! that "ere forming the basis of ne"s reports about the princely states
(# to form the basis of ne"s reports about the princely states "hich they have
(% "hich had formed the basis of ne"s reports about the princely states "here
they had
(& that formed the basis of ne"s reports about the princely states they
268. %uring the recession of '()/$ home mortgage foreclosures resulted in tens of
thousands of Americans being evicted from homes that they can no longer afford
monthly payments.
(A that they can
(! that they could
(# on "hich they can
(% because they can
(& for "hich they could
269. %uring the Benaissance$ scholars "ere uncertain as to the location of <roy$ and by
the eighteenth century many historians doubted that <roy had ever e;isted.
(A doubted that <roy had ever e;isted
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(! doubt that <roy has ever e;isted
(# "ere in doubt as to the e;istence of <roy
(% "ere doubtful concerning <roy3s e;istence
(& had doubts about <roy3s ever e;isting
270. &ach of Ceming"ay3s "ivesHCadley Bichardson$ 1auline 1feiffer$ 6artha
-elhorn$ and 6ary WelshH"ere strong and interesting "omen$ very different
from the often pallid "omen "ho populate his novels.
(A &ach of Ceming"ay3s "ivesHCadley Bichardson$ 1auline 1feiffer$ 6artha
-elhorn$ and 6ary WelshH"ere strong and interesting "omen$
(! Cadley Bichardson$ 1auline 1feiffer$ 6artha -elhorn$ and 6ary WelshHeach
of them Ceming"ay3s "ivesH"ere strong and interesting "omen$
(# Ceming"ay3s "ivesHCadley Bichardson$ 1auline 1feiffer$ 6artha -elhorn$
and 6ary WelshH"ere all strong and interesting "omen$
(% ,trong and interesting "omenHCadley Bichardson$ 1auline 1feiffer$ 6artha
-elhorn$ and 6ary WelshHeach a "ife of Ceming"ay$ "as
(& ,trong and interesting "omenHCadley Bichardson$ 1auline 1feiffer$ 6artha
-elhorn$ and 6ary WelshHevery one of Ceming"ay3s "ives "ere
271. &aten in the 6editerranean countries$ northern &uropeans vie"ed the tomato "ith
suspicion$ for they assumed it had poisonous properties because of its relationship
to deadly nightshade.
(A northern &uropeans vie"ed the tomato "ith suspicion$ for they
(! northern &uropeans "ere suspicious of the tomato$ and they
(# the tomato "as vie"ed "ith suspicion by northern &uropeans$ "ho
(% the tomato "as suspicious to northern &uropeans$ and it "as
(& the tomato "as vie"ed "ith suspicion by northern &uropeans$ it being
272. &ating salt"ater fish may significantly reduce the risk of heart attacks and also
aid for sufferers of rheumatoid arthritis and asthma$ according to three research
studies published in the "e# *n&l'nd +ourn'l of ,ed!c!ne.
(A significantly reduce the risk of heart attacks and also aid for
(! be significant in reducing the risk of heart attacks and aid for
(# significantly reduce the risk of heart attacks and aid
(% cause a significant reduction in the risk of heart attacks and aid to
(& significantly reduce the risk of heart attacks as "ell as aiding
273. &fforts to e4uali7e the funds available to school districts$ a ma5or goal of
education reformers and many states in the '()23s$ has not significantly reduced
the gaps e;isting bet"een the richest and poorest districts.
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(A has not significantly reduced the gaps e;isting
(! has not been significant in reducing the gap that e;ists
(# has not made a significant reduction in the gap that e;ists
(% have not significantly reduced the gap that e;ists
(& have not been significant in a reduction of the gaps e;isting
274. &gyptians are credited as having pioneered embalming methods as long ago as
*892 !.#.
(A as having
(! "ith having
(# to have
(% as the ones "ho
(& for being the ones "ho
275. &l Nino$ the periodic abnormal "arming of the sea surface off 1eru$ a
phenomenon in "hich changes in the ocean and atmosphere combine allo"ing
the "arm "ater that has accumulated in the "estern 1acific to flo" back to the
(A a phenomenon in "hich changes in the ocean and atmosphere combine
allo"ing the "arm "ater that has accumulated
(! a phenomenon "here changes in the ocean and atmosphere are combining to
allo" the "arm "ater that is accumulating
(# a phenomenon in "hich ocean and atmosphere changes combine and "hich
allo"s the "arm "ater that is accumulated
(% is a phenomenon in "hich changes in the ocean and atmosphere combine to
allo" the "arm "ater that has accumulated
(& is a phenomenon "here ocean and atmosphere changes are combining and
allo" the "arm "ater accumulating
276. *r's%us ,ont'nus$ a seventeenth-century farce "ritten by .ud"ig Colberg$ both
predates and resembles 6oliere3s T'rtuffe and is therefore thought to be one of
6oliere3s sources.
(A both predates and resembles
(! it both predates and resembles
(# both predated and resembles
(% has both predated and resembled
(& because it both predated and resembled
277. &urope3s travel industry is suffering as a result of a sluggish economy$ a stretch of
bad "eather$ as "ell as the chilling effects of terrorist activity that is persistent.
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(A as "ell as the chilling effects of terrorist activity that is persistent
(! and the chilling effect of terrorist activity that is persistent
(# but persistent terrorist activity has had a chilling effect too
(% and the chilling effects of persistent terrorist activity
(& as "ell as the chilling effects of terrorist activity that persists
278. &uropeans have long kno"n that eating 4uail sometimes makes the eater ill$ but
only recently has it been established that the illness is caused by a to;in present in
the 4uail3s body only under certain conditions.
(A &uropeans have long kno"n that eating 4uail sometimes makes
(! &uropeans have long kno"n 4uail eating is sometimes able to make
(# &ating 4uail has long been kno"n to &uropeans to sometimes make
(% It has long been kno"n to &uropeans that 4uail eating "ill sometimes make
(& It has long been kno"n to &uropeans that 4uail$ "hen it is eaten$ has
sometimes made
279. &ven as they never forgave the #rusaders "ho overran their homeland$ the
,yrians have never absolved the Grench for taking territory from them.
(A &ven as they never forgave
(! While they never forgave
(# Aust like they never forgave
(% ,imilarly to not forgiving
(& In spite of their never forgiving
280. &ven astronomers "ere ama7ed at the success of the Neptune flyby$ "hich
produced a photograph of a previously undetected moonD this is likely to result in
increased governmental support for the hitherto neglected +.,. space program.
(A this is likely to result in
(! that "ill cause
(# and "hich is likely to result in
(% this success is likely to result in
(& it is likely to result "ith
281. &ven their most ardent champions concede that no less than a technical or
scientific breakthrough is necessary before solar cells can meet the goal of
providing one percent of the nation3s energy needs.
(A that no less than a technical or scientific breakthrough is necessary
(! that nothing other than a technical or scientific breakthrough is needed
(# that a technical or scientific breakthrough is necessary
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(% the necessity for an occurrence of a technical or scientific breakthrough
(& the necessity for a technical or scientific breakthrough occurring
282. &ven though !Lla !artMk3s music has proved less popular than Igor ,travinsky3s
and less influential than Arnold ,chonberg3s$ it is no less important.
(A ,travinsky3s and less influential than Arnold ,chonberg3s$ it
(! ,travinsky3s and less influential than Arnold ,chonberg3s$ he
(# ,travinsky3s is and less influential than Arnold ,chonberg3s is$ it
(% ,travinsky and not as influential as Arnold ,chonberg$ he
(& ,travinsky and not as influential as Arnold ,chonberg$ it
283. &ven though its per capita food supply hardly increased during t"o decades$
stringent rationing and planned distribution have allo"ed the 1eople3s Bepublic
of #hina to ensure nutritional levels of *$222 calories per person per day for its
(A &ven though its per capita food supply hardly increased during
(! &ven though its per capita food supply has hardly increased in
(# %espite its per capita food supply hardly increasing over
(% %espite there being hardly any increase in its per capita food supply during
(& Although there is hardly any increase in per capita food supply for
284. &ven though the direct costs of malpractice disputes amounts to a sum lo"er than
one percent of the I9@' billion the nation spent on health care last year$ doctors
say fear of la"suits plays ma5or role in health-care inflation.
(A amounts to a sum lo"er
(! amounts to less
(# amounted to less
(% amounted to lo"er
(& amounted to a lo"er sum
285. &ven though the state has spent ten years and seven million dollars planning a
reservoir along the +bi Biver$ the pro5ect "ill have to be abandoned as a result of
the river becoming so heavily polluted.
(A "ill have to be abandoned as a result of the river becoming so heavily
(! is to be abandoned on account of the heavy pollution "hich the river received
(# had to be abandoned because the river had received such heavy pollution
(% has to be abandoned because of the river and its heavy pollution
(& must be abandoned because the river has become so heavily polluted
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
286. &ven today$ a century after 1asteur developed the first vaccine$ rabies almost
al"ays kills its victims unless inoculated in the earliest stages of the disease.
(A its victims unless inoculated
(! its victims unless they are inoculated
(# its victims unless inoculation is done
(% the victims unless there is an inoculation
(& the victims unless inoculated
287. &veryone participating in the early sociological study committed a crucial
methodological error by failing to fully consider alternative "ays of classifying
their data.
(A by failing to fully consider alternative "ays of classifying their
(! by failing fully to consider alternative "ays of classifying their
(# they failed to consider alternative "ays to classify their
(% by not fully considering alternative "ays to classify the
(& by not considering fully alternative "ays of classifying his or her
288. &;cept for a concert performance that the composer himself staged in '(''$ ,cott
Aoplin3s ragtime opera Tree%on!sh' "as not produced until '()*$ si;ty-one years
after its completion.
(A &;cept for a concert performance that the composer himself staged
(! &;cept for a concert performance "ith the composer himself staging it
(# !esides a concert performance being staged by the composer himself
(% &;cepting a concert performance that the composer himself staged
(& With the e;ception of a concert performance "ith the staging done by the
composer himself
289. &;ecutives and federal officials say that the use of crack and cocaine is gro"ing
rapidly among "orkers$ significantly compounding the effects of drug and
alcohol abuse$ "hich already are a cost to business of more than I'22 billion a
(A significantly compounding the effects of drug and alcohol abuse$ "hich
already are a cost to business of
(! significantly compounding the effects of drug and alcohol abuse$ "hich
already cost business
(# significantly compounding the effects of drug and alcohol abuse$ already "ith
business costs of
(% significant in compounding the effects of drug and alcohol abuse$ and already
costing business
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(& significant in compounding the effects of drug and alcohol abuse$ and already
costs business
290. Gaced "ith an estimated I* billion budget gap$ the city3s mayor proposed a nearly
') percent reduction in the amount allocated the previous year to maintain the
city3s ma5or cultural institutions and to subsidi7e hundreds of local arts groups.
(A proposed a nearly ') percent reduction in the amount allocated the previous
year to maintain the city3s ma5or cultural institutions and to subsidi7e
(! proposed a reduction from the previous year of nearly ') percent in the
amount it "as allocating to maintain the city3s ma5or cultural institutions and
for subsidi7ing
(# proposed to reduce$ by nearly ') percent$ the amount from the previous year
that "as allocated for the maintenance of the city3s ma5or cultural
institutions and to subsidi7e
(% has proposed a reduction from the previous year of nearly ') percent of the
amount it "as allocating for maintaining the city3s ma5or cultural
institutions$ and to subsidi7e
(& "as proposing that the amount they "ere allocating be reduced by nearly ')
percent from the previous year for maintaining the city3s ma5or cultural
institutions and for the subsidi7ation
291. Gactory outlet stores$ operated by manufacturers$ are usually located miles from
do"nto"n and regional shopping centers so as not directly to be competitive
against department stores in the same trading area.
(A so as not directly to be competitive against
(! in order for them not to have direct competition "ith
(# so that they do not compete directly "ith
(% in order that they are not directly competitive against
(& for the purpose of not competing directly "ith
292. Gederal authorities involved in the investigation have found the local "itnesses
are difficult to locate$ reticent$ and are suspicious of strangers.
(A the local "itnesses are difficult to locate$ reticent$ and are
(! local "itnesses to be difficult to locate$ reticent$ and are
(# that local "itnesses are difficult to locate$ reticent$ and
(% local "itnesses are difficult to locate and reticent$ and they are
(& that local "itnesses are difficult to locate and reticent$ and they are
293. Gederal incentives no" encourage investing capital in commercial office
buildings despite vacancy rates in e;isting structures that are e;ceptionally high
Score Your Way To The Top
1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
and no demand for ne" construction.
(A investing capital in commercial office buildings despite vacancy rates in
e;isting structures that are e;ceptionally high and
(! capital investment in commercial office buildings$ even though vacancy rates
in e;isting structures are e;ceptionally high and there is
(# capital to be invested in commercial office buildings even though there are
e;ceptionally high vacancy rates in e;isting structures "ith
(% investing capital in commercial office buildings even though the vacancy
rates are e;ceptionally high in e;isting structures "ith
(& capital investment in commercial office buildings despite vacancy rates in
e;isting structures that are e;ceptionally high$ and although there is
294. Gederal legislation establishing a fund for the cleanup of sites damaged by to;ic
chemicals permits compensating state governments for damage to their natural
resources but does not allo" claims for in5ury to people.
(A compensating state governments for damage to
(! compensating state governments for the damaging of
(# giving state governments compensation for damaging
(% giving compensation to state governments for the damage of
(& the giving of compensation to state governments for damaging
295. Gederally imposed restrictions on ho" much they may pay small savers has made
difficulties for savings banks as they are competing "ith such unregulated
investment vehicles as money market certificates.
(A has made difficulties for savings banks as they are competing "ith such
(! has made difficulties for savings banks competing "ith such
(# have made difficulties for savings banks as they are competing "ith
(% have made it difficult for savings banks to compete "ith such
(& have made it difficult for savings banks as they are competing "ith such
296. Ge" people reali7e that the chance of accidental in5ury or death may be as great
or greater in the safety of their o"n homes than in a plane or on the road.
(A may be as great or greater in the safety of their o"n homes than
(! is at least as great or greater in the safety of their o"n homes than
(# might be so great or greater in the safety of their o"n home as
(% may be at least as great in the safety of their o"n homes as
(& can be at least so great in the safety of their o"n home as
297. Gifty-t"o percent of +nited ,tates high school graduates go on to college$
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
compared "ith #anada3s thirty-five percent and -reat !ritain$ Aapan$ and West
-ermany3s fifteen percent.
(A Gifty-t"o percent of +nited ,tates high school graduates go on to college$
compared "ith #anada3s thirty-five percent and -reat !ritain$ Aapan$ and
West -ermany3s fifteen percent.
(! Gifty-t"o percent of +nited ,tates high school graduates go on to collegeD in
#anada it is thirty-five percent and in -reat !ritain$ Aapan$ and West
-ermany it is fifteen percent.
(# In the +nited ,tates$ Gifty-t"o percent of high school graduates go on to
college$ compared "ith thirty-five percent in #anada and fifteen percent in
-reat !ritain$ Aapan$ and West -ermany.
(% <he percentage of high school graduates in the +nited ,tates "ho go on to
college is fifty-t"o$ compared "ith #anada3s thirty-five percent$ -reat
!ritain3s fifteen$ Aapan3s fifteen$ and West -ermany3s fifteen.
(& <he percentage of +nited ,tates high school graduates going on to college is
fifty-t"o that in #anada is thirty-five$ and that in -reat !ritain$ Aapan$ and
West -ermany is fifteen.
298. Give fledgling sea eagles left their nests in "estern ,cotland this summer$
bringing to /@ the number of "ild birds successfully raised since transplants from
Nor"ay began in '()9.
(A bringing
(! and brings
(# and it brings
(% and it brought
(& and brought
299. Glorida "ill gain another 4uarter-million 5obs this year alone$ many of them in
high-paying fields like electronics and banking$ making the state3s economy far
more diversified than ten years ago.
(A high-paying fields like electronics and banking$ making the state3s economy
far more diversified than
(! high-paying fields like electronics and banking$ and making the state3s
economy far more diversified than its economy
(# high-paying fields such as electronics and banking$ to make the state3s
economy far more diversified than
(% such high-paying fields as electronics and banking$ making the state3s
economy far more diversified than it "as
(& such high-paying fields as electronics and banking$ and make the state3s
economy far more diversified than it "as
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
300. Gollo"ing the destruction of the space shuttle #hallenger$ investigators concluded
that many key people employed by the National Aeronautics and ,pace
Administration and its contractors "ork an e;cessive amount of overtime that has
the potential of causing errors in 5udgment.
(A overtime that has the potential of causing
(! overtime that has the potential to cause
(# overtime that potentially can cause
(% overtime$ a practice that has the potential for causing
(& overtime$ a practice that can$ potentially$ cause
301. Gollo"ing the nutrition board3s advice on salt consumption "ould mean a virtual
end of the use of salt in cooking$ an avoidance of obviously salty foods$ and
reducing the reliance on processed foods that contain significant amounts of often
hidden sodium.
(A reducing the reliance on processed foods that contain significant amounts of
often hidden sodium
(! reducing the reliance on processed foods containing often hidden but
significant amounts of sodium
(# a reduction of the reliance on processed foods$ containing as they do often
hidden sodium in significant amounts
(% a reduced reliance on the significant amounts of hidden sodium often
contained in processed foods
(& a reduced reliance on processed foods that contain significant but often
hidden amounts of sodium
302. Gor all his professed disdain of such activities$ Auden "as an inveterate literary
(A Gor all his professed disdain of such activities
(! Caving al"ays professed disdain for such activities
(# All such activities "ere$ he professed$ disdained$ and
(% 1rofessing that all such activities "ere disdained
(& In spite of professions of disdaining all such activities
303. Gor almost a hundred years after having its beginning in ')00$ &ngland e;iled
some '82$222 criminals to Australia.
(A Gor almost a hundred years after having its beginning in ')00
(! !eginning in ')00 for a period of a hundred years
(# !eginning a period of almost a hundred years$ in ')00
(% %uring a hundred years$ a period beginning in ')00
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(& Fver a period of a hundred years beginning in ')00
304. Gor many people$ household labor remains demanding even if able to afford
household appliances their grandparents "ould find a miracle.
(A even if able to afford household appliances their grandparents "ould find a
(! despite being able to afford household appliances their grandparents "ould
find a miracle
(# even if they can afford household appliances their grandparents "ould have
found miraculous
(% although they could afford household appliances their grandparents "ould
find miraculous
(& even if they are able to afford household appliances "hich "ould have been a
miracle to their grandparents
305. Gor many travelers$ charter vacations often turn out to cost considerably more
than they originally seemed.
(A they originally seemed
(! they originally seem to
(# they seemingly "ould cost originally
(% it seemed originally
(& it originally seemed they "ould
306. Gor members of the seventeenth-century Ashanti nation in Africa$ animal-hide
shields "ith "ooden frames "ere essential items of military e4uipment$ a method
to protect "arriors against enemy arro"s and spears.
(A a method to protect
(! as a method protecting
(# protecting
(% as a protection of
(& to protect
307. Gor most consumers$ the price of automobile insurance continues to rise annually$
even if free of damage claims and moving violations.
(A even if
(! despite being
(# even if they are
(% although they may be
(& even if remaining
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
308. Gor protection from the summer sun$ the 6o5ave lived in open-sided$ flat-topped
d"ellings kno"n as shades$ each a roof of poles and arro""eed supported by
posts set in a rectangle.
(A each a roof of poles and arro""eed
(! each a roof of poles and arro""eed that are being
(# "ith each being a roof of poles and arro""eed
(% "ith roofs of poles and arro""eed to be
(& "ith roofs of poles and arro""eed that are
309. Gor some birds the sense of smell appears to play a role in navigation$ since
pigeons "ith surgically removed olfactory nerves "ere found to have increased
difficulties in homing.
(A "ere found to have increased difficulties
(! have been found to have increased difficulty
(# "ere found to have increasing difficulty
(% had been found to have increased difficulties
(& have been found to have increasing difficulties
310. Gor some reason the ne" consultant treats his clients like idiots$ talking to them
like they "ere mentally deficient and incapable of understanding more than the
simplest ideas.
(A like idiots$ talking to them like they
(! as if they "ere idiots$ talking to them like they
(# like idiots$ talking to them as if they
(% as idiots$ talking to them like they
(& like idiots "ho
311. Goreign investors$ because of their gro"ing confidence in their capability for
making profitable investments in the +nited ,tates$ have been led to move from
passive involvement in commercial real estate partnerships to active development
of their o"n increasingly ambitious pro5ects.
(A Goreign investors$ because of their gro"ing confidence in their capability for
making profitable investments in the +nited ,tates$ have been led
(! Goreign investors$ gro"ing confident about their capability for making
profitable investments in the +nited ,tates$ has led them
(# -ro"ing confidence in their ability to make profitable investments in the
+nited ,tates has led foreign investors
(% -ro"ing confidence in their ability for making profitable investments in the
+nited ,tates have led foreign investors
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(& -ro"ing confident about their capabilities for making profitable investments
in the +nited ,tates$ foreign investors have been led
312. Gormulas for cash flo" and the ratio of debt to e4uity do not apply to ne" small
businesses in the same "ay as they do to established big businesses$ because they
are gro"ing and are seldom in e4uilibrium.
(A Gormulas for cash flo" and the ratio of debt to e4uity do not apply to ne"
small businesses in the same "ay as they do to established big businesses$
because they are gro"ing and are seldom in e4uilibrium.
(! !ecause they are gro"ing and are seldom in e4uilibrium$ formulas for cash
flo" and the ratio of debt to e4uity do not apply to ne" small businesses in
the same "ay as they do to established big businesses.
(# !ecause they are gro"ing and are seldom in e4uilibrium$ ne" small
businesses are not sub5ect to the same applicability of formulas for cash flo"
and the ratio of debt to e4uity as established big businesses.
(% !ecause ne" small businesses are gro"ing and are seldom in e4uilibrium$
formulas for cash flo" and the ratio of debt to e4uity do not apply to them in
the same "ay as to established big businesses.
(& Ne" small businesses are not sub5ect to the applicability of formulas for cash
flo" and the ratio of debt to e4uity in the same "ay as established big
businesses$ because they are gro"ing and are seldom in e4uilibrium.
313. Gound throughout #entral and ,outh America$ sloths hang from trees by long
rubbery limbs and sleep fifteen hours a day$ moving infre4uently enough that t"o
species of algae gro" on its coat and bet"een its toes.
(A sloths hang from trees by long rubbery limbs and sleep fifteen hours a day$
moving infre4uently enough
(! sloths hang from trees by long rubbery limbs$ they sleep fifteen hours a day$
and "ith such infre4uent movements
(# sloths use their long rubbery limbs to hang from trees$ sleep fifteen hours a
day$ and move so infre4uently
(% the sloth hangs from trees by its long rubbery limbs$ sleeping fifteen hours a
day and moving so infre4uently
(& the sloth hangs from trees by its long rubbery limbs$ sleeps fifteen hours a
day$ and it moves infre4uently enough
314. Gounded in '(0/$ the maga7ine increased its circulation more than double since
then$ and its advertising.
(A increased its circulation more than double since then$
(! has since increased its circulation more than double$
(# has since more than doubled its circulation
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(% since then more than doubled its circulation
(& more than doubled its circulation since then
315. Gramed by traitorous colleagues$ Alfred %reyfus "as imprisoned for t"elve years
before there "as e;oneration and his freedom.
(A there "as e;oneration and his freedom
(! he "as to be e;onerated "ith freedom
(# being e;onerated and freed
(% e;oneration and his freedom
(& being freed$ having been e;onerated
316. Grances Wright3s book on America contrasted the republicanism of the +nited
,tates "ith "hat she sa" as the aristocratic and corrupt institutions of &ngland.
(A "ith "hat she sa" as
(! "ith that "hich she sa" to be
(# to that she sa" being
(% and that "hich she sa" as
(& and "hat she sa" to be
317. Greedman3s survey sho"ed that people living in small to"ns and rural areas
consider themselves no happier than do people living in big cities.
(A no happier than do people living
(! not any happier than do people living
(# not any happier than do people "ho live
(% no happier than are people "ho are living
(& not as happy as are people "ho live
318. Grom '(89 on$ =ugoslavia3s standard of living has soared$ but unemployment and
prices too.
(A but unemployment and prices too
(! and also unemployment and prices
(# but so have unemployment and prices
(% and so also unemployment and prices
(& but so did unemployment and prices
319. Grom '(0* to '(0) sales of ne" small boats increased bet"een five and ten
percent annually.
(A Grom '(0* to '(0) sales of ne" small boats increased bet"een five and ten
percent annually.
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(! Give to ten percent is the annual increase in sales of ne" small boats in the
years '(0* to '(0).
(# ,ales of ne" small boats have increased annually five and ten percent in the
years '(0* to '(0).
(% Annually an increase of five to ten percent has occurred bet"een '(0* and
'(0) in the sales of ne" small boats.
(& Fccurring from '(0* to '(0) "as an annual increase of five and ten percent
in the sales of ne" small boats.
320. Grom the bark of the paper birch tree the 6enomini crafted a canoe about t"enty
feet long and t"o feet "ide$ "ith small ribs and rails of cedar$ "hich could carry
four persons or eight hundred pounds of baggage so light that a person could
easily portage it around impeding rapids.
(A baggage so light
(! baggage being so light
(# baggage$ yet being so light
(% baggage$ and so light
(& baggage yet "as so light
321. Grom the earliest days of the tribe$ kinship determined the "ay in "hich the
F5ib"a society organi7ed its labor$ provided access to its resources$ and defined
rights and obligations involved in the distribution and consumption of those
(A and defined rights and obligations involved in the distribution and
consumption of those resources
(! defining rights and obligations involved in their distribution and consumption
(# and defined rights and obligations as they "ere involved in its distribution
and consumption
(% "hose rights and obligations "ere defined in their distribution and
(& the distribution and consumption of them defined by rights and obligations
322. Grom the time of its defeat by the -ermans in '(@2 until its liberation in '(@@$
Grance "as a bitter and divided countryD a kind of civil "ar raged in the ?ichy
government bet"een those "ho "anted to collaborate "ith the Na7is "ith those
"ho opposed them.
(A bet"een those "ho "anted to collaborate "ith the Na7is "ith those "ho
(! bet"een those "ho "anted to collaborate "ith the Na7is and those "ho
Score Your Way To The Top
1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(# bet"een those "anting to collaborate "ith the Na7is "ith those opposing
(% among those "ho "anted to collaborate "ith the Na7is and those "ho
(& among those "anting to collaborate "ith the Na7is "ith those opposing
323. -alileo "as convinced that natural phenomena$ as manifestations of the la"s of
physics$ "ould appear the same to someone on the deck of a ship moving
smoothly and uniformly through the "ater as a person standing on land.
(A "ater as a
(! "ater as to a
(# "aterD 5ust as it "ould to
(% "ater$ as it "ould to the
(& "aterD 5ust as to the
324. -all3s hypothesis of there being different mental functions locali7ed in different
parts of the brain is "idely accepted today.
(A of there being different mental functions locali7ed in different parts of the
brain is "idely accepted today
(! of different mental functions that are locali7ed in different parts of the brain is
"idely accepted today
(# that different mental functions are locali7ed in different parts of the brain is
"idely accepted today
(% "hich is that there are different mental functions locali7ed in different parts
of the brain is "idely accepted today
(& "hich is "idely accepted today is that there are different mental functions
locali7ed in different parts of the brain
325. -eologists believe that the !ering land bridge$ over "hich human beings are
thought to have first entered the Americans$ disappeared about '@$222 years ago
"hen massive glaciers melted and caused the sea level to rise several hundred
feet "orld"ide.
(A are thought to have first entered
(! "ere thought first to enter
(# "ere thought at first to enter
(% are thought of as first entering
(& "ere thought to first enter
326. -eologists believe that the "arning signs for a ma5or earth4uake may include
sudden fluctuations in local seismic activity$ tilting and other deformations of the
&arth3s crust$ changing the measured stain across a fault 7one$ and varying the
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
electrical properties of underground rocks.
(A changing the measured strain across a fault 7one$ and varying
(! changing measurements of the strain across a fault 7one$ and varying
(# changing the strain as measured across a fault 7one$ and variations of
(% changes in the measured strain across a fault 7one$ and variations in
(& changes in measurements of the strain across a fault 7one$ and variations
327. -eorge ,and (Aurore .ucile %upin "as one of the first &uropean "riters to
consider the rural poor to be legitimate sub5ects for literature and portray these
"ith sympathy and respect in her novels.
(A to be legitimate sub5ects for literature and portray these
(! should be legitimate sub5ects for literature and portray these
(# as being legitimate sub5ects for literature and portraying them
(% as if they "ere legitimate sub5ects for literature and portray them
(& legitimate sub5ects for literature and to portray them
328. -reen anole li7ards$ familiar to schoolchildren as chameleons$ have recently
become familiar to biologists as an e;cellent animal for laboratory studies of the
interaction bet"een stimuli "ith hormones.
(A an e;cellent animal for laboratory studies of the interaction bet"een stimuli
(! an e;cellent animal for laboratory studies of interaction of stimuli and
(# being e;cellent animals for laboratory studies of the interaction bet"een
stimuli "ith
(% e;cellent animals for laboratory studies of the interaction bet"een stimuli
(& e;cellent animals for laboratory studies of the interaction of stimuli and
329. -ro"ing competitive pressures may be encouraging auditors to bend the rules in
favor of clientsD auditors may$ for instance$ allo" a 4uestionable loan to remain
on the books in order to maintain a bank3s profits on paper.
(A clientsD auditors may$ for instance$ allo"
(! clients$ as an instance$ to allo"
(# clients$ like to allo"
(% clients$ such as to be allo"ing
(& clientsD "hich might$ as an instance$ be the allo"ing of
330. Caving the right hand and arm being crippled by a sniper3s bullet during the Girst
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
World War$ Corace 1ippin$ a !lack American painter$ "orked by holding the
brush in his right hand and guiding its movements "ith his left.
(A Caving the right hand and arm being crippled by a sniper3s bullet during the
Girst World War
(! In spite of his right hand and arm being crippled by a sniper3s bullet during
the Girst World War
(# !ecause there had been a sniper3s bullet during the Girst World War that
crippled his right hand and arm
(% <he right hand and arm being crippled by a sniper3s bullet during the Girst
World War
(& Cis right hand and arm crippled by a sniper3s bullet during the Girst World
331. Cealth officials estimate that /9 million Africans are in danger of contracting
trypanosomiasis$ or African sleeping sickness$ a parasitic disease spread by the
bites of tsetse flies.
(A are in danger of contracting
(! are in danger to contract
(# have a danger of contracting
(% are endangered by contraction
(& have a danger that they "ill contract
332. Cis studies of ice-polished rocks in his Alpine homeland$ far outside the range of
present-day glaciers$ led .ouis Agassi7 in '0/) to propose the concept of an age
in "hich great ice sheets had e;isted in no" currently temperate areas.
(A in "hich great ice sheets had e;isted in no" currently temperate areas
(! in "hich great ice sheets e;isted in "hat are no" temperate areas
(# "hen great ice sheets e;isted "here there "ere areas no" temperate
(% "hen great ice sheets had e;isted in current temperate areas
(& "hen great ice sheets e;isted in areas no" that are temperate
333. Couseflies that hatch in summer live only about three "eeks$ but those that
emerge in the cooler days of fall often live longer than si; months.
(A "eeks$ but those that emerge in the cooler days of fall often live
(! "eeks$ but those that emerge in the cooler days of fall often live as long or
(# "eeks$ "hich is different from those that emerge in the cooler days of fall and
often live
(% "eeksD then those that emerge in the cooler days of fall often live as long as
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(& "eeksD this is different from those that emerge in the cooler days of fall$ "ho
often live
334. Co"ever much +nited ,tates voters may agree that there is "aste in government
and that the government as a "hole spends beyond its means$ it is difficult to find
broad support for a movement to"ard a minimal state.
(A Co"ever much +nited ,tates voters may agree that
(! %espite the agreement among +nited ,tates voters to the fact
(# Although +nited ,tates voters agree
(% &ven though +nited ,tates voters may agree
(& <here is agreement among +nited ,tates voters that
335. Cumans have been damaging the environment for centuries by overcutting trees
and farming too intensively$ and though some protective measures$ like the
establishment of national forests and "ildlife sanctuaries$ having been taken
decades ago$ great increases in population and in the intensity of industriali7ation
are causing a "orld"ide ecological crisis.
(A though some protective measures$ like the establishment of national forests
and "ildlife sanctuaries$ having been taken decades ago$ great increases in
(! though some protective measures$ such as the establishment of national
forests and "ildlife sanctuaries$ "ere taken decades ago$ great increases in
(# though some protective measures$ such as establishing national forests and
"ildlife sanctuaries$ having been taken decades ago$ great population
(% "ith some protective measures$ like establishing national forests and "ildlife
sanctuaries that "ere taken decades ago$ great increases in population
(& "ith some protective measures$ such as the establishment of national forests
and "ildlife sanctuaries$ having been taken decades ago$ great population
336. Ideally$ the professional career diplomat should help in the ongoing maintenance
of an effective American foreign policy despite changes in administration.
(A in the ongoing maintenance of
(! in the maintaining of
(# maintain
(% to maintain and continue
(& the maintenance of
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
337. Idioglossia is a phenomenon$ incompletely understood at best$ "here t"o persons
develop a uni4ue and private language "ith highly original vocabulary and
(A "here t"o persons develop a uni4ue and private language "ith
(! "hen t"o persons develop a uni4ue and private language having
(# in "hich t"o persons have uni4ue and private language development "ith
(% having t"o persons "ho develop a uni4ue and private language that has
(& in "hich t"o persons develop a uni4ue and private language "ith
338. If a single strain of plant is used for a given crop over a "ide area$ a practice
fostered by modern seed-marketing methods$ it increases the likelihood that the
impact of a single crop disease or pest "ill be disastrous.
(A If a single strain of plant is used for a given crop over a "ide area$ a practice
fostered by modern seed-marketing methods$ it
(! If a single strain of plant is used for a given crop over a "ide area$ as is
fostered by modern seed-marketing methods$ it
(# A practice fostered by modern seed-marketing methods$ a single strain of
plant used for a given crop over a "ide area
(% A single strain of plant used for a given crop over a "ide area$ a practice
fostered by modern seed-marketing methods$
(& <he use of single strain of plant for a given crop over a "ide area$ a practice
fostered by modern seed-marketing methods$
339. If additional deposits of oil are found$ it "ill e;pand the amount that can be used
as fuel and reduce the price of oil$ even if the deposits are not immediately
(A it "ill e;pand the amount that can be used as fuel and reduce the price of oil
(! the amount that is able to be used as fuel "ill e;pand and the price of oil be
(# it "ill cause an increase in the amount that is able to be used as fuel and a
reduction in the price of oil
(% the amount that can be used as fuel "ill increase and the price of oil "ill drop
(& it "ill increase the amount of oil that can be used as fuel and cause a drop in
the price
340. If anyone at Inter#om Ginancial Advisers "ould have anticipated$ or even
suspected$ the impending sale of the Eoniko kelp processing plant$ they "ould
have advised o"ners of Eoniko stock to unload all shares immediately.
(A If anyone at Inter#om Ginancial Advisers "ould have anticipated
(! Cad anyone at Inter#om Ginancial Advisers anticipated
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(# If any people at Inter#om Ginancial Advisers "ould have anticipated
(% If any people at Inter#om Ginancial Advisers had anticipated
(& If anybody at Inter#om Ginancial Advisers anticipated
341. If %r. Wade "as right$ any apparent connection of the eating of highly processed
foods and e;celling at sports is purely coincidental.
(A If %r. Wade "as right$ any apparent connection of the eating of
(! ,hould %r. Wade be right$ any apparent connection of eating
(# If %r. Wade is right$ any connection that is apparent bet"een eating of
(% If %r. Wade is right$ any apparent connection bet"een eating
(& ,hould %r. Wade have been right$ any connection apparent bet"een eating
342. If industrial pollution continues to deplete the o7one layer$ the resulting increase
in ultraviolet radiation "ill endanger human health$ causing a rise in the incidence
of skin cancer and eye disease$ and perhaps even threatening global ecological
(A and perhaps even threatening
(! and may even threaten
(# and even a possible threat to
(% as "ell as possibly threatening
(& as "ell as a possible threat to
343. If the ne" airboat does "hat it is to be doingHtravel at high speeds undeterred by
sandbars$ crocodile-infested mudflats$ or marshy hippo hauntsHit could
revolutioni7e transport on the *$(22-mile-long #ongo Biver.
(A If the ne" airboat does "hat it is to be doing
(! If the ne" airboat does "hat it is supposed to do
(# If it does as the ne" airboat is supposed to do
(% %oing "hat it is the ne" airboat is supposed to do
(& %oing "hat the ne" airboat is to be doing
344. If the proposed e;penditures for gathering information abroad are reduced even
further$ international ne"s reports have been and "ill continue to diminish in
number and 4uality.
(A have been and "ill continue to diminish
(! have and "ill continue to diminish
(# "ill continue to diminish$ as they already did$
(% "ill continue to diminish$ as they have already$
(& "ill continue to diminish
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
345. If the reporter "ould have kno"n the landlord3s side of the story$ she "ould not
have "ritten an article so favorable to the 0'-year-old tenant.
(A "ould have kno"n the landlord3s side of the story$ she "ould not have
(! "ould of kno"n the landlord3s side of the story$ she "ould not of "ritten
(# had kno"n the landlord3s side of the story$ she "ould not have "ritten
(% had kno"n the landlord3s side of the story$ she "ould not have "rote
(& kne" the landlord3s side of the story$ she "ould not have "ritten
346. Ignoring the admonitions of his staff$ the chief financial officer accepted the
advice of the consulting company because he believed that the standardi7ed
accounting procedures "ould prove not only ine;pensive but reliable indicators
of economic performance.
(A he believed that the standardi7ed accounting procedures "ould prove not only
ine;pensive but
(! the standardi7ed accounting procedures "ill prove both ine;pensive and also
(# he believed the standardi7ed accounting procedures "ould prove themselves
to be both ine;pensive and
(% he believed that the standardi7ed accounting procedures "ould prove to be
both ine;pensive and
(& standardi7ed accounting procedures "ill prove his belief that they are both
ine;pensive and
347. Iguanas have been an important food source in .atin America since prehistoric
times$ and it is still pri7ed as a game animal by the campesinos$ "ho typically
cook the meat in a heavily spiced ste".
(A it is still pri7ed as a game animal
(! it is still pri7ed as game animals
(# they are still pri7ed as game animals
(% they are still pri7ed as being a game animal
(& being still pri7ed as a game animal
348. In '9*) Eing Cenry ?III sought to have his marriage to :ueen #atherine
annulled so as to marry Anne !oleyn.
(A so as so marry
(! and so could be married to
(# to be married to
(% so that he could marry
(& in order that he "ould marry
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
349. In ')(' Bobert #arter III$ one of the "ealthiest plantation o"ners in ?irginia$
stunned his family$ friends$ and neighbors by filing a deed of emancipation$
setting free the more than 922 slaves "ho "ere legally considered his property.
(A setting free the more than 922 slaves "ho "ere legally considered
(! setting free more than the 922 slaves legally considered as
(# and set free more than 922 slaves$ "ho "ere legally considered as
(% and set free more than the 922 slaves "ho "ere legally considered
(& and he set free the more than 922 slaves "ho "ere legally considered as
350. In '(**$ "hen <ruman "as almost forty years old$ he "as living in his mother-in-
la"3s house$ "atching the haberdashery store he opened three years earlier go
bankrupt$ and he faced a future "ith no visible prospects.
(A opened three years earlier go bankrupt$ and he faced
(! opened three years earlier go bankrupt and faced
(# had opened three years earlier go bankrupt$ and he "as facing
(% had opened three years earlier go bankrupt$ and facing
(& "as opening three years earlier going bankrupt$ and facing
351. In '(*( relatively small declines in the market ruined many speculators having
bought on marginD they had to sell$ and their selling pushed other investors to the
(A speculators having bought on marginD they had to sell$ and
(! speculators "ho had bought on marginD having had to sell$
(# speculators "ho had bought on marginD they had to sell$ and
(% speculators$ those "ho had bought on marginD these speculators had to sell$
(& speculators$ "ho$ having bought on margin and having to sell$
352. In '(// the rubber$ clothing$ and shipbuilding industries put into effect a si;-hour
"orkday$ believing it a seeming permanent accommodation rather than a
temporary e;pedient for "hat many observers thought "as an economy made
overproductive by advances in technology.
(A believing it a seeming permanent accommodation rather than a temporary
e;pedient for "hat many observers thought "as
(! believing it a seeming permanent accommodation instead of a temporary
e;pedient for "hat many observers thought "as
(# believing that it "as not a temporary e;pedient but a seeming permanent
accommodation to "hat many observers thought of as a
(% not as a temporary e;pedient but as a seemingly permanent accommodation
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
to "hat many observers thought "as
(& not as a temporary e;pedient but believing it a seemingly permanent
accommodation for "hat many observers thought
353. In '()/ mortgage payments represented t"enty-one percent of an average thirty-
year-old male3s incomeD and forty-four percent in '(0@.
(A incomeD and forty-four percent in '(0@
(! incomeD in '(0@ the figure "as forty-four percent
(# income$ and in '(0@ forty-four percent
(% income$ forty-four percent in '(0@ "as the figure
(& income that rose to forty-four percent in '(0@
354. In '()0 a national study found that not only had many contractors licensed by a
self-policing private guild failed to pass 4ualifying e;ams$ they in addition
falsified their references.
(A they in addition falsified their references
(! they had their references falsified in addition
(# but they had also falsified their references
(% they had also falsified their references
(& but their references "ere falsified as "ell
355. In '()0 only half the "omen granted child support by a court received the
amount a"ardedD at least as much as a million and more others had not any
support agreements "hatsoever.
(A at least as much as a million and more others had not any
(! at least as much as more than a million others had no
(# more than a million others had not any
(% more than a million others had no
(& there "as at least a million or more others "ithout any
356. In '(02 the +nited ,tates e;ported t"ice as much of its national output of goods
as they had in '()2.
(A t"ice as much of its national output of goods as they had
(! double the amount of their national output of goods as they did
(# t"ice as much of its national output of goods as it did
(% double the amount of its national output of goods as it has
(& t"ice as much of their national output of goods as they had
357. In '(02$ for the first time$ the number of foreigners touring the +nited ,tates
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
"ere in e;cess of the number of Americans going abroad.
(A "ere in e;cess of the number of Americans
(! had an e;cess over the Americans "ho "ere
(# e;ceeded the Americans "ho "ere
(% numbered more than the Americans
(& e;ceeded the number of Americans
358. In '(0* the median income for married-couple families "ith a "age-earning "ife
"as I($222 more than a family "here the husband only "as employed.
(A a family "here the husband only
(! of a family "here only the husband
(# that for families in "hich only the husband
(% a family in "hich only the husband
(& those of families in "hich the husband only
359. In '((23s$ there are more babies born by "omen over thirty years old than under
(A than under it
(! than "ere they under it
(# than had been under it
(% than "ere the babies
(& than those "ere under it
360. In a 9-to-@ decision$ the ,upreme #ourt ruled that t"o upstate Ne" =ork counties
o"ed restitution to three tribes of Fneida Indians for the unla"ful sei7ure of their
ancestral lands in the eighteenth century.
(A that t"o upstate Ne" =ork counties o"ed restitution to three tribes of Fneida
Indians for the unla"ful sei7ure of
(! that t"o upstate Ne" =ork counties o"ed restitution to three tribes of Fneida
Indians because of their unla"ful sei7ure of
(# t"o upstate Ne" =ork counties to o"e restitution to three tribes of Fneida
Indians for their unla"ful sei7ure of
(% on t"o upstate Ne" =ork counties that o"ed restitution to three tribes of
Fneida Indians because they unla"fully sei7ed
(& on the restitution that t"o upstate Ne" =ork counties o"ed to three tribes of
Fneida Indians for the unla"ful sei7ure of
361. In a period of time "hen "omen typically have had a narro" range of choices$
6ary !aker &ddy became a distinguished "riter and the founder$ architect$ and
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
builder of a gro"ing church.
(A In a period of time "hen "omen typically have
(! %uring a time in "hich typically "omen have
(# <ypically$ during a time "hen "omen
(% At a time "hen "omen typically
(& <ypically in a time in "hich "omen
362. In a plan to stop the erosion of &ast #oast beaches$ the Army #orps of &ngineers
proposed building parallel to shore a break"ater of rocks that "ould rise si; feet
above the "aterline and act as a buffer$ so that it absorbs the energy of crashing
"aves and protecting the beaches.
(A act as a buffer$ so that it absorbs
(! act like a buffer so as to absorb
(# act as a buffer$ absorbing
(% acting as a buffer$ absorbing
(& acting like a buffer$ absorb
363. In a recent poll$ 08 percent of the public favored a #lean Air Act as strong or
stronger than the present act.
(A a #lean Air Act as strong or stronger than
(! a #lean Air Act that is stronger$ or at least so strong as$
(# at least as strong a #lean Air Act as is
(% a #lean Air Act as strong or stronger than is
(& a #lean Air Act at least as strong as
364. In A.%. /('$ resulting from the destruction of the largest library of the ancient
"orld at Ale;andria$ later generations lost all but the -l!'d and .dyssey among
-reek epics$ most of the poetry of 1indar and ,appho$ and do7ens of plays by
Aeschylus and &uripides.
(A resulting from the destruction of the largest library of the ancient "orld at
(! the destroying of the largest library of the ancient "orld at Ale;andria
resulted and
(# because of the result of the destruction of the library at Ale;andria$ the largest
of the ancient "orld$
(% as a result of the destruction of the library at Ale;andria$ the largest of the
ancient "orld$
(& Ale;andria3s largest library of the ancient "orld "as destroyed$ and the result
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
365. In addition to having more protein than "heat does$ the protein in rice is higher
4uality than that in "heat$ "ith more of the amino acids essential to the human
(A the protein in rice is higher 4uality than that in
(! rice has protein of higher 4uality than that in
(# the protein in rice is higher in 4uality than it is in
(% rice protein is higher in 4uality than it is in
(& rice has a protein higher in 4uality than
366. In an effort to reduce their inventories$ Italian vintners have cut pricesD their
"ines have been priced to sell$ and they are.
(A have been priced to sell$ and they are
(! are priced to sell$ and they have
(# are priced to sell$ and they do
(% are being priced to sell$ and have
(& had been priced to sell$ and they have
367. In ancient times$ Nubia "as the principal corridor "here there "ere cultural
influences transmitted bet"een !lack Africa and the 6editerranean basin.
(A "here there "ere cultural influences transmitted
(! through "hich cultural influences "ere transmitted
(# "here there "as a transmission of cultural influences
(% for the transmitting of cultural influences
(& "hich "as transmitting cultural influences
368. In Aristophanes3 /ys!str't' "omen are seen as the means of bringing peace and
good sense to a "ar-torn "orld.
(A as
(! as if they are
(# that they "ill be
(% that they are
(& for being
369. In assessing the problems faced by rural migrant "orkers$ the 4uestion of "hether
they are better off materially than the urban "orking poor is irrelevant.
(A In assessing the problems faced by rural migrant "orkers$ the 4uestion of
"hether they are better off materially than the urban "orking poor is
(! <he 4uestion of "hether the rural migrant "orker is better off materially than
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the urban "orking poor is irrelevant in assessing the problems that they face.
(# A 4uestion that is irrelevant in assessing the problems that rural migrant
"orkers face is "hether they are better off materially than the urban "orking
(% In an assessment of the problems faced by rural migrant "orkers$ the 4uestion
of "hether they are better off materially than the urban "orking poor is
(& <he 4uestion of "hether the rural migrant "orker is better off materially than
the urban "orking poor is irrelevant in an assessment of the problems that
they face.
370. In astronomy the term red shift denotes the e;tent to "hich light from a distant
gala;y has been shifted to"ard the red$ or long-"ave$ end of the light spectrum
by the rapid motion of the gala;y a"ay from the &arth.
(A to "hich light from a distant gala;y has been shifted
(! to "hich light from a distant gala;y has shifted
(# that light from a distant gala;y has been shifted
(% of light from a distant gala;y shifting
(& of the shift of light from a distant gala;y
371. In cold-"ater habitats$ certain invertebrates and fish convert starches into
comple; carbohydrates called glycerols$ in effect manufacturing its o"n
(A in effect manufacturing its o"n antifree7e
(! effectively manufacturing antifree7e of its o"n
(# in effect manufacturing their o"n antifree7e
(% so that they manufacture their o"n antifree7e
(& thus the manufacture of its o"n antifree7e
372. In contrast to large steel plants that take iron ore through all the steps needed to
produce several different kinds of steel$ processing steel scrap into a speciali7ed
group of products has enabled small mills to put capital into ne" technology and
remain economically viable.
(A processing steel scrap into a speciali7ed group of products has enabled small
mills to put capital into ne" technology and remain
(! processing steel scrap into a speciali7ed group of products has enabled small
mills to put capital into ne" technology$ remaining
(# the processing of steel scrap into a speciali7ed group of products has enabled
small mills to put capital into ne" technology$ remaining
(% small mills$ by processing steel scrap into a speciali7ed group of products$
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
have been able to put capital into ne" technology and remain
(& small mills$ by processing steel scrap into a speciali7ed group of products$
have been able to put capital into ne" technology and remained
373. In contrast to true hibernators such as "oodchucks and hedgehogs$ "hose body
temperatures drop close to the free7ing point during the "inter months$ the body
temperature of bears remains nearly normal throughout their prolonged sleep.
(A the body temperature of bears remains nearly normal
(! a nearly normal body temperature is maintained by bears
(# a bear3s body temperature remains nearly normal
(% a bear maintains a body temperature that is nearly normal
(& bears maintain a nearly normal body temperature
374. In %ecember of '(0) an automobile manufacturer pleaded no contest to criminal
charges of odometer tampering and agreed to pay more than I'8 million in civil
damages for cars that "ere test-driven "ith their odometers disconnected.
(A cars that "ere test-driven "ith their odometers disconnected
(! cars that it had test-driven "ith their disconnected odometers
(# its cars having been test-driven "ith disconnected odometers
(% having test-driven cars "ith their odometers disconnected
(& having cars that "ere test-driven "ith disconnected odometers
375. In developing ne" facilities for the incineration of solid "astes$ "e must avoid
the danger of shifting environmental problems from landfills polluting the "ater
to polluting the air "ith incinerators.
(A landfills polluting the "ater to polluting the air "ith incinerators
(! landfills polluting the "ater to the air being polluted "ith incinerators
(# the pollution of "ater by landfills to the pollution of air by incinerators
(% pollution of the "ater by landfills to incinerators that pollute the air
(& "ater that is polluted by landfills to incinerators that pollute the air
376. In &gypt in the late 1aleolithic period$ the climate changed$ pastures became
deserts$ and the inhabitants "ere forced to "ithdra" to the land bordering the
Nile from their hunting grounds.
(A inhabitants "ere forced to "ithdra" to the land bordering the Nile from their
hunting grounds
(! inhabitants had been forced to "ithdra" from their hunting grounds to the
land that bordered the Nile
(# inhabitants "ere forced to "ithdra" from their hunting grounds to the land
bordering the Nile
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(% inhabitants having been forced to$ "ithdre" from their hunting grounds to the
land that bordered the Nile
(& inhabitants "ithdre"$ because they "ere forced to$ from their hunting grounds
to the land bordering the Nile
377. In &ngland the "ell-dressed gentleman of the eighteenth century protected their
clothing "hile having their "ig po"dered by poking their head through a device
that resembled the stocks.
(A gentleman of the eighteenth century protected their clothing "hile having
their "ig po"dered by poking their head
(! gentleman of the eighteenth century protected his clothing "hile having his
"ig po"dered by poking his head
(# gentleman of the eighteenth century protected their clothing "hile having
their "igs po"dered by poking their heads
(% gentlemen of the eighteenth century protected his clothing "hile having his
"ig po"dered by poking his head
(& gentlemen of the eighteenth century protected their clothing "hile having his
"ig po"dered by poking his head
378. In feudal &urope$ urban areas developed from clusters of houses "here peasants
lived and commuted to farmlands in the countryside$ unlike homesteading
policies in the American West that re4uired residency on the land itself in order to
obtain eventual o"nership.
(A In feudal &urope$ urban areas developed from clusters of houses "here
peasants lived and commuted to farmlands in the countryside$ unlike
homesteading policies in the American West that
(! In feudal &urope$ urban areas developed from clusters of houses "here
peasants lived and from "hich they commuted to farmlands in the
countryside$ but in the American West homesteading policies
(# +nlike feudal &urope "here urban areas developed from clusters of houses
"here peasants lived and commuted to farmlands in the countryside$ the
American West3s homesteading policies
(% +nlike feudal &urope "here urban areas developed from clusters of houses
"here peasants lived and commuted to farmlands in the countryside$ the
homesteading policies of the American West
(& +rban areas developed from clusters of houses "here peasants lived from
"hich they commuted to farmlands in the countryside in feudal &urope$
unlike the American West "here homesteading policies
379. In good years$ the patch"ork of green fields that surround the ,an Aoa4uin ?alley
to"n bustles "ith farm "orkers$ many of them in the area 5ust for the season.
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(A surround the ,an Aoa4uin ?alley to"n bustles "ith farm "orkers$ many of
(! surrounds the ,an Aoa4uin ?alley to"n bustles "ith farm "orkers$ many of
"hom are
(# surround the ,an Aoa4uin ?alley to"n bustles "ith farm "orkers$ many of
"ho are
(% surround the ,an Aoa4uin ?alley to"n bustle "ith farm "orkers$ many of
(& surrounds the ,an Aoa4uin ?alley to"n bustles "ith farm "orkers$ many are
380. In her recently published study$ Bubin asserts that most "omen do not suffer from
the empty nest syndromeD they are$ in fact$ relieved "hen their children depart.
(A they are$ in fact$ relieved "hen their children depart
(! and they are$ in fact$ relieved "hen their children departed
(# they are$ in fact$ relieved "hen their children departed
(% in fact$ they are relieved "hen their children departed
(& they are relieved at the departure of the children$ in fact
381. In his eagerness to find a city "orthy of 1riam$ the -erman archaeologist
,chliemann cut through <roy and uncovered a civili7ation a thousand years older
as "as the city Comer3s heroes kne".
(A older as "as the city Comer3s heroes kne"
(! more ancient than the city kno"n to Comer3s heroes
(# older than "as the city kno"n to Comer3s heroes
(% more ancient of a city than Comer3s heroes kne"
(& older of a city than "as the one kno"n to Comer3s heroes
382. In his research paper$ %r. Grosh$ medical director of the 1ayne Whitney #linic$
distinguishes mood s"ings$ "hich may be violent "ithout their being grounded in
mental disease$ from genuine manic-depressive psychosis.
(A mood s"ings$ "hich may be violent "ithout their being grounded in mental
disease$ from genuine manic-depressive psychosis
(! mood s"ings$ perhaps violent "ithout being grounded in mental disease$ and
genuine manic-depressive psychosis
(# bet"een mood s"ings$ "hich may be violent "ithout being grounded in
mental disease$ and genuine manic-depressive psychosis
(% bet"een mood s"ings$ perhaps violent "ithout being grounded in mental
disease$ from genuine manic-depressive psychosis
(& genuine manic-depressive psychosis and mood s"ings$ "hich may be violent
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"ithout being grounded in mental disease
383. In his "ork$ .eon Gorrest is more reminiscent of Cenry 6iller3s obsessive
narratives and <oni 6orrison3s mythic languages than Aames Aoyce3s internal
(A In his "ork$ .eon Gorrest is more reminiscent of
(! .eon Gorrest "rites more like
(# .eon Gorrest3s "ork is more reminiscent of
(% .eon Gorrest reminds one more of
(& .eon Gorrest3s "ork more resembles that of
384. In Colland$ a larger percentage of the gross national product is spent on defense
of their coasts from rising seas than is spent on military defense in the +nited
(A In Colland$ a larger percentage of the gross national product is spent on
defense of their coasts from rising seas than is spent on military defense in
the +nited ,tates.
(! In Colland they spend a larger percentage of their gross national product on
defending their coasts from rising seas than the +nited ,tates does on
military defense.
(# A larger percentage of Colland3s gross national product is spent on defending
their coasts from rising seas than the +nited ,tates spends on military
(% Colland spends a larger percentage of its gross national product defending its
coasts from rising seas than the military defense spending of the +nited
(& Colland spends a larger percentage of its gross national product on defending
its coasts from rising seas than the +nited ,tates does on military defense.
385. In its most recent approach$ the comet #rommelin passed the &arth at about the
same distance and in about the same position$ some *9 degrees above the hori7on$
that Calley3s comet "ill pass the ne;t time it appears.
(A that Calley3s comet "ill pass
(! that Calley3s comet is to be passing
(# as Calley3s comet
(% as "ill Calley3s comet
(& as Calley3s comet "ill do
386. In Aapan elderly people are treated "ith far greater respect than most Western
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(A most Western countries
(! most Western countries do
(# most Western countries are
(% they do in most Western countries
(& they are in most Western countries
387. In Aapan$ a government advisory committee called for the breakup of Nippon
<elephone and <elegraph #ompany$ the largest telephone company in the "orld$
so it "ould be t"o local phone companies and one long-distance provider.
(A In Aapan$ a government advisory committee called for the breakup of Nippon
<elephone and <elegraph #ompany$ the largest telephone company in the
"orld$ so it "ould be
(! <he breakup of the "orld3s largest telephone company$ Nippon <elephone and
<elegraph #ompany$ "as called for by a government advisory committee in
Aapan$ so it "ould be
(# A government advisory committee in Aapan called for the breakup of Nippon
<elephone and <elegraph #ompany$ the "orld3s largest telephone company$
(% <he breakup of Nippon <elephone and <elegraph #ompany$ the "orld3s
largest telephone company$ "as called for by a government advisory
committee in Aapan$ so it "ould be
(& #alled for by a government advisory committee$ the breakup of Nippon
<elephone and <elegraph #ompany in Aapan$ the "orld3s largest telephone
company$ "as to be into
388. In Aune of '(0)$ The )r!d&e of Tr!n0uet'!lle1 ?incent van -ogh3s vie" of an iron
bridge over the Bhone sold for I*2.* million and it "as the second highest price
ever paid for a painting at auction.
(A Bhone sold for I*2.* million and it "as
(! Bhone$ "hich sold for I*2.* million$ "as
(# Bhone$ "as sold for I*2.* million$
(% Bhone "as sold for I*2.* million$ being
(& Bhone$ sold for I*2.* million$ and "as
389. In Aune of '(0($ 1rinceton <o"nship approved a developer3s plans to build /22
houses on a large portion of the *'2-acre site of the !attle of 1rinceton$ one of
only eight Bevolutionary War battlefields that had remained undeveloped.
(A one of only eight Bevolutionary War battlefields that had remained
(! one of eight of the only Bevolutionary War battlefields that have remained
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(# one of the only eight undeveloped Bevolutionary War battlefields that
(% only one of eight Bevolutionary War battlefields to remain undeveloped
(& only one of the eight remaining undeveloped Bevolutionary War battlefields
390. In Aune$ '(0'$ si; teenagers in the village of 6ed5ugor5e$ =ugoslavia$ claimed to
have had visions of the ?irgin 6ary$ "ho they say has continued to appear to
them over the ensuing years.
(A claimed to have had visions of the ?irgin 6ary$ "ho
(! claimed to have visions of the ?irgin 6ary$ "hom
(# claimed to have had visions of the ?irgin 6ary$ "hom
(% claimed to have visions of the ?irgin 6ary$ "ho
(& had claimed to have had visions of the ?irgin 6ary$ "hom
391. In large doses$ analgesics that "ork in the brain as antagonists to certain
chemicals have caused psychological disturbances in patients$ "hich may limit
their potential to relieve severe pain.
(A "hich may limit their potential to relieve
(! "hich may limit their potential for relieving
(# "hich may limit such analgesics3 potential to relieve
(% an effect that may limit their potential to relieve
(& an effect that may limit the potential of such analgesics for relieving
392. In metal"ork one advantage of adhesive-bonding over spot-"elding is that the
contact$ and hence the bonding$ is effected continuously over a broad surface
instead of a series of regularly spaced points "ith no bonding in bet"een.
(A instead of
(! as opposed to
(# in contrast "ith
(% rather than at
(& as against being at
393. In one of the bloodiest battles of the #ivil War$ fought at ,harpsburg$ 6aryland$
on ,eptember ')$ '08*$ four times as many Americans "ere killed as "ould later
be killed on the beaches of Normandy during %-%ay.
(A Americans "ere killed as
(! Americans "ere killed than
(# Americans "ere killed than those "ho
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(% more Americans "ere killed as there
(& more Americans "ere killed as those "ho
394. In one of the most stunning reversals in the history of marketing$ the #oca-#ola
company in Auly '(09 yielded to thousands of irate consumers demanding that it
should bring back the original #oke formula.
(A demanding that it should
(! demanding it to
(# and their demand to
(% "ho demanded that it
(& "ho demanded it to
395. In presenting his %odus v!vend! proposal$ .ansing implied that the American
government accepted the -erman vie" that armed merchant vessels "ere
"arships> ho"ever$ "hen the proposal "as dropped by the Wilson administration$
it seemed to be reverting to the !ritish vie" on this 4uestion.
(A "hen the proposal "as dropped by the Wilson administration$ it
(! after it "as dropped$ the Wilson administration
(# by dropping the proposal$ the Wilson administration
(% the Wilson administration dropped the proposal "hen it
(& "hen they dropped the proposal$ the Wilson administration
396. In recent years cattle breeders have increasingly used crossbreeding$ in part that
their steers should ac4uire certain characteristics and partly because
crossbreeding is said to provide hybrid vigor.
(A in part that their steers should ac4uire certain characteristics
(! in part for the ac4uisition of certain characteristics in their steers
(# partly because of their steers ac4uiring certain characteristics
(% partly because certain characteristics should be ac4uired by their steers
(& partly to ac4uire certain characteristics in their steers
397. In reference to the current hostility to"ard smoking$ smokers fre4uently
e;pressed an;iety that their prospects for being hired and promoted are being
stunted by their habit.
(A In reference to the current hostility to"ard smoking$ smokers fre4uently
e;pressed an;iety that
(! Beferring to the current hostility to"ard smoking$ smokers fre4uently
e;pressed an;iety about
(# When referring to the current hostility to"ard smoking$ smokers fre4uently
e;press an;iety about
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(% With reference to the current hostility to"ard smoking$ smokers fre4uently
e;pressed an;iety about
(& Beferring to the current hostility to"ard smoking$ smokers fre4uently e;press
an;iety that
398. In spite of continuing national trends to"ard increased consumption of specialty
foods$ agronomists in the 6id"est foresee a gradual reversion to the raising of
agricultural staples> feed corn and hard red "heat.
(A a gradual reversion to the raising of agricultural staples
(! that a gradual reversion back "ill feature the raising of agricultural staples
(# a gradual reversion back to the raising of agricultural staples again
(% a gradual reversion to raise agricultural staples
(& a gradual reversion into the raising of agricultural staples
399. In spite of federal subsidi7ing of public transportation systems massively and
ma5or local efforts to persuade the public to use public transportation$ mass transit
has been steadily losing patronage to the private automobile for the past thirty
(A In spite of federal subsidi7ing of public transportation systems massively and
ma5or local efforts to persuade
(! In spite of massive federal subsidi7ing of public transportation systems and
ma5or efforts locally at persuading
(# %espite massive federal subsidies to public transportation systems and the
making of ma5or efforts locally to persuade
(% %espite massive federal subsidies to public transportation systems and ma5or
local efforts to persuade
(& %espite massive federal subsidies to public transportation systems and
making ma5or local efforts at persuading
400. In such "orks as his '00( masterpiece$ A 2'sh for the T!%ber $ Grederic
Bemington caught the public3s fancy by portraying those moments of conflict that
defined the West3s romantic heroes.
(A In such "orks as his '00( masterpiece$ A 2'sh for the T!%ber$ Grederic
Bemington caught the public3s fancy
(! In such "orks as Grederic Bemington3s '00( masterpiece$ A 2'sh for the
T!%ber1 the public3s fancy "as caught
(# Grederic Bemington$ catching the public3s fancy in such "orks as the '00(
masterpiece A 2'sh for the T!%ber1 did it
(% <he fancy of Grederic Bemington3s public "as caught in his '00(
masterpiece$ A 2'sh for the T!%ber1
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(& <he public3s fancy "as caught by Grederic Bemington in such "orks as his
'00( masterpiece$ A 2'sh for the T!%ber1
401. In terms of physics$ the characteristic feature of the roller coaster is that the cars3
potential energy$ gained through their being lifted by a chain drive through the
&arth3s gravity to the top of the first drop$ has been converted to kinetic energy by
the time the ride ends.
(A cars3 potential energy$ gained through their being lifted by a chain drive
(! cars3 potential energy$ a gain achieved as they are lifted by a chain drive
(# potential energy from the cars3 being lifted by a chain drive
(% potential energy of the cars$ gained as a chain drive lifts them
(& potential energy gained by the cars$ being achieved "hile a chain drive lifts
402. In the '(923s astronomers "ere divided bet"een those "ho believed the universe
began in a cosmic e;plosion (the big bang "ith those "ho favored the model
of an eternal and infinite steady-state universe.
(A universe began in a cosmic e;plosion (the big bang "ith
(! universe began "ith a cosmic e;plosion (the big bang and
(# universe had a beginning a cosmic e;plosion (the big bang or
(% universe3s beginning "as a cosmic e;plosion (the big bang or
(& universe3s beginning "as a cosmic e;plosion (the big bang against
403. In the '(92s$ "hen the #hrysler #orporation sponsored a live television sho"
about the assassination of Abraham .incoln$ it forbade the actors to mention
.incoln3s name or the name of the Gord <heater because it did not "ant to plug
the competition.
(A it forbade the actors to mention .incoln3s name or the name of the Gord
<heater because it
(! they forbade the actors from mentioning .incoln or the Gord <heater because
(# it "as forbidden to mention .incoln or the Gord <heater as they
(% the actors "ere forbidden to mention .incoln3s name or the name of the Gord
<heater because they
(& the actors "ere forbidden from mentioning .incoln or the Gord <heater$ since
404. In the '(023s the rate of increase of the minority population of the +nited ,tates
"as nearly t"ice as fast as the '()23s.
(A t"ice as fast as
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(! t"ice as fast as it "as in
(# t"ice "hat it "as in
(% t"o times faster than that of
(& t"o times greater than
405. In the face of "idespread concern about environmental "aste$ compact disc
manufacturers are attempting to find a replacement for the disposable plastic bo;
in "hich they package their product.
(A the disposable plastic bo; in "hich they
(! the disposable plastic bo; "here they
(# a disposable plastic bo; in "hich to
(% disposable plastic bo;es inside "hich they
(& the disposable plastic bo;es in "hich to
406. In the fall of '(09$ only '2 percent of the "omen entering college planned to
ma5or in education$ "hile *0 percent chose business$ making it the most popular
ma5or for "omen as "ell as for men.
(A as "ell as for men
(! as "ell as the men
(# and men too
(% and men as "ell
(& and also men
407. In the initial planning stages$ the condominium corporation took into account
only the concerns of its prospective clients$ not those of surrounding
(A the condominium corporation took into account only the concerns of its
prospective clients
(! the condominium corporation has only taken into account the concerns of
their prospective clients
(# the condominium corporation only took their prospective clients3 concerns
into account
(% the concerns of its prospective clients only "ere taken into account by the
condominium corporation
(& prospective clients had their concerns only taken into account by the
condominium corporation
408. In the last fe" years$ the number of convicted criminals given community service
sentences$ "hich allo" the criminals to remain unconfined "hile they perform
specific 5obs benefiting the public$ have risen dramatically.
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(A sentences$ "hich allo" the criminals to remain unconfined "hile they
perform specific 5obs benefiting the public$ have
(! sentences$ performing specific 5obs that benefit the public "hile being
allo"ed to remain unconfined$ have
(# sentences$ performing specific 5obs beneficial to the public "hile they are
allo"ed to remain unconfined$ have
(% sentences "hich allo" them to remain unconfined in their performing of
specific 5obs beneficial to the public has
(& sentences allo"ing them to remain unconfined "hile performing specific 5obs
that benefit the public has
409. In the last ten years$ the dropout rate among !lack high school students fell
substantially over the past decade$ "hile the number of !lacks "ho attend college
is more than t"ice "hat it "as.
(A fell substantially over the past decade$ "hile the number of !lacks "ho attend
college is more than t"ice "hat it "as
(! fell substantially$ "hile the number of !lacks attending college is more than
double "hat it "as at that time
(# has fallen substantially$ "hile the number of !lacks attending college has
more than doubled
(% has fallen substantially over the past decade$ "hile the number of !lacks
attending college is more than t"ice "hat it "as at that time
(& has fallen substantially over the past decade$ "hile the number of !lacks "ho
are attending college are more than double "hat they "ere
410. In the last t"enty years$ despite the chauvinism of &uropean connoisseurs$
#alifornia "ines are respected throughout the "orld.
(A are respected
(! are becoming better respected
(# "hich have gained respect
(% have gained respect
(& have since become respected
411. In the late seventh century$ in a dispute over "hether the 1rophet 6uhammad3s
son-in-la"$ Ali$ should carry on as the fourth caliph$ 6uhammad3s successor$
Islam split into t"o branches$ the ,unnis and the ,hiites.
(A over "hether the 1rophet 6uhammad3s son-in-la"$ Ali$ should carry on as
the fourth caliph$ 6uhammad3s successor
(! over if Ali$ the 1rophet 6uhammad3s son-in-la"$ "as going to carry on and
be the fourth caliph$ 6uhammad3s successor
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(# over "hether Ali$ the 1rophet 6uhammad3s son-in-la"$ "as going to carry on
and be the fourth caliph$ 6uhammad3s successor
(% as to "hether the fourth caliph$ 6uhammad3s successor$ is to be the 1rophet
6uhammad3s son-in-lo"$ Ali
(& concerning if the fourth caliph$ 6uhammad3s successor$ "as to be the 1rophet
6uhammad3s son-in-la"$ Ali
412. In the main$ incidents of breakdo"ns in nuclear reactors have not resulted from
lapses of high technology but commonplace inade4uacies in plumbing and
(A not resulted from lapses of high technology but
(! resulted not from lapses of high technology but from
(# resulted from lapses not of high technology but
(% resulted from lapses not of high technology but have stemmed from
(& resulted not from lapses of high technology but have stemmed from
413. In the mid-'(*23s the Ca"thorne Works of the Western &lectric #ompany "as
the scene of an intensive series of e;periments that "ould investigate changes in
"orking conditions as to their effects on "orkers3 performance.
(A that "ould investigate changes in "orking conditions as to their effects on
"orkers3 performance
(! investigating the effects that changes in "orking conditions "ould have on
"orkers3 performance
(# for investigating "hat are the effects in "orkers3 performance that changes in
"orking conditions "ould cause
(% that investigated changes in "orking conditions3 effects on "orkers3
(& to investigate "hat the effects changes in "orking conditions "ould have on
"orkers3 performance
414. In the mid-'(823s a ne"ly installed radar "arning system mistook the rising of
the moon as a massive missile attack by the ,oviets.
(A rising of the moon as a massive missile attack by the ,oviets
(! rising of the moon for a massive ,oviet missile attack
(# moon rising to a massive missile attack by the ,oviets
(% moon as it "as rising for a massive ,oviet missile attack
(& rise of the moon as a massive ,oviet missile attack
415. In the minds of many people living in &ngland$ before Australia "as Australia$ it
"as the antipodes$ the opposite pole to civili7ation$ an obscure and unimaginable
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place that "as considered the end of the "orld.
(A before Australia "as Australia$ it "as the antipodes
(! before there "as Australia$ it "as the antipodes
(# it "as the antipodes that "as Australia
(% Australia "as "hat "as the antipodes
(& Australia "as "hat had been kno"n as the antipodes
416. In the most common procedure for harvesting forage crops such as alfalfa$ as
much as *2 percent of the leaf and small-stem material$ "hich is the most
nutritious of all the parts of the plant$ shattered and fell to the ground.
(A "hich is the most nutritious of all the parts of the plant$ shattered and fell
(! the most nutritious of all parts of the plant$ shatter and fall
(# the parts of the plant "hich "ere most nutritious$ "ill shatter and fall
(% the most nutritious parts of the plant$ shatters and falls
(& parts of the plant "hich are the most nutritious$ have shattered and fallen
417. In the ,oviet +nion the attorney3s role is often played by the 5udge$ "ho not only
reserves time to hear citi7ens3 legal complaints and also prepares their cases
should the claims be valid.
(A and also prepares their cases should the claims be
(! but also does the preparation of their cases if the claims should be
(# and their cases are prepared if the claims are
(% but also prepares their cases if the claims are
(& and prepares their cases if the claims are
418. In the te;tbook publishing business$ the second 4uarter is historically "eak$
because revenues are lo" and marketing e;penses are high as companies prepare
for the coming school year.
(A lo" and marketing e;penses are high as companies prepare
(! lo" and their marketing e;penses are high as they prepare
(# lo" "ith higher marketing e;penses in preparation
(% lo"$ "hile marketing e;penses are higher to prepare
(& lo"$ "hile their marketing e;penses are higher in preparation
419. In the traditional Aapanese household$ most clothing could be packed flatly$ and
so it "as not necessary to have elaborate closet facilities.
(A flatly$ and so it "as not necessary to have elaborate closet facilities
(! flat$ and so elaborate closet facilities "ere unnecessary
(# flatly$ and so there "as no necessity for elaborate closet facilities
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(% flat$ there being no necessity for elaborate closet facilities
(& flatly$ as no elaborate closet facilities "ere necessary
420. In the +nited ,tates$ trade unions encountered far more intense opposition against
their struggle for social legitimacy than the organi7ed labor movements of most
other democratic nations.
(A against their struggle for social legitimacy than
(! in their struggle for social legitimacy than did
(# against their struggle for social legitimacy as
(% in their struggle for social legitimacy as did
(& "hen they struggled for social legitimacy than has
421. In theory$ international civil servants at the +nited Nations are prohibited from
continuing to dra" salaries from their o"n governmentsD in practice$ ho"ever$
some governments merely substitute living allo"ances for their employees3
paychecks$ assigned by them to the +nited Nations.
(A for their employees3 paychecks$ assigned by them
(! for the paychecks of their employees "ho have been assigned
(# for the paychecks of their employees$ having been assigned
(% in place of their employees3 paychecks$ for those of them assigned
(& in place of the paychecks of their employees to have been assigned by them
422. In three centuriesHfrom '292 to '/92Hseveral million tons of stone "ere
4uarried in Grance for the building of eighty cathedrals$ five hundred large
churches$ and some tens of thousands of parish churches.
(A for the building of eighty cathedrals$ five hundred large churches$ and some
(! in order that they might build eighty cathedrals$ five hundred large churches$
and some
(# so as they might build eighty cathedrals$ five hundred large churches$ and
(% so that there could be built eighty cathedrals$ five hundred large churches$
(& such that they could build eighty cathedrals$ five hundred large churches$ and
423. In virtually all types of tissue in every animal species$ dio;in induces the
production of en7ymes that are the organism3s trying to metaboli7e$ or render
harmless$ the chemical that is irritating it.
(A trying to metaboli7e$ or render harmless$ the chemical that is irritating it
(! trying that it metaboli7e$ or render harmless$ the chemical irritant
(# attempt to try to metaboli7e$ or render harmless$ such a chemical irritant
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(% attempt to try and metaboli7e$ or render harmless$ the chemical irritating it
(& attempt to metaboli7e$ or render harmless$ the chemical irritant
424. Income in a single year is a very poor guide to income and "ealth over even a
fe" years$ much less a lifetimeD in the longer run$ a ta; on "hat people spend is
therefore not much different than a ta; on their income.
(A than a ta; on their income
(! from a ta; on "hat they earn
(# than ta;ing income
(% from the income ta;
(& than a ta; on "hat people earn
425. Increases in the cost of energy$ turmoil in the international money markets$ and
the steady erosion of the dollar have altered the investment strategies of +nited
,tates corporations more radically than those of foreign corporations.
(A altered the investment strategies of +nited ,tates corporations more radically
than those of
(! altered the investment strategies of +nited ,tates corporations more radically
(# altered the investment strategies of +nited ,tates corporations more radically
than they have
(% radically altered the investment strategies of +nited ,tates corporations more
(& radically altered the investment strategies of +nited ,tates and
426. India is country "ith at least fifty ma5or regional languages$ of "hom fourteen
have official recognition.
(A of "hom fourteen have official recognition
(! fourteen that have official recognition
(# fourteen of "hich are officially recogni7ed
(% fourteen that are officially recogni7ed
(& among "hom fourteen have official recognition
427. Industrial pollution has done seriously and possibly irreversible damage to the
bron7e horses on the facade of the cathedral of ,t. 6ark .a ?enica.
(A has done seriously and possibly irreversible damage to
(! did damage that is seriously and possibly irreversible to
(# damaged$ serious and possibly irreversibly
(% has done serious and possibly irreversible damage to
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(& did damage$ serious and possibly irreversible
428. Inflation has made many Americans reevaluate their assumptions about the
futureD they still e;pect to live better than their parents have$ but not so "ell as
they once thought they could.
(A they still e;pect to live better than their parents have
(! they still e;pect to live better than their parents did
(# they still e;pect to live better than their parents had
(% still e;pecting to live better than their parents had
(& still e;pecting to live better than did their parents
429. Inflation in medical costs slo"ed in '(08 for the fifth consecutive year but "ere
still about 92 percent greater than the rate of price increases for other items
included in the consumer price inde;.
(A Inflation in medical costs slo"ed in '(08 for the fifth consecutive year but
(! Inflation in medical costs slo"ed for the fifth consecutive year in '(08 but
(# In '(08 inflation in medical costs "ere slo"ed for the fifth consecutive year
but "ere
(% '(08 "as the fifth consecutive year in "hich inflation in medical costs
slo"ed but "as
(& '(08 "as the fifth consecutive year that inflation in medical costs "ere
slo"ed$ but they "ere
430. Initiated five centuries after &uropeans arrived in the Ne" World on #olumbus
%ay '((*$ 1ro5ect ,&<I pledged a I'22 million investment in the search for
e;traterrestrial intelligence.
(A Initiated five centuries after &uropeans arrived in the Ne" World on
#olumbus %ay '((*$ 1ro5ect ,&<I pledged a I'22 million investment in the
search for e;traterrestrial intelligence.
(! Initiated on #olumbus %ay '((*$ five centuries after &uropeans arrived in the
Ne" World$ a I'22 million investment in the search for e;traterrestrial
intelligence "as pledged by 1ro5ect ,&<I.
(# Initiated on #olumbus %ay '((*$ five centuries after &uropeans arrived in the
Ne" World$ 1ro5ect ,&<I pledged a I'22 million investment in the search
for e;traterrestrial intelligence.
(% 1ledging a I'22 million investment in the search for e;traterrestrial
intelligence$ the initiation of 1ro5ect ,&<I five centuries after &uropeans
arrived in the Ne" World on #olumbus %ay '((*.
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(& 1ledging a I'22 million investment in the search for e;traterrestrial
intelligence five centuries after &uropeans arrived in the Ne" World$ on
#olumbus %ay '((*$ the initiation of 1ro5ect ,&<I took place.
431. Innovative companies are not only skillful in developing ne" products but also in
finding ne" "ays to promote old ones.
(A are not only skillful in developing ne" products but also in finding
(! are skillful not only in developing ne" products but also in finding
(# not only are skillful in developing ne" products$ they also find
(% not only develop ne" products$ but they are also skillful in finding
(& are both skillful in the development of ne" products and in finding
432. Intar$ the oldest Cispanic theater company in Ne" =ork$ has moved a"ay from
the ,panish classics and no" it dra"s on the "orks both of contemporary
Cispanic authors "ho live abroad and of those in the +nited ,tates.
(A no" it dra"s on the "orks both of contemporary Cispanic authors "ho live
abroad and of those
(! no" dra"s on the "orks of contemporary Cispanic authors$ both those "ho
live abroad and those "ho live
(# it dra"s on the "orks of contemporary Cispanic authors no"$ both those
living abroad and "ho live
(% dra"s no" on the "orks both of contemporary Cispanic authors living abroad
and "ho are
(& dra"s on the "orks no" of both contemporary Cispanic authors living abroad
and those
433. Intended primarily to stimulate family summer travel$ the ne" airfare$ "hich
allo"s both an adult and a child to fly for the price of one ticket$ and also
shortens the advance-purchase re4uirement for family travel to a minimum of
seven days rather than fourteen.
(A and also shortens the advance-purchase re4uirement for family travel to a
minimum of seven days rather than
(! and also lessens the advance-purchase re4uirement for family travel to a
seven-day minimum from
(# also shortens the advance-purchase re4uirement for family travel to a
minimum of seven days rather than that of
(% also lessens the advance-purchase re4uirement for family travel to a seven-
day minimum from
(& also shortens the advance-purchase re4uirement for family travel to a
minimum of seven days rather than
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
434. International sporting events need not be fiscal disasters$ the financial success of
the '((* Flympic -ames demonstrates that fact.
(A the financial success of the '((* Flympic -ames demonstrates that fact
(! for e;ample$ the '((* Flympic -ames "ere financially successful
(# like the financial success of the '((* Flympic -ames demonstrates
(% a fact demonstrated by the '((* Flympic -ames$ "hich "ere financially
(& as the financial success of the '((* Flympic -ames demonstrates
435. Inuits of the !ering ,ea "ere in isolation from contact "ith &uropeans longer
than Aleuts or Inuits of the North 1acific and northern Alaska.
(A in isolation from contact "ith &uropeans longer than
(! isolated from contact "ith &uropeans longer than
(# in isolation from contact "ith &uropeans longer than "ere
(% isolated from contact "ith &uropeans longer than "ere
(& in isolation and "ithout contacts "ith &uropeans longer than
436. IB, provision *9@-! re4uires that an , corporation "ith assets of greater than
I*22$222 send W-* forms to their full- and part-time employees on or before Aan.
(A that an , corporation "ith assets of greater than I*22$222 send W-* forms to
their full- and part-time employees on or before Aan. /'
(! an , corporation "ith assets of greater than I*22$222 send W-* forms to their
full- and part-time employees on or before Aan. /'
(# that an , corporation "ith assets of greater than I*22$222 send W-* forms to
its full- and part-time employees on or before Aan. /'
(% an , corporation "ith assets of greater than I*22$222 send W-* forms to their
full- and part-time employees on Aan. /' or before
(& an , corporation "ith assets of greater than I*22$222 send W-* forms to its
full- and part-time employees on or before Aan. /'
437. It appears illogical to some people that West -ermany$ "hich bans such seeming
lesser evils as la"n-mo"ing on ,undays$ still has some @$222 miles of high"ay
"ith no speed limit.
(A "hich bans such seeming lesser evils as
(! "hich bans such seemingly lesser evils as
(# "hich is banning such seeming lesser evils like
(% banning such evils that seem lesser$ for e;ample
(& banning such seeming lesser evils like
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
438. It has been estimated that the annual cost to the +nited ,tates of illiteracy in lost
industrial output and ta; revenues is at least I*2 billion a year.
(A the annual cost to the +nited ,tates of illiteracy in lost industrial output and
ta; revenues is at least I*2 billion a year
(! the annual cost of illiteracy to the +nited ,tates is at least I*2 billion a year
because of lost industrial output and ta; revenues
(# illiteracy costs the +nited ,tates at least I*2 billion a year in lost industrial
output and ta; revenues
(% I*2 billion a year in lost industrial output and ta; revenues is the annual cost
to the +nited ,tates of illiteracy
(& lost industrial output and ta; revenues cost the +nited ,tates at least I*2
billion a year because of illiteracy
439. It is a special feature of cell aggregation in the developing nervous system that in
most regions of the brain the cells not only adhere to one another and also adopt
some preferential orientation.
(A to one another and also adopt
(! one to the other$ and also they adopt
(# one to the other$ but also adopting
(% to one another but also adopt
(& to each other$ also adopting
440. It is an oversimplified vie" of cattle raising to say that all one has to do "ith
cattle is leave them alone "hile they feed themselves$ corral them$ and to drive
them to market "hen the time is ripe.
(A all one has to do "ith cattle is leave them alone "hile they feed themselves$
corral them$ and to
(! all one has to do "ith cattle is to leave them alone to feed themselves$ to
corral them$ and
(# all one has to do "ith cattle is leave them alone "hile they feed themselves
and then corral them and
(% the only thing that has to be done "ith cattle is leave them alone "hile they
feed themselves$ corral them$ and
(& the only thing that has to be done "ith cattle is to leave them alone "hile they
feed themselves$ to corral them$ and
441. It is as difficult to prevent crimes against property as those that are against a
(A those that are against a
(! those against a
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(# it is against a
(% preventing those against a
(& it is to prevent those against a
442. It is characteristic of the 6etropolitan 6useum of Art$ as of virtually every great
American museum$ the taste of local collectors has played at least as large a part
in the formation of their collections as has the 5udgments of the art historian.
(A of virtually every great American museum$ the taste of local collectors has
played at least as large a part in the formation of their collections as has
(! of virtually every great American museum$ that the taste of local collectors
has played at least as large a part in the formation of their collections as has
(# it is of virtually every great American museum$ that the taste of local
collectors has played at least as large a part in the formation of its collections
as have
(% it is of virtually every great American museum$ that the taste of local
collectors have played at least as large a part in the formation of its
collections as have
(& it is of virtually every great American museum$ the taste of local collectors
has played at least as large a part in the formation of its collections as has
443. It is not likely that the competitive imbalance that no" e;ists bet"een Aapan "ith
all ma5or industrial nations "ill be redressed during the foreseeable future.
(A "ith all ma5or industrial nations "ill be redressed during
(! "ith all other ma5or industrial nations "ill be redressed "ithin
(# "ith all other ma5or industrial nations "ill be redressed during
(% and all ma5or industrial nations "ill be redressed during
(& and all other ma5or industrial nations "ill be redressed "ithin
444. It is possible that Native Americans originally have migrated to the Western
Cemisphere over a bridge of land that once e;isted bet"een ,iberia and Alaska.
(A have migrated to the Western Cemisphere over a bridge of land that once
(! "ere migrating to the Western Cemisphere over a bridge of land that e;isted
(# migrated over a bridge of land to the Western Cemisphere that once e;isted
(% migrated to the Western Cemisphere over a bridge of land that once e;isted
(& "ere migrating to the Western Cemisphere over a bridge of land e;isting once
445. It is "ell kno"n in the supermarket industry that ho" items are placed on shelves
and the fre4uency of inventory turnovers can be crucial to profits.
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(A the fre4uency of inventory turnovers can be
(! the fre4uency of inventory turnovers is often
(# the fre4uency "ith "hich the inventory turns over is often
(% ho" fre4uently is the inventory turned over are often
(& ho" fre4uently the inventory turns over can be
446. It may be another fifteen years before spacecraft from &arth again venture to
6ars$ a planet no" kno"n to be cold$ dry$ and probably lifeless.
(A again venture to 6ars$ a planet no" kno"n to be
(! venture to 6ars again$ a planet no" kno"n for being
(# "ill venture to 6ars again$ a planet no" kno"n as being
(% venture again to 6ars$ a planet that is kno"n no" to be
(& "ill again venture to 6ars$ a planet kno"n no" as being
447. It may be that by focusing primarily on a patient3s mental condition and on vague
and often very speculative psychodynamic factors$ predictions about the patient3s
future behavior decrease in accuracy.
(A predictions about the patient3s future behavior decrease in accuracy
(! mental health professionals lessen the accuracy of their predictions about the
patient3s future behavior
(# the accuracy of predictions about the patient3s future behavior lessens
(% a decrease in accuracy is seen in predictions about the patient3s future
behavior can be predicted less accurately
(& the patient3s future behavior can be predicted less accurately
448. It may someday be "orth"hile to try to recover uranium from sea"ater$ but at
present this process is prohibitively e;pensive.
(A It may someday be "orth"hile to try to recover uranium from sea"ater
(! ,omeday$ it may be "orth"hile to try and recover uranium from sea"ater
(# <rying to recover uranium out of sea"ater may someday be "orth"hile
(% <o try for the recovery of uranium out of sea"ater may someday be
(& Becovering uranium from sea"ater may be "orth"hile to try to do someday
449. It seems likely that a number of astronomical phenomena$ such as the formation
of planetary nebulas$ may be caused by the interaction "here t"o stars orbit each
other at close range.
(A may be caused by the interaction "here t"o stars orbit each other
(! may be caused by the interaction bet"een t"o stars that each orbit the other
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(# are because of the interaction bet"een t"o stars that orbit each other
(% are caused by the interaction of t"o stars "here each is orbiting the other
(& are caused by the interaction of t"o stars orbiting each other
450. It takes a deft balance bet"een savings discipline$ investment kno"ledge$ risk
taking$ luck$ and time to raise a million dollars through investments.
(A It takes a deft balance bet"een
(! %eft balancing is needed bet"een
(# %eftly balanced$ it takes
(% It takes a deft balance of
(& A deft balance is "hat one needs among
451. It "as an increase in reported cases of malaria along the -ulf #oast that in '(*'
led the health authorities3 granting a permit for e;perimentation "ith human
sub5ects to the group that later "ould be called by the name of +nimedco.
(A authorities3 granting a permit for e;perimentation "ith human sub5ects to the
group that later "ould be called by the name of
(! authorities3 granting a permit for e;perimentation "ith human sub5ects to the
group that later to be called by the name of
(# authorities3 granting a permit for e;perimentation using human sub5ects to the
group that later "ould be called by the name of
(% authorities to grant a permit for human e;perimentation to the group later
(& authorities to grant a permit for human e;perimentation to the group that later
"ould be called by the name of
452. It "as because she "as plagued by in5uries that tennis celebrity <racy Austin$ "ho
"on the Italian and +.,. Fpens at age '8 in '()($ sat out the years bet"een '(0@
to '(00$ occasionally "orking as a television commentator.
(A It "as because she "as plagued by in5uries that tennis celebrity <racy Austin$
"ho "on the Italian and +.,. Fpens at age '8 in '()($ sat out the years
(! After "inning the Italian and +.,. Fpens in '()( at the age of '8$ in5uries
plagued tennis celebrity <racy Austin and forced her to sit out from
(# <racy Austin$ the tennis celebrity "ho$ plagued by in5uries$ "on the Italian
and +.,. Fpens at age '8 in '()($ sat out from
(% 1lagued by in5uries$ tennis celebrity <racy Austin$ "ho "on the Italian and
+.,. Fpens at age '8 in '()($ sat out the years from
(& <ennis celebrity <racy Austin$ "ho "on the Italian and +.,. Fpens at age '8
in '()($ "as plagued by in5uries "hen she sat out bet"een
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
453. It "as the loss of revenue from declines in tourism that in '(/9 led the ,audi
authorities3 granting a concession for oil e;ploration to the company that "ould
later be kno"n by the name of Aramco.
(A authorities3 granting a concession for oil e;ploration to the company that
"ould later be kno"n by the name of
(! authorities3 granting a concession for oil e;ploration to the company later to
be kno"n as named
(# authorities granting a concession for oil e;ploration to the company that
"ould later be kno"n by the name of
(% authorities to grant a concession for oil e;ploration to the company that later
"ill be kno"n as being
(& authorities to grant a concession for oil e;ploration to the company later to be
kno"n as
454. Aapan received huge sums of capital from the +nited ,tates after the ,econd
World War$ using it to help build a modern industrial system.
(A Aapan received huge sums of capital from the +nited ,tates after the ,econd
World War$ using it to help build
(! Aapan received huge sums of capital from the +nited ,tates after the ,econd
World War and used it to help in building
(# Aapan used the huge sums of capital it received from the +nited ,tates after
the ,econd World War to help build
(% Aapan3s huge sums of capital received from the +nited ,tates after the ,econd
World War "ere used to help it in building
(& Beceiving huge sums of capital from the +nited ,tates after the ,econd World
War$ Aapan used it to help build
455. Aoachim Baff and -iacomo 6eyerbeer are e;amples of the kind of composer "ho
receives popular acclaim "hile living$ often goes into decline after death$ and
never regains popularity again.
(A often goes into decline after death$ and never regains popularity again
(! "hose reputation declines after death and never regains its status again
(# but "hose reputation declines after death and never regains its former status
(% "ho declines in reputation after death and "ho never regained popularity
(& then has declined in reputation after death and never regained popularity
456. Aoan of Arc$ a young Grench"oman "ho claimed to be divinely inspired$ turned
the tide of &nglish victories in her country by liberating the city of Frleans and
she persuaded #harles ?II of Grance to claim his throne.
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(A she persuaded #harles ?II of Grance to claim his throne
(! persuaded #harles ?II of Grance in claiming his throne
(# persuading that the throne be claimed by #harles ?II of Grance
(% persuaded #harles ?II of Grance to claim his throne
(& persuading that #harles ?II of Grance should claim the throne
457. Aohn ,mith provides information on the conditions that lead "omen to a
gynecologist$ and he notes that these conditions can$ and sometimes are$ used in
the promotion of surgery "hich is not needed.
(A and he notes that these conditions can$ and sometimes are$ used in the
promotion of surgery "hich is not needed
(! noting that these conditions can be$ and sometimes are$ used to promote
needless surgery
(# and notes that they could and sometimes are used unnecessarily in promoting
(% sometimes promoting needless surgery
(& "hich they use sometimes to promote unnecessary surgery
458. Aoplin3s faith in his opera <remonisha "as unshakableD in '('' he published the
score at his o"n e;pense and decided on staging it himself.
(A on staging it himself
(! that he himself "ould do the staging
(# to do the staging of the "ork by himself
(% that he himself "ould stage it
(& to stage the "ork himself
459. Audge !onham denied a motion to allo" members of the 5ury to go home at the
end of each day instead of to confine them to a hotel.
(A to allo" members of the 5ury to go home at the end of each day instead of to
confine them to
(! that "ould have allo"ed members of the 5ury to go home at the end of each
day instead of confined to
(# under "hich members of the 5ury are allo"ed to go home at the end of each
day instead of confining them in
(% that "ould allo" members of the 5ury to go home at the end of each day
rather than confinement in
(& to allo" members of the 5ury to go home at the end of each day rather than be
confined to
460. It could be argued that the most significant virtue of a popular democracy is not
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
the right to '2 participate in the selection of leaders$ but rather that it affirms our
importance in the scheme of things.
(A but rather that it affirms
(! but rather its affirmation of
(# but rather it3s affirmation in terms of
(% but instead of that$ its affirming that
(& affirming rather
461. Audge Gorer recogni7es that the American 5udicial system provides more
safeguards for accused persons than does the legal system of any other country$
but she believes there is a great disparity bet"een the systems of 5ustice accorded
rich and poor.
(A for accused persons than does the legal system of any other country
(! to accused persons as the legal system of any country
(# for accused persons as the legal system of any country
(% to accused persons as the legal system of any other country
(& for accused persons than the legal system of any country
462. Audge .ois Gorer3s study asks "hy do some litigants have a preferred status over
others in the use of a public resource$ the courts$ "hich in theory are available to
all but in fact are une4ually distributed among rich and poor.
(A do some litigants have a preferred status over others in the use of a public
resource$ the courts$ "hich in theory are available to all but in fact are
une4ually distributed among
(! some litigants have a preferred status over others in the use of a public
resource$ the courts$ "hich in theory are available to all but in fact are
une4ually distributed bet"een
(# do some litigants have a preferred status over another in the use of a public
resource$ the courts$ in theory available to all but in fact are une4ually
distributed among
(% some litigants have a preferred status to another in the use of a public
resource$ the courts$ in theory available to all but in fact not e4ually
distributed bet"een
(& does one litigant have a preferred status over the other in the use of a public
resource$ the courts$ in theory available to all but in fact they are not e4ually
distributed among
463. Audicial rules in many states re4uire that the identities of all prosecution "itnesses
are made kno"n to defendants so they can attempt to rebut the testimony$ but the
#onstitution e;plicitly re4uires only that the defendant have the opportunity to
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
confront an accuser in court.
(A that the identities of all prosecution "itnesses are made kno"n to defendants
so they can attempt to rebut
(! that the identities of all prosecution "itnesses be made kno"n to defendants
so that they can attempt to rebut
(# that the defendants should kno" the identities of all prosecution "itnesses so
they can attempt a rebuttal of
(% the identities of all prosecution "itnesses should be made kno"n to
defendants so they can attempt rebutting
(& making kno"n to defendants the identities of all prosecution "itnesses so that
they can attempt to rebut
464. Aust as a "riter trying to understand shtetl life might read ,halom Aleichem or
Isaac !ashevis ,inger$ in the same "ay "riters trying to understand !lack life in
the American ,outh might "ell listen to records by the 6ississippi %elta
bluesman #harlie 1atton.
(A in the same "ay "riters trying to understand !lack life in the American ,outh
might "ell listen to records
(! in the same "ay "riters "ho try and understand !lack life in the American
,outh might "ell listen to record
(# so a "riter trying to understand black life in the American ,outh might "ell
listen to records
(% so do "riters try and understand !lack life in the American ,outh and might
"ell listen to a record
(& then "riters trying to understand !lack life in the American ,outh could "ell
listen to records
465. Aust as plant species native to regions "ith bro"sing mammals evolved many
natural anti-bro"ser defenses (such as sharp spines and to;ic chemicals$ so
humans in malarial regions have evolved do7ens of chemical defenses against
(A so humans in malarial regions have evolved do7ens of chemical defenses
against malaria
(! humans in malarial regions have been evolving do7ens of chemical defenses
against malaria
(# there has been$ in malarial regions$ an evolution of do7ens of human chemical
defenses against malaria
(% do7ens of chemical defenses against malaria have been evolved by humans in
malarial regions
(& similarly$ in malarial regions$ humans have evolved do7ens of chemical
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
defenses against malaria
466. Aust as reading ,amuel 1epys3s diary gives a student a sense of the seventeenth
centuryHof its te;ture and psycheHso Aane Greed3s guileless child narrator takes
the operagoer inside turn-of-the-century ?ienna.
(A so Aane Greed3s guileless child narrator takes the operagoer
(! so listening to Aane Greed3s guileless child narrator takes the operagoer
(# so the guileless child narrator of Aane Greed takes the operagoer
(% listening to Aane Greed3s guileless child narrator takes the operagoer
(& Aane Greed3s guileless child narrator takes the operagoer to her opera
467. Aust as the &uropean countries of the early eighteenth century sought to e;ploit
the resources of our continent$ so too are "e no" attempting to e;tract energy and
minerals from the ocean bed.
(A Aust as the &uropean countries of the early eighteenth century sought to
e;ploit the resources of our continent$ so too
(! <he &uropean countries of the early eighteenth century sought to e;ploit the
resources of our continent$ and in a similar "ay
(# .ike the case of the &uropean countries of the early eighteenth century "ho
sought to e;ploit the resources of our continent$ so too
(% As in the e;ploitation of the resources of our continent by &uropean countries
of the early eighteenth century
(& ,imilar to the &uropean countries "hich sought in the early eighteenth
century to e;ploit the resources of our continent
468. Aust because Eing Alfred occupied and fortified .ondon in 008 did not mean that
he also "on the loyalty of its citi7ens> the invading %anes "ere "ell a"are of this
"eakness and used it to their advantage in 0(/.
(A Aust because Eing Alfred occupied and fortified .ondon in 008 did not mean
that he
(! <he fact that Eing Alfred had occupied and fortified .ondon in 008 did not
mean that he had
(# Aust because Eing Alfred occupied and fortified .ondon in 008$ it did not
mean he
(% <he fact that Eing Alfred occupied and fortified .ondon in 008$ it did not
mean that he
(& Aust because Eing Alfred had occupied and fortified .ondon in 008$ it did not
mean he
469. Eansas Bepublican Nancy Eassebaum$ one of only t"o "omen in the +.,. ,enate
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
in '((*$ said she did not so much "ish for more "omen senators but more
moderate Bepublican ones.
(A did not so much "ish for more "omen senators but more moderate
Bepublican ones
(! "ished not so much for more senators "ho "ere "omen than moderate
(# did not "ish so much for more "omen senators as for more moderate
(% did not "ish for more "omen senators so much as moderate Bepublicans
(& "ished for more senators "ho are moderate Bepublicans than "omen
470. .acking information about energy use$ people tend to overestimate the amount of
energy used by e4uipment$ such as lights$ that are visible and must be turned on
and off and underestimate that used by unobtrusive e4uipment$ such as "ater
(A e4uipment$ such as lights$ that are visible and must be turned on and off and
underestimate that
(! e4uipment$ such as lights$ that are visible and must be turned on and off and
underestimate it "hen
(# e4uipment$ such as lights$ that is visible and must be turned on and off and
underestimate it "hen
(% visible e4uipment$ such as lights$ that must be turned on and off and
underestimate that
(& visible e4uipment$ such as lights$ that must be turned on and off and
underestimate it "hen
471. .ast spring a #olorado health department survey of )* playgrounds in private
child-care centers found unsafe conditions in (9 percent of them and they ranged
from splinters to e4uipment near collapse.
(A unsafe conditions in (9 percent of them and they ranged
(! conditions in (9 percent "ere unsafe and ranging
(# the ranging of unsafe conditions in (9 percent of them to be
(% that (9 percent had unsafe conditions ranging
(& that (9 percent of them had conditions that "ere unsafeD the range "as
472. .ast year$ land values in most parts of the pinelands rose almost so fast$ and in
some parts even faster than "hat they did outside the pinelands.
(A so fast$ and in some parts even faster than "hat they did
(! so fast$ and in some parts even faster than$ those
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(# as fast$ and in some parts even faster than$ those
(% as fast as$ and in some parts even faster than$ those
(& as fast as$ and in some parts even faster than "hat they did
473. .a"makers are e;amining measures that "ould re4uire banks to disclose all fees
and account re4uirements in "riting$ provide free cashing of government checks$
and to create basic savings accounts to carry minimal fees and re4uire minimal
initial deposits.
(A provide free cashing of government checks$ and to create basic savings
accounts to carry
(! provide free cashing of government checks$ and creating basic savings
accounts carrying
(# to provide free cashing of government checks$ and creating basic savings
accounts that carry
(% to provide free cashing of government checks$ creating basic savings
accounts to carry
(& to provide free cashing of government checks$ and to create basic savings
accounts that carry
474. .egend has it that "hen the 6oha"k Aoseph !rant "as presented to -eorge III in
'))8$ he proudly refused to kiss the Eing3s hand$ inasmuch as he regarded
himself an ally$ not a sub5ect.
(A as he regarded himself an ally$ not
(! that he regarded himself to be an ally rather than
(# as he considered himself an ally$ not
(% that he considered himself to be ally instead of
(& as he considered himself as an ally rather than
475. .egislation in the #anadian province of Fntario re4uires of both public and
private employers that pay be the same for 5obs historically held by "omen as for
5obs re4uiring comparable skill that are usually held by men.
(A that pay be the same for 5obs historically held by "omen as for 5obs re4uiring
comparable skill that are
(! that pay for 5obs historically held by "omen should be the same as for a 5ob
re4uiring comparable skills
(# to pay the same in 5obs historically held by "omen as in 5obs of comparable
skill that are
(% to pay the same regardless of "hether a 5ob "as historically held by "omen
or is one demanding comparable skills
(& to pay as much for 5obs historically held by "omen as for a 5ob demanding
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
comparable skills
476. .ess detrimental than the effects of bacterial transformation is the effects of
bacterial deterioration> spoilage of food$ metals corroding$ decay of "ood$ and
other undesirable alterations of substances.
(A is the effects of bacterial deterioration> spoilage of food$ metals corroding
(! are the effects of bacterial deterioration> spoilage of food$ metals corroding
(# is the effects of bacterial deterioration$ "hich include spoilage of food$ metals
(% are the effects of bacterial deterioration$ "hich includes spoilage of food$
corrosion of metals
(& are the effects of bacterial deterioration> spoilage of food$ corrosion of metals
477. .ike Auden$ the language of Aames 6errill is chatty$ arch$ and conversationalH
given to comple; syntactic flights as "ell as to prosaic free-verse strolls.
(A .ike Auden$ the language of Aames 6errill
(! .ike Auden$ Aames 6errill3s language
(# .ike Auden3s$ Aames 6errill3s language
(% As "ith Auden$ Aames 6errill3s language
(& As is Auden3s the language of Aames 6errill
478. .ike !yron at 6issolonghi$ Aack .ondon "as slo"ly killed by the mistakes of the
medical men "ho treated him.
(A .ike !yron
(! .ike !yron3s death
(# Aust as !yron died
(% ,imilar to !yron
(& As did !yron
479. .ike &dvard -rieg$ "hom the ,candinavians long refused to recogni7e$ the
Italians3 disregard for ?erdi persisted for a decade after his critical acclaim in
Grance and Austria.
(A .ike &dvard -rieg$ "hom the ,candinavians long refused to recogni7e$
(! .ike &dvard -rieg$ "ho the ,candinavians long refused to recogni7e$
(# Aust as &dvard -rieg "as long refused recognition by the ,candinavians$
(% Aust as the ,candinavians long refused to recogni7e &dvard -rieg$ so
(& .ike the ,candinavians3 long refusal to recogni7e &dvard -rieg$
480. .ike Caydn$ ,chubert "rote a great deal for the stage$ but he is remembered
principally for his chamber and concert-hall music.
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(A .ike Caydn$ ,chubert
(! .ike Caydn$ ,chubert also
(# As has Caydn$ ,chubert
(% As did Caydn$ ,chubert also
(& As Caydn did$ ,chubert also
481. .ike Aohn 6c1hee3s "orks$ Ann !eattie painstakingly assembles in her "orks an
interesting and complete "orld out of hundreds of tiny details about a seemingly
uninteresting sub5ect.
(A .ike Aohn 6c1hee3s "orks$ Ann !eattie painstakingly assembles in her
(! .ike Aohn 6c1hee$ Ann !eattie3s "orks painstakingly assemble
(# .ike Aohn 6c1hee$ Ann !eattie painstakingly assembles in her "orks
(% Aust as Aohn 6c1hee3s$ so Ann !eattie3s "orks painstakingly assemble
(& Aust as Aohn 6c1hee$ Ann !eattie painstakingly assembles in her "orks
482. .ike many others of his generation of Native American leaders$ Aoseph !rant
lived in t"o "orldsD born into an Iro4uois community and instructed in traditional
Iro4uois "ays$ he also received an education from &nglish-speaking teachers.
(A .ike many others of his generation of Native American leaders$ Aoseph !rant
lived in t"o "orldsD
(! .ike many others of his generation of Native American leaders$ living in t"o
"orlds$ Aoseph !rant "as
(# .ike many another of his generation of Native American leaders$ Aoseph
!rant$ living in t"o "orlds$ "as
(% As "ith many others of his generation of Native American leaders$ living in
t"o "orlds$ Aoseph !rant "as
(& As "ith many another of his generation of Native American leaders$ Aoseph
!rant lived in t"o "orldsD
483. .ike many self-taught artists$ 1erle Cessing did not begin to paint until she "as
"ell into middle age.
(A .ike
(! As have
(# Aust as "ith
(% Aust like
(& As did
484. .ike other educators "ho prefer to substitute anthologies of short stories or
collections of popular essays to dull basal readers$ 6s. !urton emphasi7es ho"
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
important it is to en5oy good literature.
(A to dull basal readers$ 6s. !urton emphasi7es ho" important it is to en5oy
(! for dull basal readers$ 6s. !urton emphasi7es the importance of en5oying
(# to dull basal readers$ 6s. !urton emphasi7es that it is important to en5oy
(% for dull basal readers$ 6s. !urton3s emphasis is that it is important to en5oy
(& to dull basal readers$ 6s. !urton3s emphasis is on the importance of
485. .ike Bousseau$ <olstoi rebelled against the unnatural comple;ity of human
relations in modern society.
(A .ike Bousseau$ <olstoi rebelled
(! .ike Bousseau$ <olstoi3s rebellion "as
(# As Bousseau$ <olstoi rebelled
(% As did Bousseau$ <olstoi3s rebellion "as
(& <olstoi3s rebellion$ as Bousseau3s$ "as
486. .ike the '0(2s 1opulists "ho e;alted the rural myth$ so urban leaders of the
'((2s are trying to glorify the urban myth.
(A .ike the '0(2s 1opulists "ho e;alted the rural myth$
(! Aust as the 1opulists of the '0(2s e;alted the rural myth$
(# <he 1opulists of the '0(2s having e;alted the rural myth$
(% Aust like the rural myth "as e;alted by the 1opulists of the '0(2s
(& 1opulists of the '0(2s "ere e;alting the rural myth$ and
487. .ike the color-discriminating apparatus of the human eye$ insects3 eyes depend on
recording and comparing light intensities in three regions of the electromagnetic
(A insects3 eyes depend on
(! an insect eye depends on
(# that of insects depend on the
(% that of an insect3s eye depends on
(& that of an insect3s is dependent on the
488. .ike the government that came before it$ "hich set ne" records for gro"th$
laisse7-faire capitalism is the cornerstone of the ne" government.
(A laisse7-faire capitalism is the cornerstone of the ne" government
(! the cornerstone of the ne" government is laisse7-faire capitalism
(# laisse7-faire capitalism is the ne" government3s cornerstone
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(% the ne" government has made laisse7-faire capitalism its cornerstone
(& the ne" government has a laisse7-faire cornerstone of capitalism
489. .ike the one reputed to live in .och Ness$ also an inland lake connected to the
ocean by a river$ inhabitants of the area around .ake #hamplain claim sightings
of a long and narro" sea monster.
(A .ike the one reputed to live in .och Ness$ also an inland lake connected to
the ocean by a river$ inhabitants of the area around .ake #hamplain claim
sightings of a long and narro" sea monster.
(! Inhabitants of the area around .ake #hamplain claim sightings of a long and
narro" sea monster similar to the one reputed to live in .och Ness$ "hich$
like .ake #hamplain$ is an inland lake connected to the ocean by a river.
(# Inhabitants of the area around .ake #hamplain claim sightings of a long and
narro" sea monster similar to .och Ness3s$ "hich$ like .ake #hamplain$
is an inland lake connected to the ocean by a river.
(% .ike .och Ness3 reputed monster$ inhabitants of the area around .ake
#hamplain$ also an inland lake connected to the ocean by a river$ claim
sightings of a long and narro" sea monster.
(& ,imilar to that reputed to live in .och Ness$ inhabitants of the area around
.ake #hamplain$ also an inland lake connected to the ocean by a river$ claim
sightings of a long and narro" sea monster.
490. .ike their male counterparts$ "omen scientists are above average in terms of
intelligence and creativity$ but unlike men of science$ their female counterparts
have had to "ork against the grain of occupational stereotyping to enter a man3s
(A their female counterparts have had to "ork
(! their problem is "orking
(# one thing they have had to do is "ork
(% the handicap "omen of science have had is to "ork
(& "omen of science have had to "ork
491. .ocal residents claim that ,an Antonio$ <e;as$ has more good 6e;ican American
restaurants than any city does in the +nited ,tates.
(A any city does
(! does any other city
(# other cities do
(% any city
(& other cities
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
492. .os Angeles has a higher number of family d"ellings per capita than any large
(A a higher number of family d"ellings per capita than any large city
(! higher numbers of family d"ellings per capita than any other large city
(# a higher number of family d"ellings per capita than does any other large city
(% higher numbers of family d"ellings per capita than do other large cities
(& a high per capita number of family d"ellings$ more than does any other large
493. .o"er-level management function most effectively "hen they have thorough
training and unimpeded communication "ith "orkers$ supervisors$ and one
(A management function most effectively "hen they have
(! managers function most effectively "hen they have
(# management functions most effectively "hen they have
(% managers function most effectively "hen they have received
(& management functions most effectively "hen it has
494. 6achines replacing human labor$ there "as "ide anticipation that the "ork"eek
"ould continue to become shorter.
(A 6achines replacing human labor$ there "as "ide anticipation that
(! When machines replaced human labor$ there "as "ide anticipation
(# As machines replaced human labor$ it "as "idely anticipated that
(% Insofar as machines replaced human labor$ it "as "idely anticipated
(& Cuman labor being replaced by machines$ there "as "ide anticipation that
495. 6adagascar "as one of the last habitable areas of the earth to undergo human
settlement$ "hich has made it an ideal site for researching rare flora and fauna.
(A 6adagascar "as one of the last habitable areas of the earth to undergo human
settlement$ "hich has made it
(! 6adagascar "as one of the last habitable areas of the earth to have undergone
human settlement$ and that has made it
(# 6adagascar under"ent human settlement as one of the last habitable areas of
the earth$ "hich makes it
(% 6adagascar$ one of the last habitable areas of the earth$ under"ent human
settlement$ making it
(& !ecause 6adagascar "as one of the last habitable areas of the earth to
undergo human settlement$ it is
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
496. 6anifestations of Islamic political militancy in the first period of religious
reformism "ere the rise of the Wahhabis in Arabia$ the ,anusi in #yrenaica$ the
Gulani in Nigeria$ the 6ahdi in the ,udan$ and the victory of the +suli
mu5tahids in ,hiite Iran and Ira4.
(A 6anifestations of Islamic political militancy in the first period of religious
reformism "ere the rise of the Wahhabis in Arabia$ the ,anusi in #yrenaica$
the Gulani in Nigeria$ the 6ahdi in the ,udan$ and
(! 6anifestations of Islamic political militancy in the first period of religious
reformism "ere sho"n in the rise of the Wahhabis in Arabia$ the ,anusi in
#yrenaica$ the Gulani in Nigeria$ the 6ahdi in the ,udan$ and also
(# In the first period of religious reformism$ manifestations of Islamic political
militancy "ere the rise of the Wahhabis in Arabia$ of the ,anusi in
#yrenaica$ the Gulani in Nigeria$ the 6ahdi in the ,udan$ and
(% In the first period of religious reformism$ manifestations of Islamic political
militancy "ere sho"n in the rise of the Wahhabis in Arabia$ the ,anusi in
#yrenaica$ the Gulani in Nigeria$ the 6ahdi in the ,udan$ and
(& In the first period of religious reformism$ Islamic political militancy "as
manifested in the rise of the Wahhabis in Arabia$ the ,anusi in #yrenaica$
the Gulani in Nigeria$ and the 6ahdi in the ,udan$ and in
497. 6any investors base their choice bet"een bonds and stocks on comparing bond
yields to the dividends available on common stocks.
(A bet"een bonds and stocks on comparing bond yields to
(! among bonds and stocks on comparisons of bond yields to
(# bet"een bonds and stocks on comparisons of bond yields "ith
(% among bonds and stocks on comparing bond yields and
(& bet"een bonds and stocks on comparing bond yields "ith
498. 6any of them chiseled from solid rock centuries ago$ the mountainous regions of
northern &thiopia are dotted "ith hundreds of monasteries.
(A 6any of them chiseled from solid rock centuries ago$ the mountainous
regions of northern &thiopia are dotted "ith hundreds of monasteries.
(! #hiseled from solid rock centuries ago$ the mountainous regions of northern
&thiopia are dotted "ith many hundreds of monasteries.
(# Cundreds of monasteries$ many of them chiseled from solid rock centuries
ago$ are dotting the mountainous regions of northern &thiopia.
(% <he mountainous regions of northern &thiopia are dotted "ith hundreds of
monasteries$ many of "hich are chiseled from solid rock centuries ago.
(& <he mountainous regions of northern &thiopia are dotted "ith hundreds of
monasteries$ many of them chiseled from solid rock centuries ago.
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
499. 6any policy e;perts say that shifting a portion of health-benefit costs back to the
"orkers helps to control the employer3s costs$ but also helps to limit medical
spending by making patients more careful consumers.
(A helps to control the employer3s costs$ but also helps
(! helps the control of the employer3s costs$ and also
(# not only helps to control the employer3s costs$ but also helps
(% helps to control not only the employer3s costs$ but
(& not only helps to control the employer3s costs$ and also helps
500. 6any psychologists and sociologists no" contend that the deliberate and even
brutal aggression integral to some forms of competitive athletics increase the
likelihood of imitative violence that erupts among cro"ds of spectators
dominated by young adult males.
(A increase the likelihood of imitative violence that erupts
(! increase the likelihood that there "ill be an eruption of imitative violence
(# increase the likelihood of imitative violence erupting
(% increases the likelihood for imitative violence to erupt
(& increases the likelihood that imitative violence "ill erupt
501. 6any scholars regard the pre-Cispanic civili7ations of 1eru as the most
impressive in ,outh America.
(A regard the pre-Cispanic civili7ations of 1eru as
(! regard the pre-Cispanic civili7ations of 1eru to be
(# regard the pre-Cispanic civili7ations of 1eru to have been
(% consider that the pre-Cispanic civili7ations of 1eru are
(& consider the pre-Cispanic civili7ations of 1eru as
502. 6any "riters of modern &nglish have ac4uired careless habits that damage the
clarity of their prose$ but these habits can be broken if they are "illing to take the
necessary trouble.
(A but these habits can be broken
(! but these habits are breakable
(# but they can break these habits
(% "hich can be broken
(& e;cept that can be broken
503. 6argaret #ourtney-#larke has traveled to remote d"ellings in the <ransvaal to
photograph the art of Ndebele "omen$ "hose murals are brilliantly colored$ their
geometrical symmetries embellished "ith old and ne" iconography and in a style
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
that varies from "oman to "oman and house to house.
(A "hose murals are brilliantly colored$ their geometrical symmetries
embellished "ith old and ne" iconography and in a style that varies from
"oman to "oman and house to house
(! "hose murals are brilliantly colored$ their geometrical symmetries are
embellished "ith old and ne" iconography$ and their style is varying among
"omen and houses
(# "hose murals are brilliantly colored$ their geometrical symmetries are
embellished "ith old and ne" iconography$ and they are in styles that vary
from "oman to "oman and house to house
(% "ith murals brilliantly colored$ their geometrical symmetries embellished
"ith old and ne" iconography$ and their style varies among "omen and
(& "ith murals that are brilliantly colored$ their geometrical symmetries
embellished "ith old and ne" iconography$ and their styles vary among
"omen and houses
504. 6arketing researchers have found that$ because many residents of the ,outheast
do not share the same ethnic heritage as Northeasterners$ the t"o varieties of
commercially prepared colesla" most popular in Ne" =ork #ity and !oston are
virtually ignored by consumers in Bichmond and Baleigh.
(A because many residents of the ,outheast do not share the same ethnic heritage
(! because many residents of the ,outheast do not share the same ethnic heritage
(# because many residents of the ,outheast do not have the same ethnic heritage
(% due to many residents of the ,outheast not sharing the same ethnic heritage
(& "hereas many residents of the ,outheast do not share the same ethnic heritage
505. 6igraine$ the most debilitating common form of headache$ afflicts perhaps '0
million Americans$ "ho collectively lose 8@ million "orkdays a year$ and they
cost the nation I92 billion in medical e;penses and lost "ork time.
(A year$ and they cost the nation I92 billion in medical e;penses and lost
(! year and thus cost the nation I92 billion in medical e;penses and lost
(# year$ so as to cost the nation I92 billion in medical e;penses and lost
(% year that costs the nation I92 billion in lost medical e;penses and
(& year$ "hich thus cost the nation I92 billion in lost medical e;penses and
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
506. 6innesota is the only one of the contiguous forty-eight states that still has a
si7able "olf population$ and "here this predator remains the archenemy of cattle
and sheep.
(A that still has a si7able "olf population$ and "here
(! that still has a si7able "olf population$ "here
(# that still has a si7able population of "olves$ and "here
(% "here the population of "olves is still si7ableD
(& "here there is still a si7able population of "olves and "here
507. 6odern critics are amused by early scholars3 categori7ing <acitus3s 3er%'n!' as
an ethnographic treatise.
(A scholars3 categori7ing <acitus3s 3er%'n!' as
(! scholars3 categori7ing <acitus3s 3er%'n!' as if
(# scholars$ categori7ing of <acitus3s 3er%'n!' as
(% scholars "ho categori7e <acitus3s 3er%'n!' as
(& scholars "ho categori7e <acitus3s 3er%'n!' if
508. 6onitoring heart patients3 e;ercise$ as "ell as athletes e;ercising$ is no" done by
small transmitters broadcasting physiological measurements to nearby recording
(A 6onitoring heart patients3 e;ercise$ as "ell as athletes e;ercising$ is no"
done by small transmitters broadcasting physiological measurements to
nearby recording machines.
(! 6onitoring the e;ercise of heart patients$ as "ell as athletes e;ercising$ is
no" done by small transmitters broadcasting physiological measurements to
nearby recording machines.
(# ,mall transmitters broadcasting physiological measurements to nearby
recording machines are no" used to monitor the e;ercise of both heart
patients and athletes.
(% !roadcasting physiological measurements to nearby recording machines$
small transmitters are no" used to monitor heart patients3 e;ercise$ as "ell
as athletes e;ercising.
(& !oth athletes e;ercising and heart patients3 e;ercise are no" monitored by
small transmitters broadcasting physiological measurements to nearby
recording machines.
509. 6ore ancient &gyptian temples "ere constructed in the reign of Bamses II as in
any other.
(A as in any other
(! as any other
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(# as in others
(% than others
(& than in any other
510. 6ore and more in recent years$ cities are stressing the arts as a means to greater
economic development and investing millions of dollars in cultural activities$
despite strained municipal budgets and fading federal support.
(A to greater economic development and investing
(! to greater development economically and investing
(# of greater economic development and invest
(% of greater development economically and invest
(& for greater economic development and the investment of
511. 6ore than ever$ paper is e;pected to be recycled this year$ due to ne" mandatory
recycling la"s in municipalities across the nation.
(A 6ore than ever$ paper is e;pected to be recycled this year
(! It is e;pected that more paper than ever "ill be recycled this year than
previously and that is
(# <he paper e;pected to be recycled this year is more than ever
(% <he amount of paper that "ill be recycled this year is e;pected to be greater
than ever
(& A great increase in the amount of paper that "ill be recycled this year is
512. 6ore than five thousand years ago$ #hinese scholars accurately described the
flo" of blood as a continuous circle controlled by the heart$ but it "ent unnoticed
in the West.
(A but it "ent
(! but it "as
(# although it "as
(% but the discovery "ent
(& although the discovery "as
513. 6ore than thirty years ago %r. !arbara 6c-#lintock$ the Nobel 1ri7e "inner$
reported that genes can 5ump$ as pearls moving mysteriously from one necklace
to another.
(A as pearls moving mysteriously from one necklace to another
(! like pearls moving mysteriously from one necklace to another
(# as pearls do that move mysteriously from one necklace to others
(% like pearls do that move mysteriously from one necklace to others
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(& as do pearls that move mysteriously from one necklace to some other one
514. 6ost #orporations pay at least t"ice as much to full-time employees$ if the value
of benefits$ sick days$ and paid vacation days are included in earnings$ than to
part-time employees$ "hose hourly "ages are often higher than those of their
full-time colleagues.
(A are included in earnings$ than
(! are included in earnings$ as
(# is included in earnings$ than they pay
(% is included in earnings$ as is paid
(& is included in earnings$ as they pay
515. 6ost energy analysts no" agree that the costs of building and maintaining
nuclear reactors are too high for nuclear po"er to likely prove cheaper than coal
or oil in the long run.
(A too high for nuclear po"er to likely
(! high enough for nuclear po"er to be unlikely to
(# high enough that it is unlikely nuclear po"er "ill
(% so high that nuclear po"er is unlikely to
(& so high as to be unlikely that nuclear po"er "ill
516. 6ost large companies prefer customi7ed computer soft"are because it can be
molded to fit the "ay a company does business$ "hen off-the-shelf soft"are often
re4uires the company to alter its procedures to fit the soft"are.
(A "hen
(! since
(# "hereas
(% because
(& insofar as
517. 6ost nations regard their airspace as e;tending up"ard as high as an aircraft can
flyD no specific altitude$ ho"ever$ has been officially recogni7ed as a boundary.
(A as e;tending
(! as the e;tent
(# to be an e;tent
(% to be an e;tension
(& to e;tend
518. 6ost North #arolina ski resorts broadcast music onto the slopesD skiers can
choose among hard rock$ soft pop$ and beautiful music slopes$ there are no
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slopes "ithout music.
(A skiers can choose among hard rock$ soft pop$ and beautiful music slopes$
there are
(! because skiers can choose hard rock$ soft pop$ or beautiful music$ there are
(# ho"ever$ skiers can choose among hard rock$ soft pop$ beautiful music$ and
(% although skiers can choose among hard rock$ soft pop$ and beautiful music
slopes$ there are
(& skiers can choose among hard rock$ soft pop$ beautiful music slopes$ but
519. 6ost primates are immune to feline rhinovirus$ but a specific group$ this being
the golden maca4ues$ are highly susceptible to the organism.
(A a specific group$ this being the golden maca4ues$ are highly susceptible to
(! a specific group$ the golden maca4ues$ is highly susceptible to
(# one group$ specifically golden maca4ues$ is highly susceptible of
(% a specific group$ the golden maca4ues$ "hich are highly susceptible to
(& a specific group$ the golden maca4ues$ "hich are highly susceptible of
520. 6ost state constitutions no" mandate that the state budget be balanced each year.
(A mandate that the state budget be balanced
(! mandate the state budget to be balanced
(# mandate that the state budget "ill be balanced
(% have a mandate for a balanced state budget
(& have a mandate to balance the state budget
521. 6ost teen-agers "ho "ork for pay hold 5obs that re4uire fe" skills$ little
responsibility$ and also no hope for career advancement.
(A little responsibility$ and also
(! little responsibility$ and "ith
(# little responsibility$ and offer
(% carry little responsibility$ and
(& carry little responsibility$ and offer
522. 6ost victims of infectious mononucleosis recover after a fe" "eeks of
listlessness$ but an unlucky fe" may suffer for years.
(A but an unlucky fe" may suffer
(! and an unlucky fe" have suffered
(# that an unlucky fe" might suffer
(% that a fe" being unlucky may suffer
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(& but a fe" "ho$ being unlucky$ suffered
523. 6s. #hambers is among the forecasters "ho predict that the rate of addition to
arable lands "ill drop "hile those of loss rise.
(A those of loss rise
(! it rises for loss
(# those of losses rise
(% the rate of loss rises
(& there are rises for the rate of loss
524. 6s. Wright tries to get inside Iran to understand ho" it "orks$ the role it has
played in the 6iddle &ast and its intricate relationship "ith the +nited ,tates$
"hich is comple; and depends heavily on understanding of the Garsi language.
(A "hich is comple; and depends
(! because it is comple; and depends
(# but they are comple; and depend
(% "hich are comple; and depend
(& a task that is comple; and depends
525. Native American burial sites dating back 9$222 years indicate that the residents of
6aine at that time "ere part of a "idespread culture of Algon4uian-speaking
(A "ere part of a "idespread culture of Algon4uian-speaking people
(! had been part of a "idespread culture of people "ho "ere Algon4uian-
(# "ere people "ho "ere part of a "idespread culture that "as Algon4uian-
(% had been people "ho "ere part of a "idespread culture that "as Algon4uian-
(& "ere a people "hich had been part of a "idespread$ Algon4uian-speaking
526. Neanderthals had a vocal tract that resembled those of the apes and so "ere
probably "ithout language$ a shortcoming that may e;plain "hy they "ere
supplanted by our o"n species.
(A Neanderthals had a vocal tract that resembled those of the apes
(! Neanderthals had a vocal tract resembling an ape3s
(# <he vocal tracts of Neanderthals resembled an ape3s
(% <he Neanderthal3s vocal tracts resembled the apes3
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(& <he vocal tracts of the Neanderthals resembled those of the apes
527. Never before had ta;payers confronted so many changes at once as they had in
the <a; Beform Act of '(08.
(A so many changes at once as they had in
(! at once as many changes as
(# at once as many changes that there "ere "ith
(% as many changes at once as they confronted in
(& so many changes at once that confronted them in
528. Never before in the history of music have musical superstars been able to
command so e;traordinary fees of the kind they do today.
(A so e;traordinary fees of the kind they do today
(! so e;traordinary fees as they are today
(# such e;traordinary fees as they do today
(% such e;traordinary fees of the kind today3s have
(& so e;traordinary a fee of the kind they can today
529. Ne" hardy varieties of rice sho" promise of producing high yields "ithout the
costly re4uirements of irrigation and application of commercial fertili7er by
earlier high-yielding varieties.
(A re4uirements of irrigation and application of commercial fertili7er by earlier
high-yielding varieties
(! re4uirements by earlier high-yielding varieties of application of commercial
fertili7er and irrigation
(# re4uirements for application of commercial fertili7er and irrigation of earlier
high-yielding varieties
(% application of commercial fertili7er and irrigation that "as re4uired by earlier
high-yielding varieties
(& irrigation and application of commercial fertili7er that "ere re4uired by
earlier high-yielding varieties
530. Ne" Aersey3s is one of the five highest number of reported cases of .yme disease
in the +nited ,tates.
(A Ne" Aersey3s is one of the five highest number of reported
(! Ne" Aersey3s is one of the five highest numbers in reporting
(# Ne" Aersey has a report of one of the five highest numbers of
(% Ne" Aersey has one of the five highest numbers of reported
(& Ne" Aersey reports one of the five highest number of
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531. Ne" techni4ues in thermal-scanning photography$ a process that records radiation
from surface areas$ makes it possible to study the effects of calefaction$ or
"arming$ of a river in greater detail than ever before.
(A makes it possible to study the effects of calefaction$ or "arming$ of a river in
greater detail than ever before
(! make it possible to study$ in greater detail$ the effects of calefaction$ or
"arming$ of a river than ever before
(# have made it possible to study in greater detail than ever before the effects of
calefaction$ or "arming$ of a river
(% make possible the study of the effects of calefaction$ or "arming$ of a river in
greater detail than it ever "as before
(& has made it more possible than ever before to study in greater detail the
effects of calefaction$ or "arming$ of a river
532. Ne" theories propose that catastrophic impacts of asteroids and comets may have
caused reversals in the &arth3s magnetic field$ the onset of ice ages$ splitting apart
continents 02 million years ago$ and great volcanic eruptions.
(A splitting apart continents
(! the splitting apart of continents
(# split apart continents
(% continents split apart
(& continents that "ere split apart
533. Ne"comers to southern #alifornia are surprised to discover that$ in spite of the
temperate climate$ heating bills are as high$ or higher than$ those in most
6id"estern or eastern cities.
(A as high$ or higher than$ those in
(! as high$ or higher than$
(# as high as$ or higher than$
(% at least as high as those in
(& no lo"er than
534. No less an authority than Walter #ronkite has reported that half of all Americans
never read a book.
(A No less an authority than
(! Nonetheless an authority
(# Nevertheless authoritarian
(% Not less an authority than
(& An authority not less than
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535. No state la" forbids an employer from re5ecting a 5ob applicant or to dismiss an
employee based on the results of a lie detector test.
(A an employer from re5ecting a 5ob applicant or to dismiss
(! an employer to re5ect a 5ob applicant or dismiss
(# that employers re5ect a 5ob applicant or dismiss
(% the re5ection by an employer of a 5ob applicant or dismissal of
(& re5ection by employers of a 5ob applicant or dismissal of
536. None of the attempts to specify the causes of crime e;plains "hy most of the
people e;posed to the alleged causes do not commit crimes and$ conversely$ "hy
so many of those not so e;posed have.
(A have
(! has
(# shall
(% do
(& could
537. Not all employment selection mechanisms that have a disparate effect$ that is$
that screens out a percentage of minorities or "omen disproportionate to their
presence in the relevant labor market$ are unla"ful.
(A that is$ that screens out a percentage of minorities or "omen disproportionate
(! "hich means$ that screens out a percentage of minorities or "omen
disproportionate "ith
(# "hich means$ that screen out a percentage of minorities or "omen
disproportionate "ith
(% that is$ that screen out a percentage of minorities or "omen disproportionate
(& that is$ that screens out a percentage of minorities or "omen disproportionate
538. Not since -alileo suffered the scurvy humor of the In4uisition has a religious
organi7ation so effectively curbed the ability of a ma5or scientist that he could
pursue a theory.
(A has a religious organi7ation so effectively curbed the ability of a ma5or
scientist that he could pursue
(! did a religious organi7ation so effectively curb the ability of a ma5or scientist
that he could pursue
(# has a religious organi7ation so effectively curbed the ability of a ma5or
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scientist to pursue
(% did a religious organi7ation so effectively curb the ability of a ma5or scientist
to pursue
(& has a religious organi7ation so effectively curbed "hether a ma5or scientist
had the ability that he could be pursuing
539. Not until the &nlightenment$ some *22 years ago$ had society seriously
4uestioned the right of the state that it could e;ecute its citi7ens.
(A had society seriously 4uestioned the right of the state that it could e;ecute
(! did society seriously 4uestioned the right of the state that it could e;ecute
(# had society seriously 4uestioned the right of the state for the e;ecuting of
(% did society seriously 4uestion the right of the state to e;ecute
(& had society seriously 4uestioned "hether the state had a right that it could
540. No"here in 1rakta is the influence of modern &uropean architecture more
apparent than their government buildings.
(A more apparent than their
(! so apparent as their
(# more apparent than in its
(% so apparent than in their
(& as apparent as it is in its
541. Nuclear fusion is the force that po"ers the ,un$ the stars$ and hydrogen bombs$
merging the nuclei of atoms and not splitting them apart$ as in nuclear reactors.
(A merging the nuclei of atoms and not splitting them apart$ as in nuclear
(! merging the nuclei of atoms instead of splitting them apart$ like nuclear
(# merging the nuclei of atoms rather than splitting them apart$ as nuclear
reactors do
(% and merges the nuclei of atoms but does not split them apart$ as is done in
unclear reactors
(& and merges the nuclei of atoms$ unlike atomic reactors that split them apart
542. Fberlin #ollege in Fhio "as a renegade institution at its '0// founding for
deciding to accept both men and "omen as students.
(A at its '0// founding for deciding to accept
(! for the decision at its '0// founding to accept
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(# "hen it "as founded in '0// for its decision to accept
(% in deciding at its founding in '0// to accept
(& by deciding at its founding in '0// on the acceptance of
543. Ff all the possible disasters that threaten American agriculture$ the possibility of
an adverse change in climate is maybe the more difficult for analysis.
(A is maybe the more difficult for analysis
(! is probably the most difficult to analy7e
(# is maybe the most difficult for analysis
(% is probably the more difficult to analy7e
(& is$ it may be$ the analysis that is most difficult
544. Ff all the "ild animals in their area$ none "as more useful to the %ela"are tribes
than the ?irginia "hite tailed deer> it "as a source of meat$ and its hide "as used
for clothing$ its antlers and bones for tools$ and its sine"s and gut for bindings
and glue.
(A deer> it "as a source of meat$ and its hide "as used for clothing$ its antlers
and bones for tools$ and its sine"s and gut
(! deer> it "as a source of meat$ and its hide used for clothing$ "ith its antlers
and bones for tools$ and its sine"s and gut used
(# deer> "hich "as a source of meat$ "ith its hide used for clothing$ antlers and
bones for tools$ as "ell as its sine"s and gut used
(% deer> "hich$ as "ell as being a source of meat$ its hide "as used for clothing$
its antlers and bones for tools$ and its sine"s and gut "ere
(& deer> "ith$ as "ell as being a source of meat$ its hide used for clothing$ its
antlers and bones for tools$ and its sine"s and gut
545. Ff the t"in supernovas$ the most recently discovered is the largest$ but it is the
small one that has irrevocably altered astronomists3 ideas about the origins of the
(A the most recently discovered is the largest$ but it is the small one
(! the one most recently discovered is the largest$ but it is the small one
(# the most recently discovered is larger$ but it is the smaller
(% the more recently discovered one is the large one but the small one
(& the more recently discovered is the larger$ but it is the smaller one
546. Fften visible as smog$ o7one is formed in the atmosphere from hydrocarbons and
nitrogen o;ides$ t"o ma5or pollutants emitted by automobiles$ react "ith sunlight.
(A o7one is formed in the atmosphere from
(! o7one is formed in the atmosphere "hen
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(# o7one is formed in the atmosphere$ and "hen
(% o7one$ formed in the atmosphere "hen
(& o7one$ formed in the atmosphere from
547. Fn stage$ the force of #arrick3s personality and the vividness of his acting
disguised the fact he "as$ "hich his surviving velvet suit sho"s$ a short man.
(A he "as$ "hich his surviving velvet suit sho"s$
(! he "as$ and it is his surviving velvet suit that sho"s it$
(# of him being$ as his surviving velvet suit sho"s$
(% that he "as$ as his surviving velvet suit sho"s$
(& sho"n in his surviving velvet suit$ that he "as
548. Fn the -reat 1lains$ nineteenth-century settlers used mud and grass to build their
homes$ doing it "ithout timber and nails.
(A settlers used mud and grass to build their homes$ doing it "ithout
(! settlers used mud and grass to build their homes$ did it "ithout
(# settlers used mud and grass to build their homes$ making them "hile not
(% settlers used mud and grass to build their homes$ making do "ithout
(& settlers3 homes "ere built of mud and grass$ making do "ithout
549. Fnce an apolitical confrontation of the "orld3s best athletes$ the ,ummer
Flympics have been increasingly politici7ed in recent years as the superpo"ers
have denied many of the best athletes3 access to competition.
(A been increasingly politici7ed
(! been increasing politici7ation
(# been of increasing politici7ation
(% politici7ed$ increasingly$
(& increased politici7ation
550. Fnce common throughout the Western plains$ black-footed ferrets are thought to
have declined in number as a result of the poisoning of prairie dogs$ their prey.
(A black-footed ferrets are thought to have declined in number as
(! it is thought that the decline in number of black-footed ferrets is
(# the decline in the number of black-footed ferrets is thought of as
(% that black-footed ferrets have declined in their numbers is thought to be
(& the numbers of the black-footed ferret are thought to have declined as
551. Fnce positioned in space$ the Cubble ,pace <elescope "ill capture light from
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sources t"enty times fainter compared to those that can be detected by ground-
based instruments.
(A compared to those that can be detected
(! compared to those they can detect
(# than that can be detected
(% than those that can be detected
(& than those detecting
552. Fnce the economic and social usefulness of the motor car "as demonstrated and
"ith its superiority to the horse being proved$ much of the early hostility to it in
rural regions disappeared.
(A and "ith its superiority to the horse being
(! and its superiority over the horse had been
(# and its superiority to the horse
(% its superiority over the horse
(& "ith its superiority to the horse having been
553. Fnce they had seen the report from the medical e;aminer$ the investigators did
not doubt "hether the body recovered from the river "as the man "ho had
attempted to escape from the state prison.
(A did not doubt "hether the body recovered from the river "as
(! have no doubt "hether the body recovered from the river "as
(# had not doubted that the body recovered from the river "as
(% have no doubt "hether the body recovered from the river "as that of
(& had no doubt that the body recovered from the river "as that of
554. Fne legacy of 6adison Avenue3s recent campaign to appeal to people fifty years
old and over is the reali7ation that as a person ages$ their concerns change as "ell.
(A the reali7ation that as a person ages$ their
(! the reali7ation that as people age$ their
(# to reali7e that "hen a person ages$ his or her
(% to reali7e that "hen people age$ their
(& reali7ing that as people age$ their
555. Fne noted economist has made a comparison of the Gederal Beserve and an
automobile as racing through a tunnel$ bouncing first off one "all$ then the otherD
the car may get "here it is going$ but people may be hurt in the process.
(A made a comparison of the Gederal Beserve and an automobile as racing
through a tunnel$ bouncing
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(! made a comparison bet"een the Gederal Beserve and an automobile racing
through a tunnel$ bouncing
(# compared the Gederal Beserve "ith an automobile as racing through a tunnel
and "hich bounced
(% compared the Gederal Beserve to an automobile racing through a tunnel$
(& compared the Gederal Beserve "ith an automobile that races through a tunnel
and it bounces
556. Fne of Arthur Aessop3s first acts as president of the GCA "as to deny a re4uest
from the private sector that federal home loan programs should be e;panded to
cover houses not conforming to civil construction codes.
(A should be e;panded to cover houses not conforming to
(! be e;panded to cover houses not conforming to
(# should be e;pand to cover houses not conforming "ith
(% "ould have been e;panded to cover houses not conforming to
(& had to be e;panded to cover houses not conforming "ith
557. Fne of every t"o ne" businesses fail "ithin t"o years.
(A fail
(! fails
(# should fail
(% may have failed
(& has failed
558. Fne of four babies are no" born to mothers aged thirty years or more$ compared
"ith 5ust one of si; born in '()9.
(A of four babies are no" born to mothers aged thirty years or more$ compared
"ith 5ust one of si; born
(! of four babies is no" born to a mother "hose age is thirty or older$ compared
to 5ust one of si; babies "ho "ere born
(# baby in four are no" born to mothers aged thirty or older$ compared to 5ust
one in si;
(% baby in four is no" born to a mother aged thirty or older$ compared "ith 5ust
one in si;
(& baby in four is no" born to mothers aged thirty years or more$ compared to
5ust one in si;
559. Fne of Bonald Beagan3s first acts as 1resident "as to rescind 1resident #arter3s
directive that any chemical banned on medical grounds in the +nited ,tates be
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prohibited from sale to other countries.
(A that any chemical banned on medical grounds in the +nited ,tates be
prohibited from sale to other countries
(! that any chemical be prohibited from sale to other countries that "as banned
on medical grounds in the +nited ,tates
(# prohibiting the sale to other countries of any chemical banned on medical
grounds in the +nited ,tates
(% prohibiting that any chemical banned on medical grounds in the +nited ,tates
is sold to other countries
(& that any chemical banned in the +nited ,tates on medical grounds is
prohibited from being sold to other countries
560. Fne of the most po"erful driving forces behind recycling is the threat of
legislation that "ould re4uire companies that they take more responsibility for the
disposal of its products.
(A that they take more responsibility for the disposal of its products
(! that they should take more responsibility for disposing of products
(# having to take more responsibility for disposing of their products
(% to take more responsibility for the disposal of their products
(& taking more responsibility for their product3s disposal
561. Fne pervasive theory e;plains the introduction of breakfast cereals in the early
'(22s as a result of the gro"ing number of automobiles$ "hich led to a decline in
horse o"nership and a subse4uent grain glutD by persuading people to eat "hat
had previously been horse feed$ market e4uilibrium "as restored.
(A by persuading people to eat "hat had previously been horse feed$ market
e4uilibrium "as restored
(! persuading people to eat "hat had previously been horse feed restored market
(# by persuading people to eat "hat had previously been horse feed$ it restored
market e4uilibrium
(% the persuasion of people to eat "hat had previously been horse feed restored
market e4uilibrium
(& market e4uilibrium "as restored "hen people "ere persuaded to eat former
horse feed
562. Fne reason "hy more young people lose their virginity during the summer than at
other times of the year undoubtedly is because school vacations give adolescents
more free time.
(A Fne reason "hy more young people lose their virginity during the summer
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than at other times of the year undoubtedly is because
(! If young people lose their virginity more during the summer than other
seasons$ it is undoubtedly because
(# Fne undoubtable reason that young people lose their virginity more during
the summer than other times is
(% Fne reason more young people lose their virginity during the summer than at
other times of the year is undoubtedly that
(& =oung people lose their virginity more often during the summer undoubtedly
because$ for one reason$
563. Fne vie" of the economy contends that a large drop in oil prices should
eventually lead to lo"ering interest rates$ as "ell as lo"ering fears about
inflation$ a rally in stocks and bonds$ and a "eakening of the dollar.
(A lo"ering interest rates$ as "ell as lo"ering fears about inflation$
(! a lo"ering of interest rates and of fears about inflation$
(# a lo"ering of interest rates$ along "ith fears about inflation$
(% interest rates being lo"ered$ along "ith fears about inflation$
(& interest rates and fears about inflation being lo"ered$ "ith
564. Fpened in '80/$ the Ashmolean "as the first public museum in -reat !ritain$
"hile earlier the !odleian has been the first truly public library.
(A "hile earlier the !odleian has been
(! "here the !odleian earlier is
(# 5ust as earlier the !odleian had been
(% as the earlier !odleian has been
(& the !odleian earlier being
565. Fpening "ith tributes to 5a77-age divas like !essie ,mith and closing "ith Eoko
<aylor3s electrified gravel-and-thunder songs$ the program "ill trace the blues3
vigorous matriarchal line over more than 92 years.
(A the program "ill trace
(! the program shall trace
(# there "ill be a program tracing
(% it is a program that traces
(& it "ill be a program tracing
566. Frgani7ed in '(88 by the Gish and Wildlife ,ervice$ the !reeding !ird ,urvey
uses annual roadside counts along established routes for monitoring of population
changes of as many as$ or of more than *92 bird species$ including '02 songbirds.
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(A for monitoring of population changes of as many as$ or of
(! to monitor population changes of as many$ or
(# to monitor changes in the populations of
(% that monitors population changes of
(& that monitors changes in populations of as many as$ or
567. Friginally developed for detecting air pollutants$ a techni4ue called proton-
induced ;-ray emission$ "hich can 4uickly analy7e the chemical elements in
almost any substance "ithout destroying it$ is finding uses in medicine$
archaeology$ and criminology.
(A Friginally developed for detecting air pollutants$ a techni4ue called proton-
induced ;-ray emission$ "hich can 4uickly analy7e the chemical elements in
almost any substance "ithout destroying it$
(! Friginally developed for detecting air pollutants$ having the ability to analy7e
the chemical elements in almost any substance "ithout destroying it$ a
techni4ue called proton induced ;-ray emission
(# A techni4ue originally developed for detecting air pollutants$ called proton-
induced ;-ray emission$ "hich can 4uickly analy7e the chemical elements in
almost any substance "ithout destroying it$
(% A techni4ue originally developed for detecting air pollutants$ called proton-
induced ;-ray emission$ "hich has the ability to analy7e the chemical
elements in almost any substance 4uickly and "ithout destroying it$
(& A techni4ue that "as originally developed for detecting air pollutants and has
the ability to analy7e the chemical elements in almost any substance 4uickly
and "ithout destroying the substance$ called proton-induced ;-ray emission$
568. Friginally published in '(92$ 4o%e T'%e 3'5elle "as !arbara 1ym3s first novel$
but it does not read like an apprentice "ork.
(A does not read like an apprentice "ork
(! seems not to read as an apprentice "ork
(# does not seem to read as an apprentice "ork "ould
(% does not read like an apprentice "ork does
(& reads unlike an apprentice "ork
569. Fur rate of teenage pregnancies is among the highest in the industriali7ed "orld$
being e;ceeded only by #hile$ Cungary$ Bomania$ #uba$ and !ulgaria.
(A is among the highest in the industriali7ed "orld$ being e;ceeded only by
(! is among the highest in the industriali7ed "orld$ e;ceeded only by that of
(# are among the highest in the industriali7ed "orld$ only e;ceeded by
(% is among the highest in the industriali7ed "orld$ and e;ceeds only
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(& are among the highest in the industriali7ed "orld$ and they e;ceed those of
570. Fut of America3s fascination "ith all things anti4ue have gro"n a market for
bygone styles of furniture and fi;tures that are bringing back the chaise lounge$
the overstuffed sofa$ and the cla"-footed bathtub.
(A things anti4ue have gro"n a market for bygone styles of furniture and
fi;tures that are bringing
(! things anti4ue has gro"n a market for bygone styles of furniture and fi;tures
that is bringing
(# things that are anti4ues has gro"n a market for bygone styles of furniture and
fi;tures that bring
(% anti4ue things have gro"n a market for bygone styles of furniture and
fi;tures that are bringing
(& anti4ue things has gro"n a market for bygone styles of furniture and fi;tures
that bring
571. Fver five thousand years ago$ archaeologists have discovered that 6esopotamian
cooks "ere preparing chicken "ith coriander and tamarind$ 5ust as &gyptian
cooks are still doing today.
(A Fver five thousand years ago$ archaeologists have discovered that
(! Fver five thousand years ago$ archaeologists had discovered that
(# Archaeologists have discovered that$ over five thousand years ago$
(% Fver five thousand years ago$ as archaeologists have discovered it$
(& Archaeologists have discovered$ over five thousand years ago$ that
572. 1ablo 1icasso$ the late ,panish painter$ credited African art "ith having had a
strong influence on his "ork.
(A "ith having had
(! for its having
(# to have had
(% for having
(& in that it had
573. 1aleontologists believe that fragments of a primate 5a"bone unearthed in !urma
and estimated at @2 to @@ million years old provide evidence of a crucial step
along the evolutionary path that led to human beings.
(A at @2 to @@ million years old provide evidence of
(! as being @2 to @@ million years old provides evidence of
(# that it is @2 to @@ million years old provides evidence of "hat "as
Score Your Way To The Top
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(% to be @2 to @@ million years old provide evidence of
(& as @2 to @@ million years old provides evidence of "hat "as
574. 1arliament did not accord full refugee benefits to t"elve of the recent immigrants
because it believed that to do it re"ards them for entering the country illegally.
(A to do it re"ards
(! doing it re"ards
(# to do this "ould re"ard
(% doing so "ould re"ard
(& to do it "ould re"ard
575. 1ensions are no" vie"ed as a deferred payment of salary$ money a "orker is
compelled to put a"ay to take care of one3s later years.
(A a "orker is compelled to put a"ay to take care of one3s
(! that a "orker is compelled to put a"ay to take care of oneself in
(# a "orker is compelled to put a"ay to take care of oneself in
(% "orkers are compelled to put a"ay to take care of them in
(& "orkers are compelled to put a"ay to take care of themselves in
576. 1eople have discovered the principles of solar energy "henever fuel becomes
scarce and e;pensive but "ill forget them every time a ne" source of cheap
energy is developed.
(A have discovered the principles of solar energy "henever fuel becomes scarce
and e;pensive but "ill forget
(! have discovered the principles of solar energy "henever fuel has become
scarce and e;pensive but they forget
(# discovered the principles of solar energy every time fuel becomes scarce and
e;pensive$ forgetting
(% discover the principles of solar energy every time fuel became scarce and
e;pensive$ but they forget
(& discover the principles of solar energy "henever fuel becomes scarce and
e;pensive but forget
577. 1eople "ho inherit the sickle cell anemia gene from only one parent seem to be
resistant to malaria$ an evolutionary advantage that may e;plain "hy a genetic
condition so debilitating to many individuals has survived in the human
(A seem to be resistant to malaria$
(! seemingly are resistant to malaria$
(# seem to be resistant to malaria and have
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(% seemingly are resistant to malaria and to have
(& are$ it seems$ resistant to malaria$ and they have
578. 1ersonal trainers and fitness coaches are to the narcissistic '(023s 5ust like a
private fencing master and dancing teacher "as to an earlier time.
(A 5ust like a private fencing master and dancing teacher "as
(! as have been a private fencing master and dancing teacher
(# "hat private fencing masters and dancing teachers "ere
(% "hat private fencing masters and dancing teachers are
(& 5ust the same as private fencing masters and dancing teachers had been
579. 1ersons$ suffering from a deficiency of the blood en7yme -81%$ eat fava beans
and discover that they trigger hemolytic anemia.
(A 1ersons$ suffering from a deficiency of the blood en7yme -81%$ eat fava
beans and discover that they trigger hemolytic anemia.
(! When persons suffering a deficiency of en7yme -81%$ a blood en7yme$ eat
fava beans$ they discover that it triggers hemolytic anemia.
(# If people suffer deficiencies from the blood en7yme -81%$ they discover that
fava beans trigger hemolytic anemia "hen eaten.
(% Cemolytic anemia is triggered by people "ith a deficiency of the blood
en7yme -81%$ "ho discover it eating fava beans.
(& 1ersons "ho suffer from a deficiency of the blood en7yme -81% discover
that eating fava beans triggers hemolytic anemia.
580. 1hysics professors$ the Arnmore .aboratories and Arnmore Besearch Gacilities
"ere founded by .eo and Gontove Arnmore in '(0( after ten years of
(A the Arnmore .aboratories and Arnmore Besearch Gacilities "ere founded by
.eo and Gontove Arnmore in '(0( after ten years of fundraising
(! .eo and Gontove Arnmore founded the Arnmore .aboratories and Arnmore
Besearch Gacilities in '(0($ after ten years of fundraising
(# after ten years of fundraising$ the Arnmore .aboratories and Arnmore
Besearch Gacilities "ere founded by .eo and Gontove Arnmore in '(0(
(% the Arnmore .aboratories and Arnmore Besearch Gacilities "ere founded in
'(0( by .eo and Gontove Arnmore after ten years of fundraising
(& .eo and Gontove Arnmore founded after ten years of fundraising the
.aboratories and Arnmore Besearch Gacilities in '(0(
581. 1iaget3s research revealed that children can learn to count long before the
recognition that a pint of "ater poured from a small glass into a large one remains
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the same amount of "ater.
(A the recognition that
(! they can recogni7e that
(# they "ould recogni7e
(% they could have the recognition of
(& having the recognition of
582. 1lausible though it sounds$ the "eakness of the hypothesis is that it does not
incorporate all relevant evidence.
(A 1lausible though it sounds$ the "eakness of the hypothesis
(! &ven though it sounds plausible$ the "eakness of the hypothesis
(# <hough plausible$ the hypothesis3 "eakness
(% <hough the hypothesis sounds plausible$ its "eakness
(& <he "eakness of the hypothesis "hich sounds plausible
583. 1oor management$ outdated technology$ competition from overseas$ and steel3s
replacement to materials like aluminum and fiber-reinforced plastics have all
been cited as causes for the decline of the +nited ,tates steel industry.
(A steel3s replacement to materials like
(! the replacement of steel by such materials as
(# the replacing of steel "ith materials of
(% the replacing of steel by means of materials like
(& to replace steel by materials such as
584. 1resenters at the seminar$ one "ho is blind$ "ill demonstrate adaptive e4uipment
that allo"s visually impaired people to use computers.
(A one "ho
(! one of them "ho
(# and one of them "ho
(% one of "hom
(& one of "hich
585. 1romotions$ retirements$ deaths$ and other actions approved by the board of
directors at its 6ay meeting "ill be reported in the Auly '9 issue of the company
(A 1romotions$ retirements$ deaths$ and other actions approved by the board of
directors at its 6ay meeting "ill be reported in the Auly '9 issue of the
company paper.
(! 1romotions$ retirements$ and other actions "hich have been approved at the
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6ay meeting of the board of directors along "ith deaths$ "ith be reported in
the Auly '9 issue of the company paper.
(# <o be reported in the Auly '9 issue of the company paper are the promotions$
retirements$ deaths$ and other actions "hich "ere approved at the board of
directors3 6ay meeting.
(% 6eeting in 6ay$ the promotions$ retirements$ and other actions approved by
the board of directors$ including obituaries$ "ill be reported in the Auly '9
issue of the company paper.
(& <he Auly '9 issue of the company paper "ill report on promotions$
retirements$ and other actions approved by the board of directors at its 6ay
meetingD the paper "ill also include obituaries.
586. 1rompted by ne" evidence that the health risk posed by radon gas is far more
serious than "as previously thought$ property o"ners are being advised by
authorities to test all d"ellings belo" the third floor for radon gas and to make
repairs as needed.
(A property o"ners are being advised by authorities to
(! property o"ners are advised by authorities that they should
(# authorities are advising property o"ners to
(% authorities are advising property o"ners they
(& authorities3 advice to property o"ners is they should
587. 1roponents of artificial intelligence say they "ill be able to make computers that
can understand &nglish and other human languages$ recogni7e ob5ects$ and reason
as an e;pert doesHcomputers that "ill be used to diagnose e4uipment
breakdo"ns$ deciding "hether to authori7e a loan$ or other purposes such as
(A as an e;pert doesHcomputers that "ill be used to diagnose e4uipment
breakdo"ns$ deciding "hether to authori7e a loan$ or other purposes such as
(! as an e;pert does$ "hich may be used for purposes such as diagnosing
e4uipment breakdo"ns or deciding "hether to authori7e a loan
(# like an e;pertHcomputers that "ill be used for such purposes as diagnosing
e4uipment breakdo"ns or deciding "hether to authori7e a loan
(% like an e;pert$ the use of "hich "ould be for purposes like the diagnosis of
e4uipment breakdo"ns or the decision "hether or not a loan should be
(& like an e;pert$ to be used to diagnose e4uipment breakdo"ns$ deciding
"hether to authori7e a loan or not$ or the like
588. 1sychologists no" contend that the "ay adults think and feel are determined as
Score Your Way To The Top
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much by their peers in early childhood than by their parents.
(A are determined as much by their peers in early childhood than by their
(! are determined as much by peers in early childhood as do their
(# is determined as much by their early childhood peers as by their
(% have been determined by childhood peers as much as their
(& "as determined as much by one3s peers in childhood as by one3s
589. 1ublished during the late eighteenth century$ %iderot3s factual *ncyclo6ed!' and
his friend ?oltaire3s fictional 7'nd!de "ere the cause of such a sensational
scandal$ and both men prudently chose to embark on e;tended vacations in
nearby Austria.
(A %iderot3s factual *ncyclo6ed!' and his friend ?oltaire3s fictional 7'nd!de
"ere the cause of such a sensational scandal$ and
(! %iderot and his friend ?oltaire3s caused such a sensational scandal "ith their
factual *ncyclo6ed!' and fictional 7'nd!de1 respectively$ that
(# %iderot3s factual *ncyclo6ed!' and his friend ?oltaire3s fictional 7'nd!de
"ere the cause of a scandal so sensational that
(% the scandal caused by %iderot3s factual *ncyclo6ed!' and his friend ?oltaire3s
fictional 7'nd!de "as so sensational
(& a factual *ncyclo6ed!' by %iderot and the fictional 7'nd!de$ by his friend
?oltaire$ caused a sensational scandal$ "hich
590. 1ublished in Carlem$ the o"ner and editor of the ,essen&er "ere t"o young
5ournalists$ #handler F"en and A. 1hilip Bandolph$ "ho "ould later make his
reputation as a labor leader.
(A 1ublished in Carlem$ the o"ner and editor of the ,essen&er "ere t"o young
5ournalists$ #handler F"en and A. 1hilip Bandolph$ "ho "ould later make
his reputation as a labor leader.
(! 1ublished in Carlem$ t"o young 5ournalists$ #handler F"en and A. 1hilip
Bandolph$ "ho "ould later make his reputation as a labor leader$ "ere the
o"ner and editor of the ,essen&er.
(# 1ublished in Carlem$ the ,essen&er "as o"ned and edited by t"o young
5ournalists$ A. 1hilip Bandolph$ "ho "ould later make his reputation as a
labor leader$ and #handler F"en.
(% <he ,essen&er "as o"ned and edited by t"o young 5ournalists$ #handler
F"en and A. 1hilip Bandolph$ "ho "ould later make his reputation as a
labor leader$ and published in Carlem.
(& <he o"ner and editor being t"o young 5ournalists$ #handler F"en and A.
1hilip Bandolph$ "ho "ould later make his reputation as a labor leader$ the
,essen&er "as published in Carlem.
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591. :uasars are so distant that their light has taken billions of years to reach the
&arthD conse4uently$ "e see them as they "ere during the formation of the
(A "e see them as they "ere during
(! "e see them as they had been during
(# "e see them as if during
(% they appear to us as they did in
(& they appear to us as though in
592. :uasars$ at billions of light-years from &arth the most distant observable ob5ects
in the universe$ believed to be the cores of gala;ies in an early stage of
(A believed to be
(! are believed to be
(# some believe them to be
(% some believe they are
(& it is believed that they are
593. Balph &ilison and Amiri !araka both argued that music "as perhaps the ultimate
e;pression of Afro-American culture$ that it "as the one vector of African culture
that there "as no possibility to eradicate.
(A that it "as the one vector of African culture that there "as no possibility to
(! the one vector of African culture that could not be eradicated
(# for it "as the one vector of African culture$ and that it "as impossible to
(% a vector of African culture that there "as no possibility to eradicate
(& as being the one vector that could not be eradicated from African culture
594. Banked as one of the most important of &urope3s young play"rights$ Gran7 Naver
Eroet7 has "ritten forty playsD his "orksHtranslated into over thirty languagesH
are produced more often than any contemporary -erman dramatist.
(A than any
(! than any other
(# than are any
(% than those of any other
(& as are those of any
595. Bather than continue to produce most of the items necessary for subsistence$ a
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gro"ing number of farm families during the first decades of the nineteenth
century began to speciali7e in the production of grain or cotton and to use the
cash proceeds from selling their crops for buying necessities.
(A selling their crops for buying
(! the sales of their crops for buying
(# their selling of crops so as to buy
(% their selling crops for buying of
(& the sale of their crops to buy
596. Beal similar to a Colly"ood movie set "ith nothing behind the building fronts$
the country3s apparent ne"-found affluence masks a very different reality> most
citi7ens are not living at all "ell.
(A Beal similar to
(! 6uch as if it "as
(# As though
(% .ike
(& Aust as
597. Beared apart from each other$ a recent +nited ,tates study sho"ed striking
similarities in identical t"ins$ including many idiosyncrasies of behavior.
(A Beared apart from each other$ a recent +nited ,tates study sho"ed striking
similarities in identical t"ins$ including many idiosyncrasies of behavior.
(! Beared apart from each other$ striking similarities bet"een identical t"ins
that include many idiosyncrasies of behavior "ere sho"n in a recent +nited
,tates study.
(# A recent +nited ,tates study sho"ed striking similarities in identical t"ins
reared apart from each other that include many idiosyncrasies of behavior.
(% According to a recent +nited ,tates study$ identical t"ins reared apart from
each other sho"ed striking similarities$ including many idiosyncrasies of
(& According to a recent +nited ,tates study$ identical t"ins sho"ed striking
similarities reared apart from each other$ including many idiosyncrasies of
598. Becent essays by -arrison Eeillor$ the humorist and host of the public radio sho"
A 8r'!r!e Ho%e 7o%6'n!on$ describes "hat might happen if Cuns$ -oths$ and
?isigoths "ere to invade #hicago.
(A describes "hat might happen if Cuns$ -oths$ and ?isigoths "ere to invade
(! describes "hat "ould happen if Cuns$ -oths$ and ?isigoths invaded
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(# describes "hat "ould happen if Cuns$ -oths$ and ?isigoths "ould have
(% describe "hat might happen if Cuns$ -oths$ and ?isigoths "ere to invade
(& describe "hat happen if Cuns$ -oths$ and ?isigoths invade
599. Becent e;cavations suggest that the ancient peoples of the Italian peninsula
merged the cult of %amiaHa goddess of fertility and the harvestH"ith ?enus.
(A "ith ?enus
(! and ?enus
(# "ith that of ?enus
(% and ?enus3
(& and ?enus3 cult
600. Becently discovered fossil remains strongly suggest that the Australian egg-laying
mammals of today are a branch of the main stem of mammalian evolution rather
than developing independently from a common ancestor of mammals more than
**2 million years ago.
(A rather than developing independently from
(! rather than a type that developed independently from
(# rather than a type "hose development "as independent of
(% instead of developing independently from
(& instead of a development that "as independent of
601. Becently implemented shift-"ork e4uations based on studies of the human
sleep cycle have reduced sickness$ sleeping on the 5ob$ fatigue among shift
"orkers$ and have raised production efficiency in various industries.
(A fatigue among shift "orkers$ and have raised
(! fatigue among shift "orkers$ and raised
(# and fatigue among shift "orkers "hile raising
(% lo"ered fatigue among shift "orkers$ and raised
(& and fatigue among shift "orkers "as lo"ered "hile raising
602. Becently there has been increased debate over if a budget surplus should go
to"ards lo"er ta;es or increased spending on social programs.
(A over if a budget surplus should go to"ards lo"er ta;es or increased spending
(! over "hether a budget surplus should go to"ards lo"ering ta;es or increasing
(# about a budget surplus going to"ards lo"er ta;es or increasing spending
(% about if lo"er ta;es should come from a budget surplus or spending increases
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(& concerning a budget surplus and its going to"ards lo"er ta;es or increased
603. Bembrandt so treasured his collection of Islamic portraits that "hen forced to sell
them in order to raise money$ he first made copies of more than t"enty.
(A he first made copies of more than t"enty
(! first he made copies of more than t"enty
(# more than t"enty "ere copied
(% copies of more than t"enty "ere made
(& he copies more than t"enty of them first
604. Bepelled by bodily punishments such as maiming and branding$ the idea of
penitentiaries "ere reforms of the penal system by :uakers.
(A the idea of penitentiaries "ere reforms of the penal system by :uakers
(! penitentiaries "ere ideas for reform of the penal system suggested by :uakers
(# :uakers suggested the penitentiary as a reform of the penal system
(% :uakers suggested that the penal system be reformed as penitentiaries
(& the penitentiary "as suggested to be a reform of the penal system by :uakers
605. Beporting that one of its many problems had been the recent e;tended sales
slump in "omen3s apparel$ the seven-store retailer said it "ould start a three-
month li4uidation sale in all of its stores.
(A its many problems had been the recent
(! its many problems has been the recently
(# its many problems is the recently
(% their many problems is the recent
(& their many problems had been the recent
606. Besearch during the past several decades on the nature of language and the
processes that produce and make it understandable has revealed great comple;ity
instead of underlying simplicity.
(A that produce and make it understandable has revealed great comple;ity
instead of underlying simplicity
(! of producing and understanding it have revealed not underlying simplicity but
great comple;ity
(# by "hich it is produced and understood has revealed not underlying
simplicity but great comple;ity
(% by "hich it is produced and understood have revealed great comple;ity rather
than underlying simplicity
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(& by "hich one produces and understands it have revealed great comple;ity
instead of underlying simplicity
607. Besearchers at #ornell +niversity have demonstrated that homing pigeons can
sense changes in the earth3s magnetic field$ see light "aves that people cannot
see$ detect lo"-fre4uency sounds from miles a"ay$ sense changes in air pressure$
and can identify familiar odors.
(A sense changes in air pressure$ and can identify familiar odors
(! can sense changes in air pressure$ and can identify familiar odors
(# sense changes in air pressure$ and identify familiar odors
(% air pressure changes can be sensed$ and familiar odors identified
(& air pressure changes are sensed$ and familiar odors identified
608. Besearchers have 4uestioned the use of costly and e;perimental diagnostic tests
to identify food allergies$ such as milk$ that supposedly disrupt normal behavior.
(A to identify food allergies$ such as
(! to identify food allergies$ like
(# to identify food allergies$ such as to
(% for identifying food allergies$ like that of
(& for identifying food allergies$ such as for
609. Bevered by an ill-informed citi7enry$ the %uke of =ork "as feted opulently for
several months before there "as denunciation and e;ile.
(A there "as denunciation and e;ile
(! he "as to be denounced "ith e;ile
(# being denounced and e;iled
(% denunciation and his e;ile
(& being e;iled$ having been denounced
610. Bising inventories$ "hen unaccompanied correspondingly by increases in sales$
can lead to production cutbacks that "ould hamper economic gro"th.
(A "hen unaccompanied correspondingly by increases in sales$ can lead
(! "hen not accompanied by corresponding increases in sales$ possibly leads
(# "hen they "ere unaccompanied by corresponding sales increases$ can lead
(% if not accompanied by correspondingly increased sales$ possibly leads
(& if not accompanied by corresponding increases in sales$ can lead
611. Boy Wilkins "as among the last of a generation of civil rights activists "ho led
the nation through decades of change so profound many young Americans are not
able to imagine$ even less to remember$ "hat segregation "as like.
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(A so profound many young Americans are not able to imagine$ even less to
(! so profound that many young Americans cannot imagine$ much less
(# so profound many young Americans cannot imagine nor even less remember
(% of such profundity many young Americans cannot imagine$ even less can
they remember
(& of such profundity that many young Americans are not able to imagine$ much
less to remember
612. Bules banning cancer-causing substances from food apply to ne" food additives
and not to natural constituents of food because their use as additives is entirely
(A their use as additives is
(! as additives$ their use is
(# the use of such additives is
(% the use of such additives are
(& the use of them as additives is
613. ,ales of +nited ,tates manufactured goods to nonindustriali7ed countries rose to
I'8) billion in '((*$ "hich is '@ percent more than the previous year and largely
offsets "eak demand from &urope and Aapan.
(A "hich is '@ percent more than the previous year
(! "hich is '@ percent higher than it "as the previous year
(# '@ percent higher than the previous year3s figure
(% an amount that is '@ percent more than the previous year "as
(& an amount that is '@ percent higher than the previous year3s figure
614. ,alt deposits and moisture threaten to destroy the 6ohen5o-%aro e;cavation in
1akistan$ the site of an ancient civili7ation that flourished at the same time as the
civili7ations in the Nile delta and the river valleys of the <igris and &uphrates.
(A that flourished at the same time as the civili7ations
(! that had flourished at the same time as had the civili7ations
(# that flourished at the same time those had
(% flourishing at the same time as those did
(& flourishing at the same time as those "ere
615. ,amuel ,e"all vie"ed marriage$ as other seventeenth-century colonists$ like a
property arrangement rather than an emotional bond based on romantic love.
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(A ,amuel ,e"all vie"ed marriage$ as other seventeenth-century colonists$ like
a property arrangement rather than
(! As did other seventeenth-century colonists$ ,amuel ,e"all vie"ed marriage
to be a property arrangement rather than vie"ing it as
(# ,amuel ,e"all vie"ed marriage to be a property arrangement$ like other
seventeenth-century colonists$ rather than vie"ing it as
(% 6arriage to ,amuel ,e"all$ like other seventeenth-century colonists$ "as
vie"ed as a property arrangement rather than
(& ,amuel ,e"all$ like other seventeenth-century colonists$ vie"ed marriage as a
property arrangement rather than
616. ,artre believed each individual is responsible to choose one course of action over
another one$ that it is the choice that gives value to the act$ and that nothing that is
not acted upon has value.
(A each individual is responsible to choose one course of action over another one
(! that each individual is responsible for choosing one course of action over
(# that each individual is responsible$ choosing one course of action over
(% that each individual is responsible to choose one course of action over the
(& each individual is responsible for choosing one course of action over other
617. ,chool desegregation has "orked "ell in !uffalo$ Ne" =ork$ in part because
parents and teachers "ere given ma5or roles in designing the city3s magnet
schools$ because e;tra federal funds "ere allocated to make each school uni4ue$
and because the federal 5udge enforced desegregation orders.
(A because e;tra federal funds "ere allocated to make each school uni4ue
(! because of the allocation of e;tra federal funds that make each school uni4ue
(# because each school is made uni4ue by allocating it e;tra federal funds
(% e;tra federal funds "ere allocated in order to make each school uni4ue
(& e;tra federal funds "ere allocated for making each school uni4ue
618. ,chool integration plans that involve busing bet"een suburban and central-city
areas have contributed$ according to a recent study$ to significant increases in
housing integration$ "hich$ in turn$ reduces any future need for busing.
(A significant increases in housing integration$ "hich$ in turn$ reduces
(! significant integration increases in housing$ "hich$ in turn$ reduces
(# increase housing integration significantly$ "hich$ in turn$ reduces
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(% increase housing integration significantly$ in turn reducing
(& significantly increase housing integration$ "hich$ in turn$ reduce
619. ,cientific interest in providing suitable habitats for bottom-d"elling animals such
as river clams arises not because they are important sources of human food but
from their role as an integral link in the A4uatic food chain.
(A not because they are important sources of human food
(! although they are not an important sources of human food
(# not in that they are important as human sources of food
(% not from their importance as a source of human food
(& not from being important sources of food for human beings
620. ,cientists believe that unlike the males of most species of moth$ the male
"histling moths of Nambung$ Australia$ call female moths to them by the use of
acoustical signals$ but not olfactory ones$ and they attract their mates during the
day$ rather than at night.
(A by the use of acoustical signals$ but not olfactory ones$ and they attract
(! by the use of acoustical signals instead of using olfactory ones$ and attracting
(# by using acoustical signals$ not using olfactory ones$ and by attracting
(% using acoustical signals$ rather than olfactory ones$ and attract
(& using acoustical signals$ but not olfactory ones$ and attracting
621. ,cientists calculated that the asteroid$ traveling at @8$222 miles an hour$ is on an
elliptical path that orbits the ,un once a year and regularly brings it back to"ard
(A hour$ is on an elliptical path that orbits the ,un once a year and regularly
brings it
(! hour$ is orbiting the ,un once a year on an elliptical path that regularly brings
(# hour$ once a year orbits the ,un$ regularly bringing it on an elliptical path
(% hour and orbiting the ,un once a year on an elliptical path$ regularly bringing
(& hour$ orbits the ,un on an elliptical path once a year and that regularly brings
622. ,cientists have observed large concentrations of heavy-metal deposits in the
upper t"enty centimeters of !altic ,ea sediments$ "hich are consistent "ith the
gro"th of industrial activity there.
(A !altic ,ea sediments$ "hich are consistent "ith the gro"th of industrial
activity there
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(! !altic ,ea sediments$ "here the gro"th of industrial activity is consistent
"ith these findings
(# !altic ,ea sediments$ findings consistent "ith its gro"th of industrial activity
(% sediments from the !altic ,ea$ findings consistent "ith the gro"th of
industrial activity in the area
(& sediments from the !altic ,ea$ consistent "ith the gro"th of industrial
activity there
623. ,cientists have recently discovered "hat could be the largest and oldest living
organism on &arth$ a giant fungus that is an inter"oven filigree of mushrooms
and rootlike tentacles spa"ned by a single fertili7ed spore some '2$222 years ago
and e;tending for more than /2 acres in the soil of a 6ichigan forest.
(A e;tending
(! e;tends
(# e;tended
(% it e;tended
(& is e;tending
624. ,cientists have suggested that once every '2 million years or so a truly colossal
ob5ect from space cuts through the atmosphere and slams into &arth$ sending up a
global pall of dust that blots out the ,un$ alters the climate$ and changes the
course of evolution by killing off many plant and animal species.
(A sending up a global pall of dust that blots
(! thus sending up a global pall of dust to blot
(# thereby sending up a global pall of dust to blot
(% and that sends up a global pall of dust$ blotting
(& "hich sends up a global pall of dust$ blots
625. ,cientists "ho studied the famous gold field kno"n as ,erra 1elada concluded
that the rich lode "as not produced by the accepted methods of ore formation but
that s"arms of microbes over millions of years concentrated the gold from 5ungle
soils and rivers and rocks.
(A not produced by the accepted methods of ore formation but that s"arms of
microbes over millions of years
(! not produced by the accepted methods of ore formation but instead s"arms of
microbes over millions of years that
(# not produced by the accepted methods of ore formation but s"arms of
microbes over millions of years that
(% produced not by the accepted methods of ore formation but by s"arms of
microbes that over millions of years
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(& produced not by the accepted methods of ore formation but that s"arms of
microbes over millions of years
626. ,corched by fire$ stained by "ater$ and inscribed in cramped hand"riting$ the
seventeenth-century %utch documents on the beginnings of Ne" =ork #ity "ere
long ignored by historians$ depending instead on &nglish sources for information.
(A the seventeenth-century %utch documents on the beginnings of Ne" =ork
#ity "ere long ignored by historians$ depending
(! the seventeenth-century %utch documents on the beginnings of Ne" =ork
#ity "ere long ignored by historians$ "ho depended
(# historians long ignored the seventeenth-century %utch documents on the
beginnings of Ne" =ork #ity$ depending
(% historians long ignored the seventeenth-century %utch documents on the
beginnings of Ne" =ork #ity and depended
(& historians long ignored the seventeenth-century %utch documents on the
beginnings of Ne" =ork #ity$ they depended
627. ,culptor Ale;ander #alder$ "ho often made use of old pieces of 5unk in his art
and also believed in recycling at homeD he once turned a broken goblet into a
dinner bell and a cake mold into a lamp.
(A ,culptor Ale;ander #alder$ "ho often made use of old pieces of 5unk in his
art and also believed in recycling at homeD he
(! Ale;ander #alder$ for "hom old pieces of 5unk "as often made into sculpture$
believed in recycling at home and
(# A believer in recycling at home$ sculptor Ale;ander #alder often made use for
old pieces of 5unk in his artD he
(% Ale;ander #alder$ for "hom sculpture "as often made from old pieces of
5unk$ also believed in recycling at home$ for e;ample$ he
(& ,culptor Ale;ander #alder$ "ho often made use of old pieces of 5unk in his
art$ also believed in recycling at homeD he
628. ,ection '/(d of the ,ecurities &;change Act of '(/@ re4uires anyone "ho buys
more than 9 percent of a company3s stock make a public disclosure of the
(A make
(! "ill also make
(# to make
(% must make
(& must then make
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
629. ,eeming to be one of the fe" corporations diversified enough to survive the
recession$ many shareholders ignored the drop in third-4uarter profits and
invested even more heavily in &mco.
(A ,eeming to be
(! As if
(# In that they seemed
(% Although it seemed
(& !ecause it seemed to be
630. ,eeming to be the only organi7ation fighting for the rights of poor people in the
,outh$ Cosea Cudson$ a laborer in Alabama$ 5oined the #ommunist party in '(/'.
(A ,eeming to be
(! As
(# In that they seemed
(% ,ince it seemed
(& !ecause it seemed to be
631. ,eismologists studying the earth4uake that struck northern #alifornia in Fctober
'(0( are still investigating some of its mysteries> the une;pected po"er of the
seismic "aves$ the up"ard thrust that thre" one man straight into the air$ and the
strange electromagnetic signals detected hours before the temblor.
(A the up"ard thrust that thre" one man straight into the air$ and the strange
electromagnetic signals detected hours before the temblor
(! the up"ard thrust that thre" one man straight into the air$ and strange
electromagnetic signals "ere detected hours before the temblor
(# the up"ard thrust thre" one man straight into the air$ and hours before the
temblor strange electromagnetic signals "ere detected
(% one man "as thro"n straight into the air by the up"ard thrust$ and hours
before the temblor strange electromagnetic signals "ere detected
(& one man "ho "as thro"n straight into the air by the up"ard thrust$ and
strange electromagnetic signals that "ere detected hours before the temblor
632. ,elling several hundred thousand copies in si; months$ the publication of 6aple
.eaf Bag in '0(( "as an instant hit$ helping to establish ,cott Aoplin as the
preeminent ragtime composer.
(A ,elling several hundred thousand copies in si; months$ the publication of
6aple .eaf Bag in '0(( "as an instant hit$ helping to establish ,cott
Aoplin as the preeminent ragtime composer.
(! <he publication in '0(( of 6aple .eaf Bag "as an instant hit> in si;
months they sold several hundred thousand copies and it helped establish
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
,cott Aoplin as the preeminent ragtime composer.
(# Celping to establish ,cott Aoplin as the preeminent ragtime composer "as the
publication of 6aple .eaf Bag in '0(($ "hich "as an instant hit> it sold
several hundred thousand copies in si; months.
(% 6aple .eaf Bag "as an instant hit> it helped establish ,cott Aoplin as the
preeminent ragtime composer$ published in '0(( and selling several hundred
thousand copies in si; months.
(& 1ublished in '0(($ 6aple .eaf Bag "as an instant hit$ selling several
hundred thousand copies in si; months> it helped establish ,cott Aoplin as the
preeminent ragtime composer.
633. ,enator .asker has proposed legislation re4uiring that employers should retain all
older "orkers indefinitely or sho" 5ust cause for dismissal.
(A that employers should retain all older "orkers
(! that all older "orkers be retained by employers
(# the retaining by employers of all older "orkers
(% employers3 retention of all older "orkers
(& employers to retain all older "orkers
634. ,enior e;ecutives had a larger percentage increase in pay in '((2 than the "ages
of other salaried "orkers.
(A ,enior e;ecutives had a larger percentage increase in pay in '((2 than
(! <he percentage of senior e;ecutives3 pay increase in '((2 "as larger than for
(# <he '((2 increase in pay for senior e;ecutives "as larger in terms of
percentage than
(% In '((2 senior e;ecutives had a larger pay increase in terms of percentage
than did
(& <he pay of senior e;ecutives increased in '((2 by a larger percentage than
635. ,everal recent studies suggest that a child born into a family "hose members
have allergies "ill probably themselves develop allergies follo"ing the onset of a
minor viral infection.
(A a child born into a family "hose members have allergies "ill probably
themselves develop allergies
(! children born into families "hose members have allergies "ill probably
themselves develop allergies
(# a child born into a family the members of "hich have allergies "ill probably
develop an allergy
(% in those families "here members have allergies$ children "ill probably
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
develop allergies themselves
(& children born into a family in "hich there are allergies "ill themselves
probably develop an allergy
636. ,everal senior officials spoke to the press on condition that they not be named in
the story.
(A that they not be named
(! that their names "ill not be used
(# that their names are not used
(% of not being named
(& they "ill not be named
637. ,everal studies have found that the coronary patients "ho e;ercise most actively
have half or less than half the chance of dying of a heart attack as those "ho are
(A have half or less than half the chance of dying of a heart attack as those "ho
are sedentary
(! have half the chance$ or less$ of dying of a heart attack than those "ho are
sedentary do
(# have half the chance that they "ill die of a heart attack$ or less$ than those
"ho are sedentary do
(% are at least fifty percent less likely to die of a heart attack as those "ho are
(& are at least fifty percent less likely than those "ho are sedentary to die of a
heart attack
638. ,everal years ago the diet industry introduced a variety of appetite suppressants$
but some of these drugs caused stomach disorders severe enough to have them
banned by the Good and %rug Administration.
(A stomach disorders severe enough to have them
(! stomach disorders that "ere severe enough so they "ere
(# stomach disorders of such severity so as to be
(% such severe stomach disorders that they "ere
(& such severe stomach disorders as to be
639. ,evere and increasing numerous critics are pointing to deficiencies in the !ritish
legal system$ deficiencies that seem to deny a proper defense to many clients "ho
are charged "ith crimes.
(A ,evere and increasing numerous critics are pointing to deficiencies in the
!ritish legal system$ deficiencies that seem
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(! ,evere and increasing numerous critics point to deficiencies in the !ritish
legal system$ deficiencies seeming
(# ,evere and increasingly numerous critics are pointing to deficiencies in the
!ritish legal system that seem
(% ,everely and increasingly numerous critics point to deficiencies in the !ritish
legal system seeming
(& ,everely and increasingly numerous critics are pointing to deficiencies in the
!ritish legal system that seem
640. ,he "as a child prodigy$ and #lara ,chumann developed into one of the greatest
pianists of her time.
(A ,he "as a child prodigy$ and #lara ,chumann
(! A child prodigy$ #lara ,chumann
(# #hild prodigy that she "as$ #lara ,chumann
(% #lara ,chumann has been a child prodigy$ and she
(& !eing a child prodigy$ #lara ,chumann
641. ,imilar to rising interest rates$ consumer and producer prices have been rising.
(A ,imilar to rising interest rates$ consumer and producer prices have been
(! #onsumer and producer prices have been rising$ as have interest rates.
(# As interest rates are rising$ so have consumer and producer prices.
(% #onsumer and producer prices have been rising$ like interest rates do.
(& #onsumer and producer prices$ as interest rates$ have been rising.
642. ,ince '(89 there are four times as many !lack college students enrolled$ and the
one million !lack people in college today represent '' percent of all college
(A ,ince '(89 there are four times as many !lack college students enrolled
(! <he enrollment of !lack college students "as only one-fourth in '(89
(# <he enrollment of !lack college students has increased four times from '(89
(% :uadrupling since '(89$ there are no" four times as many !lack college
students enrolled
(& <he enrollment of !lack college students has 4uadrupled since '(89
643. ,ince '()2 the number of !lacks elected to state and federal offices in the +nited
,tates has multiplied nearly four times.
(A has multiplied nearly four times
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(! has almost 4uadrupled
(# has almost multiplied by four
(% is almost four times as great
(& is nearly fourfold "hat it "as
644. ,ince '()9 the number of "omen in upper-level management in American
corporations have increased by *9 percentD female e;ecutives3 salaries$ ho"ever$
still lag behind those of their male counterparts.
(A have increased by *9 percentD female e;ecutives3 salaries$ ho"ever$ still lag
(! has increased by *9 percent$ ho"ever much their salaries lag
(# have increased *9 percentD female e;ecutives3 salaries$ ho"ever$ still have
(% has increased by *9 percentD female e;ecutives3 salaries$ ho"ever$ still lag
(& have increased *9 percentD their salaries$ ho"ever$ still lag
645. ,ince '(0'$ "hen the farm depression began$ the number of acres overseen by
professional farm-management companies have gro"n from @0 million to nearly
9( million$ an area that is about #olorado3s si7e.
(A have gro"n from @0 million to nearly 9( million$ an area that is about
#olorado3s si7e
(! have gro"n from @0 million to nearly 9( million$ about the si7e of #olorado
(# has gro"n from @0 million to nearly 9( million$ an area about the si7e of
(% has gro"n from @0 million up to nearly 9( million$ an area about the si7e of
(& has gro"n from @0 million up to nearly 9( million$ about #olorado3s si7e
646. ,ince '(08 enrollments of African Americans$ American Indians$ and Cispanic
Americans in fulltime engineering programs in the +nited ,tates has steadily
increased$ "hile the number of other students "ho enter the field has fallen.
(A has steadily increased$ "hile the number of other students "ho enter the field
has fallen
(! has steadily increased$ "hile other students entering the field have declined in
(# increased steadily$ "hile there "as a decline in the number of other students
entering the field
(% have steadily increased$ "hile the number of other students entering the field
has fallen
(& have steadily increased$ "hile that of other students "ho enter the field fell
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
647. ,ince '(08 "hen the %epartment of .abor began to allo" investment officers3
fees to be based on ho" the funds they manage perform$ several corporations
began paying their investment advisers a small basic fee$ "ith a contract
promising higher fees if the managers perform "ell.
(A investment officers3 fees to be based on ho" the funds they manage perform$
several corporations began
(! investment officers3 fees to be based on the performance of the funds they
manage$ several corporations began
(# that fees of investment officers be based on ho" the funds they manage
perform$ several corporations have begun
(% fees of investment officers to be based on the performance of the funds they
manage$ several corporations have begun
(& that investment officers3 fees be based on the performance of the funds they
manage$ several corporations began
648. ,ince chromosome damage may be caused by viral infections$ medical ;-rays$
and e;posure to sunlight$ it is important that the chromosomes of a population to
be tested for chemically induced damage be compared "ith those of a control
(A to be tested for chemically induced damage be compared "ith
(! being tested for damage induced chemically are compared "ith
(# being tested for chemically induced damage should be compared to
(% being tested for chemically induced damage are to be compared to
(& that is to be tested for chemically induced damage are to be comparable "ith
649. ,ince conscious patients often died of shock on the operating table$ the invention
of anesthesia "as essential to the development of surgery as the invention of the
propeller "as to po"ered flight.
(A the invention of anesthesia "as essential to the development of surgery as the
invention of the propeller "as to po"ered flight
(! inventing anesthesia "as as essential for the development of surgery as the
invention of the propeller "as for po"ered flight
(# the invention of anesthesia "as as essential in the development of surgery
much as the invention of the propeller had been for po"ered flight
(% the invention of anesthesia "as as essential to the development of surgery as
the invention of the propeller "as to po"ered flight
(& the invention of anesthesia "as essential to the development of surgery$ so
"as the invention of the propeller essential to po"ered flight
650. ,ince savings banks have to use short-term deposits to finance long-term fi;ed-
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rate mortgage loans$ they sometimes lose money "hen there is a rise in short-
term rates and$ on the other hand$ they are unable to raise the rates on their
(A "hen there is a rise in short-term rates and$ on the other hand$ they are unable
to raise
(! "hen short-term rates rise and they are unable to raise
(# "hen a rise in short-term rates occurs and$ correspondingly$ there is no rise
possible in
(% "ith a rise in short-term rates$ and they are unable to raise
(& "ith short-term rates on the rise and no rise possible in
651. ,ince the '(/23s aircraft manufacturers have tried to build airplanes "ith
frictionless "ings$ shaped so smoothly and perfectly that the air passing over
them "ould not become turbulent.
(A "ings$ shaped so smoothly and perfectly
(! "ings$ "ings so smooth and so perfectly shaped
(# "ings that are shaped so smooth and perfect
(% "ings$ shaped in such a smooth and perfect manner
(& "ings$ "ings having been shaped smoothly and perfectly so
652. ,ince the movie "as released seventeen +GFs have been sighted in the state$
"hich is more than had been sighted in the past ten years together.
(A "hich is more than had been sighted
(! more than had been sighted
(# more than they had sighted
(% more than had reported sightings
(& "hich is more than had reported sightings
653. ,lips of the tongue do not necessarily reveal concealed beliefs or intentions but
rather are the result from the competition bet"een various processing
mechanisms in the brain.
(A but rather are the result from
(! and instead are the result from
(# being rather the result of
(% and rather result from
(& but rather result from
654. ,o poorly educated and trained are many young recruits to the +nited ,tates "ork
force that many business e;ecutives fear this country "ill lose its economic
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(A ,o poorly educated and trained are many young recruits to the +nited ,tates
"ork force that
(! As poorly educated and trained as many young recruits to the +nited ,tates
"ork force are
(# !ecause of many young recruits to the +nited ,tates "ork force "ho are so
poorly educated and trained.
(% <hat many young recruits to the +nited ,tates "ork force are so poorly
educated and trained is "hy
(& 6any young recruits to the +nited ,tates "ork force "ho are so poorly
educated and trained e;plains "hy
655. ,ocrates could have fled from Athens after he "as sentenced to death$ but he
refused to do it.
(A ,ocrates could have fled from Athens after he "as sentenced to death$ but he
refused to do it.
(! After he "as sentenced to death$ ,ocrates might have fled from Athens$ but he
refused to do it.
(# After he "as sentenced to death$ ,ocrates could have fled from Athens$ but he
refused to do so.
(% After he "as sentenced to death$ ,ocrates could have done so after he "as
sentenced to death.
(& ,ocrates could have fled from Athens but refused to after he "as sentenced to
656. ,ome analysts contend that true capitalism e;ists only "hen the o"nership of
both property and the means of production is regarded as an inalienable right of
an individual3s$ and it is not a license granted by government and revokable at
(A is regarded as an inalienable right of an individual3s$ and it is not
(! are regarded as individuals3 inalienable rights$ and that it not be
(# is regarded as an individual3s inalienable right$ not as
(% are regarded as an individual3s inalienable rights$ not "hen they are
(& is regarded as the inalienable rights of an individual$ not "hen it is
657. ,ome analysts of retirement problems insist that the only "ay to provide e4uity
and protection for all Americans is to amalgamate all retirement-income systems$
including ,ocial ,ecurity$ into one central system.
(A insist that the only "ay to provide e4uity and protection for all Americans is
to amalgamate
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(! have insisted the only "ay e4uity and protection can be provided for all
Americans is amalgamating
(# insist the only "ay to provide e4uity and protection for all Americans is the
amalgamation of
(% are insistent that the only "ay e4uity and protection can be provided for all
Americans is the amalgamation of
(& insist that the only "ay for the provision of e4uity and protection for all
Americans is to amalgamate
658. ,ome analysts point out that because people are becoming accustomed to a steady
inflation rate of four to five percent$ businesses found that they could raise prices
according to this amount "ithout thereby provoking strong public reaction.
(A found that they could raise prices according to this amount "ithout thereby
(! found that they "ere capable of raising prices by this amount and not provoke
(# find that they are capable of raising prices by this amount and not provoke
(% are finding that they can raise prices by this amount "ithout provoking
(& are finding that they can raise prices according to this amount and "ill not
thereby provoke
659. ,ome bat caves$ like honeybee hives$ have residents that take on different duties
such as defending the entrance$ acting as sentinels and to sound a "arning at the
approach of danger$ and scouting outside the cave for ne" food and roosting
(A acting as sentinels and to sound
(! acting as sentinels and sounding
(# to act as sentinels and sound
(% to act as sentinels and to sound
(& to act as a sentinel sounding
660. ,ome biographers have not only disputed the common notion that &dgar Allan
1oe drank to e;cess but also 4uestioned "hether he drank at all.
(A have not only disputed the common notion that &dgar Allan 1oe drank to
e;cess but also 4uestioned "hether he drank
(! not only have disputed the common notion that &dgar Allan 1oe drank to
e;cess but also over "hether he drank
(# have disputed not only the common notion that &dgar Allan 1oe drank to
e;cess but also "hether he may not have drunk
(% not only have disputed the common notion that &dgar Allan 1oe drank to
e;cess but also 4uestioned "hether or not he had drunk
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(& have disputed the common notion not only that &dgar Allan 1oe drank to
e;cess but also 4uestioned "hether he may not have drunk
661. ,ome buildings that "ere destroyed and heavily damaged in the earth4uake last
year "ere constructed in violation of the city3s building code.
(A ,ome buildings that "ere destroyed and heavily damaged in the earth4uake
last year "ere
(! ,ome buildings that "ere destroyed or heavily damaged in the earth4uake last
year had been
(# ,ome buildings that the earth4uake destroyed and heavily damaged last year
have been
(% .ast year the earth4uake destroyed or heavily damaged some buildings that
have been
(& .ast year some of the buildings that "ere destroyed or heavily damaged in the
earth 4uake had been
662. ,ome historians of science have argued that science moves for"ard not so much
because of the insights of great thinkers but because of more mundane
developments$ such as improved tools and technologies.
(A because of the insights of great thinkers but because of
(! because of the insights of great thinkers as the result of
(# because of the insights of great thinkers as because of
(% through the insights of great thinkers but through
(& through the insights of great thinkers but result from
663. ,ome of the tenth-century stave churches of Nor"ay are still standing$
demonstrating that "ith sound design and maintenance$ "ooden buildings can
last indefinitely.
(A standing$ demonstrating that "ith sound design and maintenance$ "ooden
buildings can last indefinitely
(! standing$ demonstrating ho" "ooden buildings$ "hen they have sound design
and maintenance$ can last indefinitely
(# standingD they demonstrate if a "ooden building has sound design and
maintenance it can last indefinitely
(% standing$ and they demonstrate "ooden buildings can last indefinitely "hen
there is sound design and maintenance
(& standing$ and they demonstrate ho" a "ooden building can last indefinitely
"hen it has sound design and maintenance
664. ,ome psychiatric studies indicate that among distinguished artists the rates of
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
manic depression and ma5or depression are ten to thirteen times as prevalent as in
the population at large.
(A the rates of manic depression and ma5or depression are ten to thirteen times as
prevalent as in
(! the rates of manic depression and ma5or depression are ten to thirteen times
more prevalent than in
(# the rates of manic depression and ma5or depression are ten to thirteen times
more prevalent "hen compared to
(% manic depression and ma5or depression are ten to thirteen times as prevalent
"hen compared to
(& manic depression and ma5or depression are ten to thirteen times more
prevalent than in
665. ,ome scientists have been critical of the laboratory tests conducted by the Gederal
%rug Administration on the grounds that the amounts of suspected carcinogens
fed to animals far e;ceeds those that humans could consume.
(A far e;ceeds those that humans could consume
(! e;ceeds by far those humans can consume
(# far e;ceeds those humans are able to consume
(% e;ceed by far those able to be consumed by humans
(& far e;ceed those that humans could consume
666. ,outh Eorea has "itnessed the "orld3s most dramatic gro"th of #hristian
congregationsD church membership is e;panding by 8.8 percent a year$ fully t"o-
thirds of the gro"th coming from conversions rather than the population
(A coming from conversions rather than the population increasing
(! coming from conversions rather than increases in the population
(# coming from conversions instead of the population3s increasing
(% is from conversions instead of population increases
(& is from conversions rather than increasing the population
667. ,panning more than fifty years$ Griedrich 6uller began his career in an
unpromising apprenticeship as a ,anskrit scholar and culminated in virtually
every honor that &uropean governments and learned societies could besto".
(A 6uller began his career in an unpromising apprenticeship as
(! 6uller3s career began in an unpromising apprenticeship as
(# 6uller3s career began "ith the unpromising apprenticeship of being
(% 6uller had begun his career "ith the unpromising apprenticeship of being
Score Your Way To The Top
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(& the career of 6uller has begun "ith an unpromising apprenticeship of
668. ,t. Aohn3s$ Ne"foundland$ lies on the same latitude as 1aris$ Grance$ but in spring
,t. Aohn3s residents are less likely to be sitting at outdoor cafes than to be bracing
themselves against arctic chills$ shoveling sno"$ or seeking shelter from a raging
northeast storm.
(A residents are less likely to be sitting at outdoor cafes than to be bracing
themselves against arctic chills$ shoveling sno"$ or seeking
(! residents are less likely to sit at outdoor cafes$ and more to brace themselves
against arctic chills$ shovel sno"$ or be seeking
(# residents are less likely to be sitting at outdoor cafes$ and more likely to be
bracing themselves against arctic chills$ shoveling sno"$ or to be seeking
(% residents$ instead of their sitting at outdoor cafes$ they are more likely to
brace themselves against arctic chills$ shovel sno"$ or seek
(& residents$ instead of sitting at outdoor cafes$ are more likely to brace
themselves against arctic chills$ shovel sno"$ or to be seeking
669. ,table interest rates on long-term bonds are the financial market3s vote of
confidence in the Gederal Beserve keeping in control of inflation.
(A in the Gederal Beserve keeping in control of inflation
(! that the Gederal Beserve "ill keep inflation under control
(# for the Gederal Beserve$ that it "ould keep control of inflation
(% that inflation "ill be kept control of by the Gederal Beserve
(& that inflation "ould be kept control of by the Gederal Beserve
670. ,tars like the sun can continue to shine steadily for billions of years because its
light and heat are produced by nuclear fusion$ in "hich titanic releases of energy
result in the loss of only tiny amounts of mass.
(A its light and heat are produced by nuclear fusion$ in "hich
(! nuclear fusion produces its light and heat$ in "hich
(# nuclear fusion produces their light and heat$ "here
(% its light and heat are produced by nuclear fusion$ "here
(& their light and heat are produced by nuclear fusion$ in "hich
671. ,tate officials report that soaring rates of liability insurance have risen to force
cutbacks in the operations of everything from local governments and school
districts to day-care centers and recreational facilities.
(A rates of liability insurance have risen to force
(! rates of liability insurance are a force for
(# rates for liability insurance are forcing
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(% rises in liability insurance rates are forcing
(& liability insurance rates have risen to force
672. ,tudents in the metropolitan school district lack math skills to such a large degree
as to make it difficult to absorb them into a city economy becoming ever more
dependent on information-based industries.
(A lack math skills to such a large degree as to make it difficult to absorb them
into a city economy becoming
(! lack math skills to a large enough degree that they "ill be difficult to absorb
into a city3s economy that becomes
(# lack of math skills is so large as to be difficult to absorb them into a city3s
economy that becomes
(% are lacking so much in math skills as to be difficult to absorb into a city3s
economy becoming
(& are so lacking in math skills that it "ill be difficult to absorb them into a city
economy becoming
673. ,tudies of circadian rhythms can be applied to problems ranging from chronic
insomnia in fre4uent transcontinental air travelers to "orkers in all-night plants
being inefficient.
(A to "orkers in all-night plants being inefficient
(! to"ard "orkers in all-night plants being inefficient
(# to "orkers in all-night plants "ho are inefficient
(% to combat "orker inefficiency in all-night plants
(& to decreased efficiency among "orkers in all-night plants
674. ,tudies of the human sleep-"ake cycle have practical relevance for matters
ranging from duty assignments in nuclear submarines and air-traffic control
to"ers to the staff of shifts in *@-hour factories.
(A to the staff of
(! to those "ho staff
(# to the staffing of
(% and staffing
(& and the staff of
675. ,tudies sho" that young people "ith higher-than-average blood pressure and
their families have a history of high blood pressure are more likely than others to
develop a severe form of the condition.
(A and their families have a history of high blood pressure
(! "hose families have a history of high blood pressure
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(# and a history of high blood pressure runs in the family
(% "hose families have a history of high blood pressure running in them
(& "ith a history of high blood pressure running in their family
676. ,ulfur dio;ide$ a ma5or contributor to acid rain$ is an especially serious pollutant
because it diminishes the respiratory system3s ability to deal "ith all other
(A an especially serious pollutant because it diminishes the respiratory system3s
ability to deal
(! an especially serious pollutant because of diminishing the respiratory
system3s capability of dealing
(# an especially serious pollutant because it diminishes the capability of the
respiratory system in dealing
(% a specially serious pollutant because it diminishes the capability of the
respiratory system to deal
(& a specially serious pollutant because of diminishing the respiratory system3s
ability to deal
677. ,unspots$ vortices of gas associated "ith strong electromagnetic activity$ are
visible as dark spots on the surface of the ,un but have never been sighted on the
,un3s poles or e4uator.
(A are visible as dark spots on the surface of the ,un but have never been sighted
(! are visible as dark spots that never have been sighted on the surface of the
(# appear on the surface of the ,un as dark spots although never sighted at
(% appear as dark spots on the surface of the ,un$ although never having been
sighted at
(& appear as dark spots on the ,un3s surface$ "hich have never been sighted on
678. <elevision programs developed in con5unction "ith the marketing of toys$ "hich
"as once prohibited by federal regulations$ are thriving in the free market
conditions permitted by the current Gederal #ommunications #ommission.
(A <elevision programs developed in con5unction "ith the marketing of toys$
"hich "as once prohibited by federal regulations$ are
(! <elevision programs developed in con5unction "ith the marketing of toys$ a
practice that federal regulations once prohibited$ is
(# %eveloping television programs in con5unction "ith the marketing of toys$ as
once prohibited by federal regulations$ is
(% Gederal regulations once prohibited developing television programs in
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
con5unction "ith the marketing of toys$ but they are
(& Gederal regulations once prohibited developing television programs in
con5unction "ith the marketing of toys$ but such programs are
679. <emporary-employment agencies benefit not only from the increasing demand for
clerical "orkers but also the higher profits made "hen highly paid professionals
are placed$ re4uests for "hom have increased in the recent "ave of corporate
(A the higher profits made "hen highly paid professionals are placed$ re4uests
for "hom
(! the higher profits that are made in the placement of highly paid professionals$
re4uests for "hom
(# from the re4uests for highly paid professionals$ "ho make higher profits for
the agencies "hen placed and "hose re4uests
(% from highly paid professionals$ "hose placement makes higher profits for the
agencies and "hose re4uests
(& from the higher profits made in placing highly paid professionals$ re4uests for
680. <enor -eorge ,hirley sang more than *2 leading roles at the 6etropolitan Fpera
since having his debut there as Gernando in #osifan tulle on Fctober *@$ '(8'.
(A sang more than *2 leading roles at the 6etropolitan Fpera since having
(! sang more than *2 leading roles at the 6etropolitan Fpera since having had
(# has sung more than *2 leading roles at the 6etropolitan Fpera since
(% has sung more than *2 leading roles at the 6etropolitan Fpera after
(& has sung more than *2 leading roles at the 6etropolitan Fpera subse4uently
681. <eratomas are unusual forms of cancer because they are composed of tissues such
as tooth and bone not normally found in the organ in "hich the tumor appears.
(A because they are composed of tissues such as tooth and bone
(! because they are composed of tissues like tooth and bone that are
(# because they are composed of tissues$ like tooth and bone$ tissues
(% in that their composition$ tissues such as tooth and bone$ is
(& in that they are composed of tissues such as tooth and bone$ tissues
682. <e;tbooks for the used book sale should be in good condition and should have no
"riting in them or be underlined.
(A and should have no "riting in them or be underlined
(! and should not have "riting in them or not be underlined
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(# and contain no "riting or underlining
(% "ithout containing "riting nor be underlined
(& "ithout having any "riting or no underlining in them
683. <hat educators have not anticipated the impact of microcomputer technology can
hardly be said that it is their fault> Alvin <offler$ one of the most prominent
students of the future$ did not even mention microcomputers in uture 4hock$
published in '()2.
(A <hat educators have not anticipated the impact of microcomputer technology
can hardly be said that it is their fault
(! <hat educators have not anticipated the impact of microcomputer technology
can hardly be said to be at fault
(# It can hardly be said that it is the fault of educators "ho have not anticipated
the impact of microcomputer technology
(% It can hardly be said that educators are at fault for not anticipating the impact
of microcomputer technology
(& <he fact that educators are at fault for not anticipating the impact of
microcomputer technology can hardly be said
684. <hat the ne" managing editor rose from the publication3s soft ne"s sections to
a leadership position is more of a landmark in the industry than her being a
(A her being a "oman
(! being a "oman is
(# her "omanhood
(% that she "as a "oman
(& that she is a "oman
685. <he '(th-century proponents of the school of thought kno"n as mechanism held
that life process are not the products of some mysterious life force$ but are the
same chemical and physical processes that operate in inorganic systems$ "hich is
still a sub5ect of debate bet"een biologists today.
(A systems$ "hich is still a sub5ect of debate bet"een
(! systems$ "hich are still debated bet"een
(# systems still debated among
(% systems$ a theory still debated by
(& systems$ a theory still debated bet"een
686. <he aim of the ne" regulations is to make it easier for prospective homeo"ners to
have funds available for energy improvement in their ne" houses.
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(A to make it easier for prospective homeo"ners to have
(! to make easier for prospective homeo"ners the having of
(# making it easier for prospective homeo"ners so they can have
(% that prospective homeo"ners more easily can have
(& for prospective homeo"ners to more easily have
687. <he airline industry is cutting its lo"est discount fares more "idely$ more
substantially$ and earlier this year than it normally does at the end of the summer$
a time during "hich travel usually decreases and the industry uses some lo"er
fares for the attraction of passengers.
(A during "hich travel usually decreases and the industry uses some lo"er fares
for the attraction of
(! during "hich travel usually decreases and therefore the industry "ill use
some lo"er fares for the attraction of
(# in "hich travel usually decreases and in "hich the industry therefore uses
some lo"er fares attracting
(% "hen travel usually decreases and the industry uses some lo"er fares to
(& "hen travel usually decreases and therefore the industry "ill use lo"er fares
for the attraction of
688. <he American 6edical Association has argued that the rapidly rising costs
associated "ith malpractice litigation are driving doctors from the profession and
that reform of the tort system is imperative for bringing malpractice insurance
premiums under control.
(A that reform of the tort system is imperative for bringing malpractice insurance
(! that reform of the tort system is imperative if malpractice insurance premiums
are to be brought
(# that reform of the tort system is imperative to bring malpractice insurance
(% reform of the tort system is necessary in bringing malpractice insurance
(& the tort system needs to be reformed so that malpractice insurance premiums
are brought
689. <he animosity bet"een those "ho regulate and those "ho are regulated$ never
more pronounced than in recent debates over environmentalism and pollution
(A <he animosity bet"een those "ho regulate and those "ho are regulated$
Score Your Way To The Top
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(! <he animosity bet"een those "ho regulate and those "ho are regulated$
never being
(# <he animosity bet"een those "ho regulate and those "ho are regulated has
never been
(% !et"een those "ho regulate and those "ho are regulated$ such animosity "as
(& !et"een those "ho regulate and bet"een those regulated$ such animosity has
never been
690. <he argument that the dominant form of family structure today is not the nuclear
family$ but rather it is a family "hich is modified and e;tended$ is based on a
number of facts> the e;istence of three-generational families$ the amount of
vertical and hori7ontal communication bet"een family subunits$ and the e;tent to
"hich family members offer assistance to one another.
(A family$ but rather it is a family "hich is modified and e;tended$ is based on a
number of facts> the e;istence of three-generational families
(! family$ but is instead a family that is modified and e;tended$ is based on a
number of facts> three-generational families e;ist
(# family$ "hich has been modified and e;tended$ is based on a number of facts>
the e;istence of three-generational families
(% family but a modified e;tended family is based on a number of facts> the
e;istence of three-generational families
(& family$ but also a modified and e;tended family$ is based on a number of
facts> three-generational families e;ist
691. <he aristocratic values e;pressed in the "ritings of 6arguerite =ourcenar place
her "ithin the Grench classical tradition$ as does her passionate interest in history$
particularly Boman history.
(A as does
(! so do
(# as do
(% so is the case "ith
(& similarly$ does
692. <he attorney turned do"n the la" firm3s offer of a position because she suspected
that it "as meant merely to fill an affirmative action 4uota "ith no commitment
to minority hiring and eventually promoting.
(A 4uota "ith no commitment to minority hiring and eventually promoting
(! 4uota$ having no commitment to minority hiring and eventually promoting
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(# 4uota and did not reflect a commitment to minority hiring and eventual
(% 4uota$ not reflecting a commitment to minority hiring and eventual promotion
(& 4uota$ not one that reflected that minority hiring and eventual promotion "as
a commitment
693. <he Audubon ,ociety and other conservation groups$ concerned over "hat they
have perceived to be the serious threatening of the environment as posed by the
policies of the government$ are preparing for a ma5or political effort.
(A have perceived to be the serious threatening of the environment as
(! perceived as the serious threat to the environment as
(# perceive being the serious threat to the environment
(% are perceiving as the serious threatening of the environment
(& perceive as the serious threat to the environment
694. <he auto industry has e;perienced one of its most significant trends in the last 92
years$ "hich is the migration of motorists from passenger cars to minivans$ sport
utility vehicles$ and pickups.
(A <he auto industry has e;perienced one of its most significant trends in the last
92 years$ "hich is
(! Ff the trends the auto industry e;perienced in the last 92 years has been one
of the most significant
(# In the last 92 years$ one of the most significant trends that the auto industry
has been e;periencing has been
(% Fne of the most significant trends that the auto industry has e;perienced in
the last 92 years is
(& In the last 92 years$ the auto industry e;perienced one of the most significant
trends that it has had$ that of
695. <he average "eekly "age nearly doubled in the '()23s$ rising from I''@ to I**2$
yet the average "orker ended the decade "ith a decrease in "hat their pay may
(A "ith a decrease in "hat their pay may buy
(! "ith "hat "as a decrease in "hat they "ere able to buy
(# having decreased that "hich they could buy
(% decreasing in purchasing po"er
(& "ith a decrease in purchasing po"er
696. <he !aldrick 6anufacturing #ompany has for several years follo"ed a policy
aimed at decreasing operating costs and improving the efficiency of its
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distribution system.
(A aimed at decreasing operating costs and improving
(! aimed at the decreasing of operating costs and to improve
(# aiming at the decreasing of operating costs and improving
(% the aim of "hich is the decreasing of operating costs and improving
(& "ith the aim to decrease operating costs and to improve
697. <he bank ackno"ledged that they are and "ill continue to e;perience difficulties
as it attempts to deal "ith the precipitous fall of the dollar against the yen and the
dislocations reflected in the stock market decline.
(A they are and "ill continue to e;perience difficulties as it attempts
(! they are and "ill continue to e;perience difficulties as they attempt
(# it is and "ill continue to e;perience difficulties as it attempts
(% it is e;periencing and "ill continue to e;perience difficulties as they make an
(& its difficulties are likely to continue as it attempts
698. <he bank holds I/ billion in loans that are seriously delin4uent or in such trouble
that they do not e;pect payments "hen due.
(A they do not e;pect payments "hen
(! it does not e;pect payments "hen it is
(# it does not e;pect payments to be made "hen they are
(% payments are not to be e;pected to be paid "hen
(& payments are not e;pected to be paid "hen they "ill be
699. <he black hole has entered the popular imagination as an ob5ect too massive that
neither light nor matter can escape its gravitational pull.
(A too massive that neither light nor matter can escape its
(! too massive for either allo"ing light or matter to escape its
(# massive enough that either light or matter cannot escape their
(% so massive that neither light nor matter could escape their
(& so massive that neither light nor matter can escape its
700. <he boom in agricultural e;ports in the early '()23s emptied +nited ,tates grain
bins and many "ere led to thinking that overproduction "as no" a problem of the
(A many "ere led to thinking that overproduction "as no"
(! many had been led to thinking of overproduction as if it "ere
(# the thought this led to "as that overproduction had become
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(% led many to the thought of overproduction as if it "ere
(& led many to think that overproduction had become
701. <he brain is something of a stimulus reduction system$ a means to reduce$ in
order to comprehend$ the nearly infinite amount of stimuli that reach the senses at
any given moment.
(A a means to reduce$ in order to comprehend$ the nearly infinite amount
(! a means to reduce$ in order to comprehend$ the nearly infinite number
(# the means of reducing for comprehending the nearly infinite number
(% the means that reduces$ in order to comprehend$ the nearly infinite amount
(& the means for reducing in order to comprehend the nearly infinite amount
702. <he !ritish Admiralty and the War Fffice met in 6arch '0(* to consider a
possible Bussian attempt to sei7e #onstantinople and ho" they "ould have to act
militarily to deal "ith them.
(A ho" they "ould have to act militarily to deal "ith them
(! ho" to deal "ith them if military action "ould be necessary
(# "hat "ould be necessary militarily for dealing "ith such an event
(% "hat military action "ould be necessary in order to deal "ith such an event
(& the necessity of "hat kind of military action in order to take for dealing "ith
703. <he !ritish sociologist and activist !arbara Wootton once noted as a humorous
e;ample of income maldistribution that the elephant that gave rides to children at
the Whipsnade Joo "as earning annually e;actly "hat she then earned as director
of adult education for .ondon.
(A that the elephant that gave rides to children at the Whipsnade Joo "as
(! that the elephant$ giving rides to children at the Whipsnade Joo$ had been
(# that there "as an elephant giving rides to children at the Whipsnade Joo$ and
it earned
(% the elephant that gave rides to children at the Whipsnade Joo and "as
(& the elephant giving rides to children at the Whipsnade Joo and that it earned
704. <he brochure notes that in the seminar the importance that communication is a
t"o-"ay process "ill be emphasi7ed.
(A importance that communication is a t"o-"ay process "ill be emphasi7ed
(! importance of communication as a t"o-"ay process "ill be emphasi7ed
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(# importance of communication being a t"o-"ay process "ill be the emphasis
(% fact "ill be emphasi7ed that communication is a t"o-"ay process and of
(& emphasis "ill be that communication being a t"o-"ay process is important
705. <he cameras of the ?oyager II spacecraft detected si; small$ previously unseen
moons circling +ranus$ "hich doubles to t"elve the number of satellites no"
kno"n as orbiting the distant planet.
(A "hich doubles to t"elve the number of satellites no" kno"n as orbiting
(! doubling to t"elve the number of satellites no" kno"n to orbit
(# "hich doubles to t"elve the number of satellites no" kno"n in orbit around
(% doubling to t"elve the number of satellites no" kno"n as orbiting
(& "hich doubles to t"elve the number of satellites no" kno"n that orbit
706. <he capital of !osnia-Cer7egovina$ ,ara5evo3s population on the eve of the Girst
World War "as 9'$('(.
(A !osnia-Cer7egovina$ ,ara5evo3s population
(! !osnia-Cer7egovina is ,ara5evo$ "hose population
(# !osnia-Cer7egovina is ,ara5evo$ "ith a population
(% !osnia-Cer7egovina$ ,ara5evo having a population that
(& !osnia-Cer7egovina$ the population of ,ara5evo
707. <he caterpillar of the geometrid moth strikes "hen special tactile hairs on its
body are disturbed$ after capturing its prey$ holds the victim so that it cannot
(A strikes "hen special tactile hairs on its body are disturbed$
(! striking "hen special tactile hairs on its body are disturbed$ but
(# "hich strikes "hen special tactile hairs on its body are disturbed$
(% "hich$ striking "hen special tactile hairs on its body are disturbed$
(& strikes "hen special tactile hairs on its body are disturbed and$
708. <he #oast guard is conducting tests to see "hether pigeons can be trained to help
find survivors of "recks at sea.
(A to see "hether pigeons can be trained to help find
(! to see "hether pigeons can be trained as help to find
(# to see if pigeons can be trained for helping to find
(% that see if pigeons are able to be trained in helping to find
(& that see "hether pigeons are able to be trained for help in finding
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709. <he #oast -uard recently redesigned channel markers in the #hesapeake !ay to
accommodate large numbers of ospreys$ "hose huge nests formerly obstructed
the lights.
(A numbers of ospreys$ "hose huge nests
(! numbers of ospreys$ their huge nests
(# amounts of ospreys$ the huge nests of "hich
(% nests of ospreys they
(& numbers of ospreys$ and their huge nests
710. <he colori7ation of black-and-"hite films by computers is defended by those "ho
o"n the film rights$ for the process can mean increased revenues for themD many
others in the film industry$ ho"ever$ contend that the techni4ue degrades ma5or
"orks of art$ "hich they liken to putting lipstick on a -reek statue.
(A "hich they liken to putting lipstick on a -reek statue
(! "hich they liken to a -reek statue "ith lipstick put on it
(# "hich they liken to lipstick put on a -reek statue
(% likening it to a -reek statue "ith lipstick put on it
(& likening it to putting lipstick on a -reek statue
711. <he #ommerce %epartment announced that the economy gre" during the second
4uarter at a ).9 percent annual rate$ "hile inflation eased "hen it might have been
e;pected for it to rise.
(A it might have been e;pected for it to rise
(! it might have been e;pected to rise
(# it might have been e;pected that it should rise
(% its rise might have been e;pected
(& there might have been an e;pectation it "ould rise
712. <he commission ackno"ledged that no amount of money or staff members can
ensure the safety of people "ho live in the vicinity of a nuclear plant$ but it
approved the installation because it believed that all reasonable precautions had
been taken.
(A no amount of money or staff members
(! neither vast amounts of money nor staff members
(# neither vast amounts of money nor numbers of staff members
(% neither vast amounts of money nor a large staff
(& no matter ho" large the staff or ho" vast the amount of money
713. <he commission has directed advertisers to restrict the use of the "ord natural
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to foods that do not contain color or flavor additives$ chemical preservatives$ or
nothing that has been synthesi7ed.
(A or nothing that has been
(! or that has been
(# and nothing that is
(% or anything that has been
(& and anything
714. <he commission proposed that funding for the park3s development$ "hich could
be open to the public early ne;t year$ is obtained through a local bond issue.
(A that funding for the park3s development$ "hich could be open to the public
early ne;t year$ is
(! that funding for development of the park$ "hich could be open to the public
early ne;t year$ be
(# funding for the development of the park$ perhaps open to the public early ne;t
year$ to be
(% funds for the park3s development$ perhaps open to the public early ne;t year$
(& development funding for the park$ "hich could be open to the public early
ne;t year$ is to be
715. <he commissior3s office of compliance$ inspections$ and investigations plans to
intensify its scrutiny of stock analysts to investigate not only "hether research is
an independent function at brokerage firms$ but also "hether conflicts result
"hen analysts o"n the stocks they "rite about or "hen they are paid for their
"ork by a firm3s investment.
(A to investigate not only "hether research is an independent function at
brokerage firms$ but also "hether conflicts result "hen analysts o"n the
stocks they "rite about or "hen they are
(! to investigate not only "hether research is an independent function at
brokerage firms$ but also if conflicts result "hen analysts o"n the stocks
they "rite about or they are
(# to not only investigate "hether or not research is an independent function at
brokerage firms$ but also if conflicts result "hen analysts o"n the stocks
they "rite about or are
(% not only to investigate "hether or not research is an independent function at
brokerage firms$ but also "hether conflicts result "hen analysts o"n the
stocks they "rite about or are
(& not only to investigate "hether research is an independent function at
brokerage firms$ but also "hether conflicts result "hen analysts o"n the
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stocks they "rite about or "hen
716. <he company announced that its profits declined much less in the second 4uarter
than analysts had e;pected it to and its business "ill improve in the second half of
the year.
(A had e;pected it to and its business "ill improve
(! had e;pected and that its business "ould improve
(# e;pected it "ould and that it "ill improve its business
(% e;pected them to and its business "ould improve
(& e;pected and that it "ill have improved its business
717. <he company is negotiating to sell its profitable credit card subsidiary$ "hich it
plans to use money from to ac4uire some of the mortgage-servicing operations
that are being sold by troubled savings institutions.
(A subsidiary$ "hich it plans to use money from
(! subsidiary$ from "hich it plans to use money
(# subsidiary$ and it plans the use of money from that
(% subsidiary and plans to use money from that sale
(& subsidiary and plans the use of money from that sale
718. <he comple; ta; dispute bet"een the #overed !ridge 6all and Carris <o"nship
is not likely to be ad5udicated for several years$ and$ in the meantime$ both sides
are intent on creating difficulties for the other.
(A both sides are intent on creating difficulties for the other
(! both sides are intent on creating difficulties for each other
(# each side is intent on creating difficulties for the other
(% each side is intent on creating difficulties for one another
(& the sides are both intent on creating difficulties for each other
719. <he computer soft"are being designed for a pro5ect studying Native American
access to higher education "ill not only meet the needs of that study$ but also has
the versatility and po"er of facilitating similar research endeavors.
(A but also has the versatility and po"er of facilitating
(! but also have the versatility and po"er to facilitate
(# but it also has the versatility and po"er to facilitate
(% and also have the versatility and po"er of facilitating
(& and it also has such versatility and po"er that it can facilitate
720. <he concept of the grand 5ury dates from the t"elfth century$ "hen Cenry II of
&ngland ordered panels of common citi7ens should prepare lists of "ho "ere
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their communities3 suspected criminals.
(A should prepare lists of "ho "ere their communities3 suspected criminals
(! "ould do the preparation of lists of their communities3 suspected criminals
(# preparing lists of suspected criminals in their communities
(% the preparing of a list of suspected criminals in their communities
(& to prepare lists of suspected criminals in their communities
721. <he current administration$ being "orried over some foreign trade barriers being
removed and our e;ports failing to increase as a result of deep cuts in the value of
the dollar$ has formed a group to study "ays to sharpen our competitiveness.
(A being "orried over some foreign trade barriers being removed and our
e;ports failing
(! "orrying over some foreign trade barriers being removed$ also over the
failure of our e;ports
(# "orried about the removal of some foreign trade barriers and the failure of
our e;ports
(% in that they "ere "orried about the removal of some foreign trade barriers
and also about the failure of our e;ports
(& because of its "orry concerning the removal of some foreign trade barriers$
also concerning the failure of our e;ports
722. <he data collected by "eather airplanes that fly into the heart of a hurricane are
useful mainly for gauging the storm3s structure and strength$ not for the speed and
the path of their movement.
(A not for the speed and the path of their movement
(! not for the speed and path of its movement
(# not the speed and path of its movement
(% and not the speed and path of their movements
(& and not for the speed and the path of its movements
723. <he debate over bilingual education centers on the issue of "hether the +nited
,tates should foster the idea of single common language$ an idea$ some believe$
that has in the past been crucial in binding diverse constituencies together.
(A been crucial in binding diverse constituencies together
(! been crucial as a binding together of diverse constituencies
(# been crucial to bind together constituencies that are diverse
(% become crucial in binding together diverse constituencies
(& become crucial to bind together constituencies that are diverse
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724. <he decision by one of the nation3s largest banks to admit to I/ billion in
potential losses on foreign loans could mean less lending by commercial banks to
developing countries and increasing the pressure on multigovernment lenders to
supply the funds.
(A increasing the pressure
(! the increasing pressure
(# increased pressure
(% the pressure increased
(& the pressure increasing
725. <he decisions of Aohn 6arshall$ the fourth chief 5ustice$ have had a greater
influence than any chief 5ustice in history.
(A than any chief 5ustice in history
(! historically than any other chief 5ustice
(# than have those of any chief 5ustice in history
(% in history as any other chief 5ustice has had
(& than those of any other chief 5ustice in history
726. <he delin4uency rates on mortgages for office buildings$ hotels$ shopping malls$
and other commercial properties held by the nation3s insurance companies in
recent months have increased sharply$ leading to predictions that foreclosures on
these types of loan could double over the ne;t three years.
(A in recent months have increased sharply$ leading to predictions that
foreclosures on these types of loan could double over the ne;t three years
(! have increased sharply in recent months$ leading to predictions that
foreclosures on these types of loans could double over the ne;t three years
(# have increased sharply in recent months$ leading to predictions that doubling
of foreclosures on these types of loans could occur over the ne;t three years
(% has increased sharply in recent months$ and lead to predictions that over the
ne;t three years doubling of foreclosures on this type of loan could occur
(& in recent months has increased sharply$ and this leads to predictions that
foreclosures on that type of loan in the ne;t three years could double
727. <he demand for airplane mechanics is e;pected to gro" about ten percent a year
in the ne;t decade$ largely because ne" federal rules calling for ma5or
modifications to older planes and because the airlines are adding hundreds of ne"
(A ne" federal rules calling for ma5or modifications to older planes
(! ne" federal rules$ "hich call for ma5or modifications to older planes
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(# ne" federal rules call for ma5or modifications to older planes
(% ma5or modifications to older planes called for by ne" federal rules
(& ma5or modifications to older planes are called for according to ne" federal
728. <he department defines a private passenger vehicle as one registered to an
individual "ith a gross "eight of less than 0$222 pounds.
(A as one registered to an individual "ith a gross "eight of less than 0$222
(! to be one that is registered to an individual "ith a gross "eight of less than
0$222 pounds
(# as one that is registered to an individual and that has a gross "eight of less
than 0$222 pounds
(% to have a gross "eight less than 0$222 pounds and being registered to an
(& as having a gross "eight of less than 0$222 pounds and registered to an
729. <he development of a ne" 5umbo rocket that is e;pected to carry the +nited
,tates into its ne;t phase of space e;ploration "ill be able to deliver a heavier
load of instruments into orbit than the space shuttle and at a lo"er cost.
(A <he development of a ne" 5umbo rocket that is e;pected to carry the +nited
,tates into its ne;t phase of space e;ploration "ill be able to deliver a
heavier load of instruments into orbit than the space shuttle and at a lo"er
(! <he development of a ne" 5umbo rocket is e;pected to carry the +nited
,tates into its ne;t phase of space e;ploration and be able to deliver a
heavier load of instruments into orbit at a lo"er cost than the space shuttle.
(# <he ne" development of a 5umbo rocket$ "hich is e;pected to carry the
+nited ,tates into its ne;t phase of space e;ploration$ "ill be able to deliver
a heavier load of instruments into orbit at a lo"er cost than the space shuttle.
(% A ne"ly developed 5umbo rocket$ "hich is e;pected to carry the +nited
,tates into its ne;t phase of space e;ploration$ "ill be able to deliver a
heavier load of instruments into orbit than the space shuttle can$ and at a
lo"er cost.
(& A ne"ly developed 5umbo rocket$ "hich is e;pected to carry the +nited ,tates
into its ne;t phase of space e;ploration$ "ill be able to deliver a heavier load
of instruments into orbit than the space shuttle and to cost less.
730. <he diet of the ordinary -reek in classical times "as largely vegetarianH
vegetables$ fresh cheese$ oatmeal$ and meal cakes$ and meat rarely.
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(A and meat rarely
(! and meat "as rare
(# "ith meat as rare
(% meat a rarity
(& "ith meat as a rarity
731. <he direction in "hich the &arth and the other solid planetsH6ercury$ ?enus$
and 6arsHspins "ere determined from collisions "ith giant celestial bodies in
the early history of the ,olar ,ystem.
(A spins "ere determined from
(! spins "ere determined because of
(# spins "as determined through
(% spin "as determined by
(& spin "as determined as a result of
732. <he distinctive hereditary tartans that are alleged to be "orn since anti4uity by
members of the Cighland clans "ere in fact designed by ,cottish "oolen
manufacturers in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
(A that are alleged to be "orn
(! alleged to have been "orn
(# that are "orn$ it "as alleged
(% alleged as having been "orn
(& that are "orn$ allegedly
733. <he distribution of mass "ithin the core of the &arth$ like the mantle that
surrounds the core$ has been deduced from the orbital behavior of the &arth and
the motions of satellites controlled by the gravity of the &arth.
(A the mantle that surrounds the core
(! that "ithin the mantle surrounding the core
(# that of the mantle surrounding the core
(% the mantle the core surrounds
(& the distribution of mass "ithin the mantle that surrounds the core
734. <he domesticated camel$ "hich some scholars date around the t"elfth century
!.#.$ "as the key to the development of the spice trade in the ancient "orld.
(A <he domesticated camel$ "hich some scholars date
(! <he domesticated camel$ "hich some scholars having thought to occur
(# %omesticating the camel$ dated by some scholars at
(% <he domestication of the camel$ thought by some scholars to have occurred
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(& <he camel3s domestication$ dated by some scholars to have been
735. <he earnings of "omen are "ell belo" that of men in spite of educational
differences that are diminishing bet"een the se;es.
(A "ell belo" that of men in spite of educational differences that are
(! much belo" that of men3s despite educational differences diminishing
(# much belo" men in spite of diminishing educational differences
(% "ell belo" those of men in spite of diminishing educational differences
(& belo" men3s despite their educational differences that are diminishing
736. <he economic forces "hich may affect the ne" public offering of stock include
sudden do"nturns in the market$ hedging and other investor strategies for
preventing losses$ loosening the interest rates in Washington$ and fearing that the
company may still be undercapitali7ed.
(A loosening the interest rates in Washington$ and fearing that the company may
still be undercapitali7ed
(! loosening the interest rates in Washington$ and a fear of the company still
being undercapitali7ed
(# a loosening of the interest rates in Washington$ and fearing that the company
may still be undercapitali7ed
(% a loosening of the interest rates in Washington$ and a fear of the still
undercapitali7ed company
(& a loosening of the interest rates in Washington$ and a fear that the company
may still be undercapitali7ed
737. <he efforts of the bipartisan committee "ere marked as much by frustration as it
"as by success.
(A as it "as by
(! and also by
(# as by
(% and e4ually by
(& as there "as
738. <he &mperor Augustus$ it appears$ commissioned an ideali7ed sculptured portrait$
the features of "hich are so unrealistic as to constitute "hat one scholar calls an
artificial face.
(A so unrealistic as to constitute
(! so unrealistic they constituted
(# so unrealistic that they have constituted
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(% unrealistic enough so that they constitute
(& unrealistic enough so as to constitute
739. <he end of the eighteenth century sa" the emergence of pri7e-stock breeding$
"ith individual bulls and co"s receiving a"ards$ fetching unprecedented prices$
and e;cited enormous interest "henever they "ere put on sho".
(A e;cited
(! it e;cited
(# e;citing
(% "ould e;cite
(& it had e;cited
740. <he endurance and consistency of baseball star .ou -ehrig$ kno"n as <he Iron
Corse$ are legendary.
(A <he endurance and consistency of baseball star .ou -ehrig$ kno"n as <he
Iron Corse$ are legendary.
(! <he endurance and consistency of .ou -ehrig$ a baseball star kno"n as <he
Iron Corse$ is legendary.
(# Eno"n as <he Iron Corse$ the endurance and consistency of .ou -ehrig$
the baseball star$ is legendary.
(% <he reason baseball star .ou -ehrig is kno"n as <he Iron Corse is because
of his legendary endurance and consistency.
(& Eno"n as <he Iron Corse$ baseball star .ou -ehrig3s endurance and
consistency are legendary.
741. <he energy source on 9oy'&er * is not a nuclear reactor$ in "hich atoms are
actively broken apartD rather a kind of nuclear battery that uses natural radioactive
decay to produce po"er.
(A apartD rather
(! apart$ but rather
(# apart$ but rather that of
(% apart$ but that of
(& apartD it is that of
742. <he evolution of the technology of microelectronics over the past decade has
been so rapid that it is sometimes called a revolution.
(A has been so rapid that it is sometimes
(! has been rapid enough sometimes to be
(# has been rapid enough it is sometimes
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(% is so rapid it has sometimes been
(& is so rapid that it is sometimes
743. <he e;hibition of art from Nubians$ the site of a !lack civili7ation that goes back
to the fourth millennium !.#.$ makes clear the Nubians combined artistic
elements from &gypt to that of sub-,aharan Africa.
(A the Nubians combined artistic elements from &gypt to that
(! that the Nubians combined artistic elements from &gypt to that
(# the Nubians combined artistic elements from &gypt "ith that
(% that the Nubians combined artistic elements from &gypt "ith those
(& that Nubians combined artistic elements from &gypt and those
744. <he e;igencies of dramatic art$ as sho"n even by the history plays of
,hakespeare$ makes the foreshortening of dramati7ed historical events inevitable.
(A makes the foreshortening of dramati7ed historical events inevitable
(! made dramati7ed historical events inevitably foreshortened
(# make the foreshortening of dramati7ed historical events inevitable
(% has inevitably foreshortened dramati7ed historical events
(& inevitably foreshortens dramati7ed historical events
745. <he e;pected rise in the price of oil could be a serious impact to industriali7ed
nations and severely diminish the possibility to have an economy free of inflation.
(A be a serious impact to industriali7ed nations and severely diminish the
possibility to have
(! seriously impact on industriali7ed nations and severely impede the possibility
to have
(# seriously impact on industriali7ed nations and severely impede the possibility
of having
(% have a serious impact on industriali7ed nations and severely impede the
possibility to have
(& have a serious impact on industriali7ed nations and severely diminish the
possibility of having
746. <he e;traordinary diary of William .yon 6acken7ie Eing$ prime minister of
#anada for over t"enty years$ revealed that this most bland and circumspect of
men "as a mystic guided in both public and private life by omens$ messages
received at sLances$ and signs from heaven.
(A that this most bland and circumspect of men "as a mystic guided in both
public and
(! that this most bland and circumspect of men "as a mystic and also guided
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
both in public as "ell as
(# this most bland and circumspect of men "as a mystic and that he "as guided
in both public and
(% this most bland and circumspect of men "as a mystic and that he "as guided
in both public as "ell as
(& this most bland and circumspect of men to have been a mystic and that he
guided himself both in public as "ell as
747. <he fastest of mammals$ cheetah3s bodies are geared to accelerate from one to
forty miles per hour in less than t"o seconds and reach speeds of seventy miles
per hour.
(A <he fastest of mammals$ cheetah3s bodies are geared to
(! <he fastest of mammals$ the body of cheetah3s bodies is able to
(# Gaster than other mammals$ the body of the cheetah is geared to
(% <he fastest of mammals$ the cheetah can
(& <he cheetah$ the fastest of mammals$ have bodies that can
748. <he fear of rabies is "ell foundedD fe" people are kno"n to recover from the
disease after the appearance of the clinical symptoms.
(A fe" people are kno"n to recover from the disease after the appearance of the
clinical symptoms
(! fe" people are kno"n to have recovered from the disease once the clinical
symptoms have appeared
(# there are fe" kno"n people "ho have recovered from the disease once the
clinical symptoms have appeared
(% after the clinical symptoms appear$ there are fe" kno"n people "ho have
recovered from the disease
(& recovery from the disease is kno"n for only a fe" people after the clinical
symptoms appear
749. <he federal government re4uires hospitals to tell a 6edicare patient of their legal
right of challenge their discharge if they feel they are being sent home
(A hospitals to tell a 6edicare patient of their
(! hospital to tell 6edicare patients that they have a
(# hospitals to tell 6edicare patients that there is a
(% that hospitals tell a 6edicare patient of their
(& that hospitals tell a 6edicare patient that they have a
750. <he Gederal Beserve !oard3s reduction of interest rates on loans to financial
Score Your Way To The Top
1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
institutions is both an ackno"ledgement of past economic trends and an effort to
influence their future direction.
(A reduction of interest rates on loans to financial institutions is both an
ackno"ledgement of past economic trends and an effort
(! reduction of interest rates on loans to financial institutions is an
ackno"ledgement both of past economic trends as "ell as an effort
(# reduction of interest rates on loans to financial institutions both ackno"ledge
past economic trends and attempt
(% reducing interest rates on loans to financial institutions is an
ackno"ledgement both of past economic trends and an effort
(& reducing interest rates on loans to financial institutions both ackno"ledge past
economic trends as "ell as attempt
751. The eder'l!st papers$ a strong defense of the +nited ,tates #onstitution and
important as a body of "ork in political science as "ell$ represents the handi"ork
of three different authors.
(A and important as a body of "ork in political science as "ell$ represents
(! as "ell as an important body of "ork in political science$ represent
(# and also a body of "ork of importance in political science is representing
(% an important body of "ork in political science and has been representative of
(& and as political science an important body of "ork too$ represent
752. <he figure of the 5aguar$ being a recurring symbol "ithin Flmec art$ is prominent
among the hieroglyphics inscribed on a monument that "as discovered in the
6e;ican state of ?eracru7.
(A being a recurring symbol "ithin
(! a symbol having recurred "ithin
(# a recurring symbol in
(% having been a symbol that recurred in
(& recurring as it is$ a symbol in
753. <he filibuster$ a parliamentary device that slo"s the snail3s pace that prevails
even in the best of times in congressional sessions and tests the endurance of
everyone associated "ith it$ seems more and more an anachronism in the age of
(A sessions and tests the endurance of everyone associated "ith it$ seems
(! sessions and tests the endurance of everyone "ho is associated "ith it$
seeming to be
(# sessions$ tests the endurance of everyone associated "ith it$ seems
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(% sessions$ that tests the endurance of everyone associated "ith it and seems
(& sessions$ testing the endurance of everyone associated "ith it and seeming
754. <he financial crash of Fctober '(0) demonstrated that the "orld3s capital
markets are integrated more closely than never before and events in one part of
the global village may be transmitted to the rest of the villageHalmost
(A integrated more closely than never before and
(! closely integrated more than ever before so
(# more closely integrated as never before "hile
(% more closely integrated than ever before and that
(& more than ever before closely integrated as
755. <he first decision for most tenants living in a building undergoing being
converted to cooperative o"nership is if to sign a no-buy pledge "ith the other
(A being converted to cooperative o"nership is if to sign
(! being converted to cooperative o"nership is "hether they should be signing
(# being converted to cooperative o"nership is "hether or not they sign
(% conversion to cooperative o"nership is if to sign
(& conversion to cooperative o"nership is "hether to sign
756. <he five hundred largest manufacturing firms in the +nited ,tates produce goods
that are "orth almost as much as that of the four hundred thousand firms that
(A that are "orth almost as much as that of the four hundred thousand firms that
(! of a "orth that is almost as much as that of the four hundred thousand firms
that remain
(# almost as much in "orth as those of the remaining four hundred thousand
(% almost as much in "orth as that of the remaining four hundred thousand firms
(& "orth almost as much as those of the remaining four hundred thousand firms
757. <he Gorbidden #ity in !ei5ing$ from "hich the emperors ruled by heavenly
mandate$ "as a site "hich a commoner or foreigner could not enter "ithout any
permission$ on pain of death.
(A "hich a commoner or foreigner could not enter "ithout any permission$
(! "hich a commoner or foreigner could enter "ithout any permission only
(# "hich no commoner or foreigner could enter "ithout permission$
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(% "hich$ "ithout permission$ neither commoner or foreigner could only enter$
(& "hich$ to enter "ithout permission$ neither commoner or foreigner could do$
758. <he golden crab of the -ulf of 6e;ico has not been fished commercially in great
numbers$ primarily on account of living at great depthsH*$922 to /$222 feet
(A on account of living
(! on account of their living
(# because it lives
(% because of living
(& because they live
759. <he -orton-%odd bill re4uires that a bank disclose to their customers ho" long
they "ill delay access to funds from deposited checks.
(A that a bank disclose to their customers ho" long they "ill delay access to
funds from deposited checks
(! a bank to disclose to their customers ho" long they "ill delay access to funds
from a deposited check
(# that a bank disclose to its customers ho" long it "ill delay access to funds
from deposited checks
(% a bank that it should disclose to its customers ho" long it "ill delay access to
funds from a deposited check
(& that banks disclose to customers ho" long access to funds from their
deposited check is to be delayed
760. <he group called the <eton ,iou; inhabits parts of North and ,outh %akotaD their
language and customs differ$ ho"ever$ from the =ankton$ ,isseton$ and %akota
(A their language and customs differ$ ho"ever$ from
(! its language and customs differ$ ho"ever$ from
(# ho"ever$ they have different language and customs than
(% ho"ever$ their language and customs differ from those of
(& its language and customs differ$ ho"ever$ from those of
761. <he gro"ing demand for housing$ traffic congestion$ and longer commuting trips
has all but eliminated the cost advantage of o"ning a house in many rural
(A <he gro"ing demand for housing$ traffic congestion$ and longer commuting
trips has
(! <raffic congestion$ the gro"ing demand for housing$ and longer commuting
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trips has
(# .onger commuting trips$ traffic congestion$ and the gro"ing demand for
housing has
(% <raffic congestion$ longer commuting trips$ and the gro"ing demand for
housing have
(& <he gro"ing demand for housing$ as "ell as traffic congestion and longer
commuting trips$ have
762. <he gro"th of the railroads led to the abolition of local times$ "hich "as
determined by "hen the sun reached the observer3s meridian and differing from
city to city$ and to the establishment of regional times.
(A "hich "as determined by "hen the sun reached the observer3s meridian and
(! "hich "as determined by "hen the sun reached the observer3s meridian and
"hich differed
(# "hich "ere determined by "hen the sun reached the observer3s meridian and
(% determined by "hen the sun reached the observer3s meridian and differed
(& determined by "hen the sun reached the observer3s meridian and differing
763. <he guiding principles of the ta; plan released by the <reasury %epartment could
have even a greater significance for the economy than the particulars of the plan.
(A even a greater significance for the economy than
(! a significance that is even greater for the economy than
(# even greater significance for the economy than have
(% even greater significance for the economy than do
(& a significance even greater for the economy than have
764. <he gyrfalcon$ an Arctic bird of prey$ has survived a close brush "ith e;tinctionD
its numbers are no" five times greater than "hen the use of %%< "as sharply
restricted in the early '()23s.
(A e;tinctionD its numbers are no" five times greater than
(! e;tinctionD its numbers are no" five times more than
(# e;tinction$ their numbers no" fivefold "hat they "ere
(% e;tinction$ no" "ith fivefold the numbers they had
(& e;tinction$ no" "ith numbers five times greater than
765. <he herbicide Fry7alin "as still being produced in '()($ three years after the
"ives of "orkers producing the chemical in Bensselaer$ Ne" =ork$ "ere found to
have borne children "ith heart defects or miscarriages$ and none of their
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pregnancies "as normal.
(A to have borne children "ith heart defects or miscarriages$ and none of their
pregnancies "as
(! to have had children born "ith heart defects or miscarriages$ and none of the
pregnancies "as
(# either to have had children "ith heart defects or miscarriages$ "ithout any of
their pregnancies being
(% either to have had miscarriages or to have borne children "ith heart defectsD
none of the pregnancies "as
(& either to have had miscarriages or children born "ith heart defects$ "ithout
any of their pregnancies being
766. <he human gro"th hormone$ made by the pituitary gland$ is secreted during sleep
in higher concentrations than "hen a"ake.
(A during sleep in higher concentrations than "hen a"ake
(! "hen sleeping in higher concentrations than "aking hours
(# in higher concentrations during sleeping than "aking
(% in higher concentrations during sleep than during "aking hours
(& in higher concentrations "hen asleep than "hen a"ake
767. <he increased popularity and availability of televisions has led to the decline of
regional dialects$ language variations "hich originate from diverse ethnic and
cultural heritages and perpetuated by geographic isolation.
(A "hich originate from diverse ethnic and cultural heritages and perpetuated
(! that originated from diverse ethnic and cultural heritages and perpetuated
(# originated from diverse ethnic and cultural heritages and perpetuated
(% originating from diverse ethnic and cultural heritages and perpetuated
(& originating from diverse ethnic and cultural heritages and perpetuating
768. <he investor "ho is uncertain about the future is more likely to put money into
blue-chip stocks or treasury bills than into gold.
(A than into
(! than they do
(# than they are
(% as into
(& as
769. <he Iro4uois "ere primarily planters$ but supplementing their cultivation of
mai7e$ s4uash$ and beans "ith fishing and hunting.
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(A but supplementing
(! and had supplemented
(# and even though they supplemented
(% although they supplemented
(& but "ith supplementing
770. <he key to control over the &urasian steppes lay in the nomad3s ability to use the
horse both as a means of transport but also as an effective military tool.
(A but also as
(! or as
(# and as
(% or
(& and also
771. <he labor agreement permits staff reductions through attrition "ith increased
pension benefits and a special early-retirement program for speeding it up.
(A attrition "ith increased pension benefits and a special early-retirement
program for speeding it up
(! attrition and provides increased pension benefits and a special early-
retirement program to speed the attrition process
(# attrition$ "hich "ill be speeded up by providing increased pension benefits
and a special early-retirement program
(% attrition$ "hich$ by their providing increased pension benefits and a special
early-retirement program$ "ill speed the process
(& attrition$ "hich provides increased pension benefits and a special early-
retirement program for speeding the attrition process
772. <he lack of complete historical records from the mid-to-late '0223s have made
some !lack inventions difficult to trace to their originators.
(A have made some !lack inventions difficult to trace to their originators
(! have made for difficulties in tracing some inventions by !lacks to their
(# have made it difficult to trace some inventions by !lacks to their originators
(% has made it difficult to trace some inventions to their !lack originators
(& has made it difficult in tracing some !lack inventions to their originators
773. <he last "ild Indian in North America$ according to anthropologist Alfred
Eroeber$ "as the lone survivor of #alifornia3s lost =ahi tribe$ "hich staggered out
of the mountains near .assen 1eak in '('*$ deep in mourning for the last of his
companions$ e;pecting to be butchered and eaten by "hite ranchers.
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(A "hich
(! "ho
(# that
(% the survivor having
(& having
774. <he la"yer for the defense charged that she suspected the police of having
illegally taped her confidential conversations "ith her client and then used the
information obtained to find evidence supporting their murder charges.
(A used the information obtained to find evidence supporting
(! used such information as they obtained to find evidence supporting
(# used the information they had obtained to find evidence that "ould support
(% of using the information they had obtained to find evidence that "ould
(& of using such information as they obtained to find evidence that "ould be
supportive of
775. <he main reasons for the phenomenal gro"th of agribusiness over the last fifteen
years are because of elevated land prices$ the basing of retail marketing net"orks
on produce imported from other states$ and decreased competition from
(A because of elevated land prices$ the basing of retail marketing net"orks
(! a result of elevated land prices$ retail marketing net"orks based
(# that land prices are elevated$ retail marketing net"orks are based
(% elevated land prices$ retail marketing net"orks based
(& because land prices are elevated$ the basing of retail marketing net"orks
776. <he ma5or areas of medicine in "hich lasers are effective is in the cutting and
closing of blood vessels$ and in the destruction of tumors.
(A is in the cutting and closing of blood vessels$ and in the destruction
(! are the cutting and closing of blood vessels$ and also the case of destroying
(# are the cutting$ closing of blood vessels$ and in the destroying
(% are the cutting and closing of blood vessels$ and the destruction
(& is in the cutting and closing of blood vessels$ and the destroying
777. <he man "as al"ays a"are$ sometimes proudly and sometimes resentfully$ that
he "as a small-to"n 6id"esterner "ho "as thrust into a "orld that "as
dominated by "ealthier$ better-educated$ and more polished people than him.
(A "ho "as thrust into a "orld that "as dominated by "ealthier$ better-educated$
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and more polished people than him
(! "ho had been thrust into a "orld that "as dominated by more "ealthy$
educated$ and polished people than him
(# "ho had been thrust into a "orld dominated by "ealthier$ better-educated$
and people more polished than he "as
(% thrust into a "orld dominated by more "ealthy$ educated$ and polished
people than him
(& thrust into a "orld dominated by "ealthier$ better-educated$ and more
polished people than he
778. <he medieval scholar made almost no attempt to investigate the anatomy of
plants$ their mechanisms of gro"th$ nor the "ays "here each "as related to the
(A nor the "ays "here each "as related to the other
(! nor ho" each "as related to some other
(# or the "ay "here one is related to the ne;t
(% or the "ays in "hich they are related to one another
(& or the "ays that each related to some other
779. <he metabolic rate of sharks is lo" compared "ith the rates of most other fishes.
(A "ith the rates of most other fishes
(! to most other fishes3 rate
(# to that of rates for most other fishes
(% to most other fishes
(& "ith most other fishes
780. <he mistakes children make in learning to speak tell linguists more about ho"
they learn language than the correct forms they use.
(A ho" they learn language than
(! ho" one learns language than
(# ho" children learn language than do
(% learning language than
(& their language learning than do
781. <he moderni7ation program for the steel mill "ill cost appro;imately 9' million
dollars$ "hich it is hoped can be completed in the late '(023s.
(A <he moderni7ation program for the steel mill "ill cost appro;imately 9'
million dollars$ "hich it is hoped can be completed in the late '(023s.
(! <he moderni7ation program for the steel mill$ hopefully completed in the late
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'(023s$ "ill cost appro;imately 9' million dollars.
(# 6oderni7ing the steel mill$ hopefully to be completed in the late '(023s$ "ill
cost appro;imately 9' million dollars.
(% <he program for moderni7ing the steel mill$ "hich can$ it is hoped$ be
completed in the late '(023s and cost appro;imately 9' million dollars.
(& 6oderni7ing the steel mill$ a program that can$ it is hoped$ be completed in
the late '(023s$ "ill cost appro;imately 9' million dollars.
782. <he most common reasons for an employee3s un"illingness to accept a transfer
are that mortgage rates are high$ housing in the ne" location costs more$ and the
difficulty of selling the old home.
(A that mortgage rates are high$ housing in the ne" location costs more$ and the
difficulty of selling the old home
(! that mortgage rates are high$ housing in the ne" location costs more$ and that
it is difficult to sell the old home
(# high mortgage rates$ the greater cost of housing in the ne" location$ and that
the old home is difficult to sell
(% high mortgage rates$ the greater cost of housing in the ne" location$ and it is
difficult to sell the old home
(& high mortgage rates$ the greater cost of housing in the ne" location$ and the
difficulty of selling the old home
783. <he most favorable locations for the gro"th of glaciers$ rather than being the
cold$ dry polar regions$ "ould be instead the cool$ moist middle latitudes$ "here
there is abundant precipitation and "here it is cold enough to allo" some sno" to
accumulate year by year.
(A glaciers$ rather than being the cold$ dry polar regions$ "ould be instead the
cool$ moist middle latitudes
(! glaciers are not the cold$ dry polar regions but the cool$ moist middle latitudes
(# glaciers are the cool$ moist middle latitudes rather than the cold$ dry polar
(% glaciers$ instead of being the cold$ dry polar regions$ "ould be the cool$ moist
middle latitudes
(& glaciers are$ instead of the cold$ dry polar regions$ rather the cool$ moist
middle latitudes
784. <he nation3s three military academies have seen a dramatic rise in applications$
one fueled by a resurgence of patriotism$ increasing tuition costs at private
colleges$ and improved recruiting by the academies.
(A one fueled by a resurgence of patriotism$ increasing tuition costs at private
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colleges$ and improved recruiting by the academies
(! one fueled by a resurgence of patriotism$ tuition costs that have increased at
private colleges$ and academies improving their recruiting
(# one fueled by a resurgence of patriotism$ private colleges that increased their
tuition costs$ and recruiting improvements by the academies
(% fueled by a resurgence of patriotism$ tuition costs increasing at private
colleges$ and academies improving their recruiting
(& fueled by a resurgence of patriotism$ increasing tuition costs at private
colleges$ and academies improving their recruiting
785. <he National .abor Belations Act e;pressly forbids unions from engaging in
secondary boycotts against companies not directly involved in a labor dispute.
(A unions from engaging in
(! the engagement by unions of
(# unions to engage in
(% unions from becoming engaged "ith
(& that unions engage upon
786. <he National <ransportation ,afety !oard has recommended the use of fail-safe
mechanisms on airliner cargo door latches assuring the doors are properly closed
before takeoff and to prevent them from popping open in flight.
(A assuring the doors are properly closed
(! for the assurance of proper closing
(# assuring proper closure
(% to assure closing the doors properly
(& to assure that the doors are properly closed
787. <he nephe" of 1liny the &lder "rote the only eye"itness account of the great
eruption of ?esuvius in t"o letters to the historian <acitus.
(A <he nephe" of 1liny the &lder "rote the only eye"itness account of the great
eruption of ?esuvius in t"o letters to the historian <acitus.
(! <o the historian <acitus$ the nephe" of 1liny the &lder "rote t"o letters$
being the only eye"itness accounts of the great eruption of ?esuvius.
(# <he only eye"itness account is in t"o letters by the nephe" of 1liny the
&lder "riting to the historian <acitus an account of the great eruption of
(% Writing the only eye"itness account$ 1liny the &lder3s nephe" accounted for
the great eruption of ?esuvius in t"o letters to the historian <acitus.
(& In t"o letters to the historian <acitus$ the nephe" of 1liny the &lder "rote the
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
only eye"itness account of the great eruption of ?esuvius.
788. <he ne" contract forbids a strike by the transportation union.
(A forbids a strike by the transportation union
(! forbids the transportation union from striking
(# forbids that there be a strike by the transportation union
(% "ill forbid the transportation union from striking
(& "ill forbid that the transportation union strikes
789. <he ne" regulations mandate that a company allo"s their retiring employees "ho
"ould other"ise lose group health care coverage to continue the same insurance
at their o"n e;pense for a specified period.
(A that a company allo"s their retiring employees "ho "ould other"ise lose
group health care coverage to continue
(! companies to allo" their retiring employees "ho "ould other"ise lose group
health care coverage that they can continue
(# that a company allo" its retiring employees "ho "ould other"ise lose group
health care coverage to continue
(% companies allo"ing a retiring employee "hose group health care coverage
"ould other"ise be lost the continuation of
(& companies to allo" a retiring employee "hose group health care coverage
"ould other"ise be lost he continuation of
790. <he number of mountain gorillas is declining "ith such rapidity that the
population is one-half in the t"enty years bet"een a count made by -eorge
,challer in '(82 and the one made by %ian Gossey in '(02.
(A "ith such rapidity that the population is one-half
(! "ith such rapidity that the population "as one-half
(# so rapidly the population divided in half
(% so rapidly that the population "as halved
(& in such rapidity that the population is halved
791. <he number of undergraduate degrees in engineering a"arded by colleges and
universities in the +nited ,tates increased by more than t"ice from '()0 to '(09.
(A increased by more than t"ice
(! increased more than t"o times
(# more than doubled
(% "as more than doubled
(& had more than doubled
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
792. <he odds are about @ to ' against surviving a takeover offer$ and many business
consultants therefore advise that a company3s first line of defense in eluding
offers like these be to even refuse to take calls from likely corporate raiders.
(A that a company3s first line of defense in eluding offers like these be to even
(! that a company3s first line of defense in eluding such offers be to refuse even
(# a company defending itself against offers of this kind that$ as a first line of
defense$ they should even refuse
(% companies "hich are defending themselves against such an offer that$ as a
first line of defense$ they should even refuse
(& that the first line of defense for a company "ho is eluding offers like these is
the refusal even
793. <he official languages are of India$ Cindi$ and of 1akistan$ +rdu$ but neither are
spoken by a ma5ority of the population.
(A <he official languages are of India$ Cindi$ and of 1akistan$ +rdu$ but neither
(! <he official languages are of India$ Cindi$ and of 1akistan$ +rdu$ but neither
(# Ffficially$ the languages are Cindi for India and for 1akistan$ +rdu$ but
neither are
(% <he official language of India is Cindi$ and that of 1akistan is +rdu$ but
neither is
(& <he official language of India is Cindi$ and +rdu in 1akistan$ but none is
794. <he Flympic -ames helped to keep peace among the pugnacious states of the
-reek "orld in that a sacred truce "as proclaimed during the festival3s month.
(A "orld in that a sacred truce "as proclaimed during the festival3s month
(! "orld$ proclaiming a sacred truce during the festival3s month
(# "orld "hen they proclaimed a sacred truce for the festival month
(% "orld$ for a sacred truce "as proclaimed during the month of the festival
(& "orld by proclamation of a sacred truce that "as for the month of the festival
795. <he only "ay for gro"ers to salvage fro7en citrus is to process them 4uickly into
5uice concentrate before they rot "hen "armer "eather returns.
(A to process them 4uickly into 5uice concentrate before they rot "hen "armer
"eather returns
(! if they are 4uickly processed into 5uice concentrate before "armer "eather
returns to rot them
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(# for them to be processed 4uickly into 5uice concentrate before the fruit rots
"hen "armer "eather returns
(% if the fruit is 4uickly processed into 5uice concentrate before they rot "hen
"armer "eather returns
(& to have it 4uickly processed into 5uice concentrate before "armer "eather
returns and rots the fruit
796. <he ordinance is intended to force householders to separate such ha7ardous "aste
like pesticides$ batteries$ fertili7ers$ and oil-based paints from the general stream
of household trash.
(A to separate such ha7ardous "aste like
(! that they should separate such ha7ardous "aste like
(# separating such ha7ardous "astes as
(% that they should separate such ha7ardous "astes as
(& to separate such ha7ardous "astes as
797. <he original building and loan associations "ere organi7ed as limited life funds$
"hose members made monthly payments on their share subscriptions$ then taking
turns dra"ing on the funds for home mortgages.
(A subscriptions$ then taking turns dra"ing
(! subscriptions$ and then taking turns dra"ing
(# subscriptions and then took turns dra"ing
(% subscriptions and then took turns$ they dre"
(& subscriptions and then dre"$ taking turns
798. <he original employees hired$ "ho had been there over t"enty years$ "ere
fiercely loyal to the firm$ and it offered no retirement benefits or profit sharing to
any employees.
(A and it offered no
(! and it offered neither
(# still it offered no
(% though it offered no
(& though it offered neither
799. <he o"ner of ,teele3s -rocery in Fsage$ Fhio$ saved I822 monthly on heat
during the "inter by putting all his refrigerator air compressors together in an
insulated compartment$ then installing t"o fans and a duct that carried "aste heat
from the compressors into the main part of the store.
(A then installing t"o fans and a duct that carried
(! then he installing t"o fans and a duct that carried
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(# then t"o fans "ere installed "ith a duct that carried
(% installing t"o fans$ and then carrying through a duct
(& installing t"o fans$ and a duct carrying
800. <he 1arthenon "as a church from '*2@ until '@98$ "hen Athens "as taken by
-eneral 6ohammed the #on4ueror$ the <urkish sultan$ "ho established a mos4ue
in the building and used the Acropolis as a fortress.
(A "ho established a mos4ue in the building and used the Acropolis as
(! "ho$ establishing a mos4ue in the building$ used the Acropolis like
(# "ho$ "hen he had established a mos4ue in the building$ used the Acropolis
(% "ho had established a mos4ue in the building$ using the Acropolis to be
(& establishing a mos4ue in the building and using the Acropolis as
801. <he pattern of "hisker spot on the face of a male lion$ like human fingerprints$
are a lifelong means of identification$ since they are both uni4ue and unchanging.
(A like human fingerprints$ are a lifelong means of identification$ since they are
both uni4ue and unchanging
(! like human fingerprints$ is a lifelong means of identification$ since it is both
uni4ue and unchanging
(# like human fingerprints$ is a means of identification for life$ being both
uni4ue and unchanging
(% since they are both uni4ue and unchanging$ are$ like human fingerprints$ are a
means of identification for life
(& both uni4ue and unchanging$ are$ like human fingerprints$ a lifelong means of
802. <he peaks of a mountain range$ acting like rocks in a streambed$ produce ripples
in the air flo"ing over them> the resulting flo" pattern$ "ith crests and troughs
that remain stationary although the air that forms them is moving rapidly$ are
kno"n as standing "aves.
(A crests and troughs that remain stationary although the air that forms them is
moving rapidly$ are
(! crests and troughs that remain stationary although they are formed by rapidly
moving air$ are
(# crests and troughs that remain stationary although the air that forms them is
moving rapidly$ is
(% stationary crests and troughs although he air that forms them is moving
rapidly$ are
(& stationary crests and troughs although they are formed by rapidly moving air$
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
803. <he period "hen the great painted caves at .ascau; and Altamira "ere occupied
by +pper 1aleolithic people has been established by carbon-'@ dating$ but "hat is
much more difficult to determine are the reason for their decoration$ the use to
"hich primitive people put the caves$ and the meaning of the magnificently
depicted animals.
(A has been established by carbon-'@ dating$ but "hat is much more difficult to
determine are
(! has been established by carbon-'@ dating$ but "hat is much more difficult to
determine is
(# have been established by carbon-'@ dating$ but "hat is much more difficult to
determine is
(% have been established by carbon-'@ dating$ but "hat is much more difficult to
determine are
(& are established by carbon-'@ dating$ but that "hich is much more difficult to
determine is
804. <he physical structure of the human eye enables it to sense light of "avelengths
up to 2.2229 millimetersD infrared radiation$ ho"ever$ is invisible because its
"avelengthH2.' millimetersHis too long to be registered by the eye.
(A infrared radiation$ ho"ever$ is invisible because its "avelengthH2.'
millimetersHis too long to be registered by the eye
(! ho"ever$ the "avelength of infrared radiationH2.' millimetersHis too long
to be registered by the eye making it invisible
(# infrared radiation$ ho"ever$ is invisible because its "avelengthH2.'
millimetersHis too long for the eye to register it
(% ho"ever$ because the "avelength of infrared radiation is 2.' millimeters$ it is
too long for the eye to register and thus invisible
(& ho"ever$ infrared radiation has a "avelength of 2.' millimeters that is too
long for the eye to register$ thus making it invisible
805. <he plot of The )oston!'ns centers on the rivalry bet"een Flive #hancellor$ an
active feminist$ "ith her charming and cynical cousin$ !asil Bansom$ "hen they
find themselves dra"n to the same radiant young "oman "hose talent for public
speaking has "on her an ardent follo"ing.
(A rivalry bet"een Flive #hancellor$ an active feminist$ "ith her charming and
cynical cousin$ !asil Bansom
(! rivals Flive #hancellor$ an active feminist$ against her charming and cynical
cousin$ !asil Bansom
(# rivalry that develops bet"een Flive #hancellor$ an active feminist$ and !asil
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Bansom$ her charming and cynical cousin
(% developing rivalry bet"een Flive #hancellor$ an active feminist$ "ith !asil
Bansom$ her charming and cynical cousin
(& active feminist$ Flive #hancellor$ and the rivalry "ith her charming and
cynical cousin !asil Bansom
806. <he president of the block association tried to convince her neighbors they should
5oin forces to prevent crime in the neighborhood rather than continuing to be
(A they should 5oin forces to prevent crime in the neighborhood rather than
continuing to be victimi7ed
(! that they should 5oin forces to prevent crime in the neighborhood rather than
continue to be victimi7ed
(# about 5oining forces to prevent crime in the neighborhood instead of
continuing to be victimi7ed
(% for the 5oining of forces to prevent crime in the neighborhood rather than
continue to be victimi7ed
(& to 5oin forces to prevent crime in the neighborhood rather than continuing to
be victimi7ed
807. <he prime lending rate is a key rate in the economy> not only are the interest rates
on most loans to small and medium-si7ed businesses tied to the prime$ but also on
a gro"ing number of consumer loans$ including home e4uity loans.
(A not only are the interest rates on most loans to small and medium-si7ed
businesses tied to the prime$ but also on
(! tied to the prime are the interest rates not only on most loans to small and
medium-si7ed businesses$ but also on
(# the interest rates not only on most loans to small and medium-si7ed
businesses are tied to the prime$ but also
(% not only the interest rates on most loans to small and medium-si7ed
businesses are tied to the prime$ but also on
(& the interest rates are tied to the prime$ not only on most loans to small and
medium-si7ed businesses$ but also
808. <he proposed health care bill "ould increase government regulation of health
insurance$ establish standards that "ould guarantee "ider access to people "ith
past health problems and to "orkers changing 5obs "ho other"ise could be
uncovered for months.
(A establish standards that "ould guarantee "ider access to people "ith past
health problems and to "orkers changing 5obs "ho
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(! establishing standards that "ould guarantee "ider access to people "ith past
health problems and to "orkers "ho are changing 5obs and
(# to establish standards that "ould guarantee "ider access to people "ith past
health problems and to "orkers "ho change 5obs that
(% for establishing standards that "ould guarantee "ider access for people "ith
past health problems and "orkers changing 5obs "ho
(& for the establishment of standards that "ould guarantee "ider access for
people "ith past health problems and "orkers "ho are changing 5obs that
809. <he proposed urban development 7ones do not represent a ne" principleD it "as
employed in Fperation !ootstrap in 1uerto Bico.
(A do not represent a ne" principleD it
(! represent not a ne" principle$ but one that
(# are not a ne" principleD the same one
(% are not a ne" principle$ but one that
(& are not ne" in principleD it
810. <he prospect of a ne" "ave of automobile imports has prompted domestic
manufacturers to reduce staff$ close plants$ and offering buyers financial
incentives so they stay competitive.
(A reduce staff$ close plants$ and offering buyers financial incentives so they
(! reduce staff$ close plants$ and offer financial incentives to buyers in order to
(# reducing staff$ closing plants$ and the offer of financial incentives to buyers
so they can
(% staff reductions$ closing plants$ and offering buyers financial incentives in
order to
(& a reduction of staff$ plant closings$ and offering financial incentives to buyers
811. <he psychologist William Aames believed that facial e;pressions not only provide
a visible sign of an emotion$ actually contributing to the feeling itself.
(A emotion$ actually contributing to the feeling itself
(! emotion but also actually contributing to the feeling itself
(# emotion but also actually contribute to the feeling itself
(% emotionD they also actually contribute to the feeling of it
(& emotionD the feeling itself is also actually contributed to by them
812. <he :uechuans believed that all things participated in both the material level and
the mystical level of reality$ and many individual :uechuans claimed to have
contact "ith it directly "ith an ichana (dream e;perience.
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(A contact "ith it directly "ith
(! direct contact "ith it by "ay of
(# contact "ith the latter directly through
(% direct contact "ith the latter by means of
(& contact directly "ith the mystical level due to
813. <he 4uestion of "hether to divest themselves of stock in companies that do
business in ,outh Africa is particularly troublesome for the nation3s ''8 private
!lack colleges because their economic bases are often more fragile than most
predominantly White colleges.
(A than
(! than those of
(# than is so of
(% compared to
(& compared to those of
814. <he recent surge in the number of airplane flights has clogged the nation3s air-
traffic control system$ to lead to 99 percent more delays at airports$ and prompts
fears among some officials that safety is being compromised.
(A to lead to 99 percent more delays at airports$ and prompts
(! leading to 99 percent more delay at airports and prompting
(# to lead to a 99 percent increase in delay at airports and prompt
(% to lead to an increase of 99 percent in delays at airports$ and prompted
(& leading to a 99-percent increase in delays at airports and prompting
815. <he record of the past is al"ays incomplete$ and the historian "ho "rites about it
inevitably reflects the preoccupations of their o"n time.
(A the historian "ho "rites about it inevitably reflects
(! the historian "riting about it "ill inevitably reflect
(# a historian "riting about it inevitably reflects
(% "riting about it$ it is inevitable for historians to reflect
(& historians in "riting about it inevitably reflect
816. <he relationship bet"een corpulence and disease remain controversial$ although
statistics clearly associate a reduced life e;pectancy "ith chronic obesity.
(A remain controversial$ although statistics clearly associate a reduced life
e;pectancy "ith
(! remain controversial$ although statistics clearly associates a reduced life
e;pectancy "ith
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(# remain controversial$ although statistics clearly associates reduced life
e;pectancy to
(% remains controversial$ although statistics clearly associate a reduced life
e;pectancy "ith
(& remains controversial$ although statistics clearly associates reduced life
e;pectancy to
817. <he report on the gross national productHthe nation3s total production of goods
and servicesHsho"ed that second-4uarter inflation "as some"hat lo"er than a
previous estimation and the savings rate slightly higher.
(A a previous estimation and the savings rate slightly higher
(! a previous estimation and "ith a slightly higher savings rate
(# a previous estimate and that the savings rate is slightly higher
(% previously estimated and a slightly higher savings rate
(& previously estimated and that the savings rate "as slightly higher
818. <he reports from the %epartment of #ommerce indicated that the economy had
gro"n at an annual rate much higher than most economists had predicted may
(A had predicted may occur
(! had predicted
(# predicted the occurrence of
(% predicted may occur
(& predicted
819. <he residents3 opposition to the spraying program has rekindled an old debate
among those "ho oppose the use of pesticides and those "ho feel that the
pesticides are necessary to save the trees.
(A among those "ho oppose the use of pesticides and
(! bet"een those "ho oppose the use of pesticides and
(# among those opposing the use of pesticides "ith
(% bet"een those "ho oppose the use of pesticides "ith
(& among those opposing the use of pesticides and
820. <he rise in the #ommerce %epartment3s inde; of leading economic indicators
suggest that the economy should continue its e;pansion into the coming months$
but that the mi;ed performance of the inde;3s individual components indicates
that economic gro"th "ill proceed at a more moderate pace than in the first
4uarter of this year.
(A suggest that the economy should continue its e;pansion into the coming
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months$ but that
(! suggest that the economy is to continue e;pansion in the coming months$ but
(# suggests that the economy "ill continue its e;panding in the coming months$
but that
(% suggests that the economy is continuing to e;pand into the coming months$
but that
(& suggests that the economy "ill continue to e;pand in the coming months$ but
821. <he rising of costs of data-processing operations at many financial institutions
has created a gro"ing opportunity for independent companies to provide these
services more efficiently and at lo"er cost.
(A <he rising of costs
(! Bising costs
(# <he rising cost
(% !ecause the rising cost
(& !ecause of rising costs
822. <he root systems of most flo"ering perennials either become too cro"ded$ "hich
results in loss in vigor$ and spread too far out"ard$ producing a bare center.
(A "hich results in loss in vigor$ and spread
(! resulting in loss in vigor$ or spreading
(# "ith the result of loss of vigor$ or spreading
(% resulting in loss of vigor$ or spread
(& "ith a resulting loss of vigor$ and spread
823. <he Borsch7ch test is gaining ne" respect as a diagnostic tool because it takes
only one hour to e;pose behavior and thought processes that may be unlikely to
emerge in other procedures or "eeks of ordinary intervie"ing.
(A that may be unlikely to emerge in other procedures or "eeks of ordinary
(! "hose emergence is unlikely in other procedures or "eeks of ordinary
(# that might not emerge in other procedures or in "eeks of ordinary intervie"s
(% that may not emerge under other procedures or "eeks of ordinary intervie"s
(& unlikely not to emerge during "eeks of ordinary intervie"ing or in other
824. <he rules that govern political contributions are less stringent in local elections
than they are in national elections because they typically involve smaller amounts
of money and present less opportunity for abuse.
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(A <he rules that govern political contributions are less stringent in local
elections than they are in national elections because they typically involve
smaller amounts of money and present less opportunity for abuse.
(! !ecause they typically involve smaller amounts of money and present less
opportunity for abuse$ the rules that govern political contributions are less
stringent in local elections than the rules are less stringent in local elections
than the rules are in national elections.
(# <he rules that govern political contributions are less stringent in local
elections than national elections because they typically involve smaller
amounts of money and present less opportunity for abuse.
(% !ecause local elections typically involve smaller amounts of money and
present less opportunity for abuse than national elections$ the rules that
govern local political contributions are less stringent than national
(& <he rules that govern political contributions are less stringent in local
elections than they are in national elections because local elections typically
involve smaller amounts of money and present less opportunity for abuse.
825. <he sale of government surplus machinery "ill begin at ( a.m. and continue until
the supply lasts.
(A "ill begin at ( a.m. and continue until the supply lasts
(! begins at ( a.m.$ continuing until the supply lasts
(# "ill begin at ( a.m. and$ until the supply lasts$ "ill continue
(% begins at ( a.m. and$ as long as the supply may last$ it continues
(& "ill begin at ( a.m. and continue as long as the supply lasts
826. <he school board ruling mandating that physically handicapped students be
placed in regular classroom settings "henever possible also assured all children
"ho have a reading problem of special aid.
(A be placed in regular classroom settings "henever possible also assured all
children "ho have a reading problem
(! should be placed in regular classroom settings "henever possible also assures
all children that have a reading problem
(# are placed in regular classroom settings "henever possible also assures those
children "ho are having reading problems
(% be placed in regular classroom settings "henever possible also assured
children "ith reading problems
(& should be placed in regular classroom settings "henever possible also has
assured all those children "ith a reading problem
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
827. <he science of economics$ "hich for four decades "as dominated by Eeynesians$
"ho at first stressed the government3s role in stimulating the economy$ but "ho
"ere ultimately led a"ay from solutions based on government intervention.
(A economics$ "hich for four decades "as
(! economics that "as to be
(# economics$ one "hich has$ for four decades$ been
(% economics is one that for four decades has been
(& economics$ for four decades$ is one that "as
828. <he ,enate approved immigration legislation that "ould grant permanent
residency to millions of aliens currently residing here and if employers hired
illegal aliens they "ould be penali7ed.
(A if employers hired illegal aliens they "ould be penali7ed
(! hiring illegal aliens "ould be a penalty for employers
(# penali7e employers "ho hire illegal aliens
(% penali7ing employers hiring illegal aliens
(& employers to be penali7ed for hiring illegal aliens
829. <he speculative fever of the Boaring <"enties infected rich and poor alikeD vast
4uantities of people "ere dangerously overe;tended$ credit "as absurdly easy to
obtain$ and most brokerage houses re4uired only ten percent cash for stocks
bought on margin.
(A rich and poor alikeD vast 4uantities of people "ere dangerously overe;tended
(! both rich and poor alikeD large amounts of people dangerously overe;tended
(# rich and poor alikeD great numbers of people "ere dangerously overe;tended
(% both rich and poor alikeD vast amounts of people dangerously overe;tended
(& both rich and poorD great 4uantities of people "ere dangerously overe;tended
830. <he spraying of pesticides can be carefully planned$ but accidents$ "eather
conditions that could not be foreseen$ and pilot errors often cause much larger
deposits of spray than they had anticipated.
(A "eather conditions that could not be foreseen$ and pilot errors often cause
much larger deposits of spray than they had
(! "eather conditions that cannot be foreseen$ and pilot errors often cause much
larger deposits of spray than
(# unforeseeable "eather conditions$ and pilot errors are the cause of much
larger deposits of spray than they had
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(% "eather conditions that are not foreseeable$ and pilot errors often cause much
larger deposits of spray than
(& unforeseeable "eather conditions$ and pilot errors often cause much larger
deposits of spray than they had
831. <he study undertaken by %epartment of the Interior "ill involve e;amination and
tagging of the #alifornia condor in order to obtain information about their daily
movements$ foraging habits$ and sites "here they nest.
(A their daily movements$ foraging habits$ and sites "here they nest
(! their daily movements$ foraging habits$ and their nesting sites
(# its daily movements$ foraging habits$ and nesting sites
(% its daily movements$ foraging habits$ and about nesting sites
(& daily movements$ foraging habits$ and sites in "hich there are nests
832. <he supply of oil being finite has become an economical and political
consideration of the first magnitude for all modern industrial nations.
(A <he supply of oil being finite has become an economical
(! <he finite supply of oil has become an economical
(# <hat the supply of oil is finite has become an economical
(% <he supply of oil being finite has become an economic
(& <hat the supply of oil is finite has become an economic
833. <he ,upreme #ourt3s concern "ith legitimacy is not for the sake of the court but
the nation to "hich it is responsible.
(A but the nation to "hich it is responsible
(! but for the sake of the nation to "hich it is responsible
(# so much as the nation it is responsible to
(% as the nation it is responsible to
(& but the nation
834. <he suspect in the burglary "as advised of his right to remain silent$ told he could
not leave$ and "as interrogated in a detention room.
(A of his right to remain silent$ told he could not leave$ and "as
(! of his right to remain silent$ told he could not leave$ and
(# of his right to remain silent and that he could not leave and
(% that he had a right to remain silent$ could not leave$ and "as
(& that he had a right to remain silent$ that he could not leave$ and "as
835. <he task force is revie"ing the company3s hiring practices for the determination
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of "hether they are meeting the re4uirements set by the Fffice of &4ual
(A for the determination of "hether they are meeting the re4uirements set by the
Fffice of &4ual Fpportunity
(! for the determining of "hether or not it meets the re4uirement set by the
Fffice of &4ual Fpportunity
(# for the determining of "hether the re4uirements set by the Fffice of &4ual
Fpportunity are being met or not
(% determining "hether the re4uirements set by the Fffice of &4ual Fpportunity
are met
(& to determine "hether they meet the re4uirements set by the Fffice of &4ual
836. <he technical term pagination is a process that leaves editors$ instead of
printers$ assemble the page images that become the metal or plastic plates used in
(A is a process that leaves editors$ instead of printers$ assemble
(! refers to a process that allo"s editors$ rather than printers$ to assemble
(# is a process leaving the editors$ rather than printers$ to assemble
(% refers to a process "hich allo"s editors$ but not to printers$ the assembly of
(& has reference to the process leaving to editors$ instead of the printer$
837. <he themes that Bita %ove e;plores in her poetry is universal$ encompassing
much of the human condition "hile occasionally deals "ith racial issues.
(A is universal$ encompassing much of the human condition "hile occasionally
(! is universal$ encompassing much of the human condition$ also occasionally it
(# are universal$ they encompass much of the human condition and occasionally
(% are universal$ encompassing much of the human condition "hile occasionally
(& are universal$ they encompass much of the human condition$ also
occasionally are dealing
838. <he underlying physical principles that control the midair gyrations of divers and
gymnasts are the same as the body orientation controlling astronauts in a
"eightless environment.
(A as the body orientation controlling
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(! as the body orientation "hich controls
(# as those controlling the body orientation of
(% ones to control the body orientation of
(& ones used in controlling the body orientation of
839. <he +nited ,tates government employs a much larger proportion of "omen in
trade negotiations than any government.
(A a much larger proportion of "omen in trade negotiations than any
(! a much larger proportion of "omen in trade negotiations than does any other
(# much larger proportions of "omen in trade negotiations than has any
(% proportions of "omen in trade negotiations that are much larger than any
(& proportions of "omen in trade negotiations that are much larger than any
840. <he +nited ,tates petroleum industry3s cost to meet environmental regulations is
pro5ected at ten percent of the price per barrel of refined petroleum by the end of
the decade.
(A <he +nited ,tates petroleum industry3s cost to meet environmental
regulations is pro5ected at ten percent of the price per barrel of refined
petroleum by the end of the decade.
(! <he +nited ,tates petroleum industry3s cost by the end of the decade to meet
environmental regulations is estimated at ten percent of the price per barrel
of refined petroleum.
(# !y the end of the decade$ the +nited ,tates petroleum industry3s cost of
meeting environmental regulations is pro5ected at ten percent of the price per
barrel of refined petroleum.
(% <o meet environmental regulations$ the cost to the +nited ,tates petroleum
industry is estimated at ten percent of the price per barrel of refined
petroleum by the end of the decade.
(& It is estimated that by the end of the decade the cost to the +nited ,tates
petroleum industry of meeting environmental regulations "ill be ten percent
of the price per barrel of refined petroleum.
841. <he unprecedented increases in the prime lending rate this year has probably been
brought about by business community3s uncertainty about the 1resident3s position
on the budget deficit.
(A in the prime lending rate this year has
(! this year in the prime lending rate has
(# this year in the prime lending rate having
(% in the prime lending rate this year had
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(& in the prime lending rate this year have
842. <he unskilled "orkers at the Allenby plant reali7ed that their hourly rate of I@.''
to I@.)9 "as better than many nearby factory "ages.
(A many nearby factory "ages
(! many "ages in nearby factories
(# "hat are offered by many nearby factories
(% it is in many nearby factories
(& that offered by many nearby factories
843. <he use of chemical pesticides in this country is e4ually e;tensive or more so
than ten years ago.
(A e4ually e;tensive or more so than ten years ago
(! e4ual to or more e;tensive than ten years ago
(# as e;tensive as ten years ago or more
(% e4ual to$ if not more$ than ten years ago
(& as e;tensive as it "as ten years ago$ if not more so
844. <he use of gravity "aves$ "hich do not interact "ith matter in the "ay
electromagnetic "aves do$ hopefully "ill enable astronomers to study the actual
formation of black holes and neutron stars.
(A in the "ay electromagnetic "aves do$ hopefully "ill enable
(! in the "ay electromagnetic "aves do$ "ill$ it is hoped$ enable
(# like electromagnetic "aves$ hopefully "ill enable
(% like electromagnetic "aves$ "ould enable$ hopefully
(& such as electromagnetic "aves do$ "ill$ it is hoped$ enable
845. <he utility company has announced that it "ill permanently close its +nit I
nuclear po"er plant$ the first plant that had been built by private industry and the
model for a generation of modern nuclear reactors.
(A that had been built by private industry and
(! built by private industry and "hich "as
(# to be built by private industry and "hich "as
(% built by private industry and
(& to have been built by private industry and "as
846. <he visiting pharmacologists concluded that the present amalgam of #hinese and
Western medicine is probably as good$ or better than$ any system that might be
devised for the patients "ho are treated at the Nan Eai hospital in <ian-5ing.
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(A as good$ or better than$ any system that might be devised for the patients "ho
(! as good$ or better$ than any system that might be devised for patients being
(# as good$ or better than$ any system that might be devised for patients "hich
are being
(% good as$ or even better than$ any other system that may be devised for the
patients "ho are
(& as good as$ or better than$ any other system that might be devised for the
847. <he voluminous personal papers of <homas Alva &dison reveal that his
inventions typically sprang to life not in a flash of inspiration but evolved slo"ly
from previous "orks.
(A sprang to life not in a flash of inspiration but evolved slo"ly
(! sprang to life not in a flash of inspiration but "ere slo"ly evolved
(# did not spring to life in a flash of inspiration but evolved slo"ly
(% did not spring to life in a flash of inspiration but had slo"ly evolved
(& did not spring to life in a flash of inspiration but they "ere slo"ly evolved
848. <he Wallerstein study indicates that even after a decade young men and "omen
still e;perience some of the effects of a divorce occurring "hen a child.
(A occurring "hen a child
(! occurring "hen children
(# that occurred "hen a child
(% that occurred "hen they "ere children
(& that has occurred as each "as a child
849. <he Western "orld3s love affair "ith chocolate is "ell-documented> fe" people
have been kno"n to have tasted it for the first time "ithout re4uesting more.
(A fe" people have been kno"n to have tasted it
(! fe" having been kno"n to taste it
(# it has been tasted by fe" people
(% fe" people have been kno"n to taste it
(& fe" people having tasted it
850. <he "inds that ho"l across the -reat 1lains not only blo" a"ay valuable topsoil$
thereby reducing the potential crop yield of a tract of land$ and also damage or
destroy young plants.
(A and also damage or destroy
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(! as "ell as damaging or destroying
(# but they also cause damage or destroy
(% but also damage or destroy
(& but also causing damage or destroying
851. <he "ork of mathematician Boger 1enrose in the early '()2s$ on the geometry of
"hat are called aperiodic tiles$ turned out to describe the architecture of a
previously unkno"n class of crystals.
(A "hat are called aperiodic tiles$ turned out to describe
(! "hat is called aperiodic tiles$ describes
(# aperiodic tiles$ describing
(% so-called aperiodic tiles$ describe
(& aperiodic tiles$ it turned out to describe
852. <here are more than forty ne"spapers published in the cities of Eerala$ a state on
the 6alabar #oast$ "hich reflects the fact that Eeralans are by far India3s most
literate citi7ens.
(A "hich reflects
(! and that number reflects
(# "hich reflect
(% that number reflects
(& that reflects
853. <here has been a /2- to @2-fold increase in the incidence of malaria caused by
increasing mos4uito resistance against pesticides.
(A increase in the incidence of malaria caused by increasing mos4uito resistance
(! increase in the incidence of malaria because of increasing resistance of
mos4uitoes to
(# increasing malaria incidence because of increasing resistance of mos4uitoes
(% incidence of malaria increase caused by increasing mos4uito resistance
(& incidence of malaria increase because of increased mos4uito resistance to
854. <here is ample evidence$ derived from the lore of traditional folk medicine$ that
naturally occurring antibiotics are usually able to be modified to make them a
more effective drug.
(A are usually able to be modified to make them a more effective drug.
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(! are usually able to be modified to make them more effective drugs
(# are usually able to be modified$ "hich makes them more effective drugs
(% can usually be modified to make them a more effective drug
(& can usually be modified to make them more effective drugs
855. <here is gro"ing demand in the state for initiative and referendum$ a procedure
that allo"s voters to propose and pass la"s$ as "ell as to repeal them.
(A allo"s voters to propose and pass la"s$ as "ell as to repeal them
(! allo"s voters to propose$ pass$ and to repeal la"s
(# allo"s voters to propose$ to pass$ and repeal la"s
(% "ill allo" the voter to propose$ pass$ as "ell as to repeal la"s
(& "ill allo" la"s to be proposed$ passed$ as "ell as repealed by voters
856. <here is no consensus on "hat role$ if any$ is played by acid rain in slo"ing the
gro"th or damaging forests in the eastern +nited ,tates.
(A slo"ing the gro"th or damaging
(! the damage or the slo"ing of the gro"th of
(# the damage to or the slo"ness of the gro"th of
(% damaged or slo"ed gro"th of
(& damaging or slo"ing the gro"th of
857. <here is speculation that increasing cold "eather "as "hat may have been
responsible for the Anasa7i move from 6esa ?erde to sites in other canyons.
(A that increasing cold "eather "as "hat may have been
(! "hether increasing cold "eather "as "hat "as
(# that increasingly cold "eather "as "hat had been
(% "hether increasingly cold "eather may have been "hat "as
(& that increasingly cold "eather may have been
858. <here is substantial evidence that certain forms of solar energy either no" or
"ithin a fe" years "ill be economically competitive "ith conventional sources of
heat and po"er.
(A either no" or "ithin a fe" years "ill be economically competitive "ith
conventional sources of heat and po"er
(! "ill either be economically competitive "ith conventional sources of heat and
po"er "ithin a fe" years or are so no"
(# "ill be economically competitive "ith conventional sources of heat and
po"er either no" or "ithin a fe" years
(% either are no" economically competitive "ith conventional sources of heat
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and po"er or "ill be so "ithin a fe" years
(& are either no" or "ill be "ithin a fe" years economically competitive "ith
conventional sources of heat and po"er
859. <homas &akins3 po"erful style and his choices of sub5ectHthe advances in
modern surgery$ the discipline of sport$ the strains of individuals in tension "ith
society or even "ith themselvesH"as as disturbing to his o"n time as it is
compelling for ours.
(A "as as disturbing to his o"n time as it is
(! "ere as disturbing to his o"n time as they are
(# has been as disturbing in his o"n time as they are
(% had been as disturbing in his o"n time as it "as
(& have been as disturbing in his o"n time as
860. <hose "ho come to church "ith a predisposition to religious belief "ill be happy
in an auditorium or even a storefront$ and there is no doubt that religion is
sometimes better served by adapted spaces of this kind instead of by some of the
buildings actually designed for it.
(A adapted spaces of this kind instead of by some of the buildings actually
designed for it
(! adapted spaces like these rather than some of the buildings actually designed
for them
(# these adapted spaces instead of by some of the buildings actually designed for
(% such adapted spaces rather than by some of the buildings actually designed
for them
(& such adapted spaces than by some of the buildings actually designed for it
861. <hose "ho enter marathons soon learn that$ to succeed in these grueling
competitive events$ runners must be in e;cellent condition$ have unshakable self-
confidence$ and$ most important of all$ kno" ho" to pace yourself.
(A kno" ho" to pace yourself
(! is kno"ing ho" to pace yourself
(# kno" ho" to pace themselves
(% you must pace yourself
(& they must kno" ho" to pace themselves
862. <hose "ith a cynical turn of mind might speculate if the ne" corporation$ eager
for profit$ might not have started the rumor that caused its competitor to declare
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(A speculate if the ne" corporation$ eager for profit$ might not have started
(! speculate if the ne" corporation$ eager for profit$ had not started
(# speculate if$ in its eagerness for profit$ the ne" corporation started
(% "onder as to "hether$ in its eagerness for profit$ the ne" corporation did not
(& "onder "hether the ne" corporation$ eager for profit$ had started
863. <hough the term graphic design may suggest laying out corporate brochures
and annual reports$ they have come to signify "idely ranging "ork$ from package
designs and company logotypes to signs$ book 5ackets$ computer graphics$ and
film titles.
(A suggest laying out corporate brochures and annual reports$ they have come to
signify "idely ranging
(! suggest laying out corporate brochures and annual reports$ it has come to
signify a "ide range of
(# suggest corporate brochure and annual report layout$ it has signified "idely
(% have suggested corporate brochure and annual report layout$ it has signified a
"ide range of
(& have suggested laying out corporate brochures and annual reports$ they have
come to signify "idely ranging
864. <hree out of every four automobile o"ners in the +nited ,tates also o"n a
(A <hree out of every four automobile o"ners in the +nited ,tates also o"n a
(! Fut of every four$ three automobile o"ners in the +nited ,tates also o"ns a
(# !icycles are o"ned by three out of every four o"ners of automobiles in the
+nited ,tates.
(% In the +nited ,tates$ three out of every four automobile o"ners o"ns
(& Fut of every four o"ners of automobiles in the +nited ,tates$ bicycles are
also o"ned by three.
865. <hrough the years$ the e;4uisitely subtle flavors and superb richness of Eenyan
coffee has attracted an international follo"ing of discerning consumers.
(A the e;4uisitely subtle flavors and superb richness of Eenyan coffee has
(! the coffee of Eenya$ "ith its e;4uisitely subtle and superbly rich flavors$ have
(# the e;4uisitely subtle$ superbly rich flavors of Eenyan coffee are "hat has
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(% Eenyan coffee3s superb richness and e;4uisite subtlety of flavor has
(& the e;4uisitely subtle flavors and superb richness of Eenyan coffee have
866. <iny 4uantities of more than thirty rare gases$ most of them industrial by-
products$ threaten to "arm the &arth3s atmosphere even more rapidly than carbon
dio;ide during the ne;t fifty years.
(A to "arm the &arth3s atmosphere even more rapidly than carbon dio;ide
during the ne;t fifty years
(! to "arm the &arth3s atmosphere even more rapidly over the ne;t fifty years
than carbon dio;ide "ill
(# during the ne;t fifty years to "arm the &arth3s atmosphere even more rapidly
than carbon dio;ide
(% a "arming of the &arth3s atmosphere during the ne;t fifty years even more
rapid than carbon dio;ide3s
(& a "arming of the &arth3s atmosphere even more rapid than carbon dio;ide3s
"ill be over the ne;t fifty years
867. <o compare the lightning-fast genius of play"right <om ,toppard "ith the
pedestrian efforts of some of his contemporaries is to compare the e;4uisite
bou4uet of a fine "ine "ith that of ordinary grape 5uice.
(A <o compare the lightning-fast genius of play"right <om ,toppard "ith the
pedestrian efforts of some of his contemporaries is to compare the e;4uisite
bou4uet of a fine "ine "ith that of ordinary grape 5uice.
(! <o compare the lightning-fast genius of play"right <om ,toppard "ith the
pedestrian efforts of some of his contemporaries is comparing the e;4uisite
bou4uet of a fine "ine "ith that of ordinary grape 5uice.
(# #omparing the lightning-fast genius of play"right <om ,toppard "ith the
pedestrian efforts of some of his contemporaries is to compare the e;4uisite
bou4uet of a fine "ine "ith ordinary grape 5uice.
(% #omparing the lightning-fast genius of play"right <om ,toppard "ith the
pedestrian efforts of some of his contemporaries is like comparing the
e;4uisite bou4uet of a fine "ine "ith ordinary grape 5uice.
(& <o compare the lightning-fast genius of play"right <om ,toppard "ith the
pedestrian efforts of some of his contemporaries is to compare a fine "ine3s
bou4uet "ith ordinary grape 5uice3s bou4uet.
868. <o ensure consistently high 4uality in its merchandise$ the chain of retail stores
became involved in every aspect of their suppliers3 operations$ dictating not only
the number of stitches and the "idth of the hem in every garment as "ell as the
profit margins of those suppliers.
(A their suppliers3 operations$ dictating not only the number of stitches and the
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"idth of the hem in every garment as "ell as
(! its suppliers3 operations$ dictating not only the number of stitches and the
"idth of the hem in every garment as "ell as
(# their suppliers3 operations$ dictating not only the number of stitches and the
"idth of the hem in every garment but also
(% its suppliers3 operations$ dictating not only the number of stitches and the
"idth of the hem in every garment but also
(& their suppliers3 operations$ dictating the number of stitches$ the "idth of the
hem in every garment$ and
869. <o help preserve ancient &gyptian monuments threatened by high "ater tables$ a
,"edish engineering firm has proposed installing pumps$ perhaps solar po"ered$
to lo"er the underground "ater level and dig trenches around the bases of the
stone "alls.
(A to lo"er the underground "ater level and dig trenches
(! to lo"er the underground "ater level and to dig trenches
(# to lo"er the underground "ater level and digging trenches
(% that lo"er the underground "ater level and that trenches be dug
(& that lo"er the underground "ater level and trench digging
870. <o maintain a high demand for their product$ the manufacturers first took over the
marketing and sales functions previously performed by outside agentsD ne;t$ they
began changing their advertising campaigns monthly to keep pace "ith the rapid
changes in consumers3 lives.
(A they began changing
(! this began changing
(# the former began changing
(% to begin changing
(& to change
871. <o read of Abigail Adams3 lengthy separation from her family$ her difficult
travels$ and her constant battles "ith illness is to feel intensely ho" harsh life "as
even for the so-called aristocracy of Bevolutionary times.
(A <o read of
(! Beading about
(# Caving read about
(% Fnce one reads of
(& <o have read of
872. <o speak habitually of the truly needy is gradually instilling the notion that
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many of those "ho are 5ust called needy actually have ade4uate resourcesD such
a conclusion is un"arranted.
(A <o speak habitually of the truly needy is gradually instilling the notion
(! <o speak habitually of the truly needy is instilling the notion gradually
(# <o speak habitually of the truly needy is gradually to instill the notion
(% ,peaking habitually of the truly needy is to instill the gradual notion
(& ,peaking habitually of the truly needy is instilling the gradual notion
873. <o spread the "ord about mortgage servicers$ a fact sheet that outlines one3s legal
rights if you get caught in a mortgage serving mess has been put together by the
Gederal <rade #ommission.
(A a fact sheet that outlines one3s legal rights if you get caught in a mortgage
serving mess has been put together by the Gederal <rade #ommission
(! an outline of one3s legal rights has been put together by the Gederal <rade
#ommission if one gets caught up in a mortgaging mess on a fact sheet
(# should you get caught in a mortgaging mess$ a fact sheet outlining your legal
rights has been put together by the Gederal <rade #ommission
(% there is a fact sheet put together by the Gederal <rade #ommission$ "hich
outlines one3s legal rights in a mortgage servicing mess
(& the Gederal <rade #ommission has put together a fact sheet that outlines your
legal rights if you get caught in a mortgage servicing mess
874. <oday$ because of improvements in agricultural technology$ the same amount of
acreage produces double the apples that it has in '('2.
(A double the apples that it has
(! t"ice as many apples as it did
(# as much as t"ice the apples it has
(% t"o times as many apples as there "ere
(& a doubling of the apples that it did
875. <oday3s technology allo"s manufacturers to make small cars more fuel-efficient
no" than at any time in their production history.
(A small cars more fuel-efficient no" than at any time in their
(! small cars that are more fuel-efficient than they "ere at any time in their
(# small cars that are more fuel-efficient than those at any other time in
(% more fuel-efficient small cars than those at any other time in their
(& more fuel-efficient small cars no" than at any time in
876. <oo old to bear arms himself$ Grederick %ouglass served as a recruiting agent$
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traveled through the North to e;hort !lack men to 5oin the +nion army.
(A traveled through the North to e;hort
(! and he traveled through the North and e;horted
(# and traveling through the North e;horted
(% traveling through the North and e;horted
(& traveling through the North and e;horting
877. <raveling the back roads of Cungary$ in '(29 !Lla !artMk and JoltOn EodOly
began their pioneering "ork in ethnomusicology$ and they "ere armed only "ith
an &dison phonograph and insatiable curiosity.
(A <raveling the back roads of Cungary$ in '(29 !Lla !artMk and JoltOn EodOly
began their pioneering "ork in ethnomusicology$ and they "ere armed only
(! In '(29$ !Lla !artMk and JoltOn EodOly$ traveling the back roads of Cungary$
began their pioneering "ork in ethnomusicology$ and they "ere only armed
(# In '(29 !Lla !artMk and JoltOn EodOly began their pioneering "ork in
ethnomusicology$ traveling the back roads of Cungary armed only
(% Caving traveled the back roads of Cungary$ in '(29 !Lla !artMk and JoltOn
EodOly began their pioneering "ork in ethnomusicologyD they "ere only
(& !Lla !artMk and JoltOn EodOly$ in '(29 began their pioneering "ork in
ethnomusicology$ traveling the back roads of Cungary$ arming themselves
878. <rying to learn some of the basics of programming is the same as to tinker "ith a
car "hen one is a teenager> some people end up going to engineering school$ and
others$ t"enty years later$ remember nothing of the e;perience.
(A the same as to tinker "ith a car "hen one is a teenager
(! similar to a teenager tinkering "ith a car
(# like tinkering "ith a car as a teenager
(% the same as a teenager tinkering "ith a car
(& like the teenager3s tinkering "ith a car
879. <"o ne" studies indicate that many people become obese more due to the fact
that their bodies burn calories too slo"ly than overeating.
(A due to the fact that their bodies burn calories too slo"ly than overeating
(! due to their bodies burning calories too slo"ly than to eating too much
(# because their bodies burn calories too slo"ly than that they are overeaters
(% because their bodies burn calories too slo"ly than because they eat too much
(& because of their bodies burning calories too slo"ly than because of their
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eating too much
880. <"o valence states of uranium$ one "ith a deficit of four electrons and the other
one "ith a deficit of si;$ occurs in nature and contributes to the diversity of
uranium3s behavior.
(A the other one "ith a deficit of si;$ occurs in nature and contributes
(! the other one a deficit of si;$ occur in nature and contribute
(# the other "ith a deficit of si;$ occurs in nature and contributes
(% the other "ith a deficit of si;$ occur in nature and contribute
(& one "ith si;$ occurs in nature and contributes
881. <"o "eek notice being given to employers before leaving a 5ob is the generally
accepted protocol.
(A <"o "eek notice being given to employers before leaving
(! -iving notice to employers of t"o "eeks before having to leave
(# <"o "eek3s notice to give to employers before leaving
(% -iving notice to employers t"o "eeks before leaving
(& <o give t"o "eeks3 "orth of notice before having to leave
882. +nder a provision of the #onstitution that "as never applied$ #ongress has been
re4uired to call a convention for considering possible amendments to the
document "hen formally asked to do it by the legislatures of t"o-thirds of the
(A "as never applied$ #ongress has been re4uired to call a convention for
considering possible amendments to the document "hen formally asked to
do it
(! "as never applied$ there has been a re4uirement that #ongress call a
convention for consideration of possible amendments to the document "hen
asked to do it formally
(# "as never applied$ "hereby #ongress is re4uired to call a convention for
considering possible amendments to the document "hen asked to do it
(% has never been applied$ "hereby #ongress is re4uired to call a convention to
consider possible amendments to the document "hen formally asked to do
(& has never been applied$ #ongress is re4uired to call a convention to consider
possible amendments to the document "hen formally asked to do so
883. +nder Napoleon the Grench "ere not able to organi7e an ade4uate supply system$
and it "as a ma5or cause of the failure of their invasion of Bussia.
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(A +nder Napoleon the Grench "ere not able to organi7e an ade4uate supply
system$ and it
(! <he Grench being unable to organi7e an ade4uate supply system under
(# Gor the Grench under Napoleon$ to be unable to organi7e an ade4uate supply
(% <he inability of the Grench under Napoleon to organi7e an ade4uate supply
(& <he Grench inability under Napoleon of organi7ing an ade4uate supply
884. +nder the ne" corporate insurance policy$ "hen an employer is charged for
damages to a third party "holly or largely as a result of actions by an employee$
he is entitled to recoup the amount of the damages.
(A he is entitled to recoup
(! the employer is entitled to recoup
(# he or she is entitled to recoup
(% he is entitled to recoup for
(& the employer is entitled to recoup for
885. +nder the restructuring$ the huge organi7ation that operates the company3s basic
businesses "ill be divided into five groups$ each "ith its o"n e;ecutive.
(A each "ith its o"n e;ecutive
(! all having their o"n e;ecutive
(# each having their o"n e;ecutive
(% "ith its o"n e;ecutive for each
(& every one "ith an e;ecutive of their o"n
886. +nder the ,afe %rinking Water Act$ the &nvironmental 1rotection Agency is
re4uired either to approve individual state plans for controlling the discharge of
"astes into underground "ater or that they enforce their o"n plan for states
"ithout ade4uate regulations.
(A that they enforce their
(! for enforcing their
(# they should enforce their
(% it should enforce its
(& to enforce its
887. +nlike a funded pension system$ in "hich contributions are invested to pay future
beneficiaries$ a pay-as-you-go approach is the foundation of ,ocial ,ecurity.
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(A a pay-as-you-go approach is the foundation of ,ocial ,ecurity
(! the foundation of ,ocial ,ecurity is a pay-as-you-go approach
(# the approach of ,ocial ,ecurity is pay-as-you-go
(% ,ocial ,ecurity3s approach is pay-as-you-go
(& ,ocial ,ecurity is founded on a pay-as-you-go approach
888. +nder the '(08 ta; la"$ interest payments on a refinanced home loan are
deductible only if the amount of the loan does not e;ceed the purchase price of
the home$ the cost of improvements$ and any additional amount borro"ed against
the home to pay for medical or educational e;penses.
(A any additional amount borro"ed against the home to pay for medical or
educational e;penses
(! borro"ing any additional amount against the home for payment of medical or
educational e;penses
(# also borro"ing any additional amount against the home to pay for medical or
educational e;penses
(% any additional payment of medical or educational e;penses that "ere
borro"ed against the home
(& any additional payment borro"ed against the home for medical or educational
889. +nlike a hurricane$ "hich can be observed from "ithin$ a tornado is so small that
such a study has not been practical.
(A that such a study has not been practical
(! that studying it that "ay has not been impractical
(# for such studies as this to have been impractical
(% as to not make such a study practical
(& as to be impractical of study
890. +nlike a typical automobile loan$ "hich re4uires a fifteen- to t"enty-percent
do"n payment$ the lease-loan buyer is not re4uired to make an initial deposit on
the ne" vehicle.
(A the lease-loan buyer is not re4uired to make
(! "ith lease-loan buying there is no re4uirement of
(# lease-loan buyers are not re4uired to make
(% for the lease-loan buyer there is no re4uirement of
(& a lease-loan does not re4uire the buyer to make
891. +nlike auto insurance$ the fre4uency of claims does not affect the premiums for
personal property coverage$ but if the insurance company is able to prove
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e;cessive loss due to o"ner negligence$ it may decline to rene" the policy.
(A +nlike auto insurance$ the fre4uency of claims does not affect the premiums
for personal property coverage
(! +nlike "ith auto insurance$ the fre4uency of claims do not affect the
premiums for personal property coverage
(# +nlike the fre4uency of claims for auto insurance$ the premiums for personal
property coverage are not affected by the fre4uency of claims
(% +nlike the premiums for auto insurance$ the premiums for personal property
coverage are not affected by the fre4uency of claims
(& +nlike "ith the premiums for auto insurance$ the premiums for personal
property coverage is not affected by the fre4uency of claims
892. +nlike computer skills or other technical skills$ there is a disinclination on the
part of many people to recogni7e the degree to "hich their analytical skills are
(A +nlike computer skills or other technical skills$ there is a disinclination on the
part of many people to recogni7e the degree to "hich their analytical skills
are "eak.
(! +nlike computer skills or other technical skills$ "hich they admit they lack$
many people are disinclined to recogni7e that their analytical skills are "eak.
(# +nlike computer skills or other technical skills$ analytical skills bring out a
disinclination in many people to recogni7e that they are "eak to a degree.
(% 6any people$ "illing to admit that they lack computer skills or other
technical skills$ are disinclined to recogni7e that their analytical skills are
(& 6any people have a disinclination to recogni7e the "eakness of their
analytical skills "hile "illing to admit their lack of computer skills or other
technical skills.
893. +nlike -ertrude ,tein$ &7ra 1ound$ and other e;patriates$ William #arlos
Williams insisted that poets honor their o"n regions and employ specifically
American rhythms.
(A +nlike -ertrude ,tein$ &7ra 1ound$ and other e;patriates$ William #arlos
Williams insisted
(! Although -ertrude ,tein$ &7ra 1ound$ and other e;patriates did not$ William
#arlos Williams3 insistence "as
(# #ontrary to -ertrude ,tein$ &7ra 1ound$ and other e;patriates$ it "as William
#arlos Williams "ho insisted
(% As opposed to "hat -ertrude ,tein$ &7ra 1ound$ and other e;patriates did$
William #arlos Williams "as to insist
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(& While -ertrude ,tein$ &7ra 1ound$ and other e;patriates did not$ William
#arlos Williams "as insistent
894. +nlike in other transportation industries$ there are no minimum standards set by
government or industry for 4ualifying for being an engineer on a train.
(A +nlike in other transportation industries$ there are no minimum standards set
by government or industry for 4ualifying for being
(! +nlike other transportation industries that have minimum standards set by
government or industry$ there are none for 4ualifying to be
(# Although the government or industry usually sets minimum standards for
transportation industries$ no such one has been set for 4ualifying as to being
(% Although the government or industry usually sets minimum standards for
transportation industries$ no such standard has been set for 4ualifying to be
(& Although there are usually minimum standards set by government or industry
for transportation industries$ there is none for 4ualifying and being
895. +nlike most "arbler species$ the male and female blue-"inged "arbler are very
difficult to tell apart.
(A +nlike most "arbler species$ the male and female blue-"inged "arbler are
very difficult to tell apart.
(! +nlike most "arbler species$ the gender of the blue-"inged "arbler is very
difficult to distinguish.
(# +nlike those in most "arbler species$ the male and female blue-"inged
"arblers are very difficult to distinguish.
(% It is very difficult$ unlike in most "arbler species$ to tell the male and female
blue-"inged "arbler apart.
(& !lue-"inged "arblers are unlike most species of "arbler in that it is very
difficult to tell the male and female apart.
896. +nlike other arachnids$ "hich have their nerve cells evenly distributed along their
bodies$ the scorpion3s nerve cells are clustered in its head$ like a mammal3s.
(A bodies$ the scorpion3s nerve cells are clustered in its head$ like a mammal3s
(! bodies$ the scorpion3s head had a cluster of nerve cells$ as a mammal does
(# body$ the scorpion has a cluster of nerve cells in its head$ as a mammal does
(% body$ nerve cells are clustered in the scorpion3s head$ like a mammal3s
(& body$ a cluster of nerve cells is in the scorpion3s head$ like a mammal3s
897. +nlike ,choenberg3s t"elve-tone system that dominated the music of the post"ar
period$ !artok founded no school and left behind only a handful of disciples.
(A ,choenberg3s t"elve-tone system that dominated
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(! ,choenberg and his t"elve-tone system "hich dominated
(# ,choenberg$ "hose t"elve-tone system dominated
(% the t"elve-tone system of ,choenberg that has dominated
(& ,choenberg and the t"elve-tone system$ dominating
898. +nlike that of human beings$ "ho "aste a"ay "hen they go "ithout food for
long periods$ hibernating bears e;ist for months on only their e;cess fat.
(A +nlike that of human beings$ "ho "aste a"ay "hen they go
(! +nlike human beings$ "ho "aste a"ay "hen they go
(# +nlike human beings$ "asting a"ay "hen going
(% %issimilar to human beings$ "asting a"ay "hen
(& .acking similarity to human beings$ "ho "aste a"ay "hen
899. +nlike that of the Native Americans of !ritish #olumbia$ the 1lains$ and the
,outh"est$ those of 1uget ,ound lived in relatively small$ autonomous villages.
(A +nlike that of
(! +nlike those of
(# +nlike
(% In contrast to that of
(& %issimilar to
900. +nlike the acid smoke of cigarettes$ pipe tobacco$ cured by age-old methods$
yields an alkaline smoke too irritating to be dra"n into the lungs.
(A +nlike the acid smoke of cigarettes$ pipe tobacco$ cured by age-old methods$
yields an alkaline smoke
(! +nlike the acid smoke of cigarettes$ pipe tobacco is cured by age-old
methods$ yielding an alkaline smoke
(# +nlike cigarette tobacco$ "hich yields an acid smoke$ pipe tobacco$ cured by
age-old methods$ yields an alkaline smoke
(% %iffering from cigarettes3 acid smoke$ pipe tobacco3s alkaline smoke$ cured
by age-old methods$ is
(& <he alkaline smoke of pipe tobacco differs from cigarettes3 acid smoke in that
it is cured by age-old methods and is
901. +nlike the lives of 1ushkin$ -ogol$ <olstoi$ and %ostoevski$ sub5ects of other
<royat biographies$ #hekhov belongs to the t"entieth century$ an age of
fretfulness and melancholy skepticism.
(A +nlike the lives of 1ushkin$ -ogol$ <olstoi$ and %ostoevski$ sub5ects of other
<royat biographies$ #hekhov belongs
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(! #hekhov$ unlike the other <royat biographies of 1ushkin$ -ogol$ <olstoi$ and
%ostoevski$ belongs
(# <he life of #hekhov$ unlike the lives of the sub5ects of other <royat
biographies$ 1ushkin$ -ogol$ <olstoi$ and %ostoevski$ belongs
(% #hekhov and his life$ unlike that of the other <royat biographiesH1ushkin$
-ogol$ <olstoi$ and %ostoevski$ belong
(& <he life of #hekhov$ unlike that of other <royat biographies of 1ushkin$
-ogol$ <olstoi$ and %ostoevski$ belongs
902. +nlike the ,hiites$ "ho constitute the other ma5or branch of Islam$ the ,unnites
do not a"ait the 6ahdi as a messenger from -od$ nor do they endo" him "ith
divine 4ualities or immunity from failure in 5udgment.
(A nor do they endo" him
(! but they do not endo" him
(# neither do they endo" him
(% and they neither endo" him
(& "hile endo"ing him neither
903. +nlike the +nited ,tates$ Aapanese unions appear reluctant to organi7e lo"er-paid
(A +nlike the +nited ,tates$ Aapanese unions appear reluctant to organi7e
(! +nlike those in the +nited ,tates$ Aapanese unions appear reluctant to
(# In Aapan$ unlike the +nited ,tates$ unions appear reluctant to organi7e
(% Aapanese unions$ unlike the +nited ,tates$ appear reluctant to organi7e
(& Aapanese unions$ unlike those in the +nited ,tates$ appear reluctant about
904. +nlike the +nited ,tates$ "here farmers can usually depend on rain or sno" all
year long$ the rains in most parts of ,ri .anka are concentrated in the monsoon
months$ Aune to ,eptember$ and the skies are generally clear for the rest of the
(A +nlike the +nited ,tates$ "here farmers can usually depend on rain or sno"
all year long$ the rains in most parts of ,ri .anka
(! +nlike the +nited ,tates farmers$ "ho can usually depend on rain or sno" all
year long$ the rains in most parts of ,ri .anka
(# +nlike those of the +nited ,tates$ "here farmers can usually depend on rain
or sno" all year long$ most parts of ,ri .anka3s rains
(% In comparison "ith the +nited ,tates$ "hose farmers can usually depend on
rain or sno" all year long$ the rains in most parts of ,ri .anka
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(& In the +nited ,tates$ farmers can usually depend on rain or sno" all year
long$ but in most parts of ,ri .anka the rains
905. +nlike their counterparts in other Western democracies$ the American labor
movement has never embraced revolutionary ideologies calling for the ultimate
transformation of the economic order.
(A +nlike their counterparts in other Western democracies$ the American labor
movement has never
(! +nlike that of their counterparts in other Western democracies$ the American
labor movement has never
(# +nlike its counterpart in other Western democracies$ the American labor
movement never have
(% +nlike that of its counterparts in other Western democracies$ the American
labor movement never has
(& +nlike its counterparts in other Western democracies$ the American labor
movement has never
906. +nlike transplants bet"een identical t"ins$ "hose genetic endo"ment is the
same$ all patients receiving hearts or other organs must take antire5ection drugs
for the rest of their lives.
(A +nlike transplants bet"een identical t"ins$ "hose genetic endo"ment is the
(! !esides transplants involving identical t"ins "ith the same genetic
(# +nless the transplant involves identical t"ins "ho have the same genetic
(% Aside from a transplant bet"een identical t"ins "ith the same genetic
(& Fther than transplants bet"een identical t"ins$ "hose genetic endo"ment is
the same
907. +ntil 4uite recently$ American presidents lived in a "orld in "hich the public and
private realms of their lives "ere largely separate$ and the press cooperated in
maintaining the distinction$ and Americans 5udged national leaders "ithout
receiving$ or e;pecting$ intimate information about them.
(A and the press cooperated in maintaining the distinction$ and
(! "here the press cooperated in maintaining the distinction$ and "here
(# for the press cooperated to maintain the distinction and
(% the press cooperated to maintain the distinction$ for
(& in "hich the press cooperated in maintaining the distinction$ and in "hich
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
908. +pset by the recent do"nturn in production numbers during the first half of the
year$ the possibility of adding "orker incentives "as raised by the board of
directors at its 4uarterly meeting.
(A the possibility of adding "orker incentives "as raised by the board of
directors at its 4uarterly meeting
(! the addition of "orker incentives "as raised as a possibility by the board of
directors at its 4uarterly meeting
(# added "orker incentives "as raised by the board of directors at its 4uarterly
meeting as a possibility
(% the board of directors raised at its 4uarterly meeting the possibility of "orker
incentives being added
(& the board of directors$ at its 4uarterly meeting$ raised the possibility of adding
"orker incentives
909. +rban officials "ant the census to be as accurate and complete as possible for the
reason that the amount of lo"-income people in a given area affect the
distribution of about fifty billion dollars a year in federal funds.
(A for the reason that the amount of lo"-income people in a given area affect
(! for the reason because the amount of lo"-income people in a given area
(# in that the amount of lo"-income people in given areas effect
(% because the number of lo"-income people in a given area affects
(& because the numbers of lo"-income people in given areas effects
910. +sing a %oppler ultrasound device$ fetal heartbeats can be detected by the t"elfth
"eek of pregnancy.
(A +sing a %oppler ultrasound device$ fetal heartbeats can be detected by the
t"elfth "eek of pregnancy.
(! Getal heartbeats can be detected by the t"elfth "eek of pregnancy$ using a
%oppler ultrasound device.
(# %etecting fetal heartbeats by the t"elfth "eek of pregnancy$ a physician can
use a %oppler ultrasound device.
(% !y the t"elfth "eek of pregnancy$ fetal heart-beats can be detected using a
%oppler ultrasound device by a physician.
(& +sing a %oppler ultrasound device$ a physician can detect fetal heartbeats by
the t"elfth "eek of pregnancy.
911. +sing the techni4ues employed by genetic engineering$ a ne" species of
microorganism has been developed by laboratory scientists to aid in cleaning up
oil spills by digesting the oil.
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(A +sing the techni4ues employed by genetic engineering$ a ne" species of
microorganism has been developed by laboratory scientists to
(! +sing the techni4ues employed by genetic engineering$ a ne" species of
microorganism that "as developed by laboratory scientists "ill
(# +sing the techni4ues of genetic engineering laboratory scientists have
developed a ne" species of microorganism to
(% &mploying the techni4ues of genetic engineering there has been a
development by laboratory scientists of a ne" species of microorganism that
(& &mploying the techni4ues of genetic engineering$ a ne" species of
microorganism that "as developed by laboratory scientists "ill
912. ?ery popular from '(22 until the '(*23s$ the rene"ed interest in ceiling fans
began "hen the energy crisis in '()@ forced homeo"ners to look for alternative
methods of heating and cooling.
(A ?ery popular from '(22 until the '(*23s$ the rene"ed interest in ceiling fans
(! <he rene"ed interest in ceiling fans$ "hich "ere very popular from '(22 until
the '(*23s$ began
(# After they "ere very popular from '(22 until the '(*23s$ the rene"ed interest
in ceiling fans "as beginning
(% #eiling fans "ere very popular from '(22 until the '(*23s$ "ith rene"ed
interest beginning in them
(& Grom '(22 until the '(*23s ceiling fans "ere very popular$ and no" the
rene"ed interest in them has begun
913. ?iolence in the stands at soccer matches has gotten so pronounced in several
&uropean countries that some stadiums have adopted ne" rules that aim to
identify fans of visiting teams and that seat them in a separate area.
(A to identify fans of visiting teams and that seat them
(! to identify fans of visiting teams and seat them
(# to identify fans of visiting teams for seating
(% at identifying fans of visiting teams so as to seat them
(& at identifying fans of visiting teams and that seat them
914. ?irtually undisturbed for the last three centuries on their starkly beautiful islands
near the edge of the Arctic #ircle$ the inhabitants of the .ofotens have evolved
folk"ays and a life-style that bring "armth to their harsh environment.
(A the inhabitants of the .ofotens have evolved folk"ays and a life-style that
bring "armth
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(! the inhabitants of the .ofotens have evolved folk"ays and a life-style that
brings "armth
(# evolving folk"ays and a life-style "ere evolved by the .ofotens inhabitants
to bring "armth
(% evolving folk"ays and a life-style brought "armth to the .ofotens3
inhabitants as "ell as
(& "armth-bringing folk"ays and life-styles have been evolved by the
inhabitants of the .ofotens
915. ?isitors to the park have often looked up into the leafy canopy and sa" monkeys
sleeping on the branches$ "hose arms and legs hang like socks on a clothesline.
(A sa" monkeys sleeping on the branches$ "hose arms and legs hang
(! sa" monkeys sleeping on the branches$ "hose arms and legs "ere hanging
(# sa" monkeys sleeping on the branches$ "ith arms and legs hanging
(% seen monkeys sleeping on the branches$ "ith arms and legs hanging
(& seen monkeys sleeping on the branches$ "hose arms and legs have hung
916. Warning that computers in the +nited ,tates are not secure$ the National
Academy of ,ciences has urged the nation to revamp computer security
procedures$ institute ne" emergency response teams$ creating a special
nongovernment organi7ation to take charge of computer security planning.
(A creating a special nongovernment organi7ation to take
(! creating a special nongovernment organi7ation that takes
(# creating a special nongovernment organi7ation for taking
(% and create a special nongovernment organi7ation for taking
(& and create a special nongovernment organi7ation to take
917. Water and resource management problems "ill be at the head of the legislature3s
list of concerns for the coming session.
(A Water and resource management problems
(! 1roblems of managing "ater and resources
(# 1roblems in the management of "ater and other resources
(% 1roblems of "ater and other resource management
(& Besource management problems$ including "ater
918. What brought the automobile company back from the verge of bankruptcy shortly
after the ,econd World War "as a special$ governmentally sanctioned price
increase allo"ed during a period of "age and price controls.
(A What brought
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(! <he thing that brought
(# <hat "hich brought
(% !ringing
(& What has brought
919. What "as as remarkable as the development of the compact disc has been the use
of the ne" technology to revitali7e$ in better sound than "as ever before possible$
some of the classic recorded performances of the pre-.1 era.
(A What "as as remarkable as the development of the compact disc
(! <he thing that "as as remarkable as developing the compact disc
(# No less remarkable than the development of the compact disc
(% %eveloping the compact disc has been none the less remarkable than
(& %evelopment of the compact disc has been no less remarkable as
920. When #ongress reconvenes$ some ne"ly elected members from rural states "ill
try and establish tighter restrictions for the amount of grain farmers are to be
allo"ed to gro" and to encourage more aggressive sales of +nited ,tates farm
products overseas.
(A and establish tighter restrictions for the amount of grain farmers are to be
allo"ed to gro" and to encourage
(! and establish tighter restrictions on the amount of grain able to be gro"n by
farmers and encouraging
(# establishing tighter restrictions for the amount of grain farmers are allo"ed to
gro" and to encourage
(% to establish tighter restrictions on the amount of grain capable of being gro"n
by farmers and encouraging
(& to establish tighter restrictions on the amount of grain farmers "ill be allo"ed
to gro" and to encourage
921. When evidence of financial "rongdoing by an elected official surfaces$ it is the
electorate "ho must decide "hether the evidence "arrants censuring him or
ousting him from office.
(A "hether the evidence "arrants censuring him or ousting him
(! if there is evidence that "arrants a censure or an ousting of him
(# "hether or not the evidence "arrants the censuring or ousting of him
(% if there is evidence that "arrants censuring him or his ousting
(& if the evidence "ould "arrant that he be censured or that he be ousted
922. When rates "ere raised in '(09$ postal service officials predicted they "ould
make further rate increases unnecessary for at least three years.
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(A they "ould make further rate increases unnecessary
(! they "ould mean that further rate increases "ould not be needed
(# that it "ould not be necessary for further rate increases
(% that the increase "ould make further rate increases unnecessary
(& further rate increases "ill not be needed
923. When the prime lending rates "ent up in '(0)$ economists determined they
"ould cause interest rates to rise and then decline over the ensuing five-year
(A they "ould cause interest rates to rise and then decline
(! they "ould mean that interest rates "ould rise and then decline
(# that they "ill cause interest rates to rise and then decline
(% that the increase "ould cause interest rates to rise and then decline
(& that the increase "ould cause interest rates3 rising and subse4uent declining
924. When the techni4ue kno"n as gene-splicing "as invented in the early '()23s$ it
"as feared that scientists might inadvertently create an Andromeda strain$ a
microbe never before seen on &arth that might escape from the laboratory and it
"ould kill vast numbers of humans "ho "ould have no natural defenses against
(A it "ould kill vast numbers of humans "ho "ould have no natural defenses
against it
(! it might kill vast numbers of humans "ith no natural defenses against it
(# kill vast numbers of humans "ho "ould have no natural defenses against it
(% kill vast numbers of humans "ho have no natural defenses against them
(& kill vast numbers of humans "ith no natural defenses against them
925. Where once the union had ac4uiesced to the pre5udices of its &nglish-speaking
members by supporting the imposition of an alien ta; on immigrant "orkers$ after
'0() the +nited 6ine Workers made a determined effort to enlist Italians and
,lavs in its ranks.
(A Where once the union had ac4uiesced to the pre5udices of its &nglish-
speaking members by supporting
(! Where once the union ac4uiesced to it &nglish-speaking members3 pre5udice
for the support of
(# While once the union had ac4uiesced to the pre5udices of its &nglish-speaking
members in support of
(% While once the union ac4uiesced to its &nglish-speaking members3 pre5udice
in supporting
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(& While once the union had ac4uiesced to the pre5udices of its &nglish-speaking
members in its supporting of
926. While all states face similar industrial "aste problems$ the predominating
industries and regulatory environment of the states obviously determines the
types and amounts of "aste produced$ as "ell as the cost of disposal.
(A all states face similar industrial "aste problems$ the predominating industries
and regulatory environment of the states obviously determines
(! each state faces a similar industrial "aste problem$ their predominant
industries and regulatory environment obviously determine
(# all states face a similar industrial "aste problem$ their predominating
industries and regulatory environment obviously determines
(% each state faces similar industrial "aste problems$ the predominant industries
and regulatory environment of each state obviously determines
(& all states face similar industrial "aste problems$ the predominant industries
and the regulatory environment of each state obviously determine
927. While depressed property values can hurt some large investors$ they are
potentially devastating for home-o"ners$ "hose e4uityHin many cases
representing a life3s savingsHcan plunge or even disappear.
(A they are potentially devastating for homeo"ners$ "hose
(! they can potentially devastate homeo"ners in that their
(# for homeo"ners they are potentially devastating$ because their
(% for homeo"ners$ it is potentially devastating in that their
(& it can potentially devastate homeo"ners$ "hose
928. While Aackie Bobinson "as a !rooklyn %odger$ his courage in the face of
physical threats and verbal attacks "as not unlike that of Bosa 1arks$ "ho refused
to move to the back of a bus in 6ontgomery$ Alabama.
(A not unlike that of Bosa 1arks$ "ho refused
(! not unlike Bosa 1arks$ "ho refused
(# like Bosa 1arks and her refusal
(% like that of Bosa 1arks for refusing
(& as that of Bosa 1arks$ "ho refused
929. While larger banks can afford to maintain their o"n data-processing operations$
many smaller regional and community banks are finding that the cost associated
"ith upgrading data-processing e4uipment and "ith the development and
maintenance of ne" products and technical staff are prohibitive.
(A cost associated "ith
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(! costs associated "ith
(# costs arising from
(% cost of
(& costs of
930. While some academicians believe that business ethics should be integrated into
every business course$ others say that students "ill take ethics seriously only if it
"ould be taught as a separately re4uired course.
(A only if it "ould be taught as a separately re4uired course
(! only if it is taught as a separate$ re4uired course
(# if it is taught only as a course re4uired separately
(% if it "as taught only as a separate and re4uired course
(& if it "ould only be taught as a re4uired course$ separately
931. While some propose to combat "idespread illegal copying of computer programs
by attempting to change people3s attitudes to"ard pirating$ others by suggesting
reducing soft"are prices to decrease the incentive for pirating$ and still others by
calling for the prosecution of those "ho copy soft"are illegally.
(A by suggesting reducing soft"are prices to decrease the incentive for pirating$
and still others by calling
(! by suggesting the reduction of soft"are prices to decrease the incentive for
pirating$ and still others call
(# suggest the reduction of soft"are prices for decreasing the incentive for
pirating$ and still others call
(% suggest the reduction of soft"are prices to decrease the incentive for pirating$
and still others by calling
(& suggest reducing soft"are prices to decrease the incentive for pirating$ and
still others are calling
932. While the base salary for the top five officers of the company did not change
from '((2 to '(('$ cuts "ere made nonsalary compensation$ as in allo"ances for
overseas assignments and club memberships.
(A cuts "ere made nonsalary compensation$ as in
(! cuts "ere made in such nonsalary compensation as
(# cuts "ere made in such nonsalary compensation as those in
(% cuts in nonsalary compensation "ere made in areas like
(& there "ere cuts made in nonsalary compensation$ in areas like
933. While the o"ner of a condominium apartment has free and clear title to the
d"elling$ o"ners of cooperative apartments have shares in a corporation that
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
o"ns a building and leases apartments to them.
(A While the o"ner of a condominium apartment has free and clear title to the
(! <he o"ner of a condominium apartment has free and clear title to the
d"elling$ but
(# Whereas o"ners of condominium apartments have free and clear title to their
(% An o"ner of a condominium apartment has free and clear title to the
d"elling$ "hereas
(& #ondominium apartment o"ners have a title to their d"elling that is free and
clear$ "hile
934. William C. Aohnson3s artistic debt to ,candinavia is evident in paintings that
range from sensitive portraits of citi7ens in his "ife3s %anish home$ Eerteminde$
and a"e-inspiring vie"s of f5ords and mountain peaks in the "estern and
northern regions of Nor"ay.
(A and
(! to
(# and to
(% "ith
(& in addition to
935. Wind resistance created by opening "indo"s "hile driving results in a fuel
penalty as great or greater than is incurred by using air conditioning.
(A as great or greater than is incurred by using air conditioning
(! that is as great or greater than is incurred using air conditioning
(# as great as or greater than that of using air conditioning
(% at least as great as air conditioning3s
(& at least as great as that incurred by using air conditioning
936. Wisconsin$ Illinois$ Glorida$ and 6innesota have begun to enforce state"ide bans
prohibiting landfills to accept leaves$ brush$ and grass clippings.
(A prohibiting landfills to accept leaves$ brush$ and grass clippings
(! prohibiting that landfills accept leaves$ brush$ and grass clippings
(# prohibiting landfills from accepting leaves$ brush$ and grass clippings
(% that leaves$ brush$ and grass clippings cannot be accepted in landfills
(& that landfills cannot accept leaves$ brush$ and grass clippings
937. With a total population of less than t"o hundred and fe"er breeding females than
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ever before$ the American crocodile seemed a decade ago to be in danger of
(A of less than t"o hundred and fe"er
(! lo"er than t"o hundred and less
(# lesser than t"o hundred and fe"er
(% fe"er than t"o hundred and less
(& of fe"er than t"o hundred and of fe"er
938. With diamonds$ as "ith all gems$ one should ask for a "ritten description of one3s
purchaseD the description may prove useful later if you have reason to believe the
5e"eler misled you.
(A one should ask for a "ritten description of one3s purchase
(! you should ask for a "ritten description of your purchase
(# a "ritten discretion of your purchase is "hat one should ask for
(% a "ritten description of one3s purchase is "hat should be asked for
(& a "ritten description of your purchase is "hat should be asked for
939. With its abundance of noun inflections$ Icelandic is one of several -ermanic
languages that is compact "hen "ritten but can lengthen considerably "hen
translated into &nglish.
(A is compact "hen "ritten but can lengthen considerably "hen translated into
(! are compact "hen they are "ritten$ but they can lengthen considerably "hen
they are translated in &nglish
(# is compact "hen "ritten but can lengthen considerably "hen being translated
into &nglish
(% are compact "hen "ritten but can lengthen considerably in &nglish
(& is compact "hen it is "ritten but can lengthen considerably "hen translated in
940. With its plan to develop seven and a half acres of shore land$ #leveland is but one
of a large number of communities on the -reat .akes that is looking to its
"aterfront as a "ay to improve the 4uality of urban life and attract ne"
(A is looking to its "aterfront as a "ay to improve the 4uality of urban life and
(! is looking at its "aterfront to improve the 4uality of urban life and attract
(# are looking to their "aterfronts to improve the 4uality of urban life and attract
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(% are looking to its "aterfront as a "ay of improving the 4uality of urban life
and attracting
(& are looking at their "aterfronts as a "ay they can improve the 4uality of
urban life and attract
941. With 5ust several 4uick strokes of the pen$ the monkeys "ere dra"n by the artist$
capturing their antics.
(A the monkeys "ere dra"n by the artist$ capturing their antics
(! the artist sketched the monkeys$ capturing their antics
(# the artist captured the antics of the monkeys$ sketching them
(% the artist sketched the monkeys and also capturing their antics
(& the monkeys and heir antics "ere sketched by the artist
942. With only 9 percent of the "orld3s population$ +nited ,tates citi7ens consume *0
percent of its nonrene"able resources$ drive more than one-third of its
automobiles$ and use *' times more "ater per capita than &uropeans do.
(A With
(! As
(# !eing
(% %espite having
(& Although accounting for
943. With total sales of less than three hundred thousand dollars and fe"er ne"
subscribers than last year$ the Ne" &ngland <heatre #ompany is in danger of
losing its building.
(A of less than three hundred thousand dollars and fe"er
(! lo"er than three hundred thousand dollars and less
(# lesser than three hundred thousand dollars and fe"er
(% fe"er than three hundred thousand dollars and less
(& of fe"er than three hundred thousand dollars and of fe"er
944. Within the boundaries of artistic rivalry lies a sense of family> the shared genetic
inheritance$ or accident$ that enables musicians to make music.
(A Within the boundaries of artistic rivalry lies a sense of family
(! Within the boundaries of artistic rivalry lays a sense of family
(# A sense of family lies inside of the boundaries of artistic rivalry
(% A family sense lies "ithin artistic rivalry3s boundaries
(& Within artistic rivalry3s boundaries lays a family sense
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
945. Without hearing a "ord of "hat is being said or shouted$ an e;perienced trader on
the floor of the stock e;change can listen to the hum of voices around them and
tell "hat is happening.
(A Without hearing a "ord of "hat is being said or shouted$ an e;perienced
(! Without hearing a "ord of "hat is being said or shouted$ e;perienced traders
(# &ven though the person has not heard a "ord of "hat is being said or shouted$
an e;perienced trader
(% &ven "hen the person has not heard a "ord that is being said or shouted$
e;perienced traders
(& In spite of not hearing a "ord of "hat is being said or shouted$ an e;perienced
946. Wynton and !ranford 6arsalis$ brothers "ho have fused the comple; rhythms of
contemporary 5a77 "ith the rollicking musical legacy of their hometo"n$ are
fitting symbols of the Ne" Frleans 5a77 revival.
(A Wynton and !ranford 6arsalis$ brothers "ho have fused the comple;
rhythms of contemporary 5a77 "ith the rollicking musical legacy of their
hometo"n$ are fitting symbols of the Ne" Frleans 5a77 revival.
(! Wynton and !ranford 6arsalis are brothers$ have fused the comple; rhythms
of contemporary 5a77 "ith the rollicking musical legacy of their hometo"n$
and are fitting symbols of the Ne" Frleans 5a77 revival.
(# <he 6arsalis brothers$ Wynton and !ranford$ have fused the comple;
rhythms of contemporary 5a77 "ith the rollicking musical legacy of their
hometo"n$ "hich is a fitting symbol of the Ne" Frleans 5a77 revival.
(% Gusing the rhythms of contemporary 5a77$ "hich are comple;$ "ith the
rollicking musical legacy of their hometo"n$ Wynton and !ranford 6arsalis
are a fitting symbol of the Ne" Frleans 5a77 revival.
(& A fitting symbol of the Ne" Frleans 5a77 revival are brothers Wynton and
!ranford 6arsalis$ "ho fuse the comple; rhythms of contemporary 5a77
"ith the rollicking musical legacy of their hometo"n.
947. =oung female ballet dancers and gymnasts sometimes fail to maintain good
eating habits caused by the desire to be as thin as possible.
(A =oung female ballet dancers and gymnasts sometimes fail to maintain good
eating habits caused by the desire to be as thin as possible.
(! -ood eating habits sometimes fail to be maintained by young female ballet
dancers and gymnasts caused by desiring to be as thin as possible.
(# !ecause they desire to be as thin as possible$ good eating habits are
sometimes not maintained by young female ballet dancers and gymnasts.
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(% !ecause they desire to be as thin as possible$ young female ballet dancers and
gymnasts sometimes fail to maintain good eating habits.
(& =oung female ballet dancers and gymnasts sometimes fail to maintain good
eating habits because they desire to be as thin as possible.
948. A discussion of our nation3s foreign policy must begin "ith the fact of there being
an independent Western &urope "hich no" thinks of itself in trans-nationalist
(A A discussion of our nation3s foreign policy must begin "ith the fact of there
(! !eginning any discussion of our nation3s foreign policy must be the fact of
there being
(# Any discussion of our nation3s foreign policy must begin "ith the fact that
there is
(% Any discussion of our nation3s foreign policy must begin by ackno"ledging
the e;istence of
(& <o begin discussing our nation3s foreign policy thee must be an
ackno"ledgment of the fact that
949. A large and increasingly influential sector of publishing$ *2 percent of all the
National and American !ook a"ards since '(92 have gone to university-press
(A A large and increasingly influential sector of publishing$ *2 percent of all the
National and American !ook a"ards since '(92 have gone to university-
press books.
(! A large and increasingly influential sector of publishing$ university-press
books have "on *2 percent of all the National and American !ook a"ards
since '(92.
(# Increasingly influential as a large sector of publishing$ *2 percent of all the
National and American !ook a"ards since '(92 have gone to university-
press books.
(% ,ince '(92$ a large and increasingly influential sector of publishing$ *2
percent of all the National and American !ook a"ards have gone to
university-press books.
(& ,ince '(92$ university-press books$ a large and increasingly influential sector
of publishing$ "on *2 percent of all the National and American !ook a"ards
from then on.
950. A private house in Ne" =ork #ity is a building o"ned by an individual or
individuals having less than eight units and no commercial space.
(A a building o"ned by an individual or individuals having less than eight units
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
and no commercial space
(! one that an individual or individuals o"n "ith fe"er than eight units and no
commercial space
(# a building "ith fe"er than eight units$ no commercial space$ and is o"ned by
an individual or individuals
(% one that has fe"er than eight units$ no commercial space and it is o"ned by
an individual or individuals
(& one that has fe"er than eight units$ is o"ned by an individual or individuals$
and has no commercial space
951. A substance from the licorice plant$ 92 times s"eeter than sucrose$ "as recently
discovered$ is not only a natural s"eetener but also prevents tooth decay.
(A A substance from the licorice plant$ 92 times s"eeter than sucrose$ "as
recently discovered
(! A substance$ "hich "as recently discovered$ from the licorice plant$ 92 times
s"eeter than sucrose$
(# A substance from the licorice plant$ "hich "as recently discovered to be 92
times s"eeter than sucrose$
(% A substance from the licorice plant$ 92 times s"eeter than sucrose $ "hich
"as recently discovered$
(& A recently discovered substance$ 92 times s"eeter than sucrose from the
licorice plant$
952. After more than four decades of research and development$ a ne" type of 5et
engine is being tested that could eventually propel aircraft any"here in the "orld
"ithin t"o hours or help boost cargoes into space at significantly lo"er costs than
current methods permit.
(A tested that could eventually propel aircraft any"here in the "orld "ithin t"o
or help
(! tested that could eventually have the capability of propelling aircraft
any"here in the "orld "ithin t"o hours or to help
(# tested$ eventually able to propel aircraft any"here in the "orld "ithin t"o
hours$ or helping
(% tested$ and it eventually could propel aircraft any"here in the "orld "ithin
t"o hours$ or helping
(& tested$ and it could eventually have the capability to propel aircraft any"here
in the "orld "ithin t"o hours or help
953. Although no proof yet e;ists of electromagnetic fields generated by household
appliances posing any health threat$ mounting scientific evidence has convinced
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
many e;perts that there is cause for concern.
(A of electromagnetic fields generated by household appliances posing any
health threat
(! of electromagnetic fields generated by household appliances that pose any
threat to health
(# that electromagnetic fields generated by household appliances pose any threat
to health
(% that poses any threat to health from electromagnetic fields generated by
household appliances
(& for any health threat posed by electromagnetic fields generated by household
954. Art historians are using a process kno"n as infrared scanning in analy7ing the
6ona .isa to determine if it has been altered since completion and if .eonardo da
?inci first sketched the figure in black$ as done by many artists of the time.
(A if it has been altered since completion and if .eonardo da ?inci first sketched
the figure in black$ as done
(! if it had been altered since completion and if .eonardo da ?inci first sketched
the figure in black$ a practice employed
(# "hether it has been altered since completion and "hether .eonardo da ?inci
first sketched the figure in black$ a practice employed
(% "hether it "as altered since completion and "hether .eonardo da ?inci first
sketched the figure in black$ as "as done
(& "hether it had been altered since completion and "hether .eonardo da ?inci
first sketched the figure in black$ a practice done
955. Asset allocators create portfolios$ often in the form of mutual funds$ "ith the
intention to turn in good results in both bull and bear markets.
(A "ith the intention
(! the intention of "hich is
(# intended
(% and intending
(& so intended as
956. !aker "as perhaps not the most gifted soloist in the orchestra$ but the conductor
felt "hat "as lacking in his technical skill "as more than made up by the passion
"ith "hich he played the music.
(A "hat "as lacking in his technical skill "as more than made up by
(! "hat he lacked in technical skill "as more than made up by
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(# "hatever "as lacking in his technical skill "as more than made up by
(% "hatever he lacked in technical skill "as more than made up for by
(& "hatever he lacked in technical skill he more than made up by
957. !y la"$ a 4ualified physician can only prescribe medicine$ protecting the public.
(A !y la"$ a 4ualified physician can only prescribe medicine$ protecting the
(! !y la"$ only a 4ualified physician can prescribe medicine$ protecting the
(# !y la"$ only a 4ualified physician can prescribe medicine "hich protects the
(% In order to protect the public$ by la" a 4ualified physician only can prescribe
(& In order to protect the public$ by la" only a 4ualified physician can prescribe
958. #artographers have long struggled "ith the problem of having the spherical &arth
to dra" on a flat sheet of paper.
(A having the spherical &arth to dra" on a flat sheet of paper
(! having a flat sheet of paper on "hich to dra" the spherical &arth
(# ho" can one dra" the spherical &arth on a flat sheet of paper
(% ho" they could use a flat sheet of paper to dra" the spherical &arth
(& ho" to dra" the spherical &arth on a flat sheet of paper
959. #hild care already a solid part of the employee benefits package at many
companies$ more businesses are focusing on a ne"er family benefit kno"n as
elder care$ servicing for older dependents.
(A #hild care
(! With child care
(# #hild care as
(% !eing the #hild care "as
(& With child care3s being
960. #onstance Corner$ chief of the +nited ,tates government3s personnel agency$ has
recommended that the use of any dangerous or illegal drug in the five years prior
to application for a 5ob be grounds for not hiring an applicant.
(A the use of any dangerous or illegal drug in the five years prior to application
for a 5ob be grounds for not hiring an applicant
(! any dangerous or illegal drug$ if used in the five years prior to applying for a
5ob$ should be grounds for not hiring an applicant
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(# an applicant3s use of any dangerous or illegal drug in the five years prior to
application for a 5ob be grounds not to hire them
(% an applicant3s use of any dangerous or illegal drug in the five years prior to
applying for a 5ob are grounds that they not be hired
(& for five years prior to applying for a 5ob$ an applicant3s use of any dangerous
or illegal drug be grounds for not hiring them
961. #onsumer confidence levels$ "hich many economists consider an early indication
of the economy3s direction$ sagged as the stock market tumbled$ but not
dramatically enough for giving a clear picture of ne" spending patterns.
(A tumbled$ but not dramatically enough for giving
(! tumbled$ but not dramatically enough to give
(# tumbled$ and not so dramatically as to have given
(% has tumbled$ and not dramatically enough to give
(& has tumbled$ but not so dramatically as to give
962. #ontrary to the scholarly "isdom of the '(923s and early '(823s that predicted
the processes of moderni7ation and rationali7ation "ould gradually undermine it$
ethnicity is a "orld"ide phenomenon of increasing importance.
(A "ould gradually undermine it
(! to be a gradual undermining of it
(# "ould be a gradual undermining of ethnicity
(% to gradually undermine ethnicity
(& gradually undermining it
963. Gor people "ho have never "orked for a living$ any 5ob may instill a valuable
sense of self-"orth and open doors to better 5obs in the future.
(A may instill a valuable sense of self-"orth and open doors to better 5obs in the
(! might instill for them a valuable sense of self- "orth and to open doors to
better 5obs in the future
(# may$ in them$ instill a valuable sense of self-"orth$ opening their doors to
better 5obs in the future
(% opening the door later for a better 5ob and giving them a valuable sense of
self-"orth no"
(& may open the door for a better 5ob later and giving them a valuable sense no"
of their self-"orth
964. In a leveraged buyout$ investors borro" huge sums of money to buy companies$
hoping to pay off the debt by using the company3s earnings and to profit richly by
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
the later resale of the companies or their divisions.
(A by using the company3s earnings and to profit
(! by using the companies3 earnings and by profiting
(# using the companies3 earnings and profiting
(% "ith the company3s earnings$ profiting
(& "ith the companies3 earnings and to profit
965. In many upper-class &gyptian homes$ Grench "as spoken "ithin the family$ 5ust
as it had once been among the Bussian aristocracy.
(A 5ust as it had once been among the Bussian aristocracy
(! 5ust like it once been among the Bussian aristocracy
(# 5ust as Bussian aristocracy had once done
(% similar to "hat the Bussian aristocracy had once done
(& like "hat had once been done by the Bussian aristocracy
966. In repousse$ a method of sculpture$ "orkers lay copper sheets over "ooden
molds$ and then$ using a variety of e;otic hammers$ carefully pounding the metal
into shape.
(A In repousse$ a method of sculpture$ "orkers lay copper sheets over "ooden
molds$ and then$ using a variety of e;otic hammers$ carefully pounding the
metal into shape.
(! Bepousse is method of sculpture in "hich "orkers lay copper sheets over
"ooden molds and then$ using a variety of e;otic hammers$ carefully pound
the metal into shape.
(# Bepousse "orkers$ "ho do a method of sculpture by laying copper sheets
over "ooden molds$ use a variety of e;otic hammers$ and then pounding the
metal into shape.
(% Workers "ho lay copper sheets over "ooden molds use a variety of e;otic
hammers and carefully pound the metal into shape in order to do repousse$ a
method of sculpture.
(& .aying copper sheets over "ooden molds$ and using a variety of e;otic
hammers in order to pound the metal into shape$ repousse is a method of
sculpture done by "orkers.
967. In the late nineteenth century Annie !esant "as "idely regarded as one of the
greatest living public orators$ second only to -ladstone in a culture "here oratory
"as the dominant public medium.
(A as one of the greatest living public orators$ second only
(! to be one of the greatest living public orators$ secondary only
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(# that she "as one of the greatest living public orators$ secondary only
(% as being one of the greater living public orators she "as only second
(& to be greater than most other living public orators$ and she "as second only
968. Interest rates on mortgages have declined steadily during the first si; months of
this year but virtually remained unchanged during the ne;t three months.
(A have declined steadily during the first si; months of this year but virtually
remained unchanged
(! declined steadily during the first si; months of this year but virtually remain
(# steadily declined during the first si; months of this year but remain virtually
(% declined steadily during the first si; months of this but have remained
virtually unchanging3
(& declined steadily during the first si; months of this year but have remained
virtually unchanged
969. .eaching$ the recovery of copper from the drainage "ater of mines$ as a method
of the e;traction of minerals$ it "as "ell established as early as the eighteenth
century$ but until about *9 years ago miners did not reali7e that bacteria taken an
active part in the process.
(A as a method of the e;traction of minerals$ it "as "ell established
(! as a method of the e;traction of minerals "ell established
(# "as a "ell-established method of mineral e;traction
(% "as a "ell-established method of e;tracting mineral that "as
(& had been a method of mineral e;traction$ "ell established
970. .incoln$ discovering in young manhood the secret that the =ankee peddler has
learned before him$ kne" ho" to use a good story to generate good "ill.
(A .incoln$ discovering in young manhood the secret that the =ankee peddler
has learned before him$ kne"
(! %iscovering in young manhood the secret that the =ankee peddler has learned
before him$ .incoln kne"
(# .incoln$ discovering the secret that the =ankee peddler had learned in young
manhood before him$ kne"
(% In young manhood .incoln discovered the secret that the =ankee peddler had
learned before himD
(& .incoln$ discovered in young manhood the secret that the =ankee peddler had
learned before him$ kne"
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
971. 6any economists predict that the ne;t recession$ "hen it comes$ "ill be caused
by Gederal Beserve action taken to prevent an inflationary upsurge that "ould
result if the economy "ere to e;pand at an annual rate of three percent or more.
(A taken to prevent an inflationary upsurge that "ould result
(! they took for preventing an inflationary upsurge that "ould result
(# taken to prevent an inflationary upsurge resulting
(% they took to prevent an inflationary upsurge resulting
(& taken for preventing an inflationary upsurge that "ill result
972. 6any environmentalists believe that the "idespread planting of trees$ along "ith
the conservation of e;isting forests$ "ould be one of the surest$ easiest$ and least
e;pensive "ays to begin to halt or even to reverse the buildup of carbon dio;ide
in the air.
(A one of the surest$ easiest$ and least e;pensive "ays to begin to halt or even to
(! one of the most sure$ easy$ and least e;pensive "ays to begin a halt or even
(# one of the surest$ easiest$ and least e;pensive "ays that "ould begin halting
or even reversing
(% a most sure$ easy$ and ine;pensive "ay beginning the halting and even
reversing of
(& the most sure$ easiest$ and ine;pensive "ay that "ould begin halting or even
973. No matter ho" patiently they e;plain their reasons for confiscating certain items$
travelers often treat customs inspectors like "anton poachers rather than
government employees.
(A travelers often treat customs inspectors like "anton poachers rather than
government employees
(! travelers often treat customs inspectors as "anton poachers instead of
government employees
(# travelers often treat customs inspectors as if they "ere not government
employees but "anton poachers
(% customs inspectors are often treated by travelers as if they "ere "anton
poachers rather than government employees
(& customs inspectors are often treated not like government employees but
"anton poachers by travelers
974. Fne noted economist has made a comparison of the Gederal Beserve and an
automobile as racing through a tunnel$ bouncing first off one "all$ then the other>
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
the car may get "here it is going$ but people may be hurt in the process.
(A made a comparison of the Gederal Beserve and an automobile as racing
through a tunnel$ bouncing
(! made a comparison bet"een the Gederal Beserve and an automobile racing
through a tunnel$ bouncing
(# compared the federal Beserve "ith an automobile as racing through a tunnel
and "hich bounced
(% compared the Gederal Beserve to an automobile racing through a tunnel$
(& compared the Gederal Beserve "ith an automobile that races through a tunnel
and it bounces
975. 1uritan fanatics brought to civil and military affairs a coolness of 5udgment and
mutability of purpose that some "riters have though inconsistent "ith their
religious 7eal$ but "hich "as in fact a natural outgro"th of it.
(A but "hich "as in fact a natural outgro"th of it
(! but "hich "ere in fact a natural outgro"th of it
(# but "hich "ere in fact natural outgro"ths of it
(% but it "as in fact a natural outgro"th of them
(& "hich "as in fact a natural outgro"th of it
976. ,eeking to spur science education$ elementary and secondary schools "ill receive
I*9 million over the ne;t ten years from the National ,cience Goundation to
promote science.
(A elementary and secondary schools "ill receive I*9 million over the ne;t ten
years from the National ,cience Goundation to promote science
(! I*9 million "ill be spent by the National ,cience Goundation over the ne;t
ten years to promote science in elementary and secondary schools
(# over the ne;t ten years I*9 million "ill be spent on elementary and secondary
schools by the National ,cience Goundation for promoting science
(% the National ,cience Goundation is to spend I*9 million over the ne;t ten
years for promoting science in elementary and secondary schools
(& the National ,cience Goundation "ill spend I*9 million over the ne;t ten
years to promote science in elementary and secondary schools
977. ,ome archaeologists claim that the tablets found at &bla could force a revision of
current theories on the origins of Audaism and #hristianity$ alter many scriptural
interpretations$ make all current !ible translations obsolete$ and scholars may be
re4uired to credit the Fld <estament "ith greater historical accuracy.
(A scholars may be re4uired to credit the Fld <estament "ith greater historical
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
(! crediting the Fld <estament "ith greater historical accuracy may be re4uired
of scholars
(# re4uire that scholars are to credit the Fld <estament "ith greater historical
(% crediting the Fld <estament "ith greater historical accuracy may be a
scholarly re4uirement
(& re4uire scholars to credit the Fld <estament "ith greater historical accuracy
978. <ektites$ "hich may have been propelled to &arth from lunar volcanoes$ are much
like the volcanic glass obsidian$ but their chemical composition is different than
any terrestrial lavaD they contain far less "ater than obsidian does and none of its
characteristic microcrystals.
(A is different than any terrestrial lavaD they contain
(! is different than any terrestrial lava3s$ containing
(# is different from that of any terrestrial lavaD they contain
(% differs from any terrestrial lava in containing
(& differs from that of any terrestrial lava3s$ containing
979. <he failing of the book lies not in a lack of attention to scientific detail but in the
depiction of scenes of life and death in the marine "orld "ith emotional
overtones that reduce the credibility of the "ork.
(A the depiction of scenes of life and death in the marine "orld "ith emotional
overtones that
(! fact that it depicts marine "orld scenes of life and death as having emotional
overtones that
(# depiction of scenes of life and death in the marine "orld$ "hose emotional
(% depiction of marine "orld scenes of life and death$ "hich have emotional
overtones and thus
(& fact that if depicts scenes of life and death in the marine "orld$ "hose
emotional overtones
980. <he Immigration ,ervice no" has the discretionary po"er to keep families united
even though all their members do not meet the five-year residency re4uirement.
(A all their members do not meet the five-year residency re4uirement
(! not all their members meet the five-year residency re4uirement
(# all their members have not met the re4uirement for a five-year residency
(% not all their members have resided for five years$ a re4uirement
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(& all their members have not resided for five years$ as re4uired
981. <he .ake 6anyara 1ark in <an7ania affords the visitor "ith une4ualled
opportunities to photograph lions playing in trees "ithout the aid of telephoto
(A <he .ake 6anyara 1ark in <an7ania affords the visitor "ith une4ualled
opportunities to photograph lions playing in trees "ithout the aid of
telephoto lenses.
(! <he .ake 6anyara 1ark in <an7ania permits the visitor une4ualled
opportunities to photograph lions playing in trees "ithout the aid of
telephoto lenses.
(# <he .ake 6anyara 1ark in <an7ania gives the visitor the une4ualled
opportunity to photograph lions playing in trees "ithout telephoto lenses.
(% <he visitor to the .ake 6anyara 1ark in <an7ania has the une4ualled
opportunity to photograph lions playing in trees "ithout the aid of telephoto
(& &ven "ithout the aid of telephoto lenses$ the visitor to <an7ania3s .ake
6anyara 1ark has an une4ualled opportunity to photograph lions playing in
982. <he rise in the price of crabmeat and an increase in demand has convinced some
Gloridians they should try to harvest and sell a species of large crab that lives
deep in the "aters of the -ulf of 6e;ico.
(A has convinced some Gloridians they should try to harvest and sell a species of
large crab
(! has convinced some Gloridians to try harvesting and selling a large crab
(# has convinced some Gloridians that they should try the harvest and sale of a
large crab species
(% have convinced some Gloridians to try to harvest and sell a species of large
(& have convinced some Gloridians to try and harvest and sell a large crab
983. <he skill and the precision of the Anasa7i$ ancient inhabitants of the ,outh"est$ in
measuring the movements of the ,un and 6oon is evidenced not only at #haco
#anyon but at a number of other sites.
(A in measuring the movements of the ,un and 6oon is evidenced not only at
(! in measuring the movements of the ,un and 6oon are evidenced not only at
(# in measuring the movements of the ,un and 6oon is evidenced at not only
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(% to measure the movements of the ,un and 6oon is evidenced at not only
(& to measure the movements of the ,un and 6oon are evidenced not only at
984. <here is ample evidence$ derived from the lore of traditional folk medicine$ that
naturally occurring antibiotics are usually able to be modified to make them a
more effective drug.
(A are usually able to be modified to make them a more effective drug
(! are usually able to be modified to make them more effective drugs
(# are usually able to be modified$ "hich makes them more effective drug
(% can usually be modified to make them a more effective drug
(& can usually be modified to make them more effective drugs
985. <hose "ho have visited the -rand #anyon have typically seen layers of sediment
in the gaping canyon$ "ith different colors that mark the passage of time like the
rings in a tree trunk.
(A seen layers of sediment in the gaping canyon$ "ith different colors that mark
(! see layers of sediment in the gaping canyon$ "hose different colors mark
(# been seeing layers of sediment in the gaping canyon$ "hose different colors
are markers of
(% been able to see layers of sediment in the gaping canyon$ "ith different colors
(& seen layers of sediment in the gaping canyon$ marking by different colors
986. <urkey3s economy has gro"n prodigiously over the past ten years$ averaging an
annual increase each year that is about eight percentHone of the highest gro"th
rates in the "orld.
(A averaging an annual increase each year that is about eight percent
(! "ith an annual average each year "hich is about eight percent
(# eight percent is "hat it averages out to each year
(% "ith an average annual increase of about eight percent
(& the average of the annual increase each year is about eight percent
987. With cloning technology$ scientists are approaching "hat has long been the
ultimate goal of modern husbandry> achieving a consistency of 4uality and
production in farm animals as once thought to be limited to manufactured goods.
(A achieving a consistency of 4uality and production in farm animals as once
thought to be
(! achieving farm animals "ith a consistency of 4uality and production as "ere
once thought of as
(# achieving in farm animals a consistency of 4uality and production that "as
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
once thought to be
(% achievement of farm animals "hose consistency of 4uality and production are
the same as "hat "ere once thought to he
(& achievement of farm animals at a consistency of 4uality and production once
thought of as
988. Tom Bradley was mayor of Los Angeles from 1973 to 1993, an
era when the city had transformed from a collection of
suburban neighborhoods to the secondlargest city in the
!nited "tates.
#A$ an era when the city had transformed
#B$ an era during which the city was transformed
#%$ an era that transformed it
#&$ during which era the city transformed
#'$ during which the city was transformed
989. The results of the com(any)s costcutting measures are e*ident
in its (ro+ts, which increased +*e (ercent during the +rst three
months of this year after it fell o*er the last two years.
#A$ which increased +*e (ercent during the +rst three months of this
year after it fell
#B$ which had increased +*e (ercent during the +rst three months of
this year after it had fallen
#%$ which ha*e increased +*e (ercent during the +rst three months
of this year after falling
#&$ with a +*e (ercent increase during the +rst three months of this
year after falling
#'$ with a +*e (ercent increase during the +rst three months of this
year after ha*ing fallen
99, -art of the (ro(osed increase in state education s(ending is due
to higher enrollment, since the number of students in (ublic
schools ha*e grown steadily since the mid198,)s and, at nearly
.7 million, are at a record high.
#A$ enrollment, since the number of students in (ublic schools ha*e
grown steadily since the mid198,)s and, at nearly .7 million,
are at
#B$ enrollment, with a number of students in (ublic schools growing
steadily since the mid198,)s and, at nearly .7 million, reaching
#%$ enrollment/ since students in (ublic schools ha*e grown steadily
in number since the mid198,)s and, at nearly .7 million, ha*e
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
#&$ enrollment/ the number of student in (ublic schools has grown
steadily since the mid198,)s and, at nearly .7 million, has
#'$ enrollment/ students in (ublic schools ha*e grown steadily in
number, since the mid198,)s and, at nearly .7 million, are at
991. 0i*ien Thomas, who had no formal medical training, in
struggling against o*erwhelming odds, he became a cardiac
surgeon and e*entually to recei*e an honorary doctorate from 1ohns
2o(3ins !ni*ersity.
A$ who had no formal medical training, in struggling against
o*erwhelming odds, he became
B$ ha*ing had no formal medical training, in struggling against
o*erwhelming odds to become
%$ who, ha*ing no formal medical training, he struggled against
o*erwhelming odds in becoming
&$ who, ha*ing had no formal medical training and struggled
against o*erwhelming odds, became
'$ who had no formal medical training, struggled against
o*erwhelming odds to become
994. The yield of natural gas from 5orway)s Troil gas +eld is
e6(ected to increase annually until the year 4,,7 and then to
stabili8e at si6 billion cubic feet a day, which will allow such an
e6traction rate at least for 7, years) (roduction.
A$ 4,,7 and then to stabili8e at si6 billion cubic feet a day, which
will allow such an e6traction rate at least for
B$ 4,,7 and then to stabili8e at si6 billion cubic feet a day, an
e6traction rate that will allow at least
%$ 4,,7 and then stabili8ing at si6 billion cubic feet a day, with such
an e6traction rate at the least allowing
&$ 4,,7, then stabili8ing at si6 billion cubic feet a day, allowing such
an e6traction rate for at least
'$ 4,,7, then stabili8ing at si6 billion cubic feet a day, which will
allow such an e6traction rate for at least
993 9n archaeology, there must be a balance between e6(lanation of
the *alue and wor3ings of archaeology, re*ealing the mysteries of
(ast and (resent cultures, and to (romote res(ect for archaeological
A$ between e6(lanation of the *alue and wor3ings of archaeology,
re*ealing the mysteries of (ast and (resent cultures, and to
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
B$ among e6(laining the *alue and wor3ings of archaeology,
re*ealing the mysteries of (ast and (resent cultures, and (romoting
%$ between e6(laining the *alue and wor3ings of archaeology,
re*ealing the mysteries of (ast and (resent cultures, and when
&$ among e6(laining the *alue and wor3ings of archaeology, the
re*elation of the mysteries of (ast and (resent cultures, and to
'$ between e6(laining archaeology)s *alue and wor3ings, in the
re*ealing the mysteries of (ast and (resent cultures, and in
99.. According to a 199: sur*ey by the 5ational Association of
%ollege an !ni*ersity Business ;<cers, more than three times as
many inde(endent institutions of higher education charge tuition
and fees of under =8,,,, a year than those that charge o*er
A$ than those that charge
B$ than are charging
%$ than to charge
&$ as charge
'$ as those charging
997. 5obody 3nows e6actly how many languages there are in the
world, (artly because of the di<culty #of> $ distinguishing between a
language and the sublanguages or dialects within it, but those who
ha*e tried to count ty(ically ha*e found about +*e thousand.
A$ and the sublanguages or dialects within it, but those who ha*e
tried to count ty(ically ha*e found
B$ and the sublanguages or dialects within them, with those who
ha*e tried counting ty(ically +nding
%$ and the sublanguages or dialects within it, but those who ha*e
tried counting it ty(ically +nd
&$ or the sublanguages or dialects within them, but those who tried
to count them ty(ically found
'$ or the sublanguages or dialects within them, with those who
ha*e tried to count ty(ically +nding
99:. !nli3e most se*erance (ac3ages, which re?uire wor3ers to stay
until the last day scheduled to collect, wor3ers at the automobile
com(any are eligible for its se*erance (ac3age e*en if they +nd a
new @ob before they are terminated.
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
A$ the last day scheduled to collect, wor3ers at the automobile
com(any are eligible for its se*erance (ac3age
B$ the last day they are scheduled to collect, wor3ers are eligible for
it at the automobile com(any)s se*erance (ac3age
%$ their last scheduled day to collect, the automobile com(any
oAers its se*erance (ac3age to wor3ers.
&$ their last scheduled day in order to collect, the automobile
com(any)s se*erance (ac3age is a*ailable to wor3ers.
'$ the last day that they are scheduled to collect, the automobile
com(any)s se*erance (ac3age is a*ailable to wor3ers.
997 "tudying the fruit By, a household nuisance but a timehonored
e6(erimental sub@ect, has enabled the secrets of how embryos
de*elo( to begin to be unra*eled by scientists.
A$ "tudying the fruit By, a household nuisance but a timehonored
e6(erimental sub@ect, has enabled the secrets of how embryos
de*elo( to begin to be unra*eled by scientists.
B$ By the study of the fruit By, a household nuisance and also a
timehonored e6(erimental sub@ect, it was (ossible for the secrets of
how embryos de*elo( to begin to be unra*eled by scientists.
%$ By studying a household nuisance but a timehonored
e6(erimental sub@ect, the fruit By enabled scientist to begin to
unra*el the secrets of how embryos de*elo(.
&$ By studying the fruit By, a household nuisance and also a time
honored e6(erimental sub@ect, the secrets of how embryos de*elo(
are beginning to be unra*eled by scientist.
'$ The study of the fruit By, a household nuisance but a time
honored e6(erimental sub@ect, has enabled scientist to begin to
unra*el the secrets of how embryos de*elo(.
998/ The 9ndustrial Ce*olution, ma3ing it (ossible to mass(roduce
manufactured goods, was mar3ed by their use of new machines,
new energy sources, and new basic materials.
A$ ma3ing it (ossible to mass(roduce manufactured goods, was
mar3ed by their use of
B$ ma3ing (ossible the mass (roduction of manufactured goods,
mar3ed by the use of
%$ which made it (ossible that manufactured goods were mass
(roduced, was mar3ed by their using
&$ which made (ossible the mass(roduction of manufactured
goods, was mar3ed by the use of
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1000 Real GMAT Sentence Correction Questions
'$ which made the mass (roduction of manufactured goods (ossible
and was mar3ed by using
999. 9n 1anuary 199. an oil barge ran aground oA the coast of "an
1uan, -uerto Cico, lea3ing its cargo of 77,,,, gallons into the ocean,
while causing the (ollution of the city)s beaches.
A$ lea3ing its cargo of 77,,,, gallons into the ocean, while causing
the (ollution of
B$ with its cargo of its cargo of 77,,,, gallons lea3ing into the
ocean, and it (olluted
%$ and its cargo of its cargo of 77,,,, gallons lea3ed into the ocean,
&$ while it lea3ed its cargo of 77,,,, gallons into the ocean and
caused the (ollution of
'$ so that its cargo of 77,,,, gallons lea3ed into the ocean, and
they were (olluting
1,,,. 1a(an)s abundant rainfall and the ty(ically mild tem(erature
throughout most of the country ha*e (roduced a lush *egetation
co*er and, des(ite the mountainous terrain and generally (oor soils,
it has made (ossible the raising of a *ariety of cro(s.
A$ it has made (ossible the raising of
B$ has made (ossible fro them to raise
%$ ha*e made it (ossible to raise
&$ ha*e made it (ossible for raising
'$ thus ma3ing it (ossible for them to raise
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