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David Blaine


A reader asks about this American magician from Brooklyn, New York saying it's not realistic to believe
everything Blaine does is sleight of hand or illusion. It's been said Blaine has "Alien" DNA. The
Committee offers more information and about his purpose. For the as-of-yet uninformed, Wikipedia will
tell about Mr. Blaine.

Q: Members of The Committee, is David Blaine using extraterrestrial DNA to enable the performances of
his tricks, stunts, feats of endurance and magic?
C: Yes, however we do say, all humans have alien or extraterrestrial DNA as it is defined. The idea such
genetic code is responsible for these feats or tricks, otherwise blocking humans in general from similar
acts, is not accurate. This person, named David Blaine, displays abilities all of you have. His molecular
structure differs slightly from the normally programmed arrangements in humans, to ease the
manifestation of the ability. This does mean these DNA differences are required, not at all. They simply
mean Blaine has required less effort and thus less distraction, in furtherance of purpose.

Q: What is that purpose?
C: Provide a visual example. As is yours.

Q: Yours? Who, me? The person typing your messages?
C: Of course, another example you supply, in a different way from Blaine.

Q: Expand if you could, on this example Blaine provides.
C: The tricks he appears to perform allow a better or greater expression of true energy, the energy of your
mind. In this we refer to the energy, and thus abilities or powers, all humans have. The biblical stories of
Jesus replacing an ear cut off, statements from him that anyone could do this, are another example. Blaine
focuses more energy, which allows the apparent tricks he performs. These are not tricks, much as human
social habit, custom and understanding creates this way of thinking, this belief. What Blaine does
demonstrates true energy, unleashed from the limitations human existence both imposes and seeks to

Q: What does that mean, "seeks to impose"?
C: Human customs have developed to discard, dismiss and at the minimum, de-emphasize that which has
been collectively decided as strange, unusual and uncommon.

Q: What happens with him, or through him?
C: Much as a lightning rod provides a conduit, the human body can also focus the energy it seeks to
transfer. All actions begin in the brain, the electrical command sent through nerves. The origin is not the
brain, it is the receiver antenna, the nervous system its lines and cables of distribution. The true energy is
your thought, your mind the tool utilized. Blaine focuses this energy more efficiently, and transmits it to
and through the objects he manipulates. Likewise he achieves acts of endurance in the same way, his
mental energy blocks the return energy of fatigue; he is able to energize the muscles required in a way not

Q: He does this through just thought?
C: Of course, as do all of you. Do not all voluntary acts commence with thought?

Q: So if I just "think" hard enough that I want to make something pass through a table top as Blaine does
it, I can? If any of us try, we won't succeed.
C: Beliefs are thoughts, and they are strong. Because you do not believe you are able, you cannot. Until
you believe.

Q: So Blaine was born into this life with the purpose to demonstrate abilities?
C: Yes.

Q: But so many observers will simply dismiss his tricks as that, and go on with their lives after the
entertainment, as they see it, is finished.
C: Some will, most will not. The majority having seen these things, will question how and why; has such
questioning not produced the entry you now prepare? How many will read it and how many will wonder,
or become more convinced, versus less? So you see, Blaine achieves another piece to his purpose.

Q: Why can't everybody just concentrate really hard and then they'll be able to do the same things?
C: They can; do you wish to alter your life's course? You have provided for your life and lessons,
including a questioning of ability, purpose and future. You have already chosen what you shall "know"
when you question yourself, and have asked your Guides and Angels to limit you, for your purpose and
benefit. You can and may choose otherwise, and be like Blaine. If you alter your life's course, you will
lose opportunity already included. Your prefer avoidance of this loss more than a gain in such ability.

Q: So what does Blaine give?
C: Awareness.

Q: Esteemed Committee, thank you,
C: As always, welcome you all are.
Sarah 25/11/2013 9:09am
Thank you Patrick & Committe.

Veronica 26/11/2013 7:27am
Thank you Patrick and The Committee.
I am often reduced to simply "wow" when I read these posts.
The last paragraph, in regard to explain a persons life course, is amazing and so clear. I keep re reading it.
Wow wow wow

Michel 26/11/2013 2:29pm
Thank you for this information, Patrick. Very interesting!

Britta 27/11/2013 4:42pm
This was so very interesting as I've always been fascinated by Blaine. This begs my question about the
common saying that we only use a 10th (or something like that) of our 'brain power'. Would Blaine's use
of his focused abilities/energies be an example of someone using their '100% more or less'? It sounds as if
we all the abilities but our 'power down' lever (our limits due to our choices before incarnating) is what
keeps us at certain 'levels'? Or are we all supposed to be maximizing our abilities/brain powers? Thanks

Patrick 28/11/2013 11:41am
The brain is simply the radio receiver; it is not the source of thought, energy or creation in and by
humans, it is a conduit and tool used to translate, to insert or inject the energy we all have into and
though our bodies.

Blaine operates a little differently. It is a slight operational and structural difference, yet sufficient
to allow him expression of magic and endurance that have gained fame.

We could all do it BUT why? What would 4,000 David Blaine like magicians supply to human

Excellent description there, how we've all powered down our abilities. We have but to fit a purpose
we plan for the environment we occupy. Many of our mental faculties as we possess in Heaven
either don't apply or run counter to our life's purpose.

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