Past Year T1 Bab 2

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Cell as A Unit of Life

1 The diagram shows a plant cell. Which of the structures A, B, C or D maintains the
shape of the plant cell?
PMR 2004
2 The diagram shows a plant cell.
Which of the following structures A, B, C or D controls the activity of the cell?
PMR 2005
3 Which of the following is a multicellular organism?

PMR 2006
" !iagram 1 shows a type of tissue in the human #ody.
!iagram 1
The tissue is
A nerve tissue
B muscle tissue
epithelial tissue
! connective tissue
PMR 2006
$ !iagram 1 shows four types of microorganisms.

!iagram 1
Which of the following are unicellular microorganisms?
A Amoe#a, %aramecium, &pirogyra
B &pirogyra, Amoe#a, hlamydomonas
hlamydomonas, Amoe#a, %aramecium
! %aramecium, &pirogyra, hlamydomonas
PMR 2007
' The following statements a#out an animal cell.
The smallest cell in human #ody
an move #y itself
Which of the following cells is descri#ed #y the statements?
A (vum cell
B &perm cell
)ed #lood cell
! White #lood cell
%*) 2++,
, !iagram 2 shows the classification of organism.

!iagram 2
Which of the following are true a#out - and .?
- .
A /nicellular *ulticellular
B *ulticellular /nicellular
0ave a cilia 0ave no cilia
! 0ave no cilia 0ave a cilia
PMR 2008
1 Which cell #uilds up tissue?
PMR 2008
1 2igure 1 shows cells 3 and 4. (PMR 2004)

ell 3 5 6666666666666.. ell 4 5 6666666666666
2igure 1
7a8 Name ells 3 and 4 in the spaces provided in 2igure 1. 72 mar9s8
7#8 : controls all cell activities. La!el " in 2igure 1. 71 mar98
7c8 Based on the structures ) or & in cell 4, om#lete Ta#le 1.
Name of st$%t%$e &%ntion of st$%t%$e
Ta#le 1
72 mar9s8
:5 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
2 2igure 2 shows a plant cell. (PMR 2005)
2<=/)> 2
2igure 2
7a8 (n 2igure 2, la!el st$%t%$es %, : and ) using the following words5
?ucleus ell wall hloroplast
73 mar9s8
7#8 D$a' lines to show the correct match #etween the structures and their functions.
!raw the lines as shown #elow.
&tructure 2unction
72 mar9s8
)egulates movement of the
su#stances in and out of the cell
%rotects and maintains the shape of
the cell
ontrols all the activities of the cell
arries out photosynthesis
3 !iagram 3 shows four types of cells, @, 3, 4 and * which are found in living organisms.
(PMR 2006)

( )

!iagram 3
7a8 (#serve the cells in !iagram 3.
Based on your o#servations, state one characteristic of each cells @, 3, 4 and *.
@ 5 6666666666666666666666666666666666666
3 5 6666666666666666666666666666666666666
4 5 6666666666666666666666666666666666666
* 5 6666666666666666666666666666666666666
7" mar9s8
7#8 Classif* ells @, 3, 4 and * in diagram #elow into two groups #ased on their common
+$ite t,e lette$s of the cells #elonging to each group.
7" mar9s8
@, 3, 4, *
4etters of the cells
=roup 1
=roup 2
" 7a8 i. !iagram 1 shows some eAamples of the organiBation of cells in the human #ody.
Which of the following is an organ? (PMR 2007)
-i. 7 C 8 in the #oA provided.

!iagram 1
71 mar98
ii. Ci$le the words in the #oA #elow to show two other eAamples of organs.
ovum muscle nose lungs
72 mar9s8
7#8 D$a' lines to match each type of cell with its function.
Cell &%ntion
arries oAygen to all part of the #ody
&ends information in the #ody
!estroys #acteria
<nvolved in reproduction
73 mar9s8
Pa#e$ /
1. ! 2. A 3. ! ". $. B '. ,. A 1.
Pa#e$ 2
1. a. 35 Animal cell
45 %lant cell
#. ?ucleus
Name of st$%t%$e &%ntion of st$%t%$e
)5 cell wall

&5 chloroplast
=ives a cell a fiAed shape
ontains chlorophyll for photosynthesis
2. a. %5 cell wall
:5 chloroplast
)5 nucleus
&tructure 2unction
)egulates movement of the
su#stances in and out of the cell
%rotects and maintains the shape of
the cell
ontrols all the activities of the cell
arries out photosynthesis
3. a. @5 it has no cell wall
35 it has a cell wall
45 it has no cell wall
*5 it has no cell wall
#. =roup 15 0as a cell wall D 3
=roup 25 0as no cell wall D @, 4, *
" 7a8 i.

ii. nose and lungs
Cell &%ntion
arries oAygen to all part of the
&ends information in the #ody
!estroys #acteria
<nvolved in reproduction
73 mar9s8

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