Human Resource Development: Assessor: Kashfiya Afrin, Lecturer, School of Business, BAC

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Assessor: Kashfiya Afrin, Lecturer, School of Business, BAC

Submitted by

Nur-E-Jabin 2013121029
Orbind Bhakta 2013121024
Rosaline Kabir 2011421013
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As being HR Manager of KCCL, we would like to thanks all those who gave us the
possibility to complete this report. At first we thank Almighty Allah. And then our
acknowledgement goes to our honorable CEO Ms. Kashfiya Afrin for her exemplary
guidance, monitoring and constant encouragement throughout the whole training process.
We would also like to acknowledge all the staff of Kohinoor Chemicals Co. Limited
especially Mr. Squadron Leader Aslam Baig (Retd) (Vice President of HRM &
Administration) who gave us possible important information and helped us with the
evaluation methods and techniques in the training session. And lastly we thank our respective
parents, siblings, friends and colleagues to support and help us to successfully complete the
training session.

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Executive Summary
The effectiveness of training sessions planned and conducted by HR department of KCCL is
discussed in this management report. Here, training sessions are evaluated by our group
(Nur-E-J abin, Orbind Bhakta and Rosaline Kabir) as HR Managers of Kohinoor
Chemicals Co. (Bangladesh) Ltd (KCCL). In this process, at first the effectiveness of
training events organized by the company is evaluated using summative type and Kirkpatrick
and ROI models. Then the success of current evaluation methods that are being used (written
test and questionnaires) by KCCL has been reviewed. And at last, CIRO Model, formative
type and Face to Face interview, Direct Observation and Performance Test evaluation
methods are recommended and justified for KCCL training evaluation process.

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Table of Contents:
Contents Page
Organization Profile 4
Evaluation of effectiveness of training events organized by KCCL
(LO 3.1 & 3.2)
The Training Cycle 6
Kirkpatrick Model 9
ROI Model 11
Evaluation methods currently used by KCCL LO 3.3 12

Preparation of suitable evaluation techniques can
be used in order to carry out evaluation for training
events {LO 3.1 & 3.2}

Evaluation methods that are not currently used in
KCCL along with their advantages and limitations.
{LO 3.3}

Reference 20

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Kohinoor Chemicals Co. (Bangladesh) Ltd (KCCL)

Kohinoor Chemicals Company Limited (KCCL) is a public limited company and was
established in the year 1956. It is in the manufacturing and marketing sector of soaps,
cosmetics and toiletries. KCCLs products are mostly known by their prominent brand name
Tibet. It has other brands of products as well such are: sandelina, genstar, bractrol, ice cool,
fair & care, Xpert, heel guard and clean master are equally famed in Bangladesh. KCCL is
the pioneer manufacturer company of the soap, cosmetics and toiletries industries of

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LO 3.1 & 3.2
Evaluation of effectiveness of training events organized by the Kohinoor
Chemicals Co. (Bangladesh) Limited {KCCL}:
As Human Resource Managers of KCCL, the training sessions which are planned and
conducted by the department, are evaluated to determine the actual effectiveness of training
and its support accountability. This evaluation also helps to improve the design of training in
Before taking any further decisions, the previous training sessions will be evaluated to get
proper feedbacks. Evaluation techniques are as follows:
1. Participant Reaction
2. Learning Outcomes
3. Behavior Change
4. Performance Change
5. Cost of training

i. Participant Reaction: At the end of training session, the reactions of the Participants
are taken via feedback form or questionnaires.

ii. Learning Outcomes: As soon as the training session ends, a checklist is prepared and
reviewed on what the trainee Participants have gone through.

iii. Behavior Change: After the training session held, the trainees will resume with their
regular job life. From time to time coordinators is set to supervise and observe the
trainees at work, hence performance are always monitored to figure out if the trainees
are implementing positive knowledges from the training session held previously.
After supervision of a certain period of time, a report is prepared and sent to the
training & development department where these reports are recorded for individual
trainee evaluation and analysis.

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iv. Performance Change: After the training session, participants performance are
measured to evaluate that whether the training program have positively changed their
overall performance or not. To survive in this strong competitive market, it is very
important for KCCL to bring change in their employees performance through
training sessions so that, KCCL can bring innovations and effectiveness from every
v. Cost of Training: It is one of the most important evaluations that KCCL make after
a training session is held. The cost-benefit analysis gives a direction on how to
conduct the next training session. KCCL individually calculates the direct and indirect
cost related to the training program to find out actual benefits of the training.

Evaluation should be taken place:

FIG: The Training Cycle

Identify the
Design the
Deliver the
the Training
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Training Session: To develop the skills of Procurement Specialists of KCCL.
When: On 10
January, 2014.
Evaluation done by: The evaluation done by HR Managers; Nur-E-Jabin, Orbind Bhakta
and Rosaline Kabir.
Reasons behind Evaluation: The main reason of this evaluation is to measure the
effectiveness of training sessions planned and conducted by HR department of KCCL.
Evaluation Type: Generally there are two types of method to evaluate a training session.
They are:
a. Formative Evaluation
b. Summative Evaluation.
A) Formative Evaluation: Formative evaluation is the process of evaluation which is done
during the training session in order to modify the activities to improve employees
B) Summative Evaluation: Summative evaluation is a process of evaluation which is carried
out at the end of the training session.
KCCL follows the Summative evaluation process in their training sessions.
At the end of every training session in KCCL, the evaluation process is carried out through
written tests and questionnaires to assess proper fruitfulness.
Training Model: There are three different types of training models used to evaluate the
effectiveness of the training sessions. As follows:
a. Kirkpatrick Model
b. CIRO Model
c. ROI Model

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a) Kirkpatrick Model: Kirkpatrick model developed by Donald Kirkpatrick on
1950.Nowadays this model is widely known and accepted in all over the world to evaluate
the effectiveness of training sessions.

b) CIRO Model: CIRO model is originally developed by Warr, Bird and Racham. This
method is used to evaluate the impact of the training and it is considered as a unique process
because of it does classify evaluation process.

c) ROI Model: ROI Models full form is Return on Investment. This model is used to
measure the cost benefit analysis of a training event. To calculate ROI, a ratio shown below:


KCCL uses both Kirkpatrick Model and ROI Model to evaluate the effectiveness of every
training event.

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Kirkpatrick Model:
It is worked in KCCL to evaluate the development of the trainees skills, knowledge and
implementation abilities after completing the Training session.

Figure: Kirkpatrick Model
Level 1:
The trainees satisfaction towards the training session is measured in this first level.
After the training session, KCCL always arrange a written test or questionnaires for the
participants. And besides written tests and questionnaires sometimes feedback forms are
provided to take the trainees opinions towards the training session.
Level 2:
At this level, the performances of the participants are measured after the training session to
know how much it was learned from the program.
A questionnaire includes questions like:
a. How much helpful was the training session for you?
b. What is youre feeling about the entire training program?
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c. How relevant was this training with your regular job?
Through questions like these, the trainers get to know the trainees actual learning position
about the training topic.
Level 3:
At this level, organization gives some challenging task to the trainee participants on their
training topic to know and observe their transfer of learning position at the workplace.
After the training session, KCCL formed two (2) different groups of the new trained
participants and gave them task to reduce the Procurement department cost, by 5%.
Level 4:
This level is the concrete evaluation level. Here organization gets to know their trainee
participants actual development.
On the given task (task given in Level 3), both the teams have been able to reduce the cost by
to 3.5%-4%. So, it seems that the training session was quite successful because the
participants have developed their skills and they proved that by doing this task.

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ROI Model is also followed in KCCL to analyze the costs and benefits of the training
sessions. Basically this analyzing method is based on subjective matter and its difficult to
To calculate ROI, the benefits of the training session is divided by the cost of the training
session and the result comes in percentage.
Here, for example the cost of the training session is BDT. 70,000.
The benefits of the trainings are intangible. So after the training the trainees are expected to
have a better knowledge of their task and enhance the optimization of their ways of working
&their plan of work and behavior change towards essentials. And in the above it has been
shown that the trainees were able to reduce the procurement department monthly cost by to
3.5% 4 %.
So, here it can be said that the training session on procurement department was successful to
develop the trainees skills and knowledge as the trainees were able to reduce procurements
monthly costs, so that now KCCL can produce its products in minimum cost and sell the
products in the market at a bit lesser price than its competitors. As a result their sell will be
high and KCCL would be able to grab more market share. So it is proving that the benefits
were higher than the cost acquired.

Advantages and limitations of Kirkpatrick Model and ROI Model:
Advantages Limitations
1. By Kirkpatrick Model, KCCL can closely
observe its trainees development.
1. Kirkpatrick Model is a time consuming
2. ROI Model is to understand the final
achievements of the training event.
2. ROI Models analyzing process is
judgmental so sometimes results might be

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LO 3.3
Evaluation methods currently used by KCCL:
Evaluation Methods:
An important aspect of any type of evaluation is its effect on the person who is being
evaluated. A feedback is crucial to understand how the trainees are progressing and to
determine their confidence too. All training programs must be evaluated to ensure that it
serves the purpose for which it is intended. Training not only costs money but also takes time
of the trainers and trainees for a day or even a week or several weeks depending on the type
of the training being provided. The trainees and resource person, attending the training, are
often in key positions to have taken his/her time away from their normal responsibilities to
attend the training event. The aim of the training is to provide these people with new
competences that will enable trainees to make even greater contribution to their work in the
future. It is therefore important to ensure that time spent in training have been beneficial and
will have a long lasting positive impact. The evaluation also helps the organization to find out
how well the current training program works and what modifications may be needed to make
it work better in future training sessions. By the evaluation process it is possible to find out
whether any part of the training program should be modified, what assistance participants
may need in order to apply new competencies when the trainees goes back to regular job life.
Methods for Evaluation:
1. Face to Face interview
2. Direct Question
3. Performance Test
4. Written Test
5. Questionnaires

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From the evaluation methods given above, Written Tests & Questionnaires were used in
previous training sessions.
Written Tests: To gather information in a little depth, the trainees were asked to complete a
short test based on the training topic. Sometimes the tests were based on a case study or a
problem solving where the trainees wrote down their reactions and creative knowledge on a
Advantages Disadvantages
1. To some extent forced to demonstrate the
capabilities of knowledge
1. Exercises are not focused on the trainees
actual Job
2. Written tests take lesser time to prepare 2. Long exercises might result loss of
3.Outcomes are in detail knowledge so easier
to evaluate
3. Lack of immediate feedback

Questionnaires: Questionnaires ask a series of questions about the training to the trainees.
The questionnaires were mainly handed out when there was a little time left at the end of the
session. This evaluation technique assessed the satisfaction level of the trainees and
determined whether it was relevant to their job. The questionnaires were training focused in
nature and did not much include open ended questions. Main advantages were that it is less
time consuming, ensures honest response and mostly allows anonymity.
Advantages Disadvantages
1. easier to assess in compact time 1. Lacks detailed response from trainees
2. Confidentially or anonymously 2. Ineffective if poorly designed

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Recommendation of suitable evaluation techniques can be used in order to carry out
evaluation for training events {LO 3.1 & 3.2}
The CIRO Model is strongly recommended for KCCL.
This Model consists of four level of evaluation. They are
1. Context Evaluation
2. Input Evaluation
3. Reaction Evaluation
4. Outcome Evaluation

1) Context Evaluation: Context Evaluation is the first level of CIRO Model and at this
level it concerns about evaluating the initial objectives and organizational desired
outcome of the training program. At this level, three objectives are evaluated. They
Ultimate Objectives
Intermediate Objectives
Immediate Objectives

KCCL might be able to determine the training needs by obtaining and using its
information about the current operational situation. And it will specify the objectives
at three of the levels; hence outcome of the training program will be more specific and

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2) Input Evaluation: This evaluation level is concerned with the resources, which are
spent for the whole training program.
This level will help KCCL to determine the cost efficiency, cost effectiveness and
feasibleness of the training program and most importantly, KCCL can establish how
well chosen the inputs are. It will help KCCL to analyze the resources available for
the training program and to achieve maximum possibility of desired objectives.

3) Reaction Evaluation: Reaction evaluation process is engaged with collecting
information about participants reaction to improve the HRD process.
This level will help KCCL to know the reaction and satisfaction level of the
participants about the training program so that they can arrange a more successful and
effective training event in future.

4) Outcome Evaluation: Outcome Evaluation is the last level of CIRO Model and from
this level the actual final result of the training program is recognized by measuring the
cost and outcome of the program.
By outcome evaluation KCCL will know about what actually happened as a result of
training event. This level will also help to measure the outcome of the following
levels below, which depends on object of the evaluation exercise and resources
available for task.
a) The Learner Level: At this level, after execution of the training event, trainees
knowledge, skills and attitudes are compared with previous knowledge, skill and
attitudes so that the actual development of the trainees' can be identified.
b) The Workplace Level: By this level trainees job behavior changes which are
evaluated through talking and discussing with their immediate superior.
c) The Team/Department or Unit Level: At the Team/Department or Unit Level,
trainees changes in behavior are evaluated through team/department or units
overall success. But the functioning process of evaluation at this particular level is
quite difficult.
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d) The Organizational Level: After completion of the training program, the overall
organizational effective changes are evaluated to identify the effectiveness or
efficiency of the training event. This evaluation process is very difficult for its
volume of functional process.

Advantages and limitations of CIRO Model:
Advantages Limitations
1. CIRO Model evaluates the cost efficiency
and effective use of resources/inputs of the
training event.
1. CIRO evaluation Model is a very costly
2. This Model define the Training evaluation
objective more particularly.
2. Managers face inflexible situation between
the evaluation processes.
3. It also principally explains different
outcomes of the training event.

4. This Models evaluation process is more
practical and effective way of evaluation.

5. CIRO Model is a less time consuming

As CIRO model is a very distinctive evaluation process and is much less time consuming
when compared to Kirkpatrick. The results are more specific and functional for taking
decisions. Though it is a little bit complicated and costly process, but KCCL can easily adopt
this process as KCCL is the pioneer manufacturing company in toiletries sector and the
company has enough financial resources to invest in this kind of evaluation processes. KCCL
may as well provide evaluation related trainings to human resource managers for monitoring,
conducting and evaluating the trainees in more effective ways.
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Recommendation of evaluation methods that are not currently used in KCCL along
with their advantages and limitations. {LO 3.3}
The methods followed by KCCL are partly effective but are too generalized to get detail
understandings of the participants proper knowledge, and always using these methods may
bring monotonousness. So to bring more effectiveness and to increase the range of proper
efficiency of the training evaluation, the following methods are recommended for the
upcoming training session in 14/6/2014 and as well for the future training events.
1. Face to Face interview
2. Direct Observation
3. Performance Test
Face to Face Interview: It is possible to carry out interview with trainees- with each one in
person in a random manner. It basically carries out with similar questions to every trainee in a
more attribute way by the trainer to assess the level of satisfaction of the trainees in further
elaborative form. The trainees can be asked verbal questions about a problem or an exercise
related to their work. It as well helps to identify gaps and loopholes in the training session so
that the trainers can improve their respective tasks more effectively in the future. The main
problem of this type of evaluation is that it involves a huge amount of time. When there will
be a large number of participants, this evaluation method will be difficult to pull off. But this
method is strongly recommended with compact amount of trainees in a training event. The
next training to be offered to Procurement specialists on 14/06/2014, this method is being
strongly recommended as the training consists only 15 participants.

Advantages Disadvantages
1. Able to get in-depth information from
1. Time consuming
2. Able to ask sensitive questions that require
2. Interviewer can bias the responses
3. Assess satisfaction level
4. Immediate response and feedback

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Performance test: It allows trainees to analyze their dedication, expertise, reliability and
advancement. As they relate to training, a performance test indicates how well the trainees
are trained. It helps to overcome the monotonousness and also to bring creativeness as it has a
lot to do with practical experience. This helps to bring up the trainees inner understanding by
applying theoretical knowledge; hence it would be easier to evaluate the trainee.
Advantages Disadvantages
1. A powerful way to describe the program 1. Time consuming
2. Relevant to work 2. Hard to administer
3. Diminishes monotonousness

Direct Observation: Sometimes questionnaires or written tests do not secure information
from trainees; rather considerable data can be collected by just observing. It is an underused
and valuable method for collecting evaluation information. It is an essential element in good
teaching and program development. It provides the opportunity to document activities,
behavior and physical aspects without having to depend upon peoples willingness and ability
to respond to questions. The evaluation methods that are currently being followed in the
training sessions at KCCL, questionnaires and written tests & performance test, can be more
effective if direct observation is included along with them. It would make more possible to
understand the trainees behavior and attitude while filling up the questionnaires and or while
giving the tests and as well while giving the performance test. Therefore it is strongly
recommended to be included with other forms of evaluation methods for a much better and
effective evaluation.

Advantages Disadvantages
1. Get an immediate impression about how
the training session is progressing
1. Interpretation might be judgmental
2. Ensures accuracy 2. If trainees know that they are being
observed, may act differently than usual
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Out of the three recommended Evaluation Methods, Face to Face Interview and Direct
observation are strongly recommended for the training sessions in the future. As well
concentrating the training session which will be conducted on 14/06/2014 to the Procurement
Department, interview and observation are more feasible assessments KCCL can conduct
with. As per concerning the upcoming training event which only involves 15 participants, it
will be easier to keep the participants under observation. Interviews do take a lot of time to
conduct, but as there are only 15 participants it will not take too much time to wrap up the
interview session. The person, who will evaluate the interview or observe the participants,
must be an expert and must have an unbiased mentality, if any biasness works in his or her
mind, the evaluation will not be as effective as it would have been. It would be much
preferred if someone from the senior management of KCCL conducts these roles to avoid any
kinds of biasness; hence proper evaluations would be made.

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Dessler, GD, 2005, Human Resource Management, New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India Private
Orion Group. 2010. Kohinoor Chemicals Co. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.orion- [Accessed 20 May 14].
Riley, PR, 2011. Human Resource Development and Employee Relations. 1st ed. India: VIVA
Books Private Limited.
Training and Development Policy. 2013. Training Evaluation. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 29 May 14].

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