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The Fast and the Furious

04 December 2013

Paul Walker

A reader asks about Paul Walker, the recently, tragically deceased actor who starred in a series of movies
about exotic car thefts, Fast and Furious.

Reader Question: Was Paul Walker the reincarnation of James Dean?
C: No, Mr. Dean was not reborn onto Earth as Paul Walker although we shall say, Mr. Dean's soul did
confer with Paul Walker before his birth.

Q: Was the death predestined? Was it foretold this wreck would occur?
C: Yes.

Q: Was Mr. Walker's acting in several movies about fast cars and reckless driving part of a life plan,
leading to his end?
C: Yes.

Q: What purpose did this tragic end serve?
C: To emphasize the dangers of the activity, to serve as a stimulus to additional education about, and
awareness of, dangerous operation of vehicles.

RQ: What is Mr. Walker doing now, given his return home?
C: He continues his soul plan, which includes encouraging the education efforts towards safer driving.

RQ: Has he met other celebrities going before him?
C: Yes, souls who were celebrities that he knew, however no celebrity in Heaven exists, as this is
understood on Earth and no exclusivity, appeal, attraction or rejection of celebrity operates, as the human
view suggests.

Q: Committee, we thank you.
C: Welcome always you are.

Cheryl 05/12/2013 12:42pm
This was a very tragic event for both Mr Walker and his friend, even sadder is the fact that things like
these have to happen to teach us all a lesson.

May I ask, in instances where there is a horrific end to life here, does the soul leave the body before
Is there the remembrance of this event as a fear in the next life? For instance if Mr Walker or his friend
reincarnate, do they have a fear of speed or fire? I don't quite understand how past lives connect with
current lives and would love a little clarification if possible?

Thank you Patrick and Committee, I do love reading all your posts! :)
Patrick 13/12/2013 10:14pm
Yes, the soul departing the body before a tragedy occurs, in Earth linear time - is common.

There can be a fear remembrance is a subsequent life, but this is planned by the soul, it is
not required or automatic.

Prior life connections are voluntary; we each choose what traits, memories, characteristics
or influences from a prior life will be brought along to help serve, resolve or assist in
something in a subsequent lifetime.
Cheryl 15/12/2013 11:39am
Thank you both Patrick and the Committee for answering my questions. :)
J osh 05/12/2013 10:19pm
Will Paul be making an appearance in the departed known section?
Patrick 13/12/2013 10:14pm
He might!
Mike 06/12/2013 6:32am
The incidence is far sadder in real terms namely because another soul was driving the vehicle who also
lost his life. But because they are not famous like Paul was they are totally ignored. So lets hear it for the
other person who also lost there life that day whose family is also affected by this tragedy.
Patrick 13/12/2013 10:16pm
Well put Mike, a sharp, keen observation. The Committee tells me the deceased driver also
planned this event for this life, no consolation to his family, friends and loved ones would that be.

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