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A reader asks.

Q: Has chemical warfare happened and by whom in Syria?
C: Yes; the embattled leadership.

Q: Will the US and UK go to war in that region?
C: The meaning or interpretation of war will color this view; armed conflict will continue. There will
not be introduction of military troops from other sovereign nations; there is the intent to use military force
in a brief, intense way. The decision is not final, use of force remains possible.

Q: As Russia and China will defend Syria, is this the start of WW3?
C: They do not seek defense of Syria; they seek to oppose the United States and the United Kingdom.
Providing material and moral support to Syria achieves this end.

Q: What will be the outcome of any conflict, if any?
C: Proposed force involves three methods in this moment; bombing by aircraft, sabotage & covert
attacks against forces of the Syrian leadership under opposition siege and lastly support given to the
opposition, the rebels as this is called.

Reluctance arises from political cost and benefit; nations possessing of ability to act now feel internal
pressure, of both support and opposition. In the USA, an attack one year ago in the nation of Libya caused
loss of material given to opposition forces, falling under control of elements hostile to the USA and
interests. Revelations of detail hold much political energy, risk and danger. Concern there is for political
damage where such assistance might likewise backfire, if provided in Syria.

At this time, the political opposition in the USA outweighs the desire to act.

Q: Will anything happen to stop the Syrian conflict if not by outside intervention?
C: The use of this chemical weapon has done much to ease the conflict; opposition forces see suicide
in continued armed opposition. The use of the weapons achieved the obvious purpose, intimidation of

Q: Will a brief yet intense reprisal improve anything?
C: No; the Assad regime calculated the cost of a retaliatory strike into its decision and believes even if
such action comes, damage it inflicts will be a cost worth perpetuation of power and control.

Q: What should have been done to avoid this?
C: Make the embattled regime fear consequences in advance; the time for this has passed.

Q: To murder many tens or hundreds of people to maintain power seems so..unbelievable.
C: To the holder of power, it is seen as survival; many times have we said Earth is tough assignment,
as you are given to say. This event is an example.

Q: When will genocidal tendencies of such leaders disappear from Earth?
C: As a combination of elements reach confluence; ability to resist and understanding are essential
and desire to place general benefit above personal gain is preferred. It is fashionable for humanity to
believe disarmament addresses threats of violence. This view considers neither cause nor purpose defense
were believed necessary. Offensive use of a defensive tool is not the inanimate object; humanity looks not
closely enough at its motivations, in some cases.

Q: So, to summarize, we can expect dissenting and rebellious elements in Syria to continue a struggle
against established control yet there wont be outside intervention by other sovereign nations?
C: This is the probable course yet there remains motivation and desire to strike; the decision is not
final. We suggest all who read these words to send thoughts of good desire to the people of Syria and
world leaders. The purpose of use has been achieved inside Syria; conflict from without will improve
little within.

Q: Committee, we thank you.
C: No thanks we desire, send this energy to those at risk; be well.

Sarah 30/08/2013 3:59am

I dont think Assad is an idiot I dont think he would do this on purpose in order for the whole world to
come down on them.
My personal opinion is that this might be false flag....

Anyhow, thank you Patrick, very interesting read from the Committees view on this difficult issue.

Patrick 30/08/2013 10:18am

When you say "false flag" that means it did not happen, but is being reported that way?

Curious 30/08/2013 9:45am

Dear patrick. It could be intersting to know how hafez el assad, the father of syria's president feels about
the current situation. Hafez killed approx 30000 of his own people in Hama in 1982...the world did not

Patrick 30/08/2013 10:20am

No doubt the maintenance of power by the father is remembered by the son as effective.

MoFoKai 30/08/2013 1:55pm

Dear Patrick, you should do an afterlife interview with Hafez al-Assad, Bashar Al Assad's father urgently
through your GAGS.. and see if there is any message his father would like to convey to his son from the
'Afterlife' via Facebook maybe? I don't know if that is interfering with Bashar Al Assad's soul contract? Did
Bashar Al Assad sign up to play the villain as part of his Soul Contract on Planet Earth before he
incarnated in the 20th century, in the linear timeframe of 11 September 1965 to teach the collective
human consciousness a life lesson or was his undoing the result of freewill? Is the soul residing in Bashar
al-Assad's human body lost total control of it?

Patrick 30/08/2013 2:40pm

If it were possible 1) to receive such message and 2) send it, I am certain it would be discarded
as trash before ever reaching its intended recipient.

Nevertheless, it seems worth a toss, let me get out my hula hoop.

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