Return of Abundance 16 May 2012

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16 May 2012 The Return of Abundance

Earthquakes, volcanic ash, large, devastating storms, rising sea levels and large shifts of
population that will result have all been documented elsewhere. A good deal of literate humanity
would, at this moment, disbelieve such "ideas" no matter how presented. Once events are
unmistakable, the speed in the turnaround of attitudes will power all the world's wind turbines
(soon to be idled). Troubling as the events will seem, they herald a return to abundance.

What does abundance mean for any person, group, clan, tribe or community? "Expectations
met" is a good interpretation as it applies to the physical. Right at this point we delve into the
ever present challenge of what a group should have and what should any one person within the
group have, as part of membership.

Look at any one person's "abundance"; what might that mean? Dictionary definitions say "more
than sufficient, plentiful." So abundance is the meaning of sufficiency.

Too many people on Earth have difficulty with this definition when it involves food, shelter and
clothing. How often should a person eat, where should he or she sleep and under what
conditions and what clothes should be worn, how often should those be changed? What about
disease, injury and medical treatment? Who should provide it, when and how will the people
providing the treatment be trained and then made available?

In many industrialized countries, the answers to these questions are as automatic as the
questions rarely contemplated. For the majority of humans, however, this is not the case. Vast
portions of populations in many nations and territories struggle with food, shelter and medical
treatment. Others simply take it for granted.

These things are "fixin' to change" as is common to say in certain United States dialects.
Humanity has never before in the several thousand years of available history achieved
general abundance for all populations. (Other histories currently considered as fantasy had
much abundance; a subject for another day) Great efforts have been made to attempt
abundance for all and initiatives continue into the present moment, ever more vigorous the
debate over public policy employed to achieve them.

Soon the noble intent expressed by the many will seem them surprised and disappointed when
this comes about, as the personal ambitions of leaders chosen to implement them will be
stripped naked, for all to see. There will be diminished power in the hands of "leaders" and there
will remain little for them to lead.

Like the large business that eventually fails as its size makes it impossible to control, so will the
large influences of the large nations that greatly influence economics of the world. Economic
analysis is not really about money but rather about transfer of activity; what are we willing to do,
in return for what. As multinational businesses - financial, industrial, commercial alike all
begin to shrink, break-up, disappear and reduce down to the pieces with remaining value,
expectations will be re-set as reality and availability are altered.

Steadily and more quickly than history gives any hint it can happen, humanity will create a
return to abundance; what we expect in our daily life, what we appreciate about it and how we
can make these things take place will all be approached differently. How to produce healthful
food and what to consume will undergo change; what is considered a nice house and how
satisfied with it any one person becomes will be an improvement for many but a step in a
different direction for others. The perception of such change will be unpleasant for a few, and
those few will likely squawk loudly by habit, but the complaining will drop off quickly as it's seen
to be futile and mostly, unnecessary.

Confidence in supply will increase; nowadays supply is considered automatic but for enough
money. Security and belief in access to a reliable supply for well being is deemed financial. When
humanity especially portions fortunate to have financial abundance as true possibilities, not
just the struggle for it runs over speed bumps of supply, some effects from these impacts
becoming permanent, the realization will come quickly that all the money and stockpiles
possible do little to ensure even shorter term adequacy and nearly nothing over the long haul.

At that point a refocus of what we need, appreciate and want will take hold. Appreciation and
understanding will come to many of us, as we awaken from our current dimension and enter
new levels of vision and comprehension. Pursuit and achievement of balanced supply will ensue,
all happening voluntarily without being forced on anyone. Mankind will possess abundance.

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