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10 July 2014

The article repeated, preceded by the link for those interested. The Committee's comments follow.

Missing Light Crisis: 'Something is Amiss in the Universe'
By Hannah Osborne
July 10, 2014 11:24 BST

There is a "missing light crisis" taking place in the universe with a huge deficit on what there should be
and what there actually is, astronomers have said.
In a statement, experts from the Carnegie Institution for Science said "something is amiss in the
universe" with 80% of the light missing.
Lead author of the study Juna Kollmeier said: "It's as if you're in a big, brightly-lit room, but you look
around and see only a few 40 watt lightbulbs. Where is all that light coming from? It's missing from our
Published in Astrophysical Journal Letters, scientists found that the light from galaxies and quasars is
not enough to explain observations of intergalactic hydrogen, with a difference of 400%.
Empty space between galaxies are bridged by tendrils of hydrogen and helium that act as a "light
The scientists discovered that when looking at galaxies billions of light years away in the early universe,
the amount of light present appears to add up. However, in more localised parts of the universe, the
calculations fail massively.

The ultraviolet photons that the light is made of, convert into charged ions, or ionizing photons, which
come from quasars and hot young stars.
Scientists discovered the discrepancy during recent observations from Hubble Space Telescope's
Cosmic Origins Spectrograph.
Kollmier said: "Either our accounting of the light from galaxies and quasars is very far off, or there's
some other major source of ionizing photons that we've never recognised. We are calling this missing
light the photon underproduction crisis. But it's the astronomers who are in crisissomehow or other, the
universe is getting along just fine."
Study co-author Ben Oppenheimer said that if the light is really missing it would be a huge surprise as
"intergalactic hydrogen is the component of the Universe that we think we understand the best".
Neal Katz, also a co-author of the paper, added: "The most exciting possibility is that the missing
photons are coming from some exotic new source, not galaxies or quasars at all."
Proposing another theory, he said the light could be coming from dark matter that holds galaxies
together, but has never been seen directly. "You know it's a crisis when you start seriously talking about
decaying dark matter!" he added.

Q: Esteemed Committee, what can you say about this?
C: It is obvious, there are sources of light humanity's observations, technologies and understanding do
not recognize. We say, more evidence is this, of the higher dimensions. The light which bleeds over into
your perception, as the study the subject of this article identifies, is the stray excess. We will offer, the
light to which these scientists refer, isn't light as you understand it, but rather the energy of the universe.
The physical aspect is called light, however illumination is not physical. This is merely one aspect of it,
one given a high value by human physical existence, yet in the totality of the universe visible light as seen
by humanity is a small sliver of the existence it is.

As the light of a fire is not the fire itself, only what you see.

This is a small symbol of awakening; others shall follow and be more obvious to those interested and
aware of awakening, the readers of this website well aware and an exception to humanity in general. As
more symbols come forth and accumulate, awareness grows with it.

Ajh 07/10/2014 1:25pm
Mind = blown

Chris 07/10/2014 4:01pm
The Commitee's final paragraph was the most enlightening to me. The mere idea, that those of us drawn to websites
like this one seem to be older souls, exceptions in regard to humanity, and on the cutting edge of awakening and
consiousness - makes me feel empowered - or at least more purposeful. I love and feel so loved after reading this. It
makes me wonder how old/experienced my soul truly is in regard to past lives, etc.

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