Spirits & Aliens: 7 Comments

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Spirits & Aliens


The always fascinating subject, but not so much to me. (My reasons TOO boring, I won't bloviate)

What are aliens, extraterrestrials and what are spirits? What are the similarities, differences and how does
all of it relate to humanity on Earth, if any? We turn to The Committee.

Q: Extraterrestrials have physical bodies like us, right?
C: Similar in structure and composition, yes. How much they are like you, in your way of understanding
similarity, you would decide. We say yes, you might say otherwise.

Q: What differences are there?
C: They are what your biology calls bipeds, with two legs for movement and also two limbs for all
other uses, beyond location and movement. The sizes of eye organs and the placement are larger; the
quantities of light from stars allows this and encourages it. The cerebral organs and skulls are also often
larger than yours and you shall find larger and smaller sized bodies. Coloring is different; the presence of
copper and silicone, where iron and carbon are found on Earth bodies, creates a difference in hue. There
is much less body hair, often very little.

Q: Are these differences mostly environmental?
C: The environment and conditions are a factor however development of society is also a large reason
for the differences. Physical work humans have traditionally done is unique.

Q: Many stories and fables about centaurs, mermaids and other mythical creatures suggest strange
biological combinations that would be created by whom?
C: These combinations existed on Earth, created through ability to manipulate your DNA codes. As
Atlantis was destroyed, so was the technology and soon desire and ability to create the torso of a human
on the body of a horse.

Q: Are our computer codes part of this?
C: They are a basic facsimile of the process, yes.

Q: I suspect our computer animations and programs mimic what is "manifestation" or creation of
physicality from thought; is this right?
C: Yes.

Q: So extraterrestrial visitors to Earth travel in ships or vessels across great distances, enter Earth's
atmosphere and observe. Do they use protective suits or other gear?
C: Yes, this is done and beyond clothing or other suits or outerwear, generally not.

Q: Do all extraterrestrials have the ability to breathe our atmosphere?
C: No, however visitors that venture onto the surface, yes.

Q: What are the thinking differences?
C: Spoken communication is rare, however vocal chords for it are sometimes, if rarely used. Ears
and sound detection are common, just as sounds have great meaning to you and all animals on Earth, so
do your visitor cousins derive great benefit from detection of sound.

Q: From how far away can the unspoken communication take place?
C: It is very close when young, in what you call infancy and the toddler stages of life and expands
until the equivalent of puberty or adolescence is reached. Then the ability extends throughout the
population on the one or any respective planet.

Q: Extraterrestrials read our thoughts?
C: Of course, and you can read theirs if you wish. Just as you can learn another language of your
Earth, the effort and inputs are similar.

Q: When encountering extraterrestrials, we are not able to collaborate secretly?
C: No.

Q: OK, then what's a spirit?
C: No physical body as you and your visitor cousins have.

Q: Do extraterrestrials also die and go to "Heaven"?
C: Many of you have lived as these "extraterrestrials" and yes, just as you do.

Q: Is there the same isolation and wall of separation for aliens as humans?
C: Yes, with more doorways, windows and hatches.

Q: Can extraterrestrials more easily communicate with their Guardian Angels and Guides? Do they
all have them?
C: Yes and yes, although often a lesser number at any one moment. The efficiency of
communication requires less assistance in most circumstances and situations.

Q: How does a human know the difference?
C: Your own spirits and guides and Angels will communicate with you as you ask and also as they
believe good for you; extraterrestrials will not until you ask and request and then only with your
permission, through your guides. So if you wish to receive thought communications from extraterrestrials,
you would ask. If one or several are available and willing, they shall answer you. This is rare as the
proportion of humans to visitors does not favor it; the extraterrestrials already know which humans are
more open to receive and converse. We say, you have attracted a crowd in this moment, very aware the
subject is being discussed.

Q: Are extraterrestrials just as fascinated with the idea of their own guides and Angels?
C: Yes.

Q: What is the lifespan of the typical extraterrestrial?
C: This typical applies not; there are many variations. By the equivalence of your Earth years and
time, several hundred however time moves not the same for all physical beings of the universe. These
concepts mesh not well from the views of the one or the other. The independent observer appreciates the
dichotomies of this "time" concept as applicable in the many interpretations.

Q: Why are human only now going to see visitor presence? What changed?
C: Evolution on Earth and energies in the universe.

Q: Have we evolved well?
C: You have been placed in the center of a great wilderness with all features of Earth as you know
them; forests, valleys, mountains, rivers, plains and otherwise. You travel outward and eventually reach
the edge of the wilderness, which is finite. Which path shall have been taken? Yes, the walk through the
valley would be far easier than climbing the mountains and certainly much less interesting. All routes
provide great benefit and growth; decisions made along the way and the consequences all provide an
interesting experience. The opportunity to return and try again in completely different circumstances
allows a rebuilding and upbuilding only possible upon the experience already achieved. Against this each
of you shall decide upon a deathbed, a life review and a life planned what "well evolved" shall mean for
each of you, alone.

Q: Spirits have no physical body?
C: Not as you understand it, no. The sensations created by the limits of physicality, also no.

Q: Do aliens benefit from the physical existence as do humans?
C: At least as much, if not even more. As you all shall, as evolution of physical bodies proceeds on

Q: Committee, we thank you.
C: Welcome always you are.

Sarah 29/08/2013 1:56pm

Very interesting and exciting questions, wonderful read.
As always very appreciative, thank you Patrick!

Dr Laurie 29/08/2013 3:06pm

I'm asking! I'm asking! I want to talk to ET's! I'm gonna ask my guides to introduce me tonight! I want to
learn about energy medicine superpowers!

Patrick 29/08/2013 3:23pm
With >7 billion people on Earth, getting attention will be effective with more than thought.
Look up at the star lighted sky; choose one you like, especially if it "blinks" or shimmers. Maybe
it's a star or maybe otherwise; send your thoughts its way.

Cristina 29/08/2013 5:17pm

I just love the subject :P
And I love this bit "We say, you have attracted a crowd in this moment, very aware the subject is being
discussed." :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

lorilink 29/08/2013 7:58pm

If we are descendants of an extraterrestrial group or groups do they still resemble us or has evolution,
ours and theirs, washed away most of our similarities

Patrick 29/08/2013 11:43pm

I would not think we're descendants; humans have DNA inserted by the ETs but our physical
structure and appearance have not evolved much.

No, differences are not an evolutionary effect by any good measure, humans have not existed
nearly long enough on Earth to evolve in a significant way. We're designed for Earth, ETs evolved
for the places they consider home.

lorilink 29/08/2013 8:00pm

Oh and thank you all gentle ones.

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